Hollow Sentence Examples
The blue-bird makes her nest in a hollow tree and her eggs are blue.
The dirt hit his body with a hollow thud.
The skull looked up through hollow eyes, just as the flashlight died, plunging the pair into a blackened void of darkness.
In this way two cavalry regiments galloped through the Semenovsk hollow and as soon as they reached the top of the incline turned round and galloped full speed back again.
It made her feel hollow.
Where a large-celled pith is developed this often becomes obvious very early, and in some cases it appears to have separate initials situated below those of the hollow vascular cylinder.
So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep, Capacious bed of waters.
Two of the does had hollow looking stomachs and their udders were shiny.
You see down there where the rows of hay are lying in the hollow, there's the bridge.
They nest in hollow trees, and lay white eggs.
AdvertisementThe tentacles are usually hollow, rarely solid (Obelia) .
Dan leaned back into the hollow of the tree in which they'd taken refuge.
In front, beyond a hollow dale, could be seen the enemy's columns and guns.
The cups are placed symmetrically on the end of the arms, and it is easy to see that the wind always has the hollow of one cup presented to it; the back of the cup on the opposite end of the cross also faces the wind, but the pressure on it is naturally less, and hence a continual rotation is produced; each cup in turn as it comes round providing the necessary force.
Where internal phloem is present this is separated from the internal endodermis by an endocycle or internal pericycle, as it is sometimes called, and from the xylem by an internal mesocyclethese two layers, together with the outer mesocycle and pericycle, constituting the conjunctive tissue of the now hollow cylindrical stele.
AdvertisementThe inner membrane is continuous with the wall of the hollow thread at a spot immediately below the aperture in the outer wall, so that the thread itself (f) is simply a hollow prolongation of the wall of the inner capsule inverted and pushed into its cavity.
The gonads (g) are produced on the manubrium, which has a hollow endodermal axis, termed the spadix (sp.), in open communication with the coenosarc of the polyp-colony and serving for the nutrition of the generative cells.
There was a man in my neighborhood who lived in a hollow tree.
Where a number of small torrents converge in a steep mountain recess, they cut out a crescent-shaped hollow or halfcauldron, which in the Scottish Highlands is known as a corrie.
In internal structure grass-culms, save in being hollow, conform to that usual in monocotyledons; the vascular bundles run parallel in the internodes, but a horizontal interlacement occurs at the nodes.
AdvertisementThe cup-shaped involucre of Cornucopia is a dilatation of the axis into a hollow receptacle with a raised border.
The germ-sheath grows vertically upwards, its stiff apex pushing through the soil, while the plumule is hidden in its hollow interior.
In a few verses the "wrestling" ('-b -k) of Jacob (ya'agob) is associated with the Jabbok ()labboq); his "striving" explains his name Israel; at Peniel he sees "the face of God," and when touched on his vulnerable spot - the hollow of the thigh - he is lamed, hence "the children of Israel eat not the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh unto this day" (xxxii.
It is situated at the head of the long valley of Holmsdale Hollow, beneath the North Downs.
The Annelidan affinities are superficially indicated in so marked a manner by the thinness of the cuticle, the dermomuscular body-wall, the hollow appendages, that, as already stated, many of the earlier zoologists who examined Peripatus placed it among the segmented worms; and the discovery that there is some solid morphological basis for this determination constitutes one of the most interesting points of the recent work on the genus.
AdvertisementBrain large, with two ventral hollow appendages; ventral cords widely divaricated, without distinct ganglia.
In common with the other monotremes, the male echidna has its heel provided with a sharp hollow spur, connected with a secreting gland, and with muscles capable of pressing the secretion from the gland into the spur.
The lake is formed in a deep hollow surrounded by limestone mountains, and is drained on the south by the Bistritza, a large river which flows S.E.
A convex lens of rockcrystal was found by Layard among the ruins of the palace of Nimrud; Seneca describes hollow spheres of glass filled with water as being commonly used as magnifiers.
The cells are flat and constructed of galvanized iron, so as to form a hollow space of about 2 in.
The common casts of Calamites are of this nature, representing the form of the hollow medulla, and bearing on their surface the print of the nodal constrictions and of the ridges and furrows on the inner surface of the wood.
The boghead of Scotland, Autun and New South Wales is regarded by Renault and Bertrand as mainly composed of gelatinous Algae (Piles and Reinschia), having a hollow, saccate thallus formed of a single layer of cells.
Teeth hollow, with simple or only slightly folded walls.
Jassy itself stands pleasantly amid vineyards and gardens, partly on two hills, partly in the hollow between.
The female produces three to five young ones in March or April, and brings them up in a nest formed of grass or other herbage, usually placed in a hollow place in the bank of a river, or under the shelter of the roots of some overhanging tree.
Probably the hollow fennel stalk in which fire was carried got its place in myth from the very fact of its common use.
Andre appeared before her suddenly, and she stopped. The phantom looked at her then past her. Katie glanced back without seeing anything. The phantom had moved when her gaze returned to where he had been. He stood a short distance away, pointed to a small hollow in a tree then took up a protective position several feet away, watching the way she'd come.
There was no way she was sleeping tonight, even if she didn't feel any threat from the phantom. She definitely didn't feel safe without Gabriel there. She hesitated before going to where the ghost indicated, not wanting to continue without Gabe. Popping a food cube, Katie huddled in the hollow of the tree and waited.
The phantom stayed with Katie throughout the night and into the first light of morning. Katie didn't sleep, not with the creepy phantom and no sign of Gabriel. She huddled in the hollow of the tree by the lake, praying for Gabe to reappear.
It was that hollow sound of an electrical storm.
Her own death stared at her through golden eyes, and she had cared for nothing but feeling his hot skin against hers, sating the ache of the sacred hollow between her thighs, and cooling the lightning burning in her blood!
