High blood pressure Sentence Examples
All people with high blood pressure need to quit smoking.
A type of medicine called an alpha blocker is sometimes used to treat high blood pressure and enlarged prostate.
Apart from high blood pressure and early atherosclerosis, which often lack symptoms, some form of pain is often frequent.
As such it is not just a diet for people trying to prevent or treat high blood pressure.
You have high blood pressure or heart disease or an over-active thyroid.
Drink as needed to lower high blood pressure.
Most things that cause high blood pressure can occasionally cause malignant hypertension.
Women who have high blood pressure are at greater risk 3 What are the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia?
High blood pressure can weaken the blood vessels as well, although most people with high blood pressure never have a nosebleed.
Frying with more stable oils, such as olive oil, is not associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure.
AdvertisementThe doctor told me my high blood pressure put me at risk of developing an aneurysm in the future.
Increased risk of high blood pressure and related problems such as eclampsia.
Health issues, such as sleep disorders, hearing loss, even high blood pressure and anxiety, are caused by the insidious invasion of noise pollution into the natural environment.
Learning to prepare natural remedies for high blood pressure can provide a natural and inexpensive way to manage this chronic condition.
Fresh, juicy fruit and raw vegetables are the ideal form in which to take your vegetables to remedy high blood pressure.
AdvertisementAlthough it can be a potentially dangerous condition, a few natural remedies for high blood pressure can help you efficiently manage it.
According to the American Heart Association, more than 73 million people in the United States over the age of 20 have high blood pressure.
Yet, high blood pressure is easy to spot by doctors and is usually highly treatable.
There are many herbs for high blood pressure.
Untreated high blood pressure can lead to many serious consequences.
AdvertisementOne elevated reading alone is insufficient to determine if a patient has high blood pressure.
Hypertension supplements, the a low salt diet such as the DASH diet, and specialized high blood pressure diets can help some people lower their blood pressure.
Don Quai (also called Anegelica sinensis, tang kui and female ginseng) is popular for treating gynecological conditions, mild anemia, fatigue and high blood pressure.
In the western world, it is used to treat high blood pressure as part of an overall diet and medication regimen.
It can cause headaches in some people and you should not use it if you have high blood pressure or are taking digitalis.
AdvertisementMedically it reduces anxiety attacks, helps reduce high blood pressure and decreases muscle tension.
Heart disease is a major killer in our country, yet it is known that stress causes high blood pressure and other conditions known to aggravate such conditions.
In general, better education increases the likelihood that you will live longer because you are less likely to suffer from stress induced diseases such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
For some, the simple act of reducing caffeine in the diet can go a long way towards reducing stress and high blood pressure.
There is a higher risk of cardiovascular problems including stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure.
For example, the bread winner of the family may loose up to six months of work related to high blood pressure symptoms or heart conditions.
If you have the symptoms of high blood pressure or heart disease, make some changes in the way you live.
Binge eating can lead to health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Being overweight can cause high blood pressure and diabetes.
Do you have frequent headaches, severe heartburn, or high blood pressure?
The user will be at increased risk of high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels, both of which preclude heart disease.
With long-term use, abusers may begin to suffer medical problems because of their chronic high blood pressure.
There are many documented benefits of tea itself, including lower risk of heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure.
Along with this, it also helps to prevent high blood pressure because it oxidizes and thins the blood.
People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol and smokers may also be putting themselves at risk if they pick up a shovel and try to clear their driveway themselves.
According to a study from the USDA, the biggest health issue afflicting seniors aged 60 and older is high blood pressure.
But if left unchecked, high blood pressure can have serious effects on the health and wellness of seniors, as well as younger adults.
Adults should be checked for high blood pressure at least once every two years, more often if they have certain risk factors.
These activities can decrease high blood pressure levels and many people have decreased their medication dosage because of these increased activities.
Medical issues - Sleep apnea patients are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.
Weight gain and sleep apnea can cause a variety of complications include increased risks for heart disease, high blood pressure and even heart failure.
It's important to know that sleep apnea is a very serious health condition which can lead to several life threatening illnesses, including heart disease, heart failure and high blood pressure.
The disorder, which causes episodes of breathing cessation during sleep, is associated with numerous serious diseases, including heart attack and high blood pressure.
Untreated sleep apnea increases the risk of serious and potentially fatal health conditions, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and high blood pressure.
Medical issues such as high blood pressure can occur because of untreated sleep apnea.
A variety of medications can cause this condition to occur, but some of the most common are medications used to treat heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure or hypertension.
