Herself Sentence Examples
A woman has a right to protect herself – any way she can.
Something... she shook herself mentally.
She finished her oatmeal and pored herself a cup of coffee.
She didn't want to talk about herself anyway.
In her confused state of mind, she had convinced herself that he loved her.
She lifted her canteen and allowed herself a swallow of the tepid water.
She gingerly untangled herself from some thorny vines and tried to stand.
She turned away from the beauty of the ranch, reminding herself that she had made the decision to leave.
In the last few weeks she had allowed herself to be distracted.
No matter how often she asked herself the question, the answer remained elusive.
AdvertisementWith that dark thought, she excused herself and went to her room.
How did she get herself into predicaments like this?
She chuckled to herself.
Why did she need to prove to anyone, least of all herself, that she was right in breaking off the relationship?
Flinging herself on the bed, she sobbed out the anger and hurt.
AdvertisementIt was one thing to tell herself everything was resolved, but quite another to thoroughly accept something she had always considered wrong.
All her plans were about to blow up – all this because she had allowed herself to be drawn into a relationship.
Her erotic dreams were proof that he was becoming more than a friend to her, and that thought was troubling - both from the standpoint of her goals, and the fact that she was setting herself up for rejection.
Anyway she finally got so lonely and depressed that she locked herself in her room one day and shot herself.
Dorothy was herself anxious to get home, so she promised Eureka they would not stay in the Land of Oz much longer.
AdvertisementAt his disappointed expression, she gave herself an attitude adjustment.
She met his gaze, her stomach tense as she steeled herself against the response to her next probing question.
The night air was chilly on her bare arms and she shivered involuntarily, annoyed at herself because it looked like an obvious ploy.
Of course, once she had convinced everyone else what a foolish move it would be, how was she going to convince herself that she didn't need Brandon in her life?
Locked herself in her room for days working on layette sets for the grand children Russie would never provide.
AdvertisementWhen she saw herself, her face was pale.
An hour later she found herself staring vacantly into the fire again.
Truth is always in harmony with herself, and is not concerned chiefly to reveal the justice that may consist with wrong-doing.
There was no point in working herself up this way.
His body was the nearest available leaning post, so she helped herself, burying her face in his chest.
She plodded on, willing herself to take each step, not thinking of the miles to go, but merely getting through one more painful step.
She blushed, pressed her clasped hands on her knees, and then controlling herself with an evident effort lifted her head and began to speak rapidly.
She shoved the photo back into the envelope and closed the lip, willing herself not to think about the previous pregnancy and its tragic end.
Carmen assigned responsibility for that to herself because she didn't notice early enough that Destiny was sick.
Deciding to use the sun to orient herself, she detoured around several dense patches of blackberry bushes.
And now she had put herself in a position where she would be alone with him in the car.
Hadn't she resigned herself to being the ugly duckling years ago?
She pored herself a cup and started breakfast, wondering where Bordeaux was.
She came back by herself.
For the next week Cynthia listened to - and even found herself instigating - discussions about Mr. Cade.
She glanced around the kitchen, knowing she should familiarize herself before breakfast, but feeling uncomfortable about exploring so soon after her arrival.
Failing to make herself understood, she would become violent.
After her father's funeral Princess Mary shut herself up in her room and did not admit anyone.
Carmen disentangled herself from Destiny and urged her to lie down.
Pulling the rail back up, she stood beside the tent, helplessly watching Destiny cry until she coughed herself into another retching fit.
Again she had allowed herself to be put in a precarious situation.
The heart thing happened again and she busied herself at the table.
Yet, when the smell of bacon lured him to the kitchen, she found herself wishing he would address the subject.
Again she had abandoned morality and shamed herself in front of him.
He wasn't the first man she had kissed and she had never considered herself promiscuous with other men.
Wiping her face with a cold rag, she composed herself and answered the door.
I decided to talk to you this weekend, but I guess Mary found the form and took it upon herself to mail it to you.
She poured herself amber liquid and took a long swallow.
She forced herself to pull away from him.
Helga turned to look at her curiously, and she forced herself forward.
Again she found herself hoping Gabriel took her soon.
Jackson heard a noise and motioned to Sarah to silence herself.
She revealed herself in her work, and he felt an intimacy with her through her art.
How could she explain her mood to Katie when she had so little understanding of it herself?
More than she could say for herself at the moment.
Katie busied herself setting the table.
It took an instant for her eyes to adjust to the dim coop interior, and then she found herself staring into the desperate eyes of a red fox.
Anyway, she's just a stray that wandered up one day and attached herself to us.
