Historically Sentence Examples
Of their origin nothing is historically known.
Historically, and one can certainly make the case in the present time, this ultimately bankrupts societies.
Prairie du Chien is one of the most interesting places, historically, in Wisconsin.
A concordat may assume divers forms - historically, three.
A more instructive subdivision must be one which corresponds to the separate currents of thought and mental preoccupation which have been historically manifested in western Europe in the gradual evolution of what is to-day the great river of zoological doctrine to which they have all been rendered contributory.
The notion that all the kinds of animals and plants may have come into existence by the growth and modification of primordial germs is as old as speculative thought; but the modern scientific form of the doctrine can be traced historically to the influence of several converging lines of philosophical speculation and of physical observation, none of which go further back than the 17th century.
Although a woman of strong passions and great abilities she is, historically, less important as an individual than as the heiress of Aquitaine, a part of which was, through her second marriage, united to England for some four hundred years.
His book is thus historically more useful, but legally less suggestive.
The costumes and weapons are historically accurate, and the stage fighting is top-notch.
Historically the battle is interesting because it was the last example of an encounter on a great scale between fleets of galleys and also because it was the last crusade.
AdvertisementBut Jesus further maintains that this view of the law as a whole, and the interpretation of the Sabbath law which it involves, can be historically justified from the Old Testament.
With this use of the word, philologically inexact, but historically quite defensible, may be compared the use of the word English, which is not exactly the language of the Angles, or of the word French, which is not exactly the language of the Franks.
The two deities were, no doubt, of common origin, but their cults are historically distinct.
Considering however the two sections of the Passover separately, it is remarkable how many of the ceremonies associated either historically or ceremonially with the Passover have connexion with the idea of a covenant.
Setting aside for the moment the less important, historically, of these, nearly all of which exist in Western civilization of the present day, it will be as well to consider that form of dress which is marked by the greatest evolution.
AdvertisementSuch a position is both logically and historically untenable.
This, except historically, is a misnomer, for, though descended from the old English Presbyterians, they retain nothing of their distinctive doctrine of polity - nothing of Presbyterianism, indeed, but the name.
Telford's road, raised on the lower Berwyn range side and overlooking the Dee, opens up the picturesqueness of Corwen, historically interesting from the reminiscences of Wales's last struggle for independence under Owen Glendower.
Historically it is of great value as showing how widely within twenty or twenty-five years of the Crucifixion a religion which proclaimed developed theological teaching as to " the Lord Jesus Christ " had spread in the Roman Empire.
Historically the question of the extent to which writers adopted the dualistic interpretation or one that had the like consequences is of greater importance.
AdvertisementThus Max Muller's theory that myths are " a disease of language " seems destitute of evidence, and inconsistent with what is historically known about the relations between the language and the social, political and literary condition of men.
Both historically and geographically, Africa Minor belongs much more to the Mediterranean world than to the African.
Historically and geologically, however, these springs are of considerable interest.
This correlative numerical problem and the two purely geometrical problems are inseparably connected historically.
Though the experimental and theoretical developments were not necessarily dependent on each other, and by far the larger proportion of the subject which we now term " Spectroscopy " could stand irrespective of Gustav Kirchhoff's thermodynamical investigations, there is no doubt that the latter was, historically speaking, the immediate cause of the feeling of confidence with which the new branch of science was received, for nothing impresses the scientific world more strongly than just that little touch of mystery which attaches to a mathematical investigation which can only be understood by the few, and is taken on trust by the many, provided that the author is a man who commands general confidence.
AdvertisementNevertheless it will still appear that each Gospel has its distinct value, both historically and in regard to the moral and spiritual instruction afforded.
A specimen of one of these heavy glasses afterwards became historically important as the substance in which Faraday detected the rotation of the plane of polarization of light when the glass was placed in the magnetic field, and also as the substance which was first repelled by the poles of the magnet.
What may be described as "national systems" of law are dealt with historically and generally under English Law, American Law, Roman Law, Greek Law, Mahommedan Law, Indian Law, &c. Certain broad divisions of law are treated under Constitution And Constitutional Law, Canon Law, Civil Law, Common Law, Criminal Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Equity, International Law, Military Law, &C. And the particular laws of different countries on special subjects are stated under the headings for those subjects (Bankruptcy, &c.).
Despite a number of errors of fact, notably the confusion of the three Bruces in the person of the hero, the poem is historically trustworthy as compared with contemporary verse-chronicle, and especially with the Wallace of the next century.
The most celebrated historically is the Charter-house of London, founded by Sir Walter Manny A.D.
It presents itself historically as an intellectual revolt against the difficulties involved in the presupposition of theistic and polytheistic systems, and in philosophy as an attempt to solve the dualism of the one and the many, unity and difference, thought and extension.
Of these the first three only, which are usually held to rank inter se in the order given, are historically identified with chivalry.
The Golden Fleece (La Toison d'Or) ranks historically and in distinction as one of the great knightly orders of Europe.
This is in accordance with the characteristic of prophecy, which sees in "timeless sequence" events which are historically separated from one another.
