Holes Sentence Examples
The side rows of holes only are used for transmitting the message, the centre row being required for feeding forward the paper in the transmitter.
Deep holes in the ground, rimmed with black, pockmarked the shallow valley.
They sell 'em. So what do they do with the Cheerios' holes?
It consists in punching, by means of " a puncher," a series of holes in a strip of paper in such a way that, when the strip is sent through another instrument, called the " transmitter," the holes cause the circuit to be closed at the proper times and for the proper proportionate intervals for the message to be correctly printed by the receiving instrument or recorder.
The chairs on the British system weigh about 45 or 50 lb each on important lines, though they may be less where the traffic is light, and are fixed to the sleepers each by two, three or four fastenings, either screw spikes, or round drift bolts entered in holes previously bored, or fang bolts or wooden trenails.
Lastly, to pass over unnecessary details, the markings of various kinds to be observed on the lobes of the livers of freshly-slaughtered animals, which are due mainly to the traces left by the subsidiary hepatic ducts and hepatic veins on the liver surface, were described as "holes," "paths," "clubs" and the like.
The blades of the rotator are adjustable, being fitted into its tube or body by slits and holes and then soldered.
The grubs, when hatched, start galleries nearly at right angles to this, and when fully grown form oval cells in which they pupate; from these the young beetles emerge by making circular holes directly outward through the bark.
Such metal plates, or " tie-plates," have come into considerable use also in the United States, where they are always made of rolled steel, punched with rectangular holes through which the spikes pass.
The only thing we might be able to do is plug the holes.
AdvertisementHer hair looked like it hadn't been washed in a month and her coat was wrinkled and full of holes.
At first she would have done almost anything to get him back, but now that idea seemed full of holes.
That's what the locals call one of the swimming holes.
A and A' carry two light vertical rods S, M, the one as much in front of the other as there is space between two successive holes in the perforated ribbon.
Thus for a dot, first a negative and then a positive current is sent to the line, the effect of the current continuing during the time required for the paper to travel the space between two holes.
AdvertisementThus for a dash the interval between the positive and the negative current is equal to the time the paper takes to travel over twice the space between two successive holes.
The operator actuates a typewriter form of perforator which punches varying groups of holes, representing the different characters, in a paper strip about one inch wide.
In the earliest telephone switchboards the lines were connected to vertical conducting strips, across which were placed a series of similar horizontal strips in such a manner that any horizontal could be connected to any line strip by the insertion of a plug into holes provided in the strips for the purpose.
The early authorities represent the Stigmata not as bleeding wounds, the holes as it were of the nails, but as fleshy excrescences resembling in form and colour the nails, the head on the palm of the hand, and on the back as it were a nail hammered down.
The pieces are carefully heated with exclusion of air and then compressed into a uniform mass by intense hydraulic pressure; the softened amber being forced through holes in a metal plate.
AdvertisementWhen the sieve-tube has ceased to function and the protoplasm, slime strings, and callose have disappeared, the perforations through which the slime strings passed are left as relatively large holes, easily visible in some cases with low powers of the microscope, piercing the sieve.plate.
Two holes are made near its lower angles.
One end of a short piece of thin line is passed through one of these holes, and knotted; the other end has spliced to it a hard bone peg which is inserted in the other hole.
The holes are so placed that the log-ship will hang square from the span thus formed.
The frame is crossed by four metal horizontal rods passing through holes large enough to allow them to rattle when the sistrum is shaken, the rods being prevented from slipping out altogether by little metal stops in the shape of a leaf; sometimes metal rings are threaded over the rods to increase the jingling.
AdvertisementThe nests of different kinds of ants are constructed in very different situations; many species (Lasius, for example) make underground nests; galleries and chambers being hollowed out in the soil, and opening by small holes on the surface, or protected above by a large stone.
The ordinary country-houses are pitiful cots, built of stone and covered with turfs, having in them but one room, many of them no chimneys, the windows very small holes and not glazed.
Salivary glands are present, and in some carnivorous forms (Dolium) these secrete free sulphuric acid (as much as 2% is present in the secretion), which assists the animal in boring holes by means of its FIG.
They bore holes and penetrate into flower-buds and young bolls, causing them to drop. Fortunately the " worms " prefer maize to cotton, and the inter-planting at proper times of maize, to be cut down and destroyed when well infested, is a method commonly employed to keep down this pest.
At one end of the band-wheel shaft is the bull-rope pulley, and upon the other end is a crank having six holes to receive a movable wrist-pin, the length of stroke of the walking-beam being thus adjusted.
This apparatus has an oil-cup consisting of a cylindrical brass or gunmetal vessel, the cover of which is provided with three rectangular holes which may be closed and opened by means of a perforated slide moving in grooves; the movement of the slide causes a small oscillating colzaor rape-oil lamp to be tilted so that the flame (of specified size) is brought just below the surface of the lid.
As their fur is an important article of commerce, large numbers are annually killed, being either trapped or speared at the mouths of their holes.
The custom of dwelling, for part of the day at least, in booths, is still kept up by orthodox Jews, who have temporary huts covered with branches erected in their courtyards, and those who are not in possession of a house with a backyard often go to pathetic extremes in order to fulfil the law by making holes in roofs, across which branches are placed.
A remarkable natural phenomenon is that of the so-called "banana holes," which frequently occur in the limestone.
