Hiding Sentence Examples
Alex had been hiding more than a father.
I just wondered how you felt about him hiding things from you.
There was no hiding from her mate.
It was a terrible choice for a hiding place.
They'll think you're hiding something.
She's hiding from us somewhere nearby.
Jessi was hiding something.
I wanted to say the entire French Foreign hiding in the other room but before I could speak, we both could barely hear a voice.
I just wish you'd stop hiding everything from me.
Still, hiding from them wasn't going to solve anything - especially for his sisters.
AdvertisementShe pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, hiding her face from the light.
He had a feeling the most difficult was the one hiding in the Sanctuary.
There was no point in hiding the truth.
But now I am hiding something!
The old aunt received the two young people in her corner, but seemed desirous of hiding her adoration for Helene and inclined rather to show her fear of Anna Pavlovna.
AdvertisementAnd lastly you too, peasants, come from the forests where you are hiding in terror, return to your huts without fear, in full assurance that you will find protection!
He had equipped himself with a mental telescope and looked into remote space, where petty worldliness hiding itself in misty distance had seemed to him great and infinite merely because it was not clearly seen.
There is on one to connect me to New Hampshire though this little group who thought they were so clever hiding in that silly business in Keene might suspect that the one they hunted is now hunting them!
He went to the library, where he knew she'd be hiding out.
She felt his fear and squeezed her eyes closed, the man in her arms colliding with the man hiding in the corner of her mind.
AdvertisementEven so, she hadn't even considered telling him whatever it was she was hiding.
My dear half-brother Erik went into hiding and hasn't been seen in weeks, leaving his part of the world completely exposed.
Darkyn saw it somehow, and Deidre suspected Gabriel's here-gone approach to her was his way of hiding how much he did care.
Gabe said nothing, suspecting he knew where the death-dealer was hiding out.
She tossed the fish back to the ocean and coiled the rope, hiding it beneath several small rocks in the back of the cave.
AdvertisementKatie didn't bother hiding her grimace.
He.d thought Lankha skittish when he met the healer but soon found all the healers quaking and hiding.
Then the awkwardness of his silent position hiding in the darkness extended beyond the point of propriety of making his presence known.
Look, Edith Shipton had just poured her heart out to my wife and me that she had run away from an abusive husband and was hiding.
He considered switching a digit and feigning a mistake but he knew these guys would figure he was hiding something and be all the more aggressive when they questioned Cynthia.
He watched her face, sensing she was hiding a great deal.
At least he'd confirmed that whatever secrets Lana had were well worth hiding.
One charged her hiding place, and she scrambled back, pressing herself against the tree.
I'm thinking someone is destroying the fed buildings in case a certain fed is hiding there.
The buildings held lights and people, and the canal curved to the left, hiding the size of the city.
He turned, and she stopped. With the tip of one dagger, he tugged a necklace free from the shirt hiding it. On it was two small green gems.
She accused them of jailing her sons without trial, hiding them away or simply not telling her of their whereabouts.
Vinnie claimed to be able to show the police where Billie and Willie had been hiding and continued to brag that he had enough information to make headlines and sink half the Philadelphia mobsters.
When I got to the top of the stairs, they must have been hiding back of the door 'cause the next thing I knew they had a towel over my head and were dragging me into the bathroom.
Pausing for a moment, Pierre noticed several other men of the same kind hiding in the shadow of the house on both sides.
Hiding your groups through your control panel allows you to remove the groups from your profile, without affecting your interaction with them, or their accessibility.
The conspiracy was honeycombed with treachery, and it was long a matter of dispute to whose information the government were indebted for Fitzgerald's arrest; but it is no longer open to doubt that the secret of his hiding place was disclosed by a Catholic barrister named Magan, to whom the stipulated reward was ultimately paid through Francis Higgins, another informer.
He once lay in hiding for two months with the duchesse du Maine at Sceaux, where were produced the comedietta of La Prude and the tragedy of Rome sauvee, and afterwards for a time lived chiefly at Luneville; here Madame du Chatelet had established herself at the court of King Stanislaus, and carried on a liaison with Saint-Lambert, an officer in the king's guard.
The counter-revolutionaries drove him into hiding from May 1795 until the amnesty proclaimed in the autumn of that year.
A majority of the artists are content to copy old pictures of Buddhas sixteen disciples, the seven gods of happiness, and other similar assemblages of mythical or historical personages, not only because such work offers large opportunity for the use of striking colors and the production of meretricious effects, dear to the eye of the average Western householder and tourist, but also because a complicated design, as compared with a simple one, has the advantage of hiding the technical imperfections of the ware.
