Healing Sentence Examples
Tell me about your healing ability.
She spent twenty years healing him.
Negotiations for the healing of the Great Schism were without result.
I begged it to forgive me, to continue healing my people.
She silently thanked Lankha for healing her without her asking him.
The effort of healing him had given her a headache.
Her healing magic whipped through Jenn.
Bianca dropped to her knees beside her, and her cold healing fire tore through Jenn.
His patients on a raw diet also lost weight, healing from obesity and hypertension (Southern Medical Journal, 1985).
She marveled again at Lankha's healing skill.
AdvertisementThis will prevent it from healing properly and might require reapplication of color.
In these ancient civilizations it was used as much for healing purposes as seasoning purposes.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps with iron absorption, healing, repairing tissue and bone, and can even help to prevent certain cancers, colds and flu, and other health conditions.
Healing left her weakened, and she leaned against the counter.
In the 16th century we find faith cures recorded of Luther and other reformers, in the next century of the Baptists, Quakers and other Puritan sects, and in the 18th century the faith healing of the Methodists in this country was paralleled by Pietism in Germany, which drew into its ranks so distinguished a man of science as Stahl (1660-1734) In the 19th century Prince Hohenlohe-WaldenburgSchillingsfiirst, canon of Grosswardein, was a famous healer on the continent; the Mormons and Irvingites were prominent among English-speaking peoples; in the last quarter of the 19th century faith healing became popular in London, and Bethshan homes were opened in 1881, and since then it has found many adherents in England.
AdvertisementChinese Medicine Practitioners-These professionals use alternative approaches to healing, including acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies and practices thought to restore balance to the body.
Even more exciting, the product appears to actually speed the body's natural healing process.
Badly damaged skin, such as at the site of a surgical incision, begins the healing process with the generation of granulation tissue.
A 2007 study (Sakazaki et al 503) found that the application of ozonized olive oil accelerated the healing process by increasing the production of granulation tissue.
One 2009 study found ozone-treated olive oil to be medically effective in accelerating the healing of simple acute skin injuries.
AdvertisementHomeopathic doctors are doctors that diagnose and treat conditions using homeopathy, which is the art and science of healing by using safe, natural methods.
Mineral make-up has natural healing qualities unlike talc-based make-up, which gives a powdery look and does nothing to help promote healthy skin.
However, complete healing usually takes one to six weeks.
The mineral healing concealer, for example, contains skin-loving ingredients like neem (a natural antiseptic) and avena sativa (soothing oats).
Foods heavy in vitamins and minerals encourage the body to protect itself against illness, promote healing and maintain good health.
AdvertisementBy completing the kits as husband and wife, they can share and talk about the conflicts and issues regarding their different healing styles.
Heart of Healing CDs- Heart of Healing offers a wide selection of relaxation CDs and MP3s.
The sound waves can encourage relaxation, healing, and balance within the body.
Ask you aesthetician how far in advance you should get your skin care procedures to make sure healing is complete by the day of you session.
Reading sad poems about love for teens helps you bring the heartache you feel to the surface so you can start the healing process.
Luckily, positive role models are readily available to provide therapeutic support to start the healing process.
The book The Live Food Factor contains dozens of case histories contributed from individuals who lost weight or healed from chronic conditions and cite raw foods as their healing catalyst.
I could and should write a story about my parents and my divorce, because it would be as healing as telling this story.
Healing within Al-Anon and Alateen is based on the same principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Bulimia nervosa testimonials of recovery can be an excellent way for individuals experiencing this disease to cope, gain perspective, and work on the healing process.
Hence the importance of support groups, recovery testimonials, and knowing how others made it through the healing process.
He/She will discuss anti-depressant medication and/or counseling to get you through the healing time of a devastating life event.
Coming to terms with the need for food without abusing it is an important part of the healing process.
Alcoholism destroys relationships and marriages, but it can also be the catalyst for change and healing.
Schools that teach aromatherapy include the National Holistic Institute, the American Institute of Natural Healings and the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.
If you are interested in healing others using natural means, then distance learning for doctor of natural health degree programs may be of interest to you.
There are many people that are currently providing medical services as nurses and doctors but who have decided to incorporate a more holistic healing approach to the treatments that are provided.
When pressure points are eliminated, circulation is improved, which aids the healing process.
The injection process is slightly more painful, but this procedure is effective because the healing effect remains in place even when the dog moves.
What she couldn't heal was the exhaustion that came with each bout of healing.
Jule glanced at the vamp, who shrugged in response to his silent question about healing.
From the dhjan came strength and stability; from the nishani, restoration and healing.
Lost in thought, she dropped her gaze to her hands as Darian's warmth moved through her body, healing her.
Some wound in the succulent tissues has become infected by the organisms referred to, and their continued action prevents healing.
But, if Jesus really cured leprosy or really restored the dead to life, we have miracle plainly enough in the region of healing.
Here were discovered the foundations of the celebrated Asclepieum, together with several inscriptions and a great number of votive reliefs offered by grateful invalids and valetudinarians to the god of healing.
The most frequent are the miracle at Cana, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the paralytic carrying his bed, the healing of the woman with the issue of blood, the raising of Lazarus, FIG.
This is in South Bimini, and has still a local reputation for healing powers.
Muller, it had its origin in the worship of Zeus Laphystius; the fleece is the pledge of reconciliation; Jason is a propitiating god of health, Medea a goddess akin to Hera; Aeetes is connected with the Colchian sun-worship. Forchhammer saw in it an old nature symbolism; Jason, the god of healing and fruitfulness, brought the fleece - the fertilizing rain-cloud - to the western land that was parched by the heat of the sun.
The youngest son, Karl von Schlozer, a merchant and Russian consul-general at Libeck, was the father of Kurd von Schlozer (1822-1894), the historian and diplomatist, who in 1871 was appointed German ambassador to the United States and in 1882 to the Vatican, when he was instrumental in healing the breach between Germany and the papacy caused by the "May Laws."
The world saw with astonishment this vicious, rough, coarse-fibred man of the world transformed into an austere penitent, who worked miracles of healing.
Organization and healing have been keenly inquired into, with results which seem to point the lesson that all methods of healing are to be regarded as extensions of the natural phenomena of growth.
Again, a fractured bone in a paralysed limb often fails to unite, while another in the opposite sound limb unites readily, and an ulcerated surface on a paralysed limb shows little healing reaction.
The healing of wounds is brought about by similar processes to that seen in the evolution of an abscess.
The vascular changes are practically absent in healing by first intention.
Healing by second intention, or granulation, is usually seen where there has been loss of tissue, or extensive damage.
Although the actual organization of medicine among the Homeric Greeks was thus quite distinct from religion, the worship of Asclepius (or Aesculapius) as the god of healing demands some notice.
