Heart Sentence Examples
Her heart was starting to flutter.
My heart is singing for joy this morning.
Her heart was racing and her breath came quickly.
In the autumn I returned to my Southern home with a heart full of joyous memories.
I have had the same strange sensation even in the heart of the city.
It was the heart of their friendship.
My mother sat beside my little bed and tried to soothe my feverish moans while in her troubled heart she prayed, "Father in Heaven, spare my baby's life!"
Since everyone knew the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, she started with a special meal.
With a heavy heart, she called his number.
Put your whole heart in the good work, my child, and it cannot fail.
AdvertisementThe thought of going to college took root in my heart and became an earnest desire, which impelled me to enter into competition for a degree with seeing and hearing girls, in the face of the strong opposition of many true and wise friends.
Her heart skipped a few beats and then thundered.
I am sure his heart was always full of music, and in God's beautiful world he must have heard love's sweet replying.
His hand trembled as he gave his horse into an orderly's charge, and he felt the blood rush to his heart with a thud.
He was as her dream predicted, the man meant to steal her heart and take her life.
AdvertisementHe always seemed to me to have an excellent heart, and that is the quality I value most in people.
She sighed and snuggled against him, feeling the beat of his heart... or was that her own?
Beautiful flower, you have taught me to see a little way into the hidden heart of things.
Under that facade of indifference beats a heart primed for breaking.
Her heart was pounding hard and warmth invaded her neck.
AdvertisementHis heart pounded hard.
It was written out of my heart, and perhaps that is why it met a sympathetic response in other hearts.
He laid down the seven of hearts, on which with a broken bit of chalk he had written "800 rubles" in clear upright figures; he emptied the glass of warm champagne that was handed him, smiled at Dolokhov's words, and with a sinking heart, waiting for a seven to turn up, gazed at Dolokhov's hands which held the pack.
She got dressed and looked at the time, her heart pounding harder and harder as she moved towards the door.
Well my dear child, you know how your father's heart rejoices to know that you...
AdvertisementThrough his shirt sleeves she could feel the swell of his biceps and her heart jumped into high gear.
Oh, and tell him I swear not to look at what other girl's he's been calling... cross my heart, like fun!
Believe in your heart forever how very much I loved you.
She could follow her heart and marry the man she loved, but she would never be completely satisfied.
But don't think only with your heart on this one.
Her heart sinking, she looked in the direction of her home.
It will strike your heart.
My heart is too full of sadness to dwell upon the happiness the summer has brought me.
She died of a broken heart.
The arms that rescued her continued to cradle her gently, and what the fall had failed to do to her heart beat, his close proximity completed.
Her heart skipped a beat and she dodged out of his way.
A smile came from her heart and spread across her mouth.
She hurried to her feet and continued, heart racing as she ran through the city towards her home.
His heart ached to see his mate in such pain, but he knew from experience there was nothing more he could do.
Her heart still hurt for her brother, whose road was dark and lonely.
His heart felt like a brick in his stomach.
After the infectious diseases come the non-infectious ones such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
Even now I cannot find it in my heart to condemn them utterly.
Yes, I pity him from my heart, and shall try to give him what consolation I can.
For a moment she stared at the door, her heart racing.
The words sliced through her disguise, stabbing into her heart.
She swallowed down her throbbing heart.
She stared at him, fear clutching at her heart.
Both statements came from the heart.
Her heart was pounding as he stopped in front of her.
My heart was in my mouth and I saw fear on Martha's face.
It was heart wrenching when sometimes our tip failed to bring about justice.
In his absence, it was too heart wrenching to even look, knowing he was unavailable and unable to help.
My heart fell, knowing the session I'd left behind was over and with it, our final attempt to locate Grasso's hide away.
If she enjoyed the romantic side of him, it must be because there was a bit of romance deep inside her own heart.
Lori had loved him then, but his heart had belonged to Carmen.
Her heart did a flip-flop and she turned her hand over so that her palm touched his warmly.
With each step, the fear grew, until when she lowered herself into the chair, her heart was pounding in her ears.
Claire bounded to her feet, heart pounding.
Her heart quickened again, and her palms grew sweaty from what she knew was fear.
Jenn shook her thoughts away, her heart hammering with both anticipation of seeing him again and fear.
Yully, the third woman who would become her sister, was just as unique with a heart equal to that of any of the women.
