Hell Sentence Examples
Who the hell are you?
What in hell are you doing in my house?
Or tell him to go to hell and never come back to Miami.
Let's get the hell out of this drenching rain.
Howie, what in hell are you doing?
I resented the hell out of it.
Hell, she had serious doubts he was even human.
What the hell happened to your apartment?
Waiting for him to snap or yell as he had when she arrived to Hell, she touched him timidly with her other hand to begin exploring the ridges of the scars on his chest.
The accident did a hell of a job and the long coma and operations further messed him up.
AdvertisementIt scares the hell out of me.
The thought of him without his shirt on, or better yet, naked … "No way in hell," she breathed.
What the hell are you doing?
I'll make his life a living hell if so.
When he didn't respond, I added, She'll have a hell of a headache but you guys both have some bridges in need of serious damage control.
AdvertisementDusty wondered what the hell was wrong with everyone around him and rubbed the back of his neck.
Damian wondered what the hell Sofi had figured out that would send the man before him into the teenage-like fit.
Damian suspected what kind of hell Dusty had been through and was pleased to see his trusted friend looking good.
Yes and no, and I'm mad as hell about it.
Why had he sent her, and where the hell was he?
AdvertisementHe wouldn't say much else, other than she cannot be fixed with the magic of Hell, Wynn explained.
They reached an open place in the brush where Diablo stood hip-shod, his eyes half closed - as if all hell wasn't getting ready to burst loose.
It was disturbing as hell.
This is important stuff and risky as hell.
Hell, mister, I don't remember.
AdvertisementWhere in hell was a local mall?
How in hell does anyone know that shit?
Don't talk to strangers, and if you see someone with red eyes, run like hell back to Dusty.
She'd been through hell at Talon's hands.
What the hell does that mean?
She could see the future and he was a … what the hell was he?
He began to cry, the soul-deep weeping of a man who'd lost all and spent his tormented life in a level of hell she'd never be able to imagine.
And if he didn't, you could leave him there and do whatever the hell you wanted for the day?
The energy around them was lively; they were brothers whose bond was formed during their years in the bowels of hell.
She backed away, unable to fathom the idea of being trapped with him in Hell for eternity.
The room was allegedly the most comfortable Hell had to offer.
She wasn't able to tell what time it was in Hell.
Hell had a library?
She shivered, not wanting to imagine what Darkyn was capable of or how hard it might be to outmaneuver him to leave Hell.
Another thought crossed her mind as she stood in Hell's library.
Worse, she wasn't about to give the creature that tricked her into Hell and turned her Immortal an ounce of compassion.
He was the creature who trapped her in Hell.
Hell had a magic library.
If Gabriel had killed her while trying to save her, he'd kill the soul in her head, too, the one that damned Deidre to Hell.
She hadn't thought so, but then again, she never expected to end up in Hell.
You are the only innocent soul in Hell.
She couldn't help thinking the creature whose job it was to trick people into Hell wasn't above lying to the human mate he took.
You will find one here in Hell.
Or I'll never leave Hell.
If the magic of Hell can't cure her, can yours?
To make my life hell?
You wanted to rule Hell.
She sends you to Hell, and you go to bat for her.
He was asking for a favor, one Darkyn would discover within seconds of her returning to Hell.
Now, if you're acting sheriff or whatever the hell your position is, it's your damned job to follow through.
These are the terms of you leaving Hell.
She didn't need to know he planned on having her killed off, once and for all, once they were free of Hell.
How badly do you want to leave Hell?
Darkyn opened one of the internal portals within Hell and strode through it.
Knowing the most powerful creature – one the Dark One himself exiled at one point for his ruthlessness – had taken over Hell was another matter entirely.
Wynn wasn't about to ask why it was secret or spend too much time in Hell with the violent creature before him.
Either way, she will not leave Hell.
Hell ran off deals, but Wynn's life was already in enough trouble without incurring another debt on behalf of a woman who had no hope of ever escaping Hell.
Shivering, she stripped out of the Hell garb and flung it aside to put on some of the clothing she'd chosen.
Only one of them made it out of Hell, though.
The extent of the Dark One's powers on his home turf in Hell was beyond anyone's ability to know.
The Dark One that ruled Hell since the time-before-time had fallen to a ruthless demon lord whose goal had long been to take over the mortal realm.
Since Bishop Brooks died I have read the Bible through; also some philosophical works on religion, among them Swedenborg's "Heaven and Hell" and Drummond's "Ascent of Man," and I have found no creed or system more soul-satisfying than Bishop Brooks's creed of love.
Glinka, the editor of the Russian Messenger, who was recognized (cries of "author! author!" were heard in the crowd), said that "hell must be repulsed by hell," and that he had seen a child smiling at lightning flashes and thunderclaps, but "we will not be that child."
From the moment he first offered her the deal that landed her in Hell, he read her.
She missed nature in the time she'd been in Hell.
I'm the only Immortal who can walk into Hell.
The portal to Hell glowed darkly.