Three more days and she'd have the dairy back to herself again.
Reminding herself that Alex had made no commitment, she still couldn't put the picture of him opening the car door for Lori out of her mind.
Sitting on the couch feeling sorry for herself wasn't accomplishing anything.
Now she couldn't marry Josh - and couldn't bring herself to break the news to him.
And why did she always have to make such a fool of herself?
She nestled herself comfortably in Dorothy's lap until the kitten gave a snarl of jealous anger and leaped up with a sharp claw fiercely bared to strike Billina a blow.
This lovely, sweet-natured lady offered to teach me herself, and we began the twenty-sixth of March, 1890.
She has a very sociable disposition, and delights in the companionship of those who can follow the rapid motions of her fingers; but if left alone she will amuse herself for hours at a time with her knitting or sewing.
She had learned the printed letters, and for some time had amused herself by making simple sentences, using slips on which the words were printed in raised letters; but these sentences had no special relation to one another.
Often I found her, when she had a little leisure, sitting in her favourite corner, in a chair whose arms supported the big volume prepared for the blind, and passing her finger slowly over the lines of Moliere's 'Le Medecin Malgre Lui,' chuckling to herself at the comical situations and humorous lines.
At the time when I became her teacher, she had made for herself upward of sixty signs, all of which were imitative and were readily understood by those who knew her.
Not my or thy great-grandfather's, but our great-grandmother Nature's universal, vegetable, botanic medicines, by which she has kept herself young always, outlived so many old Parrs in her day, and fed her health with their decaying fatness.
The phœbe had already come once more and looked in at my door and window, to see if my house was cavern-like enough for her, sustaining herself on humming wings with clinched talons, as if she held by the air, while she surveyed the premises.
The little princess went round the table with quick, short, swaying steps, her workbag on her arm, and gaily spreading out her dress sat down on a sofa near the silver samovar, as if all she was doing was a pleasure to herself and to all around her.
She crossed herself, kissed the icon, and handed it to Andrew.
But when he saw that the horsemen did not dismount and that the wolf shook herself and ran for safety, Daniel set his chestnut galloping, not at the wolf but straight toward the wood, just as Karay had run to cut the animal off.
She owed it to herself to find out for sure, didn't she?
Glancing up, she found herself staring into the eyes of Bordeaux.
She pushed herself up when Talon snatched her.
Sofi smiled to herself.
This thought she kept to herself.
Yully opened herself to him, and he shivered as their souls, then their bodies, met once again.
When she retreated to the bathroom, she flipped on the light, cringed, but forced herself to stare at her reflection in the mirror over the sink.
Nothing more, she told herself.
She hugged herself, waiting.
Any pain she caused was going to be short lived and quickly fixed, when she revealed herself to Gabriel once more and told him they could be together.
This very building was the one Gabriel dived off of in an attempt to keep the terrified human from trying to kill herself.
The human thought herself unwanted, except by Darkyn, who had done more to help her than Gabriel thought possible.
She hugged herself, visibly upset.
She threw herself at Ryland, practically under Shipton's nose.
I think she did that to herself.
She turned to Ryland, throwing herself on him, but that didn't work.
She crossed herself and bowed her head.
She seemed to be actually enjoying herself.
This one wasn't just pretty; she was downright gorgeous and carried herself with a sartorial elegance.
She snapped out of it and made herself think straight.
She caught herself and quickly continued, "Sure, let me get the keys."
Sarah heard Jackson and slowly unfurled herself from a sleeping Connor.
Sarah put herself between him and the door.
She is blaming this whole thing on herself.
Elisabeth stood, hugging herself.
She curled her legs under herself, and put her head on his shoulder.
She wrapped the duvet around herself.
When she finished the second chop, she licked her face, cleaning herself.
She looked nothing like herself, almost primal.
Jackson and Elisabeth took turns sitting with Sarah; she seemed to be reconciling herself to their new reality.
Once Elisabeth had composed herself, she asked, "What else do you want to know?"
She glanced down, taking a moment to compose herself, and then placed her hand over Jackson's.
Sarah met them at the door and introduced herself, then turned to Elisabeth and grabbed her hand, Ahhhh!
Hmm. Too bad you didn't videotape her, so she could see for herself.
She pushed herself back and stuck her tongue out at Jackson.
He had no idea how long it would take her to regain consciousness, or, if even then, she would be strong enough to free herself, yet he saw no other option.
A door slammed down the hall and Katie sprinted into the room, hugging herself.
She curled up on her bed and cried herself to sleep.
Katie was expecting a child now - Katie, who had trouble taking care of herself.
