Hint Sentence Examples
Brennan offered a hint of information.
The kind man's face held a hint of sympathy.
I sensed his surprise, and a hint of nervousness.
If it was so simple, Andre wouldn't be trying to drop a hint without betraying the confidence of Deidre.
Landon took the hint and left.
I asked her if she perceived any hint of threat.
It is delightful here, smelling of sun-drenched pine and a hint of campfires.
Any hint what she's going to do?
I just want to see if Martha left me a note or if there's any hint to what's going on.
Damian ignored his hint, and Lon didn't press.
AdvertisementMy only hint occurred during a dance with Martha at our wedding reception.
At the first hint of below freezing weather, Howie was on the job, covering everything and reading up on all preventive measures known to man.
It was a rare event for Fred to speak of his past, especially when it sounded like a hint of the truth.
His next kiss was consuming, hungry yet sweet, teasing her with a hint of promise and driving her body to new heights of awareness.
But nowhere in it was there even a hint that it might not be possible.
AdvertisementI will only hint at some of the enterprises which I have cherished.
They understood giving any credibility to a hint of the existence of a psychic tipster adversely affected their ultimate chance for a conviction.
It's a no-no because defense attorneys are all over any hint of psychic involvement.
Martha signed the dollar bill with a hint of a smile.
Dean looked back at Fred in the rear view mirror but there was no hint of clarification.
AdvertisementJennifer asked, a hint of fear in her voice.
When conversation lagged, they apparently took the hint and retreated into Bird Song.
There was a hint of recognition on the man's face as he glanced over Dean's shoulder at Edith Shipton who had just emerged from the parlor.
I get the hint this Ronnie and Howie don't dance to the same fiddle player.
Can you hint at your limitations?
AdvertisementAfter a solid hour of the child crying, I wondered if the mother read about the abandoned child, perhaps with a fleeting hint of sympathy.
Sofia exchanged a look with Linda, and the chipper woman took the hint.
There was a hint of a smile and a roll of her eyes at Fred's pun.
Gabriel held the door open for Katie, who took the hint and walked out.
The flakes drifted directly down, undisturbed in their descent by any hint of a breeze in the still night air.
Martha just continued to nod and look straight ahead but she wore a hint of a smile.
The glossy color photo displayed a concentrated young woman, hand-climbing upside down, across a rock face that looked devoid of any hint of a hand hold.
He sat back with a hint of smugness.
Dean detected a hint of a blush from his card-playing partner.
Martha, dressed exactly as she had been when she'd left, clutched her new suitcase while the barest hint of a smile graced her pretty face.
Claire gave a hint of a nod, remaining under the archway to the parlor, as if entering might subject her to some vile disease from these common folk.
Surprisingly, Fred O'Connor, arch fan of any hint of mystery, remained uninterested in the Donald Ryland-Edith Shipton-Jerome Shipton triangle.
A blue-green tint shone through the sunlight while frozen waterfalls, hanging from the upstream cliffs, bore a hint of the rust-orange hue from the natural deposits of Red Mountain above.
Your marital difficulties aren't our business but Bird Song is and we don't want any hint of trouble here.
She then added, with a hint of silly smile, "Foolish me."
He sauntered down Main Street, the hint of a self-satisfied smirk playing across full, pink lips.
Kalnky desired that both the terms of the treaty and the fact of its conclusion should remain secret, but Bismarck and Mancini hastened to hint at its existence, the former in the Reichstag on the 12th of June 1882, and the latter in the Italian semi-official press.
He let it be known that he strongly disapproved of their proposal to elect Count Melzi, the Italian statesman most suitable for the post; and a hint given by Talleyrand showed the reason for his disapproval.
Voltaire obeyed this hint as far as Les Delices was concerned, and consoled himself by having the performances in his Lausanne house.
The hint was taken, of course,.
He got the hint of a noumenal will from Kant; but in regarding the noumenal as knowable, because mental, as well as in the emphasis he laid on the activity of will, he resembled Fichte.
Try to think of the advances we have seen so far in history as the very tip of the iceberg, a hint of what is possible, not even being within sight of what is possible.
This whiskey also boasts a hint of cinnamon.
Mysterious key appears - Japanese text with "stop", presumably a hint on what to do next.
Her voice held resolve, but a hint of worry sat on her brow, so he hugged her.
As by rights the Messianic kingdom should follow immediately on the exile, it is probable that the prophet designs to hint in a guarded way that Zerubbabel, who in all other places is mentioned along with Joshua, is on the point of ascending the throne of his ancestor David.
The Homeric poems (12th - 10th centuries) know of Dorians only in Crete, with the obscure epithet TpexaiKes, and no hint of their origin.
Perhaps the English gave the hint in such productions as "Cooper's Hill."
Naturally the probability of such a tradition - the merest hint of which happens to be preserved in Gen.
Often the biblical text cannot be said to supply more than a hint or a suggestion, and the particular application in Halaka or Haggada must be taken on its merits, and the teaching does not necessarily fall because the exegesis is illegitimate.
Which hint Neper taking, he desired him at his return to call upon him again.
The " new invention in Denmark " to which Anthony Wood refers as having given the hint to Napier was probably the method of calculation called prosthaphaeresis (often written in Greek letters irpooOa4aipeats), which had its origin in the solution of spherical triangles.
These sources do not hint that the Last Supper is to be repeated by Christ's followers until the advent of the kingdom.
Of suburbs we have as yet no hint.
Anonymous gold coins, resembling Frankish trientes in type and standard (21 grains), are also fairly common, though they must have passed out of use very early, as the laws give no hint of their existence.
Mr Chamberlain went to South Africa in the late autumn, with the hope that his personality would influence the settlement there; and the session of 1903 opened in February with no hint of troubles to come.
They rejected animal sacrifice as well as marriage; the oil with which priests and kings were anointed they accounted unclean; and the condemnation of oaths and the community of goods were unmistakable innovations for which they found no hint or warrant in the old Hebrew writings.
When William of Malmesbury describes the knighting of Athelstan by his grandfather Alfred the Great, that is, his investiture " with a purple garment set with gems and a Saxon sword with a golden sheath," there is no hint of any religious observance.
During some time Johnson continued to call on his patron, but, after being repeatedly told by the porter that his lordship was not at home, took the hint, and ceased to present himself at the inhospitable door.
Unfortunately we have no hint of their contents.
He learned the letters from the transcription of a few verses in the Star of the Messiah of Petrus Niger, and, with a subsequent hint or two from Reuchlin, who also lent him the grammar of Moses Kimhi, made his way through the Bible for himself with the help of Jerome's Latin.
We have had no hint of such teaching as this in the whole of the Galilean ministry.
But to regard Hezekiah as a Jewish Pisistratus is to ascribe to the time a literary spirit of which the extant documents give no hint; the literature of the age was wholly occupied with the past history, the religious conditions and the political fortunes of the nation, subjects alien to the book of Proverbs.
