Herb Sentence Examples
After a quick supper, she grabbed the herb book and stepped outside.
A tea can be made from the dried leaves, also a medicinal herb.
Joyce was excited when she saw the first sprout of her herb garden coming up from the soil.
It is a herb with a rosette of fleshy, oblong leaves, i to 3 in.
The kat plant, a medicinal herb which has a tonic quality, is largely grown in the Harrar province.
Ginkgo Biloba The herb ginkgo Biloba The herb ginkgo biloba has been used for many years in Chinese medicine.
There is also a Thermal Suite comprising herb sauna, crystal steam room and salt grotto.
Used as a tonic herb, when the body is under stress.
Each herb is in therapeutic dosage for maximum effect.
Warm compost promotes the rapid germination of most herb seeds and is particularly useful for gardeners who raise their plants in an unheated greenhouse.
AdvertisementThe advantage of a standardized extract is that the quality control is more assured than for most preparations of the raw herb.
I opted for pan fried sea bream with baby fennel, wild mushrooms and new potatoes and herb bread crumbs.
The herb feverfew has also been shown to reduce the recurrence rate of migraines.
In the past the root was eaten and the herb has been used to remove freckles.
The associated habitat is mainly 6430 Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels.
AdvertisementA herbal tea can consist of one herb or many.
Catnip, which isn't actually a grass, but an herb.
Herbs that may be helpful Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) is the herb from which the drug colchicine was originally isolated.
Serve the soup hot with a good sprinkling of herb croutons over the top.
During grilling, the marinade forms an herb crust that underscores the sweetness of the lamb.
AdvertisementMore Herb Garden don't dilly dally - it's thyme to plant up a herb garden!
The polenta and herb dumplings are light and filled with the flavor of the casserole.
In your herb garden - July 2006 The herb garden at Garden Organic Ryton in July July should be a delicious month.
A herb garret was also erected for drying and storing medicinal herbs.
Menu suggestion Salad of Herb Baked Goats Cheese with avocado, crisp bacon and toasted hazelnuts.
AdvertisementIt is also a gentle herb suitable for children, where it can be used to calm anxious or excitable children and soothe headaches.
Echinaforce is available as fresh herb tincture or fresh herb tincture or fresh herb tincture tablets.
The herb's delicate flowers have five petals with tiny, almost imperceptible black dots along their margins.
These are painted onto the body whilst herb infused steam is being inhaled.
The plants are mainly shrubs and trees; British representatives are Sambucus (elder), Viburnum (guelder-rose and wayfaring tree), Lonicera (honeysuckle) (see fig.); Adoxa (moschatel), a small herb with a creeping stem and small yellowish-green flowers, is occasionally found on damp hedge-banks; Linnaea, a slender creeping evergreen with a thread-like stem and pink bell-shaped flower, a northern plant, occurs in fir-forests and plantations in the north of England and Scotland.
The term "herb" is also used of those herbaceous plants, which possess certain properties, and are used for medicinal purposes, for flavouring or garnishing in cooking, and also for perfumes (see Horticulture and Pharmacology).
The culinary herbs used for flavouring and garnishing are for the most part dwarf perennial plants requiring to be grown on a rich soil in an open sunny aspect, or annuals for which a warm sheltered border is the most suitable place; and they may therefore be conveniently grown together in the same compartment - a herb garden.
From the meaning of "top" or "head," as applied to a plant, herb or rower, comes the common use of the word for the produce of cereals or other cultivated plants, the wheat-crop, the cotton-crop and the like, and generally, "the crops"; more particular expressions are the "white-crop," for such grain crops as barley or wheat, which whiten as they grow ripe, and "green-crop" for such as roots or potatoes which do not, and also for those which are cut in a green state, like clover (see Agriculture).
Was the testing to provide the final ammunition to rationalize why Herb no longer belonged with his ' typical ' peers?
She seems to have the herb rosemary in her hat (then again, it could be flowers).
People with low copper levels often have lower iron levels; if this is the case, take skullcap herb.
Both studies found that these effects subsided with time once people stopped using the herb.
Tansies originally always included tansy, a bitter-sweet herb which still lends its name to many custard and omelette-type puddings.
How I wish I could make the herb tempura (I will practice).
Unusually there are tall herb ledges at low altitude with species such as wood vetch Vicia sylvatica and melancholy thistle Cirsium heterophyllum.
