Hinges Sentence Examples
The rise from side to centre hinges is 20 ft.
The dairy door creaked on its hinges when she pulled it open.
Then there are the corrosion-resistant, stainless steel hinges.
Other materials needed include two by fours, deck screws, and hinges.
For use as bay window treatments, these valances and cornices are fitted with hinges or may be built using the exact angles of the bay corners.
Patio hinges - enough so that each panel of wood can be joined to another at the top, center and bottom.
Make sure the hinges line up perfectly across the body of the panels.
He helped resolve the problem with articulating hinges, which allowed flexibility in the ankles, knees and elbows while preserving the shape of the suit around the joint.
They offer flex bridge systems and hidden hinges for a seamless look.
Fakes use inferior hinges that pop or break when stressed.
AdvertisementSmooth hinges, adjustable frames, a comfortable fit, and 100% UVA and UVB protection make these glasses as smart as they are stylish.
Rusty hinges were still visible in the wood but no door barred the entrance nor could anything be seen beyond but utter blackness.
For hinges, Leibbrand, of Stuttgart, uses sheets of lead about i in.
This means that the door has the hinges already attached and is mounted in the door frame.
Leave a small gap, big enough to insert the hinges, between each one.
AdvertisementUsing the screws and a drill or screwdriver, attach the hinges at the top and bottom of each panel, in turn attaching each panel to the one next to it.
To create a uniform look, keep the finish of cabinet hardware the same as the faucets, hinges, and doorknobs.
They're still built to perform and even include stainless steel hinges to stand up to the challenges of salt water.
The plastic or metal may be flimsier, the hinges less sturdy, and the designer logo may easily be scratched off.
The frames should be comfortable, the hinges should move smoothly, and the lenses should not distort your vision.
AdvertisementThese hinges then taper into wire core temples that adjust for a perfect fit.
Most styles are 8-base grylamide with 8-base polycarbonate lenses and three-barrel stainless steel optical hinges.
In some cases, there will be a "spring-hinge" which keeps the pressure from breaking the glasses in this spot; however, spring hinges are not easily repaired.
However, there are some repairs best left to professionals, such as those that concern mountings or spring hinges.
Attach metal hinges back onto the frame with an application of quick drying glue or epoxy, which can be purchased at the same drugstore where the kit is purchased.
AdvertisementUse the tiny screwdriver to tighten the hinges on the side of your glasses.
Replace your hinges on your glasses if one gets lost with the special ones in the kit.
Additionally, the Trestle features precision flex hinges for the utmost in comfort.
The "0" Degrees pair features 100% hypoallergenic optically glazed frames with spring hinges, silicon nose pads and a CR-39 polarized lens.
A classic metal aviator frame with spring hinges designed for a comfortable fit, these Marcelo frames are the very embodiment of cool.
They simply clip onto the sides of the eyeglass frame, most often near the hinges or the bridge.
The hinges on quality replicas should move smoothly and not rattle.
All of the frames have spring hinges, which make them less likely to break.
If they appear flimsy, cheaply made, the hinges don't move smoothly, they are uncomfortable, or if the logo is blurred, chances are they are not the thing.
If you're shopping in person rather than online, take time to check the hinges and the material.
Backdrop Evolve is a medium sized frame with spring hinges.
Use exposed decorative hinges to add an extra design element.
Alarms sounded a few moments before the doors exploded off their hinges.
As she approached the barn, it was obvious that the door had been torn off its hinges.
No iron-work is used; the doors open on ingenious wooden hinges.
The St Louis bridge is not hinged, but later bridges have been constructed with hinges at the springings and sometimes with hinges at the crown also.
We are the hinges (cardines) upon which the universal Church rests and moves.
The rich and graceful iron hinges, made often for small and out-of-the-way country churches, are a large and important class in the list of English wroughtiron work.
The door should be hung on three 100 mm steel butt hinges and be fitted with an overhead hydraulic self-closing device of approved specification.
Gift boxed in an oak-stained wooden box with brass hinges encased in a silk lining.
With a semi concealed hinges, reinforced doors and strong chrome 3 way locking handle for security.
