Headway Sentence Examples
Meanwhile in the Netherlands the sectaries had been making rapid headway in spite of the persecution.
If pollen is scarce, a substitute in the form of either pea-meal or wheaten flour must be supplied to the bees, as brood-rearing cannot make headway without the nitrogenous element indispensable in the food on which the young are reared.
In the meanwhile the Pisan war dragged on without much headway being made.
This became every 2 hrs for each route on Sundays to give a joint hourly headway.
Conde made no headway against Amsterdam, and William retook Naarden (September 14th).
But as yet the idea of unity made but little headway, for southern Italy was too widely separated by geographical conditions, history, tradition and custom from the rest of the peninsula, and the majority of the Liberals - themselves a minority of the population - merely aspired to a constitutional Neapolitan monarchy, possibly forming part of a confederation of Italian states.
Before Primo de Rivera could make much headway against the insurgents affairs in Cuba became so serious that the Spanish government cabled him that pacification was most urgently desired.
Although the Grenadiers finally lost the summit of Cengio, they held on to the lower slopes above Schiri, and Dankl was unable to make headway in the valley, while the right of the division was swung back to the western slopes of Monte Pau.
Various other attacks at San Dona, Intestadura, and the Grave di Papadopoli were unsuccessful, and the troops at Zenson could make no headway.
We know only that the last of them, a Paerisades, unable to make headway against the power of the natives, called in the help of Diophantus, general of Mithradates VI.
AdvertisementIt was feared that the heresy, if suffered to make headway, would spread like wildfire among the ignorant Russian peasantry, and Archbishop Nikon was sent to Athos to threaten the recalcitrant brethren with severe temporal and eternal penalties should they remain obstinate.
Although sustained by a fair number of guns and with the moral support of the 53rd Division, which had disembarked during the night, the 10th and 11th Divisions could make no headway.
The first competition in connexion with alcohol as a fuel for motor vehicles took place in France in 1901, followed in the next year by German investigations, but its employment for this purpose did not make much headway.
Peace negotiations had been in progress in London since Dec. 1912, but made little headway owing to Turkish obstinacy.
Then gold-mining, after being long at a standstill, began again to make headway.
AdvertisementDisarmament, roads and land-purchasing enabled settlement to make headway again in the North Island of ter twelve years of stagnation.
The clear headway is 157 ft., and the extreme height of the towers above high water 361 ft.
When the headway is great or the river deep, timberbraced piers or clusters of piles at distances of 50 ft.
In spite of the prohibition the institution made some headway, and traces of it are found later in Italy, but it never became as popular in the West as it was in the East.
Returning to Germany in March 1212, Otto made some headway against his enemies until the arrival of Frederick towards the close of the year.
AdvertisementHe has been accused of being incapable of resisting them, but we must take into account the unwillingness of the nobles, who continually refused to join the royal army; moreover, the Frankish army does not seem to have been sufficiently accustomed to war to make any headway against the pirates.
In the German provinces also, in spite of Metternich's censors and police, the national movements in Germany had gained an entrance, and, as the revolution of 1848 in Vienna was to show, the most advanced revolutionary views were making headway.
In spite of this league Argos made no headway against Sparta, and in 4 51 consented to a truce.
The Italian attacks, handicapped by the limitation imposed, made little headway, though they prevented the dispatch of Austrian units already under orders for the eastern front.
The Alpenkorps were making good headway on the slopes above the road, where the Taro brigade, surprised in the mist, made a feeble resistance, and Lequis's left-hand column quickly reached the Italian second line, where the valley narrows below the hamlet of Foni.
AdvertisementStein was pouring troops through the breach made by the Silesians, and was making good headway with the 50th Austrian division on their right, while the Alpenkorps, Berrer and Scotti had broken through the lines opposite Tolmino, and in several places had gained the high ridge dominating the head of the Judrio valley.
Conrad and Boroevic were making no headway, but a more dangerous attack was being conducted by Krauss, between the Brenta and the Piave.
Like him he had little inclination to the orthodox church, and favored Mazdak, the founder of a communistic sect which had made headway among the people and might be used as a weapon against the nobles, of whom Mazdak demanded that they should cut down their luxury and distribute their superfluous wealth.
In 1158-59 he fought with success against Raymond of Antioch and the Turks of Iconium, but in later wars against the latter he made no headway.
It is a very old breed, against which the Shropshires have made substantial headway.
A Decimal Association was formed in 1854, but did not make very much headway.
We just couldn't make any significant headway despite having the benefit of a stiff breeze behind our backs.
Only Continental europe, hampered by a strong euro, failed to make any headway.
Frankie Dettori settled the 5-1 second-favourite back in the field but steadily made headway to go past Westerner entering the final furlong.
Off the west coast of Sardinia a heavy north-westerly gale was encountered, against which was impossible to make headway.
Why Hope made little headway in the jazz scene of the 1940s is a point to be debated.