Take endocrine herbs and uterine tonics to balance the system such as agnus castus berry, squaw vine herb and wild yam root.
Parsley and cilantro are the main ones, but basil is another herb that is much, much better fresh than dried.
This is why it pays to go to an herb store or a natural foods market with bulk herbs and spices.
Along the same lines, you can also purchase the Chia Herb garden and Chia Cat Grass planter.
Using the small planters is great for miniature herb gardens in the kitchen.
It can be grown indoors in a pot just as you would any other herb.
Look for it in the refrigerated herb section of your grocery store, or consider growing your own!
You can use house plants or you may want to incorporate an edible living wall that's made up of vegetable and herb plants.
Home Herb carries a large selection of herbal capsules, medicinal herb tinctures, and nutritional products of all types.
You can drink them or use them in a herb vaporizer.
If you grind seeds for teas you may want a spice mill herb grinder.
In recipes for your own herbal teas you can use almost any herb or mixture of herbs you like.
If you pick wild herbs make sure you have a decent herb field guide so you don't choose a poisonous plant.
For whole herb tea like mint, use more than a teaspoon, fill the ball with mint.
Sage - a very popular herb used for seasoning a variety of meats, cheeses, sauces and soups.
Another skin-soothing herb is calendula.
Made with the herb bloodroot or Sanguinaria canadensis, bloodroot salve was the only treatment available for skin cancer prior to the 20th century.
Typically black salve contains the herb bloodroot, while drawing salve does not.
Comfrey is an herb used in organic gardening, as well as by herbalists in natural medicine.
Though the resin is primarily used in incense and perfumery, a number of products make use of the herb's aromatic and therapeutic properties.
The benefits of goldenseal are enhanced when this useful herb is combined with other herbs.
The benefits of goldenseal are enhanced when it is combined in formulas with multiple herbs and when taken as a whole herb rather than berberine extract, the active ingredient and the one currently being scrutinized in research studies.
Henbane - This is a highly toxic herb not safe for mom or baby.
Primarily grown in North America, evening primrose is a wildflower or herb, and its seeds are prized for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.
When talking to your healthcare provider about this natural remedy, it can be helpful to understand the basics about this herb and how much black cohosh women take to induce labor.
People who have hormonally-fed illnesses or conditions such as breast cancer and uterine fibroids should not use black cohosh, because it has not yet been determined what the hormonal effects of this herb are.
Fresh parsley tea is a great way to use some of that extra garnish you've got laying around the house while reaping the multiple health benefits that come from this powerful herb.
Yes, the scourge of the lawn is also a powerful herb.
The natural herb ephedra has caused a fair bit of controversy.
A strongly astringent herb, is used internally and externally for a large number of complaints, treatment for wounds and bleeding.
Use endocrine balancing herbs like agnus castus herb, squaw vine herb and blessed thistle.
On the nearest island stood a once beautiful Greek temple, now pierced with trees and bedecked with willow herb.
For this reason it can always do with a boost from a liver tonic herb.
A small Herb garden based on Colonial Williamsburg gives an impression of the medicinal, culinary and perfumed plants used by 18th century herbalists.
The amount of flavor imparted to food by a herb depends on many things... .
Who oversees indirect likely to conduct is that the hopeless says herb.
The time required to make a herbal infusion depends on the hardness of the particular herb.
Char Grilled Rump of Herb Fed Beef (serves 2-4) With char grilled vegetables, new potatoes and red onion marmalade thyme jus.
The phytoestrogenic herb, Black Cohosh, acts as a tonic that will help to increase libido and reduce feelings of fatigue.
Our updated version includes lovage, an old English herb, with a flavor similar to celery.
To attract this butterfly to your garden try growing marjoram in your herb bed.
A little grated nutmeg is excellent with potatoes, baked custard, rice puddings etc. Oregano Italian herb, a form of wild marjoram.
Modern treatments prescribe the herb to combat PMS and to help women resume normal menstruation after using birth control pills.
The herb layer is not diverse and the epiphytic moss and lichen flora is also poor.
Notes You can use any herb to flavor these burgers; try fresh oregano, parsley or sage.
Don't take St. John's Wort with the herb Yohimbe, which also contains monoamine oxidase.
Other uncommon plants include meadow saffron, saw-wort and herb Paris.
