Hemisphere Sentence Examples
You know what hemisphere you'll be in when you leave?
The foot now protrudes below the mouth, and the post-oral hemisphere of the trochosphere grows more rapidly then the anterior or velar area.
Don't you rule the eastern hemisphere?
As a rule the genera of the northern hemisphere differ from those of the southern.
The whole story points to a general distribution of flowering plants from the northern hemisphere southwards.
Here we may probably find the lowest temperatures of the northern hemisphere.
The family is unrepresented in the western hemisphere.
Its medieval importance as an intermediary of trade between Europe and the East was greatly impaired by the opening of the Red Sea route, and finally abolished by the Suez Canal; and Syria is at present important mainly for the sentimental reason that it contains the holiest places of Judaism and Christianity, and for the strategic reason that it lies on the flank of the greatest traderoute of the eastern hemisphere.
In tropical regions, where Leguminosae is the leading order, grasses closely follow as the second, whilst in the warm and temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, in which Compositae takes the lead, Gramineae again occupies the second position.
The only countries where the order plays a distinctly subordinate part are some extra-tropical regions of the southern hemisphere, Australia, the Cape, Chili, &c. The proportion of graminaceous species to the whole phanerogamic flora in different countries is found to vary from nearly 4th in the Arctic regions to about 2 nth at the Cape; in the British Isles it is about y2th.
AdvertisementNo tribe is confined to one hemisphere and no large genus to any one floral region; facts which indicate that the separation of the tribes goes back to very ancient times.
The best known and by far the largest division of the Gymnosperms is that of the cone-bearing trees (pines, firs, cedars, larches, &c.), which play a prominent part in the vegetation of the present day, especially in the higher latitudes of the northern hemisphere; certain members of this class are of considerable antiquity, but the conifers as a whole are still vigorous and show but little sign of decadence.
Certain species of the southern hemisphere genus Dacrydium afford particularly striking instances of heterophylly, e.g.
The chief home of the Coniferales is in the northern hemisphere, where certain species occasionally extend into the Arctic circle and penetrate beyond the northern limit of dicotyledon ous trees.
The chief agents in determining the climate are the vast masses of water in the southern hemisphere and the elevation of the land.
AdvertisementHe therefore insisted that England should be required not merely to pay damages for the havoc wrought by the " Alabama " and other cruisers fitted out for Confederate service in her ports, but that, for " that other damage, immense and infinite, caused by the prolongation of the war," the withdrawal of the British flag from this hemisphere could " not be abandoned as a condition or preliminary of such a settlement as is now proposed."
Thus, the velocity across a little hemisphere of sand only z in.
This process, in effect, leaves each orifice surrounded by a hemisphere of coarse sand across which the water flows with comparative freedom from a larger hemisphere where the corresponding velocity is very slow, and where the presence of finer and more obstructive particles is therefore unimportant.
The junipers, of which there are twenty-five or more species, are evergreen bushy shrubs or low columnar trees, with a more or less aromatic odour, inhabiting the whole of the cold and temperate northern hemisphere, but attaining their maximum development in the Mediterranean region, the North Atlantic islands, and the eastern United States.
It is not till the early Eocene that mammals become a dominant type in the northern hemisphere.
AdvertisementThe remaining marsupials (namely the families Didelphyidae and Epanorthidae) are American, and mainly South and Central American at the present day; although during the early part of the Tertiary period representatives of the first-named family ranged all over the northern hemisphere.
The beavers (Castoridae) are restricted to the northern hemisphere, whereas the dormice (Gliridae) and the mole-rats (Spalacidae) are exclusively Old World forms, the latter only entering the north of Africa, in which continent the former are largely developed.
Lastly, among the Duplicidentata, the picas (Ochotonidae or Lagomyidae) form a group confined to the colder or mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere.
Its original home was probably in the northern hemisphere; and it has no representatives in Madagascar.
The dogtribe (Canidae), on the other hand, are, with the exception of Madagascar, an almost cosmopolitan group. Their place of origin was, however, almost entirely in the northern hemisphere, and not improbably in some part of the Old World, where they gave rise to the bears (Ursidae).
AdvertisementThe latter are abundant throughout the northern hemisphere, and have even succeeded in penetrating into South America, but, with the exception of the Mediterranean zone, have never succeeded in entering Africa, and are therefore of course unknown in Madagascar.
The birthplace of the group was evidently in the northern hemisphere - possibly in east Central Asia.
Elsewhere they occur in South America and throughout a large part of the northern hemisphere, where they appear to have survived in India to the later Oligocene or Miocene.
So far as is at present known, the earliest and most primitive group, the Condylarthra, is a northern one, but whether first developed in the eastern or the western hemisphere there is no sufficient evidence.
