Hoarded Sentence Examples
For a time the money so withdrawn was hoarded, but after a while it found its way back again into the banks.
HomebasedTravelAgent.com has hoarded a number of URLs that they are now selling.
Nothing in the town would be standing, because the elite hoarded power and anything that would give them influence.
Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq., "The matin winds from the expanded flowers I Scatter their hoarded incense and awaken I The earth, until the dewy sleep is shaken From every living heart which it possesses I Through seas and winds, cities and wildernesses"; the second "winds" is a repetition of the first, but what should stand in its place, - "lands" or "strands" or "waves" or something else - no one can say.
We are told that a third of his revenue sufficed for the ordinary expenses of government, a third was hoarded and a third spent on buildings.
The total imports for1905-1906were valued at 822 millions sterling, including 14 millions of gold and silver, which are continually hoarded by the people of India.