Heroes Sentence Examples
The foremost heroes of the first crusade were Netherlanders.
She is the patroness and protectress of those heroes who are distinguished for their prudence and caution, and in the Trojan War she sides with the more civilized Greeks.
Here, in the centre of a small chapel, surrounded by his chief companions in arms, by Alvar Fanez Minaya, Pero Bermudez, Martin Antolinez and Pelaez the Asturian, were placed the remains of the mighty warrior, the truest of Spanish heroes, the embodiment of all the national virtues and most of the national vices.
At the graves of national heroes or ancestors worship was paid.
Of all heroes of romance Alexander has been the most widely celebrated.
The Aeginetans at first contented themselves with sending the images of the Aeacidae, the tutelary heroes of their island.
I am proud of my native town, wherein dwells such marvelous heroes.
Some of these eponymous ancestors may be regarded as heroes rather than gods, and classed with such persons, as Skioldr, the eponymous.
All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise.
And though he did not believe in the Incarnation, yet he held deity to be in a sense manifest in humanity; its saints and heroes became, in spite of innumerable frailties, after a sort divine; man underwent an apotheosis, and all life was touched with the dignity and the grace which it owed to its source.
AdvertisementIn Kudanzaka Park is the Yasukuni Temple, popularly known by the name of Shokonsha, and consecrated to the spirits of departed heroes who fell in war.
Two heads of heroes and that of the boar were found before 1880; later excavation, in 1883, showed the plan of the temple, which had six columns at front and back, and thirteen at the sides.
He fought a brave fight, checked von Spee in his onward career, and he and his men take their place in the great roll of naval heroes.
Stephani Frisingenses (15th century), which formerly belonged to the abbey of Weihenstephan, and is now at Munich, the childhood of Charlemagne is practically the same as that of many mythic heroes.
His services to America in England and France rank him as one of the heroes of the American War of Independence and as the greatest of American diplomats.
AdvertisementBut in the 4th century this puritanic zeal gave way; and this and other pagan feasts were taken over by the Church; a century earlier in Asia Minor Gregory the Thaumaturge was actively transforming into shrines and cult of martyrs the temples and idolatrous rites of heroes and demigods.
Yet in spite of all these allowances he remains one of the great heroes of all history.
The Areois travelled about, devoting their whole time to feasting, dancing (the chief dance of the women being the grossly indecent Timorodeementionedby Captain Cook), and debauchery, varied by elaborate realistic stage presentments of the lives and loves of gods and legendary heroes.
The attempt to harmonize the Stoic demonology with Roman religion led to the Lares being compared with the Greek "heroes" during the period of Greco-Roman culture, and the word is frequently translated ilpcoEs.
The thoroughly national character of Heracles is shown by his being the mythical ancestor of the Dorian dynastic tribe, while revered by Ionian Athens, Lelegian Opus and Aeolo-Phoenician Thebes, and closely associated with the Achaean heroes Peleus and Telamon.
AdvertisementHe was trained in all manly accomplishments by heroes of the highest renown in each, until in a transport of anger at a reprimand he slew Linus, his instructor in music, with the lyre.
In this work he for the first time systematized an old Oriental (perhaps Phoenician) method of interpreting the popular myths, asserting that the gods who formed the chief objects of popular worship had been originally heroes and conquerors, who had thus earned a claim to the veneration of their subjects.
In spite of his small stature, he held his own amongst the other heroes before Troy; he was brave, next to Achilles in swiftness of foot and famous for throwing the spear.
One of their duties is to guide to paradise the heroes who fall in battle, whose wives they then become.
This, on the whole, salutary and edifying movement permeated public life, and produced a series of great captains who cheerfully sacrificed themselves for their country, and would have been saints if they had not been heroes.
AdvertisementHis most popular work is the "Collection of Historical Songs" (Spiewy historyczne), where he treats of the chief heroes of Polish history.
So too all the old national heroes and heroines ultimately became prophets; in the case of Deborah there is even a fusion in local tradition between an old heroine and an historical seer.
This is a Gnostic interpretation of the various myths of the great mother-goddess's many loves and love-adventures with other gods and heroes.
The well-known sentence of Carlyle, that it is "as far as possible from meriting its high reputation," is in strictness justified, for all Thiers's historical work is marked by extreme inaccuracy, by prejudice which passes the limits of accidental unfairness, and by an almost complete indifference to the merits as compared with the successes of his heroes.
On the other hand reflection on past events made clear to him not only the sufferings but the defects and follies of the national heroes, and from henceforth, for the first time, we notice a bitterly humorous vein in his writings.
The best modern authority is Stanley Lane-Poole's Saladin (" Heroes of the Nations" series, London, 1903).
A man only shared in house, tribe and state, so far as he was descended from particular ancestors and eponymous heroes, and due cult of these illustrious dead was the condition of his enjoying any rights or inheriting any property.
He is justly remembered as the most blameless of the popular heroes of the War of Independence.
Valhalla, the paradise whither the heroes who fell in battle were escorted, was situated there.
It is a popular disquisition on the heroes of the Trojan War in the form of a conversation between a Thracian vine-dresser on the shore of the Hellespont and a Phoenician merchant who derives his knowledge from the hero Protesilaus, Palamedes is exalted at the expense of Odysseus, and Homer's unfairness to him is attacked.
A physiognomical study of the Homeric heroes is given by Malalas, Chronogr.
An altar found (in situ) on the south side of the circular enclosure shows by an inscription that this was the Heroum, where worship of the heroes was practised down to a late period.
The names of Mackay, Hannington and Pilkington, who lived and died here, are amongst the greatest in the roll of missionary heroes.
In Homer he is one of the best and bravest of the heroes, and the favourite of Athena, whereas in later legend he is cowardly and deceitful.
Floovant is obviously connected with the Gesta Dagoberti, and there are traces of the influence of popular songs on the Frankish heroes in Gregory of Tours and other chroniclers.
His version of the old Greek stories entitled The Heroes, and Water-babies and Madam How and Lady Why, in which he deals with popular natural history, take high rank among books for children.
It is in the form of a prophecy uttered by Cassandra, and relates the later fortunes of Troy and of the Greek and Trojan heroes.
The heroes and heroines of the Trojan cycle, such as Achilles, Ajax, Telamon, Cassandra, Andromache, were prominent figures in some of the dramas adapted from the Greek.
The Iranian tradition, preserved in the Avesta and in Firdousi's Shahnama, localizes a part of its heroes and myths in the east of Iran, and has transformed the old gods who fight with the great snake into kings of Iran who fight with the Turanians.
He met it by making biography the essence of history, or attributing all great events to the " heroes," who are the successive embodiments of divine revelations.
His most popular contemporaries seemed to him to be false guides, and charlatans had ousted the heroes.
The martyrs were the local heroes of particular communities; but there were men whose life and death were of significance for the whole of Christendom - the apostles.
The latter pursued, but when he came up with the robber the two heroes were so filled with admiration of each other that they swore brotherhood.
But although he goes to the Scriptures, and tastes the mystical spirit of the medieval saints, the Christ of his conception has traits that seem borrowed from Socrates and from the heroes of Attic tragedy, who suffer much, and yet smile gently on a destiny to which they were reconciled.
But this story is only one of several in which the dolphin appears as saving the lives of favoured heroes.
Thus, in Jerusalem, much of the local influence is in the hands of the families of El-Khalidi, El-Husseini and one or two others, who derive their descent from the heroes of the early days of Islam.
It is evident that there was more than one period in Israelite history in which one or other of these stories of local heroes would be equally suitable.
The excesses of Icelandic poetry were specially seen in the so-called rimur, ballads of heroes, &c., which were fiercely attacked by Jonas Hallgrimsson, who at last succeeded in converting the educated to his view.
The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical.