The medicinal herb damiana has clearly paternal inheritance [5] as does kiwi [6] .
Diaphoretic and sudorific herbs will help you sweat; yarrow herb, for instance, which induces perspiration, cleanses directly through the skin.
Tomato Herb Bread Italian plum tomatoes with a mixture of Oregano, thyme, rosemary and basil in a sourdough is a perfect lunch.
Quest use unique timed release technology and are the first company to analyze and guarantee the potency of the active ingredients within herb tablets.
The capsules contain pure powered herb only, have a fast solubility time and are easily digested.
She seems to have the herb rosemary in her hat (then again, it could be flowers ).
So if you love your salt, you might try using sea salt or this tasty guilt-free herb alternative.
Starters take a seaside stroll from deep-fried salt cod brandade with pea puree to lobster risotto with celery and herb salad.
Salvia is a truly unique visionary herb and when treated with respect can reward you and guide you toward greater self-knowledge and harmony.
It contains chickweed, a herb that has been used for centuries to heal cuts and wounds and soothe itchy, irritated skin.
Saffron, as a herb, is made from the dried stamen of the crocus and is widely used in the oriental kitchen.
Saw Palmetto also contains sterols that give the herb its ' hormonal action.
How I wish I could make the herb tempura (I will practice ).
George To continue the theme of Healthy Eating why not make some herb flavored oil or vinegar to drizzle over your summer salads.
This same formula also contains milk thistle which is a liver support herb.
Echinaforce, 120 Tablets Unique tablets made from the popular fresh herb tincture.
Numi Teas Discover this exclusive line-up of specialty, certified organic whole leaf teas and fresh fruit and herb tisanes.
In the 19th century, it was custom among German women to take the herb valerian regularly as a stimulant.
By early summer the spring flowers have given way to the rosebay willow herb, and the bees are hard at work.
If you aren't sure what a specific herb will do to your body, don't use it.
While you need no special equipment for these recipes, a spice mill or herb grinder is a good way to grind up small quantities of herbs easily.
You can grind ginger down, boil it, make it into a medicinal herb tincture or distil it into a helpful essential oil.
Ginger essential oil can be added directly to a bath or herb vaporizer for cold and flu relief and prevention.
Valerian is generally considered safe but there are a few possible side effects that you should be aware of if you plan to try this herb.
Do not take this herb if you are pregnant or nursing as the effects on the developing fetus and on young children are unknown.
As with any herb, it is possible to have an allergic reaction.
If your doctor agrees that valerian is safe for you, you may find it a helpful herb to help treat insomnia and anxiety with far fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs.
Humans have a long history of using this herb for both cooking and as a medicine.
While this herb has been consumed for thousands of years it can have side effects when taken in medicinal quantities, as well as having reactions with various medications.
This versatile herb can be added to almost any type of dish.
Herbal tinctures infuse the beneficial oils from the herb into a solvent base.
All you need is a windowsill, a few small pots and some herb seeds.
Alternatively you can purchase small pots of herbs at your local supermarket, garden center or at a local herb festival.
Reach for your nearest potted herb plant and continue cooking!
If you happen to use a lot of a particular herb, such as basil, consider having several of these plants on hand so one plant doesn't become over picked.
From metabolism to cardiovascular system, cayenne seems to be the hardest working herb on the planet.
The "extra" in this tea is a shot of valerian, a soothing herb that promotes physical and mental well being.
There is no equivalent pharmaceutical drug to this herb.
The active ingredient in milk thistle is called silymarin, which is a flavonoid complex that is extracted from the seeds of the herb.
Glutathione is a crucial compound for liver detoxification and in one study, glutathione levels in the body were raised by more than 30 percent after participants consumed the herb.
Those who must take many non-aspirin pain relievers that contain acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol) may also benefit from this herb.
The herb has some estrogen like properties, used to stimulate the flow and increase the volume of breast milk for centuries.
Before taking any herb during pregnancy or while breast feeding, please consult your physician.
For standard dosage, it's recommended to start out only consuming two to three dropper-fulls of extract per day because of this herb's strong cleansing properties.
Modern science has even confirmed some of the herb's healing properties.
To use any of the following herbal remedies, please read and review all of the advice associated with each herb.
