High Sentence Examples
Her instincts on high alarm, she met Xander's gaze.
I need it when I get in the high country.
The shed was piled high with wood.
You always did have a high opinion of yourself.
I thought maybe I wasn't high society material.
When he rose, her feet dangled high off the ground.
I'm not sure who started that story, but it floated around here for my last two years of high school.
This is a good thing because it means that high degrees of utility (the economists' word for "happiness") can be achieved with a wide variety of goods.
I don't know how you keep such a high grade average.
Maybe it was the emotional high they were feeling because of the babies, but something seemed to have shifted their foundation.
AdvertisementYes, Howie is... high strung.
I know it's a high price.
Neither of them had been in high spirits yesterday.
The thought of him made her feel like a girl in junior high being asked to her first dance.
The woodman stirred the fire until the flames leaped high and the sparks flew out of the roof hole.
AdvertisementWhat if physical conditions have built up high walls about us?
High up in the light sky hung the full moon.
Beautiful he was, but he also looked high spirited.
His cheekbones were high, his chiseled face matching the chiseled body.
Again, the materials to build the car are abundant; their cost is high because of technology deficiencies around retrieving and refining them, not an underlying rarity.
AdvertisementOne of the next arrivals was a stout, heavily built young man with close-cropped hair, spectacles, the light-colored breeches fashionable at that time, a very high ruffle, and a brown dress coat.
It's fine to have high ideals about not going too far, but the reality of it is, it can happen before you realize what is happening.
With these words she greeted Prince Vasili Kuragin, a man of high rank and importance, who was the first to arrive at her reception.
In high school and college, she played co-ed soccer and basketball.
The great bird was high in the air and flying towards the far-off mountains with all his money.
AdvertisementHigh maint... who put that in your head?
It would not be the first time, or the last, that ignorance in the world exacted a high price.
An old sickle mower and rake with their high metal seats were the only items she recognized.
Our personal security remains constantly on high alert.
The home is in town with neighbors close by but the high wooden fence in the back yard allows privacy sufficient to cover my night time visit.
The judicial powers are vested in a high court and other federal courts, and the federal judges hold office for life or during good behaviour.
Once they came near to the enclosed Garden of the Clinging Vines, and walking high into the air looked down upon it with much interest.
Nations with high percentages of hungry citizens are not universally food exporters, and we will explore this more later.
Pressed by the throng against the high backs of the chairs, the orators spoke one after another and sometimes two together.
They did it for high level spooks during the cold war.
We could always go back to throw away phones but even those were suspect when our pursuer was a high level government agency.
In Argentina these burdens bear heavily upon the labouring classes, and in years of depression they send away by thousands immigrants unable to meet the high costs of living, For the year 1900 the total expenditures of the national government, 14 provincial governments, and 16 principal cities, were estimated to have been $208,811,925 paper, which is equivalent to $91,877,247 gold, or (at $5.04 per pound stg.) to £18,229,612, ios.
This tribunal differs from similar courts in the states inasmuch as it consists of a single member, called the " president," an officer appointed by the governor-general from among the justices of the High Court of Australia.
The phenomenon is due to very fine particles of dust suspended in the high regions of the atmosphere that produce a scattering effect upon the component parts of white light.
This charter provided that no war could be declared nor marriage concluded by the sovereign, nor taxes raised without the assent of the states, that natives were alone eligible for high office, and that the national language should be used in public documents.
With this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and Dorothy and Zeb followed him.
The final four are at high levels.
Many of the treatments of the ancient world had high degrees of efficacy, all obtained without access to any modern knowledge or equipment.
Carts piled high with household utensils, chairs, and cupboards kept emerging from the gates of the yards and moving along the streets.
They rode across that bridge into the village of Borodino and thence turned to the left, passing an enormous number of troops and guns, and came to a high knoll where militiamen were digging.
We all liked New England but Quinn in particular, despised the high taxes of his home state.
I ripped these off a high school kid.
On Sunday, June 6, Randy Byrne graduated from high school.
Carmen led them toward the trail to the high ground.
He held her by the back of her neck, high enough off the ground that her tiptoes barely touched the sand, and forced her head back, until the soft skin of her neck was exposed.
The Halberstadt pitch is nearly a semitone higher, which again agrees with the statement of Praetorius, and also Schlick's high C organ.
The whole district lies high and has no large rivers.
Another disturbing influence has been the high protective tariffs, adopted during the closing years of the century, which increased the costs of living more rapidly than the wages for labour, and compelled thousands of immigrants to seek employment elsewhere.
