Heartily Sentence Examples
The salesman heartily agreed.
The choice was one which posterity can heartily approve.
I'm heartily glad you have come and are staying with me.
If her father had been alive, he would have heartily agreed with her marriage to Alex.
In doing battle against the Tyrian Baal he is content with a reformation for which the whole nation can be heartily won, because it makes no radical change in their inherited faith and practices of worship. And in stimulating resistance to Syria he is.
Here she examined her arm with evident satisfaction, laughing heartily to herself.
In it, of ter going over the several instances, he says, " I do again confess, that on the points charged upon me, although they should be taken as myself have declared them, there is a great deal of corruption and neglect; for which I am heartily and penitently sorry, and submit myself to the judgment, grace, and mercy of the court."
Although at various times he had helped to strengthen the law for the recovery of fugitive slaves, declining as secretary of state to aid Great Britain in the further suppression of the slave trade, and demanding the return of fugitives from Canada, yet he heartily supported the colonizing of the slaves in Africa, because slavery was the "deepest stain upon the character of the country," opposition to which could not be repressed except by "blowing out the moral lights around," and "eradicating from the human soul the light of reason and the law of liberty."
Heartily attached to King Sigismund I.
The Mahratta chiefs never again united heartily for a common purpose, though they still continued to be the most formidable military power in India.
AdvertisementHe believed that the royal difficulties would be removed if a policy were adopted with which the people could heartily sympathize, and if the king placed himself at the head of his parliament and led them on.
It was probably mainly on account of this money-lending that the Jews were so heartily detested and liable to such gross ill-treatment by the people.
Diderot was for a time heartily in sympathy with deistic thought; and the Encyclopedie was in its earlier portion an organ of deism.
As the general election approached he responded heartily to Mr. Lloyd George's proposal that the Coalition should be continued, and that the country should be definitely invited to return candidates who should undertake to support the Coalition Government; and he joined with him in issuing the letters or certificates, nicknamed " coupons," accepting Coalition candidates.
The ministry asserted, what no competent jurist would now think of denying, that parliament is sovereign; but they went heartily with Pitt in pronouncing the exercise of the right of taxation in the case of the American colonists to be thoroughly impolitic and inexpedient.
AdvertisementIndeed, I am heartily glad that I don't know all that is being said and written about Helen and myself.
I heartily accept the motto,--"That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.
The mummers (some of the house serfs) dressed up as bears, Turks, innkeepers, and ladies--frightening and funny--bringing in with them the cold from outside and a feeling of gaiety, crowded, at first timidly, into the anteroom, then hiding behind one another they pushed into the ballroom where, shyly at first and then more and more merrily and heartily, they started singing, dancing, and playing Christmas games.
No Englishman ever understood the native character so well as Hastings; none ever devoted himself more heartily to the promotion of every scheme, great and small, that could advance the prosperity of India.
At the Restoration, in which they heartily co-operated, there were in Ulster seventy ministers in fixed charges, with nearly eighty parishes or congregations containing one hundred thousand persons.
AdvertisementAlthough, however, he adds that at this point he suspended his religious inquiries, " acquiescing with implicit belief in the tenets and mysteries which are adopted by the general consent of Catholics and Protestants," his readers will probably do him no great injustice if they assume that even then it was rather to the negations than to the affirmations of Protestantism that he most heartily assented.
The Peruvians were now heartily tired of revolutionary Pierola disturbances, and an insurrectionary outbreak in President.
Once arrived she gave herself heartily to Urban's cause, and wore her slender powers out in restraining his impatient temper, quieting the revolt of the people of Rome, and trying to win for Urban the support of Europe.
During the agitation against corruption, and in favour of honest management of the public money, which was very strong between 1779 and 1782, he and they worked heartily together.
Though heartily disliked in Holland, Leicester made himself so popular in Utrecht that the burgher guard even presented him with a petition that he would, assume the sovereignty.
AdvertisementHe threw himself heartily into an attempt to weaken the hold of the Austrian despotism by indirect educational means.
