Holocene Sentence Examples
Currently, many regions seem to lie midway between Holocene extremes.
It contributes between 10% to 40% to the total ammonium deposited on the central Greenland ice sheet during the Holocene.
Their present morphology was shaped principally during the last glacial cycle (the Midlandian ), with subsequent modification throughout the post-glacial Holocene period.
Since then, Holocene sedimentation has been dominated by along slope transport by bottom currents.
Much of the infilling probably occurred early in the Holocene, as the landscape adjusted to increasingly temperate conditions.
Both of the latter types of deposits are rarely exposed at the sea bed, and probably pre-date the Holocene sea-level transgression.
By some authorities the term Tertiary is made to embrace in addition to the foregoing periods those of the Quaternary (Pleistocene and Holocene), i.e.