I don't expect them or anyone else to make deals with you for me, she said, hurt as much by his words as the thought that there was no one outside of Hell who wished her well.
The next morning, Deidre found herself at the wall overlooking the red deserts of Hell.
She tried not to get her hopes up that a portal out of Hell would appear.
She'd packed her favorite clothes to take with her to Wynn's a few days before she ended up in Hell.
She couldn't walk down the streets of Atlanta in her Hell gown.
I went to Hell and … she drifted off.
Harmony was granted access to use Hell to go to your underworld.
And leave you in Hell with him?
Yesterday, she saw the power she could have to help people from Hell.
It's the same key that got you into Hell.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
Now, get your ass back to hell before your mate hunts me down.
She'd be helping Wynn out of Hell as well.
She'd never liked the portal system outside of Hell; this one was scarier.
I get Hell for eternity and you get …death.
Darkyn said Hell would do what she asked, so she willed her hair shorter and blonde.
She watched the battle with the Dark One – the one Darkyn lost – and saw him banished to the bowels of Hell.
Battle made him ruthless; Hell made him shrewd.
She was in Hell, because there was nowhere else for her lost soul to go.
You don't think you'll ever leave Hell.
Hell has a library, and the librarian has been teaching me about the deities through these little video tutorial things.
You've been sitting in Hell watching movies?
Hell has one, and Death does as well.
Her thoughts went to the good she might be able to do from Hell.
But you sent him into the middle of Hell for thousands of years.
I figured if he survived the worst Hell had to offer, he'd make a worthy successor.
Darkyn stripped my power when I left Hell.
I mean, you're in Hell maybe even being torn to pieces every day and you're being kind to me.
Darkyn … no way in hell.
Are you allowed to leave Hell?
She turned and padded back to the portal to Hell, resisting the urge to run.
As she stared out at the deserts of Hell, she figured out what she felt.
She'd given relationship advice to the woman who condemned her to Hell, advice meant to help snag the heart of a man she hadn't stopped loving.
It was difficult to hear how easily he'd evaluated and cornered her to get her to Hell.
Her heart beat rapidly at what it meant to surrender what had been her one hope to leave Hell.
Okay. Are you allowed out of Hell?
She pushed Selyn towards the portal to Hell.
That's a hell of a thing to do to a relative!
Hell, I don't know why I did it—it was stupid—just something to do.
You're putting me in a hell of a spot.
He'd played a hand in sentencing the sweet human to Hell.
Darkyn would never let him through Hell, but Deidre … He felt like shit just thinking about it yet recognized the danger he was in.
Gabriel suspected the Dark One wasn't going to let his little human out of Hell, especially not to see her former mate.
Dressed in the seductive clothing of Hell, her body's gentle shape appeared voluptuous, her narrow shoulders exposed, her round hips and breasts enhanced.
She was effectively trapped in Hell with the devil for eternity.
Just get me through Hell.
The woman in the bed behind him had taken three days to warn him about the human left in Hell.
With nothing else to lose, all she could think about was what happened to the human she left in Hell.
Deidre entered the shadow world and summoned the human she'd left in Hell.
Still wearing the garb of Hell, Darkyn's mate was sporting fangs with her pink hair and a heavy sultriness that made Deidre look twice.
She's not broken like we are, Wynn had told Deidre before she left Hell.
Darkyn's mate nodded, turned and retreated through the portal back to Hell.
We are both culpable for sending the only innocent soul either of us has ever known to Hell.
The girl wore the garb of Hell but appeared uncertain, mirroring Deidre's emotion.
Sensing her alarm, Darkyn's mate turned and took the arm of the girl behind her, pushing her towards the black door to Hell.
It happened the first time Darkyn invaded the mortal world from Hell.
He last experienced it … … Monday night, when Deidre had gone to Hell.
With the tear between worlds, he was able to use more of the power normally restricted to Hell.
You want to come in, you can't bring Hell with you.
We leave the gateway between the two open, so she can access Hell's magic.
The portal to Hell closed.
I'll go grab Tamer and meet you in the portal room in Hell.
And find his soul, before it was crushed and he was sent to Hell.
He'd watched Rhyn and Katie's relationship unfold from its rocky beginning, when Katie inadvertently rescued Rhyn from his sentence in Hell.
Who the hell was this guy?
Deidre wiped the blood off her foot onto a towel, unable to piece together what the hell was going on.
Deidre hadn't landed in heaven; she'd landed in hell.
Gabriel asked, sensing there was more to the demon lord's journey from Hell.
The deal was made before Darkyn assumed the helm of Hell.
Worse, who the hell had she slept with Friday night, if not Logan?
Couldn't someone tell her what the hell was going on?
What the hell did you do?
This week has been hell.
The rich cinnamon-vanilla scent of the bath bubbles filled the air, reminding her of the candle she'd bought at the farmers market the day her life went to hell.
Darkyn would see this man again soon in Hell.
Andre was rendered dead-dead while Rhyn was stuck in Hell, killed by the same brother who held Rhyn prisoner.
Or died and gone to hell.
