Hearth Sentence Examples
He looked at the fire on the hearth.
Sasha sat before the hearth, as if deep in thought.
He set down the tray on the small table near the blazing hearth and sat.
It was past nightfall, and shadows and light from the hearth danced around him.
His pipe lay broken on the hearth.
The hearth blazed opposite her position on a plush sofa with buttery leather in a small study with Persian carpets.
The hearth always has an Arents siphon tap. This is an inclined channel running through the sidewall, beginning near the bottom of the crucible and ending at the top of the hearth, where it is enlarged into a basin.
The ground floor consisted of formal dining and living areas, to include a hearth whose chimney stretched all the way to the top of the condo, two stories up.
After wavering between various plans, he decided on the 13th of July to cast himself on the generosity of the British government, and dictated a letter to the prince regent in which he compared himself to Themistocles seating himself at the hearth of his enemy.
According to a later tradition, not known to Homer, the Moerae appeared to Althaea when Meleager was seven days old, and announced that the child would only live as long as the log blazing on the hearth remained unconsumed.
AdvertisementZion at least, the sacred hearth of Yahweh, the visiblecentre of His kingdom, 1 It must not be supposed that this conception necessarily came into force as soon as it was recognized that Yahweh was the creator of the universe.
Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance.
The window to a balcony was open, allowing in a cool night breeze that made the fire in the hearth dance.
One opened it for him, and she trailed him into a large bedchamber complete with a hearth burning black flames.
She remained in the bathing chamber until the hearth was nothing but embers.
AdvertisementNothing but the crackle and soft light of the hearth disturbed the room, aside from the cold book in his hands.
A fireplace with a native stone hearth occupied most of one wall.
In the more recent form of the hearth process the blocks of cast iron forming the sides and back of the Scottish furnace are now generally replaced in the United States by water-cooled shells (waterjackets) of cast iron.
The leading reverberatory furnace for roasting lead-bearing sulphide ores has a level hearth 14-16 ft.
Liquation, if not followed by poling, is carried on as a rule in a reverberatory furnace with an oblong, slightly trough-shaped inclined hearth; if the lead is to be poled it is usually melted down in a cast-iron kettle.
AdvertisementThis has an oblong, dish-shaped hearth of acid or basic fire-brick built into a wrought-iron pan, which rests on transverse rails supported by longitudinal walls.
I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces.
She'd hung one picture above the blazing hearth.
She focused on the target, a plate above the hearth.
She'd roamed the ground floor before adopting the library as her favorite room and settling in front of a deadened hearth with a stack of celebrity magazines.
AdvertisementThe room was lit by a hearth and one oil pan, but it smelled completely of her.
It was often a "hearth tax" (fouage), when each fire, i.e.
The Silesian furnace has an oblong hearth sloping from the firebridge to the flue-bridge.
In Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham and latterly the United States, the reverberatory furnace is used only for roasting the ore, and the oxidized ore is then reduced by fusion in a low, square blastfurnace (a "Scottish hearth furnace") lined with cast iron, as is also the inclined sole-plate which is made to project beyond the furnace, the outside portion (the "work-stone") being provided with grooves guiding any molten metal that may be placed on the "stone" into a cast iron pot; the "tuyere" for the introduction of the wind was, in the earlier types, about half way down the furnace.
The roots are dug up in Mexico throughout the year, and are suspended to dry in a net over the hearth of the Indians' huts, and hence acquire a smoky odour.
The floors were of clay, and in each floor there was a hearth constructed of flat slabs' of stone.
She stared into the hearth.
They intervened in case of the king's falling sick, when it was assumed that some man had sworn by the king's hearth and broken his oath.
In the English process the bars are heated cautiously on an inclined hearth, when relatively pure tin runs off, while a skeleton of impure metal remains.
When used for ore smelting, the reduced metal and the accompanying slag were to be caught, after leaving the arc and while still liquid, in a hearth fired with ordinary fuel.
A dry method of purification consists in a liquation on a hearth of peculiar construction, which occasions the separation of the unreduced bismuth sulphide and the bulk of the other impurities.
A prayer was said to the Lar every morning, and at each meal offerings of food and drink were set before him; a portion of these was placed on the hearth and afterwards shaken into the fire.
Small waxen images of the Manes called Lares, clothed in dogskin, and on feast days crowned with garlands, stood round the family hearth of which they were the unseen guardians (but see Lares).
This class of furnace is usually known as an open fire or hearth, and is represented in a more advanced stage of development by the Catalan, German and Walloon forges formerly used in the production of malleable iron.