These holes are of various depths up to about 40 ft., and of curiously regular form.
Nearer the coast, where the melting on the surface is more considerable, the wet snow freezes hard during the winter and is more or less transformed into ice, on the surface of which rivers and lakes are formed, the water of which, however, soon finds its way through crevasses and holes in the ice down to its under surface, and reaches the sea as a sub-glacial river.
Solid impurities speedily become crushed, and are carried away by the water, while the rubber takes the form of an irregular sheet perforated by numerous holes.
The test bar C C, which slides through holes bored in the yoke, is divided near the middle into two parts, the ends which come into contact being faced true and square.
Ewing (Magnetic Induction, § 194) has devised an arrangement in which two similar test bars are placed side by side; each bar is surrounded by a magnetizing coil, the two coils being connected to give opposite directions of magnetization, and each pair of ends is connected by a short massive block of soft iron having holes bored through it to fit the bars, which are clamped in position by set-screws.
In front of the bestpreserved obelisk is a raised altar with holes sunk in it apparently to receive the blood of the sacrifice to the ancestors.
Meerkats are sociable animals, living in holes in the rocks on the mountains, and burrowing in the sandy soil of the plains.
With a number of holes the average thickness and probable extent of the deposit may be determined, at least approximately.
This will increase the cost of boring and will render the holes more likely to swerve from the true direction.
A large number of holes must be bored to obtain, even approximately, the average thickness and value of the ore and the shape and size of the ore bodies.
These pillars are then filled with blast holes which are fired simultaneously, permitting the whole block of ground to the level above to drop. A floor is then reopened in this fallen ore, leaving pillars for temporary support which are blasted out as before.
At Wheal Cock near St Just in Cornwall the protecting roof was so thin that holes bored for blasting more than once penetrated to the bed of the ocean, and wooden plugs were kept on hand to drive into such holes when this occurred.
When the presence of underground bodies of water is known or suspected, advance bore-holes should radiate from the end of the advancing working place so as to give warning of the position of the body of water, these holes being of such length as to ensure a safe, thickness of solid rock.
This seems to be due to the dust abundantly produced in mining operations, and especially by machine drills when boring " dry " (rising) blast holes.
E is a valve in the inlet pipe opening into the cylinder; and A the piston is perforated by one or more holes, each fitted with valves opening outwards on its upper surface.
The " tobacco flea-beetle " (Epitrix parvula, Fabr.) is a small active beetle, the larvae of which attack the roots, while the adult beetles eat holes in the leaves.
The latter is the more serious, as in addition to the actual damage done by the beetle the holes afford entrance to fungus spores, &c. Under the name " horn worms " are included the larvae or caterpillars of species of Protoparce.
The crucible was fitted with a cover in which were two holes; one at the side to serve at once as sight-hole and charging door, the other in the centre to allow a second carbon rod to pass freely (without touching) into the interior.
Typical spiny squirrels differ from true squirrels in being completely terrestrial in their habits, and live either in clefts or holes of rocks, or in burrows which they dig themselves.
They are flattened organisms provided with two or more suckers, hence their name (7 rpThµarc,8rls, pierced with holes), and are exclusively parasitic both in their earlier and mature stages of life.
Japanese rivers and lakes are the habitation of severalseven or eightspecies of freshwater crab (kani), which live in holes on the shore and emerge in the day-time, often moving to considerable distances from their homes.
Wooden doors swung on a kind of hook; the windows were mere holes in.
The threads extend only to the outlines of each figure, and it follows that every part of the pattern has a rim of minute holes like pierced lines separating postage stamps in a sheet, the effect being that the design seems to hang suspended it1 the groundlinked into it, as the Japanese term implies.i A specimen of this nature recently manufactured by Kawashimas weavers measured 20 ft.
The material of the bank being loosened by blasting and the cutting action of the water, crumbles into holes, and the superincumbent mass, often with large trees and stones, falls into the lower ground.
In the wider compartments are placed sieves having sixteen holes to the square inch and bearing zinc turnings.
This Pirene originally had a two-storey facade of Roman fashion made of limestone, but, before the time of Pausanias, it had received a covering of marble which has now fallen off, but has left traces of itself in the holes drilled into the limestone, in the rough hacking away of the half columns, and in the numerous marble fragments which lay in front of the facade.
Besides the four orifices through which water flowed into it there were two other holes about 4 in.
Near the middle of the long side is an opening; and from it a flight of seven steps led down to a trapezoidal chamber, on the back wall of which are two lions' heads of bronze, through which water, conducted in long semi-cylindrical channels of bronze, from behind the wall, poured out into pitchers for which holes are cut in the floor.
The well-preserved amphitheatre, the subterranean parts of which below the arena are intact, with a main passage down the centre, a curved passage all round with holes for trap doors in its roof, and numerous small chambers, also with trap doors in their vaulted roofs for admitting the wild beasts, whose cages were on the other side of the curved passage, to the arena, are especially interesting.
The revolution of an eccentric A causes two short steel cylinders or cutters mounted on a block of iron B, suitably guided, to enter two holes in a plate fixed to the bed of the machine.
When the fillet FF is brought above the holes, the cutters descend and force disks of metal through the holes.
