Herbaceous Sentence Examples
Cephalotus follicularis, a native of south-west Australia, a small herbaceous plant, bears ordinary leaves close to the ground as well as pitchers.
Herbaceous plants are rare and mostly epiphytic.
They shelter in crevices of the bark of trees, in the dried stems of herbaceous plants, or among moss and fallen leaves on the ground.
Pythium, Peronospore, Completoria, Vol utelta, Botrytis, &c. That such overturgescence should lead to the bursting of fleshy fruits, such as gooseberries, tomatoes and grapes, is not surprising, nor can we wonder that fermentation and mould Fungi rapidly spread in such fruits; and the same is true for bulbs and herbaceous organs generally.
In the spring there is an abundant herbaceous vegetation, including many bulbous plants, with genera, if not species, identical with those of the Syrian region, some of which extend to the Himalaya.
The term "herb" is also used of those herbaceous plants, which possess certain properties, and are used for medicinal purposes, for flavouring or garnishing in cooking, and also for perfumes.
He divided them into eighteen classes, distinguishing plants according as they were woody or herbaceous, and taking into account the nature of the flowers and fruit.
Their functions in annual, biennial and herbaceous perennial plants cease after the ripening of the seed, whilst in plants of longer duration layer after layer of strong woody tissue is formed, which enables them to bear the strains which the weight of foliage and the exposure to wind entail.
In the most generally used sense, a plant is a member of the lower or vegetable order of living organized things; the term is also popularly applied to the smaller herbaceous plants, thus excluding trees and shrubs.
It is even richer in more herbaceous plants tolerant of a hot summer; giant Umbelliferae (such as Ferula) are especially characteristic and yield gum-resins which have long been reckoned valuable.
AdvertisementIt should be remembered that a single complete defoliation of a herbaceous annual may so incapacitate the assimilation that no stores are available for seeds, tubers, &c., for another year, or at most so little that feeble plants only come up. In the case of a tree matters run somewhat differently; most large trees in full foliage have far more assimilatory surface than is immediately necessary, and if the injury is confined to a single year it may be a small event in the life of the tree, but if repeated the cambium, bud-stores and fruiting may all suffer.
Spotted Leaves, &c.Discoloured spots or patches on leaves and other herbaceous parts are common symptoms of disease, and often furnish clues to identification of causes, though it must be remembered that no sharp line divides this class of symptoms from the preceding.
Excrescences may be divided into those occurring on herbaceous tissues, of which Galls are well-known examples, and those found on the woody stem, branches, &c., and themselves eventually woody, of which Burrs of various kinds afford common illustrations.
Conditions of hyper-turgescence are common in herbaceous plants in wet seasons, or when overcrowded and in situations too moist for them.
Sequoia and the tulip-tree still remain; figs are abundant; laurels are represented by Sassafras and camphor; herbaceous plants (Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Umbelliferae) are present, though, as might be expected, only fragmentarily preserved.
AdvertisementIf we turn to herbaceous plants, Hemsley has pointed out that of the thirteen genera of Ranunculaceae in California, eleven are British.
The former support a copious herbaceous flora, the characteristics of which in the Old and New Worlds have been already briefly summarized.
The vegetable-feeders attack leaves, herbaceous or woody stems and roots; frequently different parts of a plant are attacked in the two active stages of the life-history; the cockchafers, for example, eating leaves, and their grubs gnawing roots.
On the other hand, several Asiatic species (Siberian pine, larch, cedar) grow freely in the N.E., while numerous shrubs and herbaceous plants, originally from the Asiatic steppes, have found their way into the S.E.
Of the herbaceous vegetation of the more rainy regions may be noted the Orchidaceae, Orontiaceae, Scitamineae, with ferns and other II.
AdvertisementThe plateau, known as the Ogaden plateau, everywhere presents the same monotonous aspect of a boundless steppe clothed with a scanty vegetation of scrubby plants and herbaceous growths.
Of herbaceous plants the kissenia, the sole representative of the order Loasaceae, which is common in America but very rare elsewhere, is found in Somaliland, which also possesses forms belonging to the eastern Mediterranean flora.
Heavy rainfall, high temperature and fertile soil combine to cover the greater part of the state, and particularly the alluvial regions and the coast swamps, with a most luxuriant subtropical vegetation, both arborescent and herbaceous.
For larger masses, such as stronggrowing herbaceous plants, a spade or digging-fork will be requisite and the soil may be trodden down with the feet.
Sow seed of herbaceous calceolarias; shift heaths, if they require it; cut down pelargoniums past flowering, and plant the cuttings.
AdvertisementPropagate herbaceous and other plants that have gone out of flower, by means of cuttings and slips, especially those required for spring bedding; propagate also the various summer bedding plants increased by cuttings.
Stake and tie up dahlias and strong herbaceous plants.
