Helping Sentence Examples
He was helping, even if he did so grudgingly.
He began helping her by handing her the clothes.
It makes me most happy to remember the hours we spent helping each other in study and sharing our recreation together.
Thank you so much for helping, Jonathan.
Me ordering a second helping of corn on the cob while dining at the Black Eyed Pea also increases demand for corn, but for doing so, I shouldn't stand trial for murder.
Jenn, thank you for helping me today.
Sofia reached for him, helping him to his feet.
But if I'm helping you here, couldn't I be more helpful up there?
You're always helping me out one way or another.
When she reached Destiny's room, Jonathan was already dressed and was helping Destiny.
AdvertisementHe wondered if she'd be able to swing helping him.
All her emotional and physical efforts were directed toward helping him recover and taking care of things at home.
Yes, and Julie is helping too.
He had been helping train her, and when she was old enough to have a foal, it would be his.
At Bianca's sunny smile, Yully could see the woman cheerfully helping the injured.
AdvertisementThe death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
He had done his small part in helping Ed Plotke get to California—that's all.
The news out and the engagement ring twinkling on her finger, it was hard for Adrienne to keep her mind on her studies - and Brandon wasn't helping much.
She was running from someone in the forest and instead of helping her, Gabriel would only watch.
It's like helping us out.
AdvertisementI'm just helping start you off right.
He released her and stood, helping her to her feet.
Rome, it is certain, deliberately favoured her ally's unjust claims with the view of keeping Carthage weak, and Massinissa on his part was cunning enough to retain the friendship of the Roman people by helping them with liberal supplies in their wars against Perseus of Macedon and Antiochus.
While helping to establish French supremacy in neighbouring states and assisting Bonaparte in securing the title of First Consul for life, Talleyrand sought all means of securing the permanent welfare of France.
The best way therefore of helping them to do this was to provide them with an outline of the characteristic teaching of Christ, which should be at the same time a clear statement of His moral demands.
AdvertisementI know, but at the time I though I was helping her.
Dictatorships are toppling, and the Internet is helping that along.
I think he felt included because he was helping as much as we were.
So much for helping her with the dishes.
But instead of helping her into the wagon in the same gentlemanly manner, he grabbed her by the collar and waistband and dumped her in the front of the wagon.
Martha said nothing during my discourse, not helping my confidence.
All of us are feeling the pressure plus you have a new baby and a cranky husband who isn't helping you a bit.
Let's say it was suggested that Fitzgerald come over and give me a helping hand.
Her schoolwork improved, she was responsible about helping out and generally unobtrusive.
The bonus of his day helping her out of her funk turned out to be an unexpected surprise.
Not really helping here.
While helping Sarah prepare mimosas in the kitchen, she said, "I'm afraid Jackson may have messed with Deborah's head."
She limped toward the house, pushing away the helping arm Alex offered.
Why did men always seem to confuse helping out with assuming command?
Bill is helping out when he gets off work.
The diversion was helping her get her emotions under control.
There was plenty of room in the old house and Katie would continue helping with the chores until they found a place to live.
She'd planned on Elise helping her escape to the west, where she could secure the Horsemen at the Peace Command Center.
So the PMF and military really are helping.
It's really helping build up the case against Delasandro.
Lori had been with Alex so much when she was helping him with his real estate needs that everyone thought they were interested in each other.
He walked around the car and opened the door for her, helping her out.
Carmen took the phone and thanked Saundra for helping Alex get the lamb to her.
What if they know you're helping me?
Even now he was helping Katie push her out into the wicked world.
Katie had been helping her select clothing and she certainly knew how to make the most of Carmen's soft curves.
Katie has been helping me crawl out of yesteryear and Alex is trying to make me less dependent.
I planned on helping her, you know.
Sam started helping Carmen place rocks.
Helping you shave, I guess.
In 1842 he took a "double-first" and was elected fellow of B alliol, and lecturer in mathematics and logic. Four years later he took orders, and with the aim of helping forward the education of the very poor, he accepted the headship of Kneller Hall, a college which the government formed for the training of masters of workhouse and penal schools.
His reward for helping on the winning cause was the ministry for foreign affairs, which he held from the close of December 1799 on to the summer of 1807.
But though the treasury was thus temporarily replenished and the army increased, the gentry who had been so generous at the expense of their richer neighbours would hear of no additional burdens being laid on themselves, and the king only obtained what he wanted by sacrificing his principles to his necessities, and helping the szlachta to pull down the magnates.
In October 1511 he was teaching Greek to a little band of students in Cambridge; at Basel in 1516 he produced his edition of the Greek Testament, the first that was actually published; and during the next few years he was helping to organize the college lately founded at Louvain for the study of Greek and Hebrew, as well as Latin.
John Maxwell (c. 1590-1647), archbishop of Tuam, was a Scottish ecclesiastic who took a leading part in helping Archbishop Laud in his futile attempt to restore the liturgy in Scotland.
As king of Aragon he took a share in the work of the reconquest, by helping his cousin Alphonso VIII.
Newman, for whom he worked, helping in the translation of Thomas Aquinas's Catena Aurea, and writing in the British Critic and Christian Remembrances.
The slips are also convenient as affording a variety of aspects, and thus helping to prolong the season of particular vegetable crops.
He was also, though he deplored the conduct of the militants, a decided supporter of woman suffrage; and he took an active interest in, and lent a helping hand to, many social movements, the Working Men's College, Toynbee Hall, the Hampstead Garden Suburb, Children's Country Holidays, the Shakespeare National Memorial, as well as to a number of miscellaneous church societies.
The numerous legends which have grown up round his name yield very little that can fairly be regarded as authentic. It seems that he carried on the democratic tradition of his house by helping to overthrow an oligarchic government which succeeded the tyranny in Agrigentum, and was invited by the citizens to become their king.
His life was one of incessant eager questioning of nature on all sides, and his many and varied works all bear the stamp of a fresh and original genius, capable of stating and solving problems in all departments of science - at one time finding the true explanation of "ducks and drakes" (formerly attributed to the elasticity of water) and at another helping to lay the foundations of our modern vulcanology and meteorology.
Domestic malcontents did not scruple to hint that the king, like his father-in-law before him, had made war on France, not with any hope of renewing the glories of Crecy or Agincourt, still less with any design of helping his allies, but purely to get first grants from his parliament, and then a war indemnity from his enemies.