The bridge has a headway of 4.34m (14'3 ") under the center arch.
The coxswain or master must watch the seas carefully and maintain all possible headway during the run to the beach.
Left Hegelian views were making rapid headway in Germany at the time.
By using light airs a well trimmed sailing ship can make considerable headway on what appears to be a flat calm sea.
Wider aspects of parental leave are slower making headway, despite legal back-up.
They failed to make much headway in the early stages, with Boro making the brighter start.
A 10 minute headway is proposed between Slough Bus Stn & Windsor - outside the former garage in St. Leonard ' s Road.
The action of the Convention in perpetuating its influence by the imposition of two-thirds of its members on the next popularly elected councils, aroused a storm of indignation in Paris, where the "moderate" and royalist reaction was already making headway.
Caesar, who had been hastily summoned from Illyricum, crossed the Loire and invaded Brittany, but found that he could make no headway without destroying the powerful fleet of high, flat-bottomed boats like floating castles possessed by the Veneti.
I told her that in my opinion the child ought to be separated from the family for a few weeks at least--that she must learn to depend on and obey me before I could make any headway.
He is a fully qualified accountant and in addition is Honorary Treasurer of the brain injury charity Headway.
Such a teacher can make silk purses out of pigs ' ears, transmute lead into gold can even use Headway to effect.
The puzzle is Mr Howard 's failure, against the backdrop of a deeply unpopular war, to make greater headway.
In the fashion magazine Glamour, plus size models have very slowly begun to make some headway.
On the other hand, Western Protestantism has also made great headway, notably the Stundists, whose rationalisticProtestant teaching has gained a firm foothold especially in Little Russia, where the Raskol never penetrated.
Since 1 9 00 a white Republican Party has made some headway in Louisiana politics, but in national and state elections the state has been uninterruptedly and overwhelmingly Democratic since 1877.
Germany has likewise made headway; an output of 12,000 tons in 1850 being increased to 120,000 tons in 1900 and to 152,590 in 1905.
In Dutch Borneo the Rhenish Society is slowly making headway among the Dyaks; in British Borneo the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (1848) and the Methodist Episcopalians occupy the field.
After much unnecessary delay, at a time when prompt action was required, the prince on the 23rd of September entered Brussels and, with little opposition, occupied the upper or court portion of it, but when they attempted to advance into the lower town the troops found the streets barricaded and defended by citizens in arms. Desultory fighting between the soldiers and the insurgents continued for three days until, finding that he was making no headway, the prince ordered a retreat.
Nevertheless, the Bulgarian Church has made great headway both in Bulgaria itself and in Macedonia.
Rene's captivity, and the poverty of the Angevin resources due to his ransom, enabled Alphonso of Aragon, who had been first adopted and then repudiated by Jeanne II., to make some headway in the kingdom of Naples, especially as he was already in possession of the island of Sicily.
One would expect due to media reports that online predators were making more headway than cyber bullies were in online harassment.
The anti-papal tendency, known as Febronianism, had made immense headway, not only among the laity but among the clergy in the Austrian dominions.
The cause made continuous headway at by-elections, and though the general election of January 1910 gave the Unionists no majority it saw them returned in much increased strength, which was chiefly due to the support obtained for tariff reform principles.
One brand that is starting to make some headway in the North American market is Huawei.
Whilst the use of alcohol for power purposes, mainly in connexion with stationary and agricultural engines, was common in Germany before the war, its employment in Europe and also in the United States for motor engines has not made much headway, nor was it apparent in 1921 that any active steps were being taken outside the British Empire to develop it for the purpose on any considerable scale.
The anti-pope - the last in the history of the papacy - made no headway, although the council invested him with the power of levying annates to a greater extent than had ever been claimed by the Roman Curia.
It does not appear to have made any headway, however, and alpaca wool was condemned as an unworkable material.
Against the forward line between Monte Maronia and Soglio d'Aspio the Austrian attack made no headway at first, the Cagliari Bde.
Indeed, a money currency only began to make headway in these districts in the 4th century B.C. In the eastern provinces, on the other hand, the primitive method Of exchange by barter still held the field.
Siegfried of Mainz deserted his master, and visiting Germany in 1242 Frederick found it necessary to purchase the support of the towns by a grant of extensive privileges; but, although this bad the desired effect, Conrad could make but little headway against the increasing number of his enemies.
But inland, in Phrygia, Hellenism had as yet made little headway outside the Greek cities.
He was in front of a force of unknown strength which appeared resolved to stand its ground, his men were tired, and the cannon-thunder to his right rear proclaimed clearly that Grouchy had not made much headway on the Fleurus road.
The king was unable to make much headway, in spite of the death of Duke Henry, which occurred in October 1139; and his half-brother Leopold IV., margrave of Austria, to whom Bavaria had been entrusted, was defeated by Henry's brother Welf, afterwards duke of Spoleto and margrave of Tuscany.