Owing to the great distances which must be covered, and also to the defective means of communication in sparsely settled districts, the costs of the postal service in Argentina are unavoidably high in relation to the receipts.
Manufacturing enterprise in Argentina, favoured by the protection of a high tariff, made noticeable progress in the national capital during the closing years of the last century, especially in those small industries which commanded a secure market.
The lack of coal in Argentina greatly increases the difficulty and cost of maintaining these industries, and high prices of the products result.
North of that point a line of high cliffs, in which occur the ports of Fcamp and Dieppe, stretches nearly to the sandy estuary of the Somme.
The market-gardeners of Paris and its vicinity have a high reputation for skill in the forcing of early vegetables under glass.
In Indo-China, West Africa, French Congo and Madagascar, the colonies and protectorates are grouped under governors-general, and to these high officials extensive powers have been granted by presidential decree.
On the 28th of November Oates accused her of high treason, and the Commons passed an address for her removal and that of all the Roman Catholics from Whitehall.
The judge sits as the official and commissary of the lord warden, just as the judge of the high court of admiralty sat as the official and commissary of the lord high admiral.
It exercises only, therefore, such jurisdiction as the high court of admiralty exercised, apart from restraining statutes of 1389 and 1391 and enabling statutes of 1840 and 1861.
Phillimore was also the last judge of the high court of admiralty, from 1867 (the date of his appointment to the high court) to 1875, the two offices were, probably for the first time in history, held by the same person.
The office of marshal in the high court is represented in this court by a serjeant, who also bears a silver oar.
There is a registrar, as in the high court.
The lord warden's claim to prize was raised in, but not finally decided by, the high court of admiralty in the "Ooster Ems," 1 C. Rob.
But his successors did not act with similar leniency; when the city was captured by Ptolemy I., king of Egypt, twelve years later, the fortifications were partially demolished and apparently not again restored until the period of the high priest Simon II., who repaired the defences and also the Temple buildings.
It also possesses the power of combining with most metallic oxides at high temperatures, forming borates, which in many cases show characteristic colours.
On the restoration of peace he was appointed to high command in Hungary.
Ancient critics take a very high view of the merits of Pheidias.
A further gentle rise in the high steppes leads to the mountains of the West Australian coast, and another strip of low-lying coastal land to the sea.
The Southern Ocean system of the Victorian Dividing Range hardly attains to the dignity of high mountains.
Their shoulders are lifted high above the tree-line.
The coal-seams must have been formed in wellwatered, lowland forests, at the foot of a high mountain range, built up by the Devonian earth movements.
The clays of the Rolling Downs formation overlie a series of sands and drifts, saturated with water under high pressure, which discharges at the surface as a flowing well, when a borehole pierces the impermeable cover.
The average rainfall along the coast is high, especially in the north, where it ranges from 60 to 70 in.
Instruction at state schools is either free or at merely nominal cost, and high schools, technical colleges and agricultural colleges are maintained by appropriations from the general revenues of the states.
The ore generally occurs in the form of oxides, manganite and pyrolusite, and contains a high percentage of sesquioxide of manganese.
Cobalt occurs in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, and efforts have been made in the former state to treat the ore, the metal having a high commercial value; but the market is small, and no attempt has been made up to 1907 to produce it on any large scale.
The lower jaw is heavy; the cheekbones somewhat high, and the chin small and receding.
Among some tribes a circular grave was dug and the body placed in it with its face towards the east, and a high mound covered with bark or thatch raised over it.
Resuming his voyage in an easterly direction, Tasman sighted the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand on the 13th of December of the same year, and describes the coast-line as consisting of " high mountainous country."
Special provisions were made respecting appeals from the High Court to the sovereign in council.
For five years these high wages ruled; but in 1886 there was a sharp fall, though wages still remained very good.
He then returned to Balliol as a Snell exhibitioner; became vicar of High Ercall, Shropshire, in 1750; canon of Windsor, 1762; bishop of Carlisle, 1787 (and also dean of Windsor, 1788); bishop of Salisbury, 1791.
These were due to an enormous amount of exceedingly fine dust blown to a great height by that terrific explosion, and then universally diffused by the high atmospheric currents.
Ultimately he rose to high rank in the newly organized imperial government, but in 1873 he retired from the cabinet by way of protest against its decision not to take armed action against Korea.
It has a station on the Cambrian line between Moat Lane and Brecon, and two others (high and low levels) at Builth Road about 14 m.
On the 10th of December the sultan opened the Turkish parliament with a speech from the throne in which he said that the first parliament had been "temporarily dissolved until the education of the people had been brought to a sufficiently high level by the extension of instruction throughout the empire."
