Hesitation Sentence Examples
This time there was no hesitation, no rush.
There was a touch of hesitation in his voice.
After a brief hesitation, he spoke.
After a slight hesitation the door burst open with a cracking blow.
After a slight hesitation, she leaned forward and gripped his shoulders.
After a small hesitation, she nodded.
And his fancy pictured the battle, its loss, the concentration of fighting at one point, and the hesitation of all the commanders.
Both of these have political implications, and so it is with some hesitation I bring them up.
She said it without hesitation and turned away.
At her hesitation, he motioned for her to sit again and turned, continuing to block Kris from sight.
AdvertisementThere was a moment of hesitation before she approached.
Nevertheless, after much hesitation, he took what he himself calls the most mistaken step of his life, and in 1847 entered the priesthood.
The obvious cause of his hesitation was disinterest.
The moral hesitation which decided the fate of battles was evidently culminating in a panic.
That hesitation lasted only an instant.
AdvertisementHe carried her things inside without hesitation, lugging everything to her new room.
Randy had a hint of hesitation in his voice.
That moment of moral hesitation which decides the fate of battles had arrived.
Evidently it has to be so, said he to himself, and hastily undressing he got into bed, happy and agitated but free from hesitation or indecision.
He never felt any hesitation in dealing with the peasants.
AdvertisementAt his hesitation and the heated, lustful look he gave her, Sofia's mouth dropped open.
All hints of hesitation left the young girl in the wake of the smother of love that enveloped her.
A moment's hesitation, a quick hand on the door knob, and Edith Shipton disappeared into the bedroom of her long ago lover.
He was invited to come to Brussels, and after some hesitation, and not without having first obtained the approval of the states of Holland and Zeeland, he assented.
He was educated for the church, and, after some hesitation, took orders in 1736 at Salerno, where he was appointed professor of eloquence at the theological seminary.
AdvertisementConversely old English writers had no hesitation in translating as "earl" foreign titles which we now render "count."
Many of his friends urgently pressed him to accept; but without a moment's hesitation he determined to decline the proposed honour.
In the West these buildings were raised over the tomb, which was left intact; but in the East there was no hesitation in disturbing the graves of the saints and removing the bodies to a basilica built to receive them.
Cynthia had avoided it since the woman's death and now entered, hesitation in her step.
Lana yielded without any sign of hesitation, returning his kisses with timidity born of both inexperience and hunger.
She heard a note of hesitation alongside the consideration in his broken voice.
There had been no hesitation, no second guessing when Rhyn snapped Jade's neck. Over and over, Kris had tried to convince himself he'd do the same for his half-brother.
With another brief hesitation, Eden turned and walked away.
An invitation to the Swedish court was urged upon Descartes, and after much hesitation accepted; a vessel of the royal navy was ordered to wait upon him, and in September 1649 he left Egmond for the north.
In March 1821, Count Santorre di Santarosa and other conspirators informed Charles Albert of a constitutional and anti-Austrian plot, and asked for his help. After a momentary hesitation he informed the king; but at his request no arrests were made, and no precautions were taken.
Seeing the hesitation of the Italian government, the Austrian and German semi-official press redoubled their efforts to bring about the visit.
Accustomed freely and fearlessly to investigate whatever came before him, and swayed by a scrupulous dread of insincerity, he was doomed to long and anxious hesitation concerning some of the fundamental points of theology before arriving at a firm conviction of the truth of Christianity.
The selection, however, was not finally made without prolonged hesitation.
And we need have no hesitation in accepting this as a monument put up over a portion of the ashes from the funeral pyre of Gotama the Buddha.
In contrast to the fanatics, after a brief hesitation they threw millennarianism overboard, and along with it all other "opiniones Judaicae."
And if we cannot without much hesitation admit that Isaiah was really the first preacher of a personal Messiah whose record has come down to us, yet his editors certainly had good reason for thinking him capable of such a lofty height of prophecy.
We may without hesitation follow the opinion of Mommsen, who maintains that the limes was not intended, like Hadrian's Wall between the Tyne and the Solway, and like the great wall of China, to oppose an absolute barrier against incursions from the outside.
