Heartless Sentence Examples
Almost all that he gained by his heartless diplomacy was a seat in the council and in the star-chamber.
She's a conniving, self-serving, arrogant creature. Heartless, too.
Dusty, his heartless assassin, had found his mate.
How could any human be so heartless to slay an infant?
Muller divides the tribe into three families, Cypridinidae, Halocypridae, and the heartless Polycopidae, which constituted the tribe Cladocopa of Sars.
In personal character he has sometimes been described as having been revoltingly heartless; and it is abundantly plain that he was singularly incapable of feeling strongly the more generous emotions - a misfortune, or a fault, which revealed itself in many ways.
Apparently he thought she was heartless, as well - over a stupid bird?
The hearts taken by the heartless become Heartless themselves.
I'd as soon die here as live much longer among these cruel and heartless people.
My heartless mind will not allow my aching body the sleep it so desperately craves and I wander this near-empty house throughout the night.
AdvertisementAt least one child, a ten year-old girl, was killed by heartless gunfire.
Time seemed to crawl as they waited for the first heartless to show.
Slowly but steadily the heartless Mangaboos drove them on, until they had passed through the city and the gardens and come to the broad plains leading to the mountain.
Noble, wretched, magnanimous, heartless, petty, generous, self-sacrificing, and selfish.
Whatever may have been the immediate genesis of the myth - and it may well be sought in the heartless forest laws - its vitality was assured by the English love of archery and historical repetition.
AdvertisementHe fought with distinction under his father in Franche-Comte and the Low Countries; but he was heartless, avaricious and undoubtedly insane.
You know for such a heartless bastard, you're pretty smart sometimes.
The prevailing opinion that this shouldn't be allowed seems heartless.
It sounds heartless, but often totally ignoring him when he seems afraid produces an improvement.
The dilemma is that as broadcasters we do not want to appear heartless.
AdvertisementJust as he took two steps, a large group of odd looking heartless began to come up out of the ground.
I'm not completely heartless tho - I bought a screwdriver.
Only the really heartless, the stupid ones of that household, and the little children failed to understand this and avoided her.
Some accounts say the seamen died of hunger; others say the heartless Sirens ate them.
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.
AdvertisementLeft arm spinner Heartless will be disappointed with figures of 13 overs 0 wicket for 123.
As much as I like Heartless talking like Cutter Mitchell, this is really annoying.
I know this because she cheated on all her boyfriends and even with her best friend boyfriends, cruel and heartless so what's to say she wouldn't do it to him?
From the company that brought us Final Fantasy, you can now venture through wide worlds of wonder with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other popular Disney figures as they battle against the Heartless.
In Attic tradition and on the Athenian stage Minos is a cruel tyrant, the heartless exactor of the tribute of Athenian youths to feed the Minotaur.
For once, she thought, the heartless bastard was right.
This is an entertaining sci-fi caper about cloning in a heartless future world.
How can we be so heartless as to kill your pet, you ask?
The group put their weapons away; these were people, not heartless.
They remind me of him, upstanding, decent and calculated not to offend, but really rather heartless and without exception absolute bores.
Great movie, as close to the great series it was based on as possible, but it's still a very heartless affair.
This seemingly heartless statement has great meaning behind it.
I apologize if this sounds a bit heartless, but if evolution is true that is the only analysis which makes sense.
We are not speaking of the insolence of open and avowed infidelity, but of the heartless indifference of respectable orthodoxy.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
I 'm not completely heartless tho - I bought a screwdriver.
Destorying a lot of Heartless Ships will grant you an additional 29 models.
Use the following list to obtain the others.Defeat the indicated number of Heartless to unlock these items, then talk to Gepetto to receive them.
Hoot is a family film about a family that moves Florida and get involved in saving a population of endangered owls from the clutches of a heartless land developer.
Fans of the 2009 season of American Idol are surely fans of Kris Allen Heartless.
This article will provide a background of the song and will then take you to places on the Internet where you can watch Kris Allen Heartless and even buy a copy so you can listen to it whenever you like.
Kris Allen performed Heartless on the second to last evening of the 2009 contest.
The song Heartless was originally written by the Grammy Award winning rapper Kanye West and was still a hit on the charts when Allen performed it.
The other large part of Allen's gamble was that Kanye West's version of Heartless was so drastically different than the version Allen performed.
Check out the following links to see and hear different performances of Kris Allen Heartless.
Last.fm - Last.fm is a great online media site where you can listen to a studio recording of Kris Allen's version of Heartless.
If you have iTunes installed on your computer, you can purchase Heartless and other songs by Kris Allen whenever you want.
To really appreciate what Kris Allen did with the song Heartless, you might want to check out the original Kanye West video.
Both takes on the song are fantastic, however, and it's a testament to the strength of the songwriting that Heartless can be interpreted in such disparate ways.
The replicants, led by Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer in a breakout performance) are ruthless, heartless and will torture or kill in order to get what they want.
His lust for latinum, the currency used throughout the galaxy, often makes him seem like a cruel and heartless individual.
I had total freedom to design, animate, program and promote artwork that helped show that the people of Iran are human and that the American people aren't all heartless.
Still less historical justification is to be found for the vacillating Weisslingen in whom Goethe executed poetic justice on himself as the lover of Friederike, or in the women of the play, the gentle Maria, the heartless Adelheid.
Judged by some passages of his life he would appear a heartless egotist, and yet he was capable of the sincerest friendship and could never dispense with human sympathy.