The famous correspondence produced next year in evidence against her at the conference of York may have been, as her partisans affirm, so craftily garbled and falsified by interpolation, suppression, perversion, or absolute forgery as to be all but historically worthless.
Latium originally means the land of the Latini, and in this sense, which alone is in use historically, it was a tract of limited extent; but after the overthrow of the Latin confederacy, when the neighbouring tribes of the Rutuli, Hernici, Volsci and Aurunci, as well as the Latini properly so called, were reduced to the condition of subjects and citizens of Rome, the name of Latium was extended to comprise them all.
Trinita is historically interesting; it was consecrated in 1059 by Pope Nicholas II.
The city is historically interesting as the capital of the Chola race, one of the oldest Hindu dynasties of which any traces remain, and from which the whole coast of Coromandel, or more properly Cholamandal, derives its name.
The results of Forbes are interesting historically as having been the first approximately correct determinations of conductivity in absolute value.
It was, historically, only a personal nickname of Geoffrey, as was " Beauclerc " of his father-in-law (Henry I.) and " Curtmantel " of his son (Henry II.), and was derived from his wearing in his cap a sprig of the broom (genet) plant, "which in early summer makes the open country of Anjou and Maine a blaze of living gold."
Until that date Bagelkhand was under the Bundelkhand agency, with which it is geographically and historically connected; a general description of the country will be found under that heading.
This last suggestion, improbable though it be, is historically important.
During the years 1908 and 1909 considerable public discussion and political activity were devoted to the reorganization of German imperial finance, and it is only possible here to deal historically with the position up to that time, since further developmen.ts of an important nature were already foreshadowed.
He lectured on comparative religion and treated doctrine historically, as being not a fixed product but a growth.
This Hesiodic genealogy connects the Achaeans closely with the Ionians, but historically they approach nearer to the Aeolians.
Written records were few at the time when the pantheon was built up, so that the process of construction cannot be followed historically from stage to stage; but it is possible by arguing backwards from the later facts to discern the main tendencies at work, and the principal elementary cults that served as the materials.
There are numerous kings mentioned in Saxo, but it is impossible to identify them historically.
Historically, however, they are of no little interest, not only from the insight into the social life of the period which they afford, but from the important influence they exercised on the Elizabethan drama.
Freeman emphatically pronounced it to be "a contemporary work," and historically "a primary authority.
He utterly distorts the real historical relations of the Three Lands, though he brings in many real historical names, their owners being made to perform historically impossible acts, and introduces many small additions and corrections into the story as he had received it.
These anecdotes may or may not be historically accurate.
It inevitably leads careless writers to take for granted that we have, historically, two Buddhisms - one manufactured in Ceylon, the other in Nepal.
Historically and comparatively, agriculture is the most important industry.
It is worthy of notice that Haran, in upper Mesopotamia, which also was a home of Abraham, was likewise a famous site of worship of the god Sin, and that the name of that god also appears in Mount Sinai, which was historically connected with the origin of the Hebrew nation and religion.
The town is also historically known from the congress of Laibach, which assembled here in 1821 (see below).
Though the designation has not been adopted civilly, its use historically and locally has been long established.
According to the legend, Stade was the oldest town of the Saxons and was built in 321 B.C. Historically it cannot be traced farther back than the 10th century, when it was the capital of a line of counts.
It is situated on the right bank of the river Theiss, and is historically known for the decisive victory won in its vicinity by Prince Eugene of Savoy over the Turks on the nth of September 1697.
It has easy communication with the sea (its port being Chin-nampo), and is important historically and commercially.
Yet Mill's view of the function of " universal " propositions had been historically suggested by a theory - Dugald Stewart's - of the use of axioms!'
Finally it must not be forgotten that the host of writers who were in reaction against Hegelianism tended to take refuge in some formula of correlation, as a half-way ho-use between that and formalism or psychologism or both, without reference to, and often perhaps without cdnsciousness of, the way in which historically it had taken shape to meet the problem held to have been left unresolved by Kant.
The creation of the world is still further to be distinguished from these two processes as an act of freedom or will; it cannot, therefore, be speculatively constructed, but must be historically accepted.
Hence, our evidence for serpent-cults everywhere represents varying stages in the historical development of a few related fundamental ideas which are psychologically explicable; and it is impossible to deal with the subject geographically or historically.
Historically these principles were only in part embodied, for the Reformation was involved in political strife.
For the "great fish" is ultimately Tiamat, the dragon of chaos, represented historically by Nebuchadrezzar, by whom for a time God permitted or "appointed" Israel to be swallowed up.
It passed to Rome, but there was much less fatal, making 14,000 victims only - a result attributed by some to the precautions and sanitary measures introduced by Cardinal Gastaldi, whose work, a splendid folio, written on this occasion (Tractatus de avertenda et profliganda peste politicolegalis, Bologna, 1684) is historically one of the most important on the subject of quarantine, &c. Genoa lost 60,000 inhabitants from the same disease, but Tuscany remained untouched.
