Hold-on Sentence Examples
I said hold on to me.
He has no hold on you if you decide you want to live apart.
Something to hold on to.
He would hold on his way to the end.
But he kept his hold on Toledo, and though his last days were darkened by the death of his only son in the lost battle of Ucles (1108), he died in 1109 with the security that his work would last.
The grand mufti of Constantinople is, as we have seen, nominated by the sultan, but his hold on the people makes him quite an independent power in the state; in Cairo he is not even nominated by the government, but each school of law chooses its own sheikh, who is also mufti, and the IIanifite is head mufti because his school is official in the Turkish Empire.
It is realism as well as idealism, and never quits its hold on facts.
From 1840 onwards the Ottoman government gradually strengthened its hold on Palestine.
Not all these provinces suffered alike, but on the whole plague steadily strengthened its hold on India generally, and hardly relaxed it in any part.
It does not, however, appear that this danger assumed formidable proportions until after the Reformation; when, in the struggle made by the Catholic church to recover its hold on the world, the principle of authority was, as it were, forced into keen, balanced and prolonged conflict with that of reliance on private judgment.
AdvertisementThrough faith also the believer receives justification, his sins are forgiven, he is accepted of God, and is held by Him as righteous, the righteousness of Christ being imputed to him, and faith being the instrument by which the man lays hold on Christ, so that with His righteousness the man appears in God's sight as righteous.
The disease from which he suffered, lung complaint, had, however, established a firm hold on him.
This last war was carried on systematically from 76o to 768, and ended in the death of WaIfer and the definite establishment of the Frankish hold on Aquitaine.
Mr Chamberlain had relied on his personal influence, which from 1895 to 1902 had been supreme; but his own resignation, and the course of events, had since 1903 made his personality less authoritative, and new interests - such as the opposition to the Education Act, to the heavy taxation, and to Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and indignation over the revelations concerned with the war - were monopolizing attention, to the weakening of his hold on the public. The revival in trade, and the production of new statistics which appeared to stultify Mr Chamberlain's prophecies of progressive decline, enabled the free-trade champions to reassure their audiences as to the very foundation of his case, and to represent the whole tariff reform movement as no less unnecessary than risky.
The researches of Bouche-Leclercq, Cumont and Boll have enabled us to fix with a considerable degree of definiteness the middle of the 4th century B.C. as the period when Babylonian astrology began its triumphal march to the west, invading the domain of Greek and Roman culture and destined to exercise a strong hold on all nations and groups - more particularly in Egypt - that came within the sphere of Greek and Roman influence.
AdvertisementHe strengthened his hold on the poorer classes by his measure for trebling the pay of the jurymen, which provided the poorer Athenians with an easy means of livelihood.
We learn in them how Caliban (democracy), the mindless brute, educated to his own responsibility, makes after all an adequate ruler; how Prospero (the aristocratic principle, or, if we will, the mind) accepts his dethronement for the sake of greater liberty in the intellectual world, since Caliban proves an effective policeman, and leaves his superiors a free hand in the laboratory; how Ariel (the religious principle) acquires a firmer hold on life, and no longer gives up the ghost at the faintest hint of change.
I just couldn¹t get the foot-operated parking brake to hold on the severe hill start that was part of our test route.
Control of Iranian oil is a powerful position to hold on the global chessboard.
I had to hold on to one lad who went delirious.
AdvertisementThey consolidated their hold on what were, in terms of western European norms of the time, unusually large demesnes.
The British hold on the country increased in depth and extended in area, and Victoria was proclaimed empress of India in 1876.
The artist as a rebel battling against society, a tortured and misunderstood genius, has a powerful hold on our collective imagination.
It was once a Parliamentary Church, built in 1829 by Thomas Telford, who, ... ... ... hold on, hold on.
How far will the manipulative minx go to hold on to her man?
AdvertisementI had to hold on pretty tight to mine in order to stay sitting on it.
The Eastern empire had been for a time annihilated by the movement which in 1095 it had helped to evoke; and if it rose from its ashes in 1261 for two centuries of renewed life, it was never more than the shadow of its old self, with little hold on Asia Minor and less on Greece and the Archipelago, which the Latins still continued to occupy until they were finally conquered by the Ottoman Turks.