Sick persons repaired, or were conveyed, to the temples of Asclepius in order to be healed, just as in modern times relief is sought by a devotional pilgrimage or from the waters of some sacred spring, and then as now the healing influence was sometimes sought by deputy.
Another Hippocratic doctrine, the influence of which is not even yet exhausted, is that of the healing power of nature.
He resembled his Greek master in the high value he set on the study of the "natural history of disease"; in the importance he attached to "epidemic constitution" - that is, to the influence of weather and other natural causes in modifying disease; and further in his conception of the healing power of nature in disease, a doctrine which he even expanded beyond the teaching of Hippocrates.
Some of the most successful of the advances of medicine as a healing art have followed the detection of syphilitic disease of the vessels, or of the supporting tissues of nervous centres and of the peripheral nerves; so that, by specific medication, the treatment of paralytic, convulsive, and other terrible manifestations of nervous disease thus secondarily induced is now undertaken in early stages with definite prospect of cure.
Particular questions of importance, the Jerusalem bishopric, the healing of the Colenso schism in the diocese of Natal, the organization of native ministries and the like, occupied much of his time; and he did all in his power to foster the growth of local churches.
Eridu, on the other hand, was the home of the culture-god Ea, the god of light and beneficence, who employed his divine wisdom in healing the sick and restoring the dead to life.
At first the plant was supposed to possess almost miraculous healing powers, and was designated " herba panacea," " herba santa," " sana sancta Indorum "; " divine tobacco " it is called by Spenser, and " our holy herb nicotian " by William Lilly.
To this year, 1376, belongs the admission to Catherine's circle of disciples of Stefano di Corrado Maconi, a Sienese noble distinguished by a character full of charm and purity, and her healing of the bitter feud between his family and the Tolomei.
In the Christian Church the tradition of faith healing dates from the earliest days of Christianity; upon the miracles of the New Testament follow cases of healing, first by the Apostles, then by their successors; but faith healing proper is gradually, from the 3rd century onwards, transformed into trust in relics, though faith cures still occur sporadically in later times.
With the Reformation' faith healing proper reappears among the Moravians and Waldenses, who, like the Peculiar People of our own day, put their trust in prayer and anointing with oil.
Used in this sense faith healing is indistinguishable from much of savage leech-craft, which seeks to cure disease by expelling the evil spirit in some portion of the body.
From the psychological point of view all these different kinds of faith healing, as indeed all kinds of mind cure, including those of Christian Science and hypnotism, depend on suggestion.
In faith healing proper not only are powerful direct suggestions used, but the religious atmosphere and the autosuggestions of the patient co-operate, especially where the cures take place during a period of religious revival or at other times when large assemblies and strong emotions are found.
Caravaca is dominated by the medieval castle of Santa Cruz, and contains several convents and a fine parish church, with a miraculous cross celebrated for its healing power, in honour of which a yearly festival is held on the 3rd of May.
The beginning of his reign was devoted to the healing of domestic discords, and the rallying of all the forces of the nation round his standard for a new policy of conquest.
The healing of the schism proved no very difficult matter; but the council hoped not only to restore unity and suppress heresy, but to re-establish general councils as a regular element in the legislation of the Church.
Besides a volume of sermons under the title Christ's Healing Touch, Mackennal published The Biblical Scheme of Nature and of Man, The Christian Testimony, the Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia, The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus and The Eternal God and the Human Sonship. These are contributions to exegetical study or to theological and progressive religious thought, and have elements of permanent value.
The healing virtue of many of the springs is widely known.
Prince Xaver, the elector's uncle, was appointed guardian, and he set himself to the work of healing the wounds of the country.
Unfortunately he himself has been wounded in the fight, and that by a poisoned weapon; and none but the queen of 'Ireland, Isolt, or Iseult, possessed the secret of healing.
Ultimately, while assisting his brother-in-law in an intrigue with the wife of a neighbouring knight, Tristan is wounded by a poisoned arrow; unable to find healing, and being near to death, he sends a messenger to bring Queen Iseult to his aid; if successful the ship which brings her is to have a white sail, if she refuses to come, a black.
And cause all who communicate to receive a drug of life for healing of every disease and empowering of all moral advance and virtue."
The old quarter is united with the new town by a bridge which is continued in an esplanade leading to the basilica, the church of the Rosary and the Grotto, with its spring of healing water.
On the one hand he is the healing god who releases from sickness and the ban of the demons in general, and on the other he is the god of war and of the chase, armed with terrible weapons.
The author rejects all the miracles except those of healing, and these he explains psychologically.
Healing the sick and conjuring the evil spirit, they traversed different countries and spread their apocryphal literature along with some of the books of the Old Testament, deeply influencing the religious spirit of the nations, and preparing them for the Reformation.
The name (more correctly Iason) means "healer," and Jason is possibly a local hero of Iolcus to whom healing powers were attributed.
Barbarossa brought their bones from Milan in 1162, and had them buried in Cologne cathedral, and miraculous powers of healing were attributed to these relics.
According to him the visit to Capernaum and the healing of the wife's mother preceded the call of Peter, and this was associated with a tradition of a miraculous draught of fishes.
The help of the Reichstag was asked for healing social evils by means of legislation.
At the age of eighty-one Peale painted a large canvas, "Christ Healing the Sick at Bethesda," and at eightythree a full-length portrait of himself, now in the Academy of the Fine Arts.
He had to deal with three main problems - the restoration of domestic peace, the healing of schism in the Church and the recovery of English prestige in Europe.
Many were thought to be possessed of powers of healing and of prediction; in fact a belief in their supernormal gifts, like those of Catholic saints, was part of the basis of their prestige.
Even the results of mutilation involve an intrinsic factor, for they range, according to the organ and organism affected, from complete regeneration to the most imperfect healing.
Rost related be true, namely that they called themselves A postolici, and went barefooted healing the sick, they must have at least absorbed into themselves a sect of whom we hear in the 12th century in the north of Europe as deferring baptism to the age of 30, and rejecting oaths, prayers for the dead, relics and invocation of saints.
He would take refuge from the crowds in a boat, which carried Him from shore to shore; and His healing activity was now at its height.
Two notable cures were wrought on the western side of the lake - the healing of the woman with the issue and the raising of Jairus's daughter.
The moment had now come when the twelve disciples were to be entrusted with a share of His healing power and with the proclamation of repentance.
That night He came to His disciples walking upon the waters, and in the period which immediately followed there was once more a great manifestation of healing power.
His return was marked by another miraculous feeding of the multitude, and also by two healing miracles which present unusual features.