Depending on the herb and the ailment it's intended to treat, you may need to take the herbs as a tea or tisane, in a pill or powder, or in a cream or topical form.
By far the best-known and studied herb to treat infections is tea tree oil.
Lavender is another beautiful, flowering herb that has antiseptic properties when used as a skin treatment.
Do your research and always check with your doctor if you're not sure whether or not it's safe to take an herb.
Generally, people describe saffron as a mixture of sweet and bitter, and when it comes to this herb, a pinch goes a long way.
There are risks involved with self-prescribing any herb, vitamin or medicine during pregnancy, so it is important that you take black cohosh only under the advisement of your health care provider.
The most effective parsley tea comes from fresh parsley, not the dried herb.
If you are among those who don't enjoy the flavor of pure parsley, then you may wish to sweeten the tea with honey or add in an herb with a flavor that is more palatable to you.
By following the simple instructions contained in this article, you can begin to reap the amazing health benefits of this undervalued herb.
Black cohosh is a perennial herb native to North America.
And while folklore places another uses for black cohosh as an herb to induce labor, it should never be used for this purpose except under the supervision of an herbalist, nurse midwife, or skilled naturopathic physician.
Like any other supplement or herb, black cohosh may produce side effects.
Some reports indicate that black cohosh, especially when used with another herb called blue cohosh, can negatively impact newborn children.
It acts as a cardiovascular tonic and overall heart-health boosting herb.
Touted as a rich source of antioxidants, this herb reduces free radical damage caused by environmental factors.
In addition, menopausal women may find relief from hot flashes and night sweats with the herb.
Dong Quai is referred to as the female ginseng herb.
Chinese herbalists remove the healing substances from dong quai by soaking or boiling the herb in wine and consuming it in liquid form.
Other forms of the herb are tablets, capsules, teas and raw root form.
The Native Americans used this perennial herb to treat stomach upset and hemorrhoids.
Licorice is an effective herb for relieving coughs, sore throats and stomach ailments.
Kudzu, the root of the herb is used to treat intestinal obstruction, dysentery, headaches, stomach ailments, diarrhea, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and vertigo.
As a basic element of flavor in everything from breads to beverages, ginger is not only a culinary treat, but also a valuable herb.
The herb was used in Chinese medicine for anti-inflammatory purposes and to ease stomach aliments.
Whichever form of the herb you decide to use, beware--side effects may exist.
Talk to your doctor about ginger root health benefits and safety before beginning treatment or adding the herb to your diet.
This pungent herb comes from the root of a flowering perennial.
While technically not an herb, L-theanine is distilled from one of the most well known herbs--green tea.
Kava kava is another herb commonly mentioned when discussing herbs that decrease or alleviate anxiety.
Research results on the efficacy of St. John's wort have been inconsistent, with some studies finding the herb to be as effective as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and others finding it no more effective than a placebo.
This herb is generally associated with feelings of well-being and relaxation similar to the effect of an alcoholic drink, but should only be taken with extreme caution.
There is some evidence that kava kava can cause severe liver damage, and there are currently no clear guidelines for safe dosage of the herb.
People with existing liver disorders should generally avoid kava kava, and anyone using the herb should be alert for side effects during the course of treatment.
Snip, rinse and pluck the leaves off the herb plant.
Garlic is a common kitchen herb that is used in Chinese medicine to treat individuals with high cholesterol levels.
Holy basil is an aromatic herb that is native to Suriname and India.
This herb may be beneficial for reducing cholesterol levels.
It is important to remember that lifestyle changes are extremely important when attempting to lower cholesterol levels, and that no herb or drug can do it alone.
There's actually quite a bit of research on many herbs used in Heaven n Herb products and other aromatherapy products.
Tian Hua Fen or trichosanthis is an herb often used by Chinese medicine practitioners.
Chinese research studies have suggested that this herb may help to reduce blood sugar levels.
This herb is frequently included in Chinese herbal formulas for diabetics.
Sheep sorrel contains beta carotene, oxalic acid, and tartaric acid which make this herb one of the main ingredients of Essiac herbs.
The extracted material is then used to manufacture capsules of the dried herb.
Tinctures are dried herbs which are mixed with an alcohol extract and left to steep until the solution has a high concentration of the herb absorbed.
St. John's Wort is a perennial herb with bright yellow flowers that has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy.
Second, like all medications, do not take this herb if you're pregnant or nursing; it's not known how it will affect a young child.