Hence the note produced with any given circle of holes rises in pitch as the disk revolves more rapidly; and if, the revolution of the disk being kept as steady as possible, the tube be passed rapidly across the circles of the first series, a series of notes is heard, which, if the lowest be denoted by C, form the sequence C, C1, El, G1, C2, &c. In like manner, the first circle in which we have two sets of holes dividing the circumference, the one into say 8 parts, and the other into Io,.
Now, let the movable plate be at any time in a position such that its holes.
As an example of the application of this siren, suppose that the number of revolutions of the plate, as shown by the indices, amounts to 5400 in a minute, that is, to 90 per second, then the number of vibrations per second of the note heard amounts to 90n, or (if number of holes in each plate = 8) to 720.
Beneath the lower or fixed plate are four metallic rings furnished with holes corresponding to those in the plates, and which may be pushed round by projecting pins, so as to admit the air-current through any one or more of the series of perforations in the fixed plate.
The pottery consisted chiefly of roughly-made vessels, some of which were of large size, others had holes under the rims for suspension, and many were covered with soot, the result of their use as culinary vessels.
But it would be cruel to pick holes in a writer whose thinking, like that of St Paul, is coloured by emotion.
All that needed to be done was to fish the fractured ribs of the high arches, put oval holes in the fishes, and not screw up the bolts too tight.
With medium or moderately hard steel all rivet holes should be drilled, or punched e in.
In the rainy season this valley becomes a sea, flooded by the discharge of the Khanega; in summer the Arabs dig holes here which supply them with brackish water.
Since that time the ruins have served as quarries for bricks for the building of Nejef, and at the present time little remains but holes in the ground, representing excavations for bricks, with broken fragments of brick and glass strewn over a considerable area.
It is generally found on or near the surface of the ground, but it can not only pursue its prey through holes and crevices of rocks and under dense tangled herbage, but follow it up the stems and branches of trees, or even into the water, swimming with perfect ease.
Sometimes a little loose earth or sand is put in to the depth of about I in., and the bulbs laid singly thereon, the holes being closed by the dibber and the whole raked over.
The eggs are laid usually in holes in trees, rocks, or the ground, no lining being formed.
The triangle is here an irregular one, consisting of a narrow base to which one end of the string was fixed, while the second side, forming a slightly obtuse angle with the base, consisted of a wide and slightly curved sound-board pierced with holes through which the other end of the strings passed, being either knotted or wound round pegs.
For practical purposes the chief difference between a park seat and a hunting seat consists in the shortening of the stirrups some two or three holes.
A puller will compel the rider to shorten his leathers one or perhaps two holes - a course that may also be rendered necessary in a hilly country, for, in going down hill, the stirrups, if kept at the ordinary length, will generally feel a great deal too long.
In this way the notches d, e of the hinder part of the mantle-skirt of Anodonta are in the siphonate forms converted into two separate holes, the edges of the mantle being elsewhere fused together along this hinder margin.
The series or the outer lamella of the outer oval holes on the back of the gill-plate and seen from the interlamella are the water-pores whicr lamellar surface.
Old trees are selected, from the bark of which it is observed to ooze in the early summer; holes are bored in the trunk, somewhat inclined upward towards the centre of the stem, in which, between the layers of wood, the turpentine is said to collect in small lacunae; wooden gutters placed in these holes convey the viscous fluid into little wooden pails hung on the end of each gutter; the secretion flows slowly all through the summer months, and a tree in proper condition yields from 6 to 8 Ib a year, and will continue to give an annual supply for thirty or forty years, being, however, rendered quite useless for timber by subjection to this process.
Pieces of paper punctured with small holes are placed over the trays in which the hatching goes on; and the worms, immediately they burst their shell, creep through these openings to the light, and thereby scrape off any fragments of shell which, adhering to the skin, would kill them by constriction.
Smaller pieces are thrown into a bath of melted carnallite and pressed together with an iron rod, the bath being then heated until the globules of metal float to the top, when they may be removed in perforated iron ladles, through the holes in which the fused chloride can drain away, but through which the melted magnesium cannot pass by reason of its high surface tension.
Creak, and has been found to give satisfactory results on board ship. The circle is provided with two needles in addition to those used for determining the dip, one (a) an ordinary dip needle, and the other (b) a needle which has been loaded at one end by means of a small peg which fits into one of two symmetrically placed holes in the needle.
Wood was also used for all the columns, doorposts, and antae (rrapacrTetScs), and in some cases the walls of the rooms were lined with wood, carefully fixed by dowels, the holes for which still exist.
The members of this section frequent the trunks and large branches of trees, sleeping in holes.
If a number of small enough holes be drilled through a solid substance which is not wetted by the liquid, our knowledge of the phenomena of capillarity shows us that it needs pressure to force the liquid into the holes.
As we have explained above, such a vapour sieve may be constructed by boring a number of small enough holes through a solid not wetted by the liquid.
In the Cottancin system the concrete is replaced by bricks pierced with holes through which the vertical rods are threaded; the horizontal tie-rods are also used, but these do not merely cross the vertical ones, but are woven in and out of them.
Such were the sleeveless surplice, which was provided at the sides with holes to put the arms through; the surplice with slit-up arms or lappels (so-called "wings") instead of sleeves; the surplice of which not only the sleeves but the body of the garment itself were slit up the sides, precisely like the modern dalmatic; and, finally, a sort of surplice in the form of a bell-shaped mantle, with a hole for the head, which necessitated the arms being stuck out under the hem.