Now, since the moon revolves round the earth in 273 days, hesitation between the two full numbers might easily arise; yet the real explanation of the difficulty appears to be different.
In the Civil War, after considerable hesitation, he threw in his lot with Caesar, who made him proconsul of Achaea in 46.
In the years immediately preceding the Declaration of Independence Maryland pursued much the same course as did other leading colonies in the struggle - a vessel with tea on board was even burned to the water's edge - and yet when it came to the decisive act of declaring independence there was hesitation.
The few southern states which had not yet seceded, refused their contingents and promptly joined the "rebels," but there was no hesitation in the people of the North, and the state troops volunteered in far greater numbers than had been demanded.
Attempts by the French to improve the education of the natives were at first marked by hesitation and long periods in which little or nothing was done.
The present writer would accept without any real hesitation the first of these classes; and the second he would also himself accept, though in regard to this class he would think it right to speak with rather more reserve.
Again a long hesitation.
She popped one water cube but replaced the sugary cube with some hesitation.
Talal struck off without hesitation.
I would lay down my life for her without a moment's hesitation.
Even Katie looked apprehensive at her hesitation.
I'm keeping the girl, Jonny responded without hesitation.
Jessi said without hesitation.
Afterwards, seeing the trend of events, he showed some uneasiness and hesitation.
In 278 B.C., or possibly in 282 B.C., probably in order to detach it from Tarentum, the Romans made a special treaty with Heraclea, on such favourable terms that in 89 B.C. the Roman citizenship given to the inhabitants by the Lex Plautia Papiria was only accepted after considerable hesitation.
The man bowed his head without hesitation.
She, too, bowed her head without hesitation.
This, too, Lorenzo promised, after some hesitation; but upon hearing the third clause, "You must restore the liberties of Florence," Lorenzo turned his face to the wall and made no reply.
After some hesitation the latter obeyed, hoping by his influence to rally all the Piagnoni to the rescue.
He holds a high place in the history of humanism by the foundation of the College de France; he did not found an actual college, but after much hesitation instituted in 1530, at the instance of Guillaume Bude (Budaeus), Lecteurs royaux, who in spite of the opposition of the Sorbonne were granted full liberty to teach Hebrew, Greek, Latin, mathematics, &c. The humanists Bude, Jacques Colin and Pierre Duchatel were the king's intimates, and Clement Marot was his favourite poet.
The struggle with Jacobinism was over, and he could have no hesitation in supporting resistance to a successful general who ruled by the sword, and who pursued a policy of perpetual aggression.
After a few days of hesitation, many influential noblemen declared for him in different parts of the country.
This MS. may now without hesitation be assigned to the date 772-788.
This changed point of view regarding the chronology of history may without hesitation be ascribed to the influence of evidence obtained in a single field of inquiry, the field, namely, of archaeology.
After some hesitation he escaped across the Alps to Geneva.
After a little hesitation Trajan accepted the position, which was marked by the titles of imperator, Caesar and Germanicus, and by the tribunician authority.
Unhappily for Spain, Charles, after some hesitation, decided to transmit the Netherlands to his son, and not to allow them to go with the empire.
There is even some hesitation in accepting the continuity of the chalk with the globigerina ooze of the modern ocean.
When the news of the Milanese revolt against the Austrians reached Turin (19th of March) public opinion demanded that the Piedmontese should succour their struggling brothers; and after some hesitation the king declared war.
In 409 or 410 Synesius, whose Christianity had until then been by no means very pronounced, was popularly chosen to be bishop of Ptolemais, and, after long hesitation on personal and doctrinal grounds, he ultimately accepted the office thus thrust upon him, being consecrated by Theophilus at Alexandria.
Balak, king of Moab, became alarmed, and sent for Balaam to curse Israel; Balaam came after some hesitation, but when he sought to curse Israel Yahweh compelled him to bless them.
In 597 the mission of Augustine landed in Thanet and was received at first with some hesitation by the king.
It was with some natural hesitation that he, then a Privatdozent at Bonn, accepted the position, which may well have seemed rather a precarious one; but the difficulty was removed by his appointment as extraordinary professor at Bonn, with leave of absence for two years, so that he could resume his career in Germany if his English one proved unsatisfactory.