This herb interacts with many medications, and you should let your doctor know if you are taking it, and talk to your doctor first before taking this herb if you are taking a prescription medication.
Direct testing of St. John's Wort benefits to SSRI medication benefits still need to be conducted, but the results are strong enough to merit an "A" rating for this herb from the Mayo Clinic, one of its top ratings for herbal efficacy.
If you have ever wondered what is slippery elm used for, you may be surprised to know that this herb has been used for hundreds of years by Native Americans.
Whether you are new to slippery elm or have been using it for years, the many medicinal benefits should keep this herb on your must have list.
Many individuals choose to use the herb to treat depression and anxiety in hopes of avoiding the common side effects associated with traditional medications.
When taking St. John's Wort orally as an antidepressant or antianxiety medication, the herb is available in caplet or tablet form.
When using St. John's Wort to treat skin conditions, the herb comes in the form of a liquid or oil.
Also, by starting with a low dosage, you can gauge your reaction to the herb and see if you incur any side effects before beginning a large dose.
This herb has been known to interact with alcohol and cause worsening of depression symptoms, suicidal thoughts, and other emotional changes.
However, it's best to start first with a low dosage to ensure you won't have an adverse reaction to the herb.
Burdock roots closely resemble the roots of a highly poisonous plant known as Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, do not consume the roots unless you are sure you can identify the herb and it is from the burdock plant.
Whether you are an avid gardener or just interested in incorporating basil into your diet, drying basil keeps the plant from spoiling and lets you enjoy this aromatic herb all year long.
If you grow this wonderful culinary herb in your home garden, you may be surprised at the bounty it provides.
Use the strainer and paper towels to dry excess water from the basil leaves, or place the herb in a salad spinner and spin the extra water off.
Of course, within six months it will be summer, and time to plant your herb garden once again, and freezing basil will be but a distant memory.
Basil Guide, a website devoted to this wonderful culinary herb.
St. Johns Wort may also causes photosensitivity or skin sensitivity to sunlight, so you should avoid sun exposure when taking this herb.
Just as an herb may address a cause of erectile dysfunction, there exists a root cause of that cause should be examined.
Most research indicates that the treatment of psoriasis with the turmeric herb is generally ineffective.
Despite the lack of evidence to indicate turmeric as a standard treatment for psoriasis, many people are opting to include this herb in their health regimen.
This herb has a tendency to act as an anticoagulant and may increase the effectiveness of blood-thinning drugs.
Furthermore, pregnant women should not consume turmeric as a dietary supplement because the herb may act as a uterine stimulant.
Taking turmeric for three days will not yield an accurate assessment of the herb's abilities.
Natural herbal remedies are typically prepared by steeping the dried leaves of the herb in hot water to make herbal tea.
Topricin is a homeopathic skin cream containing arnica montana, a natural anti-inflammatory herb used in homeopathic skin creams to treat muscle and joint pain.
The Herb Society of the UK also summarizes the directive on their website and provides a thoughtful discussion of the directive and its implications for consumers.
The longer an herb has a history of use, study and scrutiny, the better its chances of being effective.
This ensures that the latest exotic herb cannot be touted as a magic cure-all; only herbs with a strong history of use can be licensed.
Uva ursi is a good herb for both urinary tract infections and kidney cleansing.
Overall, fenugreek is a safe herb that has been proven to increase milk production in nursing mothers.
These professionals may be able to advise you on taking this herb or other natural methods to stimulate milk production for your nursing baby.
Fenugreek isn't just a medicinal herb; it is often used to season dishes.
Most individuals will react positively to fenugreek, though there are some specific instances when the herb should not be used.
Black Cohosh is a primary herb in menopause formulas.
The herb should be used with caution if you are using a progesterone cream.
This may or may not be true, depending on the herb.
Leave a kitchen window bare and line the sill with colorful glass bottles or an herb garden.
Herbs and Spices - Take a glimpse into the spice rack or herb garden, and you'll find garlic, parsley, dill, mint, oregano, cilantro, basil, rosemary, fennel, and cinnamon.
Pesto sauce recipes were born in Genoa, Italy, probably when a summer bonanza of what Italian's call the "royal" herb caused local cooks to get creative.
That's why every June, in the middle of the royal herb's very short growing season, the pesto kings and queens from restaurants along the coast gather for a grind off.