Bianca took his arm, heart somersaulting.
Her phone vibrated and she pulled it out, heart soaring at the hope it was Dusty.
Heart pounding, Darian waited until they were gone.
She was still as beautiful as the day he met her, but she'd never have Jenn's heart.
Darian met her gaze, and her heart sang at the emotion in his eyes.
The moon is a fickle lover, like a beautiful woman…she gives her whole heart but once a month and leaves you before dawn…why fear you the night?
Her heart slowed, the realization she may not live through the night settling into her with cold clarity.
She waited for more, her heart falling when he didn't expand on the simple answer.
Dorothy was surprised to find how patient the people were, for her own little heart was beating rapidly with excitement.
When he speaks, it is not to impress others, but because his heart would burst if he did not find an outlet for the thoughts that burn in his soul.
We went out to see the hero that had withstood so many tempests, and it wrung my heart to see him prostrate who had mightily striven and was now mightily fallen.
At the same time Dr. Bell added that I could rest content and fight my way through Radcliffe in competition with seeing and hearing girls, while the great desire of my heart was being fulfilled.
Believe me, Prince, a mother's heart will never forget what you have done for us.
As twenty years before, it seemed impossible that the little creature who lived somewhere under her heart would ever cry, suck her breast, and begin to speak, so now she could not believe that that little creature could be this strong, brave man, this model son and officer that, judging by this letter, he now was.
Evidently she could speak of Russia's misfortunes with a certain artificiality, but her brother was too near her heart and she neither could nor would speak lightly of him.
Her heart said no, but then there was logic.
Tammy was finally allowed to swim to her heart's content... apparently for the first time.
The ground gave way under her foot, and with a sickening lurch of her heart, she plunged downward.
His warm breath on her neck sent her heart in a flurry of wild beats.
She rubbed her arms as cold fingers clutched at her heart.
My heart was racing as I tried to remember the route Martha had taken this morning.
It was so heart wrenching to Martha she insisted Howie try more than once, in an effort to succeed.
Martha's father suffered a heart attack when she was in nursing school and her mom followed, from a broken heart, seven weeks later.
I looked up with sinking heart to see a FedEx driver at the front door looking at me quizzically.
In spite of my fervent hope you can continues indefinitely, I know in my heart, one day it will end.
The caller was the husband of Howie's mother, his step-father, informing him that his mother had suffered a serious heart attack and was in critical condition.
My heart dropped when I saw the look on her face.
She gasped and stepped away, heart pounding.
His words made her heart somersault.
He was not a pretty boy but a man with rugged, bad-boy beauty and a slow sensuality about his movement that made her heart skip a beat despite her pain.
She said nothing, her heart somersaulting.
But if you don't stop messing with my weak heart, I'll go elsewhere for a mate.
Her heart went out to him.
Her heart was breaking.
His heavy words broke her heart, but she respected his request and returned to Damian's side.
He didn't do so out of the kindness of his heart.
Her attention shifted to the hand over his heart.
Very much so, especially when you consider she stole your heart not once but twice.
My heart is empty as I have no doubt he'll dismiss me if his mother does, in fact, pass on to her final reward.
When the call went straight to voicemail, his heart sank.
You are going to break my heart.
That physical attraction was responsible for the pounding of her heart right now.
Her heart was pounding for a man who didn't think of her as anything more than a little sister.
He must have loved her deeply - that girl who had walked all over his heart.
Her heart pounded as he moved over her and claimed her lips.
Her heart was pounding.
His hands slid up her back in a slow caress that made her heart beat wildly.
Could she entrust him with her heart?
I woke up with my heart pounding many times.
Her heart skipped a beat and then went into overtime.
For the first time in his life, he had found someone he could trust with his heart.
A sound from the direction of the fighting made his heart slow.
Her heart was flying, her mind mentally undressing him.
Her heart slammed into her chest, her body warming.
Her heart was hammering at his casual declaration.
Heart pounding hard, she sat on the bed and pulled out her cell phone.
It was only a dream, but I thought it real, and my heart sank within me.
But, my dear, will you not give us a little hope of touching this heart, so kind and generous?
He seemed in his heart to reproach her for being too perfect, and because there was nothing to reproach her with.
When I heard his voice, my heart jumped, not knowing if he'd been told by Martha of Julie's earlier treachery.