In another division of the religious literature of Babylonia which is largely represented in Assur-bani-pal's collection - the myths and legends - tales which originally symbolized the change of seasons, or in which historical occurrences are overcast with more or less copious admixture of legend and myth, were transferred to the heavens, and so it happens that creation myths, and the accounts of wanderings and adventures of heroes of the past, are referred to movements among the planets and stars as well as to occurrences or supposed occurrences on earth.
The manifold affections of sense are not simply aggregated in the individual, like the heroes in the Trojan horse.
In Annam where water spirits may take the form of serpents or of human beings, two deified heroes were said to have been serpents born of a childless woman, who drank from a bowl of water into which a star had fallen.
As of old time," as Plutarch observed, " associated the heroes and snake most of all beasts with heroes," and in Photius local the term " speckled hero " thus finds an explanation.
It is another stage when only the more conspicuous mortals assume serpent guise, and the deification of heroes involves yet another course of ideas.
Mingled with all these were the ancient legends of gods and heroes, accepted as inspired scripture by the people, and by philosophers in part explained away by an allegorical exegesis and in part felt increasingly as a burden to the intelligence.
It is famous in Greek mythology; the giants are said to have piled it on Ossa in order to scale Olympus, the abode of the gods; it was the home of the centaurs, especially of Chiron, who had a cave near its summit, and educated many youthful heroes; the ship "Argo" was built from its pine-woods.
The heroes of the Reformation, judged by modern standards, were reactionaries.
The heroes of Homer are hardly more moral agents than the giants and enchanters of a fairy tale.
The first name is that of Theagenes of Rhegium, contemporary of Cambyses (525 B.C.), who is said to have founded the " new grammar " (the older " grammar " being the art of reading and writing), and to have been the inventor of the allegorical interpretations by which it was sought to reconcile the Homeric mythology with the morality and speculative ideas of the 6th century B.C. The same attitude in the " ancient quarrel of poetry and philosophy " was soon afterwards taken by Anaxagoras; and after him by his pupil Metrodorus of Lampsacus, who explained away all the gods, and even the heroes, as elementary substances and forces (Agamemnon as the upper air, &c.).
Moreover, three of the chief heroes, Agamemnon, Diomede and Ulysses, are wounded, and this circumstance, as Lachmann himself admitted, is steadily kept in mind throughout.
Moreover, these marvels - which in their original form are doubtless as old as anything in the Iliad, since in fact they are part of the vast stock of popular tales (Mdrehen) diffused all over the world - are mixed up in the Odyssey with the heroes of the Trojan war.
Even the heroes are not the chief national heroes of Greece.
The names of the two heroes meaning simply" black "or" dark,"the blue tint may originally have belonged to Vishnu, who is also called pitavasas, dressed in yellow garment, i.e.
On the other hand, Judaism has never been without its heroes, martyrs or saints, and the fact that it still lives is sufficient to prove that the mechanical legalism of the Talmud has not hindered the growth of Jewish religion.
Yet the refrain of the latter, Eik naf 'lu gibborim, " Ah how are heroes fallen!
The old gods and mythical figures reappear as heroes and kings, and their battles are fought no longer in heaven but upon earth, where they are localized for the most part in the east of Iran.
Florentius Radewyn and Gerhard's other early disciples were his heroes; their presence was his atmosphere, the measure of their lives his horizon.
The abiding result of his tutorship is a code of carefully graduated moral lessons - the Fables, the Dialogues of the Dead (a series of imaginary conversations between departed heroes), and finally Telemaque, where the adventures of the son of Ulysses in search of a father are made into a political novel with a purpose.
There is no indigenous literature, but many specimens of poetry exist in which heroes and brave deeds are commemorated, and a good many of these have been collected from time to time.
The two favourite Stoic heroes were Hercules and Ulysses, and nearly every scene in their adventures was made to disclose some moral significance.
It has been well said that the old heroes of the republic were unconscious Stoics, fitted by their narrowness, their stern simplicity and devotion to duty for the almost Semitic earnestness of the new doctrine.
Alphonso, who became count of Portugal in 1128, was one of the warrior heroes of medieval romance; his exploits were sung by troubadours throughout south-western Europe, and even in Africa " ibn Errik " - the son of Henry - was known and feared.
In Old Norse the term berserker thus became synonymous with reckless courage, and was later applied to the bodyguards of several of the Scandinavian heroes.
The heroes of the romance have even attained saintly rank.
Not only are relics of La Tene culture found in Ireland, but the oldest Irish epics celebrate tall, fair-haired, grey-eyed heroes, armed and clad in Gallic fashion, who had come from the continent.
Though there is no evidence to show to whom the other two were dedicated, the fact that they faced west seems to imply that they were either dedicated to heroes or minor deities, or that they were treasuries.
He dwells with delight on the unselfish patriotism of the old heroes of the republic. In those times children obeyed their parents, the gods were still sincerely worshipped, poverty was no disgrace, sceptical philosophies and foreign fashions in religion and in daily life were unknown.
To his time belong a number of other heroes whose exploits are recorded in English and Northern tradition, amongst whom we may mention Wudga (Vidigoia), Hama and several others, who in Widsith are represented as defending their country against the Huns in the forest of the Vistula.
Besides the works already mentioned, Wilberforce wrote Heroes of Hebrew History (1870), originally contributed to Good Words, and several volumes of sermons.
Jules Lemaitre, a less sympathetic critic, finds in the extraordinary crimes of his heroes and heroines, his reactionary views, his dandyism and snobbery, an exaggerated Byronism.
The principal spring is known as Narsan, and its water is called by the Circassians the "drink of heroes."
It could not say that the Transvaal government had no cause for alarm when British officers had attempted an invasion of its territory, and had been treated rather as heroes than as criminals at home.
The Valhalla, or Hall of Heroes, contains busts of eminent Scotsmen.
The annihilation of the Apharetidae in the legend indicates the subordinate position held by the Messenians after the loss of their independence and subjugation by Sparta, the Dioscuri being distinctly Spartan, as the Apharetidae were Messenian heroes.
In after times Pelops was honoured at Olympia above all other heroes; a temple was built for him by Heracles, his descendant in the fourth generation, in which the annual magistrates sacrificed to him a black ram.
It has been suggested that the fact of the conquest of the Amazons being assigned to the two famous heroes of Greek mythology, Heracles and Theseus - who in the tasks assigned to them were generally opposed to monsters and beings impossible in themselves, but possible as illustrations of permanent danger and damage, - shows that they were mythical illustrations of the dangers which beset the Greeks on the coasts of Asia Minor; rather perhaps, it may be intended to represent the conflict between the Greek culture of the colonies on the Euxine and the barbarism of the native inhabitants.
They faintly suggested that one or two moral heroes of old time might have realized the ideal, but they admitted that all other philosophers (even) were merely in a state of progress towards it.
To these may be added two or three works of a semi-literary kind, composed by learned men, not by heroes and warriors.
The saga grew up in the quieter days which followed the change of faith (1002), when the deeds of the great families' heroes were still cherished by their descendants, and the exploits of the great kings of Norway and Denmark handed down with reverence.
Gudmund the Mighty and his family and neighbours are the heroes of these tales, which form a little cycle.
All classes delight in hearing or intoning the endless romances which celebrate the feats of their national heroes; for every true Serb lives as much in the past as in the present, and medieval wars still constantly furnish themes of new legends and ballads.
As a papal delegate he had to visit all the Roman Catholic communities in Dalmatia, Herzegovina and Bosnia, and had numerous opportunities of hearing the bards recite songs on old national heroes.
In 1756 he published a book entitled Razgovor Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga (" The Popular Talk of the Slavonic People "), in which in 261 songs he described - in the manner and in the spirit of the national bards - the more important historic or legendary events and heroes of the " Slavonic people."
Each of these contains a useful bibliography, as also does the excellent life by Professor Williston Walker, John Calvin, the Organizer of Reformed Protestantism, " Heroes of the Reformation" series (1906).