Climate,-In accordance with its southerly position and the variety in its superficial configuration, Spain presents within its borders examples of every kind of climate to be found on the northern hemisphere, with the sole exception of that of the torrid zone.
Having seen how the Glossopteris flora of the south gradually spread to the north in the Permian period, we may now take a brief survey of the succession of floras in the northern hemisphere, which have left traces in Mesozoic rocks of North America, Europe and Asia.
In turn each cerebral hemisphere is divided by fissures into five lobes.
Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which case I wish you a hot and summery Christmas.
Each hemisphere of the brain has some specialized functions, a poorly-understood phenomenon called brain lateralization.
In the late nineteenth century Paul Broca, a French neurosurgeon, identified an area of the left hemisphere that has a major role in the production of speech.
Carl Wernicke, a German neurologist, identified another region in the left hemisphere that was responsible for language comprehension.
Broca suggested that people's handedness was the opposite of their language-specialized hemisphere, so that a person with left-hemisphere language specialization would be right-handed.
Brain lateralization-A function that is dominated by either the left or the right hemisphere of the brain.
You will also find that you may need to move your aquarium as the stars move through various positions in your home, much like real star change positions in the hemisphere.
In the eastern hemisphere, the Rat is held in high regard.
The extraordinary abundance of Glossopteris in PermoCarboniferous rocks of Australia, and in strata of the same age in India and South Africa, gave rise to the term " Glossopteris flora for the assemblage of plants obtained from southern hemisphere rocks overlying beds containing Devonian and Lower Carboniferous fossils.
This flora appears to have abruptly succeeded an older flora in Australia and elsewhere, which was precisely similar to that of Lower Carboniferous age in the northern hemisphere.
Some examples of this genus, described by Etheridge from Permo-Carboniferous beds in New South Wales, differ in some respects from the ordinary form, and bear a superficial resemblance to the Equise nected with a lowering of temperature and the prevalence of glacial conditions over a wide area in India and the southern hemisphere.
This continental area has been described as " Gondwana Land," a tract of enormous extent occupying an area, part of which has since given place to a southern ocean, while detached masses persist as portions of more modern continents, which have enabled us to read in their fossil plants and ice-scratched boulders the records of a lost continent in which the Mesozoic vegetation of the northern hemisphere had its birth.
The genera Lepidodendron, Sigillaria, Stigmaria, or Calamites, which played so great a share in the vegetation of the same age in the northern hemisphere, have not been recognized among the Palaeozoic forms of India, but examples of Sigillaria, Lepidodendron and Bothrodendron are known to have existed in South Africa in the Permo-Carboniferous era.
While a few similar or even identical types may be recognized in both floras, there can be no doubt that, during a considerable period subsequent to that represented by the Lower Carboniferous or Culm rocks, there existed two distinct floras, one of which had its headquarters in the northern hemisphere, while the other flourished in a vast continental area in the south.
The Coal-bearing strata which occupy a considerable area in China (Map A, II.), contain abundant samples of a vegetation which appears to have agreed in their main features with the Permo-Carboniferous floras of the northern hemisphere.
Amalitzky found in beds of Upper Permian age in the province of Vologda (Russia) (Map A, V.) species of Glossopteris and Naeggerathiopsis typical members of the Glossopteris flora, associated with species of the ferns Taeniopteris, Callipteris and Sphenopteris, a striking instance of a commingling in the far north of the northern hemisphere Permian species with migrants from " Gondwana Land."
The Permo - Carboniferous beds of South Africa, India and Australia are succeeded by other plant-bearing strata, containing numerous species agreeing closely with members of the Rhaetic and Jurassic floras of the northern hemisphere.
There is, however, a marked difference, as regards the floras as a whole, between the uppermost Palaeozoic flora of the northern hemisphere and such species as have been recorded from Lower Triassic beds.
From the southern Hemisphere, on the other hand, we know of one or two fragments only which can reasonably be referred to the Matonineae (Map B, M 5), a fact which may point to a northern origin for this family with its two surviving species almost confined to the Malayan region.
In the southern hemisphere the Glossopteris flora succeeded a Lower Carboniferous vegetation with a rapidity similar to that which marked the passage in the north from Palaeozoic to Mesozoic floras.
This apparently rapid alteration in the character of the southern vegetation took place at an earlier period than that which witnessed the transformation in the northern hemisphere.
The appearance of a new type of vegetation in India and the southern hemisphere was probably connected with a widespread lowering of temperature, to which reference has already been made.
The difference between the Glossopteris flora and those which have left traces in the Upper Gondwana rocks of India, in the Wianamatta and Hawkesbury beds of Australia, and in the Stormberg series of South Africa is much less marked than that between the PermoCarboniferous flora of the northern hemisphere and the succeeding Mesozoic vegetation.