Luther became alarmed, and, not without a private hint from the elector of Saxony,' left his retreat and appeared among his townsmen.
In fact the time was ripe; and, as often happens in similar circumstances, only a hint was necessary to complete the latent chain of thought.
He saw that he could get a hint from the simpler case, already thoroughly discussed, provided the two factor lines were in one plane through the real unit line.
Serpents were supposed to know of a root which brought back their dead to life, and an old Greek story told how certain mortals took the hint.
The truce of the third book is broken by Pandarus, and Agamemnon passes along the Greek ranks with words of encouragement, but without a hint of the treachery just committed.
A long and eloquent letter to Burghley 2 throws additional light upon his character, and gives a hint as to the cause of his uncle's slackness in promoting him.
The root idea seems to be that something is marked off as to be shunned, with the added hint of a mystic sanction or penalty enforcing the avoidance.
In Rome he received a hint that his articles in the Morning Post had been brought to Napoleon's notice, and he made the voyage from Leghorn in an American ship. On a visit to Somersetshire in 1807 he met De Quincey for the first time, and the younger man's admiration was shown by a gift of X300, "from an unknown friend."
The first attests the strong regard which Martial felt for him; but the subject of the epigram seems to hint that Juvenal was not an easy person to get on with.
A bed of Agaricus was found by the writer near the river Styx; and upon this hint an attempt has been made to propagate edible fungi in this locality.
The latter offers a cannibal-meal to the disguised God, who turns him into a wolf for his sins; and the later Arcadian ritual in honour of this God betrays a hint of lycanthropy; some one who partook of the sacrifice or who swam across a certain lake was supposed to be transformed into a wolf for a certain time.4 Robertson Smith 5 was the first to propose that we have here the traces of an ancient totemistic sacrifice of a wolf-clan, who offered the " theanthropic " animal " the man-wolf " to the wolf-God.
In none of Leonardo's manuscripts, however, and in none of his figures, is the slightest hint given of his having any knowledge of the spiral movements made by the wing in flight or of the spiral structure of the wing itself.
Had the writer of Acts known anything of his subsequent adventures, he might certainly have been expected to give some hint of them.
Soon, however, he began to hint to the thirty that Dositheus was not as well acquainted as he might be with the doctrines of the school.
No contemporary gives the least hint of Leonardo's having travelled in the East; to the places he mentions he gives their classical and not their current Oriental names; the catastrophes he describes are unattested from any other source; he confuses the Taurus and the Caucasus; some of the phenomena he mentions are repeated from Aristotle and Ptolemy; and there seems little reason to doubt that these passages in his MSS.
The first hint came to him at the meetings of the Scriblerus Club in 1714, and the work was well advanced, it would seem, by 1720.
But the title of emperor was also used in the middle ages, and is still used, in a loose and vague sense, without any ecclesiastical connotation or hint of connexion with Rome (the two attributes which should properly distinguish an emperor), and merely in order to designate a non-European ruler with a large extent of territory.
The following characteristic extract from a letter shows Hamilton's own opinion of his mathematical work, and also gives a hint of the devices which he employed to render written language as expressive as actual speech.
Thus, whereas the Ionians, confounding the unity and the plurality of the universe, had neglected plurality, and the Pythagoreans, contenting themselves with the reduction of the variety of nature to a duality or a series of dualities, had neglected unity, Parmenides, taking a hint from Xenophanes, made the antagonistic doctrines supply one another's deficiencies; for, as Xenophanes in his theological system had recognized at once the unity of God and the plurality of things, so Parmenides in his system of nature recognized at once the rational unity of the Ent and the phenomenal plurality of the Nonent.
Domestic malcontents did not scruple to hint that the king, like his father-in-law before him, had made war on France, not with any hope of renewing the glories of Crecy or Agincourt, still less with any design of helping his allies, but purely to get first grants from his parliament, and then a war indemnity from his enemies.
Burke was a gambler, they hint, in Indian stock, like his kinsmen Richard and William, and like Lord Verney, his political patron at Wendover.
But there is no hint of a reasoned rejection of Greek developments in favour of primitive simplicity, still less of any independent theological development.
Zwingli and Calvin, developing a hint of Hus, introduce a distinction between the visible and the invisible Church which Melanchthon repudiates but later Lutheranism adopts.
As the season advances and the flowers yield nectar more freely, visible signs of combbuilding will be observed in the whitened edges of empty cells in the brood-chambers; the thoughtful workers are lengthening out the cells for honey-storing, and the bee-master takes the hint by giving room in advance, thus lessening the chance of undesired swarms. In other words, order and method, combined with the habit of taking time by the forelock, are absolutely necessary to the bee-keeper, seeing that the enormous army of workers under his control is multiplying daily by scores of thousands.
This feature of the tale contains some hint of the long nightless summer in the Arctic regions, which perhaps reached the Greeks through the merchants who fetched amber from the Baltic coasts.
Bonaparte brought hint back to France in the autumn of 1799, and it is known that the intervention of Eugene and Hortense helped to bring about the reconciliation which then took place between Bonaparte and Josephine.
The gods have vanished from the scene; there is nothing of Loki and his theft of Andvari's hoard, nothing of Odin and his gifts of the sword Gram and the magic horse Grani; and not till the third Aventiure, when Siegfried comes to Worms, are we given even a hint that such things as the sword and treasure exist.
We learn in them how Caliban (democracy), the mindless brute, educated to his own responsibility, makes after all an adequate ruler; how Prospero (the aristocratic principle, or, if we will, the mind) accepts his dethronement for the sake of greater liberty in the intellectual world, since Caliban proves an effective policeman, and leaves his superiors a free hand in the laboratory; how Ariel (the religious principle) acquires a firmer hold on life, and no longer gives up the ghost at the faintest hint of change.
I get your subtle hint.
This rule was absolute; we forbade ourselves from divulging so much as a hint to anyone.
She turned in time to see Dusty glare hard at the Grey God, who took the hint and left.
When Dean didn't answer, she continued, professionally, but with a hint of sarcasm, sing-songing a rehearsed litany—present your driver's license and registration and something about exceeding a fifty-mile-an-hour speed limit.
Martha complied, not with Christmas enthusiasm but a quiet hint of pleasure.
Then, with a hint of pride added, I'm going to stick around Ouray and give Mrs. Langstrom a hand.
Some reminder of past-Death, a sign she cared for him, a hint at the connection between this Logan and the woman Gabriel knew.
At least her words influenced the Reverend enough to carry on her lie and write her family in Boston," adding, with a hint of sarcasm, "without him using his return address."
Dean's spoon-fed explanation to the two, served between naps and medical visits, satisfied officialdom enough to free Dean from any hint of culpability.
