Heightened Sentence Examples
I'd put all of us at a heightened risk with my call.
In winter the effect is heightened by the snow which caps all the higher peaks.
The outer surface of many of the species presents likewise the most exquisite sculpture, heightened by brilliant shades, or spots of green, red, yellow and bluish black.
These dramas, which deal with religious and historical subjects, are of Indian origin, and somewhat resemble the mystery-plays of medieval Europe, a resemblance heightened by the introduction, due to Spanish missionaries, of Christian saints and heroes such asCharlemagne.
One aspect of this derangement, named by Luciani astasia, is a tremor heightened by or only appearing when the muscles enter upon action - "intention tremor."
Many of his eccentricities, both of conduct and opinion, appear less remarkable to us than they did to his contemporaries; moreover, he seems to have heightened the impression of them by his humorous sallies in their defence.
Its central point, however, was still the primitive statue-base, now enlarged and heightened.
He/she has a heightened sense of self-worth and may begin talking rapidly as the mind races from one idea to the next.
Feeling comfortable and delighting in all of their senses brings a heightened sense of passion to Taureans.
She slowed, hating that she no longer had the heightened senses of a deity.
AdvertisementThe rising agitation on the subject, fomented for their own purposes by the rabid Aristotelians of the schools, was heightened rather than allayed by these manifestoes, and on the fourth Sunday of the following Advent found a voice in the pulpit of Santa Maria Novella.
In deep hypnosis a subject may spontaneously access these heightened faculties but it can also be induced by suggestion.
In a few cases your heightened metabolic rate may cause a slight tickling sensation in the stomach.
This heightened tolerance also means that your body has started becoming dependent on the drug and will suffer vicodin withdrawal symptoms once you either decrease the amount you were taking or completely stop the drug.
Ellison appears to have a complete set - all five senses heightened.
AdvertisementAll the spandrils of the Taj, all the angles and more important architectural details, are heightened by being inlaid with precious stones such as agates, bloodstones, jaspers and the like.
The cheek-prominences are of an intense blue, the effect of which is heightened by deeply sunk longitudinal furrows of a darker tint, while the central line and termination of the nose are bright scarlet.
It was some time in the year 1337 that he established himself at Vaucluse and began that life of solitary study, heightened by communion with nature in her loneliest and wildest moods, which distinguished him in so remarkable a degree from the common herd of medieval scholars.
The patronage of the directors was ill bestowed, and the general maladministration heightened their unpopularity.
The tremendous uproar raised by Swift about Wood's halfpence was heightened by the fact that Wood shared his profits with the duchess of Kendal, the mistress of George I.
AdvertisementI'm not saying exposure to a unique power load might not somehow intensify his imagination and perhaps cause heightened awareness; I'm simply stating there isn't some time machine or magical forest upstairs.
The heightened anticipation sunk like an iron blimp when the first trunk was opened.
Assuming the role of Death heightened his senses about dealing with Immortals.
Your skill appears to be that your mind can't be manipulated, and you are … undetectable to our heightened senses.
I know human nature and can read body language, so I can tell certain things, more than humans, because of the heightened senses of a vampire.
AdvertisementXander's heightened senses were able to see everything from above – except Jessi.
Amid the heightened national anxiety about behavior, there is an acceptance that children will be children.
The PEIT sector has experienced periodic bouts of heightened share price volatility.
At moments of heightened class struggle, the Bolsheviks actively agitated for workers ' defense militias against the tsarist state forces.
A number of clinical trials have shown regular exercise to be strongly linked to heightened immunity.
Throughout the empire, monumental sculptors continued to draw upon the heightened diction of classical figuration.
The flavor of a simple roast gravy is especially good heightened by an addition of lavender marinade.
Once I'd seen the cross of sacrifice in the very front of the churchyard, my interest was considerably heightened!
In particular, the number of fatalities (21) greatly heightened public concern about food safety.
The employment of an Arts Development Officer has significantly heightened the profile of the arts and its contribution to the Boro.
Each can certainly be considered to be a kingdom oracle with heightened imagery.
Attempts by the parents to insist on attendance result in heightened distress, or temper outbursts.