To return to the northern hemisphere, it is clear that the Wealden flora, as represented by plants recorded from England, France, Belgium, Portugal, Russia, Germany and other European regions, as also from Japan and elsewhere, carries on, with minor differences, the facies of the older Jurassic floras.
Unfortunately, our knowledge of the later floras in the southern hemisphere is very incomplete, but a similar transformation appears to have characterized the vegetation south of the equator.
We cannot yet say, however, that the deposits are exactly contemporaneous, and the great climatic variations that have taken place in the northern hemisphere during the existence of our living flora should make us hesitate to correlate too minutely from the evidence of plants alone.
He considers the flora to be the most tropical of any that has so far been studied in the northern hemisphere.
At present this order is confined to the northern hemisphere, with the exception of two Spelerpes from the Andes of Ecuador and Peru, and a Plethodon from Argentina.
Mesohippus and Miohippus are connected with the earliest and most primitive mammal which it is possible to include in the family Equidae by means of Epihippus of the Uinta or Upper Eocene of North America, and Pachynolophus, or Orohippus, of the Middle and Lower Eocene of both halves of the northern hemisphere.
Darian watched the confused Grey God leave, never imagining he'd deal daily with this type of drama in addition to managing the battles against the vamps in the western hemisphere.
With all the Guardians in the western hemisphere and god-powers granted him by Damian, he'd been the weak link.
The phone beeped, and Dusty glanced at it, not surprised to see his other brother and Damian's commander of the eastern hemisphere, Jule, on the other line.
As the leader of the Eastern Hemisphere, he wasn't about to let his Guardians know he was worried.
Jenn was Dusty's most senior female Guardian, the captain of the Western Hemisphere's spy network.
She crept near enough to make out the second man's features and was surprised to see the White God's commander of the Eastern Hemisphere, Jule.
His wife, Sofi, is in the ring with Dusty, who heads up the vampire fighting operations for the Western Hemisphere, Jenn said quietly to Jessi.
And Figure 18 shows that GW, represented by a northern hemisphere temperature anomaly, is an important factor in the high annual CET values since 1988.
The ship needs to go due south in the northern hemisphere.
Stroke lesions to the left hemisphere can cause aphasia for sign that is analogous to the aphasias of speech.
The barrier reef, which is 185 miles long, is the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.
One of the input channels for higher information is through the right cerebral hemisphere.
The lobes of the cerebral hemisphere, optic nerves, arachnoid granulations and blood vessels are all identified.
Iapetus's north pole is not visible here, nor is any part of the bright trailing hemisphere.
For counting there is an additional active network in the left hemisphere also common to the two modalities.
The winch hauling the rock uses the northern hemisphere 's largest electric motor - 7000 hp.
Most of the southern hemisphere of Mars consists of such ancient crust.
For many years schools in the northern hemisphere have invested large sums in ICT suites.
He is the most popular head of state in the western hemisphere, probably in the world.
There was no clear pattern of greater impairment for kanji with right hemisphere lesions and greater impairment for kana with left hemisphere lesions.
Nor is it just brain hemisphere dominance which affects how you operate effectively.
During the colder phases, large ice sheets formed over the northern hemisphere land masses.
The larger OUT cell, also in a cosine corrected mount, is used to measure the illuminance from a whole overcast hemisphere.
In face processing tasks gifted males had significantly inhibited left hemisphere activity.
The convection electric field during this interval is measured in the high-latitude ionosphere using the northern hemisphere SuperDARN HF radar network.
Excellent coverage of the entire dayside high-latitude ionosphere was achieved by all of the northern hemisphere SuperDARN radars.
Note the red dot in the white matter just left of the caudate nucleus in the upper middle of the left hemisphere.
These are bulbous plants found in the northern hemisphere, being particularly numerous from southwest Asia to China.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer maximum at polluted sites, such as Payerne, Hohenpeissenberg and Indiana is controlled by tropospheric photochemistry.
There are approximately 400 species of deciduous and evergreen primulas mainly from the Northern hemisphere.
This is the largest and most accessible turtle rookery in the southern hemisphere.
False 9. The ground sloths lived in the western hemisphere.
In the western hemisphere we eat far less plant sterols per day than in other parts of the world.
The peak of northern hemisphere whaling was in 1842 - at that time there were 594 American whalers.
In the western hemisphere they range along the Mexican highlands and the Andes far into the tropics, while in the Old World the genus, well represented in the Himalayas and the hills of China, exists likewise in the peninsula of Malacca, in the Indian Archipelago and Malaya to the Philippine Islands and Borneo.
If mountains serve as barriers which arrest the migration of the vegetation at their base, their upper levels and summits afford lines of communication by which the floras of colder regions In the northern hemisphere can obtain a southern extension even across the tropics.