How his affairs fell into this condition, why he did not die in his own house, and why in the previous summer he had been in hiding, as we know he was from a letter still extant, are points not clearly explained.
It is possible that he had to go into hiding to avoid the danger of being accused as a real Jacobite, when those with whom he had contracted to assume the character were dead and could no longer justify his attitude.
It is, however, by no means easy to determine their original tenets, as in the 13th and 14th centuries they were a body of obscure and unlettered peasants, hiding themselves in a corner, while in the 16th century they were absorbed into the general movement of the Reformation.
But his moderate principles brought suspicion on him, and during the Terror he had to go into hiding.
All this time he was in hiding in cellars and sewers, where he was attacked by a horrible skin disease, tended only by the woman Simonne Evrard, who remained true to him.
Again denounced, Marat had to remain in hiding until the 10th of August.
His intrigues were discovered by Otto, who, after he had defeated and taken prisoner Berengar, returned to Rome and summoned a council which deposed John, who was in hiding in the mountains of Campania, and elected Leo VIII.
They include three genera, of which the first is represented by the Canadian porcupine (Erethizon dorsatus), a stout, heavily-built animal, with long hairs almost or quite hiding its spines, four frontand five hind-toes, and a short, stumpy tail.
His conduct arousing suspicion, he went into hiding, and did not emerge again until after the fall of Robespierre.
The Embiidae live in warm countries, and are very retiring in their habits, hiding under stones where they spin webs formed of silk produced by glands in the basal segments of the fore-feet.
In 755 he was in hiding near Ceuta, and thence he sent an agent over to Spain to ask for the support of other clients of the family, descendants of the conquerors of Spain, who were numerous in the province of Elvira, the modern Granada.
The night was overcast, with a light wind from the N.E., and a thick column of smoke soon began to roll down the coast, hiding everything.
Etienne Pascal, who had bought some of the hotel-de-ville rentes, protested against Richelieu's reduction of the interest, and to escape the Bastille had to go into hiding.
It appears that Peter did not stay with the disciples and neither returned home immediately to Galilee (according to the Galilean tradition) nor sought hiding in Jerusalem (according to the Jerusalem tradition), but followed the Lord at a distance and was a witness of at least part of the trial before the Sanhedrim.
House-cleanings and struggles with builders during the construction of a " soundproof room " taxed her energy, while Carlyle was hiding himself with his family in Scotland or staying at English country houses.
At the end of 1585, all James's exiled foes, Douglases, Hamiltons and others, returned across the border in force, caught the king at Stirling, drove Arran into hiding, restored the Gowrie family, and became the new administration.
Da'ud, who, having insinuated himself into the confidence of the caliph, especially by discovering the hiding places of certain Alids, was afterwards (in 778) made prime minister.
Their death by stratagem had already been planned, and on the 10th of March they had to go into hiding.
Then follows the usual allusion to Clematius; the date is expressly fixed at 238, and the whole revelation is seemingly ascribed to St Cordula, one of the 11,000 who, after escaping death on the first day by hiding in one of the vessels, on the morrow gave herself up to death of her own accord.
Monsignor Barnes, in The Man of the Mask (1908), takes the entry "Marchioly" as making it certain that the prisoner was not Mattioli, on the ground (r) that the law explicitly ordered a false name to be given, and (2) that after hiding his identity so carefully the authorities were not likely to give away the secret by means of a burial register.
Sprengtporten lay weather-bound in Finland, Toll was five hundred miles away, the Hat leaders were in hiding.
For some three months he eluded pursuit, hiding among friends and occupying himself by writing a history of Ireland (first published in Holinshed's Chronicles), a superficial work of no real value.
The mouth leads into the (From Gegenbaur.) spacious stomach containing a, Marginal lappets hiding tenthe four conspicuous horse taculocysts.
Here he remained in hiding, writing Fecondite, till the 4th of June 1899, when, immediately on hearing that there was to be a revision of the first Dreyfus trial, he returned to Paris.
Born from the loves of Bacchus and Circe, he is "much like his father, but his mother more" - a sorcerer, like her, who gives to travellers a magic draught that changes their human face into the "brutal form of some wild beast," and, hiding from them their own foul disfigurement, makes them forget all the pure ties of life, "to roll with pleasure in a sensual sty."
He describes the stoneless Walachian plain, with its rich pastures, its crops of maize and millet, and woods so symmetrically planted and carefully kept by Brancovan's orders that hiding in them was out of the question.