More than an hour later she was pouring herself a cup of coffee and wondering if a person could get dehydrated from crying.
She learned it gladly when she discovered that she could herself read what she had written; and this still affords her constant pleasure.
Helen was petted and caressed enough to spoil an angel; but I do not think it is possible to spoil her, she is too unconscious of herself, and too loving.
Then she threw herself on the floor and began to swim so energetically that some of us thought we should be kicked out of our chairs!
Indeed, her whole body is so finely organized that she seems to use it as a medium for bringing herself into closer relations with her fellow creatures.
Sonya, as she listened, thought of the immense difference there was between herself and her friend, and how impossible it was for her to be anything like as bewitching as her cousin.
By the next day she was ready to resume her normal activities, but Sarah insisted it was Saturday and she should take some time to enjoy herself.
She was doing enough of it for herself.
Could she make it across the lava field by herself?
She leaned back and held her nose as she completely immersed herself.
If life had taught her anything it was that she could take care of herself.
She left the post office feeling better about Russell Cade than she did about herself.
It was ridiculous - sending him into town after such personal items when she was perfectly capable of going by herself.
The woman introduced herself as Annie Mae Wilkie and informed us she was the treasurer of Brockville, in addition to holding several other positions.
She recognized this trait and would accept rules she herself would never be able to make.
Betsy absented herself, feeling it unfair to listen if the other couldn't.
While Howie stood shyly by the door, she boldly stepped forward and introduced herself.
Betsy was beside herself with frustration when she heard what mayhem our nemesis had wrought.
Think of a recluse who finds herself in possession of a marvelous gift, through no action on her part.
When Julie controlled herself she apologized and looked up at me.
I'm not sure she knows the answer herself but a lot of marriages are built on far less.
She pushed herself tighter against me.
Martha made no move to cover herself.
She drank herself blotto because her husband is a shithead.
It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself.
She caught herself, and slumped into a chair, clutching her gown to her ample chest.
The poor old woman may have believed it herself.
She introduced herself and her husband as Sadie and Sid, with no last names.
She wanted to explain herself more thoroughly but I shushed her and continued with business.
Julie can decide for herself as well.
She cried again, snuffling and wiping at her nose before she pushed herself off the chair.
Not falling for it this time, she vowed to herself.
She almost scolded him before stopping herself.
The door opened, and she braced herself.
More tears came as she realized she couldn't do anything for herself let alone Jonny if they kept her in such a state.
The thought distracted her, and she both yearned to be with him and hated herself for not being able to shake the thought of him.
She couldn't run, couldn't move and she tried hard to convince herself to pass out as the garage door was wrenched open.
Crossing the threshold into the bathroom, she paused to look at herself in the mirror with a grimace.
She found herself hurrying around him to the couch at his low growl and suspected he wasn't someone who ever repeated anything.
She braced herself for him to turn into Talon and hurt her.
She cursed herself quietly for saying stupid things.
She wobbled and balanced herself against the wall.
She slept until the edge of her fatigue was gone before borrowing his neatly folded clothing and making herself a huge pancake and egg midday breakfast.
Darian's popping in and out stressed her out, and she turned up the TV, trying to lose herself in a movie as she calmed.
She picked up Sunny and sat on the couch, making herself at home.
She didn't have his cold control; she was the kind of woman who would give herself freely in bed and hold no part of her back.
She braced herself and reached out to him.
Bianca wrapped herself in a towel, cold.
His eyes lit up, and Bianca flung herself into his arms, thrilled to feel her brother's lanky body again.
She shoved the phone in her pocket and forced herself to smile as she faced Jonny, who'd been in training since shortly after she awoke.
She took one step forward, then another, throwing herself onto the ground beside Sofi.
Bianca righted herself and carefully straightened the blonde, panicked by her pale features.
She pushed herself up, cold inside and out.
She flung herself into his arms, gratified when he squeezed her hard.
She peeled off the thick coat and draped it over one bench before seating herself facing the door, as her father had taught her.
She hugged herself and hurried towards the door to the pub.
At last, she forced herself to lie down and tried not to think of the man named Jule, whose soul still lingered.
She willed herself not to think of the man named Jule trapped somewhere in the house.
If he wasn't there, she could convince herself this was all some sort of nightmare.
She promised herself to find a way to check on him in the morning without her father finding out.
She was worried about him, and he was touched by the idea she took pity on him when she herself was in more danger than he was.
When she'd touched him in the alley, she'd left a piece of herself within him.
Yully shoved Jule fully into the passenger seat of her car and ran to the driver's side, throwing herself into her seat.
Yully swallowed hard and steadied herself.