The Antarctic-Alpine region is the complement of the ArcticAlpine, but unlike the latter, its scattered distribution over numerous isolated points of land, remote from great continental areas, from which, during migrations like those attending the glacial period in the northern hemisphere, it could have been recruited, at once accounts for its limited number of species and their contracted range in the world.
The " tetrahedral theory " brought forward by Lowthian Green,' that the form of the earth is a spheroid based on a regular tetrahedron, is more serviceable, because it accounts for three very interesting facts of the terrestrial plan - (1) the antipodal position of continents and ocean basins; (2) the tri angular outline of the continents; and (3) the excess of sea in the southern hemisphere.
The Falkland Islands correspond very nearly in latitude in the southern hemisphere with London in the northern, but the climatic influences are very different.
The parent stock it is now impossible to trace; but the wild dog, wherever found on the continent of Asia, or northern Europe, has nearly the same character, and bears no inconsiderable resemblance to the British dog of the ordinary type; while many of those from the southern hemisphere can scarcely be distinguished from the cross-bred poaching dog, the lurcher.
Boyd Dawkins and Brinton, that the French cave man came hither by way of Iceland; or with Keane, that two subvarieties, the long-headed Eskimo-Botocudo type and the Mexican roundheaded type, prior to all cultural developments, reached the New World, one by Iceland, the other by Bering Sea; or that Malayoid wanderers were stranded on the coast of South America; or that no breach of continuity has occurred since first the march of tribes began this way - ethnologists agree that the aborigines of the western came from the eastern hemisphere,and there is lacking any biological evidence of Caucasoid or Negroid blood flowing in the veins of Americans before the invasions of historic times.
Most of the solar vortices indicate clockwise rotation in the southern hemisphere and counter-clockwise rotation in the northern, as in the case of terrestrial cyclones.
Some of the more northern American deer, such as the wapiti, reindeer and elk (moose), are closely allied to Old World species; but there is also a group of exclusively American deer (Mazama) - the only one found in Central and South America - the members of which are unlike any living Old World deer; and these must be regarded as having reached the western hemisphere at an earlier date than the wapiti, reindeer and elk (see Deer, Elk, Fallow-Deer, Muntjac, Musk-Deer, Pre David'S Deer, Reindeer, Roebuck, Water-Deer, &c.).
False 9. The Ground sloths lived in the western hemisphere.
If the striate cortex is damaged in animals or humans, the half field of vision opposite the hemisphere that 's damaged is altered.
In the winter in the northern hemisphere the sun rises in the southeast and stays low in the sky, setting in the southwest.
Bushnell Hemisphere 8x32 - these mid-size roof prism binoculars weigh 16.6 ounces.
Permafrost, which is solid, frozen soil, constitutes about 25 percent of the land area in the Northern Hemisphere.
Permafrost occupies nearly a quarter of the Northern Hemisphere, but as global temperatures rise, it's melting.
Other effects such as increases in hurricanes and other extreme weather events have been documented for middle areas within the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
The Caribbean is still fairly hot during the winter months, and the southern hemisphere is in the summer months at this time.
Greenhouses are mostly a northern hemisphere phenomenon.
I live in South West Ireland and many southern hemisphere plants thrive here.
This has led to many styles of microfiber shirt lines - from the simple t-shirt offered by Silver Eagle Outfitters to the Hemisphere short-sleeve button-down shirt from TravelSmith, one of the biggest microfiber retailers.
Squash bugs are a serious problem in the Western Hemisphere and can be found from coast to coast in the U.S. They suck the vital juices from plants and can inject a toxin that causes otherwise healthy plants to wilt, discolor and die.
When compared to other children, SLI children do not have clear brain lesions or marked anatomical differences in either brain hemisphere.
The left hemisphere of the brain seems to be specialized for processing rapid acoustic events, so perhaps the child with SLI has a unique difficulty in that part of the brain.
These suits are cut far more daringly than many women in the Northern Hemisphere might usually consider wearing, even in sunny California.
Not likely, but for those who have the confidence and sense of adventure it takes to wear one, these suits from the Southern Hemisphere can inspire an exhilarating sense of liberation.
These suits are so provocative that they are banned on many North American beaches, yet they are standard swimwear in the southern hemisphere.
The fact that Jag is in Australia creates a convenient situation for any last minute shopper, because the seasons run opposite to the northern hemisphere.
Mini bikinis aren't for the faint of heart, regardless of your hemisphere of residence!
The common attitude toward mini bikinis in the Northern hemisphere is generally a conservative one.
For most of the western hemisphere, black is reserved for mourning.
Brazil. Since Christmas falls in the summer in the southern hemisphere, Brazilians decorate their trees with small pieces of cotton to simulate snow.