Sometimes, notwithstanding the snow, when I returned from my walk at evening I crossed the deep tracks of a woodchopper leading from my door, and found his pile of whittlings on the hearth, and my house filled with the odor of his pipe.
Damian's suite was lit only by a blazing fire in the hearth.
Darkyn stood beside the hearth.
Kiki whirled from his position before the hearth, his oriental features set off by electric turquoise eyes.
She crossed to the railing of the loft area overlooking the formal living room with its two-story hearth.
Chimneys are unknown in the older houses; the hearth is in the centre of the chief room, and the smoke escapes through the roof.
To them, under the name of Lares, it was the solemn preoccupation of male descendants to offer food and sacrifice and to keep alight the hearth fire which cooked the offerings.
After the nine days were passed, new fire was brought, from the sacred hearth at Delos.
He led her into a large study with a huge, brown leather couch near a dead hearth.
Deidre crossed her arms as she went to the other chair before the hearth.
She sat in a chair by the black hearth.
He gazed into the black flames of the fire in the hearth.
As if reading her intentions, Hannah forced herself out of her shock and hurried to the low-burning hearth.
It is possible that its adoration has survived from the times when the Hindus buried their dead in their houses, beneath the family hearth.
The hall is about 40 by 30 ft., with a circular hearth in the centre (&rTia or Evxapa).
So also it was needful that, like a Greek city, it should have a public hearth or prytaneum, where fire should always burn on the altar of the Olympian Hestia, and where the controllers of Olympia should exercise public hospitality.
The whole was thrown in several portions on to the hearth of a furnace previously heated to low redness and was stirred at intervals for three hours.
If the pig iron is to follow path 2, the purification which converts it into wrought iron or steel consists chiefly in oxidizing and thereby removing its carbon, phosphorus and other impurities, while it is molten, either by means of the oxygen of atmospheric air blown through it as in the Bessemer process, or by the oxygen of iron ore stirred into it as in the puddling and Bell-Krupp processes, or by both together as in the open hearth process.
On its way from the blast furnace to the converter or open hearth furnace the pig iron is often passed through a great reservoir called a " mixer," which acts also as an equalizer, to lessen the variation in composition of the cast iron, and as a purifier, removing part of the sulphur and silicon.
Thus the crucible process in its American form both carburizes and remelts, and the open hearth process is often used rather for remelting than for purifying.
In the hearth of the blast furnace the heat made latent by the fusion of the iron and slag must of course be supplied by some body which is itself at a temperature above the melting point of these bodies, which for simplicity of exposition we may call the critical temperature of the blast-furnace process, because heat will flow only from a hotter to a cooler object.
Indeed, few if any of the direct processes have attempted to make this separation, or to make it complete, leaving it for some subsequent operation, such as the open hearth process.
The charge may be melted down on the " open hearth " itself, or, as in the more advanced practice, the pig iron may be brought in the molten state from the blast furnace in which it is made.
Here the charging machine lifts one box at a time from its car, pushes it through the momentarily opened furnace door, and empties the metal upon the hearth of the furnace by inverting the box, which it then replaces on its car.
The oxygenated metal is prepared by melting cast iron diluted with as much scrap steel as is available, and oxidizing it with the flame and with iron ore as it lies in a thin molten layer, on the hearth of a large open-hearth furnace; the thinness of the layer hastens the oxidation, and the large size of the furnace permits considerable frothing.
There are two distinct ways of making the steel objects actually used in the arts, such as rails, gear wheels, guns, beams, &c., out of the molten steel made by the Bessemer, open hearth, or crucible process, or in an electric furnace.
A new cold billet is then charged at the upper end of the hearth, and the new cycle begins by pushing out through B a second billet, and so forth.
The old temple entirely vanished in the IVth dynasty, and a smaller building was erected behind it, enclosing a wide hearth of black ashes.
Material for reconstructing the megaron or Hearth of Despoina was found at Lycosura.
This rich matte is then mixed with coke and salt-cake and melted down in an open hearth furnace.
She is not mentioned in Homer, although the hearth is recognized as a place of refuge for suppliants; this seems to show that her worship was not universally acknowledged at the time of the Homeric poems. In post-Homeric religion she is one of the twelve Olympian deities, but, as the abiding goddess of the household, she never leaves Olympus.
From this fire, as the representative of the life of the city, intending colonists took the fire which was to be kindled on the hearth of the new colony.