Intrigued by the sensations, she found herself unwilling to look away from him this time.
She braced herself to face him nonetheless.
She closed her eyes and braced herself for another.
Yully forced herself to her feet and strode through the house to the garage.
Even if she couldn't kill the next swordsman that came for her, she could buy herself some time.
She braced herself, expecting to feel some sort of rush of energy, like she did when she touched Jule.
Ignoring the hisses of the others, she locked herself in a bathroom stall and texted her boss, Dusty.
She steadied her breathing, swearing to herself that these would be the last to die at her father's hands.
The power pushed her off balance, and she caught herself before it sent her sprawling into the blood pooled around her.
She moved to the center of the monument and opened herself to the magics.
Her gaze settled on the Other, and she forced herself up.
Since leaving college, she'd stayed in shape through the local gym, where she lifted weights and forced herself onto a cardio machine twice a week.
She squinted through her fingers and braced herself against one wall to counter the effects the drugs had on her equilibrium as she moved down the long hallway.
She tried to balance herself only to find herself toppling over and over and over down a stairwell.
Voices prevented her from losing herself to her pain.
She ran into a blurry wall, shoved herself off, and smashed into another monster.
She ducked her head and braced herself as he reached for her again.
None of his men had ever seen a human woman throw herself into his arms.
The light beyond the solid French doors made her flinch, but she forced herself to cross the doorway.
She pushed herself off the floor and rose.
She shivered and hugged herself as they emerged into the cool fall dusk.
When it didn't, she uncurled herself from the ball she was in.
She forced herself out of bed, exhausted and hungry.
She made one anyway and forced herself to eat it, blaming her recent trauma for her queasiness.
Though nauseated by the thought, she heated up a can of soup and forced herself to eat it.
She returned to her room to clean herself up, cursing peanut butter for ruining her appetite as she went.
Not trusting herself, she refused to look at him and instead wrapped her arms around him.
The thought of drinking from him made her sick, and she pushed herself up to vomit.
Pierre gave him a sidelong look at his butchered French, and Sofia smiled despite herself.
She recoiled, pushing herself against the couch.
She hugged herself and faced him, agitated.
Maybe he had a harem of women at his beck and call, but she couldn't see herself with any other man.
She can't eat food, but she refuses to admit it to herself, Han explained to Pierre.
She roused herself and lay on her side, facing him.
Sofia bit back a retort and forced herself to her feet.
Sofia looked down at herself.
She braced herself and placed her palm against his.
She looked herself over, satisfied that she looked good.
Sofia almost laughed at herself.
Sofia watched, astonished at the blatant display, and almost didn't prep herself for her first encounter.
She pushed herself away and leaned against a wall.
She steeled herself and nodded.
She couldn't bring herself to say what they'd done.
She forced herself to continue.
So she stayed put and hugged herself more tightly.
Sofia forced herself to walk over and take it.
Sofia sat down on the bed, careful to keep the blood from her gown, and touched the woman's face, bracing herself.
And she'd never demean herself to that man.
His cranky words echoed in her thoughts, and she smiled to herself.
She ached to touch him but refused, hugging herself more tightly instead.
She unraveled herself from her favorite chair near the window.
Sofia forced herself not to recoil, afraid to touch anyone.
Han's words returned, and she forced herself to relax.
She braced herself and touched him.
She leaned down, bracing herself as she rested a trembling hand on his forehead.
She flung herself in, slammed the door, and locked them.
She sucked in a breath, struggling to calm herself.
Despair washed over her, but she forced herself to concentrate.
Sofia turned off the shower and dried herself before opening the door between the small bathroom and the bedroom.
Steeling herself, she passed Pierre at her door and knocked on Damian's door.
She hugged herself, wanting to throw her arms around him but knowing he was in as an approachable of a mood as Dustin.
After a thick moment of silence, she forced herself to continue.
She drew a sharp breath but forced herself to stay, to take his pain.
She roused herself, surprised to see the other three had disappeared at some point.
She sat up, forcing herself to meet his golden gaze.
She braced herself against the memories running through his head and the confusion as he tried to figure out where he was.
Bracing herself, she stepped into the hallway.
Deidre stopped herself from pursuing.
She'd promised herself she wasn't going to cry today.
She swallowed hard, willing herself to remember that she was meant for Gabriel, even if it was Darkyn's name on her back.
She almost screamed at herself.
She couldn't bring herself to try, just like she couldn't remove her hand.
The odd scent was closer, and she found herself breathing in deeply to try to capture it.
It was the same question she'd been asking herself.