The second rank (who, though far above mortals, are subject to their passions, and even to death) comprised the spirits of chiefs, heroes and other ancestors.
But these varying conceptions with their religious meaning become religiously productive only in the souls of religious heroes, who are the authors of new religions, mediators of the religious life, founders of religious communities.
Tradition connects the better known of these fairs with pagan rites performed round the tombs of the heroes of the race; thus the assembly of Telltown was stated to have been instituted by Lugaid Lamfada.
The earliest attempts at a crude science of mythology were efforts to reconcile the legends of the gods and heroes with the religious sentiment which recognized in these beings objects of worship and respect.
Metrodorus, rivalling some recent flights of conjecture, resolved not only the gods but even heroes like Agamemnon, Hector and Achilles " into elemental combinations and physical agencies."
When these gods became popular they would inevitably inherit any current exploits of earlier heroes or gods.
They will mistake this tradition of local origin for one of actual parentage, and will come to believe that, like certain Homeric heroes, they are the sons of a river (now personified), or of a mountain, or, like a tribe mentioned by Garcilasso de la Vega, that they are descended from the sea.
These human beings are often sacrificed, for various reasons, actual or hypothetical, and gods and heroes are almost as likely to be explained as spirits of vegetation now, as they were likely to become solar mythological figures in the system of Max Muller.
Like many other heroes or gods, Yehl had a miraculous birth.
It has also been shown that these backward peoples recognize a non-natural race of men or animals, or both, as the first fathers, heroes, and, in a sense, gods.
The most incredible tales talk of wealth and power to clothe the lives of the historical heroes of the past.
That their personal dignity must be asserted and recognized was the first article in the creed of these descendants of the heroes of the desert.
The Montana (hill country) of Burgos, and in particular the district called the Alfoz of Lara, was the cradle of the heroes of the Castilian share in the reconquestthe count Porcellos, and the judge of the people, Lain Calvo, the infantes of Lara, the bastard Mudarra, and Ruy Diaz 0I Bivar, in whose lives legend and history are mingled beyond disentanglement, and of whom some are pure figures of romance.
Jansen's thoughts went back every moment to his two spiritual heroes, St Augustine and St Paul, each of whom had been "the chief of sinners."
Moreover, he was doubtless well acquainted with a very ancient tradition, that heroes generally came from the northern frontiers of their native land, where they are hardened and tempered by the threefold struggle they wage with soil, climate and barbarian neighbours.
It was headed by a god, and included geographical personages like Lydus, Asies and Meles, or such heroes of folk-lore as Cambletes, who devoured his wife.
His treatment of Aratus and Philopoemen, the heroes of the Achaean League, and of Cleomenes of Sparta, its most constant enemy, is perhaps open to severer criticism.
To us in ancient story wonders great are told Of heroes rich in glory and of adventures bold, Of feast and joyous living, of wailing and of woe, Of gallant warriors striving may ye now many marvels know.'
To this theory the objection is raised that it is but a theory; that it is unsupported by any convincing evidence; and that the process which it postulates, that, namely, of the transformation of the gods into heroes by the popular imagination, is contrary to all that we know of the fate of dethroned deities, who are apt to live on in fairy stories in very unheroic guise.
Among heroes he was specially attracted by the mighty physique of Hercules.
In this article, one racing hero pays affectionate homage to twelve heroes of his own.
Luckily, when it comes to combat, your heroes have a variety of special powers, each brilliantly animated.
They become ashamed of the whole lot, including heroes.
Donât miss your chance to cheer on the heroes and boo the baddies this weekend on Saturday 12th March and Sunday 13th March!
As armies clash in epic battles, the actions of a handful of bold heroes can turn the tide of war.
Heroes and Villains, Plymouth Rock, and Surf's Up, are as hauntingly beautiful as advertised.
The army of part-time heroes are not rallying to the sound of distant bugles, say officers.
Tory leadership contender Ian Duncan Smith was recently asked who were his heroes.
The ancient world was a virtual cornucopia of myths of gods and heroes.
The following month saw Mike come eleventh in a Welsh Assembly Government-backed poll of the top 100 Welsh heroes!
He can be seen as a movement toward the dark heroes of later samurai epics.
While the excellent Carlyle and Fox are rather hapless heroes.
To some, these men were traitors, to others they became heroes.
They will teach children to honor the heroes of peace above the heroes of war.
Now, local footballing heroes like Nigel Clough and Garry Birtles have helped launch a national campaign to meet the £ 500,000 target.
In a war that has no heroes, Bishop Charles Henry Brent was almost heroic in the dedication with which he fought against opium.
The animation is variable -- sometimes the heroes look suitably heroic, while at other times they look jerky and awkward.
Yesterday we celebrated the heroism of WW II including the civilian heroes of London's blitz.
One million fans turned out in Liverpool the next day to celebrate the homecoming of the heroes.
The affectations of riot grrl, hello kitty, little dresses, cartoon girls replacing real heroes, started to grate.
A brilliant melodist, colourist and miniaturist, Bizet instinctively composed with the dramatic concision of his heroes Beethoven, Mozart and Mendelssohn.
Capture TV footage directly into your computer Produce personal mementos of your Olympic heroes by capturing them into your PC.
But before we get to tonight's headliners Five O'Clock Heroes deserve an honorable mention.
Its amazing story involves legendary teams and footballing minnows, classic finals and forgotten friendlies, and celebrated players and unsung heroes.
It's down to our heroes, the animated moose and squirrel, Rocky and Bullwinkle, to save the day.
This order protect the secret at all costs, dispatching a mullet shod albino commentator to hunt our heroes down.
But in true James Bond style, our heroes will always outwit their genial villains in the final frame.. .
To be honest, I think she was a little overawed at finally meeting one of her heroes.
Ultimately, the album appears sadly lightweight; perhaps parental distractions have turned our heroes soft.
Moreover, we have replaced heroes with celebrities as a result of major changes in the way we understand personhood and community.
School children can enjoy the pleasure of a storytelling session with the added association of their football heroes.
All policemen appeared to be tall, highly principled heroes.
They include portrayals of demons, heroes, dragons and emperors in a style which combines realism and a ' vacant ' expression.
Dear World Cup fans, Welcome to Heroes 66, the site that celebrates the reunion of the 1966 World Cup finalists.
If we win we will be great heroes; but if we lose we will be the greatest scoundrels the country has ever produced.
With a rousing send-off from the filthy's posse, our heroes took a cab to Heathrow to begin the " Retrieval Mission " .
In James Thurber ' s short story, Mitty imagines himself to be a series of heroes while actually going about a mundane life.
People in Tower Hamlets also observed two minutes silence on November 11 in memory of the war heroes.
Understandably they thought something supernatural had happened and they turned their heroes into God - the creator of the universe.
He is the only individual to have been recognized with two ticker tape parades down Broadway's Canyon of Heroes.
Movie heroes in a bar will either order strong alcoholic drinks and swallow them down like iced tea or will ask for milk.
Are the costumed heroes of the Marvel Universe protectors or ticking time bombs?
Taking the news hard, Batou is sent undercover to investigate the leaking of military secrets by one of his former heroes.
Yet these very individuals who contributed so much to our modern gardens, and daily lives are relatively unsung heroes.
The people who work in these homes are often unsung heroes who care deeply about the people they care for.
For the fourth year 106.9 Silk FM are organizing a Local Hero Awards scheme to recognize unsung ' local heroes ' in East Cheshire.
John Charmley has his heroes and villains, and he presents his tale with great verve and punch.
Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it's the eternal bout between good and evil.
She was extremely well versed in the tales of many of the heroes whose photographs adorned the walls.
Inspiration here comes from the 1960s; with artworks featuring bygone film heroes adorning the walls and vinyl wallpapers adding further eye candy.