The poetical quotations in Numbers are of the utmost importance, not only as helping to determine the date of the book but as indicating the value of poetry in its bearing on history.
The eight or ten who remain upon the farm are employed in doing odd jobs, such as overhauling machinery, or helping the carpenter and blacksmith, or looking after the horses.
Accordingly he regards pleasure as essentially motion " helping vital action," and pain as motion " hindering " it.
They had colonized the west in the viking times; they had " fought at Hafursfirth," helping their stay-at-home kinsmen against the centralization of the great head-king, who, when he had crushed opposition in Norway, followed up his victory by compelling them to flee or bow to his rule.
For his zeal in helping the royalist cause with college plate he suffered imprisonment at the order of parliament and lost his appointments.
In this so-called first Peloponnesian War Sparta herself took but a small share beyond helping to inflict a defeat on the Athenians at Tanagra in 457 B.C. After this battle they concluded a truce, which gave the Athenians an opportunity of taking their revenge on the Boeotians at the battle of Oenophyta, of annexing to their empire Boeotia, Phocis and Locris, and of subjugating Aegina.
The remainder of his life was devoted to helping Brian Walton with the Polyglot Bible (1657) and to his own best-known work, the Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, in which the volume relating to Matthew appeared in 1658, that relating to Mark in 1663, and those relating to 1 Corinthians, John and Luke, in 1664, 1671 and 1674 respectively.
Up to his time it was universally held in the schools that the motion of a body should cease with the impulse communicated to it, but for the "reaction of the medium" helping it forward.
She relieved the distressed in far-off lands as well as at home, her helping hand being stretched out to the Dyaks of Borneo and the aborigines of Australia.
She would be helping them achieve a miracle and they would be helping her with a financial problem.
In an instant he was beside her, helping her from the chair and into his arms.
The Watcher had called those helping Talon the Others.
Instead of helping his brother the White God navigate the transition, he walked the hills of Ireland alone, unable to remember why he'd decided to put only one station of Guardians in Ireland.
Barely a decade earlier, Cleveland, also a Democrat, had said essentially, "Look, the government shouldn't be helping the poor Texans; that's the role of charity."
Here in Dr. Bell's laboratory, or in the fields on the shore of the great Bras d'Or, I have spent many delightful hours listening to what he had to tell me about his experiments, and helping him fly kites by means of which he expects to discover the laws that shall govern the future air-ship.
The princess, picking up her dress, was taking her seat in the dark carriage, her husband was adjusting his saber; Prince Hippolyte, under pretense of helping, was in everyone's way.
Sonya was finishing dressing and so was the countess, but Natasha, who had bustled about helping them all, was behindhand.
That's why you've been helping me, isn't it?
Instantly Cade was beside her, helping her up.
He led her to his truck and opened the door, helping her into the truck.
If we could convince him to give you free rein to helping us with him remaining totally in the dark, we'd both have what we want.
As big a pain Quinn is at times, I know he's as committed as the rest of us to helping as many kids as possible.
But first you have to earn it by helping this tourist who just arrived in town.
Her brother rose, helping Bianca to her feet.
Didn't stop to think we might be in the middle of helping when you sucked us dry?
But pitying him, defending him, helping him command his own men … The vamp was right, and she hated to admit it.
Offering you a deal is helping you both.
I can't help if I don't know what I'm helping.
He then sat at the table, helping himself and his companion to the assorted pastries.
He had the right people helping him, a mate who reluctantly agreed to his plan to help her, a better understanding of when to break the Code and a plan to repair all that was broken within his domain on the mortal realm.
Do you want humanity to go down the toilet because you didn't feel like helping?
A'Ran, if helping me drew you into another war, why did you do it?
Martha's exposure to the library was more educational than helping Aunt Janet clean toilet bowls.
As soon as Dean was alone with Gladys, between her second and third helping of Cynthia's pancakes, he broached the subject of the annoying alarm.
Dean began to shuttle back and forth to the dining room, helping Cynthia.
And now she's coerced Donald Ryland into helping.
Not more than an hour ago you were helping him sling mud at me?
No, he caught me in the parking lot and said you were helping a friend, but you wanted to invite me to this party.
Apart from the important part which he took in helping to co-ordinate and draft the Civil Code, Cambaceres did the state good service in many directions, notably by seeking to curb the impetuosity of the emperor, and to prevent enterprises so fatal as the intervention in Spanish affairs (1808) and the invasion of Russia (1812) proved to be.
Such conditions carried on the work of British inventors in helping to develop industries so strongly that manufacturers were able to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the American Civil War (in spite of the temporary disability it entailed upon the cotton industry) and by the Franco-German War.
Maybe they're both pedophiles, helping each other.
Xander listened, uneasy at the thought of the Guardians and Gods he despised helping him with his issue.
Whoever's helping him might've gotten rid of any leaks.
The photographer issued them a few directions, with his assistant helping them pose.
I appreciate you helping me, Xander, and for being somewhat decent to my cousin.
It's definitely not helping your case of trying to get me into your bed!
Ashley's face was glowing, and Jessi suspected her connection to Xander was helping her find friends at school.
After helping the Spartans to invade Boeotia during the Corinthian War (395-94), the Phocians were placed on the defensive.
The crusaders of northern Germany never went to the Holy Land at all; they were allowed the crusaders' privileges for attacking the Wends to the east of the Elbe - a fact which at once attests the cleavage between northern and southern Germany (intensified of late years by the war of investitures), and anticipates the age of the Teutonic knights and their long Crusade on the Baltic. The crusaders of the Low Countries and of England took the sea route, and attacked and captured Lisbon on their way, thus helping to found the kingdom of Portugal, and achieving the one real success which was gained by the Second Crusade.
He does not consider the possibility of deriving enjoyment from wealth by helping the poor or encouraging learning (this latter, indeed, he looks on as vanity), and in general he recognizes no obligation on the part of a man to his fellows.
He assisted others who came to him for spiritual advice; and seeing the fruit reaped from helping his neighbour, he gave up the extreme severities in which he had delighted and began to take more care of his person, so as not needlessly to offend those whom he might influence for good.
The struggle of the working man helping himself with his empty pockets against the capitalists he compared to a battle with teeth and nails against modern artillery.