The portal system does not work in Hell for mortals.
Female humans in Hell with a soul unblemished by evil?
This is Hell, isn't it?
Then I'm off to tell Gabriel his mate is stuck in Hell.
She thought hard about all she'd learned since arriving to Hell.
He always peeked at his friend, whom he'd dropped off in Hell to serve an undeserved sentence.
He doesn't deserve to be in Hell, he replied.
He'd always hoped Rhyn would have another chance, that Hell was a place to stash the dangerous immortal until the world was ready for him.
You're my best assassin, and you're the only one who can trespass in Hell and return.
The restriction smacked him hard, as he'd been ready to drag Rhyn out of Hell as soon as Death was gone.
He wasn't really sure Rhyn would consider being sentenced to eternity with a mate much of an improvement over Hell.
I'm violating Immortal Code by serving you, by locking Rhyn in Hell to keep Kris from killing him.
It was his immortal powers, which Death had yanked from him when she ordered Gabriel to take him to Hell.
Maybe when he's stabilized, he can leave Hell.
But who in Hell is going to become his mate?
He went to the only portal that glowed black --the portal to Hell --and stepped from the shadow world into the tiny, dark cell holding his friend.
He would stay in this holding cell on the outskirts of Hell until Sasha figured out some new grueling punishment.
A touch of coolness grazed his heated frame, which always grew hotter than Hell when he changed forms.
Rhyn snorted and faced the corner, making out Gabriel's eyes, which gleamed darker than a night in Hell itself.
The death dealer was his only friend who'd stuck with him since he'd been banned to Hell by his brothers and dragged there by the immortal death dealer before him.
Hell buffered his natural inability to rein in the magic and absorbed much of his energies.
Rhyn felt Hell's and Sasha's power roll over him like a boulder in a river.
They couldn't control him once he left Hell; no one could.
Rhyn stretched physically and metaphysically, testing the bounds of Hell.
He felt some peace knowing that --whatever Death wanted from him --she'd have to free him from Hell to get it.
What the hell was a death dealer?
When he was out of Hell, he'd already planned on kicking the ass of their eldest brother, Andre, and killing Kris.
As much as he hated Hell, he hated Antarctica more.
He sat with his hands on his thighs and his eyes straight ahead, like a statue chiseled in Hell itself.
Take Toby and the damn death guy and leave me the hell alone.
She didn't answer, concentrating on figuring out where the hell she was.
The woman whose death by his hand had landed him here in Hell.
She didn't let herself think too much about what it might be, how she ended up in Hell, or why she'd just let some otherworldly creature with fuzzy hands cut off her clothes.
Shouldn't I be dead already if I'm in Hell?
Amnesia was looking like a good option compared to Hell.
I'm already in Hell.
She closed her eyes, telling herself she'd survive this and figure out how to get the hell out of there, even if it meant bartering with the monsters on her cell block.
He couldn't protect anyone from Sasha in Hell, and he itched to taste the woman meant to be his mate.
The twin moons of the outer banks of Hell were bright.
Rhyn refused it and threw himself onto the comfy couch farther away from Hell's flames.
You think I want to be in Hell at the side of the Dark One?
He'd long since stopped trying to escape, knowing the magic of Hell and the Dark One was too old for him to break.
He didn't care that Hell would suck him dry.
I guess you wouldn't if you didn't plan on leaving Hell.
He goes through Hell and collects us freaks down here.
At least Hell kept up with the latest styles, she thought darkly.
After her time in Hell --where most of the monsters looked human --she didn't trust this one.
You all deserve to be in Hell!
Kris's pets can go anywhere but Hell.
He'd been to Hell.
He wasn't ready to be dead-dead yet, not after all the time he'd spent in Hell and all the unfinished business he had.
She wondered what it took for an immortal to look as if he'd been through Hell and back.
I went to Hell.
He's been in Hell for hundreds of thousands of years.
You couldn't defeat me and Hell couldn't hold me.
Who spent the last million years in Hell, thanks to Kris.
He wasn't a healer, and the only healer he knew was trapped in Hell.
Sasha dragged her down to Hell.
Nothing had blown up or gone wrong since he'd returned from Hell.
His power felt the same, but maybe his time in Hell had mellowed it out, made it more responsive to his command.
He sentenced both brothers to Hell for eternity.
You should've died in Hell.
I saved you from Hell, and I saved you from those things at the…at the Arch.
He must've forgotten I went to Hell already.
Hell made him worse.
Rhyn probably saved humanity by doing so but was sent to Hell and nearly lost his mind.
So he'd spend eternity in Hell because he couldn't sit down with Kris and tell him what happened?
That's dandy, but it doesn't sound like he deserved Hell!
If you lied to me about everything so far, why the hell would I trust your word about anything, even saving the world?
Silence surrounded them, not the good kind, but the heavy kind that made her want to hold her breath lest she break it and all hell erupt.
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
She felt alone when he was gone, and while he frustrated the hell out of her, she still felt better when he was near.
He'd taken Rhyn to Hell.