Many people with anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, headaches, and ADD have found relief with this herb.
Finally, find the perfect herb for you and start feeling your stress slip away!
Many herbal remedies are mixed so while one herb alone may do little, a herbal mixture may be useful.
A. spicata (common Baneberry or Herb Christopher), A. racemosa (black Snakeroot), A. alba (white Baneberry), having white berries with red stalks, and one or two American forms of the common Baneberry are in cultivation.
Cushion Pink (Silene Acaulis) - A dwarf alpine herb tufted into light green masses like a wide-spreading Moss, but quite firm.
Deer Berry (Mitchella) - M. repens is a neat, trailing, small evergreen herb, 2 or 3 inches high, with white flowers in summer, succeeded by small bright red berries.
The Rocky Mountain Willow Herb (E. obcordatum) is a beautiful rock plant.
It is useful for the margins of ponds or streams, where it spreads fast, and, associated with the Willow Herb, gives a beautiful effect.
Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis) - A little pot herb which has some beauty grown on a rock or wall, and is worth a place apart from its use in the herb border.
A. vernalis (Ox-eye) is a handsome alpine herb, forming dense tufts 8 inches to 15 inches high, of finely-divided leaves in whorls along the stems, blooming in spring, with large, yellow, Anemone-like flowers, 3 inches in diameter.
Callirhoe Digitata - A distinct glaucous perennial herb, 2 or 3 feet high, with reddish-purple flowers in summer; it is not so showy as the other kinds.
Sea Cotton-weed (Diotis) - D. maritima is a dwarf cottony herb, and sometimes used in the flower garden as an edging plant.
Whitlavia - W. grandiflora is a beautiful herb about a foot high, allied to the Nemophila, with an abundance of showy bell-shaped blossoms of a rich deep blue.
Wulfenia - W. carinthiaca is a dwarf, almost stemless evergreen herb, bearing in summer showy spikes, 12 to 18 inches high, of drooping purplish-blue flowers.
Starting an indoor herb garden is a simple and rewarding pursuit that will provide you with fresh herbs in the winter to dress up your meals.
First on your to-do list is to be sure you have adequate lighting for starting an indoor herb garden.
You should plan on starting an indoor herb garden either with seeds, purchased plants or cuttings.
Most herb seeds are very small, so you can simply press them into the potting mix.
Many people have the most success by covering their planted herb seeds with plastic wrap or a plastic baggie to create a greenhouse of sorts.
The easiest way to start you indoor herb garden is to buy established plants.
You may also be surprised to find how many grocery stores carry herb plants, often in their produce department.
Herb plants allow you to have instant gratification.
If you love Italian food, you should think about planting a spaghetti herb garden.
Enjoy your indoor herb garden and be creative.
Windowsill herb gardens are quite popular, and having herbs as close as the kitchen windowsill make cooking with herbs a snap.
Whether your summer plant is a tropical plant or a tender herb you'd like to keep alive throughout the winter months, learn the steps to taking care of plants through the wintertime.
Planting seeds in winter indoors gives young vegetable, flower and herb seedlings plenty of time to get a head start and develop strong, vigorous roots and leaves before their final sojourn in the garden.
If you learn how to plant a few types of flowers, you can apply these skills to nearly every type of flower, vegetable, herb and plant that could potentially grace your garden.
Potatoes - plant the herb catnip to ward off various potato beetles.
Founded in the late 1800's, the catalog continues to offer vegetable, herb and flower seeds as well as gardening supplies and plants.
The current catalog offers a comprehensive selection of flower, vegetable, and herb seeds and plants as well as selected fruit trees, shrubs and more.
Abundant Life Seeds stocks certified organic seeds for herb, fruit, and vegetable gardens.
Those who believe in the power of herbal remedies think that tinctures, concentrated extracts of herbs, are the easiest method for receiving an herb's potency.
Learn more about herbs by subscribing to The Herb Quarterly.
While organic farmers make every effort to limit the herb's exposure to pesticides and herbicides, in some cases the farmer may be granted special permission to utilize limited quantities of certain chemicals.
Many people ingest this herb in pill form regularly in an attempt to avoid colds and other minor illnesses.
As a lotion, this herb works as a moisturizer as well as a method to ease muscle aches and pains.
