Hexagram Sentence Examples
The results will be the creation of a hexagram of six stacked lines that are either broken or solid and correspond to one of the I Ching Explanations.
The explanation that corresponds to the seekers hexagram addresses his question and reveals truths that will provide guidance.
The exact line is the line which would return you to the original hexagram?
Who are " they " in the 3rd line of the same hexagram?
The use of hexagrams to represent the months is another example of hexagram meanings based on features.
So I have colored the hexagram numbers to show which of the four that hexagram numbers to show which of the four that hexagram ends up at.
To search for posts on a specific hexagram or line, please visit the hexagram index.
Or, in English, if a hexagram has complementary trigrams, then its correctness hexagram will have the same trigram repeated.
Considering hexagram 34 Great Power again, in the 3rd yang we have a correct line, but it is too yang.
This process is repeated five more times, building the lines from the bottom up forming a hexagram.
AdvertisementThe completed hexagram corresponds to one of the 64 possibilities in the Book of Change giving you your prediction.
They are represented by the bottom and top three lines of the hexagram respectively.
These are called trigrams and there are two in each hexagram.
You now have a hexagram that corresponds to a numbered I Ching explanation.
The recording process creates a hexagram (six lines) with the first toss placed the bottom and the last toss on top.
AdvertisementOnce you've created your hexagram by using the patterns above, you need to decipher your reading.
The hexagram sometimes indicates two distinct responses.
If you receive a changing signs toss, then you need to divide your hexagram into two separate trigrams.
You can find all 64 hexagram meanings within the I Ching oracle, the ancient guide for deciphering hexagrams.
Always place the first toss on the bottom of the hexagram you create.
AdvertisementYou repeat the process to eliminate sticks until you have six sets that form a hexagram.
The oldest form of divination, the I Ching oracle provides insight and guidance in the form of hexagram patterns.
Each toss of the coins results in a either a solid line or a broken line being placed on the hexagram.
The seeker repeats the process five more times, building the lines on the hexagram from the bottom up.
The corresponding translation of the hexagram is then given.
AdvertisementThe hexagram results are also shown as upper and lower trigrams.
This proposition, which he called the mystic hexagram, he made the keystone of his theory; from it alone he deduced more than 400 corollaries, embracing, according to his own account, the conics of Apollonius, and other results innumerable.
Your relating hexagram is 30, fire, which holds tightly to the fuel that creates light in you.
The ideogram used to illustrate the twentieth hexagram is assembled using two groups.
The most popular method There are countless ways to cast a hexagram.
As a practical example, let's consider hexagram 29 The Pit.
And I received hexagram 11, moving lines 1, 3, and 5, changing to hexagram 29.
Again, these symbols indicate the nature of the transformations when moving from a hexagram in one quadrant to a hexagram in one quadrant to a hexagram in another.
The internal / nuclear hexagram is like the main hexagram's ' seed ' .
Once you've drawn and identified your primary hexagram, you need to let them change!
For six changing lines, the second hexagram 's judgment.
When a hexagram is created from six coin tosses in the most common method of divining, there is a chance that one or more of the lines will a moving or changing line.
You will also need to identify the upper and lower trigrams of your hexagram.
This is a marker that your situation is in a state of transition and indicates two readings are hidden within the hexagram.
Among some of the ancient methods, a turtle shell is heated until it cracks and the lines along the cracks are used to create a hexagram.
The seeker tosses three virtual or real coins and the resulting corresponding line, either broken or solid, appears on the hexagram starting with the first draw being placed on the bottom of the hexagram.
Any changing-lines of the hexagram are provided, and the seeker can click a link to analyze and interpret the changes.
To unlock the I Ching explanations, you will need to look up the hexagram by number, as well as any hexagrams created by the changing lines that occurred by casting sixes and nines.