Deidre found herself leaning into his solid frame without resistance, entranced by the combination of his hot, hard body and cool fire on her swimming senses.
Deidre felt herself breathless and consumed before the end of their first kiss, yielding to the intensity of his kiss and the firmness of his touch.
She found herself nipping back at his chest and neck, something she'd never done before.
Gabriel had been, and she was furious at herself for not taking him more seriously and for choosing to accept Darkyn's deal instead of taking a chance with Gabriel.
She found herself poking the new teeth with her tongue to confirm they really were there.
Deidre went back to the mirror and gazed at herself.
Deidre sank to the floor, not trusting herself.
Deidre hugged herself, disturbed.
She stood and paced anxiously, hugging herself.
She left, stopping in the shadow world to try to calm herself.
Her eyes filled with tears, but she forced herself to do it.
She flung herself through it, not caring what waited for her on the other side.
She waited another few seconds for a catch before letting herself believe him.
The next morning, Deidre found herself at the wall overlooking the red deserts of Hell.
Stilling her mind, she calmed herself.
Glancing down at herself, she decided there was only one logical place for her to start.
He neared the closet, and she pushed herself back into the clothing.
Deidre tried to ignore him, afraid reacting would only draw more attention to herself.
The second dealer was moving closer, and she couldn't free herself from the thick arm wrapped around her.
Deidre braced herself for his violent reaction or words.
Deidre hugged herself and padded down the hallway, her heart flipping in her chest.
Deidre braced herself, hoping not to feel the warm energy of his magic.
As much as she hated herself for feeling it, she needed his touch to calm her.
Deidre pushed herself up to see his face.
She glimpsed Selyn and even herself in his story.
Chilled by the cold ocean wind, Deidre pressed herself against his warm body.
Rousing herself, she bit him and fed until revived.
Deidre kept her thoughts to herself, growing more distressed with the visit.
Deidre was silent for a moment, wrestling with herself.
She let herself think what she'd do, if she had the choice between the two.
Deidre hugged herself, hearing the unasked question about their deal.
She tugged her hands free and leaned into him, sobbing and shaking, unable to support herself.
It was unclear if this action was prompted by Patsy Boyd herself or just some do-gooder trying to clear her desk of problems.
Cynthia excused herself and retreated to the kitchen, leaving well-meaning Brandon Westlake with a what-did-I-say-wrong look on his sun beaten face.
She poured a bowl of cereal, something Martha would have done for herself on a usual day.
Or maybe she just wants to prove to herself someone actually loves her enough and cares about her enough to punish her.
Cynthia turned and propped herself up on an elbow.
Dean felt a pang of sympathy—a child herself about to bring a life into the world.
She took his hand but didn't introduce herself.
She laughed at herself.
When the phone rang for the fourth time, Dean assumed it was either a call for reservations or more discussion on the upcoming New Jersey wedding plans, but Cynthia held the phone against herself and called to her husband.
They all feigned shock and surprise at this not-uncommon happening as Paulette huffily announced she'd absent herself with a walk around the block while they "took care of the matter."
What do you suppose Paulette was doing up there by herself?
A woman identified herself as Mrs. Fryatt and asked if Martha had telephoned today, or if we'd heard from her, or from her mother, or anyone else concerning Martha.
While she acted blasé about his life and death, Dean wondered if she were being entirely truthful with herself.
His only comment of note was that Patsy, while obviously exhausted, seemed especially cheerful— "pleased with herself" was how he'd described her.
Seems to me Martha's pretty sharp and can take care of herself pretty well.
You don't suppose she planned all that business with Fitzgerald just so she could run for sheriff herself?
She'd forced herself to try to watch human-Deidre as much as possible.
Pleased with herself, she began to think being human wasn't going to be so hard.
She wasn't going to have much time to prepare herself, either.
She found herself reaching for her power again, only to find it gone.
The soft bed was warm from her body heat, and she found herself running a hand over the downy comforter while she tried to understand the emotions within her.
Deidre pushed herself up carefully, unable to take her eyes off of Gabriel.
She screamed at herself silently, afraid he meant to walk out the door forever.
She tasted sweet and saucy, like the woman herself, her heat, scent and silky skin filling his senses in a way that left him wanting more of her.
With a frustrated growl, she threw herself into bed.
She heard herself talking.
She won a bet but backed herself into a corner.
She'd have to throw herself at Gabriel's mercy.
Deidre walked deeper into the forest, wrestling with herself mentally.
She didn't know why she summoned him, except that right now, she wanted to see him, to reassure herself.
She willed herself there, concentrating hard to keep from losing the connection.