Construction Process A hollow stemmed continuous flight auger is rotated into the ground to the required depth.
The force of the blast bursts the trunk apart, often leaving a hollow bole and gnarled and withered trunks.
I saw a tallow candle on a hollow in the walls, its flame barely lighting the cavern.
A central venous catheter, also called a central line is a long fine hollow tube with an opening at each end.
A copper cold finger, attached to a hollow copper cathode, is cooled using liquid nitrogen.
The gynecologist opens (dilates) the cervix with instruments called dilators, and then inserts a hollow tube through the cervix with instruments called dilators, and then inserts a hollow tube through the cervix.
He hopes to depict David Cameron as a hollow chancer with ' namby-pamby policies on chocolate oranges ' .
Sometimes they roost in the lining of tall disused industrial chimneys and other hollow walls including cavities in bridges.
The hollow near the center is probably the site of a robbed burial cist.
The heating surface is the underside of hollow, rotating cones.
Our feet sounded hollow on the thin plug filling the huge crater.
The 3,300 iron columns holding up the Crystal Palace were hollow to take away rainwater from the roof without using drainpipes.
Overlooking a cascading stream, this 17thC watermill conversion nestles in a sheltered hollow at the foot of the magnificent Howgill Fells.
For those of us that did our porridge standing at the Priestfield it all seems rather hollow.
In fact, only the Rocket did complete the requirements of the competition, making the victory somewhat hollow.
Gentleman's remarks about being willing to support the industry have a rather hollow ring.
Seen under the microscope these stipules have small droplet of what I assume to be sugary sap in the hollow underneath.
Steam is supplied to the evaporator through a hollow spindle to the steam chamber inside each hollow cone.
The ants go up the inside of the hollow stem of the flower stalks and literally eat the flower to pieces.
Choice Vacuum technology enables you to confidently sterilize hollow instruments and wrapped items.
Over the years they have developed into the UK's largest specialist stockholder of Steel Hollow Sections.
But when they had offered the wine and drunk deep themselves, Athene and godlike Telemachus were ready to return to their hollow ship.
However, the nice little tempter of ' expanded edition ' is a bit hollow on close inspection.
The canvas bag dropped at his feet with a solid thump, its contents making the sun-dried ground sound hollow.
More harm than good results in using hollow tines at the wrong season or for the wrong reasons.
It was quite hollow and far too top-heavy and has been replaced with a Tulip Tree which will be magnificent in its turn.
I slip back into the wood, the hollow trunk of my lone position.
They are unbranched hollow tubular structures, made of the protein tubulin (see below ).
Remarkably, the truly ancient hollow trees survived almost unscathed.
In QinetiQâs unique approach, hollow waveguides are used to guide light through a circuit of optical components located in a common substrate.
You lay, soaking wet, in a small hollow in the corner of a ruined building.
The stem is firm, slightly pithy up the middle, but never hollow; it bears a floccose ring near its middle, as illustrated at Q, Q; this ring originates by the rupture of the thin general wrapper K of the infant plant.
The nozzles of small lamps are inserted in the tubes L, L, for illuminating the webs in a dark field; the light from these lamps is admitted through apertures in the strong hollow cylinder above mentioned (for illumination, see p. 385).
There is thus a thrust outwards of the spring upon the hollow cap W (attached outside the box), and a thrust of the rod upon the end of the screw s.
It consists of a hollow tube, or tubes, of which the wall is made up of the two body-layers, ectoderm and endoderm, and the cavity is a continuation of the digestive cavities of the nutritive and other appendages, i.e.
He showed that an imaginary spheroidal shell, concentric with the earth and cutting the slope between the elevated and depressed areas at the contour-line of 1700 fathoms, would not only leave above it a volume of the crust equal to the volume of the hollow left below it, but would also divide the surface of the earth so that the area of the elevated region was equal to that of the depressed region.6 A similar observation was made almost simultaneously by Romieux, 7 who further speculated on the equilibrium between the weight of the elevated land mass and that of the total Areas of waters of the ocean, and deduced some interesting relathe cru st tions between them.
A stream flowing into a hollow will tend to fill it up, and Lake s sad the water will begin to escape as soon as its level rises high Interna l enough to reach the lowest part of the rim.
He returned to Switzerland in July 1788, cherishing vague schemes of fresh literary activity; but genuine sorrow caused by the death of his friend Deyverdun interfered with steady work, nor was it easy for him to fix on a new subject which should be at once congenial and proportioned to his powers; while the premonitory mutterings of the great thunderstorm of the French Revolution, which reverberated in hollow echoes even through ' An anonymous pamphlet, entitled Observations on the three last volumes of the Roman History, appeared in 1788; Disney's Sermon, with Strictures, in 1790; and Whitaker's Review, in 1791.
Of the existence of this tributary, however, there is no evidence, and the origin of the name is found in Hole-bourne, the stream in the hollow, in allusion to the Fleet itself.
Weigel (1696) produced a hollow celestial globe in copper, having a small terrestrial globe in its centre.
Others have hollow or funnel-shaped ends and are constricted at the middle like a dice cup. In some rocks small rod-like microlites are grouped together in a regular way to form growths which resemble fir branches, fern leaves, brushes or networks, in the same manner as minute needles of ice produce star-like snow crystals or the frost growths on a window pane.
The "siphon champenois" of Deleuze and Dutillet (1829) was a hollow corkscrew, with valve, which was passed through the cork into a bottle of effervescent liquid, and the "vase siphoide" of Antoine Perpigna (Savaresse Pere), patented in 1837, was essentially the modern siphon, its head being fitted with a valve which was closed by a spring.