It shows us the Lord Jesus entering on the mission predicted by the Baptist without declaring Himself to be the Messiah; attracting the multitudes in Galilee by His healing power and His unbounded sympathy, and at the same time awakening the envy and suspicion of the leaders of religion; training a few disciples till they reach the conviction that He is the Christ, and then, but not till then, admitting them into the secret of His coming sufferings, and preparing them for a mission in which they also must sacrifice themselves; then journeying to Jerusalem to fulfil the destiny which He foresaw, accepting the responsibility of the Messianic title, only to be condemned by the religious authorities as a blasphemer and handed over to the Roman power as a pretender to the Jewish throne.
Jesus pointed to His acts of healing the sick, raising the dead and proclaiming good news for the poor; thereby suggesting to those who could understand that He fulfilled the ancient prophecy of the Messiah.
After this we have the healing of a dropsical man on the Sabbath, with a reply to the murmuring Pharisees; and then a parable of the failure of invited guests and the filling of their places from the streets.
Next, we see that wherever we are able to observe its method of relating an incident, as in the case of the healing of the centurion's servant, we have the same characteristics of brevity and simplicity which we admired in St Mark.
He passes on to Galilee, where also He is welcomed, and where He performs His second " sign," healing the son of one of Herod's courtiers.
A visit to the Rhine, where new interests and the attractions of Maximiliane von Laroche, a daughter of Wieland's friend, the novelist Sophie von Laroche, brought partial healing; his intense preoccupation with literary work on his return to Frankfort did the rest.
Siegfried bathed in the blood of heals in g g healing the dragon he slew and thus became invulnerable; the blind emperor Theodosius recovered his sight when a grateful serpent laid a precious stone upon his eyes; Cadmus and his wife were turned into serpents to cure human ills.
Now, serpents were tended in the sanctuaries of the Greek Aesculapius (Asklepios), the famous god of healing.
Finally, although in the sanctuary of Aesculapius healing came directly or indirectly as the patients dreamed, it appears from the burlesque of Aristophanes (Plutus, 653 sqq.) that they first bathed in the sacred spring.
The Maenads (" mad ones ") or Bacchae, the women attendants of Dionysus, with their snake-accompaniments, are only one of the various snake-features associated with the cult of a deity who was also a god of healing.
Apart from the more obvious characteristics of the serpent likely to impress all observant minds (§ 1), its essentially chthonic character shows itself markedly when it is associated with the treasures and healing herbs of the earth, the produce of the soil, the source of springs - and thence of all water - and the dust unto which all men return.'
Jesus wearied himself with the healing of man's physical ailments, and he was remembered as the great physician.
No wonder that water from these rivers, especially the Ganges, is sent and taken in bottles to all parts of India to be used on occasion as healing medicine or for sacramental purposes.
It must always be employed with caution in the case of elderly persons and children; and it must not be applied to a paralysed limb (in which the power of healing is deficient), nor to parts upon which the patient lies, as otherwise a bed-sore is likely to follow its use.
Its remarkable efficacy in healing ulcers of the mouth - for which it is the specific - has been ascribed to a decomposition effected by the carbonic acid which is given off from these ulcers.
After the departure of the Romans the baths seem to have been long neglected, but were again frequented in the 16th century, when the chapel of St Anne was hung round with the crutches of those who were supposed to owe their cure to her healing powers; these interesting relics were destroyed at the Reformation.
Where the surface is ulcerated it may be protected from external violence and placed under favourable conditions for healing by covering it with lint moistened with water and with oil-silk over it to prevent evaporation.
On the other hand, when the ulceration is old and the circulation through it poor, the aim of the therapeutist is to reawaken the normal reparative process, to bring about increased circulation and increased tissue change, and thereby insure healing.
The Pharisees, who pruned and fed the tree of Judaism so that it might bear fruit for the healing of the Nation - and the nations in the latter days - gave them the opportunity of posing as the champions of the primitive standards.
Closely connected with the god of oracles was the god of the healing art, the oracle being frequently consulted in cases of sickness.
According to Wilamowitz-M011endorff in his edition of Isyllus, the epithet Maleatas alluded to above is also connected with the functions of the healing god, imported into Athens in the 4th century B.C. with other well-known health divinities.
The already existing worship of Athena Hygieia had nothing to do with Hygieia the goddess of health, but merely denoted the recognition of the power of healing as one of the attributes of Athena, which gradually became crystallized into a concrete personality.
He endeavoured to steer a middle course between the worshippers and the excommunicators of Maimonides, but he did not succeed in healing the breach.
He was educated by the centaur Cheiron, who taught him the art of healing and hunting.
Temples were erected to Aesculapius in many parts of Greece, near healing springs or on high mountains.
He is often accompanied by Telesphorus, the boy genius of healing, and his daughter Hygieia, the goddess of health.
A terrible outbreak of plague occurred in Moscow in 1771, and the populace began to throng round an image of the Virgin to which they attributed supernatural healing power.
The nation only desired rest and the healing of its many wounds.
Even where they undergo healing they may cause such a stricture of the calibre of the intestinal canal as to give rise to the symptoms of obstruction which ultimately prove fatal.
It is thus used not only of the putting on of clothing, but of the preparing and finishing of leather, the preparation of food for eating, the application of cleansing and healing substances or of bandages, &c., to a wound, the drawing up in a correct line of a body of troops, and, generally, adorning or decking out, as of a ship with flags.
The means whereby we put ourselves so in relation with Christ as to receive from Him his healing virtue are chiefly prayer and the sacraments of the church; mere works are never sufficient.
This water, which is highly prized for its healing qualities, fills the moat and forms a fine lake in the northern quarter of the city.
Much Egyptian magic turns on the healing or protection of Horus by Isis, and it is chiefly from magical texts that the myth of Isis and Osiris as given by Plutarch can be illustrated.
The Isis temples discovered at Pompeii and in Rome show that ancient monuments as well as objects of small size were brought from Egypt to Italy for dedication to her worship, but the goddess absorbed the attributes of all female divinities; she was goddess of the earth and its fruits, of the Nile, of the sea, of the underworld, of love, healing and magic. From the time of Vespasian onwards the worship of Isis, always popular with some sections, had a great vogue throughout the western world, and is not without traces in Britain.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
I have magic voodoo healing powers.
Her body strained to heal itself and the Black God, whose touch sucked her healing power fast.
The creature that can prevent us from healing the rupture is near here.
Damian ordered his body to cease the transfusion and pulled the tube from his neck, healing the tear.
She'd peeked at the healing wound the night before and found the scar not just ugly but hideous, a jagged seam between two lumps of uneven flesh.
The allies would not assist without the promise of more healing waters, which meant she needed more bladders of blood and another journey into the enemy- riddled forest under Sirian's watch.
The way he moved, his healing power, the effect he had on others, his fascination with people, the fangs and eyes … There was nothing normal about him.
It will have detrimental effects on the healing process.
The mind/body dichotomy has many consequences for healing practices.