I left the phone off the hook, retreated back to the bedroom and with my heart racing, I closed the door behind me.
My heart jumped and my stomach roiled.
Quinn didn't have to record current time settings; he knew that stuff by heart.
After all of Jonny's childhood injuries she'd healed, she couldn't fix her own heart!
Bianca backed away, heart racing.
She jumped at his low, even voice, heart racing.
Her heart leapt, and she stood, halfway to him before his sharp look reminded her he wasn't someone she wanted to approach.
When he didn't, she rubbed her face, wondering what exactly she'd been dragged into and if her heart would explode if he reappeared.
Their knocking made her heart flip, and she covered her mouth at her gasp.
Heart quickening, she crossed to him and accepted his hand.
She stopped him, heart wrenching.
He clenched his jaw, torn between his heart and his duty.
His heart rejoiced at the thought of his own mate carrying his child, but he couldn't help but to think of his own upbringing.
Her heart pounding, she turned the car around and drove back towards the dueling men.
Yully's heart was pounding.
She whirled, her heart leaping.
Her heart pounding, Jenn moved forward and whispered into Jonny's ear.
She followed, heart racing.
She whirled, heart leaping at the sound.
His scent made her heart quicken and her drowsiness dissipate.
Damian took aim with the pistol and fired into her heart before she could make another sound.
Her breaths quickened, and her heart pounded.
It was one thing to offer her body, but her heart, her soul … he would take all of her, consume her completely, irrevocably.
Just thinking of him made her body heat and her heart flip.
The sense of danger jarred her, and she sat up straight, heart pounding hard.
Her heart beat so hard, she could barely make out his response.
Her heart flipped when she saw him, and she sprinted forward.
Sofia touched him, heart rejoicing.
Her heart soared, and she touched the ring at her neck.
She opened the door, heart pounding.
Her heart sang as she realized she hadn't lost him after all, her body echoing the desire on his face.
Her heart slowed, and she froze inside the doorway.
She nodded, heart racing.
She flattened her palm against the spot over his heart.
The thought of hurting him made the hand she pressed to his heart tremble.
He lifted her hand to his heart.
Her heart was breaking again or maybe, her hope crumbling.
Her heart fell further.
The one that might one day consider him an equal worth trusting with her heart.
The knife scraped across it, deflecting it away from his heart.
Inside of two weeks, he had won her heart and left.
He stood there, so handsome and so unattainable, playing with her heart.
And yet, her heart had increased its rate and demand so that she must breath.
I thought the knife went into my heart.
You took his heart and crushed it, like every day for thousands of years.
Her heart leapt then dropped to her feet when she realized a man like that didn't call.
You don.t have the heart or stomach for what that entails.
Her mother had a heart attack.
Apparently the attack didn't do too much damage to the heart.
For seconds he was frozen to move toward her, knowing in his heart it was too late.
She seemed so lost his heart ached for her.
Jesus Sarah, you nearly gave me a heart attack.
Do not take her words or her fear to heart.
You are the Queen of my heart.
I love you with all my heart.
For once in your life, let your heart make a decision.
Listen to your heart.
He moved his hand down to her chest and could feel her heart thumping.
She was panting heavily and her heart beat erratically.
Jackson was patting her, her heart rate had become more regular and the panting subsided.
Whatever the cause, her heart did a flip-flop and warmth flooded her face.
Her heart fluttered lightly as she met his gaze, and began to pound as his hands slid up her arms in a gentle caress.
Her heart pounded wildly.
Her heart pounded wildly as she pressed closer.
Her heart skipped a beat as a lean figure in a business suit entered the room.
Warmth flooded up her neck and her heart hammered against her ribs.
With all her heart, she tried to create the excitement she had felt when Alex kissed her.
Her heart pounded and she rolled over on her back, dislodging his hand.
Alex had proven he could be trusted with her heart.
She fought for control of her breath, but the increased pumping of her heart didn't help.
At first they only brightened her heart, but as they continued, they gradually chased the chill away.
It took her a moment to separate the pounding of her heart from the sound of hooves striking earth.
Her heart was knocking around inside her chest like an egg in a blender.
She had this pretty little filly with her, and I didn't have the heart to separate them.
Lana's gaze lingered in its direction, her heart quickening.