A brilliantly witty story about how heroes can be found in the most unlikely places.
Founders of cities, and even of colonies, received worship; the former are, generally speaking, mythical personages and, in strictness, heroes.
Unfortunately for Frederick, a part of the Aragonese nobles of Sicily favoured King James, and both John of Procida and Ruggiero di Lauria, the heroes of the war of the Vespers, went over to the Angevins, and the latter completely defeated the Sicilian fleet off Cape Orlando.
That the East to-day has so much to tell about Alexander is only due to the fact that old mythical stories of gods or heroes who go travelling through lands of monsters and darkness, of magical fountains and unearthly oceans, became attached to his name in the popular literature of the Roman empire, and this mythical Alexander was reintroduced in the 7th century A.D.
Some vague recollection of known historical events (§ 3 end) might be claimed among the traditions ascribed to the closing centuries of the second millennium, but the view that the prelude to the monarchy was an era when individual leaders " judged " all Israel finds no support in the older narratives, where the heroes of the age (whose correct sequence is uncertain) enjoy only a local fame.
Sometimes the spirits were summoned to appear as did the phantoms of the Greek heroes to Odysseus; sometimes they were called to enter a crystal (see Crystal-Gazing); sometimes they are merely asked to declare the future or communicate by moving external objects without taking a visible form; thus among the Karens at the close of the burial ceremonies the ghost of the dead man, which is said to hover round till the rites are completed, is believed to make a ring swing round and snap the string from which it hangs.
The Homeric heroes themselves are repre sented as having considerable skill in surgery, and as able to attend to ordinary wounds and injuries, but there is also a professional class, represented by Machaon and Podalirius, the two sons of Asclepius, who are treated with great respect.
Amongst the earliest known historical examples of the elevation of the dead to the rank of heroes are Timesius the founder of Abdera, Miltiades, son of Cypselus, Harmodius and Aristogiton and Brasidas, the victor of Amphipolis, who ousted the local Athenian hero Hagnon.
But in the characterization of their heroes the Celtic imagination runs riot, and the quality of their persons and their acts becomes exaggerated beyond the bounds of any conceivable probability.
Altogether, in spite of some shortcomings, Grant was a massive, noble and lovable personality, well fit to be remembered as one of the heroes of a great nation.
He animated the heroes of early Greece with the martial spirit of Roman soldiers and the ideal magnanimity and sagacity of Roman senators, and imparted weight and dignity to the language and verse in which their sentiments and thoughts were expressed.
Another story is that they were presumptuous enough to seek Artemis and Hera in marriage, and that Artemis caused them to slay each other unintentionally on the island of Naxos, where they were afterwards worshipped as heroes.
Thanks to the enthusiasm of Schliemann and his successors, we can now substitute for the mythical "Age of Heroes" a historical "Mycenaean Age" of Greece, and give tangible proof of its relatively high state of civilization.
The chief heroes who fought Charlemagne's battles were Roland; Ganelon, afterwards the traitor; Turpin, the fighting archbishop of Reims; Duke Naimes of Bavaria, the wise counsellor who is always on the side of justice; Ogier the Dane, the hero of a whole series of romances; and Guillaume of Toulouse, the defender of Narbonne.
This work may, to some extent, be regarded as supplementary to Faust; it presents the lighter, more cheerful and optimistic side of Goethe's philosophy in these years; Graf Egmont, the most winning and fascinating of the poet's heroes, is endowed with that "demonic" power over the sympathies of men and women, which Goethe himself possessed in so high a degree.
Heitsi Eibib, like countless other gods and heroes, is also said to have been the son of a virgin who tasted a particular plant, and so became pregnant, as in the German and Gallophrygian marchen of the almond tree, given by Grimm and Pausanias.
If we are to regard the Egyptian myths about the gods in animal shape, and about the non-natural superhuman heroes, and their wars and loves, as esoteric allegories devised by civilized priests, perhaps we should also explain Pund-jel, Qat, Quawteaht, the Mantis god, the Spider creator, the Coyote and Raven gods as priestly inventions, put forth in a civilized age, and retained by Australians, Bushmen, Hottentots, Ahts, Thlinkeets, Papuans, who preserve no other vestiges of high civilization.
The most circumstantial tales are told of imaginary figures, and the most incredible details clothe the lives of the historical heroes of the past.
The soldiers, officers, and generals were heroes.
Grand is the characteristic, in their conception, of some special animals called "heroes."
Rangers fans across the Atlantic would tune into short wave radio to catch action of their heroes back home.
With a rousing send-off from the filthy 's posse, our heroes took a cab to Heathrow to begin the " Retrieval Mission ".
He is the only individual to have been recognized with two ticker tape parades down Broadway 's Canyon of Heroes.
Although she is not so well rounded as Spenser 's titular heroes and heroines, she is more than a simple emblematic figure.
He went back to America some years later, this time to Mississippi where he trod in the footsteps of his Delta blues heroes.
Selfless heroes and heroines pitted against dastardly villains - it 's the eternal bout between good and evil.
Earlier dramatists had kept to the idea that plays should show heroic heroes and villainous villains, with Good coming out the winner.
Fictional villians and heroes are often puffed up with exurberant hubris.
Hubris was a fatal flaw of many ancient heroes.
Fictional villians and heroes are often puffed up with exuberant hubris.
In these types of crime films, cops became heroes using police procedure and scientific tools.
In the 1990s, as society changed and saw masculine figures as being more sensitive and emotional characters, the overly violent heroes took a back seat.
The new cop heroes were not as physically strong, but used their intellect to solve crime and get out of difficult situations.
Whether they copy the popular comic book heroes of today, or create their own character, they can find lots of inspiration and ideas on the computer.
From glitter to bell bottoms, the fashion and makeup reflects the musical heroes of Donna Summers and the Bee Gees.
Bear in the Big Blue House, the Little Einsteins, JoJo's Circus, Higgly Town Heroes, Stanley... these are shows that teach lessons and make children feel good about themselves.
Sonic Heroes - You will stack six different blocks and use power blocks.
She calls her fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Mary Duncan, one of her heroes.
He also provides aid to Help for Heroes, a charity that helps wounded British soldiers.
His acting career started with small roles on television shows such as CSI and Heroes.
Scroll through the "Buildings" category to find many sections devoted to celebrities, from actors and musicians to sports heroes and historical figures.
Over the past few months, a maelstrom of rumors have been flying about concerning the coupling of Heroes stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia.
He paid tribute to her in a toast during a dinner that was attended by the Heroes cast members in which he reportedly referred to the starlet as his "girlfriend" and that he "loved her."
The comment came on the heels of her split from boyfriend and lead singer of Gym Class Heroes, Travis McCoy.
From television legends and movie stars to musical icons and sports heroes, many well-known stars passed away in 2010.
Other canine heroes assist their owners daily as guide dogs for the death and blind.
If your children are interested in super heroes, the AT&T Internet Safety Connections site would be a good choice.
For example, in the popular TV drama Heroes, one of the actors had "white" eyes while painting.
The "Half Off for Heroes" deal provides a 50 percent savings on Sunday day passes for one adult and two children as long as you present a valid military ID at the time of your arrival.
However, many titles along the way did feature online elements, including the ability to participate in heated guitar "battles" with other heroes around the world via Xbox Live.
Age of Mythology is a PC strategy game where heroes battle legendary monsters and the Gods have a big role in the lives of men and women.
One of the more interesting games to be released in recent memory is the Battlefield Heroes download.
Taking a wholly different approach is Electronic Arts, because the Battlefield Heroes download is actually free.
Then, you have the opportunity to download Battlefield Heroes for free.
If the game download is free, how does Electronic Arts make money with Battlefield Heroes?
While most other Battlefield games have featured realistic and life-like graphics, Battlefield Heroes features a cartoon-like style.