The Middle East is littered with the wreckage of failed defense pacts that only heightened tensions.
Vulnerable and insecure they react with heightened sensitivity to the raw world around them.
Two added ingredients heightened the tension for the investigating police, who were under increasing pressure with every murder to make an arrest.
She had a refit in 1897 when the funnels were heightened, the yards were removed and she was given a wheelhouse.
But we shall also find that, even if we could conceive the poetry to be a perfect expression of all that can be given in words and actions, the orchestra will express something greater; it will not run parallel with the poetry; the Leitmotif system will not be a collection of labels; the musical expression of singer and orchestra will not be a mere heightened resource of dramatic declamation.
His natural idiom in short was that of a heightened and ennobled folk-song, and one of the most remarkable evidences of his genius was the power with which he adapted all his perfection and symmetry of style to the requirements of popular speech.
Jennifer did agree that she continues to have feelings of heightened self-worth as a result of the birthday gift.
And many of her own dawn visits were clearly heightened experiences in the midst of the beauty and solitude of an ancient landscape.
When we are anxiety is heightened we are more likely to act in a cold blooded, unfeeling way.
Cats possess a heightened sense of intuition, and they just seem to know when it's time for a trip to the grooming shop, if there's an upcoming vet trip or any other special occasion that will require them to spend time in a cat carrier.
Use liquid liner to draw sharp, precise lines, which can either stop at the outer corners of the eye or extend past it for heightened drama.
The fruit's flavor is heightened by the wafting aroma of jasmine flowers or rose petals.
This means the body continues to function at this heightened level causing damage to bodily functions.
Kava Kava is effective in reducing anxiety because it helps heightened physiological responses from stress return to a relaxed state.
As our health declines, we become less able to deal with these same life stressors, and our sensitivity to even minor stress becomes heightened.
When something bad does happen, your stress level becomes extremely high because it was already at a heightened level.
As stress levels build throughout the day, your body does not have a chance to relax and it remains in a state of heightened alert taking a toll on your physical, emotional and mental health.
Since you are low on sleep and in a heightened state of arousal, you may forget things you normally had no problem remembering and you may be startled easily.
Vice versa, once you identify the behaviors that make you anxious, you will be able to avoid them and behave in ways that will not produce a heightened state of stress.
Exotic locations, exclusive guest lists and heightened security make celebrity weddings sought-after photo opportunities for the press and paparazzi.
KoL's second studio album heightened the band's UK appeal and broadened their domestic audience.
Today, hundreds of pop stars and media darlings show off their freshly pierced navels, creating a heightened love for the studs and rings reserved for belly buttons.
Many advocates of kombucha highlight this heightened wellbeing as a primary reason to use it as a tea, extract, or capsule supplement.
The concern of is genetically modified food safe is heightened by the lack of labeling on these products.
The stage is known as "paradoxical sleep" because of the combination of immobile muscles and heightened brain activity.
The child may have heightened stress after having a bedwetting episode, making falling asleep subsequent nights difficult.
Without rest, your body and mind remain at a heightened state of anxiety, which can cause many dangerous and unfavorable consequences.
Additionally, anyone with special eye needs or a heightened sensitivity to light, may also want to speak to their doctor about this eyewear.
Episodes of sleepwalking may be signs of a child's heightened anxiety about something.
Children are more likely to suffer sports injuries than adults since a child's vulnerability is heightened by immature reflexes, an inability to recognize and evaluate risks, and underdeveloped coordination.
They may experience racing thoughts or a heightened energy level during the aggressive episode, with fatigue and depression developing shortly afterward.
These symptoms usually occur during heightened activity, such as crying.
Other possible consequences of frostbite include skin-color changes, nail deformation or loss, joint stiffness and pain, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and heightened sensitivity to cold.
Whenever you use dance art, or any other graphic for that matter, remember to have a heightened awareness of copyright laws and regulations.
Following the experience of so many heightened emotions, there is a strong urge to thank those who offered that pillar of support.
Poems can be comforting by calming heightened emotions.
Mixed with a glossy color - either a heightened version of your natural shade or something wildly different - this is a striking style without being overly extreme (unless you want to be).
