Highway Sentence Examples
What highway was the drop on?
Our motel was at least five or six miles up the coast highway through town.
The next turn found her on a narrow two lane highway that was a succession of curves.
After thirty minutes she spotted the sign indicating the state highway where she was supposed to turn.
They walked parallel to an abandoned highway for a couple of hours until they reached the second fed site.
If you'd take a ride on the information highway like me, you'd know all about this stuff.
The narrow black highway ribboned smoothly down hill under a canopy of trees.
It's about eight miles after you reach the highway.
Just keep to your right on the main road and you'll get to the highway just fine.
Once they reached the highway, Elisabeth opened her laptop.
AdvertisementAs he turned, the lights of a silent ambulance bounced across the long stretch of pasture between the highway and the mangled car.
Behind it, sixteen cars were jammed together all the way back to the highway.
He nodded; his attention riveted on the highway.
Glancing at the road behind them he pulled back onto the highway.
We just turned off the highway, so we'll be there pretty soon.
AdvertisementThere aren't any open side roads and hardly a plowed turnoff on this highway for twenty miles.
The Highway Act of 1835 specified as offences for which the driver of a carriage on the public highway might be punished by a fine, in addition to any civil action that might be brought against him - riding upon the cart, or upon any horse drawing it, and not having some other person to guide it, unless there be some person driving it; negligence causing damage to person or goods being conveyed on the highway; quitting his cart, or leaving control of the horses, or leaving the cart so as to be an obstruction on the highway; not having the owner's name painted up; refusing to give the same; and not keeping on the left or near side of the road, when meeting any other carriage or horse.
He glared at the ocean and strode up the beach littered with wood, boats, and cars, to the highway.
With each bend of the highway they found breathtaking views.
Further, every city had its own octroi duties, customs, ferry dues, highway and water rates.
AdvertisementBridges, on the other hand, and so much of the highway as is immediately connected with them, are as a general rule a charge on the county; and by 22 Henry VIII.
A bridge, like a highway, may be a burden on neighbouring land ratione tenurae.
Extensive changes in the English law of highways have been made by various highway acts, viz.
The leading principle of the Highway Act 1835 is to place the highways under the direction of parish surveyors, and to provide for the necessary expenses by a rate levied on the occupiers of land.
The surveyor is likewise specially charged with the removal of nuisances on the highway.
AdvertisementA highway nuisance may be abated by any person, and may be made the subject of indictment at common law.
The amending acts, while not interfering with the operation of the principal act, authorize the creation of highway districts on a larger scale.
At the same time a passenger crossing the highway is also bound to use due care in avoiding vehicles, and the mere fact of a driver being on the wrong side of the road would not be evidence of negligence in such a case.
Cooley's treatise on the American Law of Torts states that "the custom of the country, in some states enacted into statute law, requires that when teams approach and are about to pass on the highway, each shall keep to the right of the centre of the travelled portion of the road."
The public have a right to pass along a highway freely, safely and conveniently, and any wrongful act or omission which prevents them doing so is a nuisance, for the prevention and abatement of which the highways and other acts contain provisions.
The expenses of highway management in each district (or parish), together with a proportion of the general expenses of the act, are levied by the trustees by an assessment on the lands and heritages within the district (or parish).
In statutes dealing with offences connected with the highway, such as gaming, negligence of carriers, &c., "highway" includes navigable rivers.
I'd rather break stones on the king's highway than hem a handkerchief.
Sprint's coverage tends to be best in the San Francisco metro area and along Highway 17.
When creating a travel plan with side trips, it is important to remember to chart the return route to the main highway from each restaurant or attractions included in the trip plan.
It has lots of seating for the entire family and is a good place to fill up after the slopes before you hit the highway.
Hopefully her family would be in the restaurant now – safe from any flooding on the highway.
Maybe Sarah or Giddon would take her to the little country store where the dirt road joined the highway.
The words just lay there like road kill on a summer highway.
The topless Jeep offered an unfettered view of the spectacular scenery they entered as soon as they left the highway.
Donald Ryland kept up a nonstop conversation with his son and front seat companion, as they whipped along the highway.
If I don't get stuck in the mud, I should be able to make it to the highway.
Morbid curiosity drew her from the gutter to the highway.
At the door she stopped and watched his truck go down the road – watched the tail lights get bright as he stopped on the main road, and then watched them fade down the highway.
She pulled onto the crowded street and drove with barely contained patience through the residential areas before flooring the car when she reached the highway.
She pulled out of the drive to his apartment and guided the car to the highway.
In the succeeding century it was connected with Carthage by a great highway.
But a highway, available all the year round, was made in 1863-1864 around its southern shore, partly by blasting the cliffs, and it is now (since 1905) followed by the transSiberian railway.
They serve the trade of Lake Pontchartrain and the Florida parishes, the lumber, coal, fish, oyster and truck trade of New Orleans, and to some extent are the highway of a miscellaneous coasting trade.