Playing the Battlefield Heroes download still won't be quite as relaxed and easy as playing some online solitaire, but it is more approachable than the more hardcore games in the genre.
For more information about the game and what to expect, you can point your browser to the Battlefield Heroes EA Games webpage.
As the first game released by Electronic Arts using the "Play 4 Free" pricing model, Battlefield Heroes will prove to be an interesting experiment as to whether this model is sustainable in the long-term.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide selection of heroes, including Captain America, Wolverine, Spiderman and Blade.
Created by Suda 51 of Killer 7 fame, No More Heroes can easily be your cut-em-up escape.
Gunstar Heroes is a side-scroller that showcased the imagination of the company Treasure.
City of Heroes is a massive online role-playing game for the PC where you can play as a multitude of super hero type characters.
Before you can get hurt though, a hero named Maze shows up and whisks you away to the Heroes' Guild, where you could grow up to be a mighty hero.
Cut to your teenage years and you're still at the Heroes' Guild.
Whether these be quests from the Heroes' Guild that advance the story, or simply doing small tasks for one of the villagers, is entirely up to you.The combat in Fable is simple yet varied enough to keep it interesting.
You'll constantly gain experience points, which you can use to upgrade your abilities at the Heroes' Guild.
The voice acting is well done, from the deep, wise voices of the older Heroes to the high-pitched, inquisitive voices of children.
Often the world is in distress and a group of misfit heroes are unwillingly charged with its salvation.
The story begins as the former Emperor of the oddly named Uricointi Empire decides to release the four immortal heroes -- the Warrior, Elf, Valkyrie and Wizard -- from their bondage.
You see, thanks to some lousy advice from six shady sages with ulterior motives, the Emperor had his kingdom's heroes crucified to a great tree.
Then, with them out of the way, the advisors attempted to become immortal and overthrow the Emperor, who then decided to make right and free the heroes.
For that, he was killed, and now it is up to the heroes to defeat each of the six and restore peace to the world.Yeah, it's pretty lame.
Up to four players can pick one of four heroes, explore various levels, battle enemies, find food to recover health, and once again try to cheat death.
Gauntlet Seven Sorrows is an action/adventure role-playing game about four immortal heroes who were betrayed by an Emperor.
Now filled with guilt, the Emperor frees the heroes to stop the evil spreading in the Empire.
As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen.
Choose from a large selection of Marvel heroes, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Captain America, then experiment with their super powers and combat the most dangerous villains.
Levels are bookended by short expository cut scenes in which our mostly silent heroes use Lego body language and facial expressions to keep us up on the action.
Choose any of 12 heroes or villains to play through the battle in Middle Earth.
All of the games are quest-based, and give you the opportunity to experience the trials, challenges and adventures of some of your favorite heroes from the Fellowship of the Ring.
The first are those RPGs like Final Fantasy that originate in Japan, complete with their big-eyed, funny-haired anime heroes and their save-the-world missions.
The only thing stopping him is a team of Marvel heroes.
Instead, our cartoon heroes offer terrific arcade action for a fast-paced jaunt around some intriguing tracks.
This No More Heroes review will make references to Killer 7, but you figured that right?
While Killer 7 was mainly cel-shaded graphics, No More Heroes uses something in between.
While this No More Heroes review may not be funny, the game should elicit a chuckle or two.
No More Heroes fills a large void of adult games for Nintendo and a No More Heroes review fills the void of adult game reviews for the Wii.
The over-the-top plot and the tongue-in-cheek humor make No More Heroes a worthy purchase for your Wii.
Their goal in the fantasy medieval-styled world is to conquer the neighboring lands, currently ruled by seven corrupt ruling heroes.
The other main characters are the seven ruling heroes, all of whom have been corrupted by one of the seven deadly sins.
In a nutshell, this title places you in control of the Overlord who must conquer the neighboring lands currently ruled by corrupt ruling heroes.
Popular titles like Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic, Age of Mythology, Warcraft, and Everquest keep gamers busy for countless hours.
Location of Heroes and Villain CharactersIn Campaign Mode, complete the side quests in the following locations to access these characters.
Unlike the original Star Wars Battlefront, the game also makes you "earn" the right to use some of the different troops and heroes available to you during combat.
Fight as one of the main heroes including Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Boba Fett and Han Solo.
Among them are the strategy/[simulation games] in the Civilization series, the popular Heroes of Might and Magic games, X-COM and Alpha Centauri.
Our Street Fighter characters guide outlines some of the most popular Street Fighter heroes.
He was an undefeated champion of underground wrestling until he encountered the trio of heroes from Final Fight.
He climbs down and enters, quickly discovering that Bowser has imprisoned the heroes, kidnapped the Princess and stolen the castle's power stars.
It was a side-scrolling fighting game with an overhead sewer map that allowed players to switch between the ninja heroes and their unique abilities.
A party game with the green heroes has also been released.
The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game is featured as an unlockable as well, reinforcing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as timeless heroes to many generations of gamers.
No More Heroes uses the unique motion control to swing a sword.
No programming knowledge is necessary, and they provide sound effects, graphics, heroes, monsters and background music.
Recruit heroes and design your own maps.
No More Heroes 2 will be released at the end of January 2010 and it continues the story of Travis Touchdown.
Boy saves damsel in distress, and the two of them team up with two equally plucky young heroes to defeat the bad guys and save the world from ultimate destruction.
Children mimic their parents in certain play; in other games they may pretend they are the heroes they read about in books or see on television.
Content may include holiday celebrations, recognizing heroes from different racial and ethnic groups, and focusing on the achievements of women and minorities.
The art of humans immortalizing humans dates back to Ancient Egypt when memorial walls and stones were left in honor of kings and heroes who died.
An Anastasia eyebrow kit carries with it the history of one of the beauty industry's most adept female heroes.
Although she had been working since she was a child, the success of the television show Heroes catapulted her to instant stardom and sent her around the various science fiction/fantasy conventions where she was mobbed.
The Pocket Super Heroes version measured only 3 3/4 inches in height.
The characters featured in the show are the inspiration behind the action figures, and they include both heroes and villains.
The X-Entertainment website lists many of the classic characters made by LJN, including some of the unsung heroes of the 1980s.
Rescue Heroes Vehicles are part of a a non-violent line of toys created by Fisher Price.
The toy series, called Rescue Heroes, seeks to teach children about the value of rescue service members in our society, such as firefighters and police officers.
The main focus of the Rescue Heroes line is the vehicles.
Rescue Heroes Vehicles, from fire trucks to pontoon boats, are unique in that they allow children to enact scenes depicting the hope and joy of saving a life-unlike many action figures that enable children to pretend that they are fighting.
Since their original creation in 1999, Rescue Heroes have become a popular, and collectible, toy for young children.
This Old Toy- This Old Toy lists many of the different playsets, beginning in the late 1990s, Fisher Price has offered in the Rescue Heroes line.
Not only will you find descriptions of each vehicle, including the functionality and special abilities of each Rescue Heroes Vehicle, you will also find pictures of each toy listed.
The photographs can be enlarged with a click, allowing you to revisit some of the older Rescue Heroes toys your child may have lying around.
Rescue Heroes Reviews- Not sure which Rescue Heroes Vehicle to purchase?
Because some Rescue Heroes toys are unsuitable for young children, this website contains a list of the toys which should be safe for parents to purchase, and those that are not recommended.
Robotz All-Terrain Vehicles- As times have evolved, so have the Rescue Heroes toys offered by Fisher Price.
The newest line of Rescue Heroes features vehicles along with robots, similar to the popular Transformers line of toys.
Purchasing the perfect gift for a boy or girl can be particularly difficult-this website understands and gives guidance to parents who are interested in picking up a Rescue Heroes toy.
Fisher-Price Rescue Heroes- Fisher Price's official Rescue Heroes website is a fantastic place to start if you want more information on the purpose and educational value of their line of Rescue Heroes toys.