The Balu stream flows out of the Inle lake, and is navigable from that point to close on Lawpita, where it sinks into the ground in a marsh or succession of funnel holes.
Garden pots are made with a comparatively large hole in the bottom, and those of the largest size have also holes at the side near the bottom; these openings are to prevent the soil becoming saturated or soured with superabundant water.
To prepare the pot for the plant, a broadish piece of potsherd, called a " crock," is placed over the large hole, and if there be side holes they also are covered.
In some cases the cellular tissue is deficient at certain points, giving rise to distinct holes in the leaf, as in Monstera Adansonii.
An additional difficulty arises in the case of observations made with long mercury thermometers buried in vertical holes, that the correction for the expansion of the liquid in the long stems is uncertain, and that the holes may serve as channels for percolation, and thus lead to exceptionally high values.
The chief difficulty, as usual, was the determination of the gradient, which depended on a difference of potential of the order of 20 microvolts between two junctions inserted in small holes 2 cms. apart in a bar 1 .
It is thoroughly terrestrial, selecting for its retreat in the daytime holes made by small mammals, or interstices between stones.
It having been found that considerable hollow spaces existed below the foundations of some of the piers, five bore-holes from the top of the roadway were pierced vertically through each pier of both barrages, and similar holes were drilled at intervals along all the lock walls.
Down these holes cement grout was injected under high pressure on the system of Mr Kinipple.
He was driven from the quadrangle of Christ Church by the sneering looks which the members of that aristocratical society cast at the holes in his shoes.
These dwellings are usually holes in the ground, and presumably had thatched roofs.
A favorite way of indicating the eyes was by drilling two holes and inserting a white shell bead n each.
The drill brace appears to have been used by Assyrians in the 7th century B.C. Piercers of bronze tapering (58), to enlarge holes in leather, &c., were common in all ages.
In shallower masses a groove was run, and then holes, apparently for wedges, were sunk deeper in the course of it; whether wetted wood was used for the expansive force is not known, but it is probable, as no signs are visible of crushing the granite by hard wedges.
A similar method was common for circular holes, which were cut by a tube, either with powder or fixed teeth.
Corners of signs and intersections of lines were first fixed by minute tube-drill holes, into which the hand tool butted, so that it should not slip over the outer surface.
In gold work the earliest jewelry, that of King Zer of the 1st Dynasty, shows a perfect mastery of working hollow balls with minute threading holes, and of soldering with no trace of excess nor difference of color.
A bore is made into the salt, and lined with tubing, and this tube where it traverses the salt is pierced with holes.
Having no metal or other vessels in which to boil water, all cooking is done by baking, generally in holes in the ground.
They were "the first practical application of results obtained by experimental determinations of pressure at different points along the bore, by Colonel Bomford's tests - that is by boring holes in the walls of the gun, through which the pressure acts upon other bodies, such as pistol balls, pistons, &c."
Among its attractions is a golf club, established in 1888, with a course of 18 holes.
The whole was then thoroughly dried, and placed in a hot oven, which baked the clay, both of the core and the outside mould, and melted the wax, which was allowed to run out from small holes made for the purpose.
The design was then beaten into relief from the back with hammers and punches, the pitch bed yielding to the protuberances which were thus formed, and serving to prevent the punch from breaking the metal into holes.
Even the simple elements of rivets and bolts have produced immense developments since the days when bolts were made by hand, holes cored or hand-drilled, and rivets formed and closed by hand labour.
The methods of union adopted are not allowed to impair the strength of structures, which is calculated on the weakest sections through the rivet or bolt holes.
Many - like the common "solitary" bees Halictus and Andrena - burrow in the ground; the holes of species of Andrena are commonly seen in springtime opening on sandy banks, grassy lawns or gravel paths.
It has two holes for the eyes.
Although this animal is said to be an expert climber it usually inhabits holes in the ground.
The peninsula was then peopled by savages living in caves and subterranean holes.
They live entirely on the ground, or in burrows or holes among rocks, and feed on grass, roots and other vegetable substances.
They cut so deep into the limestone formation of the plateau as to over-drain it, and often they disappear into swallow holes (dud en) to reappear lower down.
The remains of the stockade round the margin were of vertical piles mortised into horizontal bars, and secured by pegs in the mortised holes.
Besides the implements and weapons of iron there are fibulae and brooches of bronze, weaving combs and spindle-whorls, a bronze mirror and tweezers, wheel-made pottery as well as hand-made, ornamented with Late Celtic patterns, a bowl of thin bronze decorated with bosses, the nave of a wooden wheel with holes for twelve spokes, and a dug-out canoe.
Enveloped in a huge blue sheet, with a yard of linen as a veil perforated for two inches square with minute holes, the feet thrust into two huge bags of colored stuff, a wife is perfectly unrecognizable, even by her husband, when out of doors.
Four varieties of poppy are distinguished - two with white flowers, large oval capsules without holes under their " combs " (stigmas) and bearing respectively yellow and white seed, and the other two having red or purple flowers and seeds of the same colour, one bearing small capsules, perforated at the top, and the other larger oval capsules not perforated.
The greatest care should be taken to see that all rivet holes are accurately punched, and if necessary that they are rhymed so that each rivet will have its full value.
The endosperm detached from a large Ginkgo ovule after fertilization bears a close resemblance to that of a cycad; the apex is occupied by a depression, on the floor of which two small holes mark the position of the archegonia, and the outgrowth from the megaspore apex projects from the centre as a short peg.
