Hellebore Sentence Examples
For all exposed sawfly larvae hellebore washes are most fatal, but they must not be used over ripe or ripening fruit, as the hellebore is poisonous.
Quinctius Flamininus in 198 B.C. The city was famous for its black hellebore, a herb which was regarded as a cure for insanity.
Hellebore was likewise considered beneficial in cases of gout and epilepsy.
In Hellebore the petals become folded FIG.
Four species of Dewalquea, a ranunculaceous genus allied to the hellebore, make their appearance in the Upper Senonian of Westphalia, other species occurring at Aix-la-Chapelle in deposits of about the same age.
Petch and Swann had the hellebore at the Bath Hills, Ditchingham, South Norfolk!
Theophrastus (300 B.C.) stated that " The white and black hellebore appear to have nothing in common except the name.
Its even rarer cousin, the green hellebore, is an equally attractive plant, flowering in late winter and early spring.
There are also many other varieties of the plant, including green and white hellebore.
We then both noticed a flowering hellebore that was growing from thick leaf mold in the ditch.
AdvertisementPest & disease watch Hellebore leaf spot can be a problem on old foliage of hellebore leaf spot can be a problem on old foliage of hellebores.
The common name hellebore has given rise to confusion since Ancient times.
White Hellebore (Veratrum) - V. album is a handsome erect pyramidal perennial, 3 1/2 to 5 feet high, with large plaited leaves and yellowish-white flowers in dense spikes on the top of the stem, forming a large panicle.
For more about this wonderful group of plants, visit Hellebores, a website created by a hellebore aficionado that includes a large gallery of photos, history, cultivation and propagation information and more.
Slug-worms or saw-fly larvae require treatment by washing with soapsuds, tobacco and lime-water or hellebore solution, and Aphides by syringing from below and removing all surplus young twigs.