In the 3rd century this love of mystification reached the pitch of hiding even the gospels from the unclean eyes of pagans.
But he does not seek to reconcile the antitheses of thought and being by weakening and hiding the points of difference; on the contrary, he brings them out in their sharpest outlines.
In 1661 a formulary, or solemn renunciation of Jansen, was imposed on all his suspected followers; those who would not sign it went into hiding, or to the Bastille.
That summer Arnauld, who had spent the greater part of his life in hiding, was forced to leave France for good.
After hiding for several weeks Nat was captured on the 30th of October and was tried and hanged, having made, meanwhile, a full confession.
Hunted down by the Inquisition and quickly abandoned by the nobles of the district, the Albigenses became more and more scattered, hiding in the forests and mountains, and only meeting surreptitiously.
He managed to escape, and after hiding in Madrid, joined General Daban at Sagunto on the 29th of December 1874, where he proclaimed Alphonso XII.
Well then, I must not be hiding anything.
I figured he was hiding something when I saw your picture on his refrigerator.
On the other hand, maybe he was hiding from something besides the responsibility of the ranch?
It was no big deal that she had a cell phone, but he would wonder why she was hiding it from him, and that was a question she couldn't answer.
Where did he get the nerve to call Giddon a jerk, after hiding behind her?
He dressed himself mechanically and deliberately, hiding away the scarred body his master hated.
If Andre verified there was no tumor, did it matter what she was hiding?
What the Immortals were hiding from her.
He considered hiding his blood, but decided there had been enough secrets between them, so held the glass up.
She had been so certain that he was making up stories – hiding his identity – that she had insulted him.
The wolves had spent most of the night in their hiding place, whining eagerly whenever they'd heard a goat bleat.
The fierce Border Reivers (cattle rustlers) took refuge in the Beef Tub, hiding their stolen booty in its depths.
Never use a " hiding place ", eg, inside the wheel arch or front bumper.
You have been hiding your light under the proverbial bushel!
He slid a long golden casket from its hiding place.
His experienced eye will also spot the hiding places of local wildlife including chamois, deer and playful marmots.
Everything a cat could want for a day or night spent hiding, sleeping and sharpening those claws.
At SPEAK we have been honest about our past, we haven't been hiding past acts in some deep dark closet.
The disgusting little coward was hiding at his girlfriend's house.
Conventional asset protection is not hiding assets, defrauding creditors or evading income taxes.
Be sure to set camp away from tiny cracks, those possibly hiding the mouths of large crevasses.
Her memories included hiding in the crypt of a church which was believed never to have had a crypt.
For a start, will he revoke the Government's 1999 order behind which the Tories are hiding for their dastardly deed?
Sadly Hiding Place were pretty dire to say the least, there was nothing good about them at all.
There is a question of cost, which he is hiding behind at the moment, in his rather dismissive way.
When the righteous triumph, there is great elation; but when the wicked rise to power, men go into hiding.
A fine sea mist rolled slowly across the vale, hiding the young woman from prying eyes.
Whilst Anne was in hiding she kept a diary describing the isolation that they felt and their constant fear of discovery.
He Who Was Not To Be Involved had to keep cutting back the gorse & bracken, which kept hiding the date.
Could Faith's beloved grandfather Marek be hiding such a secret?
The first flurries of white granules swept in on the wind, hiding the valley below.
At around 40 meters a large grouper is to be found hiding behind a rock pinnacle.
A small grouper was hiding in this and several smaller bits and pieces.
Will even the combined might of the three mystic blades that they carry be enough to stop the invaders hiding in Nobunaga's shadow?
Whilst cleaning the upstairs bedroom, Nishina discovers a little boy hiding in a wardrobe that's been taped shut.
I wanted to have a day that wasn't spent hiding under a duvet getting lethargic.
Police said the man found the boar hiding under a table.
Aston Students ' Guild Aston Students ' Guild forums General Randomness Where is gf-material hiding?
Sure, he'd have given you a bloody good hiding.
Implementation hiding separates the interface from the implementation by making the details private.
Hide Secret Files is a security product based on an unequaled data hiding method.
Then someone hiding behind a partition sent the paper down a chute.
In 2004, spammers became more inventive using new obfuscation techniques, rotating domain names and hiding their domain owner information.
Between bouts of feeding the older caterpillars rest at the bottom of the plant, often hiding in leaf litter.
Swiftly hiding the Easy Reader sign, I handed Manpreet the book, to a rather lukewarm reception!