Crystals are used to aid the bodies own healing ability for physical, emotional and mental imbalances, which can lead to illness.
She is a medical practitioner and she told me that she still uses small accumulators with her patients to assist the healing of wounds.
No effect on gastric acidity, healing not substantially affected compared with controls.
The length of exposure to a magnet for healing certain ailments was also determined.
Use gold amulets for depression, comforting and strengthening the heart, hallowing, wealth, protection, healing.
Animals used for the wound healing studies will be given analgesics to minimize discomfort.
Ezra Suggett was a herbal apothecary in Beccles, Suffolk just 15 miles from the present day Herbs Hands Healing ltd.
Related pages aromatherapy massage oils Aromatherapy is the ancient, esthetic & scientific art of healing using essential oils.
Trengove A. (1996) ' qualitative bacteriology and leg ulcer healing ' .
The gospel has its sharp edge as well as its healing balm; its warnings in addition to its promises.
There will be a dressing and an elasticated bandage over the operation sites, applying pressure to assist with healing.
Holistic therapeutic bodywork for muscles, back pain, tension, healing and wellbeing.
The reflexes are stimulated to help the body's own healing energies to become activated and balanced and to improve blood and lymph circulation.
Her gifts include clairvoyance, clairaudience, empathic ability, dream interpretation and healing.
David is an award-winning Sound Designer who directs feature films, performs classical and jazz clarinet, and teaches vibrational healing and sound design.
During normal wound healing, from three days to three weeks, a period of proliferation occurs during which collagen deposition exceeds collagen deposition exceeds collagen lysis.
Enlargement should be celebrated as a healing of the divided continent and as an opportunity to develop greater solidarity between rich and poor.
The aim of the wound healing continuum is to support clinical decision making not replace it, ' she maintained.
The inner core helps to maintain the moist environment optimal for wound healing.
It is known locally as the crick Stone, and is believed to have healing powers for a crick in the back.
These dressings promote autolytic debridement and encourage natural wound healing.
There are some things we can do to encourage the healing of articular cartilage defects.
The Serpent Rod is also the symbol of Aesculapius, the patron deity of Healing.
However, a recent approach is to use a cultured human dermis to improve healing.
Much later the healing properties of the drug digitalis, also from the foxglove plant, was extolled by doctors.
The new positive outlook doeS transform peoples lives, healing not only the spirit but also the body.
But I was using healing and yoga instead of drugs to unlock the doors.
Snow Quartz crystals have been used since ancient times as powerful healing objects and meditation tools, and to make medicinal elixirs.
Researchers have reported a powerful healing effect on mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, which mimics the symptoms of MS.
Outcome measures The primary endpoint was complete healing of all the ulcers on the trial leg.
Gula, often envisioned in canine form, was one of the more significant gods of healing.
These essences are evocative of some of the most subtle levels of healing that have even been explored with flower essences.
What he is, is healing power overcoming estrangement because he himself was not estranged.
Julia Roberts has spoken to her mother for the first time in six months healing a bitter family feud.
To ensure healing in patients with active peptic ulcer disease, see further dosage recommendations for duodenal and benign gastric ulcer.
In some severe burns and wounds, aloe gel may actually impede healing.
In cloudy weather, the trees create a pale green healing glade to walk in.
Ms. Bergren has written a heart-wrenching yet glorious testament to the power of forgiveness and the healing balm of love.
You also work hands-on with partners in the class, thus introducing healing with another person.
The spiritual healer offers healing thoughts to anyone he or she knows to be in need of healing.
Either can be used to make a healing poultice or a soothing oil widely regarded as one of the best wound healers around.
Areas covered include clean hospitals, hospital food, basic care services, privacy and dignity, ward housekeeping and the healing environment.
Wild honey - a natural humectant with healing properties, it is also naturally bactericidal.
Amethyst is said to be an aid to spiritual awareness and healing, and it is believed to help combat insomnia.
The mirror acts to amplify the energy of the pyramid thus intensifying the power of your healing requests.
Understanding helped a lot, and the inner healing helped to untangle the knots that bound me in ways of behaving.
Dora is a seaside landlady with special healing skills, her friend George is a small time personal manager.
He taught her many things including the art of healing and herbal lore.
He mentions that George Ohsawa, the founder of modern macrobiotics, taught this palm healing throughout Japan, the US & Europe.
In 1775 Franz Mesmer developed healing by animal magnetism which was later renamed hypnosis.
Personal stories; our individual experience, history and own felt identity is the raw material for self - healing and deep learning.
In appropriate and safe circumstances, victim-offender mediation has powerful healing effects for both parties.
Has written several books on healing meditation and various aspects of spirituality.
Natural healing ingredients such as tea tree oil and cooling menthol further help to reduce shaving irritation.
However, stress fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal sometimes show a poor healing capacity.
From reading the Gospels it's clear that faith played an important part in Jesus ' healing ministry.
Also many churches claim that miracles are still happening, especially healing miracles.
The most popular aspect of his ministry was its many healing miracles, which even his opponents never sought to deny.
Rarely have I ever seen such an impressive healing modality.
Reiki - is a healing therapy, known to have been used by the Tibetan monks.
Speeding up the healing of wounds is likely to reduce complications such as infections and tissue necrosis.
We only use the highest grade neodymium healing magnets, which keep their magnetism for ten years.
I have substituted some healing herbs for the crushed nightshade we found in Turok's quarters.
You can cast sleep, slow and blast spells, teleport up and down or apply healing ointments to your inevitably numerous wounds.
The healing response as demonstrated by fibroblast outgrowth is retarded when compared with conventional conjunctival closure.
You will learn how to use an extraordinary distant healing method to get truly outstanding results.
Bath, Cheltenham and numerous other towns with healing waters attained great popularity in the following century.
One was a potion of antidote, the other two potion of antidote, the other two potions of healing.
He looked a bit puzzled as to where his healing potion had gone but just shrugged the thought away.
It was used by early South American Indians as a powerful healing poultice.
May the healing power of the Holy Spirit come down upon them.
I would welcome prayer for healing or other needs We hold a service of prayer for healing or other needs We hold a service of prayer for healing once a month.
It would also appear prudent to encourage patients with chronic wounds to stop smoking, due to the potential deleterious effects on wound healing.
Other factors which impact on wound healing will also be addressed, and include psychosocial, political, behavioral, environmental and economic influences.
We offer spiritual council, healing, esoteric studies, free psychic readings, diverse information and much more.
The book contains healing messages from the angelic realm for every area of your life.
Contains the soothing and healing properties of Tea Tree to reduce redness.
Vitamin E promotes healing and helps relieve skin redness.
In facial reflexology the Author introduces this healing practice to the English-speaking world for the first time.
It can be used to keep bones rigid during a time of healing, help with movement, correct a deformity or relieve pain.