Elkington showed that by cutting a deep drain through the clay, aided when necessary by wells or auger holes, the subjacent bed of sand or gravel in which a body of water is pent up by the clay, as in a vessel, might be tapped and the water conveyed harmlessly in the covered drain to the nearest ditch or stream.
These rods pass through holes in the front and back plates of the box, and are furnished with spiral springs, which (when the rods are forced back by hand) are in compression between the back plate of the box and shoulders on the rods.
It is picturesquely situated on a peninsula between Holes Bay and the shallow irregular inlet of Poole Harbour.
Ten brass blocks are arranged parallel to or around another brass block, and by means of a plug which fits into holes bored partly out of the common block and partly out of the surrounding blocks, any one of the latter can be connected with the common one.
Ascension pipes give trouble unless they are frequently cleared by an instrument called an "auger," whilst the arch pipe is fitted with hand holes through which it may be easily cleared in case of stoppage.
So great was the esteem in which it was held, that in the early legend of the struggle between the gods of sea and land, Poseidon and Athena, for the patronage of the country, the sea-god is represented as having to retire vanquished before the giver of the olive; and at a later period the evidences of this contention were found in an ancient olive tree in the Acropolis, together with three holes in the rock, said to have been made by the trident of Poseidon, and to be connected with a salt well hard by.
Cooking-pots, made at various parts of the coast, form one of the great exchanges for sago; but where such vessels do not reach, food is cooked by the women on the embers, done up in leaves, or in holes in the ground over heated stones.
On festal occasions he decks his wellforked-out and dyed hair with feathers and flowers, and sticks others in his ear-lobe holes and under his armlets; while a warrior will have ovula shells and various bones of his victims dangling from ringlets of his hair, or fixed to his armbands or girdle.
This second hole is opened the next year, and used as the ordinary entrance, so that the number of closed up holes round a burrow gives an indication of the length of time that it has been occupied.
It would also seem that during the breeding-season many of them are wholly nocturnal in their habits, passing the day in holes of the ground, or in clefts of the rocks, in which they generally nestle, the hen of each pair laying a single white egg, sparsely speckled in a few species with fine reddish dots.
Practically nothing is known of them except that they are said to be very dark in colour and live in holes in the ground, and under rock shelters.
The sealed cells are dark-coloured and sunken, pierced with irregular holes, and the larvae in all stages from the crescent-shaped healthy condition to that in which the dead larvae are seen lying at the bottom of the cells, flaccid and shapeless.
Unlike the buccina, cornu and tuba, the other military service instruments of the Romans, the lituus has not been traced during the middle ages, the medieval instrument most nearly resembling it being the cromorne or tournebout, which, however, had lateral holes and was played by means of a reed mouthpiece.
This concentration is most easily produced by sliding or revolving diaphragms. A series of holes of different sizes perforate a revolving disk below the stage plate at an equal radial distance from the axis of the disk, so that the holes can be brought under the preparation in turn, the centre of the diaphragms always being a continuation of the optical axis of the microscope.
The nest of grass, leaves, or where vegetation is scanty of stones or rubbish, is placed on the ground or in holes.
The presses having perforated cylinders, although presenting mechanically a more perfect arrangement, are not preferable to the press cages formed by staves, as the holes become easily clogged up by the meal, when the cylinder must be carefully cleaned out.
A cathode discharge is projected through two small holes in plates in the narrow part of the tube on a fluorescent screen at the end of the enlarged end, and the cathode ray or pencil depicts on it a small bright greenish patch of light.
The material to be melted is introduced into the furnace from the hoppers HH through the charging holes in the roof.
Vertical kilns, such as those used for burning limestone, are worked in a similar manner - the raw stone going in at the top, and the burnt product falling through holes in the bottom when allowed to do so.
Deville's portable blast furnace is very similar in principle to the above, but the body of the furnace is formed of a single cast iron cylinder lined with fireclay, closed below by a cast iron plate perforated by a ring of small holes - a hemispherical basin below forming the air-heating chamber.
He glanced down at the bullet holes and splashes of blood in his chest, agitated at having to change clothes so early in the day.
The mine's like a thousand other holes in the ground—it's outlived its time.
Not a course for beginners, but the reasonably confident golfer will appreciate his skill in creating a hard, but fair, 18 holes.
If you cover the air holes with screen, be sure to use a metal screen that the spider cannot chew through easily.
They are postulated to be most likely produced in the process of tidal disruption of stars by central massive black holes in galaxies.
The tiny caterpillars strip the flesh out of leaves causing brown blotches which become holes later.
All holes drilled into the vehicle bodywork should ideally be treated with an anti-corrosion compound.
From black holes in space to strange, cosmic burps.
Any holes in your wet suit can be fixed using commercial wet suit cement.
Buy a tailstock chuck, or how else are you going to drill central holes in your work?
The holes (arrowed) are made by the dew claws which are often seen in soft mud.
These chrome plated storage baskets simply stick to your tiles with the use of cleverly concealed suction pads - no holes needed!
It is a good idea to punch small holes in the bags to provide ventilation and stop harmful condensation from forming.
Naturally occurring holes in the wall of a latex condom have a diameter of 1.0 microns.
Bob then took over to film the writer charging the holes with detonating cord.