Hestia was closely connected with Zeus, the god of the family both in its external relation of hospitality and its internal unity round its own hearth; in the Odyssey a form of oath is by Zeus, the table and the hearth.
In later philosophy Hestia became the hearth of the universe - the personification of the earth as the centre of the universe, identified with Cybele and Demeter.
A partition divided it into two equal parts, one of which had a doorway opening to the south, and close by it an extensive refuse-heap. In the middle of the other part was a stone-paved hearth, with remains of three former hearths underneath.
The floors are of clay, with a hearth of stones in the centre, often showing several renewals over the original.
He must indeed take with him the sacred fire and implements for domestic sacrifice, but until death overtakes him he must wander silent, alone, possessing no hearth nor dwelling, begging his food in the villages, firm of purpose, with a potsherd for an alms bowl, the roots of trees for a dwelling, and clad in coarse worn-out garments.
The M`Dougall furnace is turret-shaped, and consists of a series of circular hearths, on which the ore is agitated by rakes attached to revolving arms and made to fall from hearth to hearth.
Some have only one hearth, others three.
At the Boston and Great Falls (Montana) works tilting reverberatories, modelled after open hearth steel furnaces, were first erected; but they were found to possess objectionable features.
Richard Pearce's reverberatories in 1878 had an area of hearth of 15 ft.
The dukes formed a standing army, and succeeded in levying hearth taxes (fouages) throughout Brittany.
She also attends when the soul leaves the body at death, and is found near graves, and on the hearth, where the master of the house was formerly buried.
They could only be taken in Rome itself; and in case of a commander having to renew his auspicia, he must either return to Rome or select a spot in the foreign country to represent the hearth of that city.
He instituted the flamens (sacred priests) of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus; the virgins of Vesta, to keep the sacred fire burning on the hearth of the city; the Salii, to guard the shield that fell from heaven; the pontifices and augurs, to arrange the rites and interpret the will of the gods; he also divided the handicraftsmen into nine gilds.
Wherever among her own children the ancient loyalty was yielding to love of pleasure or of base gain, there, above all, it was the duty of Athens to see that the central hearth of Hellas was kept pure.
Philip took its place in the Amphictyonic Council, and was thus established as a Greek power in the very centre, at the wa, sacred hearth, of Greece.
He was a Methodist circuit rider and pastor in Indiana and Minnesota (18J7-1866); associate editor (1866-1867) of The Little Corporal, Chicago; editor of The National Sunday School Teacher, Chicago (1867-1870); literary editor and later editor-in-chief of The Independent, New York (1870-1871); and editor of Hearth and Home in 1871-1872.
His brother George Cary Eggleston (1839-), American journalist and author, served in the Confederate army; was managing editor and later editor-in-chief of Hearth and Home (1871-1874); was literary editor of the New York Evening Post (1875-1881), literary editor and afterwards editor-in-chief of the New York Commercial Advertiser (1884-1889), and editorial writer for The World (New York) from 1889 to 1900.
Or should he pursue Tilly westwards and crush the league at its own hearth and home ?
Furnaces are constructed according to many different patterns with varying degrees of complexity in arrangement; but all may be considered as combining three essential parts, namely, the fire-place in which the fuel is consumed, the heated chamber, laboratory, hearth or working bed, as it is variously called, where the heat is applied to the special work for which the furnace is designed, and the apparatus for producing rapid combustion by the supply of air under pressure to the fire.
In iron-smelting the ore is laid in a heap upon the fuel (charcoal) filling up the hearth, and is gradually brought to the metallic state by the reducing action of the carbon monoxide formed at the tuyere.
The metal sinks through the ignited fuel, forming, in the hearth, a spongy mass or ball, which is lifted out by the smelters at the end of each operation, and carried to the forge hammer.
The earthy matters form a fusible glass or slag melt, and collect at the lowest point of the hearth, whence they are removed by opening a hole pierced through the front wall at the bottom.
By continuing the walls of the hearth above the tuyere, into a shaft or stack either of the same or some other section, we obtain a furnace of increased capacity, but with no greater power of consuming fuel, in which the material to be treated can be heated up gradually by loading it into the stack, alternately with layers of fuel, the charge descending regularly to the point of combustion, and absorbing a proportion of the heat of the flame that went to waste in the open fire.
Hearth furnaces are employed in certain metallurgical operations, e.g.
This method has received considerable extension, notably in furnace-smelting of iron ores containing manganese, where the entire hearth is often completely water-cased, and in some lead furnaces where no firebrick lining is used, the lower part of the furnace stack being a mere double iron box cooled by water sufficiently to keep a coating of slag adhering to the inner shell which prevents the metal from being acted upon.