The sense of smell is may be heightened now, so be sure to avoid smells that you know will bring on nausea.
Another factor that contributes to the issue of tummy troubles is the fact that pregnant women have a heightened sense of smell.
Some woman may also have a heightened sense of smell, which causes an aversion to certain foods.
Some women experience an increase in sex drive or a heightened sense of smell and taste right before ovulation.
If you live in the city and are hoping for a better quality of life through heightened self-esteem and emotional well-being, then you just may be a perfect candidate for cosmetic dentistry.
While some people sing the praises of more heightened senses after waxing, others simply prefer a clean look.
With the rise of rock'n'roll, there was a heightened interest in the idea of the teenager.
Traditional masquerade ball costumes are elaborate period clothes heightened to a fantastical degree with masks to match.
Children and adults alike join in the fun, which is heightened when you make your own mask.
With all the hormones running through your body, your senses (taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight) are all heightened.
Because when you're mucking around foreign places, heightened security can save you an unpremeditated trip to the passport office.
Convenience is heightened with an array of exterior pockets - two large open pockets and three smaller zip pockets.
Burrescia specifies that "Lightweight athletic shoes are beneficial to wear for any activity that requires you to have heightened foot proprioception.
Many practitioners suggest practicing prior to traditional sleep, not only for the restorative benefits, but also for the potential of lucid dreaming and heightened awareness even while the mind and body are in a state of rest.
Many expectant mothers report a heightened awareness not only of their bodies, but also of their babies, when practicing yoga.
Even Nidra yoga, also known as "the sleep of the yogis," encourages a yogi to explore the vast caverns of the mind in order to achieve peace and heightened awareness.
Many shoppers also appreciate the heightened sense of style that comes with yoga clothing.
While this approach may mean less chaos, school spirit might not be as heightened if it is seen as only an activity that those involved in sports get to enjoy.
Hypnosis is a type of altered consciousness in which an individual is not resting in a sleep-like state like once believed, but rather a hyper-attentive one with heightened sensibilities.
When you are stressed, your body is in a heightened state of preparedness.
The intensity of the step aerobics exercise workout can be heightened by inserting risers under this platform for elevation.
In Florida, recent hurricane activity has heightened the awareness of Gulf Breeze insurance needs.
Pin-up girls and movies heightened their popularity among men and women.
What makes this pattern so compelling is the fact that it's quite masculine, but once on the female body, the pattern takes on a heightened sense of femininity that clearly captivates.
During the course of the supporting tour, Trent Reznor's ongoing addiction to drugs and alcohol had heightened, and he was soon known for being difficult, antisocial, and aggressive.
Sentinels, he explains, were ancient tribal guardians with one or more heightened senses.
Ellison just wants the heightened senses to go away, but Sandburg convinces him that the thing to do is to get them under control.
It is important to remember that Ellison's heightened abilities don't give him super powers.
For those who are sun worshipers or treat themselves to regular sun bed treatments, risk is heightened which means that awareness should be too.
During the heightened wedding months, typically June and July, OPI releases many colors from the Soft Shades collection and groups them together in the infamous Fairy Tale Bridal collection.
Her eyes were shimmering with tears that only heightened her seductive appeal.
They were both becoming accustomed to their superior strength and heightened senses.
Great. A little tingly, like my senses are heightened somehow.
Her sense of danger grew more heightened at the thought that something had happened between the time Gabe originally gave her his necklace and now.
The trickle of a familiar stream heightened her dulled senses, and she forced herself onward, through the brush and to the stream.
If the amused expression on his face was any indication, he detected her heightened awareness.
He started his Tai Chi routine, focusing externally while the night filled his heightened senses.
Xander's heightened senses were able to see everything from above – except Jessi.
This cement mass is heightened at many places so as to make platforms and supports for huts.
In the case of Messina the horror of the situation was heightened by a tidal wave.
They held that Christ's body was so inseparably united with the Logos as not to be consubstantial with humanity; its natural attributes were so heightened as to make it sinless and incorruptible.
The discontent arising among Brazilians from this cause was heightened by a decree assigning a heavy tax on the chief Brazilian custom houses, to be in operation for forty years, for the benefit of the Portuguese noblemen who had suffered during the war with France.