Though a foreigner, he soon acquired a thorough knowledge of Rumanian, and was instrumental in helping to introduce that language into the church as its official language.
These cracks coincide with planes of easy separation or of gliding in the crystal; they are especially useful in helping to determine the crystallographic orientation of a cleavage flake of mica when crystal faces are absent.
He wavered curiously in his ecclesiastical views, and ended by helping the persecutors of the Monophysite Church, to which he himself had belonged.
A study of the changes going on in the rif tvalley in which the lakes lie leads, however, to the belief that the Albert Edward and Albert Nyanzas are drying up, a process which the nature of the drainage areas is helping to bring about.
Although he talked of helping his sovereign, his troops took no part in the battle of Agincourt (1415), where, however, two of his brothers, Anthony, duke of Brabant, and Philip, count of Nevers, fell fighting for France.
Hardly less characteristic was court service, which included the duty of helping to form the court on summons, of taking one's own cases to that court instead of to some other, and of submitting to its judgments.
In 1736 a smuggler named Wilson, who had won popularity by helping a companion to escape from the Tolbooth prison, was hanged; and, some slight disturbance occurring at the execution, the city guard fired on the mob, killing a few and wounding a considerable number of persons.
The sectaries, after helping Justinian II.
In 1034 he obtained part of Maurienne as a reward for helping King Conrad the Salic to make good his claims on Burgundy.
Persia indeed for many years showed a strong disposition to reassert the supremacy over Herat which was exercised by the Safawid kings, but great Britain, disapproving of the advance of Persia towards the Indian frontier, steadily resisted the encroachment; and, indeed, after helping the Heratis to beat off the attack of the Persian army in 1838, the British at length compelled the shah in 1857 at the close of his war with them to sign a treaty recognizing the further independence of the place, and pledging Persia against any further interference with the Afghans.
Chodkiewicz was one of the few magnates who remained loyal to the king, and after helping to defeat the rebels in Poland a fresh invasion of Livonia by the Swedes recalled him thither, and once more he relieved Riga besides capturing Pernau.
He left France in 1557, but in 1558 he was again in that country, helping to arrange the preliminaries of the treaty of Cateau Cambrhsis.
It would seem, moreover, that they were credited with the power of helping their friends (and likewise of injuring other people) very much in the same way as they had done in life.
By heading off reactionary Austria Napoleon hoped to conciliate the French Liberals; by helping the pope, to satisfy the Catholics; by concessions to be wrung both from Pius and from the Roman triumvirs, to achieve a bloodless victory.
Like the sand-reed, the dewberry bramble and the shrub of the buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) perform a useful service in helping to bind the sand together.
He imparted a life and impulse to prevailing tendencies, helping on the construction of the system hereafter to be completed in Scholasticism.
In fact, during the reign of Assur-bani-pal Moab played the vassal's part in helping to repulse the invasion of the Nabayati and nomads of Kedar, a movement which made itself felt from Edom nearly as far as Damascus.
After helping to found the North of England council for promoting the higher education of women, she acted as its secretary from 1867 to 1870 and as its president from 1873 to 1874.
The German king treated his foe generousli and was rewarded by receiving to the end of his reign the servic of a loyal vassal; he also gained the goodwill of the Poles by helping to bring about the return of their duke, Casimir I., who willingly did homage for his land.
The beginning of this reign coincided with the beginning of the Crusades, and al-Aflal made the fatal mistake of helping the Franks by rescuing Jerusalem from the Ortokids, thereby, facilitating its conquest by the Franks in 1099.
No doubt there must have been some kind of foundation for Pirkheimer's charges; and it is to be noted that neither in Darer's early correspondence with this intimate friend, nor anywhere in his journals, does he use any expressions of tenderness or affection for his wife, only speaking of her as his housemate and of her helping in the sale of his prints,&c. That he took her with him on his journey to the Netherlands shows at any rate that there can have been no acute estrangement.
Luther received a fresh impulse towards the study of Greek, and his translation of the Scriptures, begun as early as 1517, now made rapid progress, Melanchthon helping to collate the Greek versions and revising Luther's translation.
John, whom he was still helping, was trying unsuccessfully to set up as a doctor in London; and Alexander's farming failed.
He did not seek re-election in 1893, but devoted himself thenceforward to mathematics, helping to make known in France the theories of Giusto Bellavitis.
There are a public library, established by subscription in 1858; and a students' union, for helping the sick and poor and promoting the intellectual and physical improvement of boys.
We have followed it long enough to see its directness and simplicity, to observe the naturalness with which one incident succeeds another, and to watch the gradual manifestation of a personality at once strong and sympathetic, wielding extraordinary powers, which are placed wholly at the service of others, and refusing to be hindered from helping men by the ordinary restrictions of social or religious custom.
The newer kinds of art metal-work have, until recently, reached the purchaser direct from the producer's workshop; but they may now also be seen in the shops of silversmiths, jewellers, and general dealers, who are thus helping to transfer production from large commercial manufactories to smaller ateliers under artistic control.
About this time, during the interregnum, a federation of more than a hundred towns was formed, beginning on the Rhine, but spreading as far as Bremen in the north, Zurich in the south, and Regensburg in the east, with the object of helping to preserve the peace.
But the renaissance of law began relatively early; by the 12th century it had created a university, by the 13th it was helping to organize national states and laying the basis for that order which the economic renaissance was already demanding.
The policy of indulging his tastes and helping him to enjoy.
Like Sir Thomas More he held that it was entirely within the competence of the national state, represented by parliament, to determine questions of the succession to the throne; and although Elizabeth did not renew his commission as lord chancellor, he continued to sit in the privy council for two months until the government had determined to complete the breach with the Roman Catholic Church; and as late as April 1559 he assisted the government by helping to arrange the Westminster Conference, and reproving his more truculent co-religionists.
Emigrants numbered 584,259 men and 424,566 women between 1851 and 1900, these figures helping to account for the considerable excess of women over men in the resident population, which in 1900 was as 1049 to 1000.
He wrote several works on chemistry, and took a leading part in advocating women's education, helping to found the school of medicine for women, and lecturing there from 1872 till his death.
He played a prominent part in the conquest of the Incas' kingdom (helping to seize and guard the person of Atahualpa, discovering a pass through the mountains to Cuzco, &c.), and returned to Spain with a fortune of 180,000 ducats, which enabled him to marry the daughter of his old patron d'Avila, and to maintain the state of a nobleman.