Singapore is the political, commercial and administrative headquarters of the colony of the Straits Settlements, and the governor for the time being is ex officio high commissioner of the Federated Malay States, British North Borneo, Sarawak, the Cocos-Keeling and Christmas Islands, and governor of Labuan.
Many of the lower forms of Brown Seaweeds (Phoeophyceae) have a thallus consisting of simple or branched cell threads, as in the green and red forms. The lateral union of the branches to form a solid thallus is not, however, so common, nor is it carried to so high a pitch of elaboration as in the Rhodophyceae.
Ha-lophytes.These are plants living in situations where the substratum contains a high proportion of sodium chloride.
It is only in a general sense like Schimpers that such ecological terms as xerophytes have any value; and it is not possible, at least at present, to frame ecological classes, which shall have a high scientific value, on a basis of this nature.
It is probable that most, if not all, the metabolic changes which take place in a cell, such as the transformation of starch, proteids, sugar, cellulose; and the decomposition -of numerous other organic substances which would otherwise require a high temperature or powerful reagents is also due to their activity.
The study of existing Algae, that is of plants that have continued to live in water, shows that under these conditions no high degree of organization has been reached, though some of them have attained gigantic dimensions.
High elevations reproduce the physical conditions of high latitudes.
Extensions of the flora occur southwards of the high mountains of tropical Africa; A denocaf pus, a characteristic Mediterranean genus, has been found on Kilimanjaro and 2000 m.
The Australian flora has extensions at high levels in the tropics; such exists on Kinabalu in Borneo under the equator.
High mountain levels supplied paths of communication for stocking the South Temperate region, the floras of which were enriched by adapted forms of tropical types.
Plants exhibit the controlling power of environment to a high degree, and thus vegetation is usually in close adjustment to the bolder geographical features of a region.
The highlander and viking, products of the valleys raised high amid the mountains or half-drowned in the sea, are everywhere of kindred spirit.
Cicero, who entertained a high opinion of Deiotarus, whose acquaintance he had made when governor of Cilicia, undertook his defence, the case being heard in Caesar's own house at Rome.
The city is finely situated on high bluffs above the lake, and is widely known for its healthiness.
High Street, the principal business thoroughfare, is 100 ft.
The principal building is the state capitol (completed in 1857) in a square of ten acres at the intersection of High and Broad streets.
James Hepburn succeeded in 1556 to his father's titles, lands and hereditary offices, including that of lord high admiral of Scotland.
In England, the royal almonry still forms a part of the sovereign's household, the officers being the hereditary grand almoner (the marquess of Exeter), the lord high almoner, the sub-almoner, and the secretary to the lord high almoner.
They did not bother to cross the bridges over the brooks, but when they came to a stream they stepped high and walked in the air to the other side.
An ongoing debate is whether a high amount of energy raises a nation or region's gross national product (GNP) or whether rising GNP increases the consumption of energy.
The afternoon sun was high in the sky, baking the revelers in summer warmth as they clustered around the intersection of Sixth and Main Street, the site of the infamous water fight.
It wasn't a road designed for a high speed, for any reason.
The vehicle stopped, its high beams blinding him.
She was the prettiest thing in high school—at least that year.
Mr. Westlake never married and taught high school history for thirty years.
He grumbled something about getting one of those "take a number" dispensers the big city post offices had, right below their self-serving signs applauding their high level of service.
World class vistas, trickling silver rivers of high snow melt-off, sky as blue as a queen's velvet robe, and the green and grey of forest and rock towering in every direction—all went unseen.
It wasn't high enough for her to see exactly what she wanted, but she was tired from effort.
She didn't know what to do to return to the heady high she'd been on.
Back at the house, Carmen prepared the chicken for the oven while Destiny sat in her high chair playing with some cereal.
Destiny was in her high chair playing with fruit colored cereal.
Alex plucked her from the high chair and walked out of the room with her.
The front of the panties was low, but high enough to cover her scar.
It was dark by the time the cab dropped her off in front of the high rise where she shared an apartment with Logan.
Deidre squared off against the waist high wall between her and her destiny.
Deidre's gaze fell to his shapely shoulder, thick bicep and roped forearm as he extended one arm high enough for Katie to walk under.
Suddenly, she was afraid she'd be tempted to pay whatever price he demanded, no matter how high.
His sweater, jeans, and trench coat were all of high quality with his heavy boots dwarfing her feet as hers did Toby's.
At his severe tone, she took another step back, ready to exit as fast as she could in the snug dress and high heels.
He beat the air mercilessly with his wings, rising high above the city and coasting on cold wind currents until he reached the ocean.
