Heat-wave Sentence Examples
She died from apparent heat exhaustion in the same heat wave.
In 1996, Monsanto's pest-resistant Bt-cotton succumbed to a heat wave in the southern US and was destroyed by bollworms and other pests.
The Red Cross has helpful information about how to make an emergency preparedness kit, as well as tips for dealing with summer-related situations that can affect personal safety, such as a heat wave or a drought.
Not only are these swim shorts casual, they are comfortable too, often sewn with a breathable fabric that won't stifle you during a heat wave.
Extreme heat warnings - The potentially hazardous implications of a heat wave are sometimes over looked, however every year many people die or are made ill as the result of extreme heat.
Hello Everyone Hope everyone is enjoying the heat wave and aren't to sizzled!
Any food with chocolate is best saved for cooler days. I have seen children smothered in chocolate in a heat wave.
Vegetables on Ice for Miniature Piglets The recent heat wave has been exhausting for everyone and animals are no exception.