Molly dug through her purse to retrieved a familiar brownish cube, like the ones Katie'd eaten to stay alive in Hell.
Isn't he in Hell for trying to wipe out mankind?
He'd broken the Code for a brother who'd never cared one ounce for him and accepted his place in Hell.
Thought you'd learned something after all those years in Hell.
She'd been scared since Hell, if not before, for which he blamed Kris.
Rhyn said nothing, aware the penalty for an Ancient killing another Ancient was death-death and eternal Hell.
He was sick of Hell, yet Kris's crime deserved punishment.
Hell had taught him this, if nothing else.
He hadn't dealt with lesser immortals since before he went to Hell.
He'd spend the rest of his existence in Hell before he'd let her go without a fight.
Hell was a bitch, but at least it was warm, he thought darkly.
We should just toss him in the deepest hole in Hell.
Rhyn stayed where he was, wary yet unafraid of Sasha, who.d been the zookeeper among the animals with him in Hell.
I learned in Hell how you can un-mate her.
You did me no favors in Hell, and you.ll do me no favors here.
Sasha looked over her, uninterested, and both her hands went to her throat at the memory of what he.d done to her in Hell.
In Hell, the Immortal Jade, formerly the most trusted lieutenant to the leader of the Council That Was Seven, looked around his new bedchamber with a shiver.
Darkyn, the most powerful of all demons, wouldn.t have returned from the pits of Hell, where the Dark One banished him to lead the army to the Immortals. front door and wipe out the Council.
She didn.t remember him being so tall in Hell, but she.d been afraid to look too hard at him when she passed his cell.
She recognized the crazed look from when he.d attacked her in Hell and inched closer to Ully.
We were both inmates in his zoo in Hell long enough to know how charming he was.
He knew Jared well enough after all their years in Hell together to understand the creature was too narcissistic to care about another.s issues.
The healers moved to the other side of the Immortal world, past Elisia and closer to Hell.
He.d spent most his life in Hell and remembered little of the Immortal world.
Far across the sea, he saw the black walls of Hell stretching from water to sky.
I need to go to Hell for a demon healer.
She.d last seen him in Hell, where they shared a cell together.
He.ll make your life a living hell.
That didn.t stop her from being angry at the man who would dump her sister off to deal with the hell she.d gone through.
It was rumored in Hell that Darkyn was trying to get your precious Katie.
The demons brought Jade and Iliana to Hell.
There was no way in Hell Kris would give this creature the key
I haven.t even changed your apartment in Hell.
Jade waited, hoping Sasha.s desire to return to Hell or take out Kris overwhelmed any suspicion he had.
They can find you everywhere, except Hell.
Hell that overcrowded they.re letting murderers walk?
He took in his predatory brothers, well aware they were as dangerous as any of the creatures he.d spent time in Hell with.
His reward had been being sent to Hell, for what his brothers hoped was eternity.
All of you, save Rhyn, who was never intended to set foot outside of Hell.
Farewell, brothers, and stay the hell out of my part of the world.
Hell toughened him up, yet this was one challenge he couldn.t figure out.
He couldn.t figure out what the hell the puny human in front of him wanted.
We will find this Ully and take him to Hell for interrogation.
Welcome to Hell, your new home.
The Immortal should.ve died in Hell, where he probably belonged.
He didn.t stay to hear the splash this time but walked through the shadow world toward the only portal that glowed black, the portal to Hell.
Nursing a cratered heart, he stepped into Hell, well aware he had nowhere else to go.
He.d learned this the hard way when Andre refused to do more than send Rhyn to Hell for killing Lilith.
Maybe there was a chance he could leave Hell and come back to Kris.
So you.re going back to Hell?
I think sometimes I should.ve moved into the cell beside yours in Hell.
We have Ully in Hell.
I.ll go to Hell and get them both.
Her words fed at the small piece of him that didn.t want to live in Hell forever, that still thought he could go back to the Immortals and his old life.
He motioned Katie forward with his machete, then stopped her to drape the pillowcase over her head as he had when she entered Hell with him.
She wanted nothing to do with anything from Hell, especially this creature.
I knew you were in Hell in Jade.s chamber.
Her tears rose at the sight of both creatures, one who wanted to drag her to Hell and the other who wanted her dead.
You cannot take her to Hell.
His honesty terrified her; he knew he wasn.t going to lose and didn.t care what she knew before he took her to Hell.
It felt like five hundred years in Hell.
In Hell, dead-dead, I cut off her arm and I brought to Kris—
See you in Hell, demon.
If he died, it was because of her, and either Death or Hell would claim her.
In all his years in Hell, he.d never known this kind of pain.
What the hell does that mean, Gabriel?
She.d faced Hell, and now Death.
It was sexy as hell, like everything about him.
Kiera had nodded as was expected while wondering what the hell Evelyn drank to make all this seem reasonable.
I'm sure there will be someone-- oh, hell, don't look down!
Her Kiera was well and raising hell.
She looked around her, wondering what the hell to do now.
Where the hell was she?
Who the hell could make grass grow?
