Heartburn Sentence Examples
I use a dose of Dandelion before meals to prevent heartburn.
The same breeze giving the curtains heartburn tossed her hair around, and she pushed it aside, a flash of red making her gasp.
You can use antacids ' as required ' for mild or infrequent bouts of heartburn.
There may be other associated symptoms such as a continuous drip at the back of the throat (nasal catarrh) and heartburn.
Click Here Further Details Texas Virtual Clinic Information on common digestive problems including dysphagia (difficulty swallowing ), heartburn, anorexia.
Acid Reflux Articles A Look at Acid Reflux Treatment Heartburn is a by-product of digestion, specifically affecting the esophagus and the stomach.
However, they are not usually recommended to treat the frequent heartburn suffered by people with GERD.
Pregnancy, which commonly causes heartburn, indigestion or vomiting.
The main symptom is pain in the chest, which is often called heartburn.
You know very well, you eat this late... (Buffy stakes him) You're gonna get heartburn.
AdvertisementYou may feel sick, or have heartburn or wind.
More usually pain is associated with the damage caused by acid seeping up from the stomach - or severe heartburn.
Earth Mama Angel Baby heartburn Tea is the ideal natural remedy to help relieve the discomfort of occasional heartburn in pregnancy.
Millions of people have the disease and suffer from its most common symptom - frequent and persistent heartburn.
It should be avoided by people with chronic heartburn, severe liver damage, inflammation of the gallbladder, or obstruction of bile ducts.
AdvertisementAround 33 weeks, bad heartburn started to wake me up at night.
When I finally went and saw my doctor, I was having almost constant heartburn and acid indigestion.
In patients with gastroesophageal reflux and heartburn, antireflux regimen must be used to prevent complications of reflux esophagitis and stricture formation.
If heartburn or acid regurgitation occurs often, or the symptoms are very annoying, consult your doctor.
Heartburn afflicts most adults at some point, but can often be alleviated with antacid medications.
AdvertisementIn addition, some individuals experience upset stomach, heartburn, nausea and allergic reactions.
Also known as upset stomach or indigestion, dyspepsia causes the sufferer to experience severe heartburn along with belching, nausea and bloating.
The result is often a burning pain or "heartburn" in the upper chest area and over time damage to the lining of the esophagus may occur.
Other causes for the inability to digest the vitamin include stomach surgery and prolonged use of medications for ulcers or heartburn.
Do you have frequent headaches, severe heartburn, or high blood pressure?
AdvertisementDo you have heartburn, chest pain or sweating at night?
Waking with a sour taste in your mouth or having heartburn can also be a contributing factor.
Avoid foods that cause gas, heartburn or discomfort, which may hinder sleep.
This action causes pain, which is often called heartburn.
In an older child or adolescent, the LES weakens and acids from the stomach come into the esophagus, causing the characteristic burning in the middle of the chest, known as heartburn.
Though heartburn is the characteristic symptom of GERD in adolescents and adults, GERD in children and infants is not so easy to recognize.
They can also experience chest pain or true heartburn symptoms, which can last up to two hours and get worse after eating.
Bending over or lying down makes the heartburn worse.
No serious side effects have been reported, but minor side effects, including bloating and heartburn, have been noted.
The most common side effects are stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea, heartburn, headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, and drowsiness.
Heartburn. Pregnancy slows down digestion and makes food travel more slowly through your system, which can contribute to heartburn.
Your doctor can tell you what heartburn medicines are safe in pregnancy.
Despite having morning sickness, heartburn, swollen feet, aching backs, and other unpleasant body changes from being pregnant, celebs still manage to look their best while pregnant.
However, too much vitamin C may cause stomach problems including heartburn, acid indigestion, and diarrhea.
Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, protein deficiency, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, heartburn, abdominal pain, injury to the spleen, band slippage or erosion.
Stress can affect your digestion process and often is the cause of heartburn and other digestive disturbances.
When acid reflux occurs, it can bring on a bout of heartburn.
People tend to think heartburn is the problem, but heartburn is really the symptom of what is occurring.
For people who want a specific acid reflux diet, there are some foods that tend to contribute to heartburn and they can be eliminated.
If you lose weight, food that currently gives you heartburn may be eaten again without a problem.
It may come as a surprise that many foods will actually help relieve the pain of heartburn or reduce the likelihood of an acid reflux attack.
In fact, some studies have shown that lean, high-protein foods can actually strengthen the LES and prevent heartburn attacks.
Obesity may lead to regular bouts of heartburn or acid indigestion when stomach acid escapes into the esophagus from the valve at the top of the stomach.
Some people experience painful heartburn, acid reflux, or gastroesphageal reflux disease (GERD) as a result of this acid.
Wearing corsets in such a way caused numerous corset health issues, which included indigestion, constipation, heartburn and atrophied muscles.