Hexagonal Sentence Examples
The substance is usually optically isotropic, though sometimes it exhibits anomalous double refraction; fibrous zinc sulphide which is doubly refracting is to be referred to the hexagonal FIG.
On evaporating this solution the hydrated salt CoI 2.6H 2 0 is obtained in hexagonal prisms. It behaves in an analogous manner to CoBr 2.6H 2 0 on heating.
The Helena crystals are of tabular habit, being composed of the basal pinacoid with a very short hexagonal prism, whilst at Yogo Gulch many of the crystals affect a rhombohedral habit.
The Grey Friars at Lynn, where the tower is hexagonal, is a good example.
Moissanite is a rare mineral with a hexagonal crystal structure that occurs in iron-nickel meteorites and may also be called silicon carbide or carborundum in reference to its chemistry.
At the same time, however, moissanite's hexagonal crystal structure is nearly twice as refractive as a diamond's isometric one, giving it up to twice the brilliance and fire of a diamond depending on the shape and cut of the stone.
Here, the leather is smooth grained, the metal is gold and the Trompe l'oeil twist-lock closure contains a padded lock, but perhaps it's the hexagonal studs that line the purse through that really tells the tale of this $368.00 purse.
However, Taoti Creative has the colors laid out in a way that shows complementary colors as well, and the hexagonal design of the chart is a nice reminder of just how the system works.
By - adding sodium phosphate to magnesium sulphate and allowing the mixture to stand, hexagonal needles of MgHPO 4.7H 2 O are deposited.
The usual form of ice-crystals in clouds is a right hexagonal prism, which may be elongated as a needle or foreshortened like a thin plate.
AdvertisementThe anthelion (a) may be explained as caused by two internal reflections of the solar rays by a hexagonal lamellar crystal, having its axis horizontal and one of the diagonals of its base vertical.
Beryllium oxide, beryllia or glucina, BeO, is a very hard white powder which can be melted and distilled in the electric furnace, when it condenses in the form of minute hexagonal crystals.
The hydroxide is obtained as brown hexagonal plates by fusing thallic oxide with potash to which a little water has been added.
It forms microscopic hexagonal plates having a silver-white streak.
Quartz crystallizes in the trapezohedral-hemihedral class of the rhombohedral division of the hexagonal system.
AdvertisementIn Heliolites porosus the colonies had the form of spheroidal masses; the calices were furnished with twelve pseudosepta, and the coenenchymal tubes were more or less regularly hexagonal.
It has a somewhat brassy colour, and occurs massive or as hexagonal plates; it is attracted by a magnet and is sometimes itself magnetic. The mineral is abundant in Canada, where the presence of about 5% of nickel makes it a valuable ore of this metal.
They differ from the latter in that they are rectangular instead of hexagonal.
The tri-iodide, AsI3 prepared by subliming arsenic and iodine together in a retort, by leading arsine into an alcoholic iodine solution, or by boiling powdered arsenic and iodine with water, filtering and evaporating, forms brick-red hexagonal tables, of specific gravity 4.39, soluble in alcohol, ether and benzene, and in a large excess of water; in the presence of a small quantity of water, it is decomposed with formation of hydriodic acid and an insoluble basic salt of the composition 4AsOI.
It is a colourless crystalline substance, assuming forms belonging to the hexagonal system, and distinguished by a well-marked habit of twinning, which occasions the beautiful "ice flowers" displayed by hoar-frost.
AdvertisementThe truncated octahedron is formed by truncating the vertices of an octahedron so as to leave the original faces hexagons; consequently it is bounded by 8 hexagonal and 6 square faces.
Conditions under which the perfect hexagonal packing of curved tubular structures may exist are formulated.
A quartz crystal is made up of a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal pyramid.
The bisphenoids (the hemihedral forms of the tetragonal and rhombic bipyramids)., and the trigonal pyramid of the hexagonal system, are examples of non-regular tetrahedra (see Crystallography).
In book v., after an interesting preface concerning regular polygons, and containing remarks upon the hexagonal form of the cells of honeycombs, Pappus addresses himself to the comparison of the areas of different plane figures which have all the same perimeter (following Zenodorus's treatise on this subject), and of the volumes of different solid figures which have all the same superficial area, and, lastly, a comparison of the five regular solids of Plato.
AdvertisementAgI, occurs in nature as the mineral iodargyrite or iodyrite, forming hexagonal crystals, or yellowish green plates.
Complicated designs like those with octagonal or hexagonal shapes or designs that include a shelter of some sort are more challenging for a first time woodworker.
Whether you are looking for plans to build picnic tables that are hexagonal, oversized or sized for children, there are many websites that provide plans for these plus many other types of picnic table styles.
For do-it-yourselfers with more woodworking experience, building an outdoor hexagonal or octagonal table may be the perfect choice.
For example, Tool Crib's number one pick for the best picnic table is a retro 1980s hexagonal shaped table originally from the July/August issue of Mother Earth News.
In addition, heart-shaped, rectangular, hexagonal, and column cakes are becoming more popular.