Hell, the man changed his history like he changed his shorts.
Dean figured, This bitch isn't going to let go of these newly discovered century-old coins without a hell of a fight.
I have to tell you, Mr. Ryland is a damned sight more pleasant than bossy Miss Quincy, the sister from hell.
They're gonna serve fresh ice cream in hell before that lady gets a sniff at this here notebook, even if it proves to be worthless scratchings.
I don't want to be cruel or uncaring and I know she's going through hell, but I can't just jump her bones and pretend it's yesterday.
You wouldn't think skiing the bunny slope with a kid is any fun but I got a hell of a kick out of it.
At other moments, I am as distressed as the sinner that I am, being dragged to hell's fire beyond.
Gladys is happy as hell about Shipton's swan dive.
What the hell's going on?
What the hell else would I do?
The winter wind has come a-calling and moans through cracks and crevices like so many ghosts visiting from hell, wailing and beckoning for me to join them.
That's a hell of a distance to fall and live to chit-chat about it.
What in hell would Jerome Shipton be doing with Janet's telephone number?
Hell, I'd have been pissed too if someone was trying to pork my woman.
You may be hurt and feeling helpless and desperate and God knows what and I'm sorry as hell but I have a life too, and I'll not have you ruin it!
I'm going to hell for what I did.
Unless you're going to charge me with something, get the hell out of Bird Song and leave me alone.
Sure. It says, 'I'm going to hell for what I did,' doesn't it?
And it makes me feel guilty as hell.
I was trying to get a naked woman the hell out of my bed, just after my wife caught her there!
But what the hell could I have done?
This would make a hell of a picture.
I spent two weeks of hell thinking I was a big part of why Edith died!
Shipton was mad as hell at me for knocking him down.
What the hell do I know?
Unfortunately, Jackson realized too late that Cassandra was a crazy bitch, and needy as hell.
Exactly, and I wouldn't be going through a living hell now, would I?
Connor looked like hell.
Hell yeah, that boy almost punched me for you.
He should be controlling this situation by now; not sitting here trying to figure out what the hell was happening.
What the hell is that about?
What the hell does it mean?
Yeah, a few days of hell and now you're in heaven.
What the hell happened?
You know, I can't help thinking, if you were human, I would be going through the very hell Sarah is experiencing right now.
You went through your own hell with me.
Jackson sat rubbing his jaw wondering what the hell just happened.
Fine, where the hell have you been?
Where the hell is she?
Sarah glared at him and yelled, "Go to hell, you pig!"
You all look like hell.
I'm the only thing standing between you and whatever hell is chasing you.
Scouts are reporting it's overrun with demons and Darkyn has adopted it as his terra headquarters for his trips here from Hell.
Rhyn listened to his brother pad away in the soft sand. He'd spent thousands of years in Hell wishing to be dead-dead. Tomorrow, he'd have his chance.
The feeling of the angel's soft, cold hand in his own reminded Rhyn of the first thing he'd touched in Hell that hadn't been stone. Gabriel had brought him a book with a worn, leather-like cover, and he'd lost himself dwelling on the sensation of buttery leather under his fingertips after the hazy nightmare that had been his existence in Hell.
Gabriel handed her the food and water gummy cubes she'd first had in Hell.
What're you doing here in Hell?
There's a saying, better to serve in Hell than get your head split open somewhere else.
What're you doing in Hell?
I know you spent most of your life in the same place I did, Hell.
Death can only contain your Immortal powers in her domain, just like I can only contain your demon powers in Hell.
I can't travel to Hell, Rhyn.
I can't just go to Hell without a plan, and maybe he can – " "No, Kiki.
You want me to drop you off in Hell or not?
Maybe this is what Hell should've taught you.
Nothing compares to Hell.
If you loved her enough to destroy the world for her, then you know the pain Kris has been through twice. Hell cannot hold a candle to that kind of pain.
He thought of Hell, and the portal glowed blacker than night. He thought of Kris, and the portal for the Sanctuary lit up. He thought of the Immortal underworld – Death's domain – and the portal turned gray.
Rhyn's gone ape-shit crazy and decided to kill Death. Toby's in Hell, and Darkyn is planning something big, but I don't know what.
One, Rhyn can get us into Hell, where Toby is. Two, I'd rather not piss of Death.
No, but I don't think he's the same Rhyn we sent to Hell. I think he deserves a chance to make things right.
We need Rhyn to get him out of Hell.
Let him get snatched by Darkyn. I guess Toby is in Hell.
I heard the Immortal underworld is an awful place. What if Death decides to keep you or Rhyn drops you in Hell forever?
She'd stayed strong in Hell, through confrontations with demons and Immortals alike, through his own failures. She hadn't just survived; she'd found some part of him to believe in.
What the hell happened to you to make you as you are?
I mean, how are you not a traitor like Sasha or a cold jerk like Kris? How did you spend so long in Hell and still try to follow parts of the Code?
I met Gabe, and he took me to Andre, who raised me for a few years, before my brothers decided I was better off in Hell, he summarized.