Psychoanalysis and shamanism But might psychoanalysis be akin to faith healing or shamanic ritual?
Rose Quartz brings powerful healing energies to remove negativity and bring back a strong sense of self-worth and gentle self-love.
Many current interpretations emphasize the healing side of shamanism, but this is only one aspect of the shaman's work.
I had a considerable healing experience when working with a huge drum that just seemed to have the right sonority and vibrancy for me.
It is used to clean and heal sores and also to help in the healing of fractured bones.
The whole area is like a festering sore, deprived of the healing power of fresh air i.e. open debate.
Electrically stimulated bone healing is usually used only in severe breaks and spinal injuries, where the body has difficulty healing itself.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine ' .
However, I still had no idea whether the magnet treatment to my own arm was only symptomatic or could eventually promote complete healing.
They are soothing and they also contain tannins, which extract moisture from skin cells and speed healing.
A hot iron is applied to the skin to burn through into the damaged tendon to provoke a healing response.
I might bleed too much, stain my bedclothes, get tetanus, have a poorly healing open wound or any number of nasties.
The book guides the reader through the process of healing childhood trauma through working with the Magical Child.
In most cases of duodenal ulcer or benign gastric ulcer healing occurs within 4 weeks.
Clinical data exists that looked at rates of wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers during a 12-week period.
If you find such visualizations unnatural or difficult, then your spiritual healing efforts can involve you deliberately holding neutral thoughts about crime.
Smaller sizes have a cut-out waistband to aid umbilical healing.
These range from the mighty warrior to the healing hands of the monk, with several magical classes in between.
Sauer (in Roscher's Lexikon) also identifies Hippolytus with the "health-giving sun," and Virbius with a healing god akin to Asclepius.
Jesus's disciples, for example, who plucked ears of corn in passing through a field on the holy day, had, according to Rabbinical views, violated the third of the thirty-nine rules, 2 which forbade harvesting; and in healing the sick Jesus Himself broke the rule that a sick man should not receive medical aid on the Sabbath unless his life was in danger.
The injury which initiates them may be very slight in the first placea mere abrasion, puncture or Fungus infectionbut the minute wound or other disturbance, instead of healing over normally, is frequently maintained as a perennial source of irritation, and the regenerative tissues grow on month after month or year after year, resulting in extraordinary outgrowths often of large size and remarkable shape.
In a third class must be placed the cure of disease by healing mediums. This belongs to medical psychology, and cannot well be studied apart from hypnotic treatment of disease, from the now well-recognized power of suggestion (q.v.), from "faith cures," "mind cures," "Christian Science" and cures connected with other forms of religious belief (see Faith-Healing).
In the hope of healing the breach, which his success could only aggravate, and for love, he took to wife Mariamne, grandniece of Hyrcanus.
The BaX,uapaws (near Beirut) apparently presided over dancing; another compound (in Cyprus) seems to represent a Baal of healing.
Several congregations took his part; but ultimately Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, succeeded in healing the schism and asserting the allegorical interpretation of the prophets as the only legitimate exegesis.
The urgent necessity for healing the schism, the difficulty of uniting the colleges of cardinals, and the prolonged and futile negotiations carried on between the rival popes inevitably raised the whole question of the papal supremacy, and led to the search for a still higher ecclesiastical authority, which, when the normal system of choosing the head of the Church broke down, might re-establish that ecclesiastical unity to which all Europe as yet clung.
Roscher thinks that both nectar and ambrosia were kinds of honey, in which case their power of conferring immortality would be due to the supposed healing and cleansing power of honey (see further Nectar).
In 1830, however, there was opened up to his ardent imagination a new vista into spiritual things, a new hope for the age in which he lived, by the seeming actual revival in a remote corner of Scotland of those apostolic gifts of prophecy and healing which he had already in 1828 persuaded himself had only been kept in abeyance by the absence of faith.
Many of us carry stones for good fortune or for healing; we even use pumice stones on our feet !
I 've been looking into quantum touch energy healing which can apparently realign bones.
Discover the healing benefits of reflexology with this new pack.
In Facial Reflexology the Author introduces this healing practice to the English-speaking world for the first time.
We will enter into the dark in a deep sacred cave, and visit the ruins of a healing temple.
Vitamin E is known to accelerate the healing of burns and prevents thick scar formation when applied...
Healing tool, scrying tool, balancing crystal, bringing together the yin and yang in harmony.
Many current interpretations emphasize the healing side of shamanism, but this is only one aspect of the shaman 's work.
Repeated fracture and healing of silicic magma generate flow banding and earthquakes?
With energy healing we can go back in time to release this stuck emotional energy.
Subrahmanyam M. (1998) ' A prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superficial burn wound healing with honey and silver sulfadiazine '.
Such a fast healing process, probably on the order of tens of seconds, leads to a repeatable trigger mechanism.
Objective evidence of ulcer healing from taking vitamin A has been reported by the same research group.
In this timely book, Dr. Badawi reminds us that Islam has a historically verifiable track record for healing social chaos and individual tragedy.
You can also make a healing ointment with yarrow flower tops and your oil or fat.
Yarrow oil is antibacterial, pain-relieving, and incredibly helpful in healing all types of wounds.
Expressing and releasing your deepest emotions, whether positive or negative, is a healing process called catharsis.
By creating small tributes and sharing their feelings with others, they can begin the process of healing.
This last bit of information is particularly curious and may indicate that purring possesses a regenerative characteristic and may be implicated in the healing process.
A 2006 paper presented in the proceedings from the 12th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control reported that cats purr as a natural healing mechanism.
These factors can help the healing process and avoid post-surgery infections.
If this sounds like you, discover how you can call a halt to divorce and put your marriage on a healing path.
Cultivate your adaptability and make sure you equip yourself to deal with emotional upheaval during the healing phase.
This can bolster confidence and speed healing.
The show inspired a town, helped a grieving family move closer to healing, and aired in time to an appreciative audience in February of 2009.
Earl Grey tea is made with bergamot oil, which may aid in the healing of the cold sores.
A naturopathic doctor is well trained in the use of traditional healing as well as more modern methods.
Healing methods are not harmful, as is the case with some mainstream medical practiced.
If you want to practice healing, you will need to attend an accredited college.
For burns, cuts or bruises, a salve or cream made with flower essences often speeds relief and healing.
To fight the good fight for health and healing, eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and live an overall healthy lifestyle.
A naturopath is a person who practices a form of medicine using natural methods of healing.
Aloe vera gel speeds healing and soothes discomfort.
Additionally, there have been hundreds of studies that confirm the general healing and beneficial properties of antioxidants for overall good health.
Modern science has even confirmed some of the herb's healing properties.
Used by early civilizations, the aloe vera plant is still a popular choice for medicinal use due to its many healing properties and therapeutic uses.