With the exception of the highway from Pnom-Penh (q.v.) the capital, to Kampot, the roads of Cambodia are not suited for vehicles.
These plains, which are entered by the great Siberian highway Elevated.
Thence the line was continued across the prairies to Kurgan and Omsk, and from there it followed the great Siberian highway to Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk, and on round Lake Baikal to Chita and Stryetensk on the Shilka.
At Pirna (and Lilien stein) in 1756 he caught the entire Saxon army in his fowler's net, after driving back at Lobositz the Austrian forces which were hastening to their asistance; but only nine months later he lost his reputation for " invincibility " by his crushing defeat at Kolin, where the great highway from Vienna to Dresden crosses the Elbe.
Irun is also on the chief highway for travellers and mails.
The southern highway enters Hammersmith, crosses the centre of Kensington as Kensington Road and High Street, borders Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park as Kensington Gore and Knightsbridge, with terraces of fine residences, and merges into Piccadilly.
The straight highway from the northwest which as Edgware Road joins Oxford Street at the Marble Arch (the north-eastern entrance to Hyde Park) is coincident with the Roman Watling Street.
Of these London Bridge, connecting the City with Southwark and Bermondsey, stands first in historical interest and in importance as a modern highway.
No doubt the coming of the Saxons, which entirely changed the condition of the country, must have greatly injured trade, but although there was not the same freedom of access to the roads, the Londoners had the highway of the river at their doors.
Londoners frequented the river, which was their great highway.
But a private owner may create a highway at common law by dedicating the soil to the use of the public for that purpose; and the using of a road for a number of years, without interruption, will support the presumption that the soil has been so dedicated.
At common law the parish is required to maintain all highways within its bounds; but by special custom the obligation may attach to a particular township or district, and in certain cases the owner of land is bound by the conditions of his holding to keep a highway in repair.
Fn Scotland the highway system is regulated by the Roads and Bridges Act 1878 and amending acts.
Highway, in the law of the states of the American Union, generally means a lawful public road, over which all citizens are allowed to pass and repass on foot, on horseback, in carriages and waggons.
But in a statute punishing with death robbery on the highway, railways were held not to be included in the term.
In one case it has been held that any way is a highway which has been used as such for fifty years.
Other passes across this important water-divide are the Shandur (12,250 ft.), between Gilgit and Mastuj; the Lowarai (10,450 ft.), between the Panjkora and Chitral valleys; and farther south certain lower crossings which once formed part of the great highway between Kabul and India.
Through it ran the great highway, between the east and the west, on which stood Tarsus on the Cydnus, Adana on the Sarus, and Mopsuestia (Missis) on the Pyramus.
The great highway from the west, on its long rough descent from the Anatolian plateau to Tarsus, ran through a narrow pass between walls of rock called the CilicianGate,Ghulek Boghaz.
A broad stream or canal crosses the city from south to north, and forms the principal highway for boat traffic. The main trade of the place is in raw silk, but some silk fabrics, such as flowered crape (chousha), are also manufactured.
Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the seventy mouths of the Volga.
It is an important highway of commerce, especially for the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Newport News, and is the chief rendezvous of the United States navy.
Its importance was due, first to its military strength, secondly to its situation on an important highway leading from the interior to the Aegean coast, and thirdly to its commanding the wide and fertile plain of the Hermus.
The highway between his stronghold, Kamakura, and the imperial city, KiOto, began in his time to develop features which ultimately entitled it to be called one of the finest roads in the world.
A wide, well-made and well-kept avenue, it was lined throughout the greater part of its length by giant pine-trees, rendering it the most picturesque highway in tbe world.
The original TOkaidO was taken for model, and Yedo and Nikko were joined by a highway flanked by rows of cryptomeria.
Its length is 340 m., and though not flanked by trees or possessing so good a bed as the TOkaidO, it is nevertheless a sufficiently remarkable highway.
The township may be divided into school districts and highway districts, but in these matters option has resulted in irregularity.
The site of Jacksonville was called Cow Ford (a version of the Indian name, Wacca Pilatka), from the excellent ford of the St John's River, over which went the King's Road, a highway built by the English from St Augustine to the Georgia line.
The Dutch-Belgian troops to the east of the Brussels highway were at once forced back by the mass of men moved against them, and it looked as if the whole defence would crumple up. But about 3 P.M.
Owing to its situation on the highway from Moldavia to the Ukraine, at the passage across the Dnieper, it developed rapidly.
Thence westward the Mohawk Valley furnishes a highway which is followed by canal, railway and waggon road.
This was of much importance in early wars; but it is of only minor importance as a commercial highway since it leads to Canada through a region of little economic importance.
The physiography has enabled the state to become a great highway of commerce between the central part of the United States and the sea-coast, by rail and by water, along the Mohawk Gap and by other routes.
Thus it happens that from Buffalo to New York City there is a chain of busy manufacturing centres along the natural highway followed by the Erie Canal and the Hudson river.