The prospect of revenge upon her enemies of the Second Balkan War - Serbia, Greece and Rumania - and of attaining her large territorial ambitions at their expense, proved sufficient, after prudent hesitation, to attract Bulgaria to the side of Germany.
In 1852 the mother-country granted self-government, and, after much wrangling and hesitation, a full parliamentary system and a responsible ministry were set going in 1856.
After a rather ineffective artillery bombardment the Japanese advanced in full force, without hesitation or finesse, and plunging into the river, stormed forward under a heavy fire.
This epistle was questioned from the first, and only gained its place with much hesitation, and rather through slackness of opposition than any conclusiveness of proof.
The interest of the state was the supreme consideration, and to it he had no hesitation in sacrificing individual consciences.
The Fishery Commission, on the other hand, which sat in Halifax, awarded Canada $5,500,000 as the excess value of its fisheries for twelve years, and after much hesitation this sum was paid by the United States into the Canadian treasury.
England and Normandy, after some hesitation, recognized John's title; the attempt of Anjou and Brittany to assert the rights of Arthur ended disastrously by the capture of the young prince at Mirebeau in Poitou (1202).
To those who began to despair of success, and advised him to conclude peace on almost any terms so as to avoid greater disasters, he turned a deaf ear, and brought the campaign to a successful conclusion; but when his more headstrong advisers urged him to insist on terms which would probably have produced a conflict with Great Britain and Austria, he resolved, after some hesitation, to make the requisite concessions.
We can see how early this estimate of relics became general from the fact that the former hesitation as to whether they should be venerated as sacred died out during the 4th century.
His theory leaves the natural man, without hesitation, to be developed by the natural processes of animal evolution.
After some hesitation it was decided to evacuate Parga and hand it over to the Ottoman government, i.e.
The council, after some hesitation, took the contrary course, and in the 9th canon of its 24th session it erected sacerdotal celibacy practically, if not formally, into an article of faith.
The system of the Ecole des Beaux Arts was hateful to him, and it was not until after much hesitation that he decided to enter an official studio - that of Delaroche.
He endeavoured to please both parties by steering a middle course in reference to the Chalcedon decrees, but was induced after great hesitation to agree to the request of Anastasius that he should accept the Henoticon, or decree of union, issued by the emperor Zeno.
After much hesitation on the part of the Swedish government, the anti-French faction prevailed; and in April 1668 Sweden acceded to the Triple Alliance, which finally checkmated the French king by bringing about the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle.
Into the gloomy mouth of the cavern entrance he stepped without hesitation, and after him proudly pranced the officers and Queen Ann.
If we even stop for an instant to ask ourselves how a word ought to be spelled, the deeper we ponder that one word by itself the more hopeless grows the hesitation.
After some hesitation, Charles agreed to invade Italy.
Though the young emperor was of too phlegmatic a temperament to be carried away by the prevailing excitement and of too practical a turn of mind to adopt wholesale the doctrinaire theories of his selfconstituted, irresponsible advisers, he recognized that great administrative and economic changes were required, and after a short period of hesitation he entered on a series of drastic reforms, of which the most important were the emancipation of the serfs, the thorough reorganization of the judicial administration and the development of local self-government.
To circumscribe the influence of the ruling favourites he next suggested the formation of a cabinet council of six or eight ministers, through whom all the business of the state was to be transacted; but Catherine, suspecting in the skilfully presented novelty a subtle attempt to limit her power, rejected it after some hesitation.
He warmly advocated both the Munitions bill and the Registration bill, and had no hesitation in taking the further step of compulsory service, asserting, on the first Military Service bill, that the choice was between compulsion and defeat, and on the second bill, that the first had brought in more men than was expected and, therefore, that there was every reason to anticipate the success of the second.