Pulling on just one, high-mounted handle hinges the backrest forward and makes the cushion move forward and down at the same time.
She unlocked huge, studded, oak doors, pushing them open to the accompaniment of perfect B movie groans from the rusty hinges.
Additionally, the adjustable roller hinges allow you to select the aggressiveness of rotation.
Safety - Children are prevented from opening windows far enough to fall out by restrictor hinges.
We have developed and rigorously tested a variety of butt hinges for differing leaf weights.
The window also has positively locating stainless steel friction stay hinges.
The lid and lid flap have large elaborate brass strap hinges which are beautifully set off by the dark walnut veneer.
There is another point to be made regarding the way the wheel hinges using the very robust mudguard stays and mudguard stays and mudguard.
There was a hatch with still movable iron hinges on the deck, and the side were also perforated.
They can be fixed in place using the existing ' poppers ' on the car, hinges or pop rivets.
This time his skill was greater or his tool was better, for there was a sudden snap and the creak of the hinges.
Secure your shed door with a sturdy padlock and ensure it is hung on strong hinges that cannot be easily unscrewed.
We present them in a silver case with gold hinges and clasp, glass topped and lined with purple crushed velvet.
The galleries are generally very narrow, furnished on each side with arched tombs, and communicating with family sepulchral-chambers closed originally by locked doors, the marks of the hinges and staples being still visible.
If, however, hinges or joints are introduced at the points of contrary flexure, they become necessarily points where the bending moment is zero and ambiguity as to the stresses vanishes.
The controversy between determinism and libertarianism hinges largely on the significance of the word "motive"; indeed in no other philosophical controversy has so much difficulty been caused by purely verbal disputation and ambiguity of expression.
Inside the archway were several doors, leading to different rooms built into the mountain, and Zeb and the Wizard lifted these wooden doors from their hinges and tossed them all on the flames.
Balashev took out the packet containing the Emperor's letter and laid it on the table (made of a door with its hinges still hanging on it, laid across two barrels).
Not realizing the tape formed flexible hinges, he watched with rapt fascination as the form collapsed into a small, neat bundle.
Into this symphony of white goods comes the groaning crash of self-closing doors whose hinges are badly in need of oil.
From hand made strap hinges to specially designed systems in stainless steel, we have hinges to suit any given scenario.
The hinges on the crib should lock into place, so that there is no chance of the crib collapsing and injuring your child.
If you are searching for an authentic antique be sure to carefully look over the construction details, such as the drawers, the door hinges and make certain that the shelves are still sturdy.
Consider using door hinges that are situated inside the gun cabinet rather than outside.
These can be used as a lubrication for doors and hinges.
Attach the piece you have just removed to the barrel with hinges on one side and a latch on the other.
Here in the same store was this wall of doorknobs, hinges, latches in all manner of styles from rustic colonial to sleek modern nickel.
Alternate the direction of the hinges so that you can fold the room divider easily.
Attach to the frame using hinges along one edge.
Lift the window up and down to make sure the hinges are aligned properly.
Casement - Casement windows have hinges on either the right or left and open opposite the hinges by an inside crank mechanism.
Awning - Used above a door or below a stationary window to get more ventilation, awning windows are generally wider than they are tall and have hinges on the top so that they open outward.
Casement - Casement windows have the hinges on either the right or left, and open outward either right or left.
You can paint doors in place, but experts recommend taking them off the hinges and painting them horizontally.
Generally they will have vertical wood planks and forged iron hinges.Carriage house doors can be manufactured as overhead doors or they can swing out from side hinges as the original carriage house doors did.
Correct maintenance of shutters includes upkeep of both the tracks and the hinges.
It's important to remove all of the knobs and hinges rather than just taping them off.
Conventional folding ladders are divided into sections divided by hinges.
A jeweler can polish away small scratches, but be sure to check the condition of the hinges, as these are much more of a nuisance to repair.
There are other ways of fastening hoop earrings, however, including hinges, clips and wires.
Make sure the lid opens correctly and does not have missing hinges or other pieces.
Getting rid of squash bugs organically hinges on commitment and consistency.
Finally, spring hinges and adjustable nose pads add to the comfort factor of these stylish frames!