Propagate all sorts of herbaceous plants by rooted slips or suckers; take off layers of carnations, picotees and pansies.
Continue the propagation of herbaceous plants, taking off the layers of carnations, picotees, pansies and chrysanthemums, by the end of the month; choice carnations and picotees may be potted and wintered in cold frames if the season is wet and ungenial.
Dig and dress such flower borders and shrubberies as may now be cleared of annuals and the stems of herbaceous plants.
All herbaceous plants and hardy shrubs may be planted in the garden.
All plants that require staking, such as dahlias, roses, gladioli and many herbaceous plants, should now be looked to.
The bunts and smuts which damage our grain and fodder plants comprise about 400 species of internal parasites, found in all countries on herbaceous plants, and especially on Monocotyledons.
Here also begins his long controversy with Rivinus (Augustus Quirinus Bachmann) which chiefly turned upon Ray's indefensible separation of ligneous from herbaceous plants, and also upon what he conceived to be the misleading reliance that Rivinus placed on the characters of the corolla.
The plant is a herbaceous perennial with a long, branched root-stock creeping through the mud, about 3/4 inch thick, with short joints and large brownish leaf-scars.
On the plains where grasses cannot find sufficient moisture their place is taken by " bush," composed mainly of stunted mimosas, acacias, euphorbia, wild pomegranate, bitter aloes and herbaceous plants.
On the drier and higher mountains of the interior of the chain, the forests become more open, and are spread less uniformly over the hill-sides, a luxuriant herbaceous vegetation appears, and the number of shrubby Leguminosae, such as Desmodium and Indigofera, increases, as well as Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Umbelliferae, Labiatae, Gramineae, Cyperaceae and other European genera.
Of herbaceous plants species of Ranunculus, Potentilla, Geranium, Thalictrum, Primula, Gentiana and many other European forms are common.
The herbaceous vegetation does not differ greatly, generically, from that of the east, and many species of Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Labiatae and Scrophulariaceae occur; balsams abound, also beautiful forms of Campanulaceae, Gentiana, Meconopsis, Saxifraga and many others.
The herbaceous tropical and semi-tropical vegetation likewise by degrees disappears, the Scitamineae, epiphytal and terrestrial Orchideae, Araceae, Cyrtandraceae and Begoniae only occur in small numbers in Kumaon, and scarcely extend west of the Sutlej.
Tree vegetation, which reaches up as high as 6500 and 8150 ft., the latter limit on the north and west, consists of magnificent forests of birch, poplar, aspen, and Coniferae, such as Pinus cembra, Abies sibirica, Larix sibirica, Picea obovata, and so on, though the fir is not found above 2500 ft., while the meadows are abundantly clothed with brightlycoloured, typical assortments of herbaceous plants.
Indeed, formerly grass (also spelt gwrs, gres, gyrs in the old herbals) meant any green herbaceous plant of small size.
Culm herbaceous, annual; leaf-blade sessile, and not jointed to the sheath.
In the gorges and on the better-watered slopes of the mountains the herbaceous vegetation becomes luxuriant.
A peculiar character is imparted to the vegetation of this province by the growth over large tracts of evergreen shrubs and large herbaceous plants belonging to the Cistineae and Labiatae.
They are usually of a greenish colour (herbaceous); but sometimes they are coloured or petaloid, as in the fuchsia, tropaeolum, globe-flower and pomegranate.
In some species of Annularia the extremely delicate ultimate twigs, bearing whorls of small lanceolate leaves, give a characteristic habit, suggesting that they may have belonged to herbaceous plants; other Annulariae, however, have been traced with certainty into connexion with the stems of large Calamites.
Under this name are included the fossil Lycopods of herbaceous habit, which occur occasionally, from the Devonian onwards.
The antiquity of the Selaginella type indicates that this group had no direct connexion with the Lepidodendreae, but sprang from a distinct and equally ancient herbaceous stock.
According to this catalogue, the true Laramie flora includes about 250 species, more than half of which are deciduous forest trees, herbaceous Dicotyledons, Monocotyledons and Cryptogams, all being but poorly represented.
Gardner speaks of the Bournemouth flora as appearing to consist principally of trees or hard-wooded shrubs, comparatively few remains of the herbaceous vegetation being preserved.
No doubt this amber flora is still imperfectly known, but it is valuable as giving a good idea of the vegetation, during Oligocene times, of a mixed wood of pine and oak, in which there is a mixture of herbaceous and woody plants, such as would now be found under similar conditions.
These families, however, do not appear to have had anything like their present importance in the temperate flora, though, as they are mainly herbaceous plants with fruits of moderate hardness, they may have decayed and left no trace.
Among the herbaceous plants we find, mingled with a number that still live in Norfolk, Hypecoum procumbens, the water-chestnut (Trapa natans), and Najas minor, none of which is now British.