This herb is also advertised as being a fantastic source of antioxidants.
What some people do not realize, however, is that just because a remedy is an herb occurring in nature and is organic it does not necessarily means that there is no chance of contraindications with other medicines.
When you grow fresh herbs using organic herb seeds, you are assured that your herbs will be free of any chemicals and pesticides, so long as you don't add any when you grow the seeds.
Choosing herb seeds that are organic ensures the healthiest seeds for medicinal and culinary use.
The following websites offer herb seeds that are certified organic.
Offering a variety of certified organic garden and medicinal herb seeds, Organica Seed's products are fresh and healthy.
A Growing Guide for Organic Herb Seeds is a complete guide for growing organic herbs including when and where to plant various seed types, caring for the seeds and plants and links to more resources.
Using organic herb seeds for all of our herbal needs allows us to keep unhealthy chemicals and other manmade substances out of our bodies.
Choose the proper locations in your garden for each vegetable type or herb type.
Each vegetable and herb requires time and attention, as well as soil amendments of their own.
It has a powerful formula enriched with Rice Protein, Cupuacu Butter, Buriti Oil, and 15 Herb and Natural Exotic Fruit Extracts from India and the Amazon forest.
Burdock Root - This herb is eaten as a vegetable in some cultures and is considered safe for human consumption in herbal teas, though it can sometimes be confused with another root belladonna, which is not safe for consumption.
It is thought to be a fairly safe herb for human consumption.
Sheep Sorrel Leaves - This herb is eaten in salads and dried and used for herbal teas and tonics.
Historically, the herb has been used as a diuretic and as a remedy for certain illnesses, such as anemia.
Some studies suggest that this particular herb may inhibit absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, like iron and calcium.
Browse the Trans-Herbe herb glossary to discover the herbs used in Four O'clock Organic Tea and select the flavor that suits your tastes.
The following is just a small selection of vegetable, fruit, herb, and flower seeds available for purchase through organic seed manufacturers.
The company specializes in medicinal herb plants and even sells a tincture press.
The company offers rare herbs such as Borrachera, a Latin American herb used to reverse the effects of alcohol intoxication.
Just like vegetables, an herb can have several varieties.
Taste is the best way to determine if the herb is what you want.
Keep your herb plants trimmed to encourage healthy growth.
Consider the average height your plant will grow when companion planting or creating an herb garden bed.
Another great mosquito repellent herb is lemon balm with its built-in citronella compound.
If you're not planting an herb garden and only have space enough for a few plants in a sunny window, you can still enjoy fresh organic herbs to season your meals.
The herb works well alone or in combination with other sedating herbs, and it is an effective treatment for muscle tension, anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia.
While valerian rarely causes side effects when taken at recommended doses, the herb may cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and a weak heartbeat in some people when taken at high doses.
The herb does not cause sleepiness upon waking, and can be helpful for anyone attempting to wean off benzodiazepine medications.
The herb is gentle and non-addicting, and it is safe for use in both children and adults.
The herb, which is commonly sold as a tea, has a soothing, mildly sedating effect.
While there are no known side effects, anyone with an allergy to daisies or ragweed may want to avoid this herb due to the possibility of a reaction.
The herb is mild and is generally safe for use in children.
Although skullcap rarely causes side effects, pregnant women should avoid the herb due to an increased risk of miscarriage.
The herb contains harmine, which can stop the breakdown of serotonin.
Holistic herbal medicine combines the use of more than one herb, in some cases.
Its extensive history dates back to ancient Egyptian Civilization, where the herb was considered sacred, deemed the sun god plant.
Kava Kava-an herb used for anxiety, menopause and insomnia.
The herb is thought to support rest, relax muscles, clear thinking and promote a sense of well-being.
Roobios-also called African red tea; the herb is touted as a rich source of antioxidants, flavanoids, and quartering, luteolin and phenolic acids.
Valerian is an herb that is known as being effective for sleep disorders and anxiety.
Beautiful and clear crisp pale yellow, the wine releases distinctive aromas of citrus and tropical fruit that taper off with herb essence and flint.
The palate is a warm satiny cream with lively dark fruit, mocha, and herb flavors touched with toasted oak.
If the heart murmur is innocent, heart activity can be supported using the herb hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata or C. oxyacantha) or coenzyme Q10.