The hinges should open and close smoothly and the glasses should be comfortable and not pinch or scratch.
Other features include dual action spring hinges and wrap style design.
Other features include nose pads and dual action forged spring hinges.
Even better is the fact that you can select your perfect pair of glasses by focusing on factors such as temple shape, color, and even the hinges used.
After you’ve decided on your temple type, you’ll also want to consider whether you want the eyeglasses to have hinges.
Regardless of whether you choose a hingeless style or go with hinges, you’ll be happy to note that you’ll still be able to select a pair of glasses from the latest collections.
On the contrary, you can expect large lenses that completely cover the eyes, wide temples that securely hug the face and polycarbonate lenses and steel hinges that provide the ultimate in durability.
These are available in a black gloss frame that comes equipped with grey, polarized lenses, features metal icons, has a grilamid injected frame and stainless steel hinges.
It features regular hinges and skull temples.
The lenses and treatments are listed as saltwater safe and the hinges are made from anti-corrosive materials.
They can do repairs on metal and plastic frames as well as replacement parts such as hinges.
Another idea to consider is getting your frames inspected every several months to make sure that screws and hinges are tight and your lenses are secure in the frame.
Another unique feature is that Ocean waves uses nickel for their hinges instead of a metal with lead.
There are 36 canons launching flames; 12 of these canons are on mechanical hinges.
This is a fitting analogy for a game that hinges itself on movie spoofs ranging from Saving Private Ryan to The Matrix.
However, the Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Collection definitely hinges on its nostalgia factor.
These aid in preventing finger and hand injuries by preventing small fingers and hands from being pinched in doors or hinges.
Remember that the hip joint is a ball and socket joint, making it one of the most versatile hinges of the body.
Approval hinges on the amount of equity that you have.
The housing of the grill is stainless steel and offers heat resistant handles with adjustable hinges to accommodate thicker foods.
Some product owners note that the hinges on the back of the grill lid seem loose at first.
The updated grille and low profile hinges are just a few of the refinements that make this model appealing.
Whether it's the gameroom, bedroom or in the kitchen, integrated options blend into any décor and have no visible grilles or hinges.
Door hinges should be checked for wear or loose fasteners.
As with any diamond, the four Cs are all important for judging diamond quality, but because a champagne gem's value hinges on its color, that is the most valuable characteristic.
Finally, be sure that the answer the question never hinges on the outcome of the game, or the relationship may never make it to the fourth quarter.
All suspense hinges on the opening of that little sealed envelope, an envelope that often seals the future of many a giddy Hollywood newcomer or re-ignites interest in an older celebrity whose star had begun to fade.
To fix cabinet doors that seem to droop or shut poorly, simply change the hinges.
Pay close attention to irregularities, such as loose hinges, unreasonable dents, warping, and missing parts like screws.
The type of resignation letter you submit hinges on your position within the company and the requirements of employment.
The solution of the question hinges upon the interpretation of the canons, that is, upon whether they are to be taken as reflecting a recent, or as pointing to an imminent, persecution.
By the introduction of hinges the position of the line of resistance can be fixed and the stress in the arch ring determined with less uncertainty.
For an elastic arch of metal there is a more complete theory, but it is difficult of application, and there remains some uncertainty unless (as is now commonly done) hinges are introduced at the crown and springings.
But if hinges are introduced at crown and springings, the calculation of the stresses in the arch ring becomes simple, as the line of pressures must pass through the hinges.
Such hinges have been used not only for metal arches, but in a modified form for masonry and concrete arches.
There is a regulating arrangement, by which onehalf of the guide-passages can be shut off in pairs from the water, and at the same time air is freely admitted into these unused passages by pipes which pass through the hinges of the controlling shutter.
Often, a buying decision hinges on a piece of arcane information about a product that is difficult to locate.
The abundance in which iron is found in so many places, its great strength, its remarkable ductility and malleability in a red-hot state, and the ease with which two heated surfaces of iron can be welded together under the hammer combine to make it specially suitable for works on a large scale where strength with lightness are required - things such as screens, window-grills, ornamental hinges and the like.
Behind him, to the far right, I could see the front door was off its hinges, wrested to a strange angle.