The hearth may either rotate on an inclined axis, so that the path of its surface is oblique to that of the flame, or the working part may be a hollow cylinder, between the fireplace and flue, with its axis horizontal or nearly so, whose inner surface represents the working bed, mounted upon friction rollers, and receiving motion from a special steam-engine by means of a central belt of spur gearing.
Damian's suite was lit only by a blazing fire in the hearth, and the scent of Jule's cigars hung in the air.
In Hell, human-Deidre sat next to the hearth hours after she made the deal with the goddess who stranded her.
Deidre strode to the hearth and picked up the time marker that was no larger than her pinkie.
Sasha sat before the hearth as if deep in thought.
Dragging a blanket to the warm fire in the hearth, she wrapped herself in it and sat.
He just wants to haul her back to home and hearth, where she belongs.
He forced his blood to calm and tossed his dagger on the unappealing blanket before the hearth.
Her gaze fell to the book on the mantle above the hearth.
Brick fireplace with cast iron log burning stove on a brick fireplace with cast iron log burning stove on a brick hearth.
The Hearth publishes the long running Silver Wheel Magazine, runs teaching circles and postal courses as well as a working coven.
Then they toasted crumpets on a rickety fork, sitting side by side, feet in the hearth, without speaking.
Sit by the fireplace and admire your fender or enhance the fireplace with a hearth fender.
The floor is laid in colored tiles, the hearth made comfortable with a home made rug & highly polished steel fender.
Brick fireplace & tiled hearth with fitted wood burner.
A grate of mid to late nineteenth century now occupies the former hearth.
Feature fireplace with a stone surround, hearth & mantel with display shelving & recess alongside.
It may be necessary to cut out a small trench in front of the constructional hearth to allow the air pipe to be fitted.
A hole in the roof at its highest point served to let out the smoke from a central hearth.
The domestic hearth is the most basic example of fire.
Early dwellings had their fires in an open hearth on the floor, in the middle of the main room.
Bedroom 3. Bunk beds, pine wardrobe, shelving for storage, wicker chair, electric flame effect fire in granite hearth.
We baptized the infant and had all the usual trappings of Xmas, a tree, and plum pudding and even an open hearth.
Feature stone inglenook fireplace, inset multi-fuel cast iron stove on a stone hearth, bread oven door to side.
The site has now seen several investigations which have exposed post-built structures and associated features and deposits, including middens and a hearth.
He went to see the builder, and sitting on the hearth rug in the front room, counted out the money.
Eight double posts carry a superstructure around the hearth.
In general in ancient Greece, each state, city or village possessed its own central hearth and sacred fire, representing the unity and vitality of the community.
But he found a stepmother there; and this apparition on his father's hearth at first rather appalled him.
In the southern were the Orchestra, where the Dionysiac dances took place, and the famous statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton by Antenor which were carried away by Xerxes; also the Metroum, or temple of the Mother of the Gods,the Bouleuterium, or council-chamber of the Five Hundred, the Prytaneum, the hearth of the combined communities, where the guests of the state dined, the temple of the Dioscuri, and the Tholus, or Skias, a circular stone-domed building in which the Prytaneis were maintained at the public expense; in the northern were the Leocorium, where Hipparchus was slain, the QToa /3avtXtK?7, the famous aTOet 7roLKLAn, where Zeno taught, and other structures.
This causes the lead to collect at the coolest part of the hearth, whence it is tapped, &c., as in the English furnace.
They preserved traces of their original nationality not merely in the general cast of their religious thought, but in certain common features such as the worship of the hearth (Vesta) and of the sky-divinity (Jupiter) (see Greek Religion).
The household was always the centre of religious cult, and certain objects in the house - the door, the hearth, the store-cupboard (penus)- seem always to have had a sacred significance, and so became the objects and later the sites of the domestic worship. Of the cult of animals there is just sufficient trace to show that it must formerly have had its place in religious rite; the animals, once the objects of worship, appear in later times as the attributes of divinities, for instance, the sacred wolf and woodpecker of Mars.
The Vesta of the state is in fact the king's hearth, standing in close proximity to the Regia, the king's palace; the Vestal Virgins, who have charge of the sacred fire, are the "king's daughters," and as such even in republican times were in the manus of the pontifex maximus, who was the successor of the king on the legal side of his religious duties, as the rex sacrorum was on the sacrificial side.
He had no pencil, but there was a piece of black charcoal on the hearth.