No less than twenty showers separated by waist high walls lined the area before her.
She'd known Evelyn since they were in elementary school, and she'd been renting a room from her for the past two years since graduating high school.
She hadn't felt instant attraction to a man since high school.
There were no traditional decorations such as pictures or mirrors on the walls, but colorful cords and streams of what might have been silk edging the corners and dangling from high ceilings.
She took the high road and ignored him.
He watched explosions wrack his planet until they rose high enough that the toxic dust storm he'd started marred the surface of the planet from view.
It was dark, the dual moons high in the sky.
The little girl, hair streaming, offered encouragement while skating backwards, one leg lifted high and beckoning unsuccessfully for Dean to follow.
His view of her sweat pants in front of him were like a sack of footballs being dragged back to the locker room after a high school scrimmage.
The dress was full length, rather plain, with a high collar.
She had pulled her long auburn hair high on her head, making her appear taller and almost regal in spite of the simple lines of the garment, and the plainness of her features.
The temperature was in the high teens but as the sun began its ascent it felt far warmer.
Dean never ceased to marvel at the difference of high mountain snow from the heavy, wet precipitation of the East and the endless problems it caused with man and auto.
Three hundred dollars seems much too high.
She was now a blonde, with her hair pinned high to the top of her head.
The new Beaumont hotel was all a glitter in preparation of an affair of some high social order and there was a general excitement everywhere.
Maybe now things will be quiet enough so I'll have time to contemplate all those high level philosophical concepts.
But the high cost of lift tickets and rentals made downhill skiing look like an infrequent outing.
They discovered that they had led similar lives, both belonging to families of high standing and wealth.
Well, Miss Sidwell, I'd say you're a big hit with high society.
Every year, the full moon in January is the Wolf Moon and there is a three day festival that all werewolves attend… kind of our high holiday.
He nuzzled her neck with his nose, "You realize you set the bar pretty high for next year."
I know you think he was high handed about it, but as your guardian, it was his responsibility to encourage you to get a good education.
Ahead of her, Katie stepped off the wooden porch into the ankle high snow and followed the trail Carmen had broken earlier on her trip to light the stove in the dairy.
Was she setting her sights too high?
It was one thing to covertly admire Alex, but quite another to stand here discussing him as though he were high dollar merchandise at a low bid auction... and why was Katie so concerned?
No doubt Tessa was in labor and searching for a private place to give birth - some place high in the rocks, away from the water, but sheltered from the wind.
We've been dating since high school.
You're talking about high treason at the VP level at least to access those things.
Brady asked, wondering if the doctor was already high.
Mr. Tim was high maintenance.
When they were too high for lasers to reach them, he sat and pulled out his medic bag.
It was dark. The dual moons of the underworld were high overhead, another sign she hadn't slept more than an hour or two. The trees overhead hissed as the branches moved like snakes in a soft breeze. Gabriel held out a hand and pulled her up, silent despite his size and small armory of weapons.
We arrived at the high school, and Lara and Ivy took off for the middle school next door.
I didn't really care, I wasn't sure there was anything out there for me after high school.
He was the husband of Cynthia Cosgrove Byrne and the father of Randy Byrne, a Parkside High School senior.
I saw him play last spring when I went out to the high school to bust the Cummings kid for breaking and entering.
Another neighbor's husband drove to the high school for her son Randy, who was at baseball practice.
She added somewhat sheepishly, He's had perfect attendance for all of high school.
The late night storm had blown Wednesday's hazy whiteness east to New Jersey and the Atlantic beyond, leaving in its place a high pressure system, a sky painted deep blue and patched with just enough puffy clouds for contrast.
He had no particular destination, but his meandering brought him to a hillside overlooking the new high school complex.
In Dean's playing days the high school was still in town, but otherwise, nothing had changed.
Just making the Parkside High baseball team had been a miraculous ascension from being the-you-take-him-we-don't-want-him-boy when the kids chose sides in sandlot games.
He had scored once, in his junior year, producing one-third of his team's production in a 13-to-3 lapper for Easton High.
The presumption of death is high so obtaining a death certificate would probably be easy.
Although Hunter had been born in North Carolina—on 16 acres of red mud, as he described it—he'd moved to Norfolk in high school and never left.
We played high school football—at least Vinnie played—I mostly sat.
Looks like they're interested in your high school sweetheart, Rita answered without looking up.
Real bikers weren't bothered by a little rain, he tried to tell himself, but the car radio spoke of a storm system moving up from the south, bringing with it high winds and torrential rain.
From what you say the odds are high it's only a matter of time until his brother floats in.