On the other hand, they would certainly lose their hold on the laity, unless some kind of change were made; for many of the Church's rules were obsolete, and others far too severe to impose on the France of Montaigne or even the Spain of Cervantes.
Moreover, the corrupt church had lost its hold on the affections of the people.
It should be noted that the matter in hand was, from the point of view of water transport, somewhat facilitated by the British Government's determination to hold on to Helles for the present, as nearly all the lighters, boats, etc., in naval charge could consequently be gathered at Anzac and Suvla.
The Corn Laws had great political strength, serving as they did the interests of the landowners, whose hold on parliament was still very strong; but the general economic situation in Great Britain, from the rapid growth of the manufacturing population and the imperative need of more food, made the abolition inevitable.
Not less active was Sir Edgar Vincent, the financial adviser, who kept a firm hold on the purse-strings and ruthlessly cut down expenditure in all departments except that of irrigation (see Finance).
A theology consisting of a few vague generalities was sufficient to sustain the piety of the best of the deists; but it had not the concreteness or intensity necessary to take a firm hold on those whom it emancipated from the old beliefs.
The owner of the axe, as he released his hold on it, said that it was the apple of his eye; but I returned it sharper than I received it.
But Anna Mikhaylovna went forward a step or two to keep her hold on the portfolio, and changed her grip.
Always hold on to the rungs of a ladder, never slide your hands up or down the stiles.
But with BT shares up on takeover rumors, hold on unless you need the cash quickly.
Always there is this teasing Sometimes I lose all hope Where is my strength to hold on?
Charles Clarke 's hold on office looks increasingly tenuous.
She kept her hold on the public for nearly 30 years, mainly in comic tomboy roles.
The man writhed in pain, yet his hold on her did not lessen.
Keepsake gifts are nice to hold on to for years to come; many are intended to be passed on from one generation to the next, such as a silver baby rattle.
Encourage her to hold on to her heritage.
Generally, the family will remove the pieces they want to hold on to, and a professional auction house will come in, evaluate and price the goods, and have a sale usually lasting 3-4 days.
For example, if your bill is for $100, the restaurant could put a hold on $120 of the funds on your RushCard.
Rental car companies, hotels and other travel-related businesses may place a hold on the funds in the account as a type of security deposit.
It is rare for a true day trader to hold on to any stock overnight for fear breaking news and market fluctuations will negatively affect the price of the stock from one day to the next.
While a traditional investor would usually hold on to the shares for an extended period of time until the value of the shares rose significantly, a day trader is happy with a profit of a few cents per share.
There are several variations to the surface lift such as one that has a t-bar to hold on to or one that goes between your legs to hold onto.
If you are able to hold on during this small storm rolling through this part of your life and work through it calmly, you will be able to adapt much more quickly and successfully.
Additionally, it gives your hands something "physical" to hold on to.
They think about what went wrong or hold on to anger about why the company chose to let them go.
Combination savings and checking account - Some people choose a combination of accounts so they can have one place for money they want to hold on to for a while and another place to store money they need for everyday items and activities.
And a third person might hold on to job and family, but be slowly dying from alcohol-related liver failure-and be unable to stop drinking.
Collecting trash and many animals can cause health problems for the hoarder, not to mention the emotional and mental implications of living in a constant state of fear of detrimental effects if they don't hold on to whatever they hoard.
During the mid 1960s, Tom strengthened his hold on American audiences by modeling himself after popular crooners like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin with his release Green Green Grass of Home.
The covers are You Really Got a Hold on Me, originally recorded by Smokey Robinson, and I Should Have Known Better by The Beatles.
While he never took hold on the North American charts, he has had a handful of top ten hits in Europe.
Ever since entertainers and actors first took a hold on film-goers and fans, some people can't stop talking about their favorite celeb and how that person died.
His CD, entitled Hold on Tight, sold well in Japan though it never took off elsewhere.
When an earthquake strikes, you need to drop down to the floor or ground, seek cover under something solid, and hold on until the shaking ends.
If they occur, drop down, take cover, and hold on - just as you did during the main earthquake.
Men and women both can wear the various styles in the collection and those lucky enough to hold on to vintage frames can enjoy wearing those to this day.
Riders should lean back in their inner tubes and hold on to handles for added security and safety.
Sega still wanted to try to topple Nintendo's hold on the portable gaming market, so Sega released the Nomad, which was meant to be portable edition of the Genesis.
If you think Nintendo has a confident hold on this market, you'd be surprised to find it's grip slowly being chipped away.
If Sony broke Nintendo's hold on the console market with the PS1, then they can do it with the PSP.
Some people would rather hold on to the item than sell it for a price they don't feel is worth it.
Finding a pre-owned Airstream can be something of a challenge, as those who own these types of recreational vehicles tend to be very loyal and often hold on to their campers for decades.
At the age of six months, infants can typically hold on to a small block briefly, and many have started banging objects.
This awkward position is called the palmar grasp, which makes it difficult to hold on to and manipulate the object.
People who are impressed by the poem read at the memorial service will want to hold on to it and read it in times of strife when they can't bear another day without their loved one.
It helps you hold on to the hair you already have.
The popularity of hair extensions is another strong example of the influence celebrities hold on the public's style choices.
Those who have them are likely to hold on to them, but you might get lucky and find one on eBay.
Strength is needed to hold on to an exhausted swimmer who can no longer swim for himself.
For example, you can still shop for this style and manage to hold on to some kind of coverage.
Just as Chanel is the purveyor of the fabulous little black dress, a few brands seem to have a firm hold on the equally enticing cotton dress.
Of course, it never hurts to hold on to a few staple spring items like your cardigans, shawls, layerable tanks and camis, lightweight scarves, and flowing, flirty dresses in various lengths.
Catch that delicious person's eyes with yours and hold on for a second or two longer than is expected.
You may think it is hard to develop a relationship online, but there are cases where people are so desperate to hold on to their newfound friendships that a casual relationship can quickly turn into an emotionally abusive one.
Instead, you obsess about the lack of quality singles and hold on to the wrong date fearing there is not someone better for you.
Rather than trying to hold on to her, try to be willing to let her go in order for her to realize that life with you is better than a life without you.
I suspect that when your ex realizes he no longer has a hold on you, either he will rethink his decision or he will let you go so that you can move on with your life and find someone who actually wants a long-term commitment with you.
Alternatively, you can choose to hold on to each other out of fear.
Find more ways to hold on to your money by browsing articles on finding hot discount bags.
Whether you love a good bargain or just wish to hold on to your hard-earned cash, chances are you'll find the idea of a designer purses clearance sale immensely appealing.
You're considered quick-witted and you certainly know how to generate wealth, as well as hold on to it.
Don't hold on to negative issues with your partner that belong in the past.
Pisceans are truly elated when others are happy and getting along, and they struggle to hold on to that feeling because it gives them the sustenance to solider on.
You may also be able to place a hold on a title you want to pick up at a later time.
Today, the company focuses on products that are appropriate for both natural and urban environments, and prides itself on its ability to maintain a consistent and strong hold on this "New Outdoor" world, as it describes it.
Zoe, of course, found out and did everything she could in order to hold on to the man she loved.
She knew her only hold on Danny was her son.
You can even slip into Downward Facing Dog Pose with a chair to hold on to!
When real estate slows, homeowners hold on to their homes, wisely investing in expansions or customizing of interior spaces.
Crazy quilts are still popular today as a way to recapture the spirit of Victorian times and to hold on to an old art.
Try this fun project that draws on participation from the whole family, and create a keepsake that your child will want to hold on to forever.
Embarking on an exercise regimen, while simultaneously starving yourself only signals your body to hold on to its fat reserves.
Adrenal types have difficulty with certain areas of the body that tend to hold on to excess fat.
Sodium is an important mineral in the body; however, too much sodium causes the body to hold on to excess water.
Add the psychological boost of having accomplished your goals and it's really hard to hold on to a depression after a good run.
Conversely, you might be eating too few calories, so your body has decided to hold on to its mass in order to ward off starvation.
If you have poor balance, hold on to something sturdy or choose the floor position.
If you absolutely must hold on to your sex appeal and no flannel anything's going to cut it, you can compromise.
While some did top the charts, others idled just near the top and maintained a steadfast hold on boom boxes across the country.
Steady in her methods, the author has a toe hold on the ground as she continues to scribble stars into the sky, plotting the destiny of her characters.
In choosing to help those who hold on to the vestiges of civilization, the desolate loner of the original movie rediscovers his lost soul.
As the years progress, the dermis loses its ability to hold on to water, and the body's oil-producing glands begin to slow.
There was no need to hold on to her, but his arm around her waist was welcome all the same.
What must he be thinking to hold on to her like that?
Then you can talk to 'em but I imagine if it was a gift to the museum, they'll be obligated to hold on to the original.
They've got a plate on the sole so your feet don't get numb and they hold on to the pedal better.
It put a hold on our relationship when you found out I couldn't...
She strained to keep her hold on the guardsman, even as the other one left the cell and snatched a sword to finish her off.
By his writings he maintained his hold on his numerous followers in Holland and Friesland.
Subsequently, by obtaining from the Tsungli-Yaman a long lease of Port Arthur and Talienwan and a concession to unite those ports with the Trans-Siberian by a branch line, she tightened her hold on that portion of the Chinese empire and prepared to complete the work of aggression by so-called " spontaneous infiltration."
His own violations of the treaties of Luneville and Amiens were overlooked; and in particular men forgot that the weakening of the Knights of St John by the recent confiscation of their lands in France and Spain, and the protracted delay of Russia and Prussia to guarantee their tenure of power in Malta, furnished England with good reasons for keeping her hold on that island.
France had subjected half the continent; but her hold on Spain was weakened by Wellington's blow at Salamanca; and now Frenchmen heard that their army in Russia was "dead."
Venice had already established a tentative hold on the immediate mainland as early as 1339.
The emperor Maximilian failed to make good his hold on Padua, and was jealous of the French.
Epidemics of smallpox and typhoid occur; and leprosy, imported from the Orange River and Cape Colonies, has taken firm hold on the Basuto, of whom about 9r per too() are sufferers from this disease.
He was at Warsaw when his master died in 1733, and he secured a hold on the confidence of the electoral prince, Frederick Augustus, who was at Dresden, by laying hands on the papers and jewels of the late ruler and bringing them promptly to his successor.
Political parties were forming without very evident basis for differences outside questions of political patronage and the good 'or ill use of power; and, in the absence of the laws just mentioned, the Moderates, being in power, used every instrument of government to strengthen their hold on office.
Thus it happened that the viceroy of Italy felt himself compelled to depart from the positive injunctions of the emperor to hold on at all costs to his advanced position at Posen, where about 14,000 men had gradually rallied around him, and to withdraw step by step to Magdeburg, where he met reinforcements and commanded the whole course of the lower Elbe.
But the force sent in pursuit of him was small, and the British government was not deceived into weakening its hold on the Channel.
Notwithstanding the precise fixing of the boundaries of the republic by the London Convention, President Kruger endeavoured to maintain the Boer hold on Goshen and Stellaland, but the British government on Efforts.
At once they proceed to make good their hold on the position they have secured by secreting and throwing out toxins which cause more or less injury to the tissues in their immediate neighbourhood.
He had various proofs of the instability of his hold on the king during 1747 and in 1748.
The Albizzi tried to strengthen their position by conferring exceptional powers on the capitano del popolo and by juggling with the election bags, but the Medici still had a great hold on the populace.
This line is of great strategical importance, as strengthening the Turkish hold on the Red Sea provinces.
Deraiya was razed to the ground and the principal towns of Nejd were compelled to admit Egyptian garrisons; but though the Arabs saw themselves powerless to stand before disciplined troops, the Egyptians, on the other hand, had to confess that without useless sacrifices they could not retain their hold on the interior.
Even in Oman their hold on the country was limited to Muscat and the adjacent ports, while the interior was ruled by the old Yariba (Ya-`aruba) dynasty from their capital at Rustak.
By the peace of Copenhagen in 1441, after the unsuccessful war of the League with Holland, the attempted monopoly of the Baltic was broken, and, though the Hanseatic trade regulations were maintained on paper, the Dutch with their larger ships increased their hold on the herring fisheries, the French salt trade, and the Baltic grain trade.
Through many weary months he never relaxed his hold on Lee's army, and, in spite of repeated.
In the last century cis of the Republic the two later Greek schools of Epicureanism and Stoicism laid hold on Roman society.
In his double capacity as governor of the Territory and commanding officer of the army, reasonably certain of his hold on Jefferson, and favourably situated upon the frontier remote from the centre of government, he attempted to realize his ambition to conquer the Mexican provinces of Spain.
He opened negotiations with Cecil, who induced the reluctant Elizabeth to form an alliance with the Lords of the Congregation, and the English sent a fleet to drive away the French, who were endeavouring to keep their hold on Scotland.
The wars of the French Revolution and of the emperor Napoleon, in which Spain was entangled, interrupted its communications with its colonies, and weakened its hold on them.
It was due to their presence of mind that Wellington maintained his hold on the important strategical point of Quatre Bras on June 15 and 16.
But the best established hierarchy is not so powerful as a caste, and the monarchs had one strong hold on the clergy by retaining the patronage of great ecclesiastical places, and another in the fact that the Semitic provinces on the Tigris, where the capital lay, were mainly inhabited by men of other faith.'
In this year began the " Tariff Reform " movement initiated by Mr Joseph Chamberlain, but Free Trade retained a strong hold on the British electorate, and the return of the overwhelming Radical majority to parliament in 1906 involved its retention under the fiscal policy of that party.
In Italy Austria retained her hold on Lombardy and Venetia, Genoa was assigned to the kingdom of Sardinia, while Parma went to Marie Louise, the legitimate heir, Carlo Ludivico, having to be content with the reversion after her death, the congress meanwhile assigning Lucca to him as a duchy; the claims of the young Napoleon to succeed his mother in Parma were only destroyed by the efforts of France and England.
Till about 1835 he pursued the policy of keeping his hold on his native province of Vera Cruz, and influencing the rest of the country by alternately supporting and upsetting the central government.
Early had been nearer to the immediate success than Lee had been in 1862 and 1863, but he had failed utterly to relax Grant's hold on Petersburg, which was becoming daily more crushing.
A ferret's hold on its quarry is as obstinate as that of a bulldog, but can easily be broken by a strong pressure of the thumb just above the eyes.
Compared with the thoroughness of most other catechisms this one seems very scanty, but it has a better chance of being memorized, and its very simplicity has given it a firm hold on the inner life and conscience of devout members of the Anglican communion throughout the world.
Her whole history rests on the flimsiest authority, but her alleged prophecies have had from the 17th century until quite recently an extraordinary hold on the popular imagination.
But the feeble battle he fought on the 5th of September failed to shake the French hold on the Chesapeake, and Grasse having been reinforced, Graves sailed away.
The United Free Church has a strong hold on the poeple, but in a few of the islands the Roman Catholics have a great following.
But Ammon had little hold on the affections of the Egyptian people.
His wife, Faustina, has almost become a byword for her lack of womanly virtue; but she seems to have kept her hold on his affections to the last.
We need not doubt that the first invasion was followed by a long period of warfare between the natives and the invaders, in which the latter gradually strengthened their hold on the conquered territories.
For a few days it was uncertain whether they would resign or dissolve, but it was decided to hold on.
All the thermodynamic relations we have deduced hold on any theory of solution and favour no one theory rather than another.
Louise, who concealed great cleverness and a strong will under an appearance of languor and a rather childish beauty (Evelyn the diarist speaks of her "baby face"), yielded only when she had already established a strong hold on the king's affections and character.
Her thorough understanding of the king's character enabled her to retain her hold on him to the end.
The death of his wife in August 1212 had weakened his hold on the southern duchies, and he was soon confined to the district of the lower Rhine, although supported by money from his uncle King John of England.
While Irenaeus held fast the traditional eschatological beliefs, yet his conception of the Christian salvation as a deification of man tended to weaken their hold on Christian thought.
They also enabled the Roman Church to keep its hold on the French colonists of Quebec and Montreal, and were pioneers in California.
He had Nelson with him as second in command - then a junior admiral but without rival in capacity and in his hold on the confidence of the fleet.
It is apparently through the funeral that Osiris so early took a firm hold on the imagination of people; for at a very ancient date he was identified with y dead king, and it needed but a slight extension of this idea iakehim into a king of the dead.
Castlereagh, whose single-minded aim was the restoration of "a just equilibrium" in Europe, reproached the tsar to his face for a " conscience " which suffered him to imperil the concert of the powers by keeping his hold on Poland in violation of his treaty obligation.'
It gained a favourable hold on the Swiss churches, who had found the First Confession too short and too Lutheran.