He found a hint of sadness in her eyes.
She displayed beautiful intonation and reached the Aflat5 without even a hint of shrillness, sounding like an angel.
You can't know what it's like to even have a hint something like that is true—that someone you lived with for 20 years....
The surrounding kingdoms were hesitant to challenge a man like Memon and had abandoned Tiyan at the first hint of Memon's ill-will.
Urban centers are notably absent, whilst there is no hint of villa development.
The arcade is much earlier, the latest Transitional style, the attempts at leaf decoration, the hint of a pointed arch.
Georgios includes PH and a hint of R (including beehive ), but mainly V/T.
A hint resembling a playstation bios rom image obtains a later life.. .
It's a very subtle blend of real life with a hint of magic.
Clusters of medium sized white very fragrant blooms, each having a hint of cream at the heart of the flower.
Apply a pink blusher to the apples of your cheek to give a glow and no hint of a hangover.
The girls are both sweet - no hint of tennis brat - and close.
Mine gets a hint of a rich burble when temps go above 90.
Its smell is more medicinal than green cardamom with a hint of pine smoke.
The meat thus prepared stayed moist and the sauce had a hint of sweetness that did not cloy.
It was crisp and fruity with a hint of almond essence.
With a classy 1920's feel and a hint of the sexy femme fatale feel, these are for the modern day vixen.
Avoiding any further malolactic fermentation produced a truly fruit driven style of wine with only a hint of underlying French oak support.
The carrots have a sweet flavor with a slight hint of spice.
The village fool gives a humorous hint to the otherwise gloomy story.
Expect a floral, occasionally grassy aroma, with flavors of lemon and apple, and sometimes a hint of gooseberry.
There is more than a hint of male superiority over these poor deluded and rather gullible women!
If you take big gulps of air there is no problem; with shallow breaths there is a hint of flutter.
Let us drop a heavy hint for you Are you moving house soon, maybe having a birthday or deserve a special present?
Does one detect a hint of bitterness in these descriptions?
Of course, some of you may have noticed a slight hint of sarcasm there?
Indeed, many never leave Tarmac or gather the faintest hint of mud.
But the strange thing about all of these accounts is that none of them contain the merest hint of a library or any books.
Yet there was no hint of youthful impetuosity or inexperience.
But while some of us chuckle at the hint of truth therein, such a sweeping rebuttal is woefully inaccurate.
Not surprisingly there was not a hint of ego to be seen anywhere, and the atmosphere was quite jovial and very friendly.
Steve was never judgmental and never showed the slightest hint of the arrogance to which he would have been fully entitled.
The revolutionary design contains specially treated wheat grains grains and a hint of French lavender.
California Palace Here's a deliciously dry cocktail with a hint of cherry from the maraschino liqueur.
The young man was not loath to take the hint.
Nutty flavors and melted marshmallows, with just a hint of antique roses.
Its ripe fruit with a hint of creamy, toasty oak should be ideal.
On a recent backpacking trip to the Cairngorms, I wore one for 4 days, without the slightest hint of a nasty pong!
The plum lip color can be layered on thick for a sexy pout or sheer for a hint of a tint.
Nor is there hint of resurrection accompanying this first rapture.
It is aged in oak, and Mrs Freddie thought that she caught just a hint of her beloved retsina.
On the palate the wine is velvety, soft, rich, harmonic, with the characteristic hint of citrus rind on the finish.
The trees on each side of the canal looked really lush, tho some had a hint of early autumn russet about them.
Boult conducts this with his customary care, presenting the long lines with a direct approach that avoids any hint of cloying sentimentality.
Alongside John Peel, The Big Chill's Pete Laurence was also an enthusiastic early supporter of Hint.
O'Leary had suggested the club should not sell Rio Ferdinand, and the plc was getting touchy about any hint of dissent.
Hint categories include controls for rendering quality and overall time/quality trade-off in the rendering process.
There is no anticipation or hint to be found in previous writers, 3 and it is very remarkable that a discovery or invention which was to exert so important and far-reaching an influence on astronomy and every science involving calculation was the work of a single mind.
He was the first to notice, though, ,only incidentally, the value of the concurrence of the Latin evidence with the Codex Alexandrinus, the only representative of an ancient non-Western Greek text then sufficiently known; this hint was not lost on Bentley (see Westcott and Hort, Introduction to New Testament).
But it does not follow that the new standpoint involves what Wallace seems to hint, though he conceals his meaning behind complimentary rhetoric - rejection of church Christianity.
This paper of Thomson's, whose ideas Maxwell afterwards developed in an extraordinary manner, seems to have given the first hint that there are at least two perfectly distinct methods of arriving at the known formulae of statical electricity.
Sir Robert Peel's party, catching at this hint, threw themselves into a frantic state of excitement, and when Cobden attempted to explain that he meant official, not personal responsibility, they drowned his voice with clamorous and insulting shouts.
There is no lack of humour in them, and there is never a hint of affectation in the writing; indeed, the author, doing spontaneously the work nearest to his hand, was very likely unconscious that he was making a contribution to history.
It is very evident that no mere hint with regard to the use of proportional numbers could have been of any service to him, but it is possible that the news brought by Craig of the difficulties placed in the progress of astronomy by the labour of the calculations may have stimulated him to persevere in his efforts.
He understood that for him the storm had blown over, and that Kutuzov would content himself with that hint.
The first hint of disaster comes early when Ben and Sarah 's plane goes skidding off the runway.
Slouchy trousers and dropped waist dresses with a hint of sparkle.
Chicken chaat is a stir fry dish which is spicy with a hint of lemon.
Alongside John Peel, The Big Chill 's Pete Laurence was also an enthusiastic early supporter of Hint.
Taut young muscles, supple limbs, senses instantly attuned to the slightest hint of threat.
There is more than a hint of tautological reasoning in this statement.
What I did find was quite a contemporary sound tonewise, tinged with a hint of darkness around the edges.
His unassuming manner gave no hint of his vast knowledge of music.
It 's probably unkind to suggest a hint a jealousy in this, as in wishing for Eno 's money and profile.
Fortunately, it's easy to make the perfect martini by taking a hint from James Bond who, in one of Ian Fleming's famous novels, outlined the ingredients for the perfect martini made with vodka rather than gin.
Triple sec is an orange-flavored liqueur that will impart a hint of bitterness to your Cosmopolitan cocktail recipe.
This cocktail is sweet with a slight hint of sharpness.
Triple sec is an orange based liqueur that adds sweetness and a hint of citrus to round out the flavor of your strawberry Daiquiri.
A hint of times past can be captured in the country or suburb with the addition of a rustic outdoor wood table.
They add a hint of color, pattern, and style to what can otherwise be bland pieces of furniture.
They can also add an extra hint of style and color.
They can add comfort, style, and a hint of color and pattern to just about any style of outdoor furniture.