The chief paths of depressions are from southwest to north-east across England; one track runs across the south-east and eastern counties, and is that followed by a large proportion of the summer and autumn storms, thereby perhaps helping to explain the peculiar liability of the east of England to damage from hail accompanying thunderstorms. A second track crosses central England, entering by the Severn estuary and leaving by the Humber or the Wash; while a third crosses the north of England from the neighbourhood of Morecambe Bay to the Tyne.
Peculiar hairs are developed on the inner surface of the sheath by which the water and dissolved substances are absorbed, thus helping to feed the plant.
But pitying him, defending him, helping him command his own men … The vamp was right, and she hated to admit it.
The Others weren't just helping Czerno, they were killing them off, too.
Did you see what I did as a betrayal, because I chose my role as a Guardian over helping you wipe out the Others and anyone else in the way?
The death visions, the distrust everyone on the planet had for a soul-reader, the inability to eat … they were nothing compared to helping a man find his soul again.
He had done his small part in helping Ed Plotke get to California—that's all.
Her body no longer under her control, Deidre sank into the state, clinging to the words of Fate about helping Gabriel.
Little Donnie has been helping your wife transcribe the notebook so his stepfather may have seen some pages.
I'm helping her rid Tiyan of the demon.
Transparent and cool, the Springs were the chosen means of deception by Tiyan's warlords to hide their magic while helping their people.
Moreover, Norway has a vested interest in helping to reduce the extensive environmental problems affecting the geographically adjacent area of Northwest Russia.
We can all contribute to helping maintain genetic diversity locally.
It's also helping them meet a congressional mandate to the military to reduce their fuel use by 20 percent.
Several appreciated the depth of their courses for helping them gain important perspectives on their present work.
Bob has been a major voice in helping us to understand the vagaries weather investigators must endure.
He was pivotal in helping to move the net from a purely academic group in the UK to the commercial environment.
Secondly the clouds, which have a high albedo, can create a negative feedback helping to cool the forest area.
So far she has found the university very supportive in helping her to keep both her educational and sporting ambitions.
I will also be arguing that applied anthropology can play a particular role in helping to ameliorate such problems.
It must be the inner glow they get from knowing their zany antics are helping a very serious campaign against cancer.
It's not hurting anybody, all it's doing is helping us.
This includes helping refugees with resettlement once the Home Office has granted asylum.
Eating 5 or more portions a day can protect your heart by helping to prevent atheroma from building up inside the coronary arteries.
The BPA put to good use every penny raised and you will be helping our Paralympic athletes reach their true potential.
It can be as simple as helping with patients mouth care, combing their hair, or helping with a relaxing bed bath.
Colin would also like to hear from volunteers interested in helping survey stag beetle activity in their own patch.
Dr. Chris Robertson made a substantial contribution helping Hilary Shibata, antarctic bibliographer, with the backlog of recent Antarctic scientific papers.
It would involve human beings in helping to sustain the earth's biosphere.
Our work will contribute to the modeling work of the MESH project by helping to define the physical environmental conditions that support benthic biotopes.
The best colors to wear are red or maroon and royal or bright blue, really helping to show a fish up well.
Alison was very borderline, passive in the middle of a storm of helping activity around her.
Work involves helping with the animals, hedging, fencing, clearing brambles & bracken.
This will rest against your car to absorb any bumps helping your phone to stay in place in all conditions.
Burton's crime busting partners have been praised for helping police give would-be burglars the boot.
Marine South East will play an important role in helping businesses to meet that challenge.
Carol gets a real buzz from helping people to be the best they can be.
Caesarean ' only real means of helping is performing an emergency cesarean.
Spent the evening helping 8 to 10 year olds to learn to light a campfire.
A current project in South Kalimantan is helping villagers grow rattan canes in previously harvested production forests.
Lombard builds in a residual value to reduce the rentals, thus helping cash flow and making ' off-balance sheet ' funding possible.
Also Philip Cummins has been very helpful in helping me track down the problems I am having with vMac.
Training We aim to support clients by helping them to reduce their chances of facing Tribunal Claims.
Experienced in helping plan your fishing trips to Oregon 's vacation paradise.
Impact The project made good progress in helping to identify the fly species that are probable bovine trypanosomiasis vectors in the area.
We aim to foster a sympathetic but not uncritical attitude toward foreign places, thus helping to promote understanding and goodwill.
The lesions enable you to identify the underlying pathology, helping to make your differentials more precise.
The creation of working class intellectuals helping to create counter hegemony to undermine existing social relations should be an SSP goal.
A local panto star has been helping to create a magical Christmas for underprivileged people in the region.
Within trade unionism today can be found immensely innovative ways of helping people.
Philander has been a major voice in helping us to understand the vagaries weather investigators must endure.
For a few months, Chris was helping the Charmed Ones vanquish every demon in the world.
Waist circumference is thought to be a better measure of helping you maintain your heart health than BMI.
She was helping hand over an ultimatum from consumer watchdog Energywatch to the industry regulator, Ofgem.
This prevents the baby from wiggling down under the covers, helping to avoid the risk of suffocation.
Over the winter months they take on more office based projects helping Trust staff with their work.
She knew her parents expected some gratitude for helping her out of debt, but after all the lecturing she just felt resentment.
I really appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into helping me get ready for the race.
Would you like to show condolence by helping me cook a meal for the widow?
I enjoy helping children overcome fears and dislikes so that they no longer abhor many of the fun things in life.
I hope to be a bastion of support for the homeless shelter. I feel so passionate about helping others.
When they saw the chain reaction of helping others out, they realized that kindness is contagious.
All of the men in the family tried to prove their machismo by watching football instead of helping prepare food.
One of the key technologies which is helping to achieve these goals is heterogeneous catalysis.
Cover ala chevy helping children great difference in was perhaps due.
Another way curcumin helps to keep your cholesterol levels under control is by helping your liver eliminate any excess cholesterol.
Studies of living invertebrate chordates have been very important in helping to solve the mystery of ' the origin of the vertebrates ' .
I also don't like helping with domestic chores.
But, under Labor, they've got a cold shoulder instead of a helping hand.
A robot companion approaching a seated person in a helping context.
I really have a compunction or two about helping to put your brother into drama.