Among the dedications, the most interesting historically are a set of weapons dedicated by King Pyrrhus from the spoils of the Romans, including characteristic specimens of the pilum.
After Badajoz, the capital (pop. (1900) 30,899), the principal towns are Almendralejo (12,587), Azuaga (14,192), Don Benito (16,565), Jerez de los Caballeros (10,271), Merida (11,168) and Villanueva de la Serena (13,489); these, and also the historically interesting village of Albuera, are described in separate articles.
Historically theoretical mechanics began with the study of practical contrivances such as the lever, and the name mechanics Gr.
Historically, there is, first, the tendency towards increase in state income to balance the advance in outlay.
The two great empires, Assyria and Babylon, which grew up on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, can be separated as little historically as geographically.
The origin of religion, however, can never be determined archaeologically or historically; it must be sought conjecturally through psychology.
Ghazan is historically important, however, mainly as the first Mongol ruler who definitely adopted Islam with a large number of his subjects.
Historically, this proceeded from the labours of Jean de Launoy (1603-1678), "le denicheur des saints," and Louis Sebastien le Nain de Tillemont, who had shown the falsity of numerous lives of the saints; while theologically it was produced by the Port Royal school, which led men to dwell more on communion with God as contrasted with the invocation of the saints.
Another therapeutic method which is historically much older than that of serum therapeutics is that of inoculation.
He did not perceive in the biblical books any religious ideas of much importance for modern times; they interested him merely historically and for the light they cast upon antiquity.
Of the three divisions logic is the least important; ethics is the outcome of the whole, and historically the all-important vital element; but the foundations of the whole system are best discerned in the science of nature, which deals pre-eminently with the macrocosm and the microcosm, the universe and man, including natural theology and an anthropology or psychology, the latter forming the direct introduction to ethics.
He was thoroughly alive to the importance of not arguing merely from the forms and meanings of words as they existed in his day, and was fully conscious that language and its mechanism should be studied historically.
In 1639, in the epistle to the reader of his most noticeable book historically, his Triall of our Church-Forsakers, he tells us, "I have lived now, by God's gratious dispensation, above fifty years, and in the place of my allotment two and twenty full."
By the majority of those historically known as the English deists, from Blount onwards, the name was owned and honoured.
Though Lahore,, the more ancient city, remains the official capital of the Punjab, Delhi is historically more famous, and is now more important as a commercial and railway centre.
From this date, therefore, he becomes historically visible.
More important historically was a branch of the above (called EEvwves, Senones, by Polybius), who about 400 B.C. made their way over the Alps and, having driven out the Umbrians, settled on the east coast of Italy from Ariminum to Ancona, in the so-called ages Gallicus, and founded the town of Sena Gallica (Sinigaglia), which became their capital.
But the tendency to look at things historically is not merely the attitude of men of science.
The most satisfactory method of characterizing English place-nomenclature is to deal with it historically and chronologically, showing the influence of the successive nations who have borne sway in this island.
Though its doctrine was reformed in the 16th century and the spiritual supremacy of the pope was repudiated, the continuity of its organic life was not interrupted, and historically as well as legally it is the same church as that established before the Reformation.
His treatise, The Meaning and Use of "Baptizein" Philologically and Historically Investigated (1860), an "appendix to the revised version of the Gospel by Matthew," is a valuable summary of the evidence for Baptist doctrine.
Historically Ayuthia is the most interesting spot in Siam.
Ethnically and historically Afghan Turkestan is more connected with Bokhara than with Kabul, of which government it has been a dependency only since the time of Dost Mahommed.
The native states under the supervision of the government of Bombay are divided, historically and geographically, into two main groups.
This work, apart from its value to artists and psychologists, is of interest historically, as there is no doubt the investigations of the author into the nervous supply of the muscles of expression induced him to prosecute inquiries which led to his great discoveries in the physiology of the nervous system.
As a branch of mathematics, arithmetic may be treated logically, psychologically, or historically.
The medieval-looking group of government buildings situated in the Binnenhof (or "inner court"), their backs reflected in the pretty sheet of water called the Vyver, represent both historically and topographically the centre of the Hague.
The other species, Modalism, has its most important type historically in Sabellianism.
Historically, great issues have hung upon the dislike by which High Lutheranism and High Anglicanism, those two midway fortresses between Rome and Geneva, have been estranged from each other.
The English Border counties are Northumberland and Cumberland, the Scottish Berwick, Roxburgh and Dumfries; though historically, and still by usage, the Scottish shires of Selkirk and Peebles have always been classed as Border shires.
Lamarck, however, appears not to have insisted on this name Hexapoda, and so the class of Pterygote Hexapods came to retain the group-name Insecta, which is, historically or etymologically, no more appropriate to them than it is to the classes Crustacea and Arachnida.
One of these, in the winter of 1670, is historically memorable.
The ideas above expressed were not peculiar to Grotius; in particular the doctrine of the " fundamental pact " as the jural basis of government had long been maintained, especially in England, where the constitution historically established readily suggested such a compact.
This third body of invaders is known collectively as Firbolgs, and is ethnologically and historically very important.