There is no evidence, so far as we can see, of his having been aware of Merrem's views; but like that anatomist he without hesitation divided the class into, two great " coupes," to which he gave, however, no other names than " Oiseaux normaux " and" Oiseaux anomaux "-exactly corresponding with his predecessor's Carinatae and Ratitae-and, moreover, he had a great advantage in founding these groups, since he had discovered, apparently from his own investigations, that the mode of ossification in each was distinct; for hitherto the statement of there being five centres of ossification in every bird's sternum seems to have been accepted as a general truth, without contradiction, whereas in the ostrich and the rhea, at any rate, L'Herminier found that there were but two such primitive points, 3 and from analogy 1 Their value was, however, understood by Gloger, who in 1834, as will presently be seen, expressed his regret at not being able to use them.
She did not give her consent even to the suppression of torture in legal procedure without hesitation, lest the authority of the law should be weakened.
The convention of 1888 was never ratified, and it is doubtful whether its ratification was urged, for a bill introduced by the British government in 1889 to give it effect was not pressed, and it was manifest that there was hesitation - which presently became refusal - to uphold the policy of the penalties on the importation of bountied sugar imposed by the seventh article, without which the convention would be so much waste paper.
In the middle ages the church showed no hesitation about persecuting unto death all who dared to contradict her doctrine, or challenge her practice, or question her authority.
After some hesitation, he accepted the advice of his chief engineer officer Eric Dahlberg, who acted as pioneer throughout and chose the more circuitous route from Svendborg, by the islands of Langeland, Laaland and Falster, in preference to the direct route from Nyborg to KorsOr, which would have been across a broad, almost uninterrupted expanse of ice.
As he was being led up to some object he noticed a hesitation and uncertainty among his conductors.
The referee had no hesitation in awarding a penalty try when the move was stopped and Strauss was also sent to the sin bin.
There are many modest two piece bathing suits juniors can enjoy wearing and parents can approve of without hesitation.
It could be he is shy and therefore has a fear or hesitation about asking you out.
I can understand your hesitation about dating a guy who has recently ended a relationship with another woman, especially if there is a child involved.
If the recipient detects the slightest amount of hesitation, or you chicken out before delivering the punch line, you will probably be casually ignored.
You will probably see some hesitation and fear, and you can reassure them that they can do whatever they like with their creations.
Getting your feet wet can be a daunting task; however, jumping right in without hesitation is the best way to begin learning simple French phrases.
If you have the opportunity to invest in a pair of either organic wool or silk long boxer shorts, you should snap them up without hesitation.
You can always make changes before your pitch because hesitation and back-pedaling in the middle of a pitch bores people.
Was there any hesitation in putting everything out there for a reality show?
For the complex surgeries, robots can be more precise without error, hesitation or need to pause.
She turned around so he could unzip it - which he did without hesitation.
This time she stretched her arms around his waist without hesitation.
Jonny glanced around the room, his hesitation giving more than one vamp confidence to draw their weapons openly.
There was no hesitation in the vamp's response.
The statements made in the New Testament about St Peter were applied without hesitation to all the popes, considered as his successors, the inheritors of his see (Petri sedes) and of all his prerogatives.
But the lady arrived after the death of her betrothed, and after long hesitation became the bride of the father.
On the 26th of October the charge of complicity in the murder of Darnley was distinctly brought forward against her in spite of Norfolk's reluctance and Murray's previous hesitation.
His standpoint was that of the English deists, and he investigated, without hesitation, the evidence for the miracles recorded in the Bible.
Everywhere, save in staunch and steadfast Holland and Zeeland, a feeling of wavering and hesitation was spreading through the land.
These two provinces were unwilling to have any sovereign but William himself, and after considerable hesitation he agreed to become their Count (24th of July 1581).
In 1591 the States-General, after considerable hesitation, were persuaded by Maurice to sanction an offensive campaign.
A pension of three hundred a year was graciously offered, and with very little hesitation accepted.
The citizens appealed to Charles V., who was in Spain, and after some hesitation the emperor decided against the Reichsregiment.
By and by the boy found himself drawn by preference from goldsmith's work to painting; his father, after some hesitation on the score of the time already spent in learning the former trade, gave way and apprenticed him for three years, at the age of fifteen and a half, to the principal painter of the town, Michael Wolgemut.
There can, however, be no hesitation in accepting Cervantes' verdict on Amadis de Gaula as the "best of all the books of this kind that have ever been written."