The territory has always been the centre of an active commerce, owing to its situation on the confines of Germany, France and Switzerland, and alongside the great highway of the Rhine.
This bridge, connecting very important railway systems, was designed to carry two lines of rails, a highway and electric railway on each side, all between the main trusses.
As the great highway from Cape Colony to the north, Bechuanaland has been described as the " Suez canal of South Africa."
In deeds of sale " the road to Calah " is as often named as the " king's highway " to Arbela or Assur.
It is picturesquely situated on the western slope of the Lea valley, with a consider able extension towards the river, mainly consisting of artisans' dwellings (Churchbury, Ponder's End, and Enfield Highway on the Old North Road).
The railways were built between 1856 and 1862, while the opening of the Simplon tunnel (1906) greatly increased the commercial importance of Lausanne, which is now on the great international highway from Paris to Milan.
Economic distress increased the number of highway robberies, these in turn lamed commercial intercourse.
A zigzag highway, regarded as a triumph of engineering, winds through the mountain passes between Cettigne and the Austrian seaport of Cattaro; and other good roads give access to the richest parts of the interior.
In the winter the frozen river is the usual highway.
The moment had now come for the pushing forward of another line of communication, which had no doubt reached Tarracina in 3 2 9 B.C. but was now definitely constructed (munita) as a permanent military highway as far as Capua in 312 B.C. by Appius Claudius, after whom it was named.
Tithe rent charge under these acts is subject to the same liabilities and incidents as tithes, such as parliamentary, parochial, county and other rates, especially the poor rate and highway rate; but the owner of tithe rent charge attached to a benefice has been exempted by an act of 1899 from payment of half the amount of any rate which he would be liable to pay under the Agricultural Rates Act 1896, the other half being borne by the Inland Revenue Commissioners.
But now the railroad is the great highway which connects Upper India with Lower Bengal.
Ali was now confirmed in the possession of all his father's territory and was also appointed lieutenant to the derwend-pasha of Rumelia, whose duty it was to suppress brigandage and highway robbery.
There is only one highway in the country on which vehicles can be used, the paved road extending southward from Quito 115 m.
The latter is at once the great fertilizer and the great highway of the country which it serves.
It is the great highway, and also the great battlefield, of Palestine.
From its situation at the southern terminus of the navigable course of the Dnieper, and on the highway from Moscow to Odessa, it early acquired great commercial importance, and by 1655 it was a wealthy town.
It is apparently an Arab building, as Arabic inscriptions appear on the walls, but as the town stands on the principal highway between the Van plateau and the Mesopotamian plain it must always have been of strategic importance.
The most, ancient work preserved is that of Herodotus (q.v.), who supplies rich and valuable materials for the period ending in 479 B.C. These materials are drawn partly from sound tradition, partly from original knowledgeas in the account of the satrapies and their distribution, the royal highway, the nations in Xerxes army and their equipment.
The Quetta and Pishin plateau to which it leads is the central dominant water-divide of Baluchistan and the base of the Kandahar highway.
This secures the direct control of the great, highway to Seistan which has been opened to khafila and railway traffic.
Up to 1851 there was practically no good carriage road in the country except the highway between Lisbon and Cintra.
Abila was an important town on the imperial highway from Damascus to Heliopolis (Baalbek).
The river Jumna, which washes the walls of its fort, was the natural highway for the traffic of the rich delta of Bengal to the heart of India, and it formed, moreover, from very ancient times, the frontier defence of the Aryan stock settled in the plain between the Ganges and the Jumna against their western neighbours, hereditary freebooters who occupied the highlands of Central India.
The officers of the township are a supervisor, clerk, treasurer, highwaycommissioner, one overseer of highways for each highway district, a justice of the peace, and not more than four constables, all of whom are elected at the annual township meeting in April.
Hence King's Road leads west, a wholly commercial highway, named in honour of Charles II., and recalling the king's private road from St James's Palace to Fulham, which was maintained until the reign of George IV.
Even now Nikopol, which is situated on the highway from Ekaterinoslav to Kherson, is the point where the "salt-highway" of the Chumaks (Little Russian salt-carriers) to the Crimea crosses the Dnieper.
Further acts followed in the same direction, leading to the gradual extinction, by due compensation of the persons interested, of the old system, the maintenance of the roads being vested in " turnpike trusts and highway boards," empowered to levy local rates.
By the Local Government Act of 1888 the duty of maintaining main roads was imposed on the county councils, but these bodies were enabled to make arrangements with the respective highway authorities for their repair.
Under the Local Government Act of 1894 the duties of all the highway authorities were transferred to the rural district councils on or before the 31st of March 1899.
It was provided by the Highway Act 1878 that every road which was disturnpiked after the 31st of December 1870 should be deemed to be a main road, the expenses of the repair and maintenance of which were to be contributed as to one-half thereof by the justices in quarter sessions, then the county authority.
By another section of the same act it was provided that where any highway in a county was a medium of communication between great towns, or a thoroughfare to a railway station, or otherwise such that it ought to be declared a main road, the county authority might declare it to be a main road, and thereupon one-half the expense of its maintenance would fall upon the county at large.
Special provision has also been made for the highways in the Isle of Wight and in South Wales, where the roads were formerly regulated by special acts, and not by the ordinary Highway Acts.
There were, indeed, highway boards and burial boards which had powers for special purposes, but district authority in the sense in which it is now understood there was none.
In an urban district the urban council have always had all the powers and duties of a surveyor of highways under the Highway highways Acts.
Except in these cases the highway authority in a parish was the surveyor of highways, elected annually by the inhabitants in vestry, or in a highway district consisting of a number of parishes united by order of quarter sessions, the highway board composed of waywardens representing the several parishes.
By the Local Government Act 1894, there were transferred to the district council of every rural district all the powers, duties and liabilities of every highway authority, surveyor or highway board within their district, and theLformer highway authorities ceased to exist.
The highway authority in every district, rural as well as urban, is therefore the district council.
In a rural district any parish council may complain to the county council that the district council have made default in keeping any highway in repair, and the county council may thereupon transfer to themselves and execute the powers of the district council at the cost of the latter body, or they may make an order requiring the district council to perform their duty, or they may appoint some person to do so at the cost of the district council.
It is important to observe, however, that an action does not lie against a district council in respect of the failure to repair a highway even at the suit of a person who has thereby been injured.
The reason assigned for this doctrine is that the council as highway surveyor stand in the same position as the inhabitants of the parish, against whom such an action would not lie.
It is defined by the act to include any highway and any public bridge (not being a county bridge), and any road, lane, footway, square, court, alley or passage, whether a thoroughfare or not.
But it has to be borne in mind that it is not every highway that is repairable by the inhabitants at large.
Therefore every highway - whether carriage-way, driftway, bridleway or footway - which can be shown to have been in use before 1836, is presumably repairable by the inhabitants at large, the only exceptions being such highways as are repairable by private persons or corporate bodies ratione clausurae, ratione tenurae, or by prescription.
But in the year 1836, when the Highway Act 1835 came into operation, the law was altered.
It was possible, just as formerly, to dedicate a way to the use of the public, and it thereupon became a highway to all intents and purposes.
When it is shown, therefore, that a highway has been dedicated after 1836, it is not repairable by the inhabitants at large unless it can be shown that these provisions have been complied with, or that it has been declared to be repairable under provisions of the Public Health Acts presently to be mentioned.
When all or any of the works aforesaid have been executed in the street, and the council are of opinion that the street ought to become a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large, they may by notice to be fixed up in the street declare it to be a highway repairable by the inhabitants at large, and the declaration will be effective unless, within one month after the notice has been put up, the majority of the owners in the street object thereto.
The expenses of highways in an urban district fall as a rule upon the general district rate, but under certain conditions, which need not be here set out, a separate highway rate may have to be levied.
They elected the churchwardens and overseers, the highway surveyor, if the parish was a separate unit for highway purposes, and the waywardens if it was included in a highway district.
This highway was known as the camino real.
The name appears to indicate its position on an ancient "street" or highway.
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
The county board also elects a county highway commissioner for a term of three years, is required to designate a system of prospective county highways, and may levy a special tax and borrow money for the development of the system.
A poll tax is levied for highway purposes in towns and villages, but the general charter law does not provide for the collection of poll taxes in cities.
Until the middle of the 19th century, travellers through the Balkan Peninsula had a choice between two main routes, which started as a single highway from Belgrade, and up the Morava valley to Nish.
Despite that it is an important highway of communication between Bokhara and the Pamirs on the one hand and Kashgar and Ferghana on the other.
Still more recently it has become the great highway of commerce for central Europe.
For long these movements continued, always in the same direction, from north to south and from east to west; though, of course, more rapid changes took place in the open country, especially in the great eastern highway from north to south, than in the forest area.
The Mississippi river, which here has an average width of about 1200 ft., is crossed by 17 bridges (9 highway and 8 railway bridges).
The seat of empire had been transferred to Bagdad, on the highway of Oriental commerce; and the distant Khorasan became the favourite province of the caliph.
A highway connects it with the Yellow river, and it is joined by a railway 280 m.
Amongst them there is always a prominent Arab element, for the Arabs held Makran even before they conquered Sind and made the Kej valley their trade highway to India.
Highway robbery was general, the lives and property of traders were in continual jeopardy, and the machinery for the enforcement of the laws was almost at a standstill.
This body represents and acts for the county as a corporation; has charge of the erection and repair of county buildings; levies the county taxes, which are limited by law, however, to three mills on the dollar exclusive of those for schools, public highways, interest on the county debt, and other special purposes; divides the county into highway districts, and chooses a highway commissioner for each district for a term of two years; and chooses a superintendent of schools, a surveyor, a public administrator and public guardian, a board for the equalization of taxes, a coroner, a ranger, and a jail physician or health officer each for a term of two years, three commissioners of the poor for a term of three years (one each year), and a keeper and sealer of weights and measures to serve during its pleasure.
Hopefully her family would be in the restaurant now – safe from any flooding on the highway.
I couldn't get you on your cell phone, so I burned the highway getting here.
He's not only seen Howie's flying saucer but he had proof, pictures with little green men, and an owner's manual to their ship, and, by his definition a self-centered jerk with most of his brain somewhere on an Interstate highway or a motor home grill stands in his way from announcing his findings and waiting for a call from the Nobel committee.
He couldn't Travel yet, or even use his telepathy to order someone to come get him, so he jogged along the highway towards the heart of Miami, fuming in the early morning fog.
Once Dean turned from the highway, however, he had the road to himself.
Thoughts raced through his mind of another crash, when Bird Song's very first guest had met a similar fate—but on a traveled highway, not a remote Jeep road deep in the San Juans.
The river of the same name parallels the two-lane Route 550 and separates the paved highway from the far less traveled gravel roads that meander in the same direction.
By highway, the journey was fifty miles—ten miles north to Ridgway, then westerly to Placerville and then back toward the southeast, all necessary to circumnavigate fourteen-thousand foot Mount Sneffles and its towering neighbors.
The climbing area was a short distance, off the main highway, just as the roadway began to ascend into the mountains.
If anything, winter biking was more pleasant without playing dodge ball with rushing tourists and campers along the summer-busy, shoulder-less highway.
At the door she stopped and watched his truck go down the road – watched the tail lights get bright as he stopped on the main road, and then watched them fade down the highway.
And out on the highway, this 7% increase in drive force makes for outstandingly strong roll-on acceleration.
Show vehicular access to a highway if the site does not adjoin a highway.
The Rows are simply long, covered arcades formed by running a highway through the first stories of a street of old buildings.
Neither I nor the ABD has " a cavalier attitude " toward the Highway Code.
We do not begrudge the three mile road to the highway.
Some stations are also flashing alerts to drivers using electronic billboards along the highway.
Secondly, innocent bystanders will play a huge part in Hell's Highway.
You may be interested in the piece about proposed changes to the Highway Code on the ABD website.
Vehicles on the public highway that do not display a valid tax disk maybe wheel clamped or removed.
You want a vehicle crossover from your property to the highway.
A review of research in this are has highlighted the dearth of information available to council safety and highway officers.
A satellite dish on a chimney, or any part of a building facing a highway.
The eagles of the mountain would not have found their name dishonored by these " eagles " of the highway.
These works necessitated a major diversion of the A5200, an important central London highway.
Water is directed to gullies on the highway drainage system by the road profile.
I have left the highway, cities and their populations far behind me still enfolded in night.
He proposed a national center to get the planners, architects, developers, housing professionals and even the highway engineers to work together.
Highway authorities are required to protect the historic environment from the worst effects of traffic.
Standard duty covers virtually all highway applications all the way to maximum legal gross weights.
Check your Highway Code... among others, flashing headlights don't mean a thing!
I will award ' Trans Canada Highway ' four turquoise hexagons out of five.
Later on the monday we had one arrest for obstructing the highway.
However, the council has no powers to force deciduous trees to be cut back except where overhanging the public highway.
The bridge is a key part of the country's north-south highway.
University Computing Services With 200 PCs in different locations across the University, you are never far from the information super highway.
The verge of a public highway is part of the highway.
The open road, the dusty highway, the heath, the common, the hedgerows, the rolling downs!
The aim of this scheme is to build a new four-lane highway.
At a later stage in the inquiry the Department of Transport showed the road as a six-lane highway with an even higher volume.
It's much like turning a two-lane highway into a four-lane highway, allowing mental traffic to flow more smoothly and more quickly.
A transport assessment will be required to assess the need for any off-site highway works and improvements to encourage non-car modes of travel.
Scaffold / hoarding License In order to regulate the placing of scaffolding / hoardings on the highway you are required to obtain a license.
That is exactly what they get from Money Highway, and they become well informed, sophisticated clients.
The legal right infringed can be a private right or a public right ie the right to travel along a highway.
Your biography contains instances of what may be called acts of " highway robbery.
To keep the traffic running on the highway in peak time a ramp metering system is operating on 3 highway intersections.
The Federal Highway Administration says almost 50 percent of California's urban interstates are carrying more traffic than they were designed to handle.
The County Council co-ordinates planned work on the highway through regular liaison with all parties involved.
Potholes For all issues relating to highway maintenance call the Customer Services hotline.
Signs & nameplates on the Highway We're always pleased to receive details of damaged or missing road signs (including street nameplates ).
Others hung banners from highway overpasses, causing rush hour traffic to halt to a standstill as commuters pondered the demonstration.
She always gets a bit paranoid about the traffic on the highway.