Each year the choir performs numerous concerts, often helping charity groups to raise funds In addition we hold several social events each year.
He then runs the popular trolley shop, selling confectionary and biscuits, before helping out with activities in the afternoons.
Policy announcements would then act as a beacon, helping the private sector understand the economic conjuncture.
Reducing crime depends on helping families, giving young people something constructive to do.
In 1937, in fact Easter Sunday, I remember working on the Top Coal face helping to install a 20in belt conveyor.
We've worked with large corporates for many years helping them to find people whose skills will strengthen their chain.
America was a strong force in helping to depose this indicted war criminal who was a major obstacle to progress.
We welcome enquiries from any member interested in helping to develop croquet in their region.
Development Officer Margaret Case who nominated the pair has nothing but praise for their selfless dedication to helping others.
In terms of helping the fuel poor this has an obvious detriment.
Expect to find a helping of verbal diarrhea here every visit, to brighten up your day.
There's a daily choice of well cooked dishes from the buffet at around £ 7 a helping.
These services should include helping clients install and operate secure network connections as well as mechanisms to rapidly disseminate vulnerability information and corrections.
We provide a comprehensive service, ranging from advising major corporations on reconstruction to helping financially distressed individuals.
As with our other divinations, dice divis are used as just one tool for helping us let go our old habitual patterns.
The BLM protein plays a role in helping ensure that chromosomes are copied properly during cell division.
Come along for an hour or two and really make a difference by helping to remove encroaching dogwood and blackthorn regeneration.
I was paid twenty-five dollars a week for helping Max Eastman get out the magazine.
Forget pop drivel or nu metal, Norah Jones ' arrival is helping to revive the music industry.
I think of the former drug addicts now helping to run one of our most successful programs to tackle drug abuse.
Sergeant Terras is helping with fundraising and assisting in making a case for the monies previously earmarked for the Galashiels facility.
Helping your child cope with exam stress Some children take exams in their stride with relative ease, whilst others can really suffer.
Compared to saving the rainforests, or helping pandas to breed, linguistic ecology can seem a bit tame.
Thanks also go to Emma Farrow for helping out on solo euphonium.
Janson sets him to work on helping with the building of a new colony on the moon to house evacuees.
We hold together evangelism and practical care, helping people on the physical, spiritual and emotional levels.
We tackle environmental eyesores such as graffiti, litter and overgrown vegetation helping to make Dartford a cleaner place to live.
You will be helping to alleviate human famine by taking less out of the World's finite resources.
Many thanks for helping to stop the brainwashed religious fanatics from tearing the planet apart.
The mix contains Baileys ' popular Garlic Supplement which adds its familiar aroma and flavor helping to tempt the fussy feeder.
White Stilton & Lemon For a quick and easy cheesecake, top a digestive cookie with a generous helping for an instant bliss fix.
Giving control over depth of field in the pictures and helping to control the amount of light from the manual flash guns.
As part of our Community Activity Day, I was helping to decorate the float.
It is indispensable when baking with unusual flours, helping give lift to cakes made from cornmeal, buckwheat flour and millet flour.
A helping hand from the crossing lady may prove fortuitous Aquarius Make sure you stretch well this week.
Artistic talents â making a frieze on a school wall or helping with sculpture.
This is used for helping to keep the gallbladder in a healthy condition.
Bohemian garnet has been helping to overcome the sorrow and bringing the vital power, spirit and the feeling of joy.
This site's sole purpose is to try to save lives by helping stop the genocide in Darfur.
Sadly, most of them already have girlfriends or wives helping them with their tables.
Amy becomes ` Mother Goose ', helping them hatch and raising the goslings.
He found that helping others to overcome their problems gave him the therapy he needed to overcome the grief of his mother's death.
Please don't try flint-knapping yourself unless you have a grown-up helping you out, you can get a very sharp edge!
Hitler once spotted Hermann Goering, the head of the Luftwaffe, helping himself to a huge piece of roast ham served with peas.
Bluebird Society for Disabled Helping physically handicapped people to have a better quality of life.
But it is funny that it's posted here and we have this handyman who isn't helping too much.
He was out there with the crew helping to cut the aerial free as these steel hawsers whipped around the deck.
And then inhale the helium out the big can you will have to hire all in part of helping out Crowfield.
One goal in life has been to visit the highlands, you are helping make that happen weekly with your exciting magazine.
Migrants had also widened the horizons of domestic workers by helping them understand more about other cultures.
I hope you guys are fairing better than me and once again thanks for helping a slightly hysterical female!
The unions were deeply implicated in helping create a climate in which men's needs were seen to be paramount.
Interaction has an adaptive mediating role, helping students to recognize and resolve inconsistency.
These organizations are involved in helping refugee integration, either directly or indirectly.
Added to this was the helping with the refreshments, I kept getting interrupted, sorry Peter.
Sadly, David died in December that year, at his desk doing what he enjoyed, helping inventors.
The label is completely irrelevant in helping me decide whether I do or will like something.
It's also no surprise to see that lickspittle Hoon helping out Hain.
Helping to assemble mailings to supporters What skills do I need?
As a temporary nurse at an exclusive hospital at the beginning of her career she risked her job by helping the Jarrow hunger marchers.
Kids will have great fun helping to make as well as eating these nutritious meals.
Conclusion We can conclude therefore that financial services for the poor consists of helping the poor with ways of turning mickles into muckles.
Once you've accumulated a certain mileage in helping or delivering training within JCI, you will qualify to take part in Excel.
This may sound esoteric but it feeds through into fixed-rate mortgage rates, which have fallen sharply, thus helping support the housing market.
Nail biter I would like to express my thanks to you for helping me overcome my nail biter I would like to express my thanks to you for helping me overcome my nail biting habit.
Afterward - she smiled gently at the recollection - she had thanked her bemused jailers for helping her to attain nirvana.
Now it is Russia which is helping to build a civilian nuclear reactor in the south of the country.
In doing this, the support given becomes as ordinary as helping a friend.
John Smith is as committed to transforming businesses, as he is to helping youth and society's outcasts.
We also are helping to refurbish homes and are stocking a food pantry for 30 widows and their children.
It also plays a role in the immune system, apparently helping control infection by intracellular parasites.
Cecilia served as a lay pastor in MCC Bath helping found the congregation there.