For recurrent Candida or yeast infections, please see a physician, since this can be a hint of an underlying medical condition that needs prompt treatment.
The interior of the fruit is eaten or juiced and is said to have a rich, citrus flavor with a hint of peach.
It also has a hint of bitterness, which if overused, could overwhelm a recipe.
For a hint of yellow mixed in, try Rattan for your walls or trim.
You can adapt your home interior to this design and make your kitchen totally French Country or simply add a few touches that hint at this inviting style.
Be sure to go very light in these areas to give just the slightest hint of a warm glow.
If your undereye circles are purple or blue, look for concealers with a hint (or more) of orange or yellow.
A shimmery eye shadow with just a hint of glitter can help add a little glamour to prom makeup, without going overboard.
Glamour is associated with perfume and no evening out would be complete without a subtle hint of fragrance.
Apply a small hint of color during the day, adding more for the evening.
The lip color was easy to apply with the applicator for heavier coverage and a finger tip for a lighter hint.
The base color lasted until your next meal and the hint of color lasted even longer.
To glam up for evening, just add a hint of dark blue, green, brown, purple or even black to the upper corners of your eyes.
You can also add a hint of gold shimmer to your crease as well as underneath your lower eyeliner.
It has a satin finish with a subtle hint of shimmer.
Dust with a hint of shimmer powder if you wish.
It looks mostly white with a hint of pink when you look at it in the container.
Another use is to put it on top of matte shadows to give them a hint of shimmer without being over the top.
They're kicked up a bit with a hint of mint.
When you just don't have time to make up your entire face in the morning, dust on a hint of Laura Mercier Face Tint and you'll be all set!
It has a slight hint of peach in it and is beautiful to wear during the spring and summer months.
Even alone, a hint of blush can make a world of difference.
There's nothing like a hint of color to really perk up a look!
If I want to deepen the color, I dust a hint of bronzer directly on top of the blush.
The result is a soft, sunlit glow with a hint of shimmer.
Solid Gold offers a hint of color, but also acts as a decent highlighter.
This look is inherently quite simple, but if you want to step up the drama, don't be afraid to add a hint of extra color to the outer lid.
A slick of clear gloss maintains the color's integrity, but I can deepen it with a darker pink gloss or play it down and add a hint of peach (great for summer) with a fresh, lighter gloss.
This shade is touched by a generous hint of plum, making it the perfect shade for fall.
Even the box takes on the bottle's hallmark blue hue, with a hint of metallic sheen adding an eye-catching gleam to the mix.
A minty hint of Indian patchouli adds freshness, while the subtle additions of rich cedar wood and musk create an original combination.
A striking blend of plum and berry, the color is tempered slightly by a hint of brown and also has a faint hint of shimmer.
Pull off a deeper lip, such as Amaretto, by toning it down with a hint of pink or champagne colored lip gloss.
It's not unusual to see a model with that gorgeous, just-bitten hint of color on her lips.
As I unscrew the top, I marvel at the pink color because it's a glorious combination of pink, brown, and just a hint of apricot; I'm very hopeful that the color will be flattering on my honey beige skin.
If I wish to wear it during the day, a hint of gloss tones it down a bit.
Even the slightest hint of fragrance can make all the difference.
The Mocha Ice color was perfect for my the look I wanted, a hint of shine and color without looking too made up or overpowering the face.
Once blended, this was a subtle, shimmery look with just a hint of color.
The bright, invigorating scent of guava is tempered by a subtle base note of coconut and further sweetened by a hint of pomelo.
With its perfect ratio of Mexican vanilla bourbon to dry vanilla bean (plus a hint of spicy orchid flower to round it out), it's nearly the perfect vanilla perfume.
If you're looking for that touch of gloss and color, Twilight's sheer lip glosses are available in two shades that add a hint of shimmer to your lips.
Enrapture lip gloss is available in a hot magenta sprinkled with gold and a hint of raspberry scent or a clear coat with a slight licorice scent that adds a gentle gold shimmery touch to your lips.
Each shade is a combination of 3 colors that blend for a hint of blush unique to your look.
Brown with a hint of pink undertone is perfect for an accent color in the crease of the lids.
Most young girls will appreciate a pink eyeshadow with a hint of shimmer.
Just a hint of black or a very deep shade of the color you've chosen at the lash line or the outer corners can deepen any color palette into a seductively smoky look.
Very fair skin has an especially easy time of pulling off dark makeup in various colors because the slightest hint of a color could look smoky when applied to the lid, crease, and under the eye.
Nocturnelle, a deep frosty metallic purple, also goes well with Ego, as does Style Snob, a pink-brown with a hint of gold, and Sketch, an intense burgundy-plum color with red flecks.
A good blush option (the name alone may make you blush!) is NARS Orgasm or Super Orgasm, which contains just the hint of shimmer perfect for holiday glam.
Although some formulations are extremely lightweight, providing just a hint of tint, some women simply don't like the feeling of an allover base.
If any of the clues prove too difficult, you can ask the game for a hint to solve the clue.
The clue (or hint) will then look through the dictionary to see what words will fit.
The key to capturing a hint of eroticism is to suggest rather than reveal all.
This is a nice place to include your feelings about the entire journey, what you might have done differently and perhaps a hint about your next dream vacation.
If he has, then he should take the hint and follow along.
Is it not a good idea to still hint that I like her?
I'm not sure if he actually got the hint or he just thought that I was joking.
Higher necklines that do not reveal more than a hint of cleavage.
You look at me and cross your eyes, and briefly, a hint of tongue.
Air brushing can add a hint of color, or be used to create image son the cake itself.
Beautiful and elegant, a wedding favor inspired by a bamboo plant is a unique and memorable gift that will add a touch of sophistication and a hint of whimsical romance to your special day.
Give your guests a hint at your colors by choosing stationary that include your color scheme, from chocolate and pink wedding invitations to brown and pink wedding programs.
If neutral is your preference, opt for linen, sand, and taupe with a hint of blue.
Consider choosing two classic colors and then adding a hint of metallic to the scheme for a bright pop of color.
To hint at what's inside the cake, serve each slice with a fresh raspberry or use just a few to garnish the whole cake while it's on display.
Bakers can flavor the batter with orange juice for a subtle hint of the fruit, extract for a floral flavor, or zest for a bright, tart note in each bite.
Just a hint of the color will prevent it from looking too audacious.
A hint of black serves as a wonderful contrast to a host of other colors, ranging from neutral to bold.
Choose a comforter with just a hint of zebra print in it, either by way of trim or a touch of the pattern on an otherwise solid background.
Piped flannel pajamas have a hint of color at the seams, although they can be sewn in any style from boxy to fitted.
Dresses can be short with just a hint of matching bloomers peeking out, mid length, or full length.