Do the same thing on the floor by replacing hexagonal porcelain tiles with the same size and shape of frosted glass tiles every so often.
It was then that AT&T partnered up with Bell Labs to develop what was then known as hexagonal cells for mobile phone base stations.
Each player has the opportunity to set up his zone in a hexagonal area on the game board and gets one road.
On the river bank is a temple to Siva, of hexagonal shape, old and going to ruin.
They all crystallize in the monoclinic system, often, however, in forms closely resembling those of the rhombohedral or orthorhombic systems. Crystals have usually the form of hexagonal or rhomb-shaped scales, plates or prisms, with plane FIG.
Aurous cyanide, AuCN, forms yellow, microscopic, hexagonal tables, insoluble in water, and is obtained by the addition of hydrochloric acid to a solution of potassium aurocyanide, KAu(CN)2.
Freezing takes place by the formation of pure ice in flat crystalline plates of the hexagonal system, which form in perpendicular planes and unite in bundles to form grains so that a thick covering of ice exhibits a fibrous structure.
Hence, through a triple gateway in a richly ornamented screen, access is gained to the first or Hexagonal Court, which measures about 250 ft.
Hot or dilute cold solutions deposit minute orthorhombic crystals of aragonite, cold saturated or moderately strong solutions, hexagonal (rhombohedral) crystals of calcite.
Potassium sulphite, K 2 S0 3, is prepared by saturating a potash solution with sulphur dioxide, adding a second equivalent of potash, and crystallizing in a vacuum, when the salt separates as small deliquescent, hexagonal crystals.
As the sapphire crystallizes in the hexagonal system it is dichroic, but in pale stones this character may not be well marked.
The choir is long and aisleless; an hexagonal tower between the two, like that existing at Lynn, has perished.
It forms large colourless hexagonal crystals.
The extreme upper end of the arbor, which was hexagonal, received a head, which was really a lever of some length; this head was connected by a coupling-bar to a similar lever or head, into which the upper end of the spindle was inserted.
Hence if we take two nets of wire with hexagonal meshes, and place one on the other so that the point of concourse of three hexagons of one net coincides with the middle of a hexagon of the other, and if we then, after dipping them in Plateau's liquid, place them horizontally, and gently raise the upper one, we shall develop a system of plane laminae arranged as the walls and floors of the cells are arranged in a honeycomb.
The so-called "iron roses" (Eisenrosen) of Switzerland are rosette-like aggregates of hexagonal tabular crystals, from fissures in the gneissose rocks of the Alps.
This is illustrated by the hexagonal pyrargyrite 3Ag 2 S Sb 2 S 3, and proustite, 3Ag 2 S As2S3, and the monoclinic pyrostilpnite, isomeric with pyrargyrite, and xanthoconite, isomeric with proustite.
In front of it is the Market Cross, a beautiful, open-arched, hexagonal structure, 21 ft.
It is therefore enclosed by 20 hexagonal faces belonging to the icosahedron, and 12 pentagonal faces belonging to the coaxial dodecahedron.
In 1857 Mehring (also a German) made a further advance by the use of wooden moulds for casting sheets of wax impressed with the hexagonal form of the bee-cell.
Mr Wagner first conceived the idea of adding slightly raised side walls to the hexagonal outlines of the cells, by means of which the bees are supplied with the material for building out one-half or more of the complete cell walls or sides.
The molecule was named buckminsterfullerene in honor of the architect, who designed geodesic domes based on similar pentagonal and hexagonal structures.
The hexagonal pulpit is of the Jacobean period with molded decoration on a decorated carved stone pedestal.
Hexagonal areoles giving a honeycomb effect can be seen in the three-sided diatom Triceratium favus.
A quartz crystal is made up of a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal prism, topped by a hexagonal pyramid.
The shape is actually hexagonal to avoid three layers where adjacent slates and courses meet.
To change the bulb, simply remove two tiny grub screws with a hexagonal key.
If the carbonate be in excess, the salt Na4Zr04 results, which when treated with water gives Na2Zr8017 12H20, which crystallizes in hexagonal plates.
When dissolved in water it yields some NaOH and H202; on crystallizing a cold 'solution Na202.8H20 separates as large tabular hexagonal crystals, which on drying over sulphuric acid give Na 2 0 2.2H 2 0; the former is also obtained by precipitating a mixture of caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide solutions with alcohol.
In the interior, which is supported by four pilasters and eight columns, the most striking features are the octagonal font and the hexagonal pulpit, erected in 1260 by Niccola Pisano.
By heating the nitrate it is obtained as hemimorphous pyramids belonging to the hexagonal system; and by heating the chloride in a current of steam as hexagonal prisms. It is insoluble in water; it dissolves readily in all aqueous acids, with formation of salts.
In the amorphous state it is a dull green, almost infusible powder, but as obtained from chromium oxychloride it is deposited in the form of dark green hexagonal crystals of specific gravity 5 2.
By heating with sodium amalgam and separating with hydrochloric acid, the dichloride, TaC1 2.2H 2 O, is obtained as emerald green hexagonal crystals.