The reception of this volume was cordial, but not so universally respectful as that which Tennyson had grown to expect from his adoring public. The fact was that the heightened reputation of Browning, and still more the sudden vogue of Swinburne, Morris and Rossetti (1866-1870), considerably disturbed the minds of Tennyson's most ardent readers, and exposed himself to a severer criticism than he had lately been accustomed to endure.
Gold has a characteristic yellow colour, which is, however, notably affected by small quantities of other metals; thus the tint is sensibly lowered by small quantities of silver, and heightened by copper.
It is composed of a circlet of gold, adorned with precious stones and pearls, heightened with fleurs-de-lys, and is raised above the circlet in the form of a cap which is opened in the middle, so that the lower part is crescentshaped; across this opening from front to back rises an arched fillet, enriched with pearls and surmounted by an orb, on which is a cross of pearls.
Probably Wellington's failure to co-operate at Ligny had heightened the Prussian chief-of-staff's unworthy suspicions of the good faith and soldierly qualifications of the British marshal; and it was well for the allies that Blucher was able to resume command before Napoleon had time to profit from the dissensions that would probably have arisen had Gneisenau remained in control.
Protected by a tariff wall which was repeatedly heightened between 1879 and 1907, manufactures made considerable progress.
His subjects were ordered to worship him under the name of Zeus; he built a bridge of brass, over which he drove at full speed in his chariot to imitate thunder, the effect being heightened by dried skins and caldrons trailing behind, while torches were thrown into the air to represent lightning.
Our estimate of the value of these variant readings, moreover, is considerably heightened when we consider that the MSS.
The picture of Mistress Blagge's saintly life at court is heightened in interest when read in connexion with the scandalous memoirs of the comte de Gramont, or contemporary political satires on the court.
They seem also never to walk or run when on the ground, but always to hop. The bodyfeathers are commonly loose and soft; and, gaily coloured as are most of the species, in few of them has the plumage the metallic glossiness it generally presents in the pies, while the proverbial beauty of the "jay's wing" is due to the vivid tints of blue - turquoise and cobalt, heightened by bars of jet-black, an indication of the same style of ornament being observable in the greater FIG.
The latter was now supreme among the Mamelukes, and this fact considerably heightened their old enmity.
All accounts agree in describing him in later life as a man of handsome presence, with a venerable white beard, piercing black eyes and a benevolent cast of countenance, the effect of which was heightened in conversation by a voice of singular sweetness.
He was disliked by the citizens of London; and this ill-feeling was heightened when Gloucester, who was a favourite of the Londoners, returned to England and was doubtless reproached by Beaufort for the folly of his undertaking.
This magnificent basilica, with four round towers, two large domes, and a choir at each end, has a specially imposing exterior, though the impression produced by the interior, is also one of great dignity and simplicity, heightened by the natural colour of the red sandstone of which it is built.
Administrative confusion had been heightened by the triumph of the Jacobins.
The disastrous effects of the Terror were heightened by the financial mismanagement of the Jacobins.
My view is heightened with a gentle lope by car across the calming, almost whimsical, landscape.
The presence and remarks of Willarski who continually deplored the ignorance and poverty of Russia and its backwardness compared with Europe only heightened Pierre's pleasure.
She used this heightened publicity to increase awareness in the fight for the rights of gay couples who want to become adoptive parents.
It raced through her body, lulling her into a strange trance of heightened senses while he drank.
Your skill appears to be that your mind can't be manipulated, and you are … undetectable to our heightened senses.
Almost as subtle, and much more directly impressive, is the pathos of the death of Siegfried, which is heightened by an unprecedented appeal to a sense of musical form on the scale of the entire tetralogy.
Pretorius (q.v.) had been appointed his successor, and to the younger Pretorius was due the first efforts to end the discord and confusion which prevailed among the burghers - a discord heightened by ecclesiastical strife, the points at issue being questions not of faith but of church government.
The deceptive effect is in some cases heightened by cutting over and polishing by hand the pressed surface.
The secrecy of the undertaking heightened its charm and they marched gaily.