Hide merges The hide merge toggle button helps unclutter a diagram by turning off, hiding, all merge arrows.
Love is always by very nature hiding a multitude of sins.
Hence our obsessive preoccupation with them this part pulls us obsessive preoccupation with them this part pulls us obsessively, wanting to emerge from hiding.
In fact on this extremely hot day the pleasures of staying in the keep were only outdone by hiding in the chapel crypt!
Pirates hiding the treasures plundered from ships across the coast of North America?
Hiding behind the wall, she sees the stranger advancing, keeps her eyes on him and suddenly pounces when he comes within reach.
Hence our obsessive preoccupation with them this part pulls us obsessively, wanting to emerge from hiding.
Women should not attempt to absolve themselves of any responsibility for war by hiding behind a notion of male psychopathology.
Any moment she was going to find my hiding place and spoil my quiet repose.
Disillusioned that the local mating ritual is designed to punish everyone involved he is now hiding in his flatmate's cupboard.
These colorful, beautifully patterned fish are a joy to watch as they emerge from their hiding places in the coral rubble.
Shallow pools in the floor wriggled with cave salamanders hiding from our lights under slabs and branches.
For the next two years the group would develop the project in absolute secrecy, hiding behind their Atari 2600 joystick & games business.
Censorship can have the effect of simply hiding institutional sexism, for example.
Rather than a hideously deformed creature hiding under the traffic cone, we saw an almost handsome skinhead.
Somewhere between 80 and 90 %, your individual anaerobic threshold is hiding.
Hiding their faces they rejoin the huge throng of miserable humanity - again in silence.
By advice of his secretary, who suspected treachery, he had only put him away in hiding.
He also got a chance to check out potential hiding places, sneak back later, and watch the neighbor ladies undress.
B ut we must be ever watchful for the alien hiding in our midst.
Residents would wear wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the Wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the wellingtons in the hedge.
When they first see the house, Mandy sees a wombat and two babies hiding in a washing basket.
Without striking a blow the nobles left the city or went into hiding, and a few days later Rienzi took the title of tribune (Nicholaus, severus et clemens, libertatis, pacis justiciaeque tribunus, et sacre Romane Reipublice liberator).
In spite of the fact that he was pursued by the armies of four Powers, he succeeded in reaching San Marino; but his force melted away and, after hiding in the marshes of Ravenna, he fled across the peninsula, assisted by nobles, peasants and priests, to the Tuscan coast, whence he reached Piedmont and eventually America, to await a new call to fight for Italy (see GARIBALDI).
In Lombardy and France tall hedges are sometimes formed of this poplar for shelter or shade, while in the suburban parks of Britain it is serviceable as a screen for hiding buildings or other unsightly objects from view; its growth is extremely rapid, and it often attains a height of Too ft.
John sought safety in flight, but was discovered in his place of hiding and brought back to Rome, where after enduring cruel and ignominious tortures he was immured in a dungeon.
He was then subjected to a series of courts-martial and congressional investigations, but succeeded so well in hiding traces of his duplicity that in 1812 he resumed his military command at New Orleans, and in 1813 was promoted major-general and took possession of Mobile.
Beyond this range the sand and clay loess formation spreads downwards like a tumbled sea, hiding within the folds of its many-crested hills the twisting course of the Kushk and its tributaries.
In habits the kakapo is almost wholly nocturnal, 3 hiding in holes (which in some instances it seems to make for itself) under the roots of trees or rocks during the day time, and only issuing forth about sunset to seek its food, which is solely vegetable in kind, and consists of the twigs, leaves, seeds and fruits of trees, grass and fern roots - some observers say mosses also.
He leaped from his hiding place and clasped it round its neck.
Just as he went in he saw that the nurse was hiding something from him with a scared look and that Princess Mary was no longer by the cot.
The mummers (some of the house serfs) dressed up as bears, Turks, innkeepers, and ladies--frightening and funny--bringing in with them the cold from outside and a feeling of gaiety, crowded, at first timidly, into the anteroom, then hiding behind one another they pushed into the ballroom where, shyly at first and then more and more merrily and heartily, they started singing, dancing, and playing Christmas games.
And hiding her face in her hands, Princess Mary sank into the arms of the doctor, who held her up.
Your fellow countrymen are emerging boldly from their hiding places on finding that they are respected.
I'm sure he thought he was hiding.
The rabies virus is good at ' hiding ' from the immune system.
Disillusioned that the local mating ritual is designed to punish everyone involved he is now hiding in his flatmate 's cupboard.