How far this interpretation of Zeno is historically justifiable, may be doubtful.
The Arabic " Book of Maccabees " contained in the Paris and London Polyglotts, and purporting to be a history of the Jews from the affair of Heliodorus (186 B.C.) to the close of Herod's reign, is historically worthless, being nothing but a compilation from i and 2 Macc. and Josephus.
Historically it was part of the duchy of Gelderland, which is treated separately above.
This Schloss was formerly the residence of the landgraves of Hesse, served afterwards as a prison, and is now the repository of the historically interesting and valuable archives of Hesse.
Marburg is first historically mentioned in a document of the beginning of the 13th century, and received its municipal charter from the landgrave Louis of Thuringia in 1227.
The philosophy of Fichte is historically interesting as that in which the deficiencies of Kant's fundamental position were first discerned and the attempt made to remedy them.
Historically the unit was the rad derived from " radiation absorbed dose " .
Although not particularly historically accurate, it does use some real people but the details of what happens in the film are pure fiction.
Diagnosis of E. histolytica infection Historically, light microscopy has been the method of choice to diagnose amoebiasis.
We also have people who are very ascetic, people who are historically -- a community called Dervish.
Finally, many of the areas visited were both scenically attractive and historically interesting.
But its wealth historically came from the mines, and this led to the emergence of a tight-knit, highly combative working class.
The editor has provided a commentary that historically contextualizes the documents examined, as well as a biographical sketch of the traveler.
In our practice, the Giant becomes discursive, historically contingent, an oratorical procedure.
Most customers choose a decorative ridge cresting with finial which appears historically.
The appeal of such conservatism in the right circumstances is historically demonstrable.
Historically, the court has authorized disclosure beyond these restrictions and/or imposed additional restrictions in the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction.
Yesterday's masses were overwhelmingly the poorer - and historically downtrodden - Shia, who form 40% of the population.
Historically, North Darfur and parts of West and South Darfur have suffered recurrent droughts.
The picture implied by the " distillation " approach of a liberal feminism leading into a socialist feminism is simply historically wrong.
He is one of the very major and historically innovative stars in the jazz firmament still active today.
Wadebridge was historically a port which served a hinterland which had no river transport.
They are not intended to represent historically accurate facts, even tho they include some genuinely historical figures.
So the " Prince " is historically inaccurate but you won't want to get distracted by what a proxy wedding was.
Historically, these two forms of inquiry have been deeply interconnected.
During that period it has been historically sterilized by gamma irradiation in the presence of air.
Contrastive linguistics involves comparisons between two or more individual languages, which may or may not be historically related.
The development of the consumer monoculture Historically, the erosion of cultural integrity was a conscious goal of colonial developers.
Historically, many proud Serb and Croat nationalists were also good Bosnians.
We should take care in getting correct nomenclature, historically and as used by the local community.
There has been a marked decline in single church pastorates which historically had been the prominent feature.
Historically, Lavoisier's discovery of oxygen and its role in combustion dramatically replaced earlier explanations using phlogiston.
The threat of terrorism Historically major incidents of maritime piracy have been rare.
In what ways are chains of failures of technical fixes historically connected to chains of attempts to escape the experimenter's regress?
Historians assumed that the earliest strand would be the most historically reliable.
Historically, it was an Islamic sultanate located in the western Sudan.
At the risk of being historically offensive, a fearsome tigress and a quiet flirt.
Historically, that has led to such things as fashions in, say, the removal of children's tonsils, or in grommets.
Education of Young People in Public Care - Overview Background Children and young people in public care historically seriously underachieve compared with their peers.
It's no exaggeration to say trade unionism in the UK stands at a historically important crossroads.
Come on, most of us lead lives of historically unparalleled comfort, cocooned by nice homes and generally pleasurable surroundings.
This growth, in the second half of the 20th C, was historically unprecedented.
Historically, these confounding effects have been controlled using linear models assuming a constant additive error variance.
As stated above, a paraphrase of Jesus ' saying is ipsissima vox and just as historically viable as ipsissima verba.
The valley is perhaps best known historically for the heavy water plant at Vemork that the allies destroyed during the second world war.
Historically, husbands have often wielded great power over their wives.
In many passages of his works on pathology, physiology, and psychology Lotze had distinctly stated that the method of research which he advocated there did not give an explanation of the phenomena of life and mind, but only the means of observing and connecting them together; that the meaning of all phenomena, and the reason of their peculiar connexions, was a philosophical problem which required to be attacked from a different point of view; and that the significance especially which lay in the phenomena of life and mind would only unfold itself if by an exhaustive survey of the entire life of man, individually, socially, and historically, we gain the necessary data for deciding what meaning attaches to the existence of this microcosm, or small world of human life, in the macrocosm of the universe.
A concordat may assume divers forms, - historically, three.
The early 17th-century attempts at their independent use and characterization are historically interesting, but artistically almost barbarous.