By his speeches and messages, and by his frank use of one of the greatest of modern social engines - the newspaper press - he created a public opinion which heartily supported him.
No patriotic Pole, we imagine, can read the history of this miserable war without feeling heartily ashamed of his countrymen.
The dissidents had no political rights, and their religious liberties had also been unjustly restricted; but two-thirds of them being agricultural labourers, and most of the rest artisans or petty tradesmen, they had no desire to enter public life, and were so ignorant and illiterate that their new protectors, on a closer acquaintance, became heartily ashamed of them.
At the various congresses, from Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) to Verona (1822), therefore, he showed himself heartily in sympathy with the repressive policy formulated in the Troppau Protocol.
Henceforward their military power declined and they fell at times under Pontic ascendancy, from which they were finally freed by the Mithradatic wars, in which they heartily supported Rome.
As he grew up he became extremely dissatisfied with the dull and monotonous life he was compelled to lead; and his discontent was heartily shared by his sister, Wilhelmina, a bright and intelligent young princess for whom Frederick had a warm affection.
Russia and Saxony entered into it heartily, and France, laying aside her ancient enmity towards Austria, joined the empress against the common object of dislike.
Charles heartily despised him, and yet appears to have retained affection for him.
Gradually they extended their powers, aided by the jealousy between the royal houses, which made it almost impossible for the two kings to co-operate heartily, and from the 5th to the 3rd century they exercised a growing despotism which Plato justly calls a tyrannis (Laws, 692).
Though a large proportion of the New England Baptists co-operated heartily in the cause of independence, the denomination failed to win the popularity that comes from successful leadership.
While there he wrote his will, and published his last book, in the preface to which he says, "I heartily take my good-night of the faithful of both realms. ..
While Bird Song fed its guests only breakfast, there was always fresh fruit available and the management triumvirate ate heartily of nature's stores.
In 1890 he tells us how a grievous error had been committed in one of the first steps, and pathetically adds, "My spirit in the work was broken, and I have never heartily proceeded with it since."
She had regarded the prospect of death with courage and almost with levity, laughing heartily as she put her hands about her "little neck" and recalled the skill of the executioner.
In rejecting the League Covenant, he said " we make no surrender of our hope and aim for an association to promote peace, in which we would most heartily join."
He heartily approved of the peace conference, which attempted to draw up a plan of reconciliation between the two sections, but whose failure made war inevitable.
Among the propositions he could heartily abjure was that relating to transubstantiation; among those he felt constrained unflinchingly to maintain was one which had given great offence, to the effect that Christ, not Peter, is the head of the church to whom ultimate appeal must be made.
It was very commonly believed at the time that this nomination for the vice-presidency was participated in and heartily approved of by the machine politicians or "bosses" of the State of New York in their belief that it would result in his elimination from active political life.
It ought to be remembered, to the honour of Pope, that he joined heartily in the applause with which the appearance of a rival genius was welcomed.
The emperor himself entered heartily into this scheme for increasing the power of his family; he declared the marriage with John Henry void, and bestowed upon his son and his bride Margaret not only Tirol, but also Carinthia, now in the hands of the Habsburgs.
May heartily supported the Reformation, signed the Ten Articles in 1536, and helped in the production of The Institution of a Christian Man.
After his return to Rome, he heartily supported the attempt to secure his brother's recall from exile, and was nearly murdered by gladiators in the pay of P. Clodius Pulcher.
Philip was sentenced to detention for fifteen years, and as he was heartily disliked by Charles his imprisonment was a rigorous one, and became still more so after he had made an attempt to escape.
The marquis Lafayette, doubly popular as a veteran of the American War and as one of the nobles who heartily upheld the cause of the Assembly, was chosen commandant of the new civic force, thenceforwards known as the National Guard.
Pitt entered heartily into their plans, and recommended Wilberforce to undertake the guidance of the project as a subject suited to his character and talents.
As an ally she was ineffective, nor could she ever rid herself of her narrowly Peloponnesian outlook sufficiently to throw herself heartily into the affairs of the greater Hellas that lay beyond the isthmus and across the sea.