His heart quickened at the first sign of proof that Lana might be alive.
Whatever the reason, gloom tugged at her heart with a heavy hand.
She lay in his arms, afraid to answer the desire pounding at the door of her heart — afraid he would discover she was no longer the woman he married.
She'd built up a callus around her heart, one that got stronger and easier to maintain as she manipulated evil men.
He hesitated before vaulting to the ground, unable to explain the quickening of his heart or the sense that the woman's teal gaze - the color of the eyes of Karyan nobility - reminded him of the home he hadn't thought of in years.
He stopped outside her chambers, heart pounding.
Her heart slowed as she took in the majestic walls of her home.
What he did have was a shy smile that warmed the heart.
Her heart cried out to him as he walked away.
Her heart belonged to him.
An unwelcome feeling of homesickness clutched at her heart.
Her heart missed a beat.
Could he hear her heart beat?
Jessi's heart felt like it stopped.
Jessi's heart leapt, but she forced herself not to react.
The nearness of his bare chest and feel of his strong thighs on either side of her made her heart flutter.
He lowered his head to the side of her neck away from the camera and nuzzled her neck in a way that made her heart race faster.
Jessi hurried inside, heart pounding, not at ease until all four locks of her apartment door were securely in place.
Her heart was pounding fast and hard.
She went still, heart hammering.
Her shaky insides grew warm, her heart racing from fear and his nearness.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
He didn't become the most powerful creature in either realm to let a quick-witted woman with a bright smile and big heart bring him to his knees.
Jessi's sudden change of heart about wanting to go out tonight made more sense after Jenn's warning.
Jessi's heart was flipping in her chest, and she was finding it hard to breathe at the thought of a second night with him.
Her face was hot, her heart flying.
His heart was pounding hard, but it wasn't from desire for once.
Her heart was slamming fast and hard against her chest.
Her heart and stomach both fluttered.
She still wasn't certain what it meant to have the heart of a vampire.
Slowly, faintly, Jessi's heart began to beat again.
What, however, with the idealists was an object of thought alone, the absolute, is to Lotze only inadequately definable in rigorous philosophical language; the aspirations of the human heart, the contents of our feelings and desires, the aims of art and the tenets of religious faith must be grasped in order to fill the empty idea of the absolute with meaning.
A ventral vessel occurs on the anterior side of the metasome and forms a loop extending down the entire length of the stalk, while a " heart " projects into the cavity of the pericardium, probably connected on the ventral side of the notochord with the ventral vessel, and on its dorsal side with the dorsal vessel.
Taking heart, the exiled barons gathered together some troops, and war began in the neighbourhood of Rome.
Only I felt that faith was laying hold of me - by the heart, as I had wished it.
For her there was no categorical imperative, no moral code save to follow the promptings of her heart.
He on his part was more and more repelled by a superior woman determined to live her own intellectual life, and she on hers discovered that she was mated, if not to a clown, at least to a hobereau whose whole heart was in his cattle and his turnips.
Rarely losing touch of earth, and sometimes of the earth earthy, she is still at heart a spiritualist.
He was naturally compassionate towards objects in distress even to an effeminate measure; though God had made him a heart wherein was left little room for fear,.
In it there are numberless trees and flowers and rivers and waterfalls, and other things to make the heart glad.
The 1960s brought us hip replacement, the artificial heart, a liver transplant, and a lung transplant.
In my fancy the pagan gods and goddesses still walked on earth and talked face to face with men, and in my heart I secretly built shrines to those I loved best.
Perhaps the Old Sea God as he lay asleep upon the shore, heard the soft music of growing things--the stir of life in the earth's bosom, and his stormy heart was angry, because he knew that his and Winter's reign was almost at an end.
I love the beautiful spring, because the budding trees and the blossoming flowers and the tender green leaves fill my heart with joy.
Their pleasure banished the anger from King Frost's heart and the frown from his brow, and he, too, began to admire the painted trees.
My heart was full of tears, for I love the beautiful truth with my whole heart and mind.
There is no affectation about them, and as they come straight from your heart, so they go straight to mine.
I shall never forget how the fury of battle throbbed in my veins--it seemed as if the tumultuous beating of my heart would stop my breath.
He was afraid of falling behind the hussars, so much afraid that his heart stood still.