One day I happened to spill water on my apron, and I spread it out to dry before the fire which was flickering on the sitting-room hearth.
At last sleep surprised me, and when Miss Sullivan returned she found me wrapped in a blanket by the hearth.
I was surprised to see how thirsty the bricks were which drank up all the moisture in my plaster before I had smoothed it, and how many pailfuls of water it takes to christen a new hearth.
A roaring log fire burned brightly in the hearth and filled the room with the pungent scent of pine.
Babydan Fireplace Hearth Baby Gates £ 79.98 Keep babies and toddlers away from scolding hot fireplaces with this quality gate from Baby Dan.
Family shamanism is connected with the domestic hearth, whose welfare is under its care.
Feature brick fireplace and tiled hearth and fitted with a living flame gas fire.
A wood fire burned upon the hearth, and two waxen tapers flung their light on a mirror, set in richly chased silver.
Gloria tripped on the hearth and fell, almost hitting her head on the mantel as she tumbled.
Major retailers sell some knockoffs, and other replicas are available online at stores like Design Within Reach or Plow & Hearth.
This 62-inch-long love seat from Hearth Song shines in stylish lime green or magenta and features a soft velour texture and tufted seat and back.
Inside the home, the living room fireplace hearth is made of boulders found on the site.
The rough stone hearth contrasts with the smooth stone floor, intended to resemble stones lying in a creek bed.
For instance, you might have an Asian vase sitting on your fireplace mantel with two pieces of Native American pottery sitting on the hearth below.
The metal will complement a set of fireplace tools placed strategically on the hearth.
Consider playful touches, such as using a 2-inch decorative tile of a cricket placed just at the place where your fireplace surround joins your hearth.
This type of fireplace has a flush hearth.
Mix and match the textures within a room, use wooden floors with faux stone walls, or include a slate fireplace hearth with Venetian plastered surrounds.
Fake snow can be used as an aisle runner or part of a centerpiece, and a holiday hearth backdrop is perfect for the altar or head table.
A luxury dog bed is a far cry from the standard hearth rugs or stiff plastic/wicker baskets that have served as dog bedding for so long.
Part of that image includes rough-hewn logs on the exterior of the house and a stone chimney with puffy white clouds of smoke escaping from the warm hearth inside.
Pad the corners on a raised hearth or cover the edges with heat-resistant padding.
Christmas Eve has traditional holiday scents of a warm hearth, sugared plums, and candied fruits.
Stay Put Window Candles - These candles from Plow and Hearth offer some nice features, including a stay-put base that attaches to your window frame, as well as a sensor that turns the light on at dusk, and off at dawn.
You'll find the smells of cider and spices, seasonal fruits, fresh-baked goods and a warm hearth throughout the collection.
Make a fire in the hearth, light candles at dinner, or have a campfire, to soften the mood and create a dreamy atmosphere.
Argo, Clabber Girl, and Hearth Club baking powders are all gluten-free.
Simply put, Virgo wants a mate who has a love for hearth and home and can live up to his ideals of the perfect mate.
This innate need for hearth and home will drive the goat through any obstacles that get in the way.
The living area contains a gas fireplace with a marble hearth.
Each unit is a simple black canister that is attractive enough to display on your fireplace hearth so that it is always in easy reach and won't take up valuable storage space in your home.
This is a camo inspired set, but their shade of green is soft focused and light enough to be considered home and hearth friendly.
People then took sticks from the ceremonial bonfires and used them to light their own hearth fires in the hopes it would bring them good luck during the winter months.
As long as there wasn't a body, Dean could never be sure Jeffrey Byrne wouldn't jump out of the past and yell, "April Fool!" dragging Cynthia Byrne back to home and hearth.
Hilden watched her as she strode to a pitcher of wine perched on the hearth.
He picked it up again, resisting the urge to throw it into the blazing hearth.
She rose and staggered to the hearth, sagging to the floor again with the book clenched in her hands.
White Adam style fire surround on marble inset with gas living flame coal effect fire set on marble hearth.
The airy east-facing lounge, left, has a wood-burning stove on a stone hearth as its focal-point.
Brick open fireplace with an oak mantel, a brick hearth with oak edging & two display recesses.
Coal effect living flame gas fire with marble hearth and inset with timber mantle surround.
I felt my teacher sweep the fragments to one side of the hearth, and I had a sense of satisfaction that the cause of my discomfort was removed.
This is where his heart is, and he'll do all the right things to make sure that home and hearth are protected and secure.