Hens Sentence Examples
These were my hens and chickens.
Doorsill there was none, but a perennial passage for the hens under the door board.
Then one of the new redcap hens went down with what I believe to be Marek 's disease.
I learned this first-hand when one of my brothers acquired a magnificent white cockerel and five sandy brown hens.
Paper was also recycled, along with bones from joint, used to make cordite or bone meal to feed hens.
The extensive, enclosed gardens offer a safe but exciting environment, including a menagerie of rare-breed hens.
And you need proper protection for hens - electric netting + energiser + marine battery - minimum £ 200 - unless you want heartbreak.
Hens live in a grassy paddock with more than adequate housing space.
Hens may be immune, non virus shedders or non immune, non virus shedders.
Pat hens dry with paper towels; brush off excess pickling spice.
AdvertisementMales have blue-violet rumps and wings, while hens have a yellowish tint to their faces.
An individually gift-wrapped mini sticky willy that the hens will just love to feel and fondle.
These they display before her, posing and performing extraordinary antics in her presence exactly as cock birds behave towards their hens.
The hens were driven in by my approach.
The note of this once wild Indian pheasant is certainly the most remarkable of any bird's, and if they could be naturalized without being domesticated, it would soon become the most famous sound in our woods, surpassing the clangor of the goose and the hooting of the owl; and then imagine the cackling of the hens to fill the pauses when their lords' clarions rested!
AdvertisementAn old farmer decides it 's time to get a new rooster for his hens.
My kitchen waste is fed to four hens, and their straw and manure returned to the veggie patch.
Many people in both rural and urban environments enjoy raising a few hens in their backyard for a regular supply of fresh eggs.
Houseleek, Hens and chicks (Sempervivum) - Succulent rock and alpine plants, of which the common Houseleek (S. tectorum), often seen on old roofs and walls, is the most familiar.
The flowers are large, white or pale rose, and followed in August by fruits of a brilliant red as large as a hens egg, and edible, though of mawkish flavor.
AdvertisementWhether your interests lay in wine and grapes, or foxes and hens, look for tile images that spark your imagination.
Rocky Mountain Organic Meats sells organic grass fed lamb and beef as well as lunch meats, poultry, and game hens.
Origami hens and origami rabbits are perfect for Easter ornaments.Spring is also a time for renewal and growth.
The Epicurious.com website includes some delightful corn bread recipes for stuffing such as their Cornbread-Stuffed Cornish Game Hens with Corn Maque Choux and Herb and Bacon Corn-Bread Stuffing.
The flight plan was to fly 56 miles east of Ft. Lauderdale to Hens and Chickens Shoals to proceed with the training exercise.
AdvertisementDirect from the UK, Laughing Hens has a full supply of knitting necessities.
Alternately, you may want to replace turkey with another main dish, such as roast chicken, Cornish game hens, ham, or even a small prime rib roast.
Alex didn't like highly spiced food, so she decided to bake Cornish game hens for the base of the meal.
The small hens presented a great diversity of plumage.
Xerophytes.Plants which grow in very dry soils; e.g., most hens, Ammophila (Psamma) arenaria, Elymus arenarius, Anasis aretioides, Zilla macro ptera, Sedum acre, Bupleurum spinosum, rtemisia herba-alba, Zollikofferia arborescens.
Other phosphoglobulins are vitelline, found in the yolk of hens eggs, and ichthulin, found in the eggs of fish.
Very interesting to ornithologists are the few heath hens, the eastern representative of the prairie hen (pinnated grouse), which are found on the island of Martha's Vineyard, and are the sole survivors in the eastern states of one of the finest of American game birds, now practically exterminated even on the western plains.
The list consists of oxen, sheep, geese, hens, honey, ale, loaves, cheese, butter, fodder, salmon and eels.
After the first moult the difference between the sexes is shown by the hens inclining to yellowish-green, while the cocks become diversified by orange-yellow and red, their plumage finally deepening into a rich crimson-red, varied in places by a flamecolour.
Though sometimes assembling in troops of from thirty to fifty, and then generally associating with zebras or with some of the larger antelopes, ostriches commonly, and especially in the breeding season, live in companies of not more than four or five, one of which is a cock and the rest are hens.
As soon as ten or a dozen eggs are laid, the cock begins to brood, always taking his place on them at nightfall surrounded by the hens, while by day they relieve one another, more it would seem to guard their common treasure from jackals and small beasts of prey than directly to forward the process of hatching, for that is often left wholly to the sun.'
The rent was £ 10 per year with two fat hens at Christmas and two fat capons at Easter.
All cages - whether traditional battery or so-called ' enriched ' - are inherently cruel and cause laying hens to suffer throughout their lives.
Wide range of take-away frozen food from our freezers, also free-range eggs (hens permitting ).
Me hens are getting restless, I expect yours are too - they wants to get laying.
An old farmer decides it's time to get a new rooster for his hens.
They have an annoying trait of always seeming to produce more cockerels than hens which makes them expensive to breed.
One large bundle held their all--bed, coffee-mill, looking-glass, hens--all but the cat; she took to the woods and became a wild cat, and, as I learned afterward, trod in a trap set for woodchucks, and so became a dead cat at last.
At length, in the war of 1812, her dwelling was set on fire by English soldiers, prisoners on parole, when she was away, and her cat and dog and hens were all burned up together.
On this theory the yellowbird or NorthAmerican "goldfinch," C. tristis, would seem, with its immediate allies, to rank among the highest forms of the group, and the pinegoldfinch, C. pinus, of the same country, to be one of the lowest the cock of the former being generally of a bright yellow hue, with black crown, tail and wings - the last conspicuously barred with white, while neither hens nor young exhibit any striations.
If the fox gets fat on my hens, it's no skin off your nose.