These were the questions each man of the troops on the high ground above the bridge involuntarily asked himself with a sinking heart--watching the bridge and the hussars in the bright evening light and the blue tunics advancing from the other side with their bayonets and guns.
Tushin's large, kind, intelligent eyes were fixed with sympathy and commiseration on Rostov, who saw that Tushin with his whole heart wished to help him but could not.
Do go somewhere, anywhere... to the devil!" he exclaimed, and immediately seizing him by the shoulder and looking amiably into his face, evidently wishing to soften the rudeness of his words, he added, "Don't be hurt, my dear fellow; you know I speak from my heart as to an old acquaintance."
Without boasting, you know, I may say that I know the Army Orders by heart and know the Regulations as well as I do the Lord's Prayer.
The morning was bright, he had a good horse under him, and his heart was full of joy and happiness.
Better die a thousand times than risk receiving an unkind look or bad opinion from him, Rostov decided; and sorrowfully and with a heart full despair he rode away, continually looking back at the Tsar, who still remained in the same attitude of indecision.
Is everyone all right? he thought, stopping for a moment with a sinking heart, and then immediately starting to run along the hall and up the warped steps of the familiar staircase.
With a sinking heart he watched Dolokhov's hands and thought, "Now then, make haste and let me have this card and I'll take my cap and drive home to supper with Denisov, Natasha, and Sonya, and will certainly never touch a card again."
God could not have put into her heart an impulse that was against His will.
Pierre listened with swelling heart, gazing into the Mason's face with shining eyes, not interrupting or questioning him, but believing with his whole soul what the stranger said.
This chamber with what you see therein should already have suggested to your heart, if it is sincere, more than words could do.
This gift will be a pledge of your purity of heart to her whom you select to be your worthy helpmeet in Masonry.
Prince Andrew longed to snatch up, to squeeze, to hold to his heart, this helpless little creature, but dared not do so.
Prince Andrew held her hands, looked into her eyes, and did not find in his heart his former love for her.
He hardened his heart against the senator who was introducing this set and narrow attitude into the deliberations of the nobility.
Princess Mary's heart beat so violently at this news that she grew pale and leaned against the wall to keep from falling.
You take everything so to heart, said Pierre, and began laying out his cards for patience.
Recent as that mental picture was, Rostopchin already felt that it had cut deep into his heart and drawn blood.
Even now he felt clearly that the gory trace of that recollection would not pass with time, but that the terrible memory would, on the contrary, dwell in his heart ever more cruelly and painfully to the end of his life.
You have no heart, you don't feel for your own child!
She caught the unfinished word in its flight and took it straight into her open heart, divining the secret meaning of all Pierre's mental travail.
Pierre's insanity consisted in not waiting, as he used to do, to discover personal attributes which he termed "good qualities" in people before loving them; his heart was now overflowing with love, and by loving people without cause he discovered indubitable causes for loving them.
Her heart quickening, she started towards the entrance of the church.
To emphasize his words, he lifted her hand and placed it over his heart.
Deidre's heart was flying at his nearness.
Her heart quickened as she entered her room.
It made her heart race.
She placed her hand on his heart.
Her heart slammed into her chest at the thought of confronting the devil.
Deidre's heart beat hard.
Deidre hugged herself and padded down the hallway, her heart flipping in her chest.
Gabriel made her heart flutter; Darkyn made it fly.
Deidre stopped his next kiss by placing her hand on his heart.
Deidre wasn't vindictive, but she still didn't fathom the amount of evil in one's heart it took to kill them.
Deidre held his gaze, heart quick but calm in her decision.
Deidre's heart felt like it was breaking.
Her heart beat rapidly at what it meant to surrender what had been her one hope to leave Hell.
Deidre cried, heart racing.
For a moment her heart leapt, fearful their light had died permanently, trapping them in this awful place.
She was surprised Martha had taken to heart what her husband said the prior evening.
The Buen was nearly full, but as the season crept toward the Fourth of July and the heart of summer, finding a dinner seat anywhere in Ouray would often require patience.
In spite of the protective gear worn, the challenge definitely excluded the weak of heart, and, in Dean's estimation, the strong of brain.
Dean nodded in agreement, his stomach roiling and his heart racing as he hoisted his knapsack to his shoulders and they slowly entered.
His heart began to slow its impossible race.
