Herbal-supplements Sentence Examples
You will be able to benefit from discounts we negotiate with suppliers of helpful herbal supplements - lower prices for members.
Mountain Rose Herbs has a variety of organic herbal products including bulk herbs and spices, teas, aromatherapy products, bath and body care, natural health herbal supplements and other ingredients and elements of herbal care.
Avoid taking black cohosh or other herbal supplements while pregnant or breast feeding.
In addition to dietary changes such as adding calcium, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, and flaxseed, herbal supplements also work well in helping patients reduce their blood pressure levels.
The mechanisms behind certain sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction may differ from person to person and there are herbal supplements that can address some of these issues.
Since erectile dysfunction and problems with ejaculations can be caused by any number of medical conditions, you should consult with a doctor before taking herbal supplements.
S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbs and other botanicals are classified as dietary supplements, not drugs, so herbal supplements are not required to demonstrate the health benefits they claim.
You should also let your doctor know if you are taking any herbal supplements or over the counter medications.
You'll find a wide variety of herbal supplements made from organic substances.
This is merely a brief listing of the most common organic herbal supplements widely available.
AdvertisementSome products may also contain herbal supplements.
Some women choose to alleviate symptoms by taking herbal supplements or other alternative therapies.
Prescription medications may help slow the disease and other treatments like vitamin E and herbal supplements may also assist.
Nose drops, throat sprays and herbal supplements are available in a number of different venues in the Chesapeake area.
Some preparations are simply multivitamin tablets, whileothers are essentially herbal supplements.
AdvertisementMake sure you talk to your doctor about all prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements, and herbal supplements that you are taking.
The important thing is to talk to your doctor and let him know what medications you are on and what herbal supplements you take so that you and the doctor can determine which medications are safe and necessary during your pregnancy.
It is vital to speak to your healthcare provider about the efficacy and safety of the medications and herbal supplements you take.
You should discuss any medications you are taking with your doctor, including over-the-counter medications and herbal supplements.
The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to treat disease and improve health, but taking herbal supplements should also be done under the supervision of your healthcare provider.
AdvertisementThe pills and herbal supplements on the market today are not overseen by any governing agency, and their side effects can be quite severe, if not deadly.
Since herbs and herbal supplements are not monitored by any specific health agency, it is critical that consumers read labels closely and research manufacturers thoroughly.
If you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or lactating, it is best to avoid herbal supplements unless advised by your doctor.
In addition, individuals on medications, including prescribed, over-the-counter and herbal supplements must be closely monitored by their physician.
The basic makeup of these products is a large amount of herbal supplements.
AdvertisementDo not consume these herbal supplements if you are, or suspect you might be, pregnant.