A celebration around the winter solstice was a common practice throughout the northern hemisphere for centuries, but it has not always been a Christmas holiday.
However, scientists are quick to point out that when the northern hemisphere is in the constellation of Sagittarius, this may occur.
We seem to be the emergency points of contact for anything that goes wrong anywhere in the western hemisphere.
Sofia, this is Dusty, the commander of the western hemisphere.
Dusty was a stickler for formality from his men, while Jule's hemisphere was far more relaxed.
Is this how you train 'em in the eastern hemisphere?
Except for a few species in the New Hebrides, New Caledonia and Fiji, the luminous Elateridae are unknown in the eastern hemisphere.
In a region so extensive very great varieties of climate are naturally to be expected, but it may be stated as a general law that the climate of Australia is milder than that of corresponding lands in the northern hemisphere.
This substance is to be distinguished from the black " fulminating 1 A name misapplied in the southern hemisphere to Diomedea naelanophrys, one of the albatrosses.
Cromwell wisely inclined towards France, for Spain was then a greater menace than France alike to the Protestant cause and to the growth of British trade in the western hemisphere; but as no concessions could be gained from either France or Spain, the year 1654 closed without a treaty being made with either.
Though now on the way to extinction, Cycadeae are still widely represented in the southern hemisphere by genera which, however, have no counterpart in the Mesozoic era.
The field of evolution has now been transferred to the northern hemisphere.
The tertiary era opens with a climate in which during the Eocene period something like existing tropical conditions must have obtained in the northern hemisphere.
The evidence which has thus been briefly summarized, points unmistakably to the conclusion that existing vegetation originated in the northern hemisphere and under climatic conditions corresponding to what would now be termed sub-tropical.
Amongst Cycads, Zamia is confined to the New World, and amongst Conifers, Araucaria, limited to the southern hemisphere, has scarcely less antiquity; Pinus reaches as far south as Cuba and Nicaragua.
Little confidence can, however, be placed in the identification of Proteaceous or, indeed, of any distinctively Australian plants in Tertiary deposits in the northern hemisphere.
Fagus, starting from the northern hemisphere, has more than held its own in Europe and Asia, but has all but died out in North America, finding conditions favorable for a fresh start in Australasia.
The forebrain forms the bulk of the whole brain, but the large size of the hemispheres is due to the greater development of the basal and lateral portions (pedunculi cerebri and corpora striata), while the pallium (the portion external to the lateral ventricles) is thin, and restricted to the median side of each hemisphere.
Most of them are now restricted to widely separated countries of the southern hemisphere.
As an extreme instance of the misleading character of the scale given on maps embracing a wide area we may refer to a map of a hemisphere.
The ties which bound him to England were now severed, and his health was broken to such a discouraging degree that he determined to remove to another hemisphere.
The violets comprise a large botanical genus (Viola) - in which more than 200 species have been described - found principally in temperate or mountain regions of the northern hemisphere; they also occur in mountainous districts of South America and South and Tropical Africa, while a few are found in Australasia.
When this is the case the gathering is carried to a block or half-open mould in which it is rolled and blown until it acquires, roughly, the shape of a hemisphere, the flat side being towards the pipe and the convexity away from it; the diameter of this hemisphere is so regulated as to be approximately that of the cylinder which is next to be formed of the viscous mass.
Both of these families are distributed over the whole of the northern hemisphere, but whereas the Cervidae are absent from Africa south of the Sahara and well represented in South America, the Bovidae are unknown in the latter area, but are extraordinarily abundant in Africa.
Tobacco is cultivated in localities scattered over almost the whole world, ranging as far north as Quebec, Stockholm and the southern shores of Lake Baikal in one hemisphere, and as far south as Chile, the Cape of Good Hope and Victoria in the other.
Half of this basin lies deeper than 2750 fathoms, and the greater part of it belongs to the northern hemisphere.
The zones of surface temperature are arranged roughly parallel to the equator, especially in the southern hemisphere.
Further, all water particles when moving undergo a deviation from a straight path due to the forces set up by the rotation of the earth deflecting them towards the right as they move in the northern hemisphere and towards the left in the southern.
The existence of a layer of water of low salinity at a depth of 500 fathoms in the tropical oceans of the southern hemisphere is to be referred to this action of the melting ice of the Antarctic regions.
Mesozoic coals are more abundant in the southern hemisphere, while Tertiary coals seem to be tolerably uniformly distributed irrespective of latitude.
In the southern countries coal-production is insignificant compared with that in the northern hemisphere.
Occupying 135 degrees of latitude, living on the shores of frozen or of tropical waters; at altitudes varying from sea-level to several thousands of feet; in forests, grassy prairies or deserts; here starved, there in plenty; with a night here of six months' duration, there twelve hours long; here among health-giving winds, and there cursed with malaria - this brown man became, in different culture provinces, brunette or black, tall or short, long-headed or short-headed, and developed on his own hemisphere variations from an average type.