In the former group Stanley would, without doubt or hesitation, have placed all questions connected with Episcopal or Presbyterian orders, or that deal only with the outward forms or ceremonies of religion, or with the authorship or age of the books of the Old Testament.
After some hesitation Peel resolved to put down the repeal movement.
The authorities at Palermo, learning of a projected rising, attacked the convent of La Gangia, the headquarters of the rebels, and killed most of the inmates; but in the meanwhile Garibaldi, whose hesitation had been overcome, embarked on the 5th of May 1860, at Quarto, near Genoa, with l000 picked followers on board two steamers, and sailed for Sicily.
He too saw its resemblance to chlorine, and was obliged to agree with Davy's opinion as to its simple nature, though not without some hesitation, due doubtless to his previous declaration about chlorine.
He had pledged himself after some hesitation to Yazid, but now his 1 Dozy took communis for a gloss to civiliter.
Of course, persons born from villein parents in lawful wedlock were villeins, but as to the condition of illegitimate children there was a good deal of hesitation.
It was natural, perhaps, that he should not have realized fully and at once the urgent necessities of the situation, but his hesitation to act promptly in accordance with Cadorna's instructions exposed him to the danger of having the retreat of his right wing cut off.
On Napoleon's escape from Elba (1815) Murat, after some hesitation, placed himself on the emperor's side and waged war against the Austrians, with Pepe on his staff.
In 1784, Virginia, after some hesitation, ceded to the Federal government the north-west territory, which it held under the charter of 1609; in 1792 another large strip of the territory of Virginia became an independent state under the name of Kentucky.
I have studied the subject most extensively, and have had opportunities of judging which no European can have, and I have no hesitation in saying that, ' the mystic songs' of Jayadeva and the ' ocean of love ' notwithstanding, there is nothing in the rituals of Jagannatha which can be called licentious."
When enough states had ratified to assure the success of the new government, and the time came to elect a president, there was no hesitation.
He had a slight hesitation in his speech, and his air of timidity and reserve was almost ludicrous.
The annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was acknowledged by the Powers; an agreement was reached with Turkey; Serbia, after long hesitation, was obliged to submit.
A man of his stamp, advancing unscrupulously on the road of fortune, had no hesitation in divorcing his wife and marrying a mistress of Michael, Eudocia Ingerina, to please his master.
After much hesitation, and prompted by a growing disaffection amongst the natives (owing, as he maintained, to his loss of prestige after the arrival of Stanley's force), Emin decided to accompany Stanley to the coast, where the expedition arrived in December 1889.
It had taken the British government nearly ten years to decide on the annexation of Natal; its policy towards the Boers settled north of the Orange was marked by the same hesitation (see Orange Free State).
He then dictated a new oath of allegiance, and every one signed it without hesitation.
Though the authority of the courts had been strengthened by the Petition of Right and the act of 1640, it was still rendered insufficient by reason of the insecurity of judicial tenure, the fact that only the chancellor (a political as well as a legal officer) and the court of king's bench had undoubted right to issue the writ, and the inability or hesitation of the competent judges to issue the writ except during the legal term, which did not cover more than half the year.
After considerable hesitation, the deputies decided to turn informers.
Wenceslas decreed that they should be reinstated, and it was only after some hesitation that he even permitted that religious services according to the Utraquist doctrine should be held in three of the churches of Prague.
Catesby, however, after some hesitation, finding from Fawkes that nothing had been touched in the cellar, and prevailed upon by Percy, determined to stand firm, hoping that the government had put no credence in Monteagle's letter, and Fawkes returned to the cellar to keep guard as before.
There seems to have been at times a pardonable confusion between some quasilegitimate unions and those marriages by mere word of mouth, without ecclesiastical or other ceremonies, which the church, after some natural hesitation, pronounced to be valid.
It is probable that the hesitation of the French court on this question was one of the causes of the extreme personal hostility Lord Palmerston never ceases to show towards the king of the French down to the end of his life, if indeed that sentiment had not taken its origin at a much earlier period.
This measure was not taken without great hesitation, and strong opposition on the part of several members of the British cabinet.