One type of drug linked to this is high blood pressure medications.
Insomnia can lead to psychiatric disorders like depression or anxiety, and it can increase your risk for infections and other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Maintaining a healthy weight is important to prevent the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and heart disease.
The patient may develop high blood pressure if the blood supply to the kidneys is affected.
Children who develop high blood pressure with one of these disorders are usually placed on a low-sodium diet.
Cardiovascular diseases are higher among persons with high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.
When the mother has high blood pressure (hypertension) or blood poisoning (toxemia), the flow of oxygen to the fetus may be reduced, causing brain damage and mental retardation.
Parents learn to recognize symptoms of high blood pressure or insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities.
Other medications include Digoxin, which strengthens the contraction of the heart, slows the heartbeat, and removes fluid from tissues, and antihypertensive medications that treat high blood pressure.
It can be a side-effect of beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, which are drugs used for treating high blood pressure.
Septal defects-difficulty breathing, stunted growth, and high blood pressure.
Because medical conditions such as high blood pressure or low blood sugar can affect blood flow, these conditions are frequently accompanied by dizziness.
The risk of placental abruption is higher in multiple births and in women with high blood pressure.
Other symptoms include high blood pressure or a "whooshing" sound heard by the physician when he or she places a stethoscope on the abdomen.
When the kidneys have been damaged, high blood pressure may develop.
The prevalence of high blood pressure among African-Americans and whites in the southeastern United States is greater, and death rates from stroke are higher than among those in other regions.
In the early 2000s, high blood pressure in children and adolescents is on the rise.
Researchers found a trend of high blood pressure in children ages eight to 17 years who were overweight or obese.
A diagnosis of hypertension is made only when a person has at least three separate high blood pressure readings performed one to several weeks apart.
Although smoking is not directly related to high blood pressure in children and adolescents, those who smoke should stop to reduce their risk of developing other health problems such as coronary artery disease.
Treatment should be provided by a pediatric cardiologist or pediatrician with special knowledge and experience in the treatment of high blood pressure.
Medications are prescribed, however, to treat hypertension when the child has significant high blood pressure or organ damage, or when diet and exercise are not adequately controlling the child's blood pressure.
High blood pressure may be due to aortic constriction or to kidney abnormalities; however, in a majority of cases, no specific cause for high blood pressure can be identified.
Kidney problems are present in about one third of girls with Turner syndrome and may contribute to high blood pressure.
Kidney problems may also be corrected surgically, but there still may be a tendency for high blood pressure and infections.
In its most serious form, complications can include high blood pressure (hypertension) and renal failure.
Children who have had a recent injury, surgery, or blood loss are at risk, as well as teenagers who might be smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking beta-blockers for high blood pressure or a heart condition.
Some researchers think epinephrine contributes to smokers' increased risk of high blood pressure.
This, in turn, can cause life-threatening high blood pressure (hypertension) and irregular heart beat (cardiac arrhythmia).
Pheochromocytoma-A tumor that originates from the adrenal gland's chromaffin cells, causing overproduction of catecholamines, powerful hormones that induce high blood pressure and other symptoms.
Lead can damage almost every system in the human body, and it can also cause high blood pressure (hypertension).
Mothers with high blood pressure or herpes should not labor or give birth in water.
Teen moms are at higher risk than older women for pregnancy problems like high blood pressure and anemia.
Preeclampsia is a condition consisting of high blood pressure and problems with kidney function.
Some medications that you are currently taking may be important to treat a chronic condition such as high blood pressure or asthma.
Serious complications, such as high blood pressure or kidney damage, can increase the risk of a miscarriage or infant death.
Complications from pregnancy, like high blood pressure or gestational diabetes, might require extra post partum care.
This high blood pressure condition is diagnosed by measuring protein levels in the urine and with blood pressure monitoring.
Women who smoke, have diabetes, are older than 35, have heart conditions, or have high blood pressure should not take the pill.
Calcium helps to reduce the risk of a pregnant mother developing high blood pressure.
The study was conducted with diabetic patients who also had high blood pressure.
According to WebMD, probiotic supplements have the ability to lower the level of unhealthy cholesterol in the blood stream and ease high blood pressure.
If you have high blood pressure or are at risk for it, vitamins and minerals for hypertension may offer ways to treat this condition.
According to the American Heart Association, one way you can help prevent high blood pressure is through a healthy diet.
Research has delved into the role of diet and high blood pressure.