In casting a thin hollow object like a bell, it will be seen that the resultant upward thrust on the mould may be many times greater than the weight of metal; many a curious experiment has been devised to illustrate this property and classed as a hydrostatic paradox (Boyle, Hydrostatical Paradoxes, 1666).
Little more than a mile to the west lies the royal and police burgh of Pittenweem (Gaelic, "the hollow of the cave"), a quaint old fishing town (pop. 1863), with the remains of a priory.
Digging wasps make simple holes in the ground; many burrowing bees form branching tunnels; other bees excavate timber or make their brood-chambers in hollow plant-stems; wasps work up with their saliva vegetable fibres bitten off tree-bark to make paper; social bees produce from glands in their own bodies the wax whence their nest-chambers are built.
The liver first appears as an ento dermal hollow longitudinal outgrowth from the duo denum into the ventral mesentery.
In Brittany the people flock into the cemeteries at nightfall to kneel bare-headed at the graves of their loved ones, and to fill the hollow of the tombstone with holy water or to pour libations of milk upon it, and at bedtime the supper is left on the table for the soul's refreshment.
To give an instance of tyranny in Uri, the author tells us the story of the refusal of "der Than" to do reverence to the hat placed on a pole, of his feat of skill, and of his shooting the bailiff, Gessler, from behind a bush in the "hollow way" near Kussnacht.
The worshipper, having first circumambulated the shrine as often as he pleases, keeping it at his right-hand side, steps up to the threshold of the sanctum, and presents his offering of flowers or fruit, which the officiating priest receives; he then prostrates himself, or merely lifts his hands - joined so as to leave a hollow space between the palms - to his forehead, muttering a short prayer, and takes his departure.
The most cynical man of the world, he says, with whatever " sullen incredulity " he may repudiate virtue as a hollow pretence, cannot really refuse his approbation to " discretion, caution, enterprise, industry, frugality, economy, good sense, prudence, discernment "; nor again, to " temperance, sobriety, patience, perseverance, considerateness, secrecy, order, insinuation, address, presence of mind, quickness of conception, facility of expression."
Among the places I visited were West Point, Tarrytown, the home of Washington Irving, where I walked through "Sleepy Hollow."
The head of the column had already descended into the hollow.
A deep pulp cavity in the upper third of the tusk restricts the working of the ivory around the hollow cavity to shallow carving.
We have heard it so often now that it has begun to ring hollow for some of us.
In summer they roost in hollow trees or roof spaces of houses.
These should be hollow to force the stagnant energy to flow freely in this helpful sector.
Over the years they have developed into the UK 's largest specialist stockholder of Steel Hollow Sections.
Previous studies have demonstrated improved survival after complete resection of pulmonary and hollow viscus gastrointestinal metastases.
The proofs of the existence of God are... mere hollow tautologies.
The initial suggestion to establish the greens from hollow tine cores was provided by Dr. Ian McClements, Senior Agronomist for STRI covering Ireland.
They are unbranched hollow tubular structures, made of the protein tubulin (see below).
Tucked away in a quiet hollow lies a small handmade house.
I endeavor to produce hollow forms, vessels and sculptural pieces which I hope reflect a lifelong love and veneration of trees.
Gas vesicles are hollow cylindrical tubes, closed by a hollow, conical cap at each end.
The hollow tubes of xylem tissue are usually strengthened with lignin, the woody material we are familiar with in trees and shrubs.
Most rods are hollow and while that helps with shipping costs to keep the cost at an affordable price, some metal gauges are too thin for the weight of heavy curtains.
Iron rods for your draperies are available either hollow or solid.
Obviously, a solid metal rod is going to cost more than a hollow one.
Depending on whether the rod is solid or hollow, you can have some very unique and even antique looking rods that can be used to tie a Mediterranean room or Spanish décor together.
It's available in either solid or hollow rods.
With today's technology, this kind of rod can be either solid or hollow.
Wood curtain rods are different; because the wood is not hollow the rods are not adjustable.
Of the two, the least expensive option is often a decorative curtain rod either made from rolled, hollow metal or wood.
When the frightful night of All Hollow's Eve rolls around, creepy Halloween makeup ideas for traditional ghouls are sure to help you create a bewitching and scary costume.
Use this opportunity to indulge in special effect makeup and cosmetic accessories and you'll be sure to impress all the pixies in the hollow while flaunting your Tinkerbell costume.
Mulligan's Hollow can hardly be considered a resort, but it offers a unique, retro-skiing experience for anyone who is doing business in the Grand Rapids area.
With care, wedding cakes can even be made into the shapes of initials, hollow circles, or themed items (shells, Christmas trees, etc.) for the ultimate in personalization.
Syriaca is a natural floss fiber that's hollow.
Then, hollow out small cavities for the eyes, and add small balls of fondant for a nose and ears.
He has collaborated most with director Tim Burton, including Edward Scissorhands (1990), Ed Wood (1994), Sleepy Hollow (1999), The Corpse Bride (2005), and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005).
The middle of the Kong is hollow, which allows you to stuff it with food or dog treats to entice your dog into play.
The center of the tube is hollow, just like the Classic Kong, so you can stuff it with some dog biscuits to inspire him to work at it harder.
They have hollow centers that you can stuff with treats for your dog.
A gentle hollow, or among shrubs on the sides of some sheltered glade, is the best place.
The vine is noninvasive and hardy, producing delicate pink flowers on low-growing, hollow stems.
The delicate flowers top a thin, hollow stem and grow in clusters.
Hoop earrings are generally made from either solid gold wire or hollow wire.
Hollow earrings might make a good choice even if solid earrings fall within budget.
Many large hoop earrings are made from hollow gold.
Good quality yellow gold earring hoop sets will be made from hollow gold with thick walls.
This means that although the earrings are hollow they will be able to withstand the daily knocks that comes with normal wear and tear.