But as the irrepressible conflict drew to a head Emerson's hesitation vanished.
Thus at length ended the hesitation of the legislature, fourteen years after the first annexation bill had been submitted to it.
It was formerly held that the early state of society was one of comparatively high culture, and thus there was no hesitation in assigning the origin of man to a time but little beyond the range of historical records and monuments.
After considerable hesitation Menelek sent, early in December, a note to the powers, in which, after thanking them for their intentions, he stipulated that the agreement should not in any way limit his own sovereign rights.
Macdonald, the great protectionist prime minister of Canada, in a conversation with the presen writer in 1882, avowed without hesitation that protectionist taxation in Canada was indefensible on economic grounds, and he defended it exclusively for political reasons.
They, nevertheless, after some hesitation, hoping that the government would despise the warning, determined to proceed with their plans, and were encouraged in their resolution by Fawkes, who visited the cellar on the 30th and reported that nothing had been moved or touched.
He could repeat the Aeneid of Virgil from the beginning to the end without hesitation, and indicate the first and last line of every page of the edition which he used.
Seeing Kassapa, who as the chronicle puts it, was as well known to them as the banner of the city, the people at first doubted who was the teacher and who the disciple, but Kassapa put an end to their hesitation by stating that he had now given up his belief in the efficacy of sacrifices either great or small; that Nirvana was a state of rest to be attained only by a change of heart; and that he had become a disciple of the Buddha.
He denies that the precedents of the eunuch baptized by Philip or of Paul baptized without hesitation by Simon (to which the other party appealed) were relevant.
Harold accepted the crown without a moments hesitation, and at once prepared to defend it, for he was aware that the Norman would fight to gain iiis purpose.
He saluted his little nephew as king without a moments hesitation, though he was aware that with the commencement of a new reign his own dictatorship had come to an end.
After some hesitation Richard named his nephew John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, a son of his sister, as his heir.
A large section of the cabinet shared the queens hesitation, and Lord Palmerstonwith the weight of nearly eighty summers upon himwas not strong enough to enforce his will against both his sovereign and his colleagues.
But after frequent stormy scenes in the diet, which were only prevented from becoming mêlées by Fersen's moderation, or hesitation, at the critical moment, he and twenty of his friends of the nobility were arrested (17th February 1789) and the opposition collapsed.
The warden and chaplain are clergy, and the visitor is commonly a bishop. In one important regard there has been hesitation, and authorities like Dr Littledale and Bishop Grafton contend strongly for the primitive ideal of the convent as family, with a constitutional government, as against the later and widespread Jesuit ideal of the convent as regiment, with a theory of despotic rule and absolute obedience.
The country was now again invaded by 40,000 French and Bavarian troops, and Innsbruck fell; but the Tirolese once more organized resistance to the French "atheists and freemasons," and, after a temporary hesitation, Hofer - on whose head a price had been placed - threw himself into the movement.
The French in overpowering force at once pushed into the country, and, an amnesty having been stipulated in the treaty, Hofer and his companions, after some hesitation, gave in their submission.
It is true also that the ordinary moral consciousness accepts without hesitation the postulate of freedom,.
In moral philosophy the place of the body of sciences, which philosophy as the theory of knowledge investigates, is taken by the developed moral consciousness, which already pronounces moral judgment without hesitation, and claims authority to subject to continual criticism the institutions and forms of social life which it has itself helped to create.
On the death of Filippo Maria Visconti, Filelfo, after a short hesitation, transferred his allegiance to Francesco Sforza, the new duke of Milan; and in order to curry favour with this parvenu, he began his ponderous epic, the Sforziad, of which 12,800 lines'were written, but which was never published.
Successive attacks of stone in the bladder had ruined his physique; while his hesitation and timidity increased with age.
Yet, in spite of the heroic defence of Thermopylae by the Spartan king Leonidas, the glory of the decisive victory at Salamis fell in great measure to the Athenians, and their patriotism, self-sacrifice and energy contrasted strongly with the hesitation of the Spartans and the selfish policy which they advocated of defending the Peloponnese only.