Views of students studying may indicate a serious academic culture, while shots of kids playing games on the lawn during class time may hint at a more open, party-friendly culture.
Just make sure you have good lighting, and you should still be able to see a hint of that vein otherwise known as the "quick".
When the first hint of warmth melts winter's chilly mantle, gardeners across the land start asking, "When, oh when do you plant strawberries?"
To give you a hint, it's not Boogie With Stu.
Add just a hint of pewter to your kitchen backsplash by running a border of metal one tile up from the counter.
If there is even a hint that you may lose your job, dress professionally, every day, but don't go overboard (if your boss doesn't wear a tie, you shouldn't either).
As such, basic upkeep includes waxing and buffing with clear shoe polish, but if your hat is showing signs of wear or needs a small touch up, a hint of dark shoe polish will do the trick.
Tall men can always benefit from a shot of color or hint of a pattern, to break up the monotony of a monochromatic palette (which only adds inches to an already tall frame).
Additionally, since the fermentation process produces a hint of alcohol, there are conflicting reports as to whether the tea contains alcohol.
One more hint when choosing jerky - read the product description carefully to make sure it is human grade.
The fabric often has a very smooth appearance with a hint of shimmer, much like a silk-blended fabric.
The play of color on the off-white bridal gown is readily apparent in satin textures but matte textures offer a hint of color as well.
A polka dot bra can even peek out subtly if you want it to, exposing just a hint of skin and a touch of that playful pattern!
At its center is a petite bow, and it's trimmed with just a hint of lace.
At the very least, it is suggestive of a hint of mystery - a barely there, lightweight garment or a touch of bare skin revealed are both quite sexy in their own ways.
A hint of lace or other embellishment on a satiny top is a perfect choice.
Often, it's that small hint of shine, color or lace at the bust that adds just the right amount of femininity and elegance to an otherwise somber, Plain Jane business ensemble.
A hint of lace peeking out from beneath a tailored, no-fuss suit jacket is an ideal way to loosen up your look a little and add a layer of soft comfort to your otherwise crisp, polished look.
Ask anyone who's stepped out in a glamorous bra or panties and she'll usually tell you how bold and beautiful she feels, if only for the hint of mystery involved in wearing something so sexy, yet completely unseen by others.
For a night at the club, when you want to capture attention and highlight your curves with a hint of sparkle, you can pair sequin tops with fashion jeans or a pair of black pants to achieve the right mix of flashy, fashionable and trendy.
You won't look overdressed in a top with a hint of sequins on the neck or sleeves, as long as it is paired with jeans or a denim skirt.
Wear your sweater coat closed or belted at the waist, and allow a hint of your top to peek out for a cool, trendy look.
They're mostly rimless, but the hint of a frame is silver.
This sleek tortoiseshell design offers just a hint of shine, but still looks sophisticated and classy to boot.
The brown version is accented with a complementary orange color, while the black is dark and brooding with a hint of white to lighten things up a bit.
Even during the most hectic scenes, there is never a hint of slow-down, allowing for flawless smooth gameplay that has become the key to Sonic's success.
A prominent hint button tempts you to ask for suggestions on making matching swaps.
Asking for a hint costs you some forward progress.
Making a successful swap gains you some time; asking for a hint costs you time.
To make the gameplay even easier, most hidden objects games provide a hint button if you have trouble finding a certain item.
If you're looking for another hint, wait a few minutes before returning or he'll just tell you some drivel about the baseball game.
The blocks have a slight hint of shadow on them, but other than that, it's all very flat.
The hint will tell you what mission and where it is in the sequence and you just have to figure out where it is.
Feel free to add a comment to this article if you found another cheat, tip, hint, or unlockable!
When there is something near, the corresponding sense will start to throb (like a beating heart) giving you a hint of what could be nearby.
Got a Jewel Quest hint, tip, cheat, or strategy of your own that you'd like share?
If you don't make a move for a long time, the game will automatically give you a hint by briefly animating two relics that could be swapped.
One other hint it to use your rear view to block lanes of the faster cars and to keep them behind you in the same lane.
To help you out, Magic Academy offers an occasional hint.
Even during the most hectic scenes there is never a hint of slow-down, allowing for flawless smooth gameplay that has become the key to Sonic's success.
Use this "hint" button with discretion, as while it may point out one possible move, it also increases the possibility of receiving black balls.
Unfortunately, there is a hint system and that can make this game super-easy, but you don't need it since the puzzles make sense and getting stuck doesn't make you lose vast amounts of time trying to figure it out.
The Reisling has green apple and mineral notes with just the right hint of acidity.
The full-bodied wine begins slightly tight but then opens up, offering a round, well-balanced mouth of ripe berries, brambles, pepper, and a hint tobacco.
MacMurray Ranch Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast is a classic Pinot Noir with a strong character and a hint of vanilla amongst the dark fruit.
The wine becomes much more complex, tasting of earthiness, maybe a hint of tobacco and a touch of chocolate.
This vintage has an aroma of green apples and pears with a hint of lemon.
Bota Box Cabernet Sauvignon is an award-winning boxed Cab with blackberry, dark cherry, and a hint of oak.
New oak imparts very strong oak flavors to both reds and white wines, while older oak creates just a hint of oak.
Of course, descriptions can only give you a hint of how to belly dance.
Fancy footwork and high impact dance steps are showcased, and there is not a single hint of fatigue or fumble to be seen.
Even the slightest hint of messiness can signify disorder and quickly take away from the room's tranquility.
Consider the information you find a hint and not a fact.
Ancestry also has a hint feature that will look for matching documentation on an individual in a tree.
French braids that offer a hint of an updo look but are more practical for medium hair.
Show this look off by adding a hint of shine serum and flat ironing the fringe to smooth it out.
The look sparked a furious "love it or leave it?" debate, and if hundreds of women considering a hint of pink in their hair is any indication, then the answer is clear.
Then you'll flip for this spray, which adds a hint of temporary color that glows under black lights.
Consider a hint of gold to give hair a subtle brightness.
Apply a hint of heat protection product to the hair if desired.
Follow up with a hint of shine spray if you desire.
Follow with a hint of straightening serum - remember, Jennifer's hair is ultra-straight!
There is no growing out period involved to get an effective shave and with the right prep work, razor, and moisturization afterwards, you can get silky skin with no hint of stubble or irritation.
The color is also equally intriguing, as shades of brown and a hint of red, dance in the light beautifully.
Sometimes the sexiest swimsuits are those that only hint at what lies underneath, which is why crochet swimsuits, which both reveal and conceal, have continued to be popular since they debuted in the 1960s.
This sarong comes in one-size-fits-most and is slightly sheer to show a hint of your suit while keeping you covered up.
Their surf gear is girly without ever being insulting, providing just a hint of pink while you outshine all of the guys on that next wave.
A quick look at the attached tag may reveal a hint about performance quality.