I just keep him around 'cause he does have some clean friends in high places.
It would be a nice way to leave Parkside High.
He shifted his bike into high gear as he began a long downhill, building speed, anxious to get home.
He could have stayed in the gym of Cortez-Montezuma High School but the weather was pleasant and he wanted to try out his newly purchased equipment under the western skies.
It was the issue listing the graduates of Parkside High School.
My mind is in high gear too.
When they met he was still a high ranking salesman for a large corporation.
Canned goat milk wasn't the same and goat meat wasn't exactly in high demand in this area.
Reaching high and taking a firm grip on the rope, she lifted herself, clamping the rope between her knees and letting her feet rest on the piece of broomstick.
I've never seen the creek so high!
His brows arched high.
The run was eight feet high and had a top, so they wouldn't fly out and nothing would get in.
The sight of the white dodge ram truck threw her pulse into high gear.
Vitamins and minerals – zinc and vitamin C were high on the list, and some herbs.
She turned on the exhaust fan and grabbed a chair, climbing into it to get high enough to shut the alarm off.
It took three attempts, but she finally bounced high enough to shut off the alarm.
Darian took them to an area where he'd felt a consistent, high level of Other activity.
He opened his eyes to find them off a dirt road in the high desert somewhere.
Only Jonny's was a high borne of blood and sex.
One small window was high up against the nine-foot ceiling, barely wider than the span of her two hands.
Wood dwellings sagged, and refuse was stacked high between them.
A few minutes later they were joined by a girl Carmen hadn't seen since high school.
I got married right out of high school.
They found the ruins about a mile further where the creek followed a gorge between two high cliffs.
It was close to water but high enough to escape floods.
High above them were the graves of her parents.
Natalie and Mathew were in their high chairs, Destiny and Jonathan sat on either side of her and Alex was at the end of the table.
Grabbing the saddle horn, he pulled himself up, but didn't get his other foot high enough.
Bison can jump six feet high.
It was no wonder that Sam held her in such high regard.
Beside the tank was a pile of split wood about three feet high and six feet long.
The leathery coils of its shiny body lay in a heap, stacked at least three tiers high.
An occasional sharp high bark soon revealed the source as a little gray squirrel.
It arched high and came down with a clatter.
The stakes must be high - or maybe he simply enjoyed the game.
I've been on my own since I got out of high school.
He must be feeling about three inches high.
He as much as told me he thinks I'm a high priced...
The air conditioning was high enough to make her shiver, the bright interior settling her fear of walking into some crazy person's house.
He was a guest on a show, and the ratings were so high, they nudged out the original host and put him in there.
Chances were high that he'd sleep with her and discard her.
Purple light arced through the broken glass windows, high above.
It is a bluish-black powder which at high temperatures decomposes into the metal, dioxide and oxygen.
The technical high school, which since 1899 has possessed the right to confer the degree of doctor of engineering, practically enjoys academic status and so do the veterinary high school and the school of art.
While such judgments are naturally exaggerated, there is no doubt that he takes a very high place among modern Latin poets.
If chemical compounds can be proved by experiment to obey these laws, then the atomic theory acquires a high degree of probability; if they are contradicted by experiment then the atomic theory must be abandoned, or very much modified.
As patron of the Arts and Crafts Museum (1862-98), and as curator of the Academy of Sciences, he won a high reputation.
Among modern buildings may be mentioned the Bakewell and High Peak Institute, and the town hall and museum.
At Kufstein, down to which point it has still pursued a north-easterly direction, it breaks through the north Tirol limestone formation, and, now keeping a northerly course, enters at Rosenheim the Bavarian high plateau.
Its bed is now broad, studded with islands and enclosed by high banks.
An attack of the ague sent him home, and on recovery, having resolved to attend a high school and fit himself to become a teacher, he passed the next four years in a hard struggle with poverty and in an earnest effort to secure an education, studying for a short time in the Geauga Seminary atChester, Ohio.
Their selection for a particular purpose depends upon some special quality which they possess; thus for brewing certain essentials are demanded as regards stability, clarification, taste and smell; whereas, in distilleries, the production of alcohol and a high multiplying power in the yeast are required.
The prevailing winds in this region, which the sea traverses longitudinally, are westerly, but the sea itself causes the formation of bands of low barometric pressure during the winter season, within which cyclonic disturbances frequently develop, while in summer the region comes under the influence of the polar margin of the tropical high pressure belt.
The landscape consists for the most part of waste stretches of heath, occasionally slightly overlaid with high fen.