Rhyn shuddered, recalling just how bad Hell could be.
Two days with demons … he'd seen what happened to her here, in Hell, over a similar period of time. Sasha was twisted, but Darkyn was merciless.
If you get Katie back and the world goes to shit, all you've done is given her an Immortality of hell on earth.
Rhyn froze. The voice was Gabriel's, but the assassin's argument was unlike Gabe, who would know exactly what Rhyn would do after their conversation in Hell.
In Hell, Hannah had been crying since Toby started to tell her the truth.
He was an angel, and he wasn't her real nephew. Oh, and they were in Hell.
Not remembering and getting sent to Hell are two different things!
Katie married a half-demon? Is she going to Hell?
Ok, but let me talk to the demon first. We have to get past him to leave Hell.
To his delight, one of his predecessors had known of the secret portal leading to and from Hell.
Then you probably should've tried harder not to get thrown into Hell. You were of no help to anyone there.
Ully cursed as he moved to seek cover from the downpour. Safe beneath his jungle roof, Toby watched him. The brave, cheerful Ully that sat with him in Hell seemed lost in the underworld, and Toby began to suspect there was another reason their jailer, Jared, had freed them.
You can't trust the good guys, because they'll use you for science experiments, and the bad guys put you in Hell.
Gabriel fell quiet for a moment, looking around with a frown. Death's palace felt much like Hell had to Rhyn. Something about it tugged at his power.
Thunder cracked overhead. Rhyn had ignored the rain, accustomed to being miserable. Hell was either broiling or freezing, and the Alps were just as cold. The underworld's chilled rain didn't compare.
Yeah. She's in Hell. She's fine.
Now, let's get the hell out of here.
Kris said nothing. Rhyn's assurances that Hannah was safe in Hell didn't sit well with him. Kris followed the half-demon without knowing where they might be headed, instead thinking of just how bad of a situation he'd left Kiki in.
The feeling is mutual. You're the reason I spent so much time in Hell.
You earned your place in Hell, Rhyn.
You want me to believe you killed my lover to protect me, never told me she was a demon-spy, and you went willingly to Hell. It's ridiculous, Rhyn, even for you!
If this is what you call down, you need to spend some time in Hell. If you don't believe me, I don't give a shit. But I fulfilled my part of the deal I made with Kiki.
I'll march into Hell and confront Darkyn myself.
Rhyn pointed. The angel sighed and crossed to Kiki. Rhyn opened a new portal, took a deep breath and crossed through to Hell.
She stepped closer to him as she had in their dream, gazing up into his molten silver eyes. He'd gone to Hell for Hannah and confronted Death for her. He'd killed demons to protect her and defied his family to find – and keep – her.
In Hell, Darkyn stood before the hourglass perched on a window sill in his study.
And he felt guilty as hell for his own foul mood and the insignificant reasons behind it.
We're all sorry as hell Jeff's gone.
But in spite of her lack of beauty, Ethel Rosewater was hell on wheels in bed.
Ol' Vinnie was a hell of a jock but not 'the most likely' at anything but getting in trouble.
Just tell me what in hell this is all about.
You do look like hell.
Mayer was something else—have a service, bury the guy in absentia and get him the hell off the books.
The hell you say!
What in hell does 'scooped' mean?
She was hell on wheels, moaning and carrying on something wicked!
What the hell, Visa liked him again.
Then we get this call and tell 'em it's done and they say turn off at the next exit and get the hell out of there.
Only a couple of days later we hear all hell's broken loose 'cause something ain't where it's supposed to be.
They're hell on an empty stomach.
What the hell, he thought.
Dean called the Parkside Police Department and caught hell from Leland for not keeping him posted on the Wasserman autopsy and current details.
Hell no I'm not all right!
Once the guy saw me clearly by the door, he knew my face and all hell broke loose.
Whatever relationship they had blooming was going south in a hell of a hurry.
He wanted something a hell of a lot stronger—a double bourbon and leave the bottle but he knew the return trip to Parkside lay before him.
This note sounds like and looks like he was blind drunk when he wrote it and he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
It was the second time in two days a woman had beat the hell out of him.
I'm sorry as hell!
None of this answers who in hell is 888?
The first curve frightened the hell out of him and he knew the brake pressure necessary to slow him from this speed could not be engaged all the way down the mountain without overheating the tiny pads to the point of ineffectiveness.
He didn't steal the money—he found it—and aside from some name changing, it would be hell to prove he defrauded anyone.
You were taking a hell of a chance.
There's no way in hell, she told herself.
Memories of a time spent in a black hell while his mate helped the Black God keep him enslaved.
If the elderly man had only waited a few more years to die, he might have left the underground hell and lived to see this wonderful world.
What the hell is going on?
What the hell did she say to that?
She promised to make his fate hell the last time they met.
She stood in the doorway to his room for a long moment, trying to figure out how the hell he knew so much about her.
There was no way in hell she wasn't packing up the kids and leaving.
You are making my life hell.