Another early reference to aloe and its healing properties is found in the Egyptian Papyrus Ebers, the oldest preserved Egyptian medical texts dating from approximately 1500 BC.
The papyri include mention of aloe leaves ground up and used for both external and internal healing.
These scientists believe there is evidence on artifacts from that time indicating the use of aloe used for healing.
Considered a miracle substance by many people, aloe vera gel provides many health benefits and contains numerous healing properties.
The aloe vera gel has antibacterial and healing properties.
Still other healing modalities such as homeopathic, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine may use herbs or plants, but do not use the same quantities or types as herbal medicine.
Some natural healing systems, such as homeopathy, are regarded as generally safe, while others, such as some herbs, should be used only under the guidance of a skilled healer, herbalist, naturopath or physician.
The premise behind using an herbal treatment for pets is that healing starts on the inside, and what you feed your pet on a daily basis may be doing more harm than good.
While most of his contemporaries dealt only with the symptoms and treatment of disease, Bach wasn't content to leave his healing to alleviating symptoms.
In the Western way of thinking, canine acupuncture at particular points of the dog's body creates certain responses that cause healing to take place.
All of these factors have healing effects on the body.
Whether you agree with the eastern or western philosophy does not matter, the healing outcome of acupuncture is the same.
The immune system can be boosted and the blood can be purified, thus allowing the animal's own natural healing ability to begin.
Magnetic therapy has been used to speed up the healing process and provide pain relief for centuries.
These specially designed beds are believed to help in the healing process.Magnetic pads, sometimes referred to as "buttons", are strategically placed between the foam layers of the bed to provide maximum benefits each time the dog uses it.
Canine hydrotherapy promotes healing for both the dog and its human companion.
Allowing dog owners to take an active approach in assisting the healing process of their canine best friends is the best medicine of all.
If you've ever wondered about the benefits of massage for your dog, Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares her experience with this healing art.
It helps aid in healing by increasing the circulation of blood in the system, and in some cases massage can be used as an alternative to surgery.
Beginning therapy immediately following an injury or operation can facilitate the healing process and keep additional health problems related to inactivity from developing.
If a plant develops a problem, remove it to a separate healing zone to avoid the potential contamination.
Proper care and cleaning can shorten the healing time.
After the healing, you have a range of choices in silver, gold, niobium, titanium, and other metals.
An item of jewelry made using a combination of gemstones with healing and other mystic qualities could be interesting.
Wire wrapping is also used to set the irregular shapes of crystals and this can make a wonderful way to show off a special stone regardless of whether you believe in its healing powers.
Some people will pick a gemstone because of the color or shape, others because of the inner healing qualities of a stone.
These can be extremely dramatic and are much loved by those who believe in the healing qualities of stones.
Over the years, people viewed moonstone as a solid ray of moonlight, a love charm or a talisman for healing.
Even today, moonstone is commonly used in metaphysical healing therapies.
The pendants are based on the symbol of one of Britain's ancient and mystical wells, which is said to have healing waters.
Many believe that the ancient well in Glastonbury, Somerset, located in the Vale of Avalon between Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill, is a place of great power, holiness and healing.
Visitors to Chalice Well can explore an orchard and special garden, which houses Chalice Well, a Healing Pool, Lion Head Fountain and the Vesica Pool.
Another type of meaning is metaphysical that ascribes certain healing or beneficial properties to the stone.
Many practitioners claim healing results from the use and wearing of gemstones.
Other physical healing properties include pleurisy of the blood, heart disease, and lung infections.
The metaphysical properties are believed to be very beneficial and offer healing and protection.
Whether you choose to use a stone for healing purposes or simply wear it because you like it, there's no denying that gems are significant.
Ancient cultures believed that the ruby was a healing stone that could cure all manner of blood disorders and infections.
It's also believed to have healing properties and the ability to protect the wearer against illnesses.
Historically, Native American Indians treasured their turquoise jewelry for personal value and healing properties; however, it was common to pawn these family heirlooms during hard times, often never reclaimed.
Does this shirt actually contain magical healing properties?
Its popularity rose in Europe around the beginning of the 20th century, and so did the claims of the mixture's potency and healing properties.
It is also beneficial for healing and renewing aged skin.
Jojoba is known for its healing benefits as well as its ability to help skin retain moisture and improve elasticity.
Aloe has long been known for its healing and immune enhancing benefits.
It also includes beta glucan, which helps speed healing of the irrigation and nicks that often occur during shaving.
Lost River Naturals has a variety of organic skin salves, including generic healing salve, diaper rash salve, nipple salve for breastfeeding mothers and hemorrhoid salve.
Badger Healing Balm is a fairly well-known and highly rated salve.
Total Beauty - Many EO products can be found here especially the healing foot balm.
Organic Essiac tea is a type of herbal tea believed to have healing properties for certain types of cancer, as well as other diseases and ailments.
These herbs have different uses and healing properties that contribute to the tea blend.
While there are many people who do believe that organic Essiac tea can be a healing remedy for cancer and other illnesses, many medical experts caution against forgoing other, more proven techniques, therapies, and medications.
Sitting down with a steaming cup of tea can be healing for the emotions as well as the body.
The shampoo is made with herbs and other substances that have natural healing properties to keep your pet's coat at its best.
This natural ingredient may help speed the healing process after you have eliminated the flea problem.
This is an invaluable service, as live performances promote healing and encourage socialization.
In some cases of sleep apnea, healing and recovery are slower than normal.
If the numbness in your hands and wrists is related to an injury, it may be that sleep apnea is impairing your healing process.
Carl Jung also believed that dreams are important for individuals on the path of psychological healing.
Dream analysis becomes a critical aspect of healing the psyche and of solving personal problems.
There are also healing, damage prevention and status-altering artifacts as well.
Overall, though, I was able to get past tough sections after a reasonable amount of tries, sometimes aided by the optional squad healing (and resurrection) the game offers if you become stuck on a particularly tough bit.
You select which data you want to use and have limited healing abilities, but based on your time you will gain new equipment to help you with your next journey through the game.
Make sure that all their healing spells are in "active" mode.
Draw up to 99 of each spell, from healing to status altering to damage spells.
For instance, Sir Galahad has a healing spell, a Holy attack and Haste.
Percival has a Healing, Lightning and a defense dome that temporarily provides invincibility to any allied troop within the dome.
Another new addition to the game is a more in-depth healing system.
The blue minions have healing abilities, allowing them to revive their fallen compatriots.
Herbs that have healing qualities when taken in small doses can be toxic in larger doses or may interact with prescription medications in unpredictable ways.
Drugs and doses should be adjusted based on observation of healing rate, switching patients from high to low doses and from narcotic analgesics to non-narcotics when circumstances permit.
Such a wound may require stitches to keep it closed during healing.