The general conclusion would appear to be that, while as seen from the earth's surface much of the light from the sky is due to comparatively gross suspended matter, yet an appreciable proportion is attributable to the molecules of air themselves, and that at high elevations where the blue is purer, the latter part may become predominant.
It is divided by the Croal, a small tributary of the Irwell, into Great and Little Bolton, and as the full name implies, is surrounded by high moorland.
Flame collectors blow out in high winds, whilst water-droppers are apt to get frozen in winter.
It requires a radium salt of high radioactivity to be at all comparable in effectiveness with a good water-dropper.
Observations on mountain tops generally show high potentials near the ground.
Bearing this in mind, one can readily imagine how close together the equipotential surfaces must lie near the summit of a high sharp mountain peak.
At several stations enjoying a wide prospect the dissipation has been observed to be specially high on days of great visibility when distant mountains can be recognized.
A cylinder condenser has its inner surface insulated and charged to a high positive or negative potential.
Specially large values of 1 + and I_ have been observed at high levels in balloon ascents.
Table Potential, Dissipation, Ioniz If we regard the potential gradient near the ground as representing a negative charge on the earth, then if the source of supply of that charge is unaffected the gradient will rise and become high when the operations by which discharge is promoted slacken their activity.
With the exception of a narrow strip along the Canadian frontier, thunderstorm frequency is fairly high over the whole of the United States to the east of the tooth meridian.
A state board of education, consisting of the state superintendent and five other persons appointed by him, constitutes a state board of examiners (for special primary, high school and professional certificates) and prescribes the course of study.
During the war and for years afterwards partisan feeling ran high.
The south pavilion of the present house is the original brick building, one and a half storeys high, first occupied by Jefferson in 1770.
In the Armenian and Coptic rites the vestment is often elaborately embroidered; in the other rites the only ornament is a cross high in the middle of the back, save in the case of bishops of the Orthodox Church, whose sticharia are ornamented with two vertical red stripes (7rorayof, " rivers").
At each extremity of the island are high mountains, which send off branches along the coast so as to enclose a large arid plain..
Finally, one of the most striking buildings in the city is the high school (1885) with its commanding tower.
For seven long years Hastings was upon his defence on the charge of "high crimes and misdemeanours."
The angle through which the arm was moved, or, in the latter case, the angle between the two arms, was read off upon a finely graduated arc. With such means no very high accuracy was possible.
This form of micrometer is of course capable of giving results of high precision, but the drawback is that the process involves a minimum of six pointings and the entering of six screw-head readings in order to measure the two co-ordinates of the star.
He was high sheriff of Wiltshire during 1647, and displayed much vigour in this office.
He was now recognized as one of the chief opponents of Clarendon and the High Anglican policy.
He had been accused of vanity and ostentation in his office, but his reputation for ability and integrity as a judge was high even with his enemies.
On the 24th of November he was indicted for high treason at the Old Bailey, the chief ground being a paper of association for the defence of the Protestant religion, which, though among his papers, was not in his handwriting; but the grand jury ignored the bill.
Asheville is situated at the junction of three branches of the Southern railway, on a high terrace on the east bank of the French Broad river, at the mouth of the Swannanoa, about 2300 ft.
The banks of the Beas are high, and on this side of the district well-water is not found except at 50 ft.
The Turks raised as a monument of their victory a high tower composed entirely of the heads of the Servians slain in the battle of Nish.
The nucleus of the township lies on high ground to the east of the Edgware road, which crosses the Welsh Harp reservoir of Regent's Canal, a favourite fishing and skating resort.
Devoting himself next to optics, he produced memoirs which entitle him to a high place among the early, searchers after a true dynamical theory of light.
To the south of the hospital is Greenwich Park (185 acres), lying high, and commanding extensive views over London, the Thames and the plain of Essex.
In 1815 he commanded the Dutch and Belgian contingents, and won high commendations for his courage and conduct at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, at the latter of which he was wounded.
Joachim Descartes, his father, having purchased a commission as counsellor in the parlement of Rennes, introduced the family into that demi-noblesse of the robe which, between the bourgeoisie and the high nobility, maintained a lofty rank in French society.
Vacherot was a man of high character and adhered strictly to his principles, which were generally opposed to those of the party in power.
Personally, Ivan was tall and well-made, with high shoulders and a broad chest.
His fathers took a prominent part in Athenian politics, and in 479 held high command in the Greek squadron which annihilated the remnants of Xerxes' fleet at Mycale; through his mother, the niece of Cleisthenes, he was connected with the former tyrants of Sicyon and the family of the Alcmaeonidae.
From here the caravans start for Persia, and at certain periods of the year long trains of camels may be seen, and Persian merchants conspicuous by their high black caps and long robes.
