Hoax Sentence Examples
In November 1942, a cruel hoax was played upon the Camp.
Other believe they are nothing more than a hoax.
As more people watched the video the rumors surfaced that it was a hoax.
There have been claims that these sunscreens may cause eye damage, but this appears to be a hoax.
This change in climate was compounded by criminally negligent people posting hoax packages.
There are a number of experts who believe that the story is a hoax, while a number of others feel that the house is, indeed, haunted.
It had to be a hoax.
The hoax apparently had been revealed in France some years before but had n't percolated its way through to English speaking ufologists.
Each episode of Reality Hell features one hoax show and one target.
Many thanks for reviewing my booklet exposing the great religious hoax on the human race.
AdvertisementReaders were outraged by TV Guide's hoax, but none more than Ann-Margret's fashion designer who recognized the sparkly dress and reported the fakery.
The one thing that Jerry Ayer wants to make clear to everyone is that he is not trying to pull a hoax, similar to recent claims of a captured Bigfoot carcass.
Can so many people truly be perpetuating a hoax across the span of centuries?
Eventually all nine veterans were rehired with new contracts and the fans were told it was a hoax.
He states, "My research and the serious medical problems found in those children were not a hoax and there was no fraud whatsoever.
AdvertisementHoax Based Shows - hoax based reality shows feature the manipulation of either all of the participants or some of the participants.
Each hoax show is loosely based on a particular reality show or genre of reality shows.
Soon, Heene learned firsthand the dangers of counting a six year old among your co-conspirators in a hoax.
Heene received a 90 day sentence for perpetrating a hoax, plus community service hours.
Because there are very few restrictions, there is room for abuse, especially those who wish to scam or hoax.
AdvertisementLast week, citizen Dean came to my office demanding I chase down a childish hoax by crawling into a mine, purportedly in search of a dead body!
We have teamed up with local Police, Ambulance and mobile phone service providers, to cut hoax callers off at source.
But was it really a three-headed frog, or a hoax as some have suggested?
Cloning may be ' elaborate hoax ' says monitor.
Its message is either the supreme fact in history or else a gigantic hoax.
AdvertisementA Google search on the terms " moon hoax " yields a quarter million hits; " apollo fake " a hundred thousand more.
You can't really call the holocaust the hoax of the twentieth century then expect an easy ride into the political mainstream.
He has bemused onlookers, who seem to think the experimental equipment is some sort of elaborate hoax.
Hoax - superb fanzine dedicated almost completely to pranks & hoaxes, from schoolboy pranks to the greatest hoaxes of the century.
But this is also recognition that in many respects marijuana prohibition has been a cruel hoax on the American people.
I was hoping that this advertisement was a hoax, perpetrated by someone against your company.
Swift he resembled in the occasional broadness of his humour, in his brilliantly successful use of sarcasm and irony, 2 and in his mastery of the hoax.
Balzac said of him that he " invented the lightning-rod, the hoax (` le canard ') and the republic."
Another hoax was Franklin's parable against religious persecution thrown into Scriptural form and quoted by him as the fiftyfirst chapter of Genesis.
The hoax was finally exposed by Professor Othniel C. Marsh of Yale; and George Hall of Binghamton, N.Y., confessed to the fraud, his object having been to discredit belief in the "giants" of Genesis vi.
There still remain the difficulties of all conversation between civilized men and unsophisticated savages, the tendency to hoax, and other sources of error and confusion.
Here's how to sort through all the acai berry research and determine for yourself whether or not this berry is a potent anti-aging tool or a big hoax.
Later, information surfaced that an unidentified spokesperson for the Houston Rockets supposedly admitted that it was a hoax.
In scanning videos from witnesses, the following characteristics can provide a litmus test regarding whether or not the video is authentic or a hoax.
He blew the whistle on the great religious hoax on the human race.
So when he surfaced again in 2008 with additional claims of being in possession of a Bigfoot body, many people across the country immediately started to claim it was another hoax.
Most people thought it was a promotional hoax as Mariah's album E=MC2 had just been released and Cannon has no less than four movies due out some time this year.
After meeting witnesses and staff personally, they found no reason for the staff or owners to hoax the video for extra publicity since the business did not desire extra publicity.
Would you be surprised to learn that many of the common superstitions and popular stories that people believe in today are nothing more than an urban legends hoax?
The New Orleans police department was eventually overwhelmed with so many phone calls asking about the rumor that they published a web site explaining that the story was a hoax.
At the time the story was released on the national news, many veteran investigators were already screaming hoax, simply because of the fact that Tom Biscardi was involved.
An investigation into their background turned up evidence that the men had created the entire hoax to generate business for their new website and Bigfoot expedition trips.
The Internet has only served as a breeding ground for the distribution of the urban legends hoax, so there's little hope that these stories will decrease in number or frequency.
A recent hoax coming out of Georgia provides an excellent example of why you must be very careful to examine all of the evidence in an account before declaring it a valid sighting.
Even worse than the financial and personal damage caused by this hoax was the damage it caused to research conducted by serious investigators, such as the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).