Some deep wounds that do not extend to the underlying muscle may only require butterfly bandages to keep them closed during healing.
Aloe (Aloe barbadensis) can be applied topically to soothe skin during healing.
Acupuncture can help support the healing process by restoring the energy flow in the meridians that have been affected by the wound.
In some cases, vitamin E taken orally or applied topically can speed healing and prevent scarring.
Individuals with certain underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus may have more difficulty healing.
Children need to be instructed not to pick at scabs, because it slows the healing process and increases the risk of infection.
After surgery, there may be poor wound healing, a complication that tends to be frequent and severe.
Symptoms of EDS within this category may include soft, mildly stretchable skin, shortened bones, chronic diarrhea, joint hypermobility and dislocation, bladder rupture, or poor wound healing.
There are anecdotal reports that large daily doses (0.04-0.14 oz, or 1-4 g) of vitamin C may help decrease bruising and aid in wound healing.
Wounds and infections must be treated with care because tissue healing may be poor.
Homeopathic remedies are believed to stimulate the body's own healing processes.
Families can take a number of actions to support emotional healing, such as openly acknowledging the death, letting children participate in the rituals, and maintaining familiar routines such as school and bedtime activities.
The presence of injuries at different stages of healing (i.e., having occurred at different times) is nearly always indicative of BCS.
A more severe injury may involve a complete disruption of the nerve, in which the nerve fibers around the injury become disorganized, all nerve function is lost, and scarring prevents the nerve from healing.
But if a corneal abrasion is deep and penetrates the next layer of the cornea, then scarring is possible and complete healing of the abrasion may be delayed as long as three months.
Topical anesthetics are never prescribed because they delay and interfere with the healing process.
Patching can decrease blinking, which was thought to speed the healing process.
Controlled studies have demonstrated that patching a corneal abrasion does not improve healing either in children or adults and that patching of an eye may make walking difficult.
These drugs act by constricting the blood vessels in the eye, decreasing the blood supply to the eye and delaying healing.
Except for a very mild abrasion, the doctor may require daily follow-up examination to ensure that the abrasion is healing.
For complete healing, physical therapy usually follows surgery.
If surgery is needed, alternative practitioners can recommend pre- and post-surgical therapies that enhance healing.
Poor blood circulation in the legs and feet contribute to delayed wound healing.
The inability to sense pain along with the complications of delayed wound healing can result in minor injuries, blisters, or calluses becoming infected and difficult to treat.
If there is sufficient injury at the injection site, general wound care is done to prevent infection and speed healing.
Avoiding of mucus-producing foods can be effective in healing a cough condition.
During the weeks of healing the patient is limited to a liquid diet sipped through a straw and must be careful not to choke or vomit since he cannot open his mouth to expel the vomitus.
Wounds to the soft tissues of the mouth bleed freely, but the plentiful blood supply that leads to this heavy bleeding also helps healing.
Fractures, burns, and deep lacerations require treatment by a doctor but alternative treatments can help the body withstand injury and assist the healing process.
After an injury, craniosacral therapy may help healing and ease the headaches that follow a concussion or other head trauma.
Traditional Chinese medicine seeks to reconnect the chi (energy flow) along the body's meridians and thus aid healing.
Homeopathic physicians may prescribe such remedies as Arnica or Symphytum to enhance healing.
If the child or adolescent has a weakened immune system or a debilitating chronic disease, healing is more problematic.
Healing also depends upon the extent of the injury.
The use of corticosteroid ointments sometimes speeds healing.
Parents can also try preparations of tea tree oil, goldenseal, propolis, licorice, myrrh, and lysine, products with healing nutrients that are backed by research.
If observation suggests a secondary infection, topical application of tetracycline to the lesion, three or four times daily, shortens healing to two to four days.
Sections of gum that are not likely to reattach to the teeth may be removed to promote healing by healthy sections of gum.
Splint-A thin piece of rigid or flexible material that is used to restrain, support, or immobilize a part of the body while healing takes place.
The primary goal of immobilization is to maintain the realignment of a bone long enough for healing to start and progress.
When healing is complete, the surgeon may or may not remove these devices.
The goal is to realign or immobilize the part or to relieve pressure on that particular area to promote healing and restore function.
Some physical therapists use electro-stimulation over a fractured site to promote and expedite healing.
Homeopathy can enhance the body's healing process.
If possible, applying contrast hydrotherapy to an extremity (e.g., a hand or foot) of a fractured area can assist healing by enhancing circulation.
Healing time varies from person to person with the elderly generally needing more time to heal completely.
Recovery is complete when there is no bone motion at the fracture site, and x-rays indicate complete healing.
Open fractures may lead to bone infections, which delay the healing process.
Healing is slower in girls than for boys.
Uneven healing of skin may lead to laterally curving erections in adulthood.
After that, heat, especially moist heat, is recommended to increase the circulation and the healing of the injured tissues.
Several types of alternative treatments are often recommended to speed healing and to reduce the pain associated with bruises.
This allows for protection and proper alignment early in the healing process.
Once the doctor makes sure the two broken ends of the bone are aligned, a cast is put on to keep them in place until they are rejoined through natural healing.
Since some braces can be easily taken off and put back on, they are often used when the child needs physical therapy or must exercise the limb during the healing process.
Use of traction will hold them in the correct position for healing to occur.
Rest, combined with elevation, will reduce pain and speed the healing process by minimizing swelling.
If the cast, splint, or brace breaks or malfunctions, the healing process of the bone or soft tissue can be disrupted and lead to deformity.
Sometimes, if a single eyelash is involved, it may be removed to promote healing and drainage.
If a child has diabetes or an autoimmune disorder, good eye hygiene is as critical as monitoring wound healing and foot care.
Washing with plain water and drying with air is soothing to sore skin; it speeds healing by decreasing friction on the area.
The first is that the muscle may form scar tissue during the healing process.
Although such an understanding does not lessen their loss, it can serve an important function in the healing process, one that SIDS parents do not have.
Small wounds to a fingertip's skin and pulp usually close on their own with complete healing within three to five weeks.
The average healing time for fingertip amputation is 21-27 days.
However, infection, poor healing, loss of feeling or motion, blood clots, and adverse reactions to anesthesia are all possible complications of surgery.
Clinician-directed play therapy is, therefore, not naturally self-directed play, but play designed by a professional to facilitate understanding of the child and the child's healing process.
If the diagnosis of celiac disease was correct (and the child followed the rigorous diet), healing of the intestine will be apparent.
If healing is evident, then gluten is reintroduced to the diet and a third biopsy is performed weeks to months later to see if the reintroduction of gluten results in villus atropy again.
To prevent infection from spreading from one part of the body to another, it is important to shower rather than bathe during the healing process.