Now pierce holes in the polystyrene ball using an apple corer.
If the pot has holes, put crocks in the bottom and a layer of coarse peat.
These holes, also called " eyes, " are caused by the expansion of gas within the cheese curd during the ripening period.
I have already cutout the fan guard holes in the case which makes little or no difference to the overall noise.
The stools have holes in so they need darning, right?
Clean out the accumulated debris to open up the drainage holes.
With Partizan committed to chasing a two-goal deficit, holes not surprisingly appeared at the back whenever their infrequent attacks broke down.
The holes range from a delicate pitch to a rocky dell on the eighth to a thrilling second along the shoreline on the ninth.
What problems are there with using dilation to fill small noisy holes in objects?
Once the bookmarks were finished, I didn't want to casually discard the book simply because there were 100+ holes in its pages.
To sum up, this report has more holes than a paper doily.
Often they will use holes in trees as nests rather than building their own, sometimes using old squirrel drays.
Holes for the main beam fixings should be drilled by an expert, using a suitable masonry drill and safety guards.
To do this holes are first drilled into the concrete using specialized drilling equipment.
Although I will mention such exotica as black holes and superstrings, I will spend little time discussing them.
It combines large, undulating greens and mature tree-lined fairways with water coming into play on seven holes.
The firing of shots may ignite firedamp in breaks or cracks in the shot holes, or it may ignite outside the shot holes.
You then need to re-drill and tap 3 more holes in your mag flange to get the stata in line with the firing marks.
Do not wade through high floodwaters; manhole covers may have lifted, leaving deep and dangerous unseen holes.
Wind The shakuhachi is an end-blown bamboo flute, with five holes and no keys.
Several holes are left empty or the finished item would look like fake fur, not hair.
Or show us the alleged four insertion holes in the alleged homicidal gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau?
Make sure that vents holes are covered with thin nylon gauze to prevent spindrift entering.
I have used an ordinary black plastic flower pot, and blocked up the drainage holes using hot-melt glue.
I used to use gourds but birds make holes in them, so now I often use old plastic water bottles.
I intend to cover the lower access holes later with a couple of blind grommets.
The leg holes make the hammock secure, ensuring the baby cannot slip out.
The Cubans stepped on the gas and started to punch holes in the defenses.
Evening dinner offsite at various ' watering holes ' Entertainment evening - 10 pin bowling or cinema followed by course dinner.
A defense lawyer was asking him why no bullets or bullet holes had been found in the room.
The smaller inner ring holding the hourglass is peppered with holes in the shape of stars.
Remove the black plugs from the filling holes and begin to slowly squirt ink into each cell.
When they hatch the first instar of the larval stage is very small and makes tiny holes in the leaf.
These holes become invisible to anyone working on site, even to hole engineers who are always willing to provide more.
Spread the rectangles that you did NOT put holes in with a little blackcurrant jam.
There must be holes in any dividing walls or the walls that support the joists under the floor.
Somewhat disappointing after an hour walking through amazing pinnacle karst with shake holes 1/2 km across.
Long tie of same is threaded through holes around ankles and heel and lower front edge of ankle lapels.
They may nest in tree holes, on cliff ledges or on buildings.
Culture passionately so the meats are for instance Lester nine holes.
There are some holes in the story, however, which isn't really surprising considering the fairly liberal use of sharp objects.
These holes could be used to coordinate cations or anions, just like organic macrocyclic ligands.
Someone had suggested to her that the oval post holes held two posts supporting lintels.
The holes were small but you could pass with ease as long as you used the lube.
Using the sharp tip of an atomic force microscope, nanometer-sized holes will be created on various surfaces.
The proto -type aluminum mountings were no match for the pot holes of Bristol Town.
The design was pricked through from the traced plan onto the fresh bed, the pricked holes joined up using red ochre.
Can be compared with a post office 's pigeon holes.
His work in theoretical quantum optics recently predicted the existence of the optical analog of " black holes " .
Later, they were asked to display a great billboard outside their home, which required letting outsiders dig holes in their front lawn.
Problems such as the migration of solder paste up the side walls can create both poor filets and voids and blow holes.
On the top platform, holes in the edge suggest columns for a wooden pavilion.
Eight of the holes drilled on Oleninskoye intersected pegmatite within the area where the vein intersection was anticipated.
A partially permeable membrane is just one with small holes in it.
From the old custom of locking naughty people in a public pillory, a frame with holes for the head and hands.
Foreign minister pique santa monica from nine holes r this old.
Surface pin holes allow the puck to race over the table surface.
The three rings of indexing holes in the headstock pulley were engaged by a pointer mounted on a swinging bracket.
If it has pushpin holes, you can use the pushpin holes, you can use the pushpins that thermaltake provide with their crystal and blue orbs to secure it.
The whole ragbag is shot full of holes from beginning to end, and yet these clappies find merit in it.
It analyzes the main reasons why supposedly rational, sophisticated organizations seem to dig enormous, disastrous holes for themselves.
The topics covered include general relativity, the theories of how the cosmos began, gravitational waves, and formation of the black holes.
Next, climb out and use your Dark and Light Reavers in the holes on the ground (beneath the glowing runes ).
In spite of seven credited scriptwriters - including the Giussani sisters - the plotting is full of holes and the characterisations are tissue thin.
Two holes in skin on each leg are patched on the exterior with cream dehaired sealskin sewn with sinew in running stitch.