She relaxed and sank into the soft leather seats of the Town Car, telling herself she was being granted a chance to be normal.
She forced herself not to cover her tattoo with her hands as she followed her sister to the second floor, where the private rooms were.
She composed herself and psyched herself up for a day of shopping, awkward questions about Rhyn, and flaky friends.
Her body sang in happiness at the closeness, and she felt herself relax.
She pushed herself up despite his grip, staring at him hard.
Hannah shook herself visibly and said, I didn't hear you come in last night.
Even when she knew she was dreaming, she couldn.t wake herself up or shake the fear that this time, Rhyn wasn.t going to come.
She braced herself for the resentful looks.
Katie cringed at his over the top décor of gilded everything and oriented herself.
Where is she? she asked, bracing herself for the answer.
Katie locked herself in the bathroom, cursing Ully for the skunk perfume that clearly didn.t work.
Katie pushed herself to her feet, remembering what pain a pissed-off Hell-creature could cause.
God help her, she couldn.t even try to off herself while trapped in the bathroom!
The sound of footsteps running down the hall drew her attention, and she flung herself backwards as the maid with the butcher knife tried to cut her.
She couldn.t bring herself to voice the words out loud.
She smiled and flung herself into his arms.
Kiera was bound to be traumatized until she saw for herself there were no monster-sized spiders on Romas's home planet.
She forced herself to withdraw from the surreal world and let herself go numb.
She kept telling herself she'd wake up from this wacky dream soon.
It stuck, but she forced herself not to ask why.
She reached Evelyn and Romas and forced herself not to crowd them.
She'd just made a complete fool of herself and Evelyn … how would she react if someone were as terrified of kittens on earth?
Unable to understand or control the strange sensations, she tried to help right herself as the hands gripping her ribcage steadied her.
Kiera rubbed her arm with a small wince and forced herself to turn away.
It wasn't until dusk, when Evelyn had said she'd come back, that she forced herself up.
Kiera braced herself and exited behind Evelyn, whose quick step led them back to the main house and outside, where the floating tents were still in place.
Faced with the reality of the situation, she paced in front of the door, arguing with herself.
She pressed herself against the door, almost wishing Romas would discover them.
He plied her lips gently, testing and encouraging, and she felt herself respond despite her indignation.
She pushed herself away from the doorframe and retreated to her room, only to find the prisoner's bracelet didn't work.
She caught herself with her hands before she did a face-plant on the ground and tried to catch her breath.
Kiera roused herself, climbed to her feet, and stretched before the prisoner snagged her arm once more and began the quick pace again.
She tried to push the thought away and distract herself by wandering the mansion.
She concentrated hard, intent on distracting herself as well as learning something new.
Instead, she forced herself to leave and find something to do.
The game room was the only place the sisters didn't bug her, and for the first time since being kidnapped by Evelyn and A'Ran, she found herself having fun.
Suns, she corrected herself with a small smile.
She cried until she could control herself, wiped her face, and drew several shuddering breaths.
It wasn't Ne'Rin that greeted him for his daily briefing but the woman herself.
She cleared her throat, forcing herself to focus on his dark eyes.
She blocked clumsily at first but ordered herself not to look weak in front of such a man and focused hard.
Kiera blinked and forced herself to pay attention.
Uneasy with the stirrings within her, she forced herself to step away.
She found herself sketching him as she'd seen him in the vision from what felt like years ago when they walked hand-in-hand on the dead planet.
She shifted herself in compliance.
If she proved to be as he suspected she was, she might find herself the first woman in his society given the official position of strategy battle planner, a position traditionally held by the dhjan alone.
But she might need to know how to defend herself.
No nishani in his bloodline had learned to defend herself or been exiled from her planet.
There was a man behind the fierce face, and she'd only confused herself more by spending the night with him!
Her eyes flew open and she braced herself against the side.
She pushed herself up and shielded her face with her bound hands.
She raced forward through the men, not caring what they thought, and flung herself into Mansr's arms with enough force to drive him back a step.
She crossed her arms, hugging herself.
She braced herself for a refusal and a fight.
With a nod, she prepared herself for the worst.
She almost slapped herself when she realized how simple it was.
Kiera climbed to her feet, barely caught herself from hitting the fountain with the next great tremor of the ground, and bolted for the door.
It opened, and she flung herself against the second door.
She sprawled on top of him, unable to push herself up with the earth's violent shaking.
She nodded, not trusting herself to say anything else.
She found herself breathing him in, aching for him to touch her as he had not so long ago.
Her feet were cold on the wooden floor, and she'd caught herself looking down many times to see if she made grass grow here, too.