In the whole hemisphere there were not over ten million souls.
It is necessary to use geographical terms in the case of California and the North Pacific, the Caucasus or cloaca gentium of the western hemisphere, where were pocketed forty out of one hundred or more families of native tribes.
This composite art reached its climax in Peru, the llama wool affording the finest staple on the whole hemisphere.
In all parts of the western hemisphere society was organized on cognate kinship, real or artificial, the unit being the clan.
The centroid of a hemisphere of radius R, for instance, is the same as the centroid of particles of masses 0, 7rR 2, and 4.
The herring inhabiting the corresponding latitudes of the North Pacific is another species, but most closely allied to that of the eastern hemisphere.
On these the brown bear (Ursus arctus, - tipKros of Aristotle) is found in one or other of its varieties all over the temperate and north temperate regions of the eastern hemisphere, from Spain to Japan.
Ursae majoris is perhaps the best known double star in the northern hemisphere, the larger component is itself a spectroscopic double.
In the southern hemisphere there is a transition to the low-pressure belt encircling the Southern Ocean, in which westerly and north-westerly winds continue all the year round.
As a group they are cosmopolitan, their northern limit approaching that of the permanently frozen subsoil, while in the southern hemisphere the southern point of Patagonia forms the farthest limit.
On the completion of this, Professor Pickering decided to undertake the survey of the southern hemisphere.
With Professor Pickering's usual comprehensiveness, the inquiry was so arranged as to cover the whole sky; and with four telescopes - two at Cambridge for the northern hemisphere, and two at Arequipa in Peru for the southern - to which a fine 24-in.
We observe the contemporaneous and largely independent radiations of the hoofed animals in South America, in Africa and in the great ancient continent comprising Europe, Asia and North America; we observe the Cretaceous radiation of hoofed animals in the northern hemisphere, followed by a second radiation of hoofed animals in the same region, in some cases one surviving spur of an old radiation becoming the centre of a new one.
Successive discoveries have revealed certain grand centres, such as (1) the marsupial radiation of Australia, (2) the littleknown Cretaceous radiation of placental mammals in the northern hemisphere, which was probably connected in part with the peopling of South America, (3) the Tertiary placental radiation in the northern hemisphere, partly connected with Africa, (4) the main Tertiary radiation in South America.
It is displayed to-day among the antelopes and to a limited degree among the zebras and rhinoceroses of Africa, a continent which exhibits a survival of the Miocene and Pliocene conditions of the northern hemisphere.
A rotifer may be regarded as typically a hemisphere or half an oblate spheroid or paraboloid with a mouth somewhere on the flat end ("disk" or "corona"), which bears a usually double ciliated ring, the outer zone the "cingulum," and inner the "trochus".
Canes Venatici ("The Hounds," or "the greyhounds"), in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere named by Hevelius in 1690, who compiled it from the stars between the older asterisms Ursa Major, Bodtes and Coma Berenices.
As growth proceeds, one hemisphere remains relatively small, the other elongates and enlarges.
The Pan-American Exposition, in celebration of the progress of the Western hemisphere in the nineteenth century, was held there (May 1-November 2, 1901).
The general direction of these disturbances in the northern hemisphere is an attraction of the north-seeking end of the needle; in the southern hemisphere, its repulsion.
Taken as a whole, the finches, concerning which no reasonable doubt can exist, are not only little birds with a hard bill, adapted in most cases for shelling and eating the various seeds that form the chief portion of their diet when adult, but they appear to be mainly forms which predominate in and are highly characteristic of the Palaearctic Region; moreover, though some are found elsewhere on the globe, the existence of but very few in the Notogaean hemisphere can as yet be regarded as certain.
The common bittern (Botaurus stellaris) is nearly as large as the heron, and is widely distributed over the eastern hemisphere.
None of these movements appears to have affected the southern hemisphere.
Thus we have in the northern hemisphere the Sahara desert, the deserts of Arabia, Iran, Turan, Takla Makan and Gobi, and the desert regions of the Great Basin in North America; and in the southern hemisphere the Kalahari desert in Africa, the desert of Australia, and the desert of Atacama in South America.
The southern hemisphere ranks lightly in the matter of consumption, the only other country worth mentioning there besides the Australasian and Cape dependencies being Argentina.
In the southern hemisphere there is comparatively little inhabited land in high latitudes and observational data are few; thus little is known as to how the frequency varies with latitude and longitude.
Even in the northern hemisphere there are large areas in the Arctic about which little is known.
Fritz (2) has, however, drawn a series of curves which are believed to give a good general idea of the relative frequency of aurora throughout the northern hemisphere.