Wagtails scratching in the ground, squirrels scamper all around Hiding nuts for their winter store.
By housing them together in a large tank furnished with ample hiding places (cork bark) one can set up a self-feeding system.
But he harbored deeper feelings on many subjects, particularly the sham of Christianity, noting them down and hiding them away.
It 's time to get the barbecue out of hiding, tidy up the garden and start sizzling those sausages.
We paused momentarily on the ropes, hiding our face to prevent him seeing the steely resolve glaring in our eyes.
He appears to be better at hiding behind outdated GM laws than he is at introducing more stringent public safeguards.
Then, in § 6.5, we look at subterfuge attacks aimed at hiding keywords in interactive text.
She wanders round ok, not hiding or shy or anything....
Residents would wear wellingtons in bad weather and change into shoes at Rugby Road, hiding the wellingtons in the hedge.
Shots fired at guys hiding around corners never whiz past; they always strike the edge of the building near the character 's face.
Smudge 's new hobbies include hiding and pouncing on the door mat, yowling for food and trying to sneak upstairs !
Anna loves to antagonize her little sister by hiding her doll clothes.
Do not let your kids pursue your pets, either by chasing them or pulling them out from a hiding spot.
If you ignore the alarm and choose to snooze, the Clocky will actually roll itself off your bedside table and proceed to roll around in the room, hiding in some unknown crevice until you go to turn it off.
They come and retrieve a hiding animal and bring them somewhere safe until the owner finds them.
Be sure there are no hiding places, such as open vents or ceiling tiles where the cat can hide.
A wild cat will head for the nearest hiding spot and be impossible to coax out.
If you suspect your spouse has not been open about his or her assets, then you will need help to uncover what assets your spouse may be hiding.
Hiding the children from your spouse or refusing to allow him to see them is not the way to behave in this situation.
Therefore, divorce is the better option because you have the opportunity to get away from the person, even if that means you have to go in hiding.
The can stays on the ground at home base and the person who is It starts the search for those who are hiding.
If the person who is It kicks the can, the hider "goes to jail," but if the hider kicks the can, he gets to go find a new hiding place while the person who is It counts again.
Try and choose something that looks goods and is good at hiding the dirt.
This product is made with 100% stainless steel and gives the look of a brushed, satin finish which is great for hiding fingerprints.
Powder coated faux tin is also available with faux tin moldings to help you complete the look of the room, while hiding any seams at the edges.
Scrolling metal work lends itself perfectly to hiding the image of the fleur de lis throughout the body of the work.
The sun will help to further bleach and deodorize your shells should any sea urchin be hiding in the shell.
For those who absolutely cannot afford to skip the coverage of a foundation, Stila's Illuminating Foundation will give you a healthy glow while hiding minor imperfections.
Covering and hiding my skin and preventing it from living and breathing naturally.
This will draw attention to the problem area rather than hiding it.
Along with surprises provided by human subjects, the delight lies in seeing image elements come out of hiding.
To illustrate this layout, have a friend take pictures of you "hiding" your shopping bags to place next to images of your husband enjoying his favorite hobby.
Exercise "burns" up these chemicals so that you don't constantly feel like fighting with someone, or hiding from the world.
No matter how well you think you have stashed away your drugs, your teen may surprise you by knowing your hiding places.
Tweens aren't always good at hiding their disappointment, especially with parents.
When those hiding hear the word, they must say it back.
A designated player starts the game by hiding while the rest of the players count to 30.
Once you start showing, there is usually no hiding it.
Having a wedding without the whirr of helicopters flying overhead or paparazzi hiding in the bushes is proving to be quite the challenge for couples who are in the public eye.
These pens are stainless steel, very smooth writing and feature a nifty hiding place for money, vitamins and anything else you could think of.
You find yourself hiding the liquor or slipping out to have a couple of drinks without telling anyone.
If you get your doctor's diagnosis, it may be enough to make you quit hiding from what you are afraid of.
Other creative ways for it to enter the country include hiding the drug in refuse, furniture, or figurines.
Because kids are so clever at hiding signs of drug or alcohol use, drug testing would help you catch a potential problem early.
Nearly everyone demonstrates similar traits when telling a lie, although some people are more adept than others at hiding their discomfort.
The truth is that some addicts can do an excellent job of hiding their addiction for a very long time.
They are also prone to hiding the amount they drink and go to great lengths to cover it up.
In addition to hiding a box spring, dust ruffles also keep it (and any visible floor space) clean and dust-free.
Ever wondered what Eight is Enough actor Willie Aames is hiding under his shirt?
