Headed Sentence Examples
I saw Jonathan headed for the house.
He was headed for the dog food factory.
She donned her bathing suit and headed for the pool.
She spun around and headed for her car, tears welling up in her eyes.
She watched him as he answered it and then headed toward her at a brisk pace.
He parked the truck in front of the house and headed down the hill.
They all said goodnight and then headed upstairs.
She knocked his hand away and headed for the house in a stiff jointed hobble.
She gripped his waist as he turned the horse around and headed back toward the hacienda.
Katie arrived an hour later to pick up Jonathan and Destiny, and thirty minutes later Carmen and Alex were in the car headed for the airport.
AdvertisementAfter feeding and watering the chickens, she gathered the eggs and headed for the house.
She headed for the truck.
Without answering, he headed for the fireplace and opened the wood box.
Turning the truck around, he headed back down the drive.
She headed for the door, ignoring the question.
AdvertisementYancey didn't get out, but he did wait until she had her car started before he turned his car around and headed back to the house.
Slipping into a pair of tennis shoes, she headed for the kitchen.
She stepped around him and headed for the house.
Sure, she could be mule headed, and sometimes she was moody, but was she that bad?
She didn't acknowledge his order but headed toward the stairs.
AdvertisementI glanced up to see Martha headed toward my door.
I'm headed to Ohio.
He blocked it and the next two blows and then snatched a fist headed for his face, twisted her arm, and spun her.
He strode beside her, whipping out his cell as they headed toward the nearest exit.
Careful not to let the heels of his boots make noise in the hallway, he headed for the living room.
AdvertisementAfter a shower, she dressed and headed for the kitchen to cook breakfast.
Again the red headed man crossed her mind.
After Mums left, Carmen and Alex headed for the barn again.
He headed down the opposite hallway.
Aren't you headed in the wrong direction?
Nothwithstanding repeated remonstrances and threats, scarcely a year passed without the occurrence of several raids in British territory headed by Bhutia officials, in which they plundered the inhabitants, massacred them, or carried them away as slaves.
In Flanders, Lincoln joined Lord Lovell, who had headed an unsuccessful Yorkist rising in 1486, and in May 1487 the two lords proceeded to Dublin, where they landed a few days before the coronation of Lambert Simnel.
The boy, curly- headed like his mother and glowing with health, sat on his knee, and Prince Andrew began telling him the story of Bluebeard, but fell into a reverie without finishing the story.
The curly- headed, delicate boy sat with shining eyes unnoticed in a corner, starting every now and then and muttering something to himself, and evidently experiencing a new and powerful emotion as he turned his curly head, with his thin neck exposed by his turn-down collar, toward the place where Pierre sat.
Lisa, you're so bull headed.
Loaded with pastry, he was soon headed off to the park with his typical youthful enthusiasm.
He stood and headed for the door, shutting off the light as he left his home office.
As they headed toward the house, Alex put an arm around her shoulders.
The red headed man stood in front of her, lust in his eyes and smile.
Leaving Him on the porch with a bowl full of food, she climbed into the car and headed for the hospital.
That night she and Jonathan picked up Destiny and then headed home.
She showered and headed for the kitchen to start lunch.
As she entered the house, Jonathan was headed for his room.
Brushing her hair until it shined, she put her clothes on over the new underwear and headed for the kitchen to start supper.
After he left, she headed for the computer.
I'm headed to the coast this weekend.
It was lunchtime, and the sidewalk was packed with people in business attire headed to the small bistros, cafes and other eateries lining the business district of downtown Atlanta.
One minute, Dr. Wynn was headed back towards Deidre's exam room.
Shaking his head, Gabriel left, headed to the place he knew he needed to be.
For the first time in months, he had confirmation that he was headed the right way.
When they left Deidre's apartment, Andre was headed to ask his half-brother, Tamer, for help researching histories for more information.
He gave no explanation and headed toward her bedroom.
Then she grabbed her shower gear, sandals, and a plush towel and headed to the showers.
Hoping they.d fix his Rhyn problem for him, he entered the castle and headed straight to the office of his personal secretary.
She waited another few minutes and then headed to the bathrooms.
She approached, but Ne'Rin headed back to her with the messenger.
She was headed to the planet no matter what.
One headed for her, and she turned to run, only to collide with a large figure at her back.
I passed Corday and his sidekick headed this way.
Once outside, they headed toward the forest.