These cows, as breeding cows, will play an important role in helping pastoralists to restock their herds.
Helping with the return of the green peafowl to Peninsular Malaysia In the early 1960s the green peafowl became extinct from Peninsular Malaysia.
Such ' sense ' technologies may well become more pervasive in the future, helping to augment the world in which we live.
What manuals are available for helping me do photometry?
I am helping coordinate the women rag pickers here.
Planting, pruning, tidying litter picking, helping to put up notice board!
Thanks a lot, Des, for helping me keep moi porkers ' ere!
Crucial to helping prorated portion of as much as.
Helping the planet The weeks provide participants with the chance to do something positive to help the planet.
Perhaps your study will work in helping solve that predicament.
Helping students to prepare for examinations or assignments is likely to ease the pressure considerably.
In one sense, the idea of helping people who seem to have more than their fair share of happiness seems presumptuous.
Toilet Tissue sales are helping wildlife across the UK in a special on-pack promotion now available across Lincolnshire.
Rather than investing in helping people with mental health problems, the Government instead proposes draconian measures to lock them up.
Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang is helping to improve air quality with a cleaner, quieter engine.
Sustrans volunteer rangers will be helping highway authorities to maintain the route.
But some found new freedom when they joined the country's armed rebels, and they are now helping maintain law and order.
Helping you make an affordable choice for all your ink refill needs.
His greatest triumph was helping Britain beat the Americans to win gold in the world championships 4x400m relay in Tokyo in 1991.
It has a long-standing reputation for combating eczema by helping to soothe irritated skin.
Taking incredibly creative perspectives on the client's situation, helping the person to become more resourceful in the process.
Ockenden is focusing its efforts on helping the returnees rebuild their lives, and prevent them from falling into the traps of the past.
He warns that punishment for helping this road hog will be severe - probably fatal.
Sat 26th Today is hog roast, & I am helping at pp stall.
She started because she had a retired search-and-rescue Rottweiler that she figured could continue helping people.
Money raised will go toward helping some of the most vulnerable and isolated children in our country - including child runaways.
I think it can be very valuable in helping people move on, and envisage future scenarios.
Time was spent with many visiting scholars in helping with their research.
Over 160 years later, mutual self-help is still the cornerstone of the Foresters ' activities helping charities through hundreds of fund-raising events.
The program addresses the characteristics of learning organizations and offers a framework for school self-improvement whilst helping schools achieve Investor in People status.
The news is not so good in the West Midlands and it is not helping property market sentiment at all.
We also do craft work with them - knitting, sewing, toy-making, helping to keep sometimes arthritic fingers moving.
During this time she/he will spend time helping you identify evidence to collect for your portfolio.
Helping healthcare assistants to gain higher qualifications could alleviate the serious shortage of nurses in Britain.
All have played their part in helping us draw up our provisional shortlist.
Made of a soft rubber the rabbit fits snug at the base of the mans penis effectively helping maintain an erection.
There are over 3,000 groups throughout the UK dedicated to helping those with a serious alcohol problem achieve and maintain sobriety.
Her personal interest is helping people awaken the spirit within through an awareness of holistic living, contrasted with the divine spark within.
I accept that the Church's history is not always stellar where helping the poor is concerned.
WaterAid is a charity dedicated to helping people escape the stranglehold of poverty and disease caused by living without safe water and sanitation.
In addition to helping me control my weight, exercise has a direct effect of lowering blood sugar.
By joining the Trust's Supporters ' Group you will be helping to ensure its long-term survival.
Claw hammers, crow bars, saws, dust pans and other tools provided by Mercy Corps are helping earthquake survivors implement clean-up plans.
Itâs all about helping parents finding a solution tailored to their own individual circumstances.
Adjustable thermostat offers you total control over the temperature of the fridge or freezer, helping you save electricity.
It promotes thrift in spending and order to ones life, helping on to define goals.
For example, you can support us while helping the environment, by recycling your old mobile phone or used inkjet toner.
Worms consume huge amounts of decomposed organic material deposited on the soil, helping convert it into rich, fertile topsoil.
Adventures of agreat persuader THERE are not many people whose claim to fame is helping a well-know transsexual get to the sex change clinic.
Experienced in helping plan your fishing trips to Oregon's vacation paradise.
The regulators ' role will become one of helping to transfer best practice from the good to the bad and the plain ugly.
For the past years I've been helping people to deal with the negative and continuing influence of their childhood upbringing.
The low interest rates are helping to make a move upmarket affordable.
This will encourage vigorous, free-flowering shoots from low down, helping to keep the shrub neat and compact.
Fruit and vegetables are a vital source of antioxidant vitamins, which are important in helping to maintain and protect myelin.
Behavior Foxes live in family groups which may include additional non-breeding vixens helping to rear the cubs.
Each new praying person is helping reclaim the wasteland.
This top-down way of helping families is certainly well-intentioned.
Research shows that xylitol is extremely effective in helping to prevent both tooth decay and harmful plaque from building up on your teeth.
He undoubtedly exercised a check on extravagance, and he did real service by helping to abolish the sinking fund.
But all is not finished with the passage of the soul to the land of the dead; the soul may return to avenge its death by helping to discover the murderer, or to wreak vengeance for itself; there is a widespread belief that those who die a violent death become malignant spirits and endanger the lives of those who come near the haunted spot; the woman who dies in child-birth becomes a pontianak, and threatens the life of human beings; and man resorts to magical or religious means of repelling his spiritual dangers.
They permitted themselves startling liberties when any one caressed them, crowding themselves almost into one's arms and helping themselves without ceremony to kisses, apparently unconscious of the impropriety of their conduct.
Prince Andrew had gone out into the hall, and, turning his shoulders to the footman who was helping him on with his cloak, listened indifferently to his wife's chatter with Prince Hippolyte who had also come into the hall.
To Princess Mary it was strange that now, at a moment when such sorrow was filling her soul, there could be rich people and poor, and the rich could refrain from helping the poor.
As he sat bending greedily over it, helping himself to large spoonfuls and chewing one after another, his face was lit up by the fire and the soldiers looked at him in silence.
Petya took off his wet clothes, gave them to be dried, and at once began helping the officers to fix up the dinner table.
The company is working with communities in several villages affected, helping develop proposals for income generating projects and administering small pump priming grants.
By helping key workers, we will underpin the pursuit of excellence in our public services.