For the following few seasons, they dated other people while alternatively hiding their feelings for one another.
His autobiography, Out of Sync, covers the first portion of his career and his initial struggles with hiding his sexual orientation.
She has accused her soon-to-be ex of trying to "dupe" her into signing a post-nuptial agreement and of hiding the proceeds from the multi-million dollar sale of their Miami, Florida home.
Due to his pending divorce and his estranged wife's accusation of the Hulkster hiding assets, those assets have been frozen by the judge until the Hogan's financial issues can be straightened out.
Now, Jon isn't hiding from anything as he steps out onto a yacht with his 23-year-old girlfriend Hailey Glassman.
In Plain Sight - USA Network airs In Plain Sight, a series about hiding people in the witness protection program.
While some of the wealthiest stars are simple to name off, there are others who are quietly hiding their holdings and making smart decisions to expand their empires.
However, they can be useful for dusting your pet's bedding, killing any hiding fleas and their hatching eggs.
He is hiding from his owner who is calling for him to come have his dinner.
I honestly have to say, as I am newly single, I feel some of these are going to make meeting new friends safer and easier for myself, who believe it or not is very shy when I am not hiding behind my boys.
Hiding the tab in a dollop of peanut butter, inserting it in it in a favorite treat or wrapping it in a piece of cheese can help assure your dog swallows it.
When treating your yard for insects, it is best to wait until dusk when mosquitoes come out and many beneficial insets go into hiding for the night.
No, you're not hiding your tee shirt!
Smokey branch camouflage is another one that is often used for hunting because it helps the hunters blend in with their surroundings, successfully hiding from their prey.
To ensure that no diseases are harbored in your seeds over the winter, it is best to put your tomato seeds through a fermentation process that will kill any pathogens that might be hiding amongst them.
Fleece drapes nicely over most curves, cleverlyhiding imperfections.
Choose pieces of clothing that flatter your best assets while hiding your flaws.
A peplum hanging from that waist is perfect for hiding any tummy bulge and creating a more alluring silhouette.
If your top is too small, it will accentuate any problem spots instead of hiding them.
Empire-waist blouses and dresses draw attention to your face and will show off some curves while hiding those you may not want on display.
This style is a great way to highlight the bust area while hiding the hips and thighs.
Once you have chosen a plus size black formal dress that shows off your best attributes while hiding those that are less flattering, wearing it will make you feel sexy, stylish and confident.
If you're concerned about hiding some bulges but don't want to bother with shapewear, some tights are designed with body contouring built in.
Many women are surprised to learn that a 1960s-style swing coat is a flattering plus size coat, since it seems to break some of the rules - having a lot of fabric and hiding the body.
Either in black or a rich red, this princess-seamed, thigh-length coat has a ruffled collar and ruffles going down the front, hiding the closure.
Along with that, pantyhose can be a quick solution for hiding stubble on days when you don't have time to shave your legs.
Kitchens and bathrooms in general are major sources of mold, but locate other possible hiding spots for these dangerous colonies in order to alleviate the problem.
If you are looking for a good prank to play on a college roommate, consider setting his or her alarm clock to a time in the middle of the night and then hiding it.
Take the air freshener and peel it open before hiding it somewhere in the vehicle.
You can have fun with your family members by taking a walkie-talkie and hiding it near where your pet is lying down.
A thin spot in the back can often be hiding with long layers grown over top.
Nudity, or being partly naked, is thought to symbolize the dreamer's feelings of vulnerability or fear that others might see what the dreamer is hiding.
The old stereotype of a teenage boy hiding in his mother's basement with a video game controller in hand is a thing of the past.
The designs were just too dark to really do anything half the time, which I think was a way of hiding the pixilated textures.
Or are there simply some people who are hiding their bigger problems in a digital one?
Occasionally they'll hide behind objects, but often times you can just shoot the object they're hiding behind until it explodes, killing them all.
Side-scrolling your way through the stage, you shout out (by pressing the 'A' button) to try and find your fellow Care Bears hiding behind the clouds.
Sonic's pet could be played in the game or on the VMU, which meant long hours at work hiding in the bathroom could be spent making your Chao better.
She can avoid detection by hiding in the shadows.
For instance, enemies now lay cover fire while they jockey for better positions against you and in some cases, the enemies now come flying over any hiding spot you may find.
The enemy, however, is much more menacing and bold; running away around corners only to charge back teeth bared with a raised bayonet when I let my guard down; hiding effectively and flanking at the perfect time.