In the northern hemisphere to the south of the zone of greatest frequency, the part of the sky in which aurora most generally appears is the magnetic north.
This seems the more common direction in the northern hemisphere, at least for stations to the south of the zone of maximum frequency, but a considerable preponderance of movements towards the north was observed in Franz Joseph Land by the Austrian Expedition of 1872-1874.
All the longest routes thus formed traverse late in their course the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere.
The organ seems also to receive many fibres from the parietal region of the cerebral hemisphere.
From the organ there emerge fibres which cross to the opposite red nucleus, and directly or indirectly reach the thalamic region of the crossed hemisphere.
On the other hand, congenital defect amounting to absence of one cerebellar hemisphere has been found to occasion practically no symptoms whatsoever.
Heidenhain's view is that the cortical centres of the hemisphere are inhibited by peculiar conditions attaching to the initiatory sense stimuli.
In spite of the existence of a number of more or less well-marked geographical forms, reindeer from all parts of the northern hemisphere present such a marked similarity that it seems preferable to regard them as all belonging to a single widespread species, of which most of the characters will be the same as those of the genus.
It is cosmopolitan in distribution, but the majority of the species are confined to the temperate and colder parts of the northern hemisphere and many are arctic or alpine.
Corona Australis, also known as Corona meridionalis, or the Southern Crown, is a constellation of the Southern hemisphere, mentioned by Eudoxus and Aratus.
A typical form is the hemisphere, from which many modified forms are derived.
If a circular disk is wrought into a hemisphere and the attempt is made to hammer the edges round, crumpling must occur.
His detection of considerable errors in the tables then in use led him to the conclusion that a more accurate ascertainment of the places of the fixed stars was indispensable to the progress of astronomy; and, finding that Flamsteed and Hevelius had already undertaken to catalogue those visible in northern latitudes, he assumed to himself the task of making observations in the southern hemisphere.
This is part of the great temperate flora which, with locally individualized species, but often with identical genera, ranges over the whole of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.
These are zone for zone very nearly equal; the slight excess of stars in the southern hemisphere perhaps implies that the sun is a little north of the central position.
They are called vernal and autumnal respectively, from the relation of the corresponding times to the seasons of the northern hemisphere.
Thus, the higher densities are found in the eastern hemisphere, within the zone in which arose the great civilizations of the world, or, roughly speaking, between north parallels 25 and 40 towards the east, and 25 and 55 in the west.
In the history of the Renaissance, Spain and Portugal represent the exploration of the ocean and the colonization of the other Explora- hemisphere.
The gradual elevation of the whole of northern Russia and Siberia, and the consequent draining of the marshes, is one of these deeper-seated, ampler causes; another is the desiccation of the lakes all over the northern hemisphere.
In general terms it may be said that the extremes of temperature are not so great as in corresponding latitudes of the northern hemisphere, because of the greater expanse of water in comparison with the land areas, the summers being cooler and the winters warmer.
The facilities for the shipment of coal are excellent, and Newcastle is the chief coaling port in the southern hemisphere.
Let us measure it in the case of the spherical soap-bubble by considering the stress exerted by one hemisphere of the bubble on the other, across the circumference of a great circle.
The most important mineral in New South Wales is coal, of which the state has probably a larger available supply than any other country in the southern hemisphere.
There is no difference between the seasons, which, though the islands belong to the northern hemisphere, have the highest' temperature in January and the lowest in July.
The now waning group of Perissodactyla would appear to have originally been a northern one, as all the three existing families, rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotidae), tapirs (Tapiridae), and horses (Equidae), are well represented in the Tertiaries of both halves of the northern hemisphere.
The camels (Tylopoda) certainly originated in the northern hemisphere, but although their birthplace has been confidently claimed for North America, an equal, if not stronger, claim may be made on the part of Central Asia.
A few, on the other hand, have a very restricted range, the Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus) being, for instance, limited to the zone of the northern circumpolar ice, while no corresponding species occurs in the southern hemisphere.
In fact, the only known exception is the case of a colony of elephant-seals (Macrorhinus leoninus), whose general range is in the southern hemisphere, inhabiting the coast of California.
In the western hemisphere wheat was not known till the 16th century.
As we conceive of the sky, it does not consist of an entire sphere but only as a hemisphere bounded by the horizon.
The two parts of this sphere are the visible hemisphere, which is above the horizon, and the invisible, which is below it.
On the side of this sphere opposite to the North Celestial is the South Pole, invisible in the Northern Terrestrial Hemisphere but visible in the Southern one.
Sir John Herschel continued in the Sir John northern, and extended to the southern hemisphere, Herschel.
One is the existence of dark and bright regions, irregular in form, on its surface; the other is the complete illumination of the lunar disk when seen as a crescent, a faint light revealing the dark hemisphere.