He was very much in the mood for a fun, air headed bimbo after all the drama today, but that would be near impossible.
She poured the coffees and headed to the door with Jackson behind her.
She definitely carried shopping bags, but at the top of the stairs, instead of turning right to his room she headed left to her own.
He checked the mirror one last time and headed for the stairs.
After about ten minutes, he thought, Maybe she got the hint this morning, and headed upstairs.
As he headed for the door, Sarah called, "Don't forget tomorrow night's the full moon."
As he headed into Fairhaven carrying the canvas, Jackson realized with a start that he had not fed all day.
Sarah headed to Jackson and upon seeing the landscape said, That's beautiful.
Sarah smacked him and headed to the kitchen to plan her menu.
She headed straight for him, so he assumed Sarah hadn't made contact or was unable to influence her.
After making sure she was asleep, he carefully slid out from under her feet and headed to the studio.
The couple headed upstairs.
After a while Jackson, still silent, rose and headed for the door.
He rose slowly and headed downstairs to find Sarah on the sofa.
The foursome headed to the kitchen and sat around the table.
She pulled a folder from her bag and they headed to the music room.
He poured a tall glass and headed to the drawing room.
She kissed him and headed for the stairs.
Jackson headed to the foyer, then stopped abruptly.
Sarah stood and they headed to the holding room, hand in hand.
We have no idea which direction they headed.
He headed for the stairs and when he reached the landing stopped, "By the way, tomorrow's casual dinner will serve as an engagement party of sorts."
As Connor headed back to the stairs, Sarah questioned where he was going.
She headed for the door, tossing a grumpy reply over her shoulder.
They completed the morning chores and then Katie headed out to pick up her brother at the airport.
Pouring some coffee into a thermos, she headed for the barn again.
He grabbed the hen by the wing and headed for a sliver of light shining through the coop door.
Of all the hard headed, vain...
He had always been hot headed, but violent anger had always been directed toward someone else - a man.
She headed for the house.
She stood, avoiding his eyes, and headed for the kitchen.
She swung around and headed for the door.
The trail swerved only to avoid trees, and it was soon evident where the goat was headed.
She took one look at Carmen and headed for the kitchen.
Was it merely a facade, or did he always have a clear view of where he was headed and the confidence to get him there?
He headed for the house as Lori turned the car around.
He swung the horse around and headed down the hill toward the creek.
The shuttle disappeared behind buildings as it headed towards one of the seven helipads on the compound.
General Greene is headed down there this morning.
They headed towards the top of the mountain.
Frustrated, she headed to the small bedroom and dropped into the bed.
Where were you headed when you fell out of the sky?
They were headed to Tennessee but we heard something bad happened, split the government at the top level.
We know she was headed west, towards Colorado.
The specter pointed back towards the lake. Katie slowed and watched Gabriel continue onward. She'd liked Andre above any of the Council members, but his insistence that she go in the direction opposite of which she was headed puzzled her.
Where were you headed when you found me?
Kris said nothing. Rhyn's assurances that Hannah was safe in Hell didn't sit well with him. Kris followed the half-demon without knowing where they might be headed, instead thinking of just how bad of a situation he'd left Kiki in.
Sherwood Forest, where Dean headed, was one of these communities, and the best of the bunch in his opinion.
Dean turned the car away from town, opened the window to let in the fresh May night, and headed south toward route 309 and Whitney's Motel.
He knew instinctively where she was headed.
That was the direction he was headed.
She stepped off the porch and headed for the dairy.
The three of them headed out to pasture.
Slipping into a modest two-piece swimsuit with a skirted bottom, she grabbed a towel and headed out at a brisk walk for the beach.
Climbing the other bank, she headed across the field to the old house.
Pealing off her gloves, she headed for the phone.
After she hung up, she made sure her cell phone was on and then headed for the kitchen.
With a heavy sigh, she headed for his house.
He shrugged and headed for his bedroom.
Throwing back the covers, she slid off the window seat and headed for the door, using her fingers as a comb to put her hair in some kind of order.
After chores and a shower, she headed for town to shop for some furniture and get some groceries.
I was headed over to my house to mow the lawn and check the garden.
After making sure they had grain and water, they headed for the house to eat lunch.
Slipping into a pair of sandals with 2 heels, she headed for the kitchen.
Satisfied that she looked proper as a new bride, she pushed her feet into yellow sandals and headed for the reception room.
Dropping to the ground, he headed for the house, leaving her behind.
Without waiting for an answer, he headed for the kitchen, stopping briefly to turn on the stereo.
Once out of bed she slipped into a nightgown and headed for the kitchen.
Climbing into the car he purchased for her, she headed out with the new bank account he had given her to do some guilt free shopping.
Lifting her in his strong arms the way she had come to recognize as a precursor to lovemaking, he headed for their bedroom.
When a Bob-White quail continued calling from the vicinity of the pond, she headed that way.
Finally, rationalizing that they needed milk, she headed for the grocery store.
He put away the milk and waved a hand for her to follow as he headed out the back door.
She turned away from him and headed for the carcass.
She headed for the kitchen, fighting back tears.
Tucking it in the holster and strapping it down, she headed for the hospital.
She put her coat on and headed for the back door.
She grabbed her coat and headed for the garage.
He kicked Ed into motion and headed for the house.
He headed for the door again, but this time Saundra stopped him with a question.
Tucking gloved hands into the pockets of his leather coat, he headed toward the house.
She put the horse into a lope and headed for the shed.
He had always been hot headed, but never mean like he often was now.
But he was headed for the sink and the sprayer.
When the pain finally subsided, she headed for the house to get her purse.
They joined Jonathan on the porch and headed for the barn.
He would never be what he once was, but he wasn't Jonny, headed down a dark path.
He was headed down his own path, that of the Grey God, a creature that never existed before him.
Rissa, Sirian, and the guards headed toward the sparring men.
Pouring two cups of coffee, she headed for the living room.
As she watched his truck leave the yard, she turned and headed for the shower.
She headed for Alex's office, the fingers on her left hand still fumbling with the last button.
Grabbing a bucket, she headed for what used to be her goat dairy.
Carmen glanced at Alex and he immediately headed for the door.
They left and she headed for the barn.
Finally she dried her eyes and headed for the house.
Then they waded the horses across and headed for the ruins.
Carmen grabbed a jar and the three of them headed for the creek.
Pushing the thought from her mind, she headed down to the barn.
Aaron, Felipa and Gerald headed into town and Rob headed for the house.
Felipa stood and headed for the door.
The sun was casting its last orange rays into the sky when they all loaded onto the wagon and headed into the field.
She closed the barn door and headed for the house.
Turning, she headed for the other bathroom.
She stepped back and held the pitchfork ready as he scrambled to his feet and headed for the door.
Aaron headed for the door.
Looking away so he wouldn't see her tears, she stood and headed for the door.
Without waiting for a response, she turned and headed to their room.
They left Senor Medena in his den and headed back to their room.
Something big was headed their way.
He turned Random back and headed for the camp.
As she grabbed her luggage and headed for van, from the corner of her eye she noticed that he paused mid stride and then turned away.
Giving up for the moment, she carefully locked the door and headed for the tiny town.
She turned and headed back to the store reflectively.
The boy obediently headed for the door.
She replaced the receiver and headed for the door.
They left the house and headed for the swim area.
The sun was well past its zenith and headed toward the trees on the west side of the cabin.
Jessi watched her cousin walk away then break into a run as she crossed the street and headed towards the bookstore.
He was headed towards the stairs.
We figured out the girl can Travel, and I have a feeling I know where she's headed, if she gets the chance, Damian added.
Xander headed into the barn, giving them some space.
Headed to the ops center.
Xander spun and headed the direction of the Grey God.
Dressed in full armour and attended by the papal vicar, Cola headed a procession to the Capitol; here he addressed the assembled crowd, speaking "with fascinating eloquence of the servitude and redemption of Rome."
A conspiracy headed by the patrician Arsaber had a similar issue.
The new administration was headed by Buckingham, in whose toleration and comprehension principles Ashley shared to the full.
Hardly a noble house of Spain or Italy was not represented in the fleet, and the princes headed the boarders.
On the 6th of October, at the secret invitation of the Catholic nobles headed by the duke of Aerschot, the archduke Matthias, brother of the emperor, arrived in Brussels to assume the sovereignty of the Netherlands.
At the very moment when Matthias was about to profit by the disappearance of his most capable rival, another dangerous rebellion, headed by the primate and the chief dignitaries of the state, with the object of placing Casimir, son of Casimir IV., on the throne, paralysed Matthias's foreign policy during the critical years 1470-1471.
Lombardy was, roughly speaking, divided between two parties, the one headed by Pavia professing loyalty to the empire, the other headed by Milan ready to oppose its claims. The municipal animosities of the last quarter of a century gave substance to these factions; yet neither the imperial nor, the anti-imperial party had any real community of interest with Frederick.
Manfred, now called king of Sicily, headed the Ghibellines, and there was no strong counterpoise against him.
The Estensi made themselves lords of Ferrara; the Torriani headed the Guelphs of Milan.
The necessities of war and foreign affairs soon placed Florence in the power of an oligarchy headed by the great Albizzi family.
The subsequent development is slightly different according as the future cormus is headed by a pneumatophore (Physophorida, Cystophorida) or by a nectocalyx (Calycophorida).
The churchmen headed by Stanislaus Szczepanowski, bishop of Cracow, took the side of the nobles, whose grievances seem to have been real.
Another great historical movement, headed by a leader who proclaimed himself the mandi (Mahommed ibn Abdallah ibn Tumart), was that of the Almohades.
Day and night, long processions of all classes and ages, headed by priests carrying crosses and banners, perambulated the streets in double file, reciting prayers and drawing the blood from their bodies with leathern thongs.
On the 6th of June, in reply to a deputation of the second congress of zemstvos headed by Prince Trubetzkoi, the emperor promised the speedy convocation of a National Assembly.
Headed Rail.
The Jewish embassy was headed by Philo, who has described its fortunes in a tract dealing with the divine punishment of the persecutors.
At any rate Alexander crucified two sons of Simon the Galilean, who had headed a revolt in the time of the census.
When in 1821 the revolution broke out in continental Greece, the Cretans, headed by the Sphakiots, after a massacre at Canea at once raised the standard of insurrection.
At that time thousands of Americans in Europe found their funds shut off, and Mr. Hoover headed a committee in London to give all possible assistance to those in England.
The insurrection of dissenters (1708-1711), which was headed by Thomas Carey, who was deputy-governor while the trouble was brewing, was in opposition to the establishment of the Church of England; it was ultimately unsuccessful, the Church was established in 1711, a law was passed which deprived Quakers of the privilege of serving on juries or holding public office, and the establishment was continued until the War of Independence.
The precedence claimed by Judah was challenged by the northern tribes even on the day of David's victorious return to his capital, and a rupture ensued, headed by Sheba, which but for the energy of Joab might have led to a second and more dangerous rebellion.
In 1908 Stamboliiski headed the Agrarian protest against the Declaration of Independence, as being in the interest of the dynasty rather than of the people.
The column headed bacon and hams indicates clearly enough that the imports of fresh meat did not displace those of preserved pig meat, for the latter expanded from 4,715,000 cwt.
Stephens headed the Confederate commission to the peace conference at Hampton Roads in February 1865.
Sagasta ultimately headed the most Conservative groups of the revolutionary politicians against Ruiz Zorrilla and the Radicals, and against the Federal Republic in 1873.
Pilgrims who were travelling to Jerusalem joined themselves in companies for security, and marched under arms; the pilgrims of 1064, who were headed by the archbishop of Mainz, numbered some 7000 men.
Till 1243 the party of Frederick had been successful in retaining Tyre, and the baronial demand for a regency had remained without effect; but in that year the opposition, headed by the great family of Ibelin, succeeded, under cover of asserting the rights of Alice of Cyprus to the regency, in securing possession of Tyre, and the kingdom of Jerusalem thus fell back into the power of the baronage.
The outbreak headed by Athens after Alexander's death (323) led to a stubborn conflict with Macedonia.
He was again president in 1839-1843, and dictator in 1846; but soon afterwards headed a revolution against his successor and was thrown into prison.
In 70 a formidable rising in Gaul, headed by Claudius Civilis, was suppressed and the German frontier made secure; the Jewish War was brought to a close by Titus's capture of Jerusalem, and in the following year, after the joint triumph of Vespasian and Titus, memorable as the first occasion on which a father and his son were thus associated together, the temple of Janus was closed, and the Roman world had rest for the remaining nine years of Vespasian's reign.
John Wilbur, a minister of New England, headed a party of protest against the new evangelicalism, laying extreme stress on the " Inward Light "; the result was a further separation of " Wilburites " or " the smaller body," who, like the " Hicksites," have a separate independent organization of their own.
Allying himself with the Byzantines and other enemies of the Visigoths, and supported by most of the orthodox Christians he headed a formidable insurrection.