An English garden with overflowing herbaceous borders adjoins the pub and boasts an abundance of outdoor seating.
These hardy garden auriculas are perfect for the front of a mixed, herbaceous or cottage-garden border.
The herbaceous composition predominantly consists of marsh bedstraw, meadowsweet and ragged robin.
Up two steps to lawned area with herbaceous border.
They are suitable for mixed, herbaceous or shrub borders, wildflower or rock gardens.
The plants will be mostly herbaceous with a few shrubs and trees for structure.
Weed growth, mainly herbaceous or annual, will be your best bet, but better still forget the concrete!
Lesley Don't be too hasty in cutting back herbaceous plants.
Increased grazing intensity is believed to have reduced the frequency of many of the characteristic herbaceous plants and removed them from heavily grazed sites.
The nose was slightly minty with some blackcurrant and herbaceous aromas, mingling with gentle oak and spiciness.
Describe herbaceous perennials suitable to cut flower growing in a specific locality.
This time of year is a perfect time to be lifting and splitting herbaceous plants before they put on too much vegetative growth.
The Garden House - on the banks of the River Dee has many shrub and herbaceous plantings and a National Collection of Hydrangea.
Herbaceous borders, terraced garden, heather beds, water garden and new rockery.
Many sciophytes are herbaceous tropophytes, and are dormant for more than half the year, usually during late summer, autumn and early winter.
It is covered with a thick sheet of black earth, a kind of loess, mixed with 5 to 15% of humus, due to the decomposition of an herbaceous vegetation, which developed luxuriantly during the Lacustrine period on a continent relatively dry even at that epoch.
The moist soil encourages luxuriant thickets of willows (Salicineae), surrounded by dense chevaux-de-frise of wormwood and thornbearing Compositae, and interspersed with rich but not extensive prairies, harbouring a great variety of herbaceous plants; while in the deltas of the Black Sea rivers impenetrable beds of reeds (Arundo phragmites) shelter a forest fauna.
The term "herb" is also used of those herbaceous plants, which possess certain properties, and are used for medicinal purposes, for flavouring or garnishing in cooking, and also for perfumes (see Horticulture and Pharmacology).
The general characteristic of the flora is the prevalence of herbaceous over forest growths; the high veld is covered by short sweet grasses of excellent quality for pasturage; grass is mingled with protea scrub in the middle veld; the banken veld has a richer flora, the valley levels are well wooded, scattered timber trees clothe their sides and the hills are covered with aloe, euphorbia, protea and other scrub growths.
There are various herbaceous plants which may be similarly treated, such as sea-kale and horseradish, and, among ornamental plants, the beautiful autumn-blooming Anemone japonica, Bocconia cordata, Dictamnus Fraxinella - the burning bush; the sea hollies (Eryngium), the globe thistle (Echinops ritro), the Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), the sea lavender (Statice latifolia), Senecio pulcher, &c. The sea-kale and horseradish require to be treated in the open garden, where the cut portions should be planted in lines in wellworked soil; but the roots of the others should be planted in pots and kept in a close frame with a little warmth till the young shoots have started.
The door leading from the south aisle into a herbaceous garden, formerly the cloister, is an exquisite copy of one which had become greatly decayed.
Other features include giant rockeries, herbaceous borders, rose garden, the maze and extensive walks among rare shrubs and forest trees.
Division Teasing, pulling or cutting apart clumps of herbaceous perennials and suckering shrubs in order to produce more plants.
They are herbaceous or woody vines provided with tendrils.
By itself, parsley has a somewhat bitter herbaceous flavor that many people find distasteful.
D. Cannabina is a tall and graceful herbaceous perennial from 4 to 7 feet high, the long stems clothed with large pinnate leaves, yellowish-green flowers appearing towards the end of summer.
They are tall, handsome, herbaceous plants.
Cat Mint (Nepeta) - Herbaceous perennials, of which N. macrantha has rather showy purple flowers, but is too tall and coarse for the border.
It is hardy even into Scotland, where it dies down like an herbaceous perennial.
Crambe - One of the finest of hardy and large-leaved herbaceous plants, as easily grown as the common Seakale, and in rich ground having many stout leaves and dense sprays of small white flowers.
Deinanthe Coerulea - An interesting Chinese plant of herbaceous habit, when happy growing to 2 feet in height and over.
It is the most ornamental of its distinct family, and is highly suitable for grouping with the bolder herbaceous plants.
They are herbaceous perennials, growing from 2 to 5 feet in height.
Hoteia - H. japonica is a fine tufted herbaceous plant 1 foot to 16 inches high, with silvery-white flowers early in summer in a panicled cluster.
Among many fine hardy evergreen and herbaceous plants Lady Ferns might be planted with advantage; they will thrive in a little shade where protected from drying winds.