In the "Hidden Village in the Leaves-Gate" stage, you can see Hinata Hyuuga hiding behind a tree, and nearby, Chouji Akimichi can be seen eating potato chips and doing replacement techniques.
It is best to find a good hiding spot, popping out for a few shots at a time.
Could that be where this Mario impostor is hiding?
These guides can point you toward the best weapons, hiding spots, and general strategies for defeating your opponents.
Once a child gets the virus, it stays in his body permanently, hiding in nerve cells near the ear.
This stage is usually resolved by denying or hiding homosexual feelings, repressing same-sex attraction, or taking on a homosexual identity.
In hiding their sexual identities, homosexual and bisexual adolescents deprive themselves and each other of positive role models.
Furthermore, children may become skilled at hiding the more embarrassing features of their condition.
Children at a wedding will inevitably play, and their activities could include running, hiding beneath tables, climbing chairs, dancing, or running into bushes or under arches at an outdoor celebration.
If it's just a receding hairline, I recommend not hiding it, but exaggerating it.
Twist the bended ponytail inwards until it is hidden and pin it in place, hiding the pins in the seam of the twist.
The Hiding Place - The story of Corrie Ten Boom and her family's commitment to helping the Jewish people in World War II.
This is not the time to go into hiding and stop answering your phone.
The extra material from before pregnancy will just flow naturally around your body, hiding imperfections.
Is their more than one client contact list hiding somewhere?
They're now the most popular type of beach wear available, and chances are there's a bikini or two hiding away in your closet right now.
Cover ups offer an excellent way to cut down on sun exposure while also hiding any of your trouble zones.
Designed to fit snugly and show off your curves while still hiding your flaws, they're form-fitting and short, generally ending just under the bottom and the top of the thighs.
It has a sweetheart neckline and center twist that work to enhance and draw attention to the bust while hiding your stomach.
A woman may have the perfect body, but if she's a bit self-conscious by how much of it a string bikini can reveal, slouching and hiding under her beach cover up, she'll never be able to pull off wearing one in public.
A theme presented in old Celtic tradition was that of fairies as ethereal beings who were driven into hiding due to the corruption of humanity.
It contributes to the health of the oceans and the ocean's ecosystems, providing places for feeding, breeding and hiding many marine species.
Hiding in the racks may be the dress of your dreams.
Anything you buy because you think you ought to have it to stay current or to look a certain way will more than likely spend most of its time hiding in the back of your closet.
Full-length styles are genius for hiding a multitude of sins, from wide hips to thick thighs.
These designs are great if you're prepared to completely show off your jeans instead of hiding them with a long top.
This coat fit well over full skirts and was also perfect for hiding pregnant bellies.
I understand that what we did was wrong and that giving the kids time to adjust to everything is the right thing, but I think it's been long enough and I don't understand the hiding me part.
Expressions can sometimes be involuntary; many people have a difficult time hiding their true feelings about a specific topic, no matter how hard they try.
It had been too long and I had to tell her what I was hiding, it was ruining my life.
It may be easier for you to talk to someone hiding behind a computer screen.
Dark hair, usually pulled over the eyes in unruly locks as if hiding from the world, is a prime example.
Be aware, however, that hiding the ring in food or otherwise making the proposal a scavenger hunt not only risks losing the ring, but may damage it as well.
Could dirt be hiding flaws or problems, and can the ring be sufficiently cleaned without damaging it?
Creative and unique proposals include hiding a ring in a rose, unexpected proposal poems or carving the proposal message in a tree.
Creative and unique proposals include hiding a ring in a rose, proposal poems or carving the proposal message in a tree.
When it slowed for the drive, the dust caught up, hiding it in a swirling cloud.
On the other hand, maybe he was hiding from something besides the responsibility of the ranch.
You would have had to tell me about an entire family you'd been hiding.
Maybe because he went into hiding from his family.
More important, would there ever be a time when he stopped hiding things from her?
If Len was right, it might be a lifetime of hiding.
Their hiding place was safe for the present.
Where were they hiding?
What do we all do, take those fake papers and run off someplace and start over, or go into hiding?
I asked, not hiding my disappointment.
Surely such sleuthing and cleverness deserves more reward than hiding in the bushes and watching the dogs of law ineptly do their duty.
You don't suppose Martha and Quinn went into hiding, do you?
Quinn feels that way too and they know deep down it's time to go into hiding.
They've gone into hiding, I said this as soon as she picked up.
I told them what you said; they're like hiding out.
Your friends have been dead some time, probably from when you told me they had gone into hiding.