The "parents' page" is extremely informational, offering up the idea behind the Rescue Heroes line of toys, and giving real-world testimonials of parents and children who have tried out the toys on their own.
Some of these collector packs were voted on by fans to include their favorite common and rare Pokemon heroes and villains.
You can either play the Hero of the town, or play as a Zombie, bent on destroying everyone who plays on the heroes' side.
Consider joining the ranks of their heroes today.
For the older child, Superman, Batman, Star Wars characters and other "heroes" are good choices for gifts.
From The Office to Heroes to Flash Gordon, there's a television show out there with characters for just about anyone.
One of the taglines from the Iron Man movies is, "Heroes aren't born, they're built."
If none of that is appealing, go for some tried and true favorites like Rescue Heroes.
Olive Kids is a fun site offering bedding and furniture for children in themes such as dinosaurs, heroes, cowboys, and princesses.
The games get goofy with Jo Jo's circus, smart with Little Einsteins', and big and brave with Higgly Town Heroes and Bear in the Big Blue House.
Many of today's worksheets are based on popular cartoon characters, action heroes, and toy companies.
Likewise, the soundtrack from the film version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show includes the song Super Heroes, which was also from a scene that was cut and only a snippet of the tune is heard in most prints of the film.
This movie has great science fiction, good story lines, and enough drama to make the greatest of heroes cry.
Police and firemen are not only heroes during an emergency, they are also heroes every Christmas when they help keep the magic of Christmas alive for children in need in every town across the country.
By the end of the 90s, the heroes of the show were a mob boss and his 'hitman' while the police began to fade into the background as ineffectual.
A complaint about the current show is that many of the heroes of the action adventure years (Luke, Robert, and Frisco) are all portrayed as deadbeat dads.
Kristen Bell (of Veronica Mars and Heroes) voices the erstwhile title character and signs off her erstwhile narrations with xoxo, Gossip Girl.
In Brazil, for example, telenovelas feature mutants such as those seen in the NBC series Heroes.
Heroines come in all shapes and sizes on ABC soap operas from Erica Kane to Laura Spencer to Nora Buchanan while male heroes like Luke Spencer, Tad Martin and Antonio Vega are great choices for boy names.
After his tenure as the Salem Strangler, Coleman went on to appear as Steven Carrington on Dynasty as well as multiple other projects including HRG on Heroes.
Army Wives episodes highlight the unsung heroes of military service, that being military spouses.
Dark Shadows offered a different type of prime time drama with vampires and werewolves as heroes and romantic foils.
The gossip world loves it when a celeb makes a mistake, and Heroes starlet Hayden Panettiere's tattoo is no exception.
Many of France’s war heroes are buried amongst the museums and monuments here.
This device allows him to turn into one of ten different kinds of alien heroes.
Hayden Panettiere (of the hit TV show Heroes) is revealed as the star and the team captain, with all the insecurities that entails.
Another awesome pep rally idea is to have some of your local heroes, aka the fire or police department, to come and visit.
According to Ian's wife Deborah Curtis, from a young age Ian had been fascinated with the 'live fast die young' philosophy, idolizing tragic heroes like James Dean and Jim Morrison.
They called themselves Happy Mondays, and produced music inspired by local heroes New Order.
For a double whammy, the Strangler's publishers also took the band to court, claiming they ripped off their 'No More Heroes' in Elastica's new single 'Waking Up'.
Before long, NIN were darlings of rock radio everywhere, appearing all over MTV and being heralded as the new alternative music heroes.
Gym Class Heroes MP3s provide a unique sound from an up-and-coming young band.
True to their hip hop roots, Gym Class Heroes songs often feature an infectious beat you can dance to, and they frequently include a touch of humor in both the lyrics and their music videos.
While the band was formed in 1997, it wasn't until Gym Class Heroes caught the attention of band-of-the-moment Fallout Boy that they became widely recognized.
Fallout Boy lead singer Patrick Stump is featured prominently in Gym Class Heroes' hit single "Cupid's Chokehold", singing the Supertramp hook, and band members have appeared in Gym Class Heroes videos.
Some of Gym Class Heroes most popular songs include "Cupid's Chokehold", "The Queen and I", and "Clothes Off!!"
Every tween generation needs their poster boy heroes, and in the early 2000s, that title was owned by the Jonas Brothers.
Over the past few years, one of the biggest bands to come out has been the Gym Class Heroes.
Partially due to their initial association with popular bands like Fall Out Boy and popular tours like the Warped Tour, the Heroes have really helped to define the budding hip-hop/rap meets pop-punk scene that only grows each day.
Gym Class Heroes are the result of a collaboration between Travis McCoy and Matt McGinley.
McGinley and McCoy began to tour extensively with Fall Out Boy at the height of their career, further assisting the Heroes' rise to fame.
As one of the hottest bands out there, the Gym Class Heroes are poised to take over the world now that they've already taken over the airwaves!
Producers are the unsung heroes of music, most of them laboring in relative obscurity in the background.
Perry has formerly dated Travis McCoy of the Gym Class Heroes.
Outside of reality television, current popular shows featured on SpoilerNews.com (as of September 2008) include Heroes, Gossip Girl, The Office, Numb3rs, and CSI.
She specializes in life-like portraits in color, with images of pin-up models and comic book style heroes.
Two of Tyra's favorite shows are Heroes and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
As one of 14 candidates, Morgan raised more for his charity, the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, than any other contestant.
Survivor Heroes vs Villains is the 20th edition of the long-running Survivor reality TV series, and the second season with a cast made up entirely of castaways from former seasons.
One tribe is made up of Survivor Heroes, who are castaways that left a positive impression on viewers or played the game with integrity.
He returned for Survivor Heroes vs Villains and competed in both seasons back-to-back.
To learn more about the Heroes vs Villains season of Survivor, visit the official website at CBS.com.
This time, the tribes were divided into heroes and villains, and because of his reputation from previous seasons, Mariano was assigned to the Villains tribe.
Rob was pitted against one of his adversaries from Heroes Vs.
During Survivor's 20th season, an all-star event titled Heroes vs. Villains, the villains tribe was far more successful in challenges than the heroes.
The heroes tribe was losing members quickly, and as it came close to the merge, they realized that they needed to come up with a plan or they would be picked off one by one by the villains.
He set out to prove himself once again, appearing in the following season of Survivor, Heroes vs. Villains.
He has worked on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Babylon 5, Heroes and The X Factor.
Typically a problem required a technological or clever solution and his heroes (which were, in the beginning, uniformly male) figured it out with a minimum of emotional angst and saved the day.
Rowling's second novel in the series is a sturdy link in the chain connecting past and present events to Harry's future and will inspire the child in everyone to dream of a world full of heroes and magic.
And heroes and heroines are suitably heroic-looking, if sometimes necessarily scruffy.
The Justice League Arrives - Through the years, Clark encountered other heroes, some were orphans, some were victims of experimentation and others were just driven to avenge some old wrong.
Led by Hawkman, they educated the younger heroes on the meaning of team.
After all, as Lex stated in the episode, all great villains are defined by their heroes, so he needed Clark to be a great hero as well.
Our heroes keep the Imperial Troops occupied until the evacuation of the base can be completed, and then they too flee into space.
Falling into and out of captivity seems to be a habit with our heroes, who eventually are held by the stone age tribe of bear-like fuzzies called Ewoks.
What happens to our heroes after the end of Return of the Jedi?
Many TV series heroes start out this way, but the producers tend to tone down and sand off the rough edges so that by the middle of the first season, the character has become a generic action hero.
The sunny optimism of the Roddenberry vision is here as well, as the group of squabbling actors who don't even like each other come together as a crew, discover their inner heroes, and save the day.
They are usually sentient, and can communicate with our heroes, either through verbalization (and thbey are often shown as wisecrackers), or mentally through a draconic telepathy.