Thus at high temperatures a helium thermometer is of no special advantage.
It was the high summer of 325 when Alexander reached Patala.
Certain features - the high physical courage, the impulsive energy, the fervid imagination - stand out clear; beyond that disagreement begins.
But with all these often opposed conditions, we find less variation than might be expected, the main and really important divergence being due to the necessity of transposition, which added a very high pitch to the primarily convenient low one.
Schlick goes on to say the organ is to be suited to the choir and properly tuned for singing, that the singer may not be forced to sing too high or too low and the organist have to play chromatics, which is not handy for every one.
In one passage he distinctly says the old organ high pitch had been a whole tone above his Cammerton, with which we shall find his tertia minore combines to make the required interval.
This lowering tendency towards the low church pitch, and the final adoption of the latter as a general mean pitch throughout the 18th century, was no doubt influenced by the introduction of the violin, which would not bear the high tension to which the lutes and viols had been strained.
Sir Michael Costa was the conductor 1846-1854, and from his acceptance of that high pitch the fork became known as Costa's, and its inception was attributed to him, though on insufficient grounds.
The high pitch remains only where there are large concert organs not yet lowered, and with the military and brass bands.
His rule was most energetic; but while he favoured the barbarians in the imperial service, and appointed them to high office, Valentinian, openly jealous of his minister, sought to surround himself with Romans.
However, notwithstanding the insistence on ritual, natural in a priest, his moral standard is high; following the prescription of Ex.
His conception of Yahweh shows a mingling of the high and the low.
To this high conception of a preacher's function the prophet was faithful throughout his career.
The publication of his best-known work, True Religion Delineated (1750), won for him a high reputation as a theologian, and the book was several times reprinted both in England and in America.
Among the principal buildings are the First National bank, the immense Union station and the Saint Vincent hospital; besides several fine office and school buildings (including the beautiful manual training high school) and churches.
In Scotland the title of justiciar was borne, under the earlier kings, by two high officials, one having his jurisdiction to the north, the other to the south of the Forth.
The summer temperature in the plains is that of southern Italy; in the mountain district& it is high during the day, but falls almost to freezing-point at night.
There are several interesting limestone caverns, and Sylvan Lake, in the high mountain district, is an important resort.
It has several ginning factories and a cotton-mill; two high schools, one maintained by the Government and the other by the Basel German Mission.
In the book of Zechariah Zerubbabel has already fallen into the background and the high priest is the leading figure of the Judean community.
Apathy took the place of enthusiasm, and sordid worries succeeded to high hopes.
Winnipegosis and Manitoba at high water, in spring-time, discharge their overflow through small streams into Winnipeg.
A closed stove acts mainly by convection; though when heated to a high temperature it gives out radiant heat.
Oils are powerful fuels, but the high price of refined petroleum, the oil generally preferred, precludes its widespread use for many purposes for which it is suitable.
There are several different systems of heating by steam - low pressure, high pressure and minus pressure.
A drawback to the use of steam is the fact that the high temperature of the pipes and radiators attracts and spreads a great deal of dust.
The piping takes a winding or zigzag course, and by the time the outlet is reached, the water it contains has reached a high temperature.
In 1617 Napier published his Rabdologia, 4 a duodecimo of one hundred and fifty-four pages; there is prefixed to it as preface a dedicatory epistle to the high chancellor of Scotland.
Tradition indicates Selby as the birth-place of Henry I., and thus accounts for the high privileges conferred upon the abbey.
They were unanimous in adopting the idea of a church in which all the members were priests under the Lord Jesus, the One High Priest and Ruler; the officers of which were not mediators between men and God, but preachers of One Mediator, Christ Jesus; not lords over God's heritage, but ensamples to the flock and ministers to render service.
It was a council created by parliament to give advice in church matters at a great crisis in the nation's history; but its acts, though from the high character and great learning of its members worthy of deepest respect, did not per se bind parliament or indeed anyone.
The appetite of the Welsh people for sermons is enormous, and the preachers are characterized by an exceptionally high order of pulpit power.
It is the oldest school of engineering in the country, and has always maintained a high rank of efficiency.
At the foot of the hill flows the river See, which at high tide is navigable from the sea.
The largest of the rivers through which Argentina drains into the Plata system are the Pilcomayo, which rises in Bolivia and flows south-east along the Argentine frontier for about 400 m.; the Bermejo, which rises on the northern frontier and flows south-east into the Paraguay; and the Salado del Norte (called Rio del Juramento in its upper course), which rises on the high mountain slopes of western Salta and flows south-east into the Parana.
