High place Sentence Examples
While such judgments are naturally exaggerated, there is no doubt that he takes a very high place among modern Latin poets.
Devoting himself next to optics, he produced memoirs which entitle him to a high place among the early, searchers after a true dynamical theory of light.
In respect of trade and industry Aix-la-Chapelle occupies a high place.
His grandson Thomas succeeded him in 1554, and in 1556 made the second of those marraiges which have given the Howards their high place among the English nobility.
He held a high place in the favour of King Alphonso V., who entrusted him with the management of important state affairs.
Other books dealing with special subjects are likely to take a very high place in economic literature.
Equally distinguishedin natural science,philosophy and the administration of civic affairs, he takes a high place among the versatile savants of the ancient Greek world.
This work made the "Cornish metaphysician," as he was called, widely known, and for some time it held a high place in the judgment of the religious world as a conclusive argument on its subject.
This root-and-branch policy proved enormously successful, and George Watson's college, Stewart's college, Queen Street ladies' college, George Square ladies' college, Gillespie's school, and others, rapidly took a high place among the educational institutions of the city.
As humorist, scholar and philologist, Gigli would take a high place in the literature of any land.
AdvertisementAs an historian Treitschke holds a very high place.
Romberg (1795-1873) and Theodor Meynert (1833-1892) also were pioneers in the study of nervous diseases, but it was not till later in the century that Germany took a high place in this department of medicine.
Compared with other Indian provinces, and even with some of the countries of Europe, Burma takes a very high place in the returns of those able to both read and write.
But as a secular statesman he occupies a high place.
If the disciples of this school could shake off the Sesshu tradition of strong outlines and adopt the Kano Motonobu revelation of modelling by mass only, their work would stand on a high place.
AdvertisementHe holds a high place in the history of humanism by the foundation of the College de France; he did not found an actual college, but after much hesitation instituted in 1530, at the instance of Guillaume Bude (Budaeus), Lecteurs royaux, who in spite of the opposition of the Sorbonne were granted full liberty to teach Hebrew, Greek, Latin, mathematics, &c. The humanists Bude, Jacques Colin and Pierre Duchatel were the king's intimates, and Clement Marot was his favourite poet.
Alike in volume and in beauty these take a very high place among European waterfalls; the cataract has a total descent of about 650 ft., in three leaps of 65, 330 and 190 ft.
He not only won for his country a high place in the council of nations, but he doubled its revenues and increased its prosperity and industries, and he also emphasized its character as an Italian state.
But the quaint beauty of Herbert's style and its musical quality give The Temple a high place.
This sanctuary and camp of Israel held a high place in the national regard, and is often mentioned in Judges and Samuel.
AdvertisementHe occupies a high place as a hymnologist, but principally as a translator of ancient and medieval hymns, the best known being probably "Brief life is here our portion," "To thee, 0 dear, dear country," and "Jerusalem, the golden," which are included in the poem of Bernard of Cluny, De Contemptu Mundi, translated by him in full.
It is indeed true that he not only described himself as the promised Paraclete - for this designation probably originated with himself - but also conceded a high place in his system to "Jesus"; we can only conclude from this, however, that he distinguished between Christianity and Christianity.
But his political insight and his impartiality entitle him to a high place among the historians of the 12th century.
Ferishta is reputed one of the most trustworthy of the Oriental historians, and his work still maintains a high place as an authority.
Among the numerous works that more or less expressly deal with this subject, that of Marina (Ensayo historico-critico sobre la antigua legislacion y principales cuerpos legales de los reynos de Leon y Castilla) still continues to hold a high place.
AdvertisementTurn ing first to the Rhodophyceae, both on account of the high place which they occupy among algae and also the remarkable uniformity in their reproductive processes, it is clear that, as is the case among Archegoniatae, the product of the sexual act never germinates directly into a plant which gives rise to the sexual organs.
Nor had he shown himself unduly ambitious or selfseeking in the pursuit of office, and he had proved himself ready to sacrifice high place to the claims of professional honour and duty.
If the history of Akbar were confined to this long list of conquests, his name would on their account alone find a high place among those which mankind delights to remember.
But most eminent of all was the great High-place which has recently been discovered on en-Nejr (or Zibb `atuf).
As a legislator and organizer he occupies a high place among the Spanish kings.
The emperor not only freely pardoned him, but magnanimously offered him the choice of a high place in the army or a suitable escort for a pilgrimage to Mecca, and Bairam preferred the latter alternative.
Nuremberg occupies a high place among the industrial and commercial centres of Europe.
While British philosophizing up to a recent date has been notably lacking in width of metaphysical outlook, it has taken a very high place in its handling of the more practical problems of conduct.
The work of Henry Cavendish (1731-1810) entitles him to a high place in the list of electrical investigators.
Here his great oratorical gifts gave him a high place as one of the ablest and most eloquent opponents of the administration.
As a novelist, meanwhile, he had taken a very high place.
He held a high place among the reformers of Geneva, by whom he was sent on a mission to France in 1614.
His mathematical genius gained for him a high place in the 'esteem of Jean Bernoulli, who was at that time one of the first mathematicians in Europe, as well as of his sons Daniel and Nicolas Bernoulli.
He was succeeded by Lord Rosebery, whose abilities and attainments had raised him to a high place in the Liberal counsels.
During the 14th century it held a high place among the towns of the Hanseatic League.
Roman Catholic learning has always taken a high place (the Bollandists; the Benedictines; the huge collections of Migne).
In philology a very high place is occupied by Gyuro Danichich, once professor of philology at the high school in Belgrade and secretary to the South Slavonic Academy at Agram, where he was for years the principal editor of the great lexicon of the Servian or Croatian language.
His books, both prose and in verse, give him a high place in modern American literature.
Nicholas fixed his residence in Rome, which he began to rebuild and to fortify, determining to render the Eternal City once more a capital worthy of its high place in Europe.
Undoubtedly the best specimens of this kinran-de (brocade) porcelain of Kaga merit praise and admiration; but, on the whole, ware so gaudy could not long hold a high place in public esteem.