An enthusiastic believer in the destiny of his country and more especially of the West, and a thoroughgoing expansionist, he heartily favoured in Congress the measures which resulted in the annexation of Texas and in the Mexican War - in the discussion of the annexation of Texas he suggested as early as 1845 that the states to be admitted should come in slave or free, as their people should vote when they applied to Congress for admission, thus foreshadowing his doctrine of " Popular Sovereignty."
The emir heartily repudiated the leader of the rising, who claimed to be a Mandi inspired to drive the white man out of the country.
It cleared away such conditions as repentance, or some degree of outward or inward reformation, and argued that where Christ is heartily received, full repentance and a new life follow.
Paul laughed heartily, spilling his drink while Ginger's husband Joseph glowered further at his wife, a look of pure hatred on his puffy face.
The firemen were heartily applauded on their smart performance.
If you're looking for an MP3 player but you wish to skip the iPod bandwagon I heartily reccomend the Zen Micro.
I could find no real fault with it so I would heartily commend it for use.
We heartily concur with these " four points " which are endorsed by the Green Paper launched by David Blunkett.
July 11, 1906 We heartily congratulate the Great Northern Railroad Company on having brought Newark within two hours of the bracing Lincolnshire coast.
The invited congregation simply adored Mr Blair, whooping, cheering and laughing heartily at his jokes.
American doughboys were heartily weary of the unimaginative and barely digestible food served by army cooks.
According to the son, Alois, Jr. heartily disliked Adolph as a boy.
As a disabled person I heartily endorse these moves.
No problems with the injections although I was heartily glad when they ended.
And I laughed heartily with Charles Morgan's little " making the inquisitor funny " bit- it will probably always be my favorite book.
The bar loafers crowded round him and shook him heartily by the hand.
She found her royal husband laughing heartily at a letter which he would not shew her.
The - s will be heartily sick of you.
When, in the early years of steam navigation, the English government made known its desire to substitute steam vessels for the sailing ships then employed in the mail service between England and America, Cunard heartily entered into the scheme, came to England, and accepted the government tender for carrying it out.
Though reared in the height of luxury he at once determined to restore the traditional institutions of Lycurgus, with the aid of Lysander, a descendant of the victor of Aegospotami, and Mandrocleidas, a man of noted prudence and courage; even his mother, the wealthy Agesistrata, threw herself heartily into the cause.
Men like Thomas Murner, for instance, heartily denounced " the great Lutheran fool," but at the same time bitterly attacked monks and priests, and popularized the conception of the simple man with the hoe (Karsthans).
Sigismund's obstinate insistence upon his right to the Swedish crown was the one impediment to the conclusion of a war which the Polish Diet heartily detested and very successfully impeded.
In the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily.
The Wizard was also most heartily welcomed by the straw man, who was an important personage in the Land of Oz.
Then all three of them laughed heartily.
I knew I could not see; but it did not seem possible that all the eager, loving children who gathered round me and joined heartily in my frolics were also blind.
She was greatly delighted with the monkeys and kept her hand on the star performer while he went through his tricks, and laughed heartily when he took off his hat to the audience.
The hussars crowded round and responded heartily with loud shouts.
But then the two rivals in popularity shook hands heartily and parted on terms of intimate friendship.
I heartily agree with Frediani that all surfers need to be good watermen and need to swim at least a mile.
In light of that fact, it's easy to see why some may prefer to go the imitation route, and once you see what is currently available on the market, you might heartily agree!
Although heartily I recommend it, I would also recommend not committing infanticide on it like we did and let it age a bit longer (2-3 years).
Your comments, questions and suggestions are not only welcomed, they are heartily encouraged.
When that happens, show producers introduce new characters to fans and hope that the fresh faces are embraced as heartily as the originals.
Thus it was natural that as Henry grew to manhood he seconded heartily the peace policy.
With the sympathetic organization which made him keenly sensible of the wants of the poor, he threw himself heartily into the movement known as Christian Socialism, of which Frederick Denison Maurice was the recognized leader, and for many years he was considered as an extreme radical in a profession the traditions of which were conservative.