In this summary the leading factors which have contributed to a correct appreciation of organic compounds have so far been considered historically, but instead of continuing this method it has been thought advisable to present an epitome of present-day conclusions, not chronologically, but as exhibiting the principles and subject-matter of our science.
More interesting historically is the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, built in 1514-1539, and the scene of the sessions of the famous Ecumenical Council (as to which, see below) which lasted, with several breaks, from 1545 to 1563; near it, in the open, a column was erected in 1845, on the occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the opening of the Council.
On the one hand, the general agreement everywhere between the Hebrew accounts and contemporaneous records from Mesopotamia proves beyond cavil that, broadly speaking, the Bible accounts are historically true, and were written by persons who in the main had access to contemporaneous documents.
Thus it will be seen that both historically and philosophically the doctrine of Malthus was a corrective reaction against the superficial optimism diffused by the school of Rousseau.
In spite of his vast schemes of reform and the clat of his isinalls Europeanizing innovations, his oriental extravagance led to bankruptcy, and his reign is historically important simply for its compelling European intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt.
Between 1300 and 1500, however, it is supposed that the Kjaempeviser, or Danish ballads, a large collection of about Soo epical and lyrical poems, were originally composed, and these form the most precious legacy of the Denmark of the middle ages, whether judged historically or poetically.
More important historically, though greatly inferior in style and ability, is the Mahavastu or Sublime Story, in Sanskrit.
Historically he appears to have been under the dominance of the Platonic metaphor of an alphabet of nature, with a consequent belief in the relatively small number of ultimate principles to be determined, and of Plato's conception of Division, cleared of its dialectical associations and used experientially in application to his own molecular physics.
The former treatise is historically interesting for the light it throws on the development which the geometry of the sphere had already reached even before Autolycus and Euclid (see THEODOSrus OF Tripolis).
But this is not the case historically.
In what ways are chains of failures of technical fixes historically connected to chains of attempts to escape the experimenter 's regress?
The sacrosanct nature of such texts has been revered historically by religious artisans.
Historically, that has led to such things as fashions in, say, the removal of children 's tonsils, or in grommets.
It 's no exaggeration to say trade unionism in the UK stands at a historically important crossroads.
In this timely book, Dr. Badawi reminds us that Islam has a historically verifiable track record for healing social chaos and individual tragedy.
The trundle typically was on casters and historically was smaller than the top bed.
Down, for example, has historically been an extremely popular material for filling furniture, pillows, and coats.
At first refiners were reluctant to pursue ethanol expansion because of historically low demand.
Evening primrose oil has been used historically for female-related issues, such as symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause.
Today, many herbs used historically to treat a variety of ailments have been put through a battery of studies to determine their efficacy.
Tuscan style makes use of the natural elements historically found in the Italian countryside.
This isn't the only wicker historically documented.
Historically, lip gloss has been the number one product for natural plumper lips.
Historically one of the most successful brands within Revlon has been ColorStay - a line of all-day makeup products that won't rub off with normal use for up to 16 hours.
These have historically been known as vanity presses, and have not been looked upon kindly by the publishing world for good reason.
The standard American diet has, for the most part, ignored the important role of probiotic foods, while other cultures have enjoyed the health perks of probiotics for historically significant periods of time.
Historically, the seeds have been popular in western Asia and eastern Europe.
While children's clothing was historically more muted, a physical manifestation of the adage that children should be seen but not heard at mealtimes, fabrics have grown far more vibrant.
Historically, clothes were bought too big and taken in and up, then gradually let out as the child grew, thus keeping costs low.
Historically, the SAT was developed by Carl Brigham (Brigham-Young Tests) who helped develop the first measurable assessment and achievement tests for the military.
Clark Atlanta University was born in 1988 through the combination of two historically black schools, Atlanta University and Clark College.
Included are students from both small and large schools, colleges in all price ranges, Ivy League universities, schools with open admission, historically black colleges, schools with religious affiliations, and single-sex institutions.
In this culturally and historically rich region, cruise passengers can choose from two major cruise areas and many popular themed itineraries.
Historically, they have been used during wars and various naval attacks for their stamina in carrying messages from one ship to another.
Historically, all guitar players hate changing their guitar strings.
The first three Weezer albums, The Blue Album, Pinkerton and The Green Album have historically been cited as cornerstones of the present music scene.
While some towns do not allow any expansion that affects the building envelope, other towns allow additions that are historically accurate to the original building.
The 1928 Jewelry Company holds a licensing agreement with the Roman Vatican Library, granting the company access to certain historically significant jewelry pieces and other related artifacts.
Historically, pearls were symbols of purity and perfection.
Historically, the Claddagh ring was exchanged among friends.
Historically, Native American Indians treasured their turquoise jewelry for personal value and healing properties; however, it was common to pawn these family heirlooms during hard times, often never reclaimed.
Historically, the herb has been used as a diuretic and as a remedy for certain illnesses, such as anemia.
Historically, linen was made for and worn solely by royalty.
Historically, most plus size clothing was exhibited by smaller size models who were padded up to the size of the plus fashions.