All heroic journeys ultimately end in heroes being rewarded (rarely does the hero lose, except in Greek tragedy), and Lord of the Rings is no exception.
Several important swords were discovered by heroes in The Hobbit, the briefer 'prequel' to The Lord of the Rings.
We want a hero we can connect with, and as one of the only super heroes that is not a mutant or otherwise genetically altered, Batman's human side is his major selling point and it has, sadly, been removed from this film.
Somewhere there is a plot in all of that, what it is exactly is unknown, but rest assured there is trouble for Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Gotham and the heroes will have to fight the villains to save the day.
Not one ounce of dramatic strength can be linked to this movie and the incessant shots of the heroes donning their suits are almost obscene.
They expect to see grim castles, evil magicians, simple peasants and noble heroes.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe sees our heroes attempting to discover who's really in charge of the Universe.
In Life, the Universe and Everything, our heroes, having previously discovered that the answer to the question of Life, the Universe and Everything is the number 42, now must keep the universe from once again being destroyed.
Keating is also featured in other genre shows including Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Heroes.
In June, Stacy Haiduk interviewed with Love To Know Science Fiction about her roles on Superboy, Seaquest DSV, Kindred the Embraced, Heroes and Brimstone to name a few genre pieces she's stared in throughout her career.
Green Arrow asks fellow heroes Black Canary, and Aquaman, to step in and help find Clark who was last spotted in the Arctic.
If you are one of the many fans who watch the TV show Heroes each week, then you know that this science fiction drama is now one of the most popular shows on NBC's lineup.
Many people love to watch the TV show Heroes because of the intriguing storyline where regular people from all around the globe develop superpowers.
The heroes of the show use their abilities to prevent those predictions in a series of fascinating episodes featuring cinematography reminiscent of comic book action and a storyline that one would expect to find in a feature film.
The cast of the TV show Heroes represents an amazing mix of talent and a broad range of backgrounds.
Peter Petrelli - Milo Ventimiglia plays the part of Peter, a man with the surreal ability to absorb powers from other heroes or villains.
James is a new face on the screen, and has a promising future with Heroes triggering a number of additional opportunities on the small screen as well as in feature films.
Maya Herrera - Dania Ramirez plays Maya, one of the heroes with a dark, dangerous ability the gives Heroes a great deal of drama.
Looking for places on the Internet where you can watch the TV show Heroes for free?
FanCast - Find the five latest episodes of Heroes here as well.
Hulu - You'll find the largest number of free Heroes episodes at Hulu, the most popular place online to watch moves and free TV episodes.
Whether you're just becoming a fan of Heroes this season, or you've been a fan from the very beginning, there's always something fascinating on the next episode.
With the Heroes TV show, full episodes are available for viewing from a few reliable sites that don't break any copyright laws.
By staying away from the websites that only offer you links to other sites, you'll be satisfied with the Heroes TV show full episodes you get to watch by visiting the sites below.
An increasingly popular site to watch Heroes TV show full episodes is Hulu.
Convenient if you don't get to consistently watch Heroes week after week and don't really remember to watch it when you know it's on.
Heroes does have a channel on YouTube, but episode listings are scarce; you will find many clips to watch.
Break.com. Low on actual Heroes videos, Break.com is a good source of fan created mash-ups and montages.
Check this site out if you just need a break from the Heroes TV show full episodes and want to watch something different.
Stick with the main websites that NBC sponsors in order to watch full episodes of Heroes.
He has appeared in a number of B level series and films with genre appearances on shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Special Unit 2 and Heroes.
Like every super hero or heroine, she was gifted with super powers, some unique and others such as super-human strength and speed which are common to many super heroes.
Along with these super heroes viewers were introduced to super heroes in training including Wonder Dog, Wendy and Marvin.
The Justice League super heroes quest to fight evil has been carried to a new level in the gaming industry where Justice League Task Force was one of the first quality videogames to feature DC Comics characters.
Over the course of several decades, the JSA became associated with the Golden Age of heroes and lived on an alternate earth from the JLA, which featured the more modern or "Silver Age" brand of heroes.
These events marked the very beginning of a long series of adventures and exciting events through the years, as Wonder Woman fought villains and even joined up with other major heroes in the "Justice Society."
When the Crisis on Infinite Earths occurred, the multiverse began to collapse, ending the existence of many Earth Two heroes.
In the first novel of the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring is formed by a collection of heroes who would destroy the One Ring in support of the ringbearer, Frodo Baggins.
She provides the heroes with tokens that will save their lives along their journey and gives them guidance.
Gandalf drives the heroes to be the best they can and then to exceed even that.
Using firefighter graphics for MySpace pages can be both a personal statement and a tribute to heroes.
Heroes, salad, pasta, and soups are also featured the menu.
Afterwards she vivisects it, stuffs it, and adds it to her collection of heroes for novels."
At Delphi he erected a great group in bronze including the figures of Apollo and Athena, several Attic heroes, and Miltiades the general.
It is no dwelling of the dead nor part of the lower world, but distinguished heroes are translated thither without dying, to live a life of perfect happiness.
The epithet "admirable" (admirabilis) for Crichton first occurs in John Johnston's Heroes Scoti (1603).
When the partisans of Richemont or Naundorff come to the post-Temple careers of their heroes, they become in most cases so uncritical as to be unconvincing.
On the other hand he speaks of the great anti-Teuton emperor Justinian, and of his reversal of the German conquests of the 5th century, in language which would certainly have grated on the ears of Totila and his heroes.
This was the problem that faced Ignatius, and in his endeavour to effect a needed reformation in the individual and in society his work and the success that crowned it place him among the moral heroes of humanity.
All that kind of pre-established harmony Wagner left behind him the moment he deserted the heroes and villains of romantic opera for the visionary and true tragedy of gods and demi-gods, giants and gnomes, with beauty, nobility and love in the wrong, and the forces of destruction and hate set free by blind justice.
He explained not only the gods but also the heroes Agamemnon, Achilles, Hector, as representing primary elements and natural phenomena.
Already in the later Avesta he has become a half-mythical figure, the last in the series of heroes of east Iranian legend, in the arrangement of which series priestly influence is unmistakably evident.
Jason, having undertaken the quest of the fleece, called upon the noblest heroes of Greece to take part in the expedition.
But when the legend became common property, other and better-known heroes were added to their number - Orpheus, Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux), Zetes and Calais, the winged sons of Boreas, Meleager, Theseus, Heracles.
According to him, the myths arose from definite local (especially atmospheric and aquatic) phenomena, and represented the annually recurring processes of nature as the acts of gods and heroes; thus, in Achill (1853), the Trojan War is the winter conflict of the elements in that district.
The caverns in the sides of the precipice are said to have afforded Wallace and other heroes (or outlaws) refuge in time of trouble, but the old house is most memorable as the home of the poet William Drummond, who here welcomed Ben Jonson; the tree beneath which the two poets sat still stands.
He is the only one of Saxo's heroes in whose mouth the chronicler never puts a speech.
The Homeric heroes themselves are represented as having considerable skill in surgery, and as able to attend to ordinary wounds and injuries.
He enrolled as his bodyguard fifty-two heroes who burned for the fray.
In many passages his work gives the impression of being not so much an imitation of the ancient Germanic epic, as a genuine example of it, though concerned with the deeds of other heroes than those of Germanic tradition.
A fresh field for romantic legend was found in the history of the victories of Islam, the exploits of the first heroes of the faith, the fortunes of 'All and his house.
In popular story and ballad he is known as one of the heroes of Otterburn or Chevy Chase, which is the subject of one of the most stirring recitals of Froissart.
In ancient Greece, the heroes were the object of a special cult, and as such were intimately connected with its religious life.
Various theories have been put forward as to the nature of these heroes.
But it is only a select minority who attain to the rank of heroes after death, only the distinguished men of the past.