Anodyne-A medicinal herb or other drug that relieves or soothes pain.
The herb corydalis (Corydalis yanhusuo) may also help relieve toothache pain.
Parents and caregivers of children who suffer from depression should consult their child's physician before administering any herb or dietary supplement.
An herb known as St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has stood up to scientific trials as an effective antidepressant.
Essential flower or herb oils used to scent therapeutic baths should always be added to the water; they should never be applied directly to the skin.
This herb is believed to have antibacterial properties.
This anti-inflammatory herb is believed to support the lymphatic system.
Another herb believed to fight infection and reduce inflammation, goldenseal may be taken internally when symptoms of infection first appear.
Taken internally, this herb is believed to have antibiotic properties and is also thought to strengthen the immune system.
Another infection-fighting herb, this oil can be applied directly to a boil or other skin infection.
Iron is found in the same herbs as calcium, and in the Chinese herb dong quai (angelica), as well as other herbs.
A Western herb, spilanthes (Spilanthes spp.), may be effective in treating diseases such as Lyme disease that are caused by spirochetes (spiral-shaped bacteria).
In most cases, the herb increases the tendency of NSAIDs to irritate the digestive tract.
Short-term clinical studies have shown that the herb St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) can effectively treat some types of depression.
Though it appears very safe, the herb may have some side effects and its long-term effectiveness has not been proven.
Rubbing the steak with salt and freshly ground pepper will bring out the best of the steak but adding a bit of fresh herb can be very pleasing as well.
I like to finish this recipe with a sprinkle of chipotle herb mix, but it stands well on it own.
Take butter and herb mixture and press on top of the skin side of the rack of lamb.
Yarrow, an herb plant, has reed-like stalks.
However, products such as Shen Min that employ the Chinese herb He Shou Wu have not been evaluated by a government agency for their safety and efficacy.
In fact, the herb does have some antioxidant properties, as do some of the more familiar vitamins.
He Shou Wu has been known to cause liver inflammation, so people with liver problems probably shouldn't take this herb, and others should be cautious.
Also bear in mind that minerals such as silica, which is found heavily in the herb horsetail, can make a powerful difference to your hair.
Browsing the aisles you'll also find "oxygen enhancers", Creatine products, herb concoctions and chemical products using only acronyms, all promising to sweep you off your weary feet in a jiffy.
Clinicians have conducted numerous studies on this perennial herb native to North America, Asia and Europe with enthusiastic results.
The Digestive Blend contains bean extracts and powders, enzymatic powders such as bromelain (derived from the pineapple) and papain (derived from the papaya), soy and herbs such as milk thistle, a liver cleansing herb.
This can result in complications ranging from interactions to prescription medications rendered less effective, depending upon the herb and the medicine.
Is it too much vitamin C, or a natural ingredient such as an herb, which are commonly added to health and nutrition beverages?
A metal herb grinder is a small, hand-held non-electric appliance that's used to grind or shred substances into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Using an herb grinder couldn't be easier.
Home gardeners can plant and grow their herbs and through using an herb grinder, grind them up for a fresh infusion of flavor when cooking or dry and store them so they're available for use all year long.
Aromatherapy and homeopathic practitioners also use herb grinders to create fragrant or medicinal herbal mixtures to help improve the health and wellness of their patients.
Many of the substances commonly ground in an herb grinder contain oils that can remain on its surface long after it was used.
There are a number of different types of hand-held herb grinders available although all types incorporate the same two-part grinding component.
Standard two-piece herb grinder - This grinder features the basic essentials, the top and bottom half of the grinder.
Three-piece herb grinder - This type of grinder features a third component that has a screen which separates the smaller particles from the larger ones.
Five-piece herb grinder - This herb grinder consists of the standard grinding components and three filtering stages which allow the user to produce very fine powders.
Metal herb grinders are available from a number of retail stores, from your local high-end grocery store to online herbal supply stores and shopping outlets.
When shopping for a new herb grinder, think about what you're going to be using it for.
Other great Halloween herb and spice fragrances include cloves, coriander, nutmeg and, of course, vanilla.
This means that the candle should be rubbed with the essential oil and herb mixture.
Experienced Wicca practitioners often make their own candles in addition to essential oil and herb mixes.
The peppermint flavoring is based on references to an herb called hyssop in the Old Testament, which tasted similar to peppermint.