Milk-weed, Silk-weed (Asclepias) - A large genus of strong-growing herbaceous perennials, few of them adapted for the flower garden, as they require a good deal of room, and are not attractive.
It is a tall herbaceous climber, 10 to 20 feet high, with pinnate leaves, terminating in branched tendrils, the leaflets being covered on the under side with a fine silky down.
The different species are free-flowering, herbaceous plants, with spikes of bell-shaped flowers, but the chief value is in the foliage.
They are hardy, herbaceous perennials, and succeed will in the open border in rich, light soil.
Rhubarb (Rheum) - Herbaceous plants of great vigour and picturesque aspect, and their fine leaves are well seen by the margins of shrubberies and in places where luxuriant vegetation is desired.
Snakes-beard (Ophiopogon) - Herbaceous perennials, about 1 1/2 feet high, the flowers, usually small, lilac, appearing late in summer and in autumn in spikes, 2 to 5 inches long, rising from grassy tufts of evergreen foliage.
There is also a herbaceous perennial species.
Wild Senna (Cassia) - The only hardy member of a great family, with us it is nearly herbaceous, dying back, and so deserving a warm place in a free soil.
American species will be found useful for mixed herbaceous borders, having rich green foliage and white feathery flower-heads in May and June.
A. anethifolia is one of the most elegant herbaceous perennials, 5 feet in height.
The leaves of the plant are very green and herbaceous, with just a bit of that same jagged edge that is seen on the flower petals.
Aromas of green bell peppers, roasted almonds and toast evolved one-dimensionally herbaceous.
Sometimes a bit herbaceous and green, it's a flavor characteristic that has grown on me.
Herbaceous wines have flavor and aroma nuances of fresh herbs.
They are herbaceous plants growing from an underground much ?
They are herbaceous perennials, generally with hairy serrated leaves and handsome flowers.
It is characterized by its needle-leaved Coniferae, its catkin-bearing (Amentaceae) and other trees, deciduous in winter, and its profusion of herbaceous species.
It is an order of herbaceous FIG.
The plants are hardy herbaceous perennials with narrow tufted radical leaves and an elongated stem bearing a handsome spike of white or yellow flowers.
The jalap plant has slender herbaceous twining stems, with alternately placed heart-shaped pointed leaves and salver-shaped deep purplish-pink flowers.
The plants are generally herbaceous, often, however, reaching a gigantic size, but are sometimes shrubby, as in Pothos, a genus of shrubby climbing plants, chiefly Malayan.
The order is represented in Britain by Arum maculatum, a low herbaceous plant common in woods and hedgerows in England, but probably not wild in Scotland.
Of 1500 species of herbaceous plants in the Red river basin, it is estimated that fully half reach here their geographical limit or limit of frequent occurrence.
The name Ambrosia was also applied by Dioscorides and Pliny to certain herbs, and has been retained in modern botany for a genus of plants from which it has been extended to the group of dicotyledons called Ambrosiaceae, including Ambrosia, Xanthium and Iva, all annual herbaceous plants represented in America.
In the " bush " are found tufts of tall coarse grass with the space between bare or covered with herbaceous creepers or water-bearing tubers.
In Ontario the flora of the northern part is much the same as that of the Gulf of St Lawrence, but from Montreal along the Ottawa and St Lawrence valleys the flora takes a more southern aspect, and trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants not found in the eastern parts of the Dominion become common.
At the beginning of the elevation of the Rocky Mountains there is a luxurious growth of herbaceous plants, including a number of rare umbellifers.
The term is loose in application and the line between shrubs, trees and certain woody herbaceous plants is not easy to draw.
Scale of Metres o co 20 30 40 5 Scale of Yards 0 i p zo g o 40 ?o climbing plants with slender herbaceous or shrubby shoots, to which belong the yam and the British black bryony, Tamus communis.
These do not reach exactly to the same elevation, nor are they often found growing together; but their upper limit corresponds accurately enough to the change from a temperate to a colder climate that is further proved by a change in the wild herbaceous vegetation.
Indeed, any low-growing herbaceous plant, susceptible of minute division, is suitable for an edging.
As a rule, all the fibrous-rooted herbaceous plants flourish in good soil which has been fairly enriched with manure, that of a loamy character being the most suitable.
The herbaceous border should be a distinct compartment varying from 6 to to ft.
Transplant herbaceous plants in light soils, if not done in autumn; also deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges.
In dry open weather plant dried roots, including most of the finer florists' flowers; continue the transplanting of hardy biennial flowers and herbaceous plants.
Transplant from the nursery to their final sites annuals sown in autumn, with biennials and herbaceous plants.
Finish the transplanting of herbaceous plants by the end of the first week.
The same is true of shrubs and herbaceous plants.