It's the heart of the season and still early enough to hitch a ride with a Jeep tour or a tourist.
By the time he neared the woman, she'd crossed the intersection where the water fight would be held later, and was passing the bank in the heart of town.
Dean guessed no male juror would even bother listening to the testimony before giving her anything her little heart desired.
His heart raced as he rose and began to claw his way up and to his left.
She was off to the library to meet with a book club; she commented that her heart wasn't in it with Martha still missing.
Any idea what caused the Dawkinses' quick change of heart?
She crossed her heart as she pulled to the side of the narrow road to let a Jeep pass.
Dean's heart began to race as he caught sight of Cynthia and Martha at the edge of the rocks near the edge of the path leading to the entrance of the Lucky Pup.
The woman who brought sunshine into every room, who managed to touch his sick heart.
Her heart was racing and something new fluttered through her, warmth that pooled at the base of her belly.
And yet, he couldn't deny that Deidre was back or at least, a woman who had the knowledge of the goddess and the body and heart of a human.
She wished with all her heart she could package them back up and put them back wherever they'd been when she was a deity.
One that would result in her capturing Gabriel's heart and keeping her own soul.
Carmen stared at the spot, her heart going out to it as if Alex still lay there.
From the moment she met him, her heart had betrayed interest in him, even when she denied it.
Her heart skipped a beat and then went into overdrive.
Holding the bill made her hands sweat and her heart beat faster.
His heart was pounding harder than ever.
Warmth bloomed within her while her heart beat with more excitement than a moth outside a lighted window.
His heart stopped in his chest, and for a long moment, he couldn't breathe.
Her heart and breathing drowning out every other sound, she raced down the hall and around a corner, sliding to a stop as she saw the men headed her way.
Heart flying, Deidre stood and moved to the end of the bed.
She forced herself to sit on the ground, to focus, to wish with all her heart to go back to Wynn.
Heart beating fast, she descended the stairs in the marble foyer, listening.
Her heart felt like it was slowing.
Perhaps he feared getting close to her if she was going to die in a few months, seeing as how past-Deidre crushed his heart, too.
Or to protect his own heart?
The woman who captured his heart in a week, something you barely did after millennia!
She took a step back, heart fluttering.
She turned and gasped, heart leaping to see the death dealer lingering like the shadow he was in the middle of her living room.
Her headache was returning, her heart beating so fast she knew she'd pass out if she didn't calm down.
Kris willed himself to the shadow world and walked back to his underground refuge, heart heavy.
He ran until his pounding heart drowned out his pounding feet.
Her heart was beating fast, her palms sweaty.
She looked up at Sasha, her heart hammering under his hungry look.
Katie rose, heart hammering.
She squeezed her eyes closed, heart slamming in her tight chest.
She squeezed her eyes closed, heart quickening and her breathing fast and shallow.
She gasped in air, heart soaring.
Her heart fluttered at the thought.
She breathed deeply of his scent and listened to his heart beat from her position sprawled atop him.
Her sister would have a heart attack once she saw the tattoo and found out she'd basically married the type of man Hannah'd always warned her about.
Heart hammering, she rose, took a deep breath, and waded into the warm water.
Katie watched him go, her nightmares in her thoughts and her heart pounding.
She.d cracked the door to her heart for Rhyn to shove his foot in the door and now needed to close, lock, and deadbolt it closed again.
Rhyn.s voice made her heart skip a beat, and she craned her neck to see past Jared, who whirled.
She crawled on her knees to Toby, heart hammering and hands shaking as she rolled him onto his back.
He.d been unable to shake the empty hole in his heart resulting from Kris flinging him to the side to pursue a human female.
Nursing a cratered heart, he stepped into Hell, well aware he had nowhere else to go.
Her heart pounded as it swung its head to face the room.
Katie emerged from the shadow world with her heart pounding.
Jade.s heart started to soar.
With a sinking heart, he realized he.d lost the Jade who.d been his friend and lover for a few hundred years.
Rhyn wasn.t coming back for her, yet her heart felt as if it.d fall out of her chest.
Her heart slowed, and she stepped back, imagining the Immortal fighting off some demon that had stayed hidden until dark.
The black fortress and dark skies made her heart drop to her feet.
His heart almost stopped at the grim note in Kris.s voice.
Rhyn.s heart dropped to his feet, and he looked at Katie.