Cheaper hollow gold hoop earrings may have thin walls that, although makes them light and comfortable, also means that they may be fragile and need to be handled with care and stored safely when not being worn.
Fragile hoop earrings, for instance those that are made from hollow gold or silver may get dented and therefore need special care.
At the Hall of Fame, you can line up to meet the fairies of Pixie Hollow including Tinker Bell, Rosetta, Silvermist, Iridessa, Fawn and as of August 27, 2010, Vidia, the fastest of the flying fairies.
Moonshine Hollow is a haven for peace seekers.
In the arcade version, asteroids look like white lined shapes that are hollow in the middle.
You must save Riku in Hollow Bastion before you can take on any of these boss battles.
Ragnarok -- Obtained by beating Riku twice in Hollow Bastion.
The freedom of speech argument rings a little hollow in a medium in which the most impactful statement seems to be, "Have fun!"
Hollow wines often have good flavor characteristics in the beginning and a decent finish, but lack in flavor characteristics in between the first sip and the finish.
Stent-A slender hollow catheter or rod placed within a vessel or duct to provide support or to keep it open.
The connective tissue in the intestines, arteries, uterus, and other hollow organs may be unusually weak, leading to organ or blood vessel rupture.
Bronchoscopy-A procedure in which a hollow tube (bronchoscope) is inserted into the airway to allow visual examination of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles.
Cystoscopy-A diagnostic procedure in which a hollow lighted tube (cystoscope) is used to look inside the bladder and the urethra.
By the final months of fetal development, these columns have become hollow, and by the time a female infant is born, a nipple and the beginnings of the milk-duct system have formed.
Catheter-A thin, hollow tube inserted into the body at specific points in order to inject or withdraw fluids from the body.
A diverticulum is an extension of a hollow organ, usually shaped like a pouch with a narrow opening.
Exstrophy-A congenital condition in which a hollow organ, such as the bladder, is turned inside out, establishing contact between the organ and the outside of the body.
Consolidation, a feature of bacterial pneumonia, occurs when the alveoli, which are normally hollow air spaces within the lung, instead become solid due to quantities of fluid and debris.
It is a condition in which immature and fragile blood vessels within the brain burst and bleed into the hollow chambers (ventricles) normally reserved for cerebrospinal fluid and into the tissue surrounding them.
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)-A condition in which fragile blood vessels within the brain burst and bleed into the hollow chambers (ventricles) of the brain and into the tissue surrounding them.
Ear candling-An alternative method for removing impacted cerumen with a lighted hollow cone of paraffin or beeswax.
Foreign bodies may be found in hollow organs (like swallowed batteries in the stomach) or in tissues (like bullets).
Sphincter-A circular band of muscle that surrounds and encloses an opening to the body or to one of its hollow organs.
Wild honeybees live in honeycombs or colonies in cavities of buildings or in hollow trees.
Bone mass continues to increase rapidly, often filling in the hollow middle of the bone where the bone marrow, which produces red blood cells, is found.
Endotracheal tube-A hollow tube that is inserted into the trachea (windpipe) through the nose or mouth.
The most perfect steps will look hollow and wooden if the person isn't feeling the dance.
Using a hollow instrument that is guided by an ultrasound, the physician collects the eggs and places them into nutrient-rich culture with sperm collected from the male.
It's hang-out and be seen Union Street, an 8-9 block area in the Cow Hollow section of the City just west of the Presidio.
These cells form your skin as well as line the hollow organs and blood vessels of your body.
Percolators feature container that holds the water, a filter basket located at the top of the container and a hollow tube that connects the two.
Use a regular pillar candle, such as this red, white, and blue one from Candlelight Solutions, and hollow out the top using a grapefruit spoon.
Trim down the wick and smooth the wax inside the hollow with the back of a hot metal spoon.
Strum Hollow has cartoon totes with musical themes perfect for music lovers.
Peter Facinelli is known for many film roles from Can't Hardly Wait, Riding In Cars With Boys, Fastlane, The Scorpion King to Hollow Man 2.
The ghost hunting enthusiast's website Hollow Hill lists the methods that investigators can use to identify ghosts.
Stars Hollow, Connecticut is the setting for the Gilmore Girls.
She came to Stars Hollow when Rory (Alexis Bleidel also seen in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Tuck Everlasting) was just a baby and got a job at the Inn as a maid.
Carole King is also featured as one of the colorful population of Stars Hollow in her role of Sophie Bloom, the owner of the music store.
The pair share a history in Stars Hollow and whenever there is a falling out between Luke and Lorelai, Lorelai finds herself bereft because she can't go to the diner for a cup of coffee and banter with Luke.
The show is set in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, New Jersey and is populated by colorful and quirky characters.
Fan fiction writers will delve into the years between Lorelai leaving her parents' home in Hartford and settling in Stars Hollow.
They will explore her friendships with Sookie, Michel and other prominent Stars Hollow citizens.
As noted in one letter to TVGuide, when President-Elect Obama was declared the winner of the Presidential election, could a Stars Hollow reunion movie be in the offing?
Check out great examples of fan fiction to learn how to write it or just to enjoy a visit to the familiar faces and places of Stars Hollow.
Stray Upon a Muse - Meet the authors of popular fan fiction featuring the Gilmore Girls and the residents of Stars Hollow.
Fan speculation suggested that following President Obama's election in 2008, Rory should return to Stars Hollow for a reunion movie.
Any return to Stars Hollow, however, would require both Lauren Graham and Alexis Bleidel on board.
Dixie arrived in Pine Valley, a naïve and impressionable girl from Pidgeon Hollow.
The actor joined the soap opera in 1983 playing Pine Valley's answer to Donald Trump despite his own humble beginnings in Pigeon Hollow, West Virginia.
