Hearth-and-home Sentence Examples
He was a Methodist circuit rider and pastor in Indiana and Minnesota (18J7-1866); associate editor (1866-1867) of The Little Corporal, Chicago; editor of The National Sunday School Teacher, Chicago (1867-1870); literary editor and later editor-in-chief of The Independent, New York (1870-1871); and editor of Hearth and Home in 1871-1872.
His brother George Cary Eggleston (1839-), American journalist and author, served in the Confederate army; was managing editor and later editor-in-chief of Hearth and Home (1871-1874); was literary editor of the New York Evening Post (1875-1881), literary editor and afterwards editor-in-chief of the New York Commercial Advertiser (1884-1889), and editorial writer for The World (New York) from 1889 to 1900.
Simply put, Virgo wants a mate who has a love for hearth and home and can live up to his ideals of the perfect mate.
This innate need for hearth and home will drive the goat through any obstacles that get in the way.