The heroes are spirits of the dead, not demi-gods; their position is not intermediate between gods and men, but by the side of these they exist as a separate class.
But neither in Homer nor in Hesiod is there any trace of the idea that the heroes after death had any power for good or evil over the lives of those who survived them; and consequently, no cult.
Solon also ordered that the tombs of the heroes should be treated with the greatest respect, and Cleisthenes sought to create a pan-Athenian enthusiasm by calling his new tribes after Attic heroes and setting up their statues in the Agora.
In many cases these heroes were purely fictitious; such were the supposed ancestors of the noble and priestly families of Attica and elsewhere (Butadae at Athens, Branchidae at Miletus Ceryces at Eleusis), of the eponymi of the tribes and demes.
Again, side by side with gods of superior rank, certain heroes were worshipped as protecting spirits of the country or state; such were the Aeacidae amongst the Aeginetans, Ajax son of Oileus amongst the Epizephyrian Locrians and Hector at Thebes.
Neglect of the worship of these heroes was held to be responsible for pestilence, bad crops and other misfortunes, while, on the other hand, if duly honoured, their influence was equally beneficent.
Like the gods, the cult heroes were supposed to exercise an influence on human affairs, though not to the same extent, their sphere of action being confined to their own localities.
The cult of the heroes exhibits points of resemblance with that of the chthonian divinities and of the dead, but differs from that of the ordinary gods, a further indication that they were not " depotentiated " gods.
On special occasions a sacrificial meal of cooked food was set out for the heroes, of which they were solemnly invited to partake.
Many of the chief characteristics of the ancient Greek heroes are reproduced in those of the Teutonic North, the parallel being in some cases very striking; Siegfried, for instance, like Achilles, is vulnerable only in one spot, and Wayland Smith, like Hephaestus, is lame.
Superhuman qualities and powers, too, are commonly ascribed to both, an important difference, however, being that whatever worship may have been paid to the Teutonic heroes never crystallized into a cult.
Of the latter the number has tended to diminish in the light of modern scholarship. The fashion during the 19th century set strongly in the other direction, and the " degraded gods " theory was applied not only to such conspicuous heroes as Siegfried, Dietrich and Beowulf, but to a host of minor characters, such as the good marquis Rudeger of the Nibelungenlied and our own Robin Hood (both identified with Woden Hruodperaht).
The reaction from one extreme has, indeed, tended to lead to another, until not only the heroes, but the very gods themselves, are being traced to very human, not to say commonplace, origins.
The Teutonic heroes are, in the main, historical personages, never gods; though, like the Greek heroes, they are sometimes endowed with semi-divine attributes or interpreted as symbolical representations of natural forces.
Famous heroes who are specially connected with England are Alfred the Great, Richard Cceur-de-Lion, King Horn, Havelok the Dane, Guy of Warwick, Sir Bevis of Hampton (or Southampton), Robin Hood and his companions.
Speaking generally, the Celtic heroes are differentiated from the Teutonic by the extreme exaggeration of their superhuman, or rather extra-human, qualities.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
The chief heroes of the medieval Arthurian romances are the following.
Another series of heroes, forming the central figures of stories variously derived but developed in Europe by the Latin-speaking peoples, may be conveniently grouped under the heading of " romance."
Of these the most important are Alexander of Macedon and Charlemagne, while alongside of them Priam and other heroes of the Trojan war appear during the middle ages in strangely altered guise.
The romances of this cycle, of Germanic (Frankish) origin and developed probably in the north of France by the French (probably in the north of France) contain reminiscences of the heroes of the Merovingian period, and in their later development were influenced by the Arthurian cycle.
Although the Finns are not Sla y s, on topographical grounds mention may here be made of Wainamoinen, the great magician and hero of the Finnish epic Kalevala (" land of heroes ").
For the Persian, Indian, &c., heroes see the articles on the literature and religions of the various countries.
C. von Hahn as the Aryan Expulsion and Return formula, which counts among its representatives such heroes as Perseus, Cyrus, Romulus and Remus, Siegfried, and, as Alfred Nutt has pointed out, Arthur himself.
This episode, which bears the marks of popular heroic poetry, may well be the substance of a lost Carolingian cantilena.1 The legendary Charlemagne and his warriors were endowed with the great deeds of earlier kings and heroes of the Frankish kingdom, for the romancers were not troubled by considerations of chronology.
Regensburg, a, large circular building which has for its aim the glorification of the heroes of the war of liberation in 1813.
If heroes could so debase themselves, can we wonder if men who were not heroes lent themselves to every sort of villainy ?
These dramas, which deal with religious and historical subjects, are of Indian origin, and somewhat resemble the mystery-plays of medieval Europe, a resemblance heightened by the introduction, due to Spanish missionaries, of Christian saints and heroes such asCharlemagne.
For at the side of the great god Ahuramazda there stands a host of subordinate divine beings who execute his willamong these the deified heroes of legend, to whose circle the king is now admitted, since on him Ahuramazda has bestowed victory and might.
This gradual Iranianization of the Parthian Empire is shown by the fact that the subsequent Iranian traditions, and Firdousi in particular, apply the name of the Parthian magnates (Pahiavan) to the glorious heroes of the legendary epoch.
Naturalistic explanations of some of these are proposed, and a mythical theory is distinctly foreshadowed when Blount dwells on the inevitable tendency of men, especially long after the event, to discover miracles attendant on the birth and death of their heroes.
Quo are British Rock legends, and the head banger 's heroes.
I would like to make special mention of the unsung heroes who support the playing side of the club.
What better place to start than with local sporting heroes?
Military heroes of the last several centuries, such as the aforementioned Lafayette and Hamilton and Travis, were not bloodthirsty.
From "Greek Heroes" to the Iliad was no day's journey, nor was it altogether pleasant.
The student may read Homer or Æschylus in the Greek without danger of dissipation or luxuriousness, for it implies that he in some measure emulate their heroes, and consecrate morning hours to their pages.
The ancients have left us model heroic poems in which the heroes furnish the whole interest of the story, and we are still unable to accustom ourselves to the fact that for our epoch histories of that kind are meaningless.
Biographical historians and historians of separate nations understand this force as a power inherent in heroes and rulers.
They do not recognize it as a power inherent in heroes and rulers, but as the resultant of a multiplicity of variously directed forces.
The Napoleonic wars still seem to us, though already questionably, to be the outcome of their heroes' will.
Many have expressed concerns about the future of the Heroes band with McCoy's recent solo release.
Thus the ancient Greek religion was especially disposed to belief in heroes and demigods.
The story of the youth of Moses is, as is commonly the case with great heroes, of secondary origin; moreover, the circumstances of his birth as related in Exod.
Near the west extremity, abutting upon the Elbe, the moat was filled in in 1894-1897, and some good streets were built along the site, while the Kersten Miles-Briicke, adorned with statues of four Hamburg heroes, was thrown across the Helgolander Allee.
Thamin maintains that, if his heroes did not form great characters, at any rate they taught the Roman child to train its conscience.
Re-elected to the Convention he voted for the death of Louis XVI., and opposed the proposal to prosecute the authors of the massacre of September, "because among them there are heroes of Jemmapes."
The worship of these heroes is in reality an ancestor worship, which existed in pre-Homeric times, and was preserved in local cults.
Instances no doubt occur of gods being degraded to the ranks of heroes, but these are not the real heroes, the heroes who are the object of a cult.
A very few, as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men, serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it.
How quickly I should lock up all these mighty warriors, and hoary sages, and impossible heroes, who are now almost my only companions; and dance and sing and frolic like other girls!
Because light is accompanied by heat, he was the god of vegetation and increase; he sent prosperity to the good, and annihilated the bad; he was the god of armies and the champion of heroes; as the enemy of darkness and of all evil spirits, he protected souls, accompanying them on the way to paradise, and was thus a redeemer.