You can go old school with the standard evil skull, complete with hollow eyes, bald head and bony looking teeth.
Over the course of twenty years and some change he's made some fantastic movies like Benny and Joon, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Sweeney Todd, Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Cry-Baby, Platoon and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
One of the most popular designs for mixing star and moon designs is to get a crescent moon with a star on the inside of the hollow side.
This needle is straight and several inches long with a hollow center that creates a crescent-shaped slit for the jewelry to pass through.
Perhaps the lower back could be designed as a sleepy hollow at the trunk of a tree where little elves and fairies play.
Whether you're a fan of Tinkerbell from her days spent flying with Peter Pan or have embraced her mischievous personality as she branched out solo to Pixie Hollow, you're sure to love the following Tinkerbell pixie tattoo ideas.
Whether you opt for a full Disney inspired block of body art, or add natural surroundings such as trees, rocks and branches to Pixie Hollow, there are plenty of beautiful areas to add Tinkerbell's charm on your body.
Kunadlini flows through the sushumna, a hollow conduit within the spine.
From a neutral spine, bring the middle of your torso towards the ground, creating a hollow in your back; hold for five to ten seconds before returning to a neutral spine.
You should form a hollow bowl between your pelvis and lower back.
A thin circle of hollow plastic, the hoop is designed to fit around your waist while you keep it up with movements from the hips and core.
A weighted hoop has water added to the hollow interior of the hoop.
The pastry is spooned onto parchment and baked - first at a high temperature to cause the dough to rise, puff, and hollow out, and then at a lower temperature to firm up the outsides of the shells.
The song also appeared on The Smiths' album Hatful of Hollow in the same year.
This search ultimately led him to the location of the idol, which was hidden inside the trunk of a hollow tree.
Although City on the Edge of Forever is one of my personal favorites, a couple other episodes come to mind- For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky and All of Our Yesterdays.
It turns out to be a ship filled with people who have been traveling on it for centuries, and are unaware that they live in a hollow ball.
Kind of makes Yoda's home in a hollow tree make more sense, now, doesn't it?
Butterflies make another fantasy appearance in the Pixie Hollow series book Prilla and the Butterfly Lie.
You can at Pixie Hollow, which is a part of the Disney website.
After you create a fairy, you'll get a name and visual representation and then get to explore Pixie Hollow.
Throughout this early series, most of the special effects generated by the ship and the computer had a hollow echo that resonated with drama and kept fans enthralled throughout each episode.
Free classes are available at such sites as Toad Hollow Studios.
In the Pixie Hollow series of books published by Random House, Disney features a fairy by the name of Vidia.
Mad-Eye Moody - The cantankerous auror died during the escape engineered when Harry had to be moved from his aunt and uncle's to the safety of the Weasley's hollow.
One bicep filled the hollow of her neck while his other arm was tight around her midsection.
The death dealer moved silently, even over the hollow wooden floors.
Gabe studied her then allowed a small smile to cross his features. It was a hollow smile, and she wondered if Death was on his mind again.
Rhyn stared at the scenes playing out in Death's outstretched hands. His heart grew heavy as he watched demons kill humans by the hundreds. The promise he'd made to keep Katie happy made him feel sick, and duty would never fill the hollow part of him that would remain during a lifetime without his mate.
It took her the better part of an hour to locate the cow, and if it hadn't been for the white form that raced out to meet them, she might have missed the cow in the hollow with her two calves.
A hollow tearing sound was followed by a horrendous crash outside the kitchen window.
Many of the ancient oaks that remain in England may date from Saxon times, and some perhaps from an earlier period; the growth of trees after the trunk has become hollow is extremely slow, and the age of such venerable giants only matter of vague surmise.
Finally, as regards structure,S the tentacles may retain their primitive hollow nature, or become solid by obliteration of the axial cavity.
The tentacles may be scattered singly round the margin of the umbrella (" monerenematous ") or arranged in tufts (" lophonematous "); in form they may be simple or branched (Cladonemid type); in structure they may be hollow (" coelomerinthous "); or solid (" pycnomerinthous ").
The submerged stems are slender or hollow.
B, Anterior end of Euglena showing the flagellum with its swelling just in the hollow of the eye-spot.
The emperor Justinian (483-565), in whose reign the greatness of the Eastern empire culminated, sent two Nestorian monks to China, who returned with eggs of the silkworm concealed in a hollow cane, and thus silk manufactures were established in the Peloponnesus and the Greek islands.
Geomorphology is concerned, however, in the suggestions which have been made as to the cause of the distribution of heap and hollow in the larger features of the crust.
The hollow or form produced by a land surface sloping inwards from all sides to a particular lowest place, the converse of a mount.
In the case of a large hollow in a very dry climate the rate of g evaporation may be sufficient to prevent the water from ever rising to the lip, so that there is no outflow to the sea, and a basin of internal drainage is the result.
Most of these extend through narrow apertures foramina pneumatica - into the hollow bones, sometimes, e.g.
The male of the hornbills, Bucerotinae, feeds his mate, which is imprisoned, or walled-up in a hollow tree, during the whole time of incubation, by regorging his food.
Many of the hollow agates of Brazil and Uruguay contain a crop of amethyst-crystals in the interior.
That of Hydrophilus is attached to a floating leaf, and is provided with a hollow, tapering process, which projects above the surface and presumably conveys air to the enclosed eggs.
The necromancer of ba`al 'obh was held to be possessed of the spirit who spoke through him with a hollow voice.
It is described by the epithets KoLArt (hollow) and K11Tw€6aa (spacious or hollow), and is probably connected etymologically with MaKKos, lacus, any hollow place.
It is pleasantly situated in a wooded hollow, in the upper valley of the river Parret.
The shapes of these ferruginous sandstones are very fantastic - tubes, hollow spheres, plates, &c., being common.