Ricci, seeing their dissatisfaction, set about constructing a map of the hemisphere on a great scale, so adjusted that China, with its subject states, filled the central Xxiii.
In the accompanying cut we have endeavoured to portray this map. The projection adopted is a perspective of the hemisphere as viewed from a point at the distance of one diameter from the surface, and situated on the production of.
With a vertex much more distant the desired effect would be impaired, and with one nearer neither of the poles would be seen, whilst the exaggeration of China would have been too gross for a professed representation of the hemisphere.
Physical Geography The main structural lines of the continent show both the east-to-west direction characteristic, at least in the eastern hemisphere, of the more northern parts of the world, and the north-to-south direction seen in the southern peninsulas.
The months of February and March are therefore best for the evening observations in the northern hemisphere, but the light can generally be seen from January until April.
The Glossopteris flora of India and the southern hemisphere, the age of which has been disputed, but is now regarded as for the most part Permo-Carboniferous, is, however, dealt with in the succeeding section, in connexion with the Mesozoic floras.
The Permian, so far at least as its lower beds are concerned, shows little change from the Stephanian; Conifers of the Walchia type are especially characteristic. The remarkable Permo-Carboniferous flora of India and the southern hemisphere is described in the next section of this article.
The sketch given above extends, for the later periods, to the vegetation of the northern hemisphere only.
In Australia, South America and South Africa a few plants have been found which agree closely with Lower Carboniferous types of the northern hemisphere.
It is, in short, clear that the Culm flora, as we know it in the northern hemisphere, existed in the extreme south, and it is probable that during the earlier part of the Carboniferous period the vegetation of the world was uniform in character.
Jule, the regional commander for the eastern hemisphere and the oldest of the three of them by far, had come from the same world as the Watchers but refused to talk about it.
Jule, the regional commander of the eastern hemisphere, demanded with a laugh.
As the chief of the spies in this hemisphere, she'd been in a lot of really bad situations with nothing but her charm and mind control to keep her safe.
The caller was none other than Dusty, the leader of the White God's vampire killing operations for the Western Hemisphere.
With chiseled features and cold eyes, he looked every bit the man who had headed up Damian's assassination corps before the promotion to the leader of all operations in the Western Hemisphere.
The constellation itself can be seen in the warm seasons in the Northern hemisphere and in the cold seasons in the Southern hemisphere, and it's positioned between 80 and -80 degrees.
The city is loaded with history, southern charm, and dozens of popular tourist attractions, including the Citadel, Fort Sumter, and the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, the longest cable-stayed bridge in the Western Hemisphere.
For example, it was found that the shadow of an upright stick or stone varied from day to day, because, as we have already noticed, the sun rises farther north in summer in the northern hemisphere than it does in winter.
This Jaeger Lecoultre Atmos also has a new movement that displays northern hemisphere constellations through a large opening.
Some doctors believe the phenomenon occurs due to left-brain injury, a theory that is sometimes reinforced by brain scans and MRIs revealing damage to this hemisphere.
Neurologist Dr. Bruce Miller found evidence of a possible connection between savantism and left hemisphere brain damage, which resulted in the right brain hemisphere compensating for the left hemisphere impairments.
His study of CT and MRI scans of patients with dementia indicated that the right brain hemisphere is capable of producing savant abilities when compensating for left hemisphere brain damage.
Most Guardians did, including Dusty, who personally oversaw every operation in his hemisphere.
Most stations in the northern hemisphere have a conspicuous maximum at midsummer with little thunder in winter.
The monotypic Pringlea antiscorbutica, the Kerguelen Island cabbage, has no near ally in the southern hemisphere, but is closely related to the northern Cochlearia.
It has a world-wide distribution, but finds its chief development in the temperate and frigid zones, especially of the northern hemisphere, and as Alpine plants.
That these animals were widely distributed in former times is proved by their occurrence at the present day in palaeozoic fossiliferous strata both of the northern hemisphere and of Australia; and despite the fact that their remains have not been found in rocks of the Mesozoic or Kainozoic epochs, it was conceived to be possible that living specimens might be dredged from the sea-floor during the exploration of the ocean depths undertaken by the "Challenger" expedition.
In the southern hemisphere the Palaeozoic flora appears ultimately to have been profoundly modified by a lowering of temperature and the existence of glacial conditions over a wide area.
A well-marked trochosphere is formed by the development of an equatorial ciliated band; and subsequently, by the disproportionate growth of the lower hemisphere, the trochosphere becomes a veliger.
The typical genus Lilium and Fritillaria are widely distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
The Glossopteris flora gradually spread to the northern hemisphere and intermingled with the later Palaeozoic flora which still persisted.