By Octavian they were employed in strengthening his hold on the West, and his claim to be regarded as the one possible saviour of Rome and Roman civilization.
Army, was of opinion that he could hold on a line from Monte Maggiore to Monte Carnizza and thence across the valleys to Monte Korada.
Di Robilant wished to hold on in Cadore.
Some features are naturally more important or more interesting to us than others; by their relative simplicity and evident constancy they have the first hold on our attention, whilst those which are apparently accidental and vary from one occasion to another are ignored, or postponed for later examination.
The Reformation had taken firm hold on northern Europe.
Devoid of criticism, devoid of sound learning, devoid of a firm hold on the realities of life, these heresies passed away without solid results and were forgotten.
The Roman hold on the country was, however, still precarious.
With undiminished hold on the imagination and devotion of his followers he was nominated for president in 1884.
A volume of elegies, Angelika (1840), established his fame, and two volumes of poems published in 1845 and 1847 contain a number of ballads, romances and lyrics which keep their hold on Swedish literature.
Valdivia founded Santiago, the present capital of Chile, in February 1541, and proceeded to build the towns of La Serena, Concepcion, Villarica, Imperial, Valdivia and Angol, in order to secure his hold on the country.
For three years the Spaniards maintained their hold on Chile, ruling the country with tyrannical harshness, but in the spring of 1817 a patriot force which had been organized at Mendoza in the Argentine by Jose de San Martin, an Argentine officer, and by O'Higgins, crossed the Andes and overwhelmed the royalists at the battle of Chacabuco.
At the apex of the Serbian salient the Bulgarians had obtained a firm hold on Car Vrh.
With anarchy among themselves and so precarious a hold on the country, hated by the Italian population and by the Catholic clergy, threatened also by an alliance of the Greek empire with their persistent rivals the Franks beyond the Alps, they resolved to sacrifice their independence and elect a king.
The Porte espoused the cause of the Bulgarians, partly to pacify them, but still more to strengthen its hold on all the Christians of Turkey by fostering their differences.
These merits, not less than the high tone and easy grace of his narrative and the eloquence of his speeches, gave Livy a hold on Roman readers such as only Cicero and Virgil besides him ever obtained.
Edwards, however, proved a skilful pilot, and his hold on the affection of the Welsh people enabled him to raise the college to a high level of efficiency.
The history of religions supplies us with many examples of the High God losing his hold on the people's consciousness and love.
Subsequently, in order to retain a hold on the loyalty of the Walachian voivode, the king of Hungary invested him with the title of duke of Fogaras and Omlas,.
The pilgrimage was so intimately connected with the wellbeing of Mecca, and had already such a hold on the Arabs round about, that Mahomet could not afford to sacrifice it to an abstract purity of religion, and thus the old usages were transplanted into Islam in the double form of the omra or vow of pilgrimage to Mecca, which can be discharged at any time, and the hajj or pilgrimage at the great annual feast.
During the next few years they maintained their hold on Mercia, and we have at this time coins minted in London with the inscription "Alfdene rex," the name of the Danish leader.
Suspecting that this would be his goal, King Henry had been doing his best to strengthen his hold on the Pale, whither he had sent his capable servant Sir Edward Poynings as lord deputy.
Campbell-Bannermans death in April 1908 he was succeeded as prime minister by Mr Asquith, a leader of far higher personal ability though with less hold on the affections of his party.
Esther is a modification of Ishtar, the name of the Babylonian goddess of fertility and of the planet Venus, whose myth must have been partially known to the Israelites even in pre-exilic times,' and after the fall of the state must have acquired a still stronger hold on Jewish exiles.
The ruling spirit of this new revolution was Danton, a barrister only thirty-two years of age, who had not sat in either Assembly, although he had been the leader of the Cordeliers, an advanced republican club, and had a strong hold on the common people of Paris.
No doubt it was rather the practical than the theoretical side of Epicureanism which gave it so strong a hold on succeeding generations.
Charles Clarke's hold on office looks increasingly tenuous.
I like sometimes to take rank hold on life and spend my day more as the animals do.
Experts do advise a modicum of caution and typically counsel both parties to ask for a hold on proceedings rather than an actual withdrawal.
Both fits offer rubber temples and nose pads that hold on!
The Prussians determined to hold on at all costs.
He was quiet for a moment, but he never released his hold on her, nor looked at her face.