His high social position, his influence at court, his character, as well as his undoubted abilities and learning, not often in Austria found in a man of his rank, gave him great influence.
Vermont is a portion of the plateau-like New England upland, broken by mountain ranges, individual mountains and high hills, rising above the general upland surface, and by deep narrow valleys, cut below that surface.
Owing to the high rate of taxation on deposits, a considerable part of the savings of the people is sent into other states.
Hydriodic acid and phosphorus at high temperature give a dihydro-compound, whilst sodium and alcohol give hexaand octo-hydro derivatives.
As firewood oak holds a high position, though in Germany it is considered inferior to beech for that purpose.
The astringent principle is a peculiar kind of tannic acid, called by chemists quercitannic, which, yielding more stable compounds with gelatine than other forms, gives oak bark its high value to the tanner.
Yttria, Y203, is a yellowish white powder, which at high.
On the 19th of January 1648 Cromwell was accused of high treason by Lilburne.
In particular, his acceptance of the crown would have guaranteed his followers, under the act of Henry VII., from liability in the future to the charge of high treason for having given allegiance to himself as a de facto king.
Diatom ooze is the characteristic deposit in high southern latitudes.
In all of these water of relatively high salinity usually appears for a long distance towards the north on the eastern side of the channel, while on the western side the water is comparatively fresh; but great variations occur at different seasons and in different years.
The tropical belt of high pressure persists all the year tion of ture.
In his later years he overcame the drunkenness that was habitual to him in youth; he developed seriousness of character and unselfish devotion to what lie believed was the cause of patriotism; and he won the respect of men of high character and capacity in France and Holland.
After having been expelled from a monastery for his excessive austerities, at thirty years of age he built a pillar six feet high on which he took up his abode.
The great advantage of the tube anemometer lies in the fact that the exposed part can be mounted on a high pole, and requires no oiling or attention for years; and the registering part can be placed in any convenient position, no matter how far from the external part.
In cases where the density of the air is not of average value, as on a high mountain, or with an exceptionally low barometer for example, an allowance must be made.
The glycols are somewhat thick liquids, of high boiling point, the pinacones only being crystalline solids; they are readily soluble in water and alcohol, but are insoluble in ether.
Thus the principle of Carnot involves the conclusion that a greater proportion of the heat possessed by a body at a high temperature can be converted into work than in the case of an equal quantity of heat possessed by a body at a low temperature, so that the availability of heat increases with the temperature.
He does not seem to have found any English trumpeters capable of playing as high parts as those of the German Clarin-Bldser, and his plan seems generally to get as many oboes and bassoons as could be procured to double the top and bottom of his string-band.
It thus became in a high degree symbolical of the exaltation of the sacerdotal power.
Where high speed lowering is not required it is usual to employ a reversing motor and keep it always in gear.
Worm wheel gearing is of very high efficiency if made very quick in pitch, with properly formed teeth perfectly lubricated, and with the end thrust of the worm taken on ball bearings.
A dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
This type is usually fitted with a very high jib, so as to lift goods in and out of high-sided vessels.
It is often very desirable to have the quay space as little obstructed by the cranes as possible, so as not to interfere with railway traffic; this has led to the introduction of cranes mounted on high trucks or gantries, sometimes also called " portal " cranes.
It is practically a traveller mounted on high legs, so as to permit of its being travelled on rails placed on the ground level, instead of on an elevated gantry.
He had been an officer of the guard under Julian and Jovian, and had risen high in the imperial service.
Interest was charged at very high rates for overdue loans of this.
The advantage of the high conducting power which copper possesses Over- is of especial value in moist climates (like that of the United Kingdom), since the effect of leakage over the surface of the damp insulators is much less noticeable when the conducting power of the wire is high than when it is low, especially when the line is a long one.
Owing to the high price of gutta-percha the tendency, of recent years, has been to approximate more closely to the theoretical dimensions, x xvl.
If long circuits were worked direct with ordinary instruments, high battery power would be required in order to send sufficient Single current to actuate the apparatus.
The leakage through the insulator of the cable is compensated for by connecting high resistances between different points of the strip conductor and the earth coating.
This printer is purely mechanical, and its speed is very high.
The conductor of the cable is practically insulated, as the condensers in the bridge have a very high resistance; hence no appreciable current ever flows into or out of the line.
The use of the iron core renders it possible to produce a high inductive effect with a low resistance coil.
The relative backwardness of telegraphy in Great Britain was attributed to high charges made by the companies and to restricted facilities.
There are several reasons for the unsatisfactory financial results apart from the high price paid for the acquisition of the telegraphs.