When it comes to cardiovascular health, obtaining a doctor's advice is imperative, especially when dealing with a serious condition such as high blood pressure.
Read labels for sugar and sodium quantities, especially if you are diabetic or have high blood pressure.
This can help control high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Individuals with glaucoma, history of heart attack, arteriosclerosis, hyperthyroidism and high blood pressure should not take this diet drug.
Low sodium diets show that the risk of high blood pressure and the reduction of previously high readings are lowered in persons who are salt-sensitive.
This can be devastating for persons who are salt-sensitive and have high blood pressure as a result.
Health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity can be triggered by this imbalance.
Exercise reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Numerous studies show that a healthy diet can help prevent and help treat everything from diabetes to high blood pressure to cancer.
If your blood pressure level is 140/90 or higher, you may have high blood pressure.
If you are slightly below the high blood pressure level, you may have pre-hypertension.
Are you concerned that you may have high blood pressure?
Many people recognize when they have symptoms of high blood pressure.
Taking care of yourself is the most important thing to do if you have high blood pressure.
A variety of factors contribute to high blood pressure and poor diet and being overweight are two items that play major roles toward developing hypertension even at a young age.
People often wrongly assume high blood pressure to be a disease that occurs in our senior years, this is most definitely not the case and a dangerous attitude to take.
Therefore high blood pressure must be taken seriously at any age.
According to the American Heart Association in 90 to 95 percent of high blood pressure cases, the actual cause in unknown, however, causative factors are able to be more clearly defined.
There is a physiological link between certain foods and dietary habits which can significantly increase the correlation between diet and high blood pressure.
By keeping the daily intake of salt to between five and six grams per day, problems such as high blood pressure can be avoided.
If acknowledged and acted upon before major health problems occur, a reduction of salt in the diet can over time reduce problems with high blood pressure.
Information on what is deemed 'safe' in terms of alcohol intake shifts from study to study, but those who already suffer from high blood pressure ought to be aware of the impact of alcohol on blood pressure.
Those potentially pre-disposed to high blood pressure also need to be aware of the potential issues faced.
For those who choose to do just that, it cannot be said with 100 percent certainty that high blood pressure will not develop for other reasons, however risk will be significantly reduced without a doubt.
It is better to be aware of pre-existing risks such as that of a family history of high blood pressure.
This in turn helps prevent strokes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Those who have high blood pressure should avoid eating foods with high sodium content.
Excess sodium can contribute to health problems like high blood pressure.
Increased blood volume causes your heart to have to work harder to move the blood through your body - and can result in chronic high blood pressure.
You are twice as likely to have high blood pressure if you are obese.
If you eat too much salt, it can result in high blood pressure.
The DASH diet is an eating plan used to help reduce high blood pressure and having some DASH diet meal plans available makes it easier to follow this regimen.
It is very different from the traditional low-salt diet sometimes used for high blood pressure.
The DASH Diet plan is recommended by doctors for patients with high blood pressure but it is a healthy plan appropriate for the entire family.
The main question people with high blood pressure want to know is whether or not the DASH Diet can work for them to bring down blood pressure through diet.
Exercise can indirectly relieve stress and anxiety by improving existing health conditions, such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
It can also help prevent diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Being active may reduce your need to go on high blood pressure medications.
Another of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise involves high blood pressure prevention and treatment.
For example, a hospital may hold a free lecture about prenatal exercise, exercise and heart disease, managing high blood pressure through exercise or keeping kids fit.
A healthy body composition is important for prevention of diseases such as coronary disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Exercise lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Stress may contribute to heart attack and high blood pressure.
Consulting your doctor is especially important if you have an underlying heart condition or high blood pressure.
It lowers your risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
Existing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and exercise-induced asthma, may have an impact on your workouts.
You will also reduce your risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
High cholesterol levels can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure.
This narrowing of blood vessels causes your heart to work harder leading to high blood pressure.
Exercise will also help you relieve stress, which can be a risk factor in other health conditions, such as high blood pressure.
Pulmonary hypertension is high blood pressure affecting the arterial structures of the lungs on the right side of your body.
People with high blood pressure are similarly assessed.
He developed liver problems, glaucoma and high blood pressure.
In episode two, Mike Borassi was removed from the game due to dizzy spells brought on by high blood pressure.
Exposure to lead and other heavy metals has been linked to high blood pressure in some, 26 but not all, research.
Pre-existing high blood pressure makes you more likely to get pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-induced hypertension when you are pregnant.
Along with that, they also prevent a host of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases.