Headman Sentence Examples
It is the residence of the Headman of the Griqua nation.
It is interesting to see that the duties of the tribal headman in Freetown were almost identical.
Where the forest is less dense and small agricultural communities begin to make their appearance, the unit expands to the village with its headman.
The local headman pointed out to us an overgrown site telling the tale that it was a Japanese war cemetery.
One result of this is that neither the headman nor anyone else could really exercise any leadership or exert pressure to settle village quarrels.
The city is divided into fourteen quarters, each presided over by a headman, and inhabited by separate sections of the community.
The new pasha of Belgrade appointed one Milosh Obrenovich headman of his own district, but a few years later Milosh raised a successful revolt, drove out the Turks, and re-established Servian semi-independence.
The kraal is under the immediate rule of its headman, who is a patriarch responsible for the good behaviour of all its members.
Over the headman, whose authority may extend to more than one kraal, is the tribal chief, and above the tribal chief was the king, whose authority is now exercised by a British commissioner.
The native chiefs of the Panaka and other Tibetan tribes of this region are styled pdmbo (" official " or " headman ") by both the natives and the Chinese.
AdvertisementEach chief appoints a certain number of civil and military officers to assist in the government of the country, and each village has its headman or bese, also an hereditary office.
At its head is an elected headman (Schuize, Dorfvorsteher, &c.), with a small body of assistants (Schoffen, &c.).
As regards the rural police of India every village headman and the village watchman as well as the village police office are required by the code to communicate to the nearest magistrate or the officer in charge of the nearest police station, whichever is nearest, any information respecting offenders.
About this time these societies, each having its headman, were called frithborhs, or peace-borhs, and the Normans translated the Anglo-Saxon word by frankpledge.
The country is divided into four governmental departments (Kreise) and subdivided into sixty-four divisions (Oberamtsbezirke), each of which is under a headman (Oberamtrnann) assisted by a local council (Amtsversasnmlung).
AdvertisementMost of these are chosen by village elders, among whom the current headman has the most say.
All villages are subdivided into hamlets, each with its own headman, an indigenous office.
Without such support a young headman could not entertain.
A Burgermeister, once elected, becomes a member of the bureaucracy and is responsible to the central administration; even the headman of a village commune is, within the narrow limits of his functions, a government official.