We enjoy good ranking in the major search engines, helping to drive traffic toward your adverts.
Liz Lamb looks at the work of a Newcastle charity which is helping children in a country still ravaged by war.
The group 's views were of special interest during the recent consultations on rebated fuel, helping to build an effective case.
But some found new freedom when they joined the country 's armed rebels, and they are now helping maintain law and order.
You might be organizing free delivery for housebound people, or supervising the heroin substitute methadone and helping a patient 's recovery from addiction.
They may participate in youth projects, even playing football or helping to set up recreation facilities.
Our commitment to helping the vulnerable is a renewal of Conservatism, offering a vision of a stronger and better society.
Taking incredibly creative perspectives on the client 's situation, helping the person to become more resourceful in the process.
In addition to providing returnee families with essential household income, the project is also helping to reverse negative agricultural trends in the area.
This association is especially important in the ritual of remembrance, helping to console the bereaved.
Turkey ice cream with a generous helping of satsuma segments.
We provide contacts for welfare, research and careers as well as helping to keep shipmates in touch with one another.
Stealth bombers in the Ministry were busy helping their mates into a back door route to short-circuit the scrutiny process.
Sam led the way to show how it was done, then Teal'c was given a helping shove out of the cargo bay door.
Now I was regretting skiving off lessons whilst at Woolmer Hill school, in helping the groundsman with his chores instead.
He 's also a sucker for the sob stories he hears helping out at his local legal advice center pro bono !
Helping to launch Integral Solutions Ltd (ISL), a spinoff company from SD founded by Alan Montgomery.
Helping it to standout from the crowds is the cream band below the upper deck windows.
I accept that the Church 's history is not always stellar where helping the poor is concerned.
By joining the Trust 's Supporters ' Group you will be helping to ensure its long-term survival.
Once prized as a talisman against disease, silver is now helping in the fight against 21st century ills such as MRSA.
You could be be helping a very old terrier breed survive !
In these cases the objective had been to terrorize local populations believed to be helping the Resistance.
Coaching is about helping the client to develop their critical thinking skills.
Sadly the terrible toll of homicide bombers in Israel has led to several well-publicized examples of organs from victims helping others live.
Prevent time wasting by helping the group to focus on important issues without being directive.
Homeostasis is present in all life, helping to stabilize and sustain an organisms' functions, regardless of changing outside circumstances.
Jacob's passion for helping others was evident in the way he ambitiously planned the homeless shelter's annual fundraiser.
Ellen hoped that helping her friends recover from their horrendous bad fortune would allow them to prosper again.
Dim lights, soft music and an established routine can go a long way toward helping you both get the sleep you need.
Push toys are perfect for helping toddlers develop their gross motor control, as well as their sense of independence.
You are helping her to venture out and learn new things, while at the same time providing a safe haven for her to run to.
If you are helping him go to sleep initially by rocking or nursing him, he hasn't learned how to comfort himself into a soothing slumber.
Your attitude will go a long way towards helping your child find success.
A helping hands invitation will invite attendees to a baby shower, but it will also include a list of items or chores that need to be done before the baby arrives.
Hosts might want to plan a Saturday for all of the chores to be completed on, and they can refer to this as helping hands day!
While baby's language will develop naturally to some extent, the world around her will play an important role in helping her to learn new sounds, words, and meanings.
In fact, you need to begin helping your pet get acquainted with your baby even before she is born.
As your child approaches her second birthday, you can begin helping her learn how to brush her teeth on her own.
Satisfaction in a teaching career comes from helping children and not the income received.
In the first few months after a baby is born, parents spend a lot of time helping baby sleep.
Helping baby sleep is more than just laying him in a baby crib and walking out the door.
Controversies abound when it comes to finding the best method for helping baby sleep.
You and your baby will learn together, and you'll discover that helping baby sleep involves some trial and error.
Helping your child develop a good baby sleep schedule takes time.
However, once she has begun to have more wakeful periods throughout the day, you can begin helping her stretch those catnaps into actually naptimes.
Having a rocker is also a tool to helping baby sleep.
Let's celebrate the upcoming birth of her baby by helping her prepare.
High chair photos - Don't forget to get your camera out when baby is eating a nice helping of pureed green beans or spoon-feeding himself a heap of mashed potatoes.
Plus when you purchase sustainable and organic baby products, like toys, you're not only getting safer toys for your baby, but helping to protect your baby's planet as well.
Your kids' chores can include filling the water dish and helping with basic grooming.
You should also involve him in the baby's care with simple tasks like bringing you a diaper, helping you dress the baby, or giving the baby a bottle with your help.
Thank the hostesses for helping with the shower, specifically thanking the hostess whose home you are using for the shower if applicable.
More specifically some of the things they do include helping children who have speech and language delays learn to talk and to say their sounds clearly so they can be understood.
Helping your child to recognize his name is a great way to reinforce lessons being taught in preschool, for example.
Surrounding your child with potty-trained children is an integral step towards helping your daughter understand the importance of the potty.
Many parents make the mistake of always helping babies go to sleep.
While this might work initially, they soon discover that helping their little darlings go to sleep doesn't ensure that they'll stay asleep.
Establishing a routine and working calmly toward the goal of helping baby fall asleep is the ultimate goal.
Newborn boy basket - A newborn baby has very specific needs and a gift basket can go a long way towards helping new parents stock their baby's nursery with much needed items.
With some patience, parents can develop ways of helping toddlers play that won't stress family finances.
While friends and family are usually especially enthusiastic about helping immediately after a baby is born, sometimes busy lives intrude and offers of help can decrease over time.
Your state's Motor Vehicles Department website should provide a vehicle history report based upon the car's vehicle identification number (VIN), helping you to identify single or multiple ownerships.
A little bit of preparation goes a long way in helping eliminate some of the stress associated with clothes shopping.
They should be very enthusiastic and helpful in helping you find a road racing bike that's right for you.
Running keeps your heart in great shape while helping keep your weight down.
You should also inform the salesperson about your skill level as a player (this will aid him/her in helping you pick out a racquet), and inquire about upcoming or ongoing sales at the store you're in.
In addition to helping you strengthen, tone and lengthen your body, yoga also provides practitioners with a calm and relaxing mental space in which to let go of the stress and rigor of daily life.