To a casual passerby, glancing down from one of the slick new bridges on the Island Highway, nothing seems amiss.
Pruning is carried out to ensure trees do not obstruct the pavement, highway or adjoining property.
Sustrans volunteer rangers will be helping highway authorities to maintain the route.
Gentoo Penguins have established a rookery and a busy penguin highway here.
On the highway issue the scheme would provide adequate on site car parking and a turning area at the cul-de sac for general use.
Then continue south by Big Sur on Highway 1, where you will experience some of the most incredible coastal scenery in America.
The disposal of foul sewerage shall be via the existing connection out to the public sewer located within the highway.
Often flooding incidents reported to Arun DC relate to a combination of land drainage, highway flooding, and foul or surface water sewerage.
My samples were growing out of cracks in the concrete sidewalk beside a busy four lane highway.
How to request a skip permit Detials of how a skip provider can request a permit to place a skip on the highway.
None of the trees fall within highway visibility splays.
Typically suburban open plan, motor vehicle and highway dominated, arrangements should be avoided.
So will the truck-mounted highway sweeper of the future have one engine, or two?
The question is, therefore, why has this situation not yet occurred in the truck-mounted highway sweeper market?
That shift came with the dawning of a new century and Route 66 got a new turnpike to the ' Super Highway ' .
People keep parking their cars on the highway verge near my property which is making them unsightly, can you repair them?
Reached at the very western extreme of Highway 560 along Kauai's North Shore, about ten miles beyond Hanalei.
Somewhere along this highway I got a cracked windshield, for which Hertz charged me about $ 150.
In 1901 the president of the Board of Trade it troduced a bill to continue the act until 1906, and to amend it so as to make it authorize the construction of a light railway on any highway, the object being to abolish the restriction that a light railway should run into the area of at least two local authorities; but it was not proceeded with.
The justices of a county may convert it or any portion of it into a highway district to be governed by a highway board, the powers and responsibilities of which will be the same as those of the parish surveyor under the former act.
The State Training School is for the reformatory training of children between eight and eighteen years of age who have been found guilty of any crime other than murder, manslaughter or highway robbery, or who for some other cause have been committed to it by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Of the powers vested in the county authority under the Highway Act 1878, the most important are those relating to main roads, which are specially noticed hereafter; (ix.) the tables of fees to be taken by and the costs to be allowed to any inspector, analyst or person holding any office in the county other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (x.) the appointment, removal and determination of salaries of the county treasurer, the county surveyor, the public analysts, any officer under the Explosives Act 1875, and any officers whose remuneration is paid out of the county rate, other than the clerk of the peace and the clerks of the justices; (xi.) the salary of any coroner whose salary is payable out of the county rate, the fees, allowances and disbursements allowed to be paid by any such coroner, and the division of the county into coroners' districts and the assignments of such districts; (xii.) the division of the county into polling districts for the purposes of parliamentary elections, the appointment of the places of election, the places of holding courts for the revision of the lists of voters, and the costs of, and other matters to be done for the registration of parliamentary voters; (xiii.) the execution as local authority of the acts relating to contagious diseases of animals, to destructive insects, to fish conservancy, to wild birds, to weights and measures, and to gas meters, and of the Local Stamp Act i 869; (xiv.) any matters arising under the Riot (Damages) Act 1886.
Under the Highway Acts it is enforceable by summary proceedings before justices and by orders of the county council, but in either case, if the liability to repair is disputed, that question has to be decided on indictment preferred against the highway authority alleged to be in default.
For the rest of the long afternoon, perhaps, my meditations are interrupted only by the faint rattle of a carriage or team along the distant highway.
The shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary share capital of Highway.
Extensive roadworks along the highway have created a long deep trench running directly in front of the main gate.
Several of their highway robberies were carried out in the Lenton area.
Dogs must be kept under the control of a responsible adult and must not be allowed to stray onto the public highway.
Historic Route 40, the United States ' oldest transcontinental highway, running from Atlantic City, New Jersey to San Francisco.
That shift came with the dawning of a new century and Route 66 got a new turnpike to the ' Super Highway '.
The average parish highway before the onset of the turnpike system has been compared with a modern day, rather badly kept farm track.
Clearly it is unlikely that anyone could show title to the land which has been highway for longer than records exist.
This is separate from the highway verge crossings which go to Hambleton DC and NYCC, tho many of them are also not agreed.
Reached at the very western extreme of Highway 560 along Kauai 's North Shore, about ten miles beyond Hanalei.
This house is on the best street in the neighborhood; furthermore, it has easy access to the highway.
It's easy to miss the road to our house, but there is a milestone on the highway to remind you where the exit is.
Thank goodness, they're finally putting in carpool lanes on the local highway.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rates all car seats based on safety and ease of use.
Look at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for word on whether the model you are looking at has ever been recalled.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration allows you to access testing results for a wide variety of cars, plus information regarding regulation and standards and safety problems and issues.