People with diabetes mellitus are prone to complications from plantar warts related to the development of sores or ulceration and the poor healing potential associated with diabetes.
To help the healing process for flat facial warts, men should shave with an electric shaver or temporarily grow a beard.
Although temporarily uncomfortable, it provides an effective and safe way to deliver freezing temperatures to a particular area on the skin, and healing is usually quick.
Healing may take six weeks or longer, depending on the patient's age and the severity of the fracture.
There are, however, homeopathic remedies and herbs that can be used simultaneously with dental care and throughout the healing process.
Repeating a dose several times daily for the duration of healing is also useful.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) and plantain (Plantago major) can be used as a mouth rinse to enhance tissue healing.
When dental trauma receives timely attention and proper treatment, the prognosis for healing is good.
Postoperative complications are common, including wound infections and lack of healing, persistent sepsis and bowel necrosis, and a serious internal bleeding disorder known as disseminated intravascular coagulation.
About 10 to 35 percent of all survivors eventually develop a stricture, or narrowing, of the intestine that occurs with healing.
Healing time from a piercing ranges from six months to two years.
Meditation, yoga, and reiki healing have been recommended for process addictions; however, the success of these programs has not been well documented through controlled studies.
Reiki practitioners hold their hands on or slightly above specific points on the patient's body in order to convey universal life energy to that area for healing.
To aid in the healing, the infected ear canal can be washed with an over-the-counter topical antiseptic.
During the healing process, the infected ear canal must be kept dry, even while showering, through the use of ear plugs or a shower cap.
Long-term follow-up of patients with aneurysms indicates that about half show some healing of the aneurysm.
Contrast hydrotherapy (hot and cold compresses, alternating three minutes hot, 30 seconds cold, repeated three times always ending with cold) applied directly over the sinuses can relieve pressure and enhance healing.
The symptoms of concussion usually clear quickly and without lasting effect, if no further injury is sustained during the healing process.
Even after healing or a cure has been achieved, the brain continues to perceive pain.
The time limit used to define chronic pain typically ranges from three to six months, although some healthcare professionals prefer a more flexible definition and consider pain chronic when it endures beyond a normal healing time.
The amount of lysine required to control herpes varies from case to case, but a typical adult dose to maintain remission is 500 mg daily, and active herpes requires 1-6 g between meals to induce healing.
Defined in the study of human nutrition as all the inorganic elements or molecules required for life, minerals assist in body functions such as producing energy, growing, and healing.
Copper contributes to healing, energy production, taste, and hair and skin color.
Zinc is required for protein synthesis, immune system function, protection of the liver, collagen formation, and wound healing.
Proper nutrition is essential to optimize healing after an amputation or reattachment surgery.
A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins and with adequate caloric value is recommended to promote healing.
If the skin of the burned area is unbroken and it is not likely to be further irritated by pressure or friction, the burn should be left exposed to the air to promote healing.
In a hyperbaric chamber (which can be a specialized room or enclosed space), the person is exposed to pure oxygen under high pressure, which can aid in healing.
The homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Causticum can assist in burn healing.
Supplementing the diet with vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc also is beneficial for wound healing.
Patients using steroids for lengthy periods also may have problems with wound healing, weight gain, and mental disorders.
Examples are vitamin C (to boost the immune system), zinc (to reduce the frequency of HSV outbreaks), aloe (a possible antiviral), lemon balm (to speed healing), and licorice (with anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects).
Pressure ulcers are always a concern to individuals with SCI and a diet high in protein, vitamins, and minerals is recommended to promote skin healing.
People who are severely sunburned should see a doctor who may prescribe corticosteroid cream to speed healing.
It usually occurs when an artery and vein that are side-by-side are damaged, and the healing process results in the two becoming linked.
Sulfonamides may also cause blood problems that can interfere with healing and lead to additional infections.
The group is also made available to those in the Toronto area, further promoting the spirituality and healing movements of ancient dance to those all across Canada.
It can also be a healing time for families, as they can forget about their differences and comfort those around them.
This type of journaling can be very healing for family and friends.
The anger with God (or anyone else) may be gone and the real healing begins.
Talking about these issues and dealing with them may be just what you need for healing.
The process of creating the stone is very helpful to parents in guiding their children through grieving and healing.
If those around her acknowledge the loss as a "real" one, only then will she be able to grieve and start the healing process.
Healing - Acupuncture clinics or a holistic training schools make wonderful locations.
If you smoke, you'll need to stop a week or two before the procedure and try to abstain for a while afterward because smoking can impair healing.
Any surgical procedure requires a period of healing.
Interestingly enough, NASA's has proven that LED lights can increase wound healing and stimulate cellular growth.
A healing nursing cream, containing lanolin balm, will be a welcome gift to help moisturize dry skin.
However, cosmetic surgery after healing from birth and exhausting other weight-loss methods is on the rise and may be used by celebrities.
Cesarean sections involve major abdominal surgery that requires additional time for healing.
As you may surmise, the amount of breast tissue removed determines just how different the area will look after healing.
The term "antioxidant" has become a buzz word for anti-aging and various "healing" products.
It is also necessary for healing wounds and is required to help the body absorb iron.
Culturelle Probiotic provides many of the benefits corroborated by over 250 clinical studies that have shown probiotics have a healing effect, that is important for those suffering from chronic diarrhea.
Collagen is essential for building tissue, healing wounds and building stronger bones.
Because of its role in the production of collagen, taking vitamin C can help to promote wound healing.
The market for vitamin C supplements is sky high thanks to the belief that this vitamin can speed healing from illness and injury.
This vitamin is well-known for its healing and immune-building properties, and is often used topically to heal cuts and sores.
Many people believe it also helps with hair growth and thickening due to these healing qualities.
It speeds healing and encourages cells to graft bone onto bone, acting as a catalyst or healing agent in bone grafts.
Many websites and manufacturers claim that coral calcium is superior to other forms of calcium for rebuilding bone health, healing bone spurs, and prevent osteoporosis.
Many natural health proponents claim that wheat grass juice contains amazing healing properties.
Wigmore's theories on the healing power of wheat grass juice spurred the surge of interest in juicers that could process wheat grass juice for home and commercial use.
While wheat grass juice contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes, there are some like raw food author Frederic Patenaude who do not agree that wheat grass juice is a healing food.
If you've done your research and you want to try wheat grass juice as a healing therapy, you can buy the juice at juice bars nationwide or make your own at home using a juicer.
Whether you opt for a simple model or an expensive one, wheat grass juice is an intriguing health food that many vegetarians, vegans and raw food experts believe improves health and healing.
When combined with essential oils these make a great way to experience the healing powers of different essences.
Even conventional medicine has adopted this age-old concept of bringing healing to the sick via feeding the mucous membranes in the epidermis, in the respiratory track, in the digestive track and in the genitourinary system.