Hibernate Sentence Examples
The genus is common to the northern half of both hemispheres, and its members burrow and hibernate.
Bats are social, nocturnal and they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate.
Those which inhabit temperate latitudes hibernate.
There are about twenty kinds of night-lizards, and many which hibernate.
In temperate climates the impregnated females hibernate during the winter in houses, cellars, stables, the trunks of trees, &c., coming out to lay their eggs in the spring.
Frogs also hibernate from october for around 3-5 months.
In the temperate regions they hibernate.
The species inhabiting cold climates construct a winter nest in which they hibernate, waking up at times to feed on an accumulated store of nuts and other food.
Do n't hibernate this winter join in the fun!
It is a common misnomer that gray squirrels hibernate.
AdvertisementIn habits bats are social, nocturnal and crepuscular; the insect-eating species feed on the wing, in winter in the temperate regions they migrate to a warmer climate, or hibernate, as do the British bats.
You may find that a bat or small tortoiseshell butterfly may roost or hibernate in this secret hideaway.
Unlike their cousins they do not hibernate due to the all round high temperatures of their native land.
Never ever attempt to hibernate a tortoise which you suspect is ill, or which is under weight.
The genus is common to the northern half of both hemispheres, and its members, like those of the two preceding groups, burrow and hibernate (see Marmot).
AdvertisementGet out of the house- Although you may want to curl up and hibernate, and this is okay for a while, eventually you'll need to crawl out of that cave.
There are still wonderful times ahead before the long winter months set in and we hibernate until the new spring.