Sometimes the water enters the ground through huge holes called sinkholes.
It seemed to secrete a sticky slime, and had nine holes along each side of its mouth.
By default, cp detects holes in input source files via a crude heuristic and makes the corresponding output file sparse as well.
I counted 22 bullet holes and one large hole where a shell splinter had entered, finishing in the galley.
All these diseases resulted in parts of the brain becoming spongy the nerve cells replaced by holes.
He was wearing a stocking over his head with holes cut out for his eyes.
They breathe through tiny holes in their leaves called stomata; they also lose water through the stomata.
Malcolm pointed to some rotten stumps with holes in, " a good example of Weka work " he muttered.
These holes were required to accommodate a high security steel fence around the perimeter of an electrical substation.
You will not suffocate, but if you find breathing difficult, puncture a few small holes in the bag around your face.
Sprinkle the ones you DID cut holes in with icing sugar.
Climb the steps of the 17th-century fort and view the holes down which boiling date syrup was poured on attacking forces.
Maybe there's a great tactician out there who analyzes where your holes are.
New championship tees have now been developed at five holes on the Old Course.
Black holes provide theoreticians with an important theoretical laboratory to test ideas.
However, solutions like black holes, have a Euclidean geometry with non trivial topology.
The next time you see an old barn, note the small holes in the walls, often triangular, at the gable ends.
There is evidence that allowing air to emerge from wing surfaces through arrays of fine drilled holes can reduce air turbulence.
The going low down is quite appalling; grassy tussocks interspersed with boggy holes giving some of the slowest progress imaginable.
If water on the roof underlay is allowed to drain under the valley it can drain through the holes worn in the underlay.
This fills all the holes and slight undulations and gives a pleasing finish to the render.
The steel ties should be embedded in the masonry wall through purposely drilled holes.
The mats will then be sent all around the county, and drinkers can expect to see them appearing in their local watering holes!
Work consisted of projection welding the M10 weld nuts over the holes located near to the ends of the saddle assembly.
Two pins q, r, with spiral springs coiled round them, pass loosely through holes in the forks k, 1, and keep the bearings of the heads in and n firmly pressed against the ends of the micrometer box.
This corresponds, in the Cape instrument, with an excess of the diameters of the holes over those of the cylinders of about i,*mth of an inch - a quantity so small as to imply good workmanship, though it involves a systematic error which is very much larger than the probable error of a single determination of the coincidence point.
The aeration of the water is effected by blowing air into the steam before it is condensed; as an auxiliary, the storage tanks have a false bottom perforated by fine holes so that if air be injected below it, the water is efficiently aerated by the air which traverses it in fine streams. After condensation the water is filtered through charcoal.
These shrimps as well as a large species of crabmokuzo-ganiserve the people as an article of food, but the small crabs which live in holes have no recognized raison d tre.
Digging wasps make simple holes in the ground; many burrowing bees form branching tunnels; other bees excavate timber or make their brood-chambers in hollow plant-stems; wasps work up with their saliva vegetable fibres bitten off tree-bark to make paper; social bees produce from glands in their own bodies the wax whence their nest-chambers are built.
The natives are in the habit of making holes in the aa, and planting in them banana shoots or sweet-potato cuttings, and though the holes are simply filled with stones or fern leaves, the plants grow and in due time are productive.
This consists of an ordinary dip circle (see Inclinometer) in which the ends of the axle of the needle are pointed and rest in jewelled holes, so that the movements of the ship do not displace the needle.
In habits the kakapo is almost wholly nocturnal, 3 hiding in holes (which in some instances it seems to make for itself) under the roots of trees or rocks during the day time, and only issuing forth about sunset to seek its food, which is solely vegetable in kind, and consists of the twigs, leaves, seeds and fruits of trees, grass and fern roots - some observers say mosses also.
And they scampered away to their holes.
My father made holes in these so that I could string them, and for a long time they kept me happy and contented.
Curled up in a corner of the seat I amused myself for hours making funny little holes in bits of cardboard.
I made the first row of vertical lines and let her feel it and notice that there were several rows of little holes.
I gave her my braille slate to play with, thinking that the mechanical pricking of holes in the paper would amuse her and rest her mind.
She enjoys punching holes in paper with the stiletto, and I supposed it was because she could examine the result of her work; but we watched her one day, and I was much surprised to find that she imagined she was writing a letter.
In the savage state every family owns a shelter as good as the best, and sufficient for its coarser and simpler wants; but I think that I speak within bounds when I say that, though the birds of the air have their nests, and the foxes their holes, and the savages their wigwams, in modern civilized society not more than one half the families own a shelter.
I saw an old man the other day, to my astonishment, making the holes with a hoe for the seventieth time at least, and not for himself to lie down in!
He would perhaps have placed alder branches over the narrow holes in the ice, which were four or five rods apart and an equal distance from the shore, and having fastened the end of the line to a stick to prevent its being pulled through, have passed the slack line over a twig of the alder, a foot or more above the ice, and tied a dry oak leaf to it, which, being pulled down, would show when he had a bite.
When such holes freeze, and a rain succeeds, and finally a new freezing forms a fresh smooth ice over all, it is beautifully mottled internally by dark figures, shaped somewhat like a spider's web, what you may call ice rosettes, produced by the channels worn by the water flowing from all sides to a centre.