In tropical countries ants sometimes make their nests in the hollow thorns of trees or on leaves; species with this habit are believed to make a return to the tree for the shelter that it affords by protecting it from the ravages of other insects, including their own leaf-cutting relations.
This column stands up from the base of the flower, almost at right angles to the lip, and it bears at the top an anther, in the two hollow lobes of which are concealed the two pollen-masses, each with its caudicle terminating below in a roundish gland, concealed at first in the pouch-like rostellum at the front of the column.
Ten years before, John Worlidge, one of his correspondents, and the author of the Systema Agriculturae (1669), observes, " Sheep fatten very well on turnips, which prove an excellent nourishment for them in hard winters when fodder is scarce; for they will not only eat the greens, but feed on the roots in the ground, and scoop them hollow even to the very skin.
Within its borders are the villages of Cumberland Hill, Diamond Hill, Arnold Mills, Abbott Run, Berkeley, Robin Hollow, Happy Hollow, East Cumberland, and parts of Manville, Ashton, Lonsdale and Valley Falls.
Then the large cells recommence the process of division and sink into the hollow of the sphere, leaving an elongated groove, the blastopore, on the surface.
The words rang hollow, as was seen when, on the 3rd of June, the deputies chose, as president of their chamber, Lanjuinais, the staunch liberal who had so often opposed the emperor.
In butterflies and moths the lacinia is absent while the galea becomes a flexible process, grooved on its inner face, so as to make with its fellow a hollow sucking-trunk, and the palp is usually very small.
The ass was a hollow wooden effigy, within which a priest capered and uttered prophecies.
The principle of this system consists essentially in the use of rotating hollow drilling rods or casing, to which is attached the drilling-bit and through which a continuous stream of water, under a pressure of 40 to loo lb.
The name Coelesyria (n KmXrt /vpia), no doubt, was applied originally to the valley (" hollow ") between Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, but was afterwards extended to the district stretching eastwards from the latter range.
The comparison with the glove-finger is in so far insufficient as the greater portion of the non-evertible half of the proboscis is also hollow and clothed by glandular walls.
Brazil's chief industrial importance is due to its situation in the heart of the "Brazil block" coal (so named because it naturally breaks into almost perfect rectangular blocks) and clay and shale region; among its manufactures are mining machinery and tools, boilers, paving and enamelled building bricks, hollow bricks, tiles, conduits, sewer-pipe and pottery.
It was a hollow truce, since the subject of the constitutions was not mentioned; and Thomas returned to England with the determination of riding roughshod over the king's supporters.
The site of the primitive Agora (apXaia etyopa) was probably in the hollow between the Acropolis and the Pnyx, which formed a convenient meetingplace for the dwellers on the north and south sides of the fortress as well as for its inhabitants.
Lying in a hollow, the town is shut in by hills which terminate in the forelands of Salcombe and High Peak, two sheer cliffs of a deep red colour.
Like the body, the proboscis is hollow, and its cavity is separated from the body cavity by a septum or proboscis sheath.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
His grave is in the Sleepy Hollow cemetery at Concord, beside those of Hawthorne and Emerson.
Kutusov had been very slow in exploiting his success of the 24th and indeed had begun the pursuit in a false direction; but about the 2nd of November, headquarters of the French being at Vyazma, the Cossacks became so threatening that the emperor ordered the army to march (as in Egypt) in hollow square.
If of metal, it is hollow; if of wood, it is usually covered with metal.
The flowers have a hollow tube at the base bearing at its free edge five sepals, an equal number of petals, usually concave or spoon-shaped, pink or white, and a great number of stamens.
These hollow roots terminate blindly in the dorsal epidermis of the collar, and place the nervous layer of the latter in direct connexion with the fibres of the nerve-tube.
Both male and female gonads consist of more or less lobulated hollow sacs connected with the epidermis by short ducts.
The genus Hevea was formerly called Siphonia, and the tree named Pao de Xerringa by the Portuguese, from the use by the Omaqua Indians of squirts or syringes made from a piece of pipe inserted in a hollow flask-shaped ball of rubber.
In Discinisca and Lingula there is further a lip-sinus or hollow system of channels which traverses the supporting tissue of the edge of the mantle and contains muscle-fibres.
The lead produced runs into the hollow and is tapped off.
Two of the petals placed under the hood of the calyx are supported on long stalks, and have a hollow spur at their apex, containing honey.
The action of a hollow magnetized shell on a point inside it is always opposed to that of the external magnetizing force, 6 the resultant interior field being therefore weaker than the field outside.
If a hollow sphere 7 of which the outer radius is R and the inner radius r is placed in a uniform field Ho, the field inside will also be uniform and in the same direction as Ho, and its value will be approximately 3 i - R 3 For a cylinder placed with its axis at right angles to the lines of force, 2 = Ho (41) 2 +4(-2)(i - R2) These expressions show that the thicker the screen and the greater its permeability o, the more effectual will be the shielding action.
Another character is the absence of a hollow chamber, or sinus, within the frontal bone of the forehead.
Among these are flour mills, factories for the cutting of wire nails and making hollow ware from sheet iron, and factories for the manufacture of umbrellas, boots and shoes, &c.
Drws (the door of) Ardudwy, Rhinog fawr and Rhinog fach (cliffs); an exception is the verdant Cwm bychan (little combe or hollow).
According to Hakluyt, it was brought into England from Tripoli by a pilgrim, who hid a stolen corm in the hollow of his staff.
Built in a hollow surrounded by hills, the aspect of the town with the river flowing through it and its broad streets lined with willows is picturesque.
True hypertrophy is commonly found in the hollow muscular organs such as the heart, bladder and alimentary canal.
Hollow or Hole-bourne, this name surviving in Holborn; and it was fed by numerous springs (Bagnigge Well, Clerkenwell and others) in this vicinity.