Jessi almost told him to go to hell except that, right now, she was almost having fun for the first time in years.
Hell, yes it does.
There was no way in hell it was going to be her, not with all he'd revealed during their secrets game.
What the hell did she do?
Who the hell should I trust?
Who the hell are you, Xander?
Her first instinct was to tell him to go to hell, now that her cousins were safe.
He was making her life hell.
Jessi didn't have time to figure out what the hell was going on between Ashley and the Black God.
It had the effect they desired of convincing the Others he had crushed the gem and was unleashing hell on earth in his quest for revenge for them taking Jessi.
There's no way in hell!
In calling upon dangerous blacks at night they pretended to be the spirits of dead Confederates, "just from Hell," and to quench their thirst would pretend to drink gallons of water which was poured into rubber sacks concealed under their robes.
Pain and sin must have been reduced to a minimum by God; though they are so ingrained in the finite that we have to make up our minds even to the endless sin and endless punishments of hell.
The subjects are scenes from the Old and New Testaments, and the Last Judgment, with Heaven and Hell.
In the highest hell rules alone the grisly king Sh'dum, "the warrior"; in the storey immediately beneath is Giv, "the great"; and in the lowest is Krun or Karkum, the oldest and most powerful of all, commonly called "the great mountain of flesh" (Third rabba d'besra), but also "the first-born of darkness."
Hibil lingers, gradually unfolding his power, in each of the vestibules, and finally passing from hell to hell reaches Karkum.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light, but was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the "black water," and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
The first week is the foundation, and has to do with the consideration of the end of man, sin, death, judgment and hell.
If his evil works outweigh his good, he falls finally under the power of Satan, Vand the pains of hell are his portion for ever.
They give descriptions of heaven and hell, and predictions of the Antichrist.
The Apocalypse of the Virgin, containing her descent into hell, is not published entire, but only several portions of it from Greek MSS.
The demon of Teneriffe was called Guayota and lived in the peak of Teyde, which was the hell called Echeyde.
Swedenborg claimed also to have learnt by his admission into the spiritual world the true states of men in the next life, the scenery and occupations of heaven and hell, the true doctrine of Providence, the origin of evil, the sanctity and perpetuity of marriage and to have been a witness of the "last judgment," or the second coming of the Lord, which is a contemporary event.
The Divine Providence and Heaven and Hell have been published in popular editions.
We find " suffered " in the creed of Milan, " descended into hell " in the creed of Aquileia, the Danubian lands and Syria; the words " God " and " almighty " were shortly added to clause 7 in the Spanish creed; " life everlasting " had stood from an early date in the African creed.
Who for our salvation descended from heaven, was conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered by suffering under Pontius Pilate, under Herod the King, crucified, buried, descended into hell, trod down the sting of death, rose again the third day, appeared to the apostles.
It is a good-humoured satire upon marriage, the devil being forced to admit that hell itself is preferable to his wife's company.
They remained severely orthodox in the doctrines of the Fathers - the Trinity, the Incarnation, the plenary inspiration of the Bible - and they condemned those who rejected their teachings to a hell whose fires they were not tempted to extenuate.
Hellville, the chief town (so called after De Hell, governor of Reunion at the time of the French annexation), is a port of call for the Messageries Maritimes and a centre for the coasting trade along the western shores of Madagascar.
In Dr Fausts Hollenzwang "+Mephistophiel" is one of the seven great princes of hell; "he stands under the planet Jupiter, his regent is named Zadkiel, an enthroned angel of the holy Jehovah..
To the Hindu this does not make heaven and hell unnecessary.
Matthew Arnold's poem "St Brandan" gives fine expression to the old story that, on account of an act of charity done to a leper at Joppa, Judas was allowed an hour's respite from hell once a year.
I-Ie was to be given as the kane to Hell, which shows a distinction between the beliefs in hell and in the place of fairies.
But he understood the Gospel as being primarily an assured hope and a holy law, as fear of the Judge who can cast into hell and as an inflexible rule of faith and of discipline.
French naval officers having reported on the strategic value of Mayotte, Admiral de Hell, governor of Reunion, sent an officer there in 1841, and a treaty was negotiated ceding the island to France.
The deed is mentioned by Dante, who put Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell.
In its most simple and attractive form - one at the same time invested with the authority of the reputed holy author - their account of the creation of the world and of man; the origin of sin and redemption, the history of the Cross, and the disputes between body and soul, right and wrong, heaven and hell, were embodied either in "Historiated Bibles" (Paleya 1) or in special dialogues held between Christ and his disciples, or between renowned Fathers of the Church who expounded these views in a simple manner adapted to the understanding of the people (Lucidaria).
The Historiated Bible, the Letter from Heaven, the Wanderings through Heaven and Hell, the numerous Adam and Cross legends, the religious poems of the "Kaleki perehozhie" and other similar productions owe their dissemination to a large extent to the activity of the Bogomils of Bulgaria, and their successors in other lands.
Heaven and hell were very clearly distinguished, and each soul according to its works passed to the one or to the other.