Rather than sinking without a trace, as many erstwhile efforts from talented but unknown teams have historically done, Serious Sam won a raft of gaming awards, including GameSpot's game of the year, and sold quite well.
The game continues the tradition of historically accurate gameplay while introducing new interactive experiences never before seen in the series.
Nintendo has historically been a major player in the video game console wars, dominating the market with the original Game Boy and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Historical - Historically accurate games often set in medieval Japan.
The Castlevania series, for example, are historically action games.
As there was no need to improve drastically on the original, I think Namco did right by the historically prodigious series by leaving well enough alone.
Historically, sports games were some of the first ones to find a consumer market; the earliest Atari system launched with "Pong" and some other simple sports.
Historically, sangria is a Spanish wine punch made with Bordeaux wine or another French red, fortified with brandy and spiked with fruit.
In the wine world, everybody knows that growing vines of Pinot is historically difficult.
Historically, this process was probably necessary to preserve juice in a drinkable state, but today, wine making is a fun and popular hobby.
Historically, cancer specialists treated it before the cause was known.
Historically, this held true and usually contributed to older sisters not having a claim to inheritance because of their gender.
Schizophrenia has historically been very difficult to treat, usually requiring hospitalization during its acute stage.
Historically, the cognitive development of children has been studied in a variety of ways.
Historically, attention to the role played by a child's family environment in the treatment of a runaway is relatively new.
Children with emotional disturbances and related behavioral disorders have historically been unrecognized as being eligible for special education services.
Historically, influenza was ascribed to a number of different agents, including "bad air" and several different bacteria.
Hair pieces can also be the pièce de résistance when putting together an historically accurate costume - in fact, you might even be able to find an authentic antique to add to your costume.
For some reason, historically the focus of the story is not on the acts of the ruler Antipas or his lover Herodias, but rather the focus and blame seems to have fallen on Salomé and the power of her dance to entrance everyone.
Historically, genealogists would purchase them at a library or from a genealogy society and make copies.
Historically, the United States government has honored the service of its veterans by granting pensions to former service members and their widows.
In fact, red hair was looked upon with dislike by the Irish as well as the English historically.
Historically, many mortgage lenders and private money brokers offered mortgage grants to potential homebuyers.
Historically, in all regions of the world, childbirth was something that happened at home.
Historically, male children were more desirable and the chart was used to help conceive a male.
While historically, both men and women - but especially women - wore suits that covered more of the body for sake of modesty, they now do so for improved performance.
The planet Venus has historically been associated (through myths) with beauty and wealth, and when Venus Swimwear took this planet as their namesake, they did the grand lady herself justice!
People who suffer from pernicious anemia were historically advised to eat plentiful amounts of liver.
Historically the market share of Philips Norelco brand razors in the US market was low, but with the acquisition of Magnavox and the release of branded products in conjunction with Magnavox, they were able to acquire a larger share.
Amana is a large manufacturer that has historically been synonymous with quality heating and air conditioning products in addition to other home and commercial appliances.
Making a board game about Egypt can go in so many directions from being historically accurate to taking some liberties to create a game filled with suspense and mystery.
While historically candle light has been an essential part of life, with the advent of electric lighting candle light had become a decorative feature rather than an important light source.
Italy has shaped many of the world's Christmas and Christmas Eve traditions over the centuries, and spending a Christmas Eve in this historically and culturally rich country is an experience that you won't soon forget.
If your child is to be part of a professional reenactment, the clothes need to be made, rather than bought, unless you have access to a purveyor of historically accurate goods.
Although Victorian costumes are a rather expensive costume choice, there is nothing quite as magical as opening your door to find a historically dressed group of people singing carols at your door.
They are also tangible assets, highly liquid, and historically, almost always, increase in value.
Historically, wedding bands have been used for centuries to symbolize the eternal commitment of marriage.
Historically, diamond mines could expect to produce one or two gem-grade blue diamond a year, but one South African mine has a higher incidence of these blue gemstones.
Historically, the contest has been held over the long Labor Day weekend.
While Libra may not historically be a sign known for loyalty to one partner, this man will plant roots with any partner who he can please.
Popular limiting factors include numbers that have hit often in a certain time period, numbers that have not come up recently and are due and numbers that are historically popular.
Historically, astrologers were mathematicians who performed complex calculations based on specific formulas.
Tenderheart Bear is historically considered the leader of the pack.
Historically, horror films are made to be shocking and disturbing and is part of the reason why some people enjoy going to see scary movies.
Some are based on the true stories of women who have been very influential throughout history, and some are fictional but historically accurate and could have very easily happened.
Historically, the most popular movie rating system is presented by the Classifcation and Rating Administration (CARA) and is used for most movies throughout the United States.
Historically, the substance was believed to be produced by a medium rather than a spirit entity.
Historically, comfort is rarely the point in shoes, and the 80s were no exception.
Historically, eye candy is appreciated on daytime television every bit as much as it is on prime time.
The name Malcolm is both historically noble and modern at the same time.
Historically, chest tattoos have been a mark of importance for many different cultures and even jobs.