It offers more coverage than a bikini, yet still allows a hint of skin to peek through.
In fact, animal prints are sexier on a one-piece suit, as it heightens the effect and gives a stronger hint as to the beast within.
For example, the Island Fever S.O.S Tankini is slightly asymmetrical in cut, a look that is quite flattering to the upper portion of your body, but the best part is that it doesn't even show the slightest hint of cleavage.
Perhaps the most advantageous feature of this swim dress comes via the discreet tummy control panel; just looking at the suit gives no hint whatsoever that the style provides any kind of shapewear.
You you get to choose exactly how much skin you want to show, and because of this, these sheer suits can give you a hint of adventure without overdoing it.
Whether you prefer to show off just a hint of skin or plenty of it, you can count on making quite an impression when the weather heats up.
Cashmere only adds to the outfit's classiness by adding a hint of refinement to the mix.
Today, they inspire a retro-chic feeling that women flock to when they wish to convey a sexy appearance softened with a hint of coy innocence.
This breaks up the monotony of the dress and adds a hint of color or glitz to the dress.
Scented tablets work in all models and give your room a hint of fragrance.
They often will hint about things they need.
Though the tale looks somewhat dark and might seem like a scary movie, it is less horror and gore and more creepy with a hint of sentimentality.
If you want to indulge in a true Mardi Gras costume, go for the elegant, mysterious and beautiful, perhaps with just a hint of something exotic.
What works for Alice's fashion is the understated with just a hint of the dramatic.
Finally, once you have your makeup, your clothing and your hint of glitter, you can complete the Alice Cullen costume with a flippy wig.
The deluxe getups instantly transform a human into a furry friend without a hint of skin to be found.
She also told me she was married and gave some hint that she was also available.
Should he not get the hint that you're not going to engage in the financial topic any further, you could ask him about his behavior.
Chances are your "friend" will get the hint.
If your partner does not get your hint when you open your mouth, slowly place your tongue in his or her mouth and then see how your partner reacts.
Let's say you are on a first date with a person who is showing signs that he/she is not attracted to you, such as putting up barriers, no hint of mirroring, assuming the posture of a cocky individual trying to impress other people.
These two fantasies couple the desire to explore new levels of intimacy while also delving into the unknown with just a hint of danger.
Settings may vary, and some rings may use semi-precious gemstones for a hint of color without the expense of colored diamonds.
Champagne diamonds pair well with colorless accent stones that can highlight their fire and add a hint of fizz to the ring.
The color should be uniform throughout the gem, with no flecks or overtones of other hues (though a hint of pink can actually add value).
You may have to hint around, ask probing questions, or just take her shopping to find out if she'll want to wear a flower on her finger.
Trying to give your girlfriend a hint that she will soon by your fiancée or need a placeholder to tell her you would like her to shop with you to choose her engagement ring?
For example, polysyllabic words that are atypical of the writer's distinctive voice and typical language might be a hint that he or she has plagiarized a professional website.
Oats are the subject of some controversy among doctors and dieticians when it comes to gluten-free food choices, but with careful shopping and a hint of caution, many gluten-sensitive individuals are able to tolerate oats quite well.
This natural creations includes pareve laytered with dark chocolate and a hint of icing.
Many bags offer a good mix of laid back style with a hint of glam that offers incredible versatility.
It's both silky and casual, with a hint of ruffled trim and a ribbon tie to keep it securely closed.
Visible top stitching adds a remarkable contrast, while smart gold- or silver-tone hardware adds just a hint of flair.
Yes, and by properly accessorizing this item you can look your Upper East Side best without even a hint of tastelessness.
Its colors actually work in its favor, because the overall scheme is neutral with the slightest hint of bold color.
The giraffe print offers a new dimension to animal prints - one that combines strength and sophistication with a hint of whimsy.
Great for wearing on a warm summer day with your dresses, it adds a hint of shine to your ensemble without taking away from the outfit.
The Liz Claiborne Wildflower Wheeled Duffel offers a hint of feminine flair with this subdued floral pattern.
The flap is embellished with light brown leather flowers, with a large brass buckle adding just the minutest hint of gleam.
It's not unlike denim, but is softer to the touch and is usually accented by a hint of patent or vachetta leather, bold hardware and other decorative details.
The bow is tipped lightly in red, giving the bag just a hint of extra sass and sophistication.
The New Moon trailers hint at bits of the storyline that are well known to readers of the Twilight series of books.
Have you ever wondered or maybe even suspected that you might have a hint of psychic ability?
Maybe you need a hint of summer in your life to keep you sane and remind you of a vacation to come, or happen to love that chocolate-colored shirt with your black gauchos.
A stylish and trendy wedge makes this the absolute height (no pun intended!) of fashion, and the hint of plaid micro-fleece folding over the top is simply girly and cute.
Choose a silver or white bow to stay within Cinderella's realm, or branch out a bit with a hint of bold color.
A silver metallic strip runs down the back of the shoe for a hint of gleam.
Wear them with your business casual attire for a delicious hint of the approaching weekend.
The straps are adorned with the Grandco name and a handful of discreet rhinestones, while the foot beds feature bold, swirly artwork with a hint of paisley.
There's about a two-and-a-half inch round heel, suede and leather upper, a 13-and-a-half inch height, and a hint of visible shearling around the top cuff.
If you choose this route, opt for a shade of purple that's closer to eggplant or mixed with a hint of burgundy for a low key approach.
Its wide satin waist shines in brilliant red, and it features a hint of red piping along the lower hemline.
Some feature wild tufts of fur, while others feature just a hint of visible trim along the opening.
Instead, he lets his creative streak run wild, designing everything from flat boots to stiletto-heeled boots and touching them all with either a hint or plenty of faux fur.
Today, almost all Pliner shoes feature a hint of elastic in some way, either hidden within the construction or as the shoe's primary material.
They exude a sense of modernity, yet there is a hint of classicism underneath it all that makes every piece quite timeless and extremely elegant.
Donald Pliner fur boots are more than just simple boots with a hint of fur around the opening.
The textured effect alone is mesmerizing, but the peep toe lends it a hint of sex appeal that counters its overall sweetness beautifully.
Evening requires a hint of elegance that is difficult for the wedge to inspire.
In fact, many women do exactly that solely because the shoes are comfortable enough to see them through an entire day without a hint of pain.
It gives a hint of the wild and the whimsical to this remarkable actress whose southern accent can present the belle of the ball or the tough as nails deputy police chief.
Mother of pearl faces are available to add another hint of distinction to these luxurious watches.
Finding diamond watches with a square face on the internet is remarkably easy, a hint at how popular this type of watch is.
But if your business is failing and you need to get out, you can never hint that this is the reason for selling a business, because this will most likely scare off a potential buyer.
Scrapbooking, a hobby enjoyed by many, was only a hint of a trend ten years ago.