We assumed all three had left together and gone into hiding.
She changed and took the shears, hiding them against her body as she approached the door.
But whatever he was hiding couldn't be that important.
The man hiding in the corner of her mind, he whose death plagued Damian for thousands of years.
If I find out it was one of those Dawkins boys, I'll respond in like fashion, and out in the open, not hiding behind boulders.
She disappeared, and Gabriel assumed she was in Hell hiding.
Pretty sure you're hiding something important.
The man's arm wrapped around her and pulled her out of the hiding place.
So this is where you.re hiding out.
Defeated the demons, except for a few hiding out here.
Hiding her desire for him seemed a wise thing to do a few minutes ago, but maybe he thought she kissed every man like that.
The emergency network had not been utilized, which meant that by morning one of the high-ranking men hiding underground would be on the phone to General Greene to complain about the lack of gin.
Gassed. Everyone hiding inside the mountain.
One didn't keep maps of the location of witnesses they were hiding.
A few minutes later in Uncle Sally's Galley on Butler Street, Fred was hiding behind his menu, embarrassed to be out in public before shaving.
Joan used the tablet as a shield, as if hiding her comment from Carmen while informing the entire room.
Someone told me that it was built by Union soldiers hiding from the rebels during the Civil War.
At the moment, hiding anything from Alex would be folly.
Dawn had come an hour earlier but only just managed to push away the shadows of night from the cloudy mountain hiding place that had become her home.
Normally, she was a master at hiding her feelings.
A dark green forest hedged the bay, hiding the inhabitants from sight.
One of them wore a sash of red and black, a youth his age hiding behind him.
Vara took his hand and led him into the stables, hiding with him in a small tack room.
Fatigued, she carefully sealed it and returned all but the bladder to the hiding spot behind the trunks.
Shadows rose from the pits littering the meadow as men spilled out of hiding into the meadow.
She had been so certain that he was making up stories – hiding his identity – that she had insulted him.
While appealing, it would ruin his chances to figure out what Jessi was hiding.
Her cousin can Travel and has a knack for weapons she's hiding from Jessi.
After the affair of the Champ de Mars (July 17th, 1791) a warrant was issued for his arrest, and he went into hiding.
Microfilaria nocturna swarmed in the blood at night-time and disappeared from the peripheral circulation during the day, hiding away in the large vessels at the base of the lungs and of the heart.
A baseless legend relates that he composed the Quicunque Vult while hiding here in a cistern.
Under the influence of the great nobles who had unsuccessfully opposed the election of Godunov, the general discontent took the form of hostility to him as a usurper, and rumours were heard that the late tsar's younger brother Dimitri (Demetrius), supposed The to be dead, was still alive and in hiding.
Betrayed by a kinsman while hiding in Tyrone, he was tried for high treason in Dublin, and executed on the 10th of March 1653.
He returned with the insurrectionary troops to Sofia, and order was restored only after much loss of life; Stamboliiski was obliged to go into hiding, even after the King's abdication.
Being forfeited by his grandson Eustace FitzJohn in the reign of Stephen, Knaresborough was granted to Robert de Stuteville, from whose descendants it passed through marriage to Hugh de Morville, one of the murderers of Thomas Becket, who with his three accomplices remained in hiding in the castle for a whole year.
When Vespasian was proclaimed emperor at Alexandria,Domitian escaped with difficulty from the temple of the Capitol, which had been set on fire by the Vitellians, and remained in hiding till his father's party proved victorious.
The corn spirit is also said to be hiding in the barn till the corn is threshed, or it may be said to reappear at midwinter, when the farmer begins to think of his new year of labour and harvest.
Nemertines live in the sea, some being common amongst the corals and algae, others hiding in the muddy or sandy bottom, and secreting gelatinous tubes which ensheath the body along its whole length.
After hiding for some days in the Wicklow mountains Emmet repaired to the house of a Mrs Palmer at Harold's Cross, in order to be near the residence of John Philpot Curran, to whose daughter Sarah he had for some time been secretly attached, and with whom he had carried on a voluminous correspondence, afterwards seized by the authorities at her father's house.
Since the arrest at Bond's, Fitzgerald had been in hiding, latterly at the house of one Murphy, a feather dealer, in Thomas Street, Dublin.
Towards the end of July he took refuge in the cave of Coiraghoth in the Braes of Glenmoriston, and in August he joined Lochiel and Cluny Macpherson, with whom he remained in hiding until the news was brought that two French ships were in waiting for him at the place of his first arrival in Scotland - Lochnanuagh.