Heresiarch Sentence Examples
Father Cahier would even trace the book to Tatian, and it is true that that heresiarch mentions a writing of his own upon animals.
In 1125 the Church in the south of Russia had to combat another heresiarch named Dmitri.
Soon afterwards the heresiarch was arrested, brought before the bishop of Toulouse, and probably imprisoned for life.
His first encounter was with the heresiarch Gottschalk, whose predestinarian doctrines claimed to be modelled on those of St Augustine.
At the council of Frankfort in 794 Alcuin upheld the orthodox doctrine, and obtained the condemnation of the heresiarch Felix of Urgel.
In one source the great heresiarch Pelagius is stated to have been a Scot.
But four crusades, directed by the bishop of Vercelli, were required to reduce the little army of the heresiarch, entrenched in the mountains in the neighbourhood of Vercelli.