However, there are some useful tips in helping narrow down the choice and enable you to buy a baby gift that is perfect for the little one as well as being appreciated by the new parents.
If you are buying for a family member, you are helping him or her begin an educational and enriching habit.
They are also useful for special conditions, for instance helping to dry a property after flooding.
Crowds increase and stores get busier so employees are focused on helping others and can't really watch everyone, so shoplifting becomes easier, especially to the thieves who understand how stores work and work in pairs or groups.
Consumer Reports is the gold standard of product reviews for consumers, with a website that is an extension of an offline business that has decades of experience helping shoppers get smarter. is another site devoted to helping people replace lost yearbooks.
Helping with the harvest, tending a roadside booth, or even hiring seasonal help can be thoughtful and much appreciated gift.
The world's largest search engine includes a product search section, dedicated to helping consumers find the right products at the best prices.
I didn't want to leave her on it if it wasn't helping.
I would love some advice for helping him be less aggressive.
Getting a few new cat toys may go a long way toward helping your cat accept this new disruptive influence in his life.
Normal activity is still good for helping her stay in shape.
It is formulated with as few ingredients as possible with the intent of helping cats that suffer from food sensitivity.
One of the best alternatives for helping to brighten the day of kids who are sick is to find free books for chronically ill kids.
Artists Helping Children-Artists Helping Children is a wonder program that allows artists to donate a variety of items and services, such as art supplies, toys, books, and even murals.
Free online comic books can be great tools for teaching children about a variety of topics, while helping to build reading comprehension skills.
Reading Web sites for kids can be great resources for helping children to develop their literacy skills.
This means that they have an interest in helping you consolidate and repay your debt.
Non-profit CCC companies do not have a financial interest in providing you with financial advice or helping you consolidate your debt.
This is because many creditors pay them for helping recover as outstanding debts.
The service can easily save you thousands of dollars by helping you stay away from cars that are considered lemons.
Some consumer spending, such as charitable donations and business expenses, may even be tax deductible, helping save more money in the long run.
Many cards even let the accumulated reward be deposited into the current balance, helping with a monthly payment.
Limit your gasoline usage to save money while helping the environment.
With this account, you'll be able to put your every day purchases to work helping you earn rewards that can be used to defray the cost of your next vehicle.
That's where a helping hand can be invaluable.
Helping your child understand issues regarding custody, visitation, and division of primary assets will alleviate some insecurity.
California divorce lawyers can play a major role in helping their clients get the outcome they deserve.
Supporting and helping them as a united force will help your children adjust to the inevitable changes ahead.
Which parent was responsible for helping the child to get ready for the day's activities (selecting clothing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc.)?
Helping your children during this time is crucial in their development and makes them more confident and happier adults.
If you have children, contact the school district and ask for referrals to helping agencies for the kids.
If he doesn't give up, you can make a solid statement that it's not helping your child to hear him say such horrible things about his mother.
Values are the pieces holding a family together and helping each member work toward a common goal.
Thankfully there are several websites dedicated to helping you find a replacement cushion that will match your chaise lounge, and give your patio or outdoor room a fresh look with a new pattern or color scheme.
This keeps the spine aligned and weight distributed evenly, helping improve circulation and relax muscles.
A Craftmatic heated electric mattress cover warms the bed, sending heat that helps to reduce muscle aches while helping your body to relax.
You can help future generations by helping to answer the question of 'what is global warming?' when those who don't know ask you.
Homeowners that burn twigs, branches, and brush may think that they are helping the environment.
When you go green in your home, any little bit; you're helping this generation and the next one.
Putting them on your existing home is also a great way to end up saving a lot of money and helping to save the planet as well.
Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to help the environment while also helping your pocket and providing great tasting vegetables.
In addition to helping the environment by reducing waste, they also teach children about the importance of recycling and this is an increasingly essential life skill.
Recycle 4 Charities - If you are interested in helping others, there are many charities that will take your old cartridges and use the money they receive from recycling them.
That was the day when an entire community was shown on prime time television helping a family re-build a 3,000 square foot home, making it as energy efficient as possible to help protect the family's future.
Not only will they be saving money on their water bill, but they will be helping to conserve our most precious natural resource for generations to come.
By buying Green Works, you are helping raise awareness for the Sierra Club and the good work that they do.
An environmentally friendly water heating option will help to provide an efficient water heating system while helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
Researching how to reduce waste or what the options are for recycling certain items will help to produce a top quality list while also helping to widen your general knowledge about environmental issues.
Having fun while you are helping the planet is key.
This is a significant improvement in the lifespan of these products, helping to reduce their waste quickly and efficiently.
If you do your part to prevent pollution in your area, then you'll be helping to protect aquatic life.
The green initiative to push the green industry forward is helping to advance solar power to be far more efficient than the first photovoltaics used to produce energy a decade ago.
This is a major break through that came about over the past couple of years and is helping to reshape the solar industry application.
You may purchase renewable energy credits, which means you are investing in power from solar, wind or other renewable sources and helping to reduce dependence on coal and oil power.
The Filtrete Water Station provides water drinkers with fast filtering and reusable water bottles, while also helping minimize the impact to the environment and on people's wallets.
Helping a child to make that commitment is as simple as sharing your own life with her.
Helping to educate the public to separate and keep used paper clean so that it may be diverted from landfills and recycled is a challenge as well.
Soon you will have a rewarding career helping others.
It has been used with good success in helping to stop severe bleeding, as well as being used with heart attack victims.
The "allantoin" in it is believed to help stimulate cell proliferation, thereby helping damaged skin repair itself.
Garlic is a well-known cardiovascular system healer, helping to improve the function of your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system.
It tastes like a gourmet treat and you may be helping your cholesterol too.
Taking readings at home also helps you monitor whether or not herbs, vitamins or supplements are helping to lower your blood pressure.
Japanese herbs have been around for centuries, helping those with ailments find healing before modern medicine emerged.
Michele Tune, known online as "the raw juice girl", credits a diet of raw foods, lots of juicing, and other holistic treatments for helping her lose over 100 pounds and regain her bladder health.
Although SSRI medications are prescribed for anxiety disorders and depression, most studies show that St. John's Wort is better at helping people with depression than anxiety.
In addition to dietary changes such as adding calcium, vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, and flaxseed, herbal supplements also work well in helping patients reduce their blood pressure levels.