The tree is historically known because nobility in Japan used to set up flower viewings for their blooms.
Although brown, black or natural colored leather was historically used in watch straps, the color range is much more varied today.
Historically, yoga was taught privately, wherein the master teacher passed on his knowledge to his student.
If you're on a historically African American college campus and you hear a Zeta Phi Beta step chant ringing out over the quad, the odds are you will see a group of strong, confident women singing them together, celebrating their sorority.
Like many Greek organizations on historically African American campuses, the tradition of "steppin'" dance competitions are strong with the Zeta Phi Betas.
Historically women used cross stitch patterns to embellish their household items such as dishcloths, linens, and doilies.
Because such treatments have not historically been included in health insurance plans, even people who are fully insured have had to pay for alternative treatment options out of pocket.
The company provides customers with the ability to view their contract, submit claims, make payments or conduct other business that historically required the customer contact an agent for.
While some breeds of pets historically require a greater level of medical care than others, additional factors such as cost should be taken into consideration.
The perception is that only plus sized women choose body shaping undergarments, but this has never been the case historically (witness the characters' girdles on Mad Men) and still isn't.
The things that have been historically kept under clothes, or worn only in bedrooms, have made their debut as outerwear.
If it is going to be seen and you want it to look historically accurate, you must devote yourself to finding the most accurate pattern available.
A satin basque can be made of any number of combinations of materials, not just silk that is historically associated with satin.
The most popular and common of these games historically was Charades, which nearly every Victorian family played at Christmas parties.
Historically, of course, Boxing Day wasn't known as a shopper's delight.
Historically, butterflies also appeared in hieroglyphics, representing the soul.
Historically, many of the army units wore blue during the Revolutionary War.
Historically, the Associacion's scouting program bases its programming on traditional Scouting methods and practices.
Historically, the overall look of the majorette uniform was in the style of a military marching band.
World War I Army uniforms were a historically interesting bridge between the traditions of millennia and the changes of the industrial age.
Dammartin is historically important as the seat of a countship of which the holders played a considerable part in French history.
Most frequently it appears historically, in relation to some definite system of belief, as a reaction of the spirit against the letter.
In this article the development of this branch of the science is treated historically.
Historically, his importance lies in the fact that he was the first to propound socialism as a practical policy, and the father of the movements which played so conspicuous a part in the revolutions of 1848 and 1871.
It seems easiest to assume that the festival, so far as the Passover itself is concerned, was actually connected historically with the Exodus.
Amidst this white race of the steppe the Khazars can be first historically distinguished at the end of the 2nd century A.D.
It is a city of great interest historically, geographically, politically and strategically, but in modern days it has quite lost its ancient commercial importance.
He was originally called Abd-el-Ka`ba ("servant of the temple"), and received the name by which he is known historically in consequence of the marriage of his virgin daughter Ayesha to Mahomet.
Historically it includes the five British districts of Hamirpur, Jalaun, Jhansi, Lalitpur and Banda, which now form part of the Allahabad division of the United Provinces, but politically it is restricted to a collection of native states, under the Bundelkhand agency.
Historically this doctrine was formulated as the declaration of independence of the insurgents in revolt against the pretensions of absolutist logic. It drew for support upon the psychological movement that begins with Fries and Herbart.
Now let's look at the role of government, both philosophically and historically, which also changes over time.
The natural basis for a standard musical pitch is the voice, particularly the male voice, which has been of greater importance historically.
Ceylon, though geographically an annex of India, has not followed its fortunes historically.
But it is necessary to remember, in the light of recent discoveries, that the sixth prosomatic pair of appendages is carried on the seventh somite of the whole series, there being two prosthomeres or somites in front of the mouth, the first carrying the eyes, the second the chelicerae; also that the first mesosomatic or genital somite is not the seventh or even the eighth of the whole series of somites which have been historically present, 1 See the article Arthropoda for the use of the term " prosthomere."
Boerhaave attached great importance to the study of the medical classics, but rather treated them historically than quoted them as canonical authorities.
Together with the two other deras (settlements), Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Fateh Khan, it gave its name to the territorial area locally and historically known as Derajat, which after many vicissitudes came into the possession of the British after the Sikh War, in 1849, and was divided into the two districts of Dera Ghazi Khan and Dera Ismail Khan.
All the accounts that have come down to us are of a purely legendary character, and it is impossible to find any single incident confirmed historically.
Historically Douai is mainly important as the centre of the political and religious propaganda of the exiled English Roman Catholics.
Far more important historically than these is Prosper's Epitoma chronicon.
It should be difficult, after the copious details of this autobiography de luxe of the Czech nation in the year 1916, to speak of it historically as an " oppressed " nation of Austria.
Historically it is null; logically it is full of gaping flaws, practically its manipulations of the volonte de tous and the volonte generale are clearly insufficient to obviate anarchy.
The reason of this will appear more clearly in the sequel; it is enough to observe at present that, before our English word was formed, the original idea of a presbyter had been overlaid with others derived from pre-Christian priesthoods, so that it is from these and not from the etymological force of the word that we must start in considering historically what a priest is.