More than half the men's boots were in holes.
Why punched holes are not parallel to the edge of the sheets of paper?
If it has pushpin holes, you can use the pushpins that thermaltake provide with their crystal and blue orbs to secure it.
The 100% milled body has strategic holes in the putter frame to further increase the MOI and stability on off-center hits.
These may be holes among riverside tree roots, outlying badger setts or enlarged rabbit burrows.
For cold rivets very tight fits are often provided by using reamed holes.
Bats When Britain was largely forested, bats would roost in holes in old trees.
Next, climb out and use your Dark and Light Reavers in the holes on the ground (beneath the glowing runes).
You can also use the holes to inject inside the sections with a quality rust inhibitor.
Using a screwdriver or similar tool, gently pierce truck bolt holes in the tape from above.
The scribed line consists of a series of small closely spaced holes produced by high energy laser pulses.
Ocean Kayaks are designed with scupper holes in the cockpit which direct water out to keep the kayak from being swamped.
A lot of landlords are deluded about the price they can rent shit holes for.
Shovel pit testing holes are dug over a grid system which is used for all the survey techniques we are using on the farm.
Not guaranteed to repair tube splits, sidewall punctures, slashing or holes created by an object larger than 6mm in diameter.
He threw up arms to protect face, hair on forearm singed off, burned holes in cap....
Railroad sleepers can be carried using metal pins pushed through existing holes in the sleeper.
Smoothed edges around the holes indicate that the wounds healed in time.
It eats holes into masonry allowing ingress of water and subsequent frost spalling problems.
Once the holes were finished, the spreader beam was clamped into place above the holes.
They can also trim off the sprocket holes at the same time.
Squirt some oil in the spark plug holes a couple of times and after a day try to rotate the engine by hand.
Some 200m from the entrance the stooping passage breaks out into a larger area with holes in the roof.
The scaffold holes at the end of the Chancell & on the south side of the Church to be stopt up.
You will not Suffocate, but if you find breathing difficult, puncture a few small holes in the bag around your face.
The side rubbers and moldings all line up with the rear surrey frame but the holes appeared to be off set !
Maybe there 's a great tactician out there who analyzes where your holes are.
They must have had hearts like lions to tackle Fairy Holes with tallow dips and tinder boxes.
Prepare planting holes well, adding plenty of organic matter, and tease apart tangled roots.
The Grand Match involves a shotgun start at midday with 600 golfers teeing off on all 99 holes on the Links courses.
Twisted string is threaded through casing emerging through two holes on one side.
Not just holes but they have a flimsy, see-through, threadbare appearance.
Are all test pads clear by at least 0.1 from tooling holes?
Soldiers on both sides lived a desperate troglodyte existence in the waterlogged shell holes that had destroyed almost all trace of their trench systems.
He then parred the next two holes to take a two-shot cushion into the tough closing stretch.
If one holds an empty urchin shell and lifts it to the light, the bandings of small pin size holes will be seen.
They urinated all over the back lawn, leaving pot holes and dead grass.
Ignoring the initial holes in the floor, the route became a familiar winding vadose passage to the head of the pitch.
Gable on to street, with small ventilation holes.
He would also raise the matter of verge cutting and pot holes.
Return to text Figure 2 Cemetery on wadi edge with numerous robber holes, as seen from above.
When it 's one of the most popular watering holes with the local gay community.
The mats will then be sent all around the county, and drinkers can expect to see them appearing in their local watering holes !
Late night watering holes are dotted throughout the city center serving drinks until around 1am.
The pods contain four series of oval holes, each bearing a seed like a watermelon seed.
Weevil damage is characterized by ragged holes in the surface of the wood from tunnels running along the grain near the surface.
Large trees with natural breeding cavities, usually woodpecker holes, have been virtually eliminated from the plains.
The 8 & unders played 9 holes of approximately 1900 yards from Blue tees.
Holes of any size are very attractive to babies.
They'll poke and prod any type of hole, and this can be dangerous when the holes are a part of an electrical outlet.
Mesh sides should have very small holes, so that little fingers don't get caught.
Trim the tube to about an inch, and use a hole punch to make four holes in it.
Thread pieces of ribbon through the holes, and leave the ends long.
Secure ribbon at the pinched end and thread the ends of the ribbon through holes in the base of the pacifier.
Use a hole punch to make several holes in the tube, and tie ribbons through the holes.
You'll want to discard anything that is worn or has holes in it.
If some leaves have been chewed on by bugs, they're generally OK, unless the majority of the product is riddled with holes and trails.
Widespreads have two handles and a spigot and they are all separate pieces, meaning the sink or counter must have three holes in it to attach each piece.
Pre-heated combusted air is pushed in with small holes which results into a very powerful and efficient fire.
Any sign of plugged holes indicates that the hardware has been, in some way, tampered with.
Be sure to check for holes or gaps in branches as well as protruding tips.
If possible, purchase a bowling ball that has customized holes created specifically for your fingers.
Local sporting goods stores may offer bowling balls that can be fully customized including weight, holes, color, and design.
Choosing the right golf club for your long game is very important, especially if you are playing 18 holes.
Make sure there are enough holes in the sink deck to accommodate the number of faucets and accessories you plan to use.
It can be difficult to add holes later, so think big.
There are options for covering empty holes, so you don't have to worry about an eyesore in the kitchen.