Heavenly-body Sentence Examples
The anomalistic revolution of a planet or other heavenly body is the revolution between two consecutive passages through the pericentre.
One characteristic of astronomy which tends to make its progress slow and continuous arises out of the general fact that, except in the case of motions to or from us, which can be determined by a single observation with the spectroscope, the motion of a heavenly body can be determined only by comparing its position at two different epochs.
The position of a heavenly body is then defined by its direction and distance from the supposed observer.
Now let P be any point in space, say the centre of a heavenly body.
It is readily seen that the position of a heavenly body is completely defined when these co-ordinates are given.
Taking as origin the position of an observer, the direction of a heavenly body is defined by the point in which he sees it in the sky; that is to say, on the celestial sphere.
The unceasing diurnal motion of the image of any heavenly body relative to the cross threads of a telescope makes a direct accurate measure of any co-ordinate except the declination almost impossible.
But an unlooked-for fresh opportunity was afforded by the discovery in 1898 of the singularly circumstanced minor planet Eros, which occasionally approaches the earth more nearly than any other heavenly body except the moon.
In the sacrament of the Lord's Supper it is the heavenly body of the God-man which is actually partaken of in the elements.
Alright, so Pluto is no longer technically a planet, but this heavenly body still brings about long-term changes.
AdvertisementThe Moon is the most rapidly moving planet in your horoscope, so keeping track of this speedy heavenly body can be a bit of a task.