It even includes a hint to potential cheerleaders that the official hair care Mecca of a Colts cheerleader is the Tyler Mason salon.
This paint can be used to add a hint of color or to give a watercolor look to your project.
Another helpful hint is to replace the oil in commercial cake and brownie mix with ½ cup of non-fat plain yogurt to produce a great tasting treat without all the fat and calories contained in the oil.
Changing Shape - This site's title gives you a hint of what's to come.
To be fluent in French, you eventually have to move beyond the standard greetings and tourist vocabulary and learn the colloquial French words and phrases that hint at a true Francophone.
Otherwise, your hint of sexy lingerie is a physical bra hazard, alright.
These sports briefs conform and support the body without a hint of "tightness."
Or maybe you would like to give your wallflower friend the hint that she needs "spice" in her life.
Along with its adjustable straps, this cami is made in a comfortable cotton fabric, with just a hint of spandex, to help it keep its shape.
Seductively sheer with lacy and jeweled trims, these beautiful ensembles give a hint of innocence with naughty intentions.
At the appropriate moment, let them know about your sexy attire underneath your clothes by showing him a hint of a garter strap on your leg.
It's all in the details here - they're just what the set needs to achieve a hint of sexiness.
A shiny red, blue or pink corset can be worn as outerwear to a club, or can peek over the top of a blouse to hint at the fun beneath.
If you're eco-minded and also want to look cute and sexy, designers are getting the hint.
For most women, what works best with wanting to show a hint of thigh is to wear a skirt that falls just above the knee.
Sleek, fitted and impossibly elegant, this Dolce & Gabbana Camilla Cami and Briefs set is made for the woman who appreciates a clean silhouette, a demure hint of girly charm (thanks to the discreet ruffles) and a bold color.
There's nothing cuter than pink polka dots on black satin, but a hint of pink lace trim manages to make it the most irresistible thing in your closet.
Some tease by offering a hint of things to come, while others leave everything on display.
For a very different kind of wrestling, this jock incorporating a hint of a brief over the rump looks practical and even old-fashioned, but will definitely get hearts racing.
Hint at what you're wearing to make his heart race and his mind wander.
You can go for gleaming metallics that dance in any light, or textured velvets that offer just a hint of shine under moonlight or candlelight.
Both are trimmed with black lace to add a hint of edgy flair.
Whether or not a particular piece of lingerie leaves little to the imagination or not, a hint of shine can easily make it one of the sexiest pieces in your closet.
Many of the world's favorites are showing off slinky little dresses that could easily double as slips and the slightest hint of sexy bras peeking out from beneath low-cut tops.
The soft mint green hue is understated and touched with a hint of white lace trim.
You can even get a lace up hiphugger style for something that looks completely innocent in the front and a hint naughty in the back.
They're romantic because they just hint at what might happen later rather than screaming, "Come hither-right now!"
They have been compared to Arab Strap, but, well, I don't hear a hint of the Strap here.
Although the lyrics don't blatantly discuss sexual activity, it does hint at it with the words "Maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right/ Whenever I'm alone with you tonight."
The most popular of these is Get This Party Started, with light and amusing lyrics that don't hint at anything deeper.
Foo Fighters fans have devoted lots of time to dissecting the meaning behind the song on blogs and message boards, but the band themselves will do no more than hint at what they had in mind when they penned the track.
The invitation is the first hint guests receive about the tone of the event, and matching the type of invitation to the event itself helps guests gauge what to expect.
This is a dinner party style where honored guests give speeches or tell stories with great hilarity, sarcasm and just a hint of "bite."
Each clue should give a hint for how to find the next clue.
She hinted Ray J was the father, then backed away from it, and then seemed to hint it again.
A series of e-mails between Rycroft and Mesnick were leaked shortly after the special aired, which seemed to hint that she had suspicions of Mesnick's feelings for Malaney before the show.
Although the ladies hint at a rocky road in the past, the wives come across as close, supportive friends at ease in a family situation that works for them all.
Every detail, rumor and hint was glommed onto, posted to the internet, passed around in email, and debated, refuted, disputed and argued over.
Oh, there was the occasional hint that the mixed-gender crew might fall in love and even marry (See Balance of Terror), but this was usually for dramatic purposes - a young groom suddenly dead is sadder than the death of a random red shirt.
The Perfekt lineup also includes the Body Perfection Gel, a similar treatment that promises to perfect and protect the skin by disguising imperfections, hydrating dry spots and leaving behind a glowing hint of color.
Slather it on to reap its intensely moisturizing benefits and add a hint of light fragrance to your daily regimen.
If you're in a naughty mood, unleash your dark side with a hint of this spicy fragrance.
Perfumed body lotions are a great way to quench dry skin while leaving behind a hint of scent.
If you're new to the scent completely, you might test the waters with a hint of lotion on your arms or legs.
Twitter users sometimes give a hint to what you are clicking on, but if someone has bad motives in mind, you could be directed to a link with scripts that can download a virus or malware program.
She ignored the hunk, hoping he'd take the hint.
She took the hint but wondered who had hurt him so badly that he still bore a grudge thousands of years later.
He raised his eyebrows in a hint.
Westlake gave a hint of a smile.
Kris looked at Rhyn, who refused to take the hint.
Fred, age seventy-six, was quick to embrace any hint of mystery and attach it to the most common everyday happening.
They glided past snow-covered fields and occasional farmhouses, drifting smoke from their chimneys skyward and adding a hint of wood smoke to the crisp winter air.
He heard Gladys' muffled alarm at least twice, and someone rummaging around the kitchen, all well before the light gave a hint of welcoming Sunday.
Why let a hint of spring pass by unutilized?
But Dean saw a hint of a smile.
She displayed beautiful intonation and reached the A flat without even a hint of shrillness.
She then turned and sauntered towards Victor, not a hint of fear in her carriage "Hello, Victor" His greeting was returned with a hiss, "Elisabeth!"
Dean shrugged his shoulders and perused the reports, hoping the young man would take a hint and leave.
Cynthia Byrne held out her hand and said, with what Dean hoped was at least a hint of reluctance, I guess I won't be seeing you again.
Dean thanked him, a hint of envy in his voice, and he and Winston continued their trip to the motel.
Everyone has to be a specialist nowadays, he added, a hint of regret in his voice.
It gives you a hint why the whole crowd wants to carve up Mr. Baratto a piece at a time.
Any hint that we're looking at Byrne or anyone else as having taken that money stops the war and our leverage goes out the window.
Randy had a hint of hesitation in his voice.
Fred answered on the first ring with what Dean detected as a hint of anxiety in his voice.
Her voice sounded calm but firm, a hint of coldness he'd not heard before.
You can't know what it's like to even have a hint something like that is true—that someone you lived with for 20 years....