Afterwards purgatory took more and more the place of hell, and was subject to the control of the church.
Souls passed at once to heaven or to hell; a doctrine even less adequate to the complex quality of human life.
Swedenborg discards a physical resurrection, as at death the eyes of men are opened to the spiritual world in which we exist now, and they continue to live essentially as they lived here, until by their affinities they are drawn to heaven or hell.
She would have flung Scotland with England into the hell fire of Spanish Catholicism rather than forgo the faintest chance of personal revenge.
The Pricke of Conscience is a long religious poem, in rhyming couplets, dealing with the beginning of man's life, the instability of the world, why death is to be dreaded, of doomsday, of the pains of hell, and the joys of heaven, the two latter subjects being treated with uncompromising realism.
This world is the only true purgatory and hell, being the antithesis of the world eternal, of the inward man renewed day by day, of Christ's peace and kingdom which are not of this world.
In view of these provisions, Garrison, adopting a bold scriptural figure of speech, denounced the constitution as "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell," and chose as his motto, "No union with slaveholders."
Unfortunately the victorious generals at Arginusae, through negligence or owing Xenophon, Hell.
Descriptions of heaven and hell, and allusions to God's working in Nature, not unfrequently show a certain amount of poetic power.
Other pieces paint in glowing colours the joys of heaven and the pains of hell.
They believe in a better life hereafter, but have no idea of a hell or a devil, their evil spirits only tormenting them in the present state.
The fires of hell and the shades of purgatory, which are the constant background of Dante's "Paradiso," were present to Luther from childhood.
The ward into which she penetrated was like a den of wild beasts; it was filled with women unsexed, fighting, swearing, dancing, gaming, yelling and justly deserved its name of "hell above ground."
Hell is not to be regarded as having local existence; it is the inner state of the sinful will.
He sought to make anger predominate over love; and he had his will, becoming prince of hell, the kingdom of God's anger, which still remains, however, an integral part of the Divine universe.
A few words should be added as to the theosophic hell, or "Avichi."
Purgatory, for example, is usually thought of as having some position in space, and as being distinct from heaven and hell; but any theory as to its exact latitude and longitude, such as underlies Dante's description, must be regarded as imaginative.
But his efforts were defeated by the unrelenting hostility of the church, and by the incapacity of his contemporaries to understand his aims. After being forced in his lifetime to submit to authority, he was consigned by Dante to hell.
The other world, with its imagined heaven and hell, haunted the conscience like a nightmare.
He also made many songs of the terrors of the coming judgment, of the horrors of hell and the sweetness of heaven; and of the mercies and the judgments of God."
They consist of paraphrases of parts of Genesis, Exodus and Daniel, and three separate poems, the first on the lamentations of the fallen angels, the second on the "Harrowing of Hell," the resurrection, ascension and second coming of Christ, and the third (a mere fragment) on the temptation.
The Buddha believed he had a way of Truth, which if an elect disciple possessed he might say of himself, "Hell is destroyed for me, and rebirth as an animal, or a ghost, or in any place of woe.
Let him reflect on the transmigrations of men, caused by their sinful deeds, on their falling into hell, and on their torments in the world of Yama..
The king, of whom it was said that the fear of hell was the only part of religion which had any reality for him, now dismissed the duchess of Chateauroux and promised amendment.
And as his deeds are, so shall be his fate and his future lot on the Day of Judgment; when he must cross the Bridge Cinvat, which, according to his works, will either guide him to the Paradise of Ahuramazda or precipitate him to the Hell of Ahriman.
No, says Marcion, but on the contrary - punishes them in his hell !
Hartley translated Heaven and Hell (1778) and True Christian Religion (1781); Clowes, who taught New Church doctrine in the existing churches and was opposed to the forming of new organizations, translated 17 volumes, including the Arcana Coelestia, and published over 50 volumes of exposition and defence.
A Welsh variant is the Cwn Annwn, or " dogs of hell."
Though so typically a scholar and abstract thinker on the one hand and on the other a mystic, Edwards is best known to the present generation as a preacher of hell fire.
Printed in tens of thousands of copies are certain apocalyptic legends dealing with eschatological problems. The ancient Apocalypse of Peter appears here under the name of Paul, then there is an Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary, who, like Peter, is carried by the Archangel through the torments of Hell and the bliss of Paradise, and through whose intervention sufferers are granted pardon on certain days of the year.
No woman, he said, in heaven, earth or hell, could charge him with having ever made any improper advances to her.
He had heard a voice asking him whether he would leave his sins and go to heaven, or keep his sins and go to hell; and he had seen an awful countenance frowning on him from the sky.
Livingstone had "the impression that he was in hell," but was helpless, though his "first impulse was to pistol the murderers."
The subject - the descent of Christ into Hades to succour the souls of the just, as related in the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus - is introduced in a kind of prologue; then follows the dispute between "Dominus" and "Satan" at the gate of Hell; the gatekeeper runs away, and the just are set free, while Adam, Eve, Habraham, David, Johannes and Moyses do homage to the deliverer.