Henbane Sentence Examples
Henbane yields a poisonous alkaloid, hyoscyamine, which is stated to have properties almost identical with those of atropine, from which it differs in being more soluble in water.
The smoking of the seeds and capsules of henbane is noted in books as a somewhat dangerous remedy adopted by country people for toothache.
Accidental poisoning from henbane occasionally occurs, owing sometimes to the apparent edibility and wholesomeness of the root.
And we know that the Druids used to burn henbane and breathe in the fumes to put them into a hallucinatory trance.
The toxin is sometimes present in the milk of cattle which have been given feed containing henbane.
Henbane - This is a highly toxic herb not safe for mom or baby.
The extract of henbane is rich in nitrate of potassium and other inorganic salts.