Check for model recalls with the National Highway Transportation Safety (NHTSA) Web site or calling 1-800-424-9393.
If you are interested in government safety ratings, you can peruse the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety website to read about the most and least safe sport utility vehicles.
To keep those children safe, a house near a highway or main intersection would also be on that list.
Then you will be out on the highway riding wherever the road takes you without leaving anything essential behind.
The best way to explain what cores are is to have you think of one core as a two lane highway.
The Quad-cores run four processors (eight lanes of highway) for those high-end applications like video editing, hardcore photo editing and video gaming.
Located one mile east of the intersection of SR535 and Highway 192 are the Value Outlet Shops.
To reach the mall, you'll take Highway 99 to the Prosperity exit, which is located between Fresno and Bakersfield.
The mall was located just off of Interstate 94 at Highway 50 in Kenosha, WI.
If you are coming from Chicago, then you take Interstate 94 North and exit at 147, which is Highway 165.
From Milwaukee, exit the same road (exit 147, Highway 165), turn left, then cross over the highway.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall is located at 800 Highway 400 South in Dawsonville, Georgia.
Between the towns of Lenoir and Hickory, there's a stretch of highway that is full of high-quality discount furniture stores.
One locally popular roadside store located on the Lincoln Highway near Ronks, Pennsylvania, is affectionately named The City Dump.
You can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds and five percent around town.
Avoid drag by rolling up the windows when driving on the highway and by removing unnecessary weight from the car.
This information may vary when you compare highway driving versus city driving.
Don't carry unnecessary heavy loads and try to keep the car windows rolled up while driving on the highway.
This will list the city and highway mileage, plus it gives you an estimated annual fuel cost, air pollution score, and carbon footprint.
All along Pacific Coast Highway you will find restaurants that look out over the Pacific Ocean.
LoveToKnow Recipes is a community-driven information highway.
China Peak Mountain Resort is located at 59265 Highway 168 in Lakeshore, California.
Some people manage their time poorly and have little to show for their efforts, while other people speed through their day as if on super-production highway.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistics show that the leading cause of death for 15 to 20-year olds is motor vehicle crashes.
When you add teenage alcoholism in the mix, the highway is full of speeding cars, reckless drivers and an impending feeling of doom.
If you feel you are about to merge onto the highway of teenage alcoholism, and don't know how to avoid the dangers on the road, the links below will provide you with more information and advice from professionals.
So here we go, an unlikely 'wedding procession', tooling precariously down the highway to the nearest of these eating establishments.
The driver took an outside highway downtown, which we really enjoyed.
Beer is the most common drink reported by people stopped for drinking and driving or involved in alcohol related crashes, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Females are 385 times and men are 707 times more likely to get into an auto accident after drinking, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
He added that she received a written warning by the California Highway Patrol on January 15, 2007 verifying that her license was indeed suspended.
Seinfeld was driving his 1967 Fiat on Skimhampton Road heading toward a major highway when the brakes on his vintage car failed.
Seinfeld's car came to rest only a few feet before the busy highway.
Police in East Hampton state that if it weren't for Seinfeld's quick thinking and action, the accident would have been much more serious for Jerry and for other drivers on the highway.
So, Ms. Spears is driving along Highway 101 with one of her bodyguards riding shotgun when she rear ends an SUV with her $200,000 Mercedes.
In April, she hit a car, again on Highway 101 and again in her $200,000 Mercedes.
Freeman and a friend were traveling down a Mississippi highway when he reportedly began falling asleep at the wheel and started veering off the road.
The actor fully awakened only to jerk the car back onto the highway in an attempt to correct the vehicle.
The pilots reportedly saw sparks coming from the plane as they were taxing down the runway when they lost control of the aircraft that crossed the highway into an embankment and burst into flames.
Then, according to the witness, the driver of the car revved the engine and careened onto a California highway.
In December of 2006, Brandy was driving her Land Rover along a California highway when she failed to notice the cars in front of her were coming to an abrupt halt.
Puck and his son were traveling along the highway on their way to a weekend fishing trip when he swerved to miss a deer.
In September 2002, actor Nick Nolte was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated after an officer noticed him swerving his car on the highway in California.
They don't call the Internet the information super highway without good reason.
Lynne later went on to produce the Tom Petty solo albums Full Moon Fever, Into the Great Wide Open, and Highway Companion and co-wrote the hits I Won't Back Down and Runnin' Down a Dream.
The cover of Tom Cochrane's Life is a Highway from the Pixar animated movie Cars was a breakthrough commercial crossover success, breaking into the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100.
Songs available on this site include It's Not Supposed to Go Like That, Life Is a Highway, Me and Gang, She Goes All the Way and many more.
That's why we take on local projects like the Adopt a Highway clean-up program, and we support local organizations with people power and product donations for their events.
This type of hybrid is better suited for long distance travel since its engine is directly connected to the wheels, giving a good advantage on highway situations.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends keeping a four-second cushion between you and the car in front of you.