Within a mile of Ulundi the British force, formed in a hollow square, was attacked by a Zulu army numbering 12,000 to 15,000.
A mass of glass in a viscous state can be rolled with an iron roller like dough; can be rendered hollow by the pressure of the human breath or by compressed air; can be forced by air pressure, or by a mechanically driven plunger, to take the shape and impression of a mould; and can be almost indefinitely extended as solid rod or as hollow tube.
In the viscous state a mass of glass can be coiled upon the heated end of an iron rod, and if the rod is hollow can be blown into a hollow bulb.
The hollow bulb is worked into the shape it is intended to assume, partly by blowing, partly by gravitation, and partly by the workman's tool.
A non-spherical form can only be produced by blowing the hollow bulb into a mould of the required shape.
A hollow rectangular bottle is formed, the base and sides of which are converted into sheets.
Their moulds, both for blowing hollow vessels and for pressing ornaments, were as perfect for the purposes for which they were intended as those of the present time.
On the outside, in very high relief, are figures of Bacchus with vines and panthers, some portions being hollow from within, others fixed on the exterior.
Each cansists of an eversible hollow tentacle provided with hooklets and capable of introversion within a mem The excretory organs consist of flame-cells, richly convoluted canaliculi, and a pair of longitudinal canals leading to the exterior by one or more pores.
The instrument, described by Oviedo (Historia de las Indias Occidentales, Salamanca, 1535), consisted of a small hollow wooden tube, shaped like a Y, the two points of which being inserted in the nose of the smoker, the other end was held into the smoke of burning tobacco, and thus the fumes were inhaled.
This rod was connected with the negative pole of the generator, and was suspended from one arm of a balance-beam, while from the other end of the beam was suspended a vertical hollow iron cylinder, which could be moved into or out of a wire coil or solenoid joined as a shunt across the two carbon rods of the furnace.
It is for this reason that Siemens, Borchers and others substituted a hollow watercooled metal block for the carbon cathode upon which the melted metal rests while in the furnace.
The nature of the breeding-place varies greatly according to the species, and while many of the mosquitoes that infest houses will breed even in the smallest accidental accumulation of water such as may have collected in a discarded bottle or tin, the larvae of other species less closely associated with man are found in natural pools or ditches, at the margins of slow-moving streams, in collections of water in hollow trees and bamboo-stumps, or even in the water-receptacles of certain plants.
The town of Utrecht is built in a hollow among the foothills of the Drakensberg.
The Hevea product is obtained annually by tapping the trees and coagulating the sap over a smoky fire, but the caucho is procured by felling the tree and collecting the sap in a hollow in the ground where it is coagulated by stirring in a mixture of soap and the juice of a plant called vetilla.
The tail may be a simple hollow muscular process or provided with stiff bristles set in transverse rows, or divided into two equally long processes, or finally it may form a large vesicular structure.
The cavities of the hollow tentacles open into a circular canal which surrounds the oesophagus at the base of the lophophore.
The continuation of the same wall round its southern half has been in great measure obliterated by the operations of the modern vent, which has built a younger cone upon it, and is gradually filling up the hollow of the prehistoric crater.
It was in this lofty rock-girt hollow that the gladiator Spartacus was besieged by the praetor Claudius Pulcher; he escaped by twisting ropes of vine branches and descending through unguarded fissures in the crater-rim.
The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of evening).
From the time when they began to cast bronze statues, Japanese experts understood how to employ a hollow, removable core round which the metal was run in a skin just thick enough for strength without waste of material; and they also understood the use of wax for modelling purposes.
It is absorbed by the conjunctiva, but, excepting cobra poison, not by the mouth or alimentary canal, provided there be no hollow teeth and no abrasions.
Though there are great hollow spaces in the structure of the foundations, these appear merely to have been intended to save material, and not to have been put to any religious or other use.
If, however, we employ a hollow sphere and let the stem pass through a hole in the side larger than itself, and attach the end to the interior of the sphere, then leakage cannot take place.
Consider the case of two concentric spheres, a solid one enclosed in a hollow one.
It is worth noting that if we have a charged sphere we can perfectly discharge it by introducing it into the interior of another hollow insulated conductor and making contact.
He constructed two equal condensers, each consisting of a metal ball enclosed in a hollow metal sphere, and he provided also certain hemispherical shells of shellac, sulphur, glass, resin, &c., which he could so place in one condenser between the ball and enclosing sphere that it formed a condenser with solid dielectric. He then determined the ratio of the capacities of the two condensers, one with air and the other with the solid dielectric. This gave the dielectric constant K of the material.
The female makes her nest of moss, dried leaves and grass in the hollow of a tree, but sometimes in a hole among rocks or ruined buildings, and produces several young at a birth, usually from four to six.
Its home is sometimes a den under ground or beneath rocks, but oftener the hollow of a tree, and it is said to take possession of a squirrel's nest, driving off or devouring the rightful proprietor.
This species usually constructs its nest on the bottom, excavating a hollow in which a bed of grass, rootlets or fibres is prepared; walls are then raised, and the whole is roofed over with the like material.
The hollow filled with water, and the spire of the old church is still to be seen in the middle of the lake.
There the Brahmin invites the god to dwell within the image, specially made hollow to contain him, "performing the ceremony of adhivasa or inhabitation, after which he puts in the eyes and the prana, i.e.
But emerging from the hollow running north from St Marie, they came under a heavy fire not only from St Privat but also from Roncourt, which latter village they now saw for the first time.
Bees can excavate timber and make their brood-chambers in hollow plant-stems.
These are hollow glass beads of variable density; they may be prepared by melting off pieces of very thin capillary tubing, and determining the density in each case by the method just previously described.