Food had become an overlooked stranger, and she'd found herself leaving her studio only for the bathroom and the bedroom.
She'd forced herself to walk daily, if for no other reason than to keep her mind off the paintings and memories.
Kiera wasn't surprised and felt bad for admitting it to herself.
She'd never allowed herself to ask why A'Ran didn't come for her.
She was making it day to day telling herself neither of those things was true.
Kiera lowered the shirt, glad she'd never convinced herself to remove the band.
There was barely room to maneuver, and she found herself standing on her tiptoes to keep track of Evelyn, who had no trouble with the people around her parting the seas for her.
She hugged herself, scared and uneasy.
If she's so rich, why did she only book one room for herself and the boy?
She hugged herself, in spite of the warmth of the cozy room.
Then she added, almost to herself, I'll have to make some arrangements.
Edith Shipton took the garment and held it against herself.
Once more, she held the dress in front of herself.
Edith allowed herself to be led back to her seat.
Rocking back and forth, head bowed, Edith began to touch herself, her cheek, her arms, her body, again and again, as if indicating where she had been struck but unable to utter the painful words.
She excused herself to prepare supper for the three residents.
When the meal was over, Martha excused herself to leave.
Cynthia busied herself with the notebook once again.
While Dean had no desire to participate in the new and perilous sport of ice climbing, he didn't share Cynthia total perplexity at why a sane human being would even consider subjecting himself or herself to such uncomfortable danger.
The only person who can keep him away is Edith herself and it doesn't look to me as if she has the sense to do so.
At least she's casting herself as a minister's wife and not a soiled dove.
My own flesh and blood, selling herself to half-drunk miners for a few gold coins.
She propped herself up against the back of their brass bed.
It's as if she's bent on degrading herself.
He joined Dean at the kitchen table although Cynthia would have preferred having her private domain to herself.
Cynthia was definitely not herself.
She let herself be led to a corner chair.
Cautiously she moved forward, allowing herself a peek at this amalgam of evil, this seducer of virgins, who had so ravaged her body.
My bet is she disguised herself as you—that's why Shipton said your name to Jake Weller!
Then you ditched your new honey and she's stupid enough to think that's a big loss and goes and hangs herself.
It's a suicide note she wrote 'cause she killed herself.
Tell them that naked Edith Shipton came out of his room and moments later hanged herself.
We can't say if she planned on killing him with it or was just protecting herself but later she used it to cut his line.
If she didn't try to kill Jerome, why would she kill herself?
Dean knew in time, he'd get over the sudden death of Edith Shipton but he also knew the fact he failed to stop her from killing herself would remain with him forever.
They gave me the job of running him down to tell him the missus killed herself.
I don't know why she hanged herself when she had a bottle of sleeping pills right next to her bed but wacky people do wacky things.
If he'd thought for a minute she was suicidal, he'd have taken some steps to protect her from herself.
A woman killed herself in my inn.
Why not how she killed herself?
Because I should have dragged her to a shrink or someone who could have talked some sense into her, or at least watched her more closely-protected her from herself.
If she didn't try to kill Jerome, then why did she kill herself?
Granted, we didn't stop her death, but she didn't kill herself through any direct fault of ours.
Just because she threw herself at you hours before she died doesn't make you culpable.
Dean turned to Cynthia who tried to busy herself picking up snack dishes from Fred's evening refreshments.
If Donnie didn't know that Annie hanged herself, how could Edith know?
Perhaps Edith transcribed the last few pages herself.
While Cynthia's mother was recovering, they discussed what to do if and when she should become unable to care for herself.
She made herself scarce.
He added, I'm sorry the missus killed herself but she was a looney from the word go.
It seems to me, that Edith had a very rapid mood change from flaunting her nakedness in front of Claire to...killing herself, practically minutes later.
Whenever she seemed to be getting herself under control, a fresh bout of sobs would begin.
After chores, she went to bed and cried herself to sleep.
She could go on feeling sorry for herself because she couldn't have children, or she could accept the cards that had been dealt her and settle for less than perfection.
The buzzing continued, and she pushed herself up on one elbow.
She hugged herself and treaded to the side of the main road down a small hill to the barracks housing the feds.
Pleased to hear from the Guardian, she found herself smiling.
Lana jumped over him and squeezed between two boulders, all but flinging herself towards the object.
What was so important she flung herself off a cliff to get it?
She shook her head and pushed herself off the bed, hugging her hurt arm to her chest.
The body heat of someone kneeling beside her made her blink, and she braced herself for the doc shooting her up again.
She drank more, forcing herself to swallow it.