Part of the job of The United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is to organize and implement programs to protect both bicyclists and pedestrians.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is the cause of about 56,000 car crashes annually according to the National Highway Safety Traffic Administration (NHTSA).
You won't have enough contrast to react quickly enough to things that dart into your path as you make your way down the highway.
It goes without saying that superior UV protection is always a plus, whether you are hitting the slopes or sailing down the highway on a road trip.
Meijer stores that sell discounted tickets (there is one on highway 250 less than 5 miles from Cedar Point).
The park is located in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, off U.S. Highway 501, about three miles from the beach.
As colored icons come down the note "highway" on the game's screen, the player must then hold the appropriately colored fret button(s) down and hit the strum bar in time with the music.
To unlock the focus mode where the note highway is pitch black, play as the drummer on "Brainstorm" in the Golden Gate venue.
Tough Luck is in Tsavo Highway, granting enemies better skill at dodging projectiles.
Finish Highway with 4-players on Legendary LIVE co-op using Iron and no Hogs or Scorpions. 25 points.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic or Legendary. 50 points.
Travel onto the Internet highway and take your game to the next level.
It was so early in the "wine tasting" era that Jack remembers the small amount of traffic on the Highway 129-two or three cars an hour.
Keep heading west on Highway 46 and you hit the Pacific Ocean at Cambria.
It runs like a lazy arcing stroke with Highway 29, splitting the Valley in two.
It's best to avoid Highway 29 as much as possible unless you like to breathe exhaust.
St. Clement's yellow Gothic-Victoria house built by Fritz Rosenbaum in 1878 is easy to spot off of Highway 29 just north of St. Helena.
The modern car culture of the automobile and the highway was upon the United States.
The park is located at 860 US Highway 50 in South Lake Tahoe, California.
It is conveniently situated on Highway 105, just three miles to the south of Westport.
Be sure to tell the service manager where you will be traveling and ask for winter RV camping advice regarding what types of modifications you may need to make prior to setting out on the highway.
Most people easily recognize an Airstream motor home when its familiar rounded aluminum body rolls down the highway.
Do they want better coverage in the city or while out on the interstate highway?
Another relatively new place children face potential dangers is on the "information highway."
Plant grass or another ground cover in soil that is likely to be contaminated, such as soil around a home built before 1960 or located near a major highway.
In December 2006, Ritchie was arrested by the California Highway Patrol and charged with driving under the influence.
In 1923 the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District Act was approved by the California State Legislature, giving counties the right to organize as a bridge district to plan, fund, build and manage a bridge.
It can be reached from either the South Airport Boulevard Exit off Highway 380 or the San Bruno Avenue/San Francisco International Airport Exit off of Highway 101.
The Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District Act was signed into law by the California legislature in May of 1924, however construction of the bridge was not to begin until several years later.
Now they are purely decorative and still remain popular sites for those driving up Highway 1 along Ocean Beach.
If you are concerned about time constraints, it's vital to plan accordingly when booking a flight into San Francisco.SFO is located right off Highway 101, roughly 13 miles south of downtown San Francisco.
If your flight arrives into San Jose International Airport and you need to head into San Francisco, you will need to get on Highway 101 North or Highway 280 North to get to downtown San Francisco.
The Presidio of Monterey is located between Lighthouse Avenue and Holman Highway.
The closest highway is Highway 1, also known as Cabrillo Highway.
It's near the intersection of Meadow Lane and Dahlberg Drive off of Olson Memorial Highway.
Whatever the reason for the mandated volunteer time, it's sure to be a rewarding experience if one gets to do pretty much anything beyond picking up trash on the side of the highway.
Inmates and those on probation often participate in community service projects such as highway cleanups - this is vital for the condition of our roads, and also can bring discipline and reform into the life of a convict.
Both California girls, they opened up their club on the Pacific Coast Highway in Long Beach, California.
Whether the question is posed under the stars, on the highway, or simply during a quiet moment together, so long as the intent is clear and the question genuine, it will be the beginning of a tremendous relationship.
A great nostalgic tapestry tote bag captures the feeling of California surfing off the famous Pacific Coast Highway 101.
Sharing cups, eating utensils, straws, snacks, and any other items that have been near the mouth or other mucous membranes can be a speedy route to the illness highway.
They view the process as though they were traveling down a highway.
Along a desolate stretch of Mississippi highway where a haunted motel once stood, drivers report that on rainy nights they are frightened when they believe they've struck a person crossing the highway.
As he ran out into the highway still swinging his axe in the rain, a shipyard truck barreling down the highway struck and killed him.
Rainy evenings along this stretch of Mississippi highway remain touched by the horrible events of that night long ago.
In 1936, near Jefferson, WI, Mark Shackelman reported driving down highway 18 and seeing a figure of a wolf-like man.
She appeared in frequent guest spots throughout the 80s on television shows like Airwolf, Highway to Heaven, 21 Jump Street and Magnum P.I..