Herbicide Sentence Examples
Also, if you apply herbicide to kill broadleaf weeds, that should be done in October.
Herbicide resistant crops- This allows the farmer to spray wide spectrum herbicides on the crops and kill only the weeds.
Bradford corn gluten is an organic lawn care product, effective as both fertilizer and herbicide.
Three crops are involved - sugar beet, oilseed rape and fodder maize - all modified to be herbicide resistant.
For example, Monsanto has created a strain of soybeans genetically modified to be not affected by their herbicide product roundup ® 6.
Furthermore, he found that the genetically modified soy utilized 10 to 30 percent more herbicide than conventional soy.
The farm level impact of using herbicide tolerant soybeans in Romania (2003 ).
Some crops can be genetically modified to confer tolerance to such a herbicide.
However, transfer of herbicide tolerance is not necessarily a hazard.
These are commonly referred to as direct effects of the herbicide tolerance trait.
AdvertisementThis type of herbicide is known as a non-residual translocated herbicide.
Vinegar may work just as well, just be sure it is diluted in water because vinegar can kill plants and is often used as a natural herbicide to get rid of weeds.
Pesticide usage is an area of concern which organic agriculture addresses.The same standards apply to pesticide usage, with methods such as crop rotation rather than herbicide use.
There are also sure to be pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer residues from the chemicals used on the flowers as they were growing.
To enable efficacy and demonstration work to be conducted with the herbicide glufosinate- ammonium.
AdvertisementOn an average scenarios with genetically modified herbicide tolerant sugar beet led in an increased gross margin.
Results of the UK Farm Scale Evaluations indicate that herbicide tolerant GM beet had more impacts on biodiversity than conventional beet [12] .
This on the evidence that the application of glyphosate herbicide can increase the level of plant estrogens.
Knowing that their crops will more or less tolerate an herbicide, farmers are not likely to reduce their applications.
When the shoots are 15cm high they are sprayed with a glyphosate-based herbicide.
AdvertisementFrom year 3 a residual herbicide should be applied annually in February.
Significantly, 97% reported increased in-crop herbicide use in 2003/04.
As a result winter barley has more need than winter wheat for a pre-emergence herbicide.
Greatest yield increases were found with insect-resistant maize, while herbicide-tolerant soybeans gave the greatest cost savings through reduced herbicide use.
We are now often dealing with very unusual gene combinations not seen in the wild - for herbicide resistance for instance.
AdvertisementThey found that two - both wild turnips - were herbicide resistant.
Under normal crop rotation any " volunteer " GM rapeseed plants which appeared would be tackled by spraying with another herbicide next spring.
For example, Monsanto has created a strain of soybeans genetically modified to be not affected by their herbicide product Roundup ® 6.
The farm level impact of using herbicide tolerant soybeans in Romania (2003).
Probable toxicity of surface-active agent in commercial herbicide containing glyphosate.
No-till agriculture can reduce soil loss, but with the advent of herbicide tolerant soybean, many farmers now cultivate in highly erodible lands.
Further, the use of 2,4-D herbicide has increased the level of attack of insects on rice.
Organic cotton clothing and other organically produced products are thought to be better for the planet because of decreasing the pesticide and herbicide load that that planet is absorbing.
One method of dealing with this problem is to spray the bank with a systemic herbicide.