The separatists, headed by Carlos Manuel de Cespedes (1819-1874), a wealthy planter who proclaimed the revolution at Yara on the 10th of October, demanded the same reforms, including gradual emancipation of the slaves with indemnity to owners, and the grant of free and universal suffrage.
Below him ranked the newly converted Moslem aristocracy, who adopted the dress, titles and etiquette of the Turkish court, without relinquishing their language or many of their old customs. They dwelt in fortified towns or castles, where the vali was only admitted on sufferance for a few days; and, at the outset, they formed a separate military caste, headed by 48 kapetans - landholders exercising unfettered authority over their retainers and Christian serfs, but bound, in return, to provide a company of mounted troops for the service of their sovereign.
The pope urged the king of Hungary to take advantage of this favourable opportunity by breaking the truce solemnly agreed upon, and nineteen days after it had been concluded a coalition was formed against the Turks; a large army headed by Ladislaus I., king of Hungary, Hunyadi, voivode of Walachia, and Cardinal Cesarini crossed the Danube and reached Varna, where they hoped to be joined by the Greek emperor.
This news caused consternation at Constantinople; the inevitable revolt of the Janissaries followed, headed this time by one Patrona Khalil, and the sultan was forced to abdicate in favour of his nephew Mahmud.
In 1807 the garrisons of the Black Sea forts at the entrance of the straits rose in rebellion, headed by one Kabakji Mustafa, and killed their officers.
The inhabitants of Berlin, headed by their mayor, came out to meet him, and the newspapers lavished adulation on the victors and abuse on the beaten army.
On the 8th of August representatives from every class in the capital urged the necessity of a vigorous resistance; and the citizens of Copenhagen, headed by the great burgomaster Hans Nansen, protested their unshakable loyalty to the king, and their determination to defend Copenhagen to the uttermost.
The people, headed by John Lizka (1376-1424), threw the burgomaster and several town-councillors, who were the instigators of this outrage, from the windows and they were immediately killed by the crowd.
In the following year he went to Germany to be present as papal nuncio at the coronation of Charles V., and was also present at the diet of Worms, where he headed the opposition to Luther, advocating the most extreme measures to repress the doctrines of the reformer.
In the former review, a striking paper upon development of doctrine (Dec. 1st, 1898) headed a series of studies apparently taken from an already extant large apologetic work.
In 1850 England headed the list of producers with about 66,000 tons; this amount had declined in 1872 to 61,000 tons.
A Bolshevik Government headed by Shtuchka was installed in Riga.
In 1272 it was the first of the towns of Guyenne to join the confederation headed by Bordeaux.
Thereupon certain Sienese citizens in Rome, headed by Aeneas Piccolomini (a kinsman of Pius II.), entered into negotiations with the agents of the French king and, having with their help collected men and money, marched on Siena and forced their way in by the new gate (now Porta Romana) on 26th July 1552.
Aleppo shared, and to some extent headed, the Syrian discontent with Egyptian rule, and was strongly held by troops whose huge barracks are still one of the sights of the city.
He had no sooner left the Transvaal than the -old Lydenburg party, headed by Cornelis Potgieter, landdrost of Lydenburg, protested that the union would be much more beneficial to the Free State than to the people of Lydenburg, and followed this up with the contention lions' that it was illegal for any one to be president of the South African Republic and the Free State at the same time.
This was deflected by Kitchener westward to follow up the Boer rearguard, and after some delay the remainder of the infantry, at first fronting northwards, swerved westward likewise, while French from Kimberley, with such of his men as he could mount on serviceable horses, headed off Cronje in the north-west.
A revolt headed by Monagas broke out in 1868, and Falcon had to fly the country.
His attempt to force this question produced violent opposition in 1891, and ended in a rising headed by General Joaquin Crespo.
For long the Brahmas did not attempt any social reforms. But about 1865 the younger section, headed by Babu Keshub Chunder Sen, who joined the Samaj in 1857, tried to carry their religious theories into practice by demanding the abandonment of the external signs of caste distinction.
The constable himself headed the leading line of dismounted men-at-arms; weighted with their armour, and sinking deep into the mud with every step, they yet reached and engaged the English men-at-arms; for a time the fighting was severe.
These Hittites had close relations with other Asia Minor peoples, and at times headed a confederacy.
By 1176 the Florentines were masters of all the territory comprised in