On his return he published an interesting and historically valuable little book, Des sauvages, ou voyage de Samuel Champlain de Brouage fait en la France Nouvelle.
Historically speaking, it is indisputable that the practice of Indulgences in the medieval p4 +p2 C1C2(L1L2 M 2) + church arose out of the authoritative remission, in exceptional cases, of a certain proportion of this canonical penalty.
They did not greatly differ from the 1550 edition of Stephanus, but historically are important for the great part they played in spreading a knowledge of the Greek text, and as supplying the text which the Elzevirs made the standard on the continent.
His edition is historically very important as it introduced the system of notation which, in the amplified form given to it by Gregory, is still in general use.
The great importance of this work of WH lies in the facts that it not merely condemns but explains the late Antiochene text, and that it attempts to consider in an objective manner all the existing evidence and to explain it historically and genealogically.
At the same time, however little of Rendel Harris's results may ultimately be accepted by the textual critics of the future, his work will always remain historically of the first importance as having done more than anything else to stimulate thought and open new lines of research in textual criticism in the last decade of the 19th century.
That this is so appears most clearly in the fact that with Amos the prophecy of restoration appears only in a few verses at the end of his book, and in the still more instructive fact that neither he nor Hosea attempts to explain how the restoration which they accept as a postulate of faith is to be historically realized.
The election is of interest historically as being the first important American election where the issue turned on the question of the prohibition of the retail sale of intoxicating liquors.
His course of lectures was divided into four parts-(1) natural theology; (2) ethics; (3) a treatment of that branch of morality which relates to justice, a subject which he handled historically after the manner of Montesquieu; (4) a study of those political regulations which are founded, not upon the principle of justice, but that of expediency, and which are calculated to increase the riches, the power and the prosperity of a state.
In recent years the science of vegetable palaeontology has been given the distinct name of Palaeobotany, so that " palaeontology e' among biologists mainly refers to zoology; but historically the two cannot be disconnected.
Syracuse has been the meeting-place of some historically important political conventions; that of 1847, in which occurred the split between the " Barnburner " and " Hunker " factions of the Democratic party, began the Free Soil movement in the state.
The exact mode in which the in-sinking of superficial outstanding limbs, carrying gill-lamellae, has historically taken place has been a matter of much speculation.
Although historically one of the most important towns in South Wales, Carmarthen can boast of very few ancient buildings, and the general aspect of the town is modern.
But the name with which the Nominalism of the 14th century is historically associated is that of the " Invincible Doctor," William of Occam William of who, (q.v.),, as the, author of a doctrine which came occam to be almost universally accepted, received from his followers the title Venerabilis inceptor.
Failing analytically to probe its nature, historically we seek relief to our perplexities by tracing its origin..
It is neither psychologically nor historically impossible for a prophet of 1 i.
The consequence was the introduction of certain new deities, the di novensides, from external sources, and the birth of new conceptions of the gods and their worship. We may distinguish three main influences, to a certain extent historically successive.
It has to be established on the Roman Catholic side that faith (or dogma; the two are inseparable) deals with divine truths historically revealed long ago but now administered with authority, according to God's will, by the church.
The subject of ecclesiastical vestments is not only one of great interest from the point of view of archaeology and art, but is also of importance, in so far as certain "ornaments" have become historically associated with certain doctrines on which the opinion of the Christian world is sharply divided.
Since war historically has interrupted the flow of consumer goods, and would do so even more in our present interconnected world, preserving our hard-earned possessions provides an additional disincentive to war.
While the Tigris never played the same role historically as the Euphrates, numerous remains of antiquity are to be seen along its course.
Against this may be urged that, according to the latest inquiries into the pastoral life, there is always connected with it some form of agriculture and a use of cereals, while, historically speaking, the Israelites while in Egypt were dependent on its corn.
The common calendar and cycle of festivals, observed by all Dorians (of which the Carneia was chief), and the distribution in Greece of the worships of Apollo and Heracles, which attained pre-eminence mainly in or near districts historically " Dorian," suggest that these cults, or an important element in them, were introduced comparatively late, and represent the beliefs of a fresh ethnic superstratum.
Lotze publicly and formally denied that he belonged to the school of Herbart, though he admitted that historically the same doctrine which might be considered the forerunner of Herbart's teachings might lead to his own views, viz.
Throughout these later commentaries a strong antipapal interest which identified the pope with the Antichrist holds a central place - a doctrine which, as we have seen, goes back historically to the immediate disciples of Joachim and like-minded Franciscans.
This fact was not observed (that is, the collections of examples were not made) till recently, when experiments in private non-spiritualist circles drew attention to crystal-gazing, a practice always popular among peasants, and known historically to have survived through classical and medieval times, and, as in the famous case of Dr Dee, after the Reformation.
It becomes the assertion; historically, providentially, the expectation of a unique religious figure arose - " the " Messiah; and Jesus gave himself to be thought of as that great figure.
Not only are we eliminating historically warlike forms of government, we are replacing them with peaceful ones, namely democracy.