There was no longer the least hesitation over the choice between liberty with danger and subjection with safety; men sought and found in vassalage the right to live, and willingly bartered away their liberty for it.
Piety and a thirst for glory impelled Louis to take the lead in this fresh expedition to the Holy Land, despite the second opposition of Suger, and the hesitation of the pope, crusade.
But having defeated the duke of Savoy he had no hesitation in making sure of him by a marriage; though the Swiss might have misunderstood the treaty of Brusol (1610) by which he gave one of his daughters to the grandson of Philip IL On the other hand he astonished the Protestant world by the imprudence of his mediation between Spain and the rebellious United Provinces (1609).
When a suggestion was made to the parlement to receive an envoy from Spain, the members had no hesitation in making terms with the court by the peace of Rueil (March 11, 1649), which ended the first Fronde.
The law of conscription was voted on the 5th of September 1798; and the tragedy of Rastadt, where the French commissioners were assassinated, was the opening of a war, desired but illprepared for, in which the Directory showed hesitation in strategy and incoherence in tactics, over a disproportionate area in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
Hence the immoderate extension given to French activity by his classical Latin spirit; hence also his conquests, leading on from one to another, and instead of being mutually helpful interfering with each other; hence, finally, his not entirely coherent policy, interrupted by hesitation and counter-attractions.
He was quick in forming his plans and carried them out without delay or hesitation.
This request appeared so equitable that he complied without hesitation; but Ambrose, foreseeing the consequence, prevailed upon the emperor to have the matter determined by a council of the Western bishops.
In the stormy conflict between the rival popes which followed, the German king, Frederick IV., after some hesitation sided with Eugenius, and having steadily lost ground Felix renounced his claim to the pontificate in 1449 in favour of Nicholas V., who had been elected on the death of Eugenius.
I am not now dealing with General Gordon's character, which was in many respects noble, or with his military defence of Khartoum, which was heroic, but with the political conduct of his mission, and from this point of view I have no hesitation in saying that General Gordon cannot be considered to have tried to do his duty unless a very strained and mistaken view be taken of what his duty was..
From the above instances, which could be multiplied, we have no hesitation in postulating a Hebrew original of i.
Comforted by Fate's words, Deidre obeyed Darkyn's order with trepidation but no hesitation, assuming he meant to drink from her again.
The police were ordered to fire ' without hesitation ' 59 people were killed and hundreds injured.
Her father turned at her hesitation, his gaze blazing.
His thoughts went to Yully, and he stepped forward without hesitation.
Pierre glanced up from his video game at his hesitation.
He turned and without hesitation, began the short ascent to the mine without even inquiring about directions.
The fact he touched her without hesitation.
Both death dealers bowed their heads without hesitation.
There was no room for mistakes or hesitation.
The death-dealer stepped forward without hesitation.
But it was only during the last decade of his life that he ventured, with much hesitation, to present his ideas in a systematic and final form.
After not a little hesitation, Hastings consented to allow the Company's troops to be used to further the ambitious designs of his Oudh ally, in consideration of a sum of money which relieved the ever-pressing wants of the Bengal treasury.
The chapter on the infallibility was only added at the request of the bishops and after long hesitation on the part of the cardinal presidents.
On this occasion no hesitation appears to have been felt; 100 bishops were present, and the opening sermon was preached by the archbishop of York.
After some hesitation, on the advice of Roca the Argentines agreed to the demand, and peace was maintained.
Without hesitation he obeyed, exclaiming, "I have deserved it."
Firdousi accepted the challenge, and the three poets having previously agreed upon three rhyming words to which a fourth could not be found in the Persian language, 'Ansari began "Thy beauty eclipses the light of the sun"; Farrakhi added "The rose with thy cheek would comparison shun"; 'Asjadi continued "Thy glances pierce through the mailed warrior's johsun"; 1 and Firdousi, without a moment's hesitation, completed the quatrain "Like the lance of fierce Giv in his fight with Poshun."
After some hesitation between music and philosophy, he decided to make the latter the serious work of his life, and in 1867 the university of Rostock conferred on him the degree of doctor of philosophy.
In addition, we learn that he went abroad, probably to France, in his thirty-fourth year, where, after 10 years of hesitation and preparation, he composed, about 560, the work bearing his name.