She'd never interacted with the army-types before, but she found herself liking them, if they were all like Guardian and Brady.
He offered a genuine smile she couldn't bring herself to return.
Lana shoved herself back, ignoring the pain in her wrist as adrenaline flew threw her.
She pushed herself away from him as he took another step towards her, a newfound horror creeping through her.
With a deep breath, she forced herself up.
The chocolates, the familiar insistence that she learn to protect herself, the Southern drawl.
She studied him with more interest than fear, even if she did push herself into the corner again.
One charged her hiding place, and she scrambled back, pressing herself against the tree.
She roused herself and opened the door from the bedroom to the living area.
Instead, she found herself recalling what almost happened.
She flushed despite herself.
Hands over her ears, she took a deep breath and hurried up them, all but flinging herself into the arms of an awaiting rebel soldier.
The forest swallowed the city before she could orient herself.
She forced herself out of her fear and leaned forward.
She was ready to break down crying and throw herself out of the helo in the hopes she didn't die when she hit the water.
She lowered herself back to the seat and pulled on her harness, strapping it on.
She struggled to pull herself out of the cabin, against the flow of cold river water.
Floating in the shocking cold, she oriented herself in the darkness.
She stretched and pulled herself onto the bank, shaking hard with cold.
When she could, she pushed herself up and gazed out over the dark river.
When no more tears came, she roused herself.
For Brady, she told herself.
While her step was anything but sure, Lana forced herself onto the road and walked.
All she had was herself.
Mrs. Watson appeared thoughtful before she pushed herself to her feet and hobbled to the couch.
She cried herself into a restless sleep.
She even caught herself touching her ear to keep from sliding her finger behind it to the subcutaneous net implant.
She'd never taken a chance on a man or let herself wonder what she was missing.
She recovered herself and wiped her tears, gazing around one last time.
She'd been learning how to defend herself and watching how his people operated for a few days before the accident.
The ache of loss had faded a little over the past two weeks, but she still cried herself to sleep at night.
A few glanced her way, and Lana braced herself.
He'd urged her to hide herself away when she wasn't at work with him, telling her tales of how bad the upper class was.
Lana found herself eating faster than she should have, hungry for real food after ten days of appetite suppressants and the dehydrated staples that she'd stuffed her bag full of.
She had enough for a month, but after a few days, she found herself wishing for real food instead of the stale bars.
Lana's eyes settled on them, and she found herself tensing.
Lana braced herself as the two looked her over carefully.
Suddenly, she felt guilty for using the emerops depots for herself like a typical member of the elite.
I created this monster that can hack into our systems and make herself disappear.
At least now they'll have real heat, she thought to herself.
Lana rolled onto her side and listened, crying herself to sleep for a different reason this night.
Lana braced herself and hurried after Mike.
I killed so many more, Lana thought to herself.
Lana squeezed herself and Jack into the small space behind him.
She found herself intrigued and hopeful.
Lana hesitated then looked down at herself again.
Until the seventh day after she drowned herself, assuming Darkyn doesn't catch you first.
Rhyn glanced at him, taking in the arm in a sling. Kris was healing from an attacker Rhyn had saved him from, the day Katie killed herself.
The way he should've done, before she'd walked into the ocean and killed herself to protect him from a fate he deserved.
Fashioned by Death herself, the dagger was immune even to magic as strong as Rhyn's.
She watched him pace, his long, muscular legs drawing her eyes. A familiar ache filled her, one that made her want to launch herself into his arms and never leave the dream world.
She pushed herself up, reaching into a pocket for a food and water cube. Gabriel took her arm and pulled her to her feet. She nearly choked on the cubes and swallowed them whole, struggling to keep up with the death-dealer as he darted into the forest.
His shove almost drove her to her knees again. She steadied herself and looked up in time to see him disappear into the jungle. Fear made her heart pound. The strange path he'd been following appeared ahead of her, revealing itself only a few steps at a time. She started at a walk and quickened to a jog, making sure the path wouldn't close and trip her. The path kept up with her, and she ran.
Still breathless, Katie forced herself onward along the stream's rocky bank.
The same voice that got her into this mess and told her to drown herself had given her this reminder twice. Katie sensed she wasn't safe where she was, but she didn't want to travel without Gabriel.
Katie frowned. In the course of a day, Gabe had gone from emotional to unaffected when discussing Death. He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. Blaming herself for taking his mind off of their survival, she fell silent and followed him. Briars and branches caught her pant legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Gabe, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before him. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them.
Gabriel glanced at her and straightened. He handed her more food and water cubes then motioned for her to seat herself by the fire.