It must be mentioned 4 _ 28 that the pressure of the cushion C on the type-wheels 6 - 30 has no influence whatever upon the micrometer-screw, 7 -32 because the type-wheels are mounted on a hollow cylindrical axis, concentric with the axis of the screw, but entirely disconnected from the screw itself.
In depths down to ico fathoms the old-fashioned hand-lead, hollow below and " armed " with tallow, suffices to bring up a sample large enough to be recognizable.
The first indication is a dull hollow sound heard when treading on the pavement or floor, probably occasioned r FIG.
In Yorkshire hollow square pillars, formed by piling up short blocks of wood or chocks, are often used instead of props formed of a single stem.
It consists of a hollow sheet iron drum formed by two conoidal tubes, united together FIG.
The filtering medium in this, as in other filters of the same kind, takes the form of a hollow cylinder or "candle," through the walls of which the water has to pass from the outside to the inside, the candles often being arranged so that they may be directly attached to a tap, whereby the rate of flow, which is apt to be slow, is accelerated by the pressure of the main.
The rough edges of the bars are removed by a circular revolving file, and the hollow ends are cut off.
The nest is a slight hollow in the ground, wonderfully inconspicuous even when deepened, as is usually the case, by incubation, and the blackspotted olive eggs (four in number) are almost invisible to the careless or untrained eye.
A string is fixed at C on the top of a hollow box, and C" A D B um FIG.
The top flange consisted of cast iron hollow castings butted end to end, and the struts were of cast iron.
In the last case they consist of any number of hollow cylindrical pillars, vertical or raking, turned and planed at the ends and united by a projection or socket and by flanges and bolts.
Helena is delightfully situated with Mt Helena as a background in the hollow of the Prickly Pear valley, a rich agricultural region surrounded by rolling hills and lofty mountains, and contains many fine buildings, including the state capitol, county court house, the Montana club house, high school, the cathedral of St Helena, a federal building, and the United States assay office.
This school used to occupy part of the old abbey of the Cambre, situated in a hollow near the bois and the avenue Louise, but owing to its insanitary position it has been removed to a new building near the Cinquantenaire.
In winter it hibernates, concealing itself in some hollow or cavern.
It constructs a nest of dried leaves and _herbage, placed in a hole in the ground or a bank or hollow tree, The Weasel (Putorius nivalis).
On examining more minutely the course of the development, it is found that the ovum goes through the usual process of cleavage, always total and regular in this group, and so gives rise to a hollow sphere or ovoid with the wall composed of a single layer of cells, and containing a spacious cavity, the blastocoele or segmentation-cavity.
One of the most important of the properties of a fine florists' tulip is that the cup should form, when expanded, from half to a third of a hollow ball, the six divisions of the perianth being broad at the ends, and smooth at the edges, so that the divisions may scarcely show on indenture.
The old fortress consisted of the town enceinte, the castle (situated on high ground and fortified by several concentric envelopes), and the entrenched camp, a hollow enclosed by continuous lines, the salients of which were the castle, Fort La Justice and Fort La Miotte.
Their own eggs are laid in hollow trees, or buried in the sand.
A secondary standard measure for dry goods is the bushel of 1824, containing 8 imperial gallons, represented by a hollow bronze cylinder having a plane base, its internal diameter bring double its depth.
The artificers in gold and silver melted the metals by means of a reed-blowpipe and cast them solid or hollow, and were also skilled in hammered work and chasing, as some fine specimens remain to show, though the famous animals modelled with gold and silver, fur, feathers and scales have disappeared.
It is, in common with others, a hollow process into which run two pairs of broad, coarsely transversely striated muscles.
The story is often told of the hollow figure, cleft by Mahmud's.
Although the liver is a fairly solid organ, it is plastic, and moulds itself to even hollow neighbouring viscera rather than they to it.
The lower (caudal) part of the furrow-like outgrowth remains hollow and forms the gall bladder.
This may be relieved by tapping the cavity with a small hollow needle (Southey's trocar), or by passing into it a large sharp-pointed tube.
A bulging having been found, that part of the liver which apparently overlies the abscess should be stitched up to the sides of the opening made in belly-wall, and should then be explored by a hollow needle.
It is inadvisable to explore for a suspected abscess with a hollow needle without first opening the abdomen, as septic fluid might thus be enabled to leak out, and infect the general peritoneal cavity.
These processes are hollow, and receive the venous blood from, and return it again aerated into, the hollow axis, in which an afferent and an efferent blood-vessel may be differentiated.
It is built in a smiling green hollow on the left bank of the Sitter stream, which is formed by the union of several mountain torrents descending from the Santis.
The tibia and fibula are united inferiorly, the tympanic bulla is hollow and the infra-orbital foramen narrow.
The infra-orbital foramen is generally narrow, and the tympanic bulla hollow.
In the skull the tympanic bulla is hollow, the pterygoid fossa shallow and the zygomatic arch slender, with a rudimentary jugal bone.
They have long hind limbs, large eyes and ears; and in correlation with the latter an enlarged auditory bulla to the skull, which is hollow and divided into a tympanic and a mastoid portion.
In the skull the lachrymal bone is large, the paroccipital process is directed vertically downwards and the tympanic bulla is hollow.
The three remaining families of the Hystricoidea, of which one is African while the other two are chiefly South American, are very closely allied and often brigaded in a single family group. In the Capromyidae, which includes only the South American and West Indian hutias, the South American coypu and the African cane-rats, the tympanic bulla of the skull is hollow, the par-occipital process straight, the lachrymal small, and the cheekteeth rooted, with deep enamel-folds; the first front toe Leing occasionally absent.
By him they were induced to return to China and attempt to bring to Europe the material necessary for the cultivation of silk, which they effected by concealing the eggs of the silkworm in a hollow cane.