He moreover accuses Eratosthenes, (whose determination of a degree he accepts without hesitation) with trusting too much to hypothesis in compiling his map instead of having recourse to latitudes and longitudes deduced by astronomical observations.
Speaking generally, it may be noted that the Society includes various shades of opinion, from that known as " evangelical," with a certain hesitation in receiving modern thought, to the more " advanced "' position which finds greater freedom to consider and adopt new suggestions of scientific, religious or other thinkers.
The execution of Waltheof, though strictly in accordance with the English law of treason, was a measure which he sanctioned after long hesitation, and probably from considerations of expediency rather than justice.
Upon his return to Genoa he organized, with Bertani, Bixio, Medici and Garibaldi, the expedition of the Thousand, and overcoming by a stratagem the hesitation of Garibaldi, secured the departure of the expedition on the 5th of May 1860.
After a cautious advance the eagerness of the troops finally overcame the hesitation of the commander in exposing his men, the rifle pits were carried with a rush, and the rebellion crushed at a single stroke.
In spite of some hesitation, with regard rather to the official character than to the historical authenticity of the letters attributed to the popes of the earlier centuries, the False Decretals were accepted with confidence, together with the authentic texts which served as a passport for them.
She saw none of the hesitation that had marked his acceptance of Tiyan as his master.
Take a auto car churchill insurance left the pump a semi-auto hesitation exceed the revenue.
The PLO had no room to maneuver, and after some hesitation accepted the diktat.
I shall have no hesitation in sending my staff on future courses.
Every traffic interaction at junctions will be optimized, eliminating hesitation, reckless joining of the flow, and bad timing.
Overall, one should definitely not feel any hesitation to buy a ticket for Saigon at the moment.
The actual process of the revolution shows very little hesitation.
This can cause a hesitation, stumble and/or rough idle problem as well.
The Professor unlocked the door, and seeing a natural hesitation among us for various reasons, solved the difficulty by entering first himself.
He (Alderman Pratt) had not the slightest hesitation in saying that Mr Lamb rescued the child from death.
After initial hesitation, I agreed and this was held at the Institute of Child Health in London.
There can have been little hesitation over the choice of architect.
There should only be a brief hesitation between the snap roll and the half roll.
Without much hesitation, he said, " Shane Warne " Go for it!
Would recommend to anyone without a moments hesitation, by far the best holiday property I have hired.
Concerning the passenger exit hesitation times for the higher sill height, the trials produced inconclusive results.
Without a moment's hesitation he replied ' putting money in the till ' .
Without an instant's hesitation he also plunged into the sea with a life-buoy in his grasp.
After a few seconds ' hesitation, he accepted.
Natasha felt offended by the hesitation she had noticed in the anteroom, by her father's nervousness, and by the unnatural manner of the princess who--she thought--was making a favor of receiving her, and so everything displeased her.
When a decision had to be taken regarding a domestic serf, especially if one had to be punished, he always felt undecided and consulted everybody in the house; but when it was possible to have a domestic serf conscripted instead of a land worker he did so without the least hesitation.
After som e hesitation she accepted but later she changed her mind.
Hamlet swears to avenge his father, but his resolution soon dissolves into doubts and hesitation.
Put it this way, if you had a cigarette, I would probably smoke it without hesitation.
Uninhibited or exuberant children, on the other hand, approach new events and persons without hesitation or trepidation.
Formed in the 1910s, a hesitation waltz is danced to fast music.
Perhaps you're fun and free-loving and can pull off a loud Hawaiian print without hesitation.
He turned and walked down the street, and after a moment's hesitation Dorothy caught Eureka in her arms and climbed into the buggy.
At the Riksdag assembled at Stockholm in 1697, the estates, jealous of the influence of the regents, offered full sovereignty to the young monarch, the senate acquiesced, and, after some hesitation, Charles at last declared that he could not resist the urgent appeal of his subjects and would take over the government of the realm "in God's name."
After some hesitation the republic agreed to the demand,and the council was opened at Pisa, whereupon the pope immediately placed Florence under an interdict.