Everyone was exceptionally friendly as hundreds of bicyclists wandered about, chatting and smiling, with a hint of nervous excitement in their voices.
She caught the slightest hint of his memory.
Hazel eyes held a hint of humor all the time, and his auburn hair had a stylish cut.
Maybe he'll take the hint next time.
His voice held a hint of sarcasm.
His hard gaze was enough of a hint.
She felt a hint of the trance she'd fallen into when he bit her, the coursing of desire and pooling of heat in her lower belly.
Jenn stood smoothly and quickly at the hint, no doubt reminded of their many sparring sessions.
The Others had managed to disintegrate his condo without a hint of damage elsewhere.
But Muratori, reproducing the account given by one of Thomas's friends, gives no hint of foul play.
There is no hint in Ezekiel's writings of the grandiose conception of Isa.
Of this our true individual life, our present life is a glimpse, a fragment, a hint, and in its best moments a visible beginning.
The first hint to reach Europe concerning the existence of habitable lands to the eastward of the Ganges is to be found in the writings of Pomponius Mela
The former at Pavia (15th October I 2878), and the latter at Arco (3rd November), declared publicly that Irredentist manifestations could not be prevented under existing laws, but gave no hint of introducing any law to sanction their prevention.
Robilants opposition to a precipitate acceptance of the Austrian hint was founded upon fear lest King Humbert at Vienna might be pressed to disavow Irredentist aspirations, and upon a desire to arrange for a visit of the emperor Francis Joseph to Rome in return for King Humberts visit to Vienna.
Really, he urged, there could be only one substance - Descartes himself had dropped a passing hint to that effect - and the bold deductive reasoning of Spinoza's Ethics, in process if not in result, betrays its kinship to the ontological argument, with its affirmation of what must be.
When Nicholas an influential deputation from the province of Tver, which had long enjoyed a reputation for liberalism, ventured to hint in a loyal address that the time had come for changes in the existing autocratic regime, they received a reply which showed that the emperor had no intention of making any such changes.
The officials were not slow to take the hint, and their undue zeal at once disappeared.
The embassy threw out a hint, - their lord was dead and David himself had been anointed king over Judah; but the relation between Jabesh-Gilead and Saul had been a close one, and it was not to be expected that its eyes would be turned upon the king of Judah when Saul's son was installed at the not distant Mahanaim.
The agriculture of Great Britain, as a whole, advanced with rapid strides during this period; hint nowhere was the change so great as in Scotland.
Alarmed by a hint dropped by Edward, he left England secretly, and in the church of the Friars Minorite at Dumfries on the 10th of -February 1306 met Comyn, whom he slew before the high altar for refusing to join in his plans.
An equally significant hint, that the Ionian Isles might easily be regained by France, further helped to open the eyes of the purblind Addington ministry to the resolve of Napoleon to make the Mediterranean a French lake.
Meanwhile, he had thrown out, on the estimates of 1913, a hint to Germany that all naval Powers might well take a year's holiday from shipbuilding; but, though he repeated and emphasized his plea for this " naval holiday " in a speech in the autumn of 1913, it met with no response from Berlin.
The very sense of dramatic fitness has temporarily vanished from public musical opinion, together with the sense of musical form, in consequence of another prevalent habit, that of presenting shapeless extracts from Wagner's operas as orchestral pieces without voices or textbooks or any hint that such adjuncts are desirable.
Nowhere in the discourses of Jesus is there a hint of a limited duration of the Messianic kingdom.
The first hint of the employment of the dog in the pursuit of other animals is given by Oppian in his Cynegetica, who attributes it to Pollux about zoo years after the promulgation of the Levitical law.
Cosimo took this hint.
We are quite ignorant as to the date of Zoroaster; King Vishtaspa does not seem to have any place in any historical chronology, and the Gathas give no hint on the subject.
In the works of all of these, although we occasionally discern a hint of the new style, the old Persian manner is still supreme.
Among these are Craigcrook Castle (where Lord Jeffrey spent many happy years, and the gardens of which are said to have given Scott a hint for Tullyveolan in Waverley), and Ravelston House, the home of the Keiths.
But, though he implies an ample previous treatment of the questions by philosophers, Porphyry gives no references to the different systems of which such distinctions are the outcome, nor does he give any hint of his own opinion on the subject, definite enough though that was.
But there is no evidence that the Jews were involved in these; for the account which Josephus gives of Bagoses' oppression of the Jews represents the trouble as having arisen originally from internal dissensions, and does not hint at anything of the nature of a rebellion against Persia.
The mouth of the main stream is obstructed by a bar of its own formation; the current is sluggish; there are many side channels, and the appearance of the lake gives no hint that a great river has joined its waters.
Donatus, in mentioning the poet's death, gives no hint of the act of suicide.
When the king began to hint at the recall of Piero de' Medici, whose envoys had gained his ear, the signory ordered the citizens to be ready to fly to arms. The proposal was dropped, but Charles demanded an immense sum of money before he would leave the city; long discussions followed, and when at last he presented an insolent ultimatum the syndics refused to accept it.
It is possible that Fersen would have spent most of his life at Versailles, but for a hint from his own sovereign, then at Pisa, that he desired him to join his suite.
The next year this title passed to his son Erard; and 1213 is accordingly given as the date of his death, which, as there is no record or hint of his having returned to France, may be supposed to have happened at Messinople, where also he must have written the Conquete.
The often-cited description of the pulmonary circulation (which occurs in the 1546 draft) begins p. 169; it has escaped even Sigmond that Servetus had an idea of the composition of water and of air; the hint for his researches was the dual form of the Hebrew words for blood, water, &c. Two treatises, Desiderius (ante 1542) and De tribus impostoribus (1598) have been wrongly ascribed to Servetus.
Considering, then, his other differences from Anabaptist theories, and the absence of any hint to the contrary in his own autobiographical references, " it is safe to affirm that he had no conscious indebtedness to the Anabaptists " (Williston Walker, Creeds and Platforms of Congreg., New York, 1893, p. 16).
Following this hint, Seetzen, in 1810, was able to send to Europe, from porphyry blocks near Yarim, the first copies of Sabaean inscriptions.
Acting on this hint, not Aristotle but the Peripatetics inferred that all logic is an instrument (6pyavov) of all sciences; and by the time of Andronicus, who was one of them and sometimes called " the eleventh from Aristotle," the order, LogicPhysics-Metaphysics, had become established pretty much as we have it now.
We find no hint of it in Agathias (who wrote between 566 and 582), in Marius (532-596), or in Gregory of Tours (54 o -594).
And the Dean also took the hint; for he always remembered to give the man a "tip" for his trouble.
It is because they do not obey the hint which God gives them, nor accept the pardon which he freely offers to all.
He tossed in a hint of reluctance, just for good measure.
After about ten minutes, he thought, Maybe she got the hint this morning, and headed upstairs.