Hedgerows Sentence Examples
The species of Sphenophyllum have a graceful appearance, which has been compared with that of the trailing Galiums of hedgerows.
The order is represented in Britain by Arum maculatum, a low herbaceous plant common in woods and hedgerows in England, but probably not wild in Scotland.
The species of Octodon have larger ears, longer, tufted tails and the sides of the cheekteeth indented by plates of enamel; they are chiefly found in hedgerows and bushes, where they burrow.
In laying off receiving drains it is essential to give hedgerows and trees a good offing, lest the conduit be obstructed by the roots.
Closer to the sea, the hedgerows are thick with pink thrift and white sea campion.
There are often small woodlands on the ends of the drumlins and dense hedgerows around the base, giving visual emphasis to drumlin landforms.
The woodland edges offer a greater range of shrubs and attract similar birds as hedgerows and scrub.
The conservation of stone walls, hedgerows and traditional stone gateposts would reinforce landscape pattern and character.
The butterflies usually oviposit on nettles growing in smallish clumps in sunny woodland glades, or in the vicinity of hedgerows.
The site is bounded by mature hedgerows to three sides whilst the north boundary consists of a deciduous woodland.
AdvertisementThey are enclosed by dense hedgerows with numerous hedgerow trees, which create strong field patterns.
Within the UK Biodiversity Action Plan ancient and species-rich hedgerows are recognized as a priority habitat, in need of conservation.
They are enclosed by a mixture of stone walls, wire fencing and rough, gappy hedgerows.
Woodland limited in extent but bushy hedgerows and hedgerow trees give sheltered character.
Fields within basin enclosed by dense, hawthorn hedgerows with numerous, well-spaced hedgerow trees; hedgerows on margins are predominantly gorse.
AdvertisementRobust field pattern reinforced by stone walls and gorse hedgerows.
Hedgerow regulations It is against the law to remove most countryside hedgerow regulations It is against the law to remove most countryside hedgerows without permission.
Colin Plant informs me that he has actually visited the Cambridgeshire establishment and has noted many escapes of migratory locusts in the surrounding hedgerows.
I do not agree with flailing the hedgerows, but summer growth is so profuse.
Arable land, although present throughout the area, is not visually prominent due to the presence of tall tho poorly-managed hedgerows.
AdvertisementOne particular area already has some nature conservation interest as relatively unimproved grassland, with a network of small hedgerows and some wetland habitat.
These schemes also accommodate the planting of new hedgerows and the buffering of riparian vegetation.
This is the month to see wild roses and honeysuckle in bloom in the hedgerows.
I saw several wrens working their way along the hedgerows but there were no other birds of interest.
Hedgerows are a refuge for many woodland and farmland plants and animals.
AdvertisementEnjoy complete tranquility with birds singing in hedgerows of wild flowers.
Vegetal aromas were reported on the nose (" hedgerows " or " old strawberries ") as well as cherry-like fruit.
Feeding Habitat Open woodland, parkland, hedgerows, along waterside vegetation.
Excellent for covering bowers, railings, stumps, cottages, etc., and also for naturalisation in hedgerows and copses.
Brambles are found throughout the British Isles and some of the species from America and its habitats are woods, scrub, hedgerows, heaths, waste ground, and banks.
It will soon run wild in almost any soil, among shrubs or hedgerows.
Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum Lantana) - One of the two kinds native of Britain, and frequent in hedgerows and copses, especially in chalk or limestone soils.
You live at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows.
The open road, the dusty highway, the heath, the common, the hedgerows, the rolling downs!
Acer campestre, the common maple, is common in hedgerows, but less often seen as a tree, when it is seldom more than 20 ft.
It was, of course, not to be expected that an Oxonian Tory should praise the Presbyterian polity and ritual, or that an eye accustomed to the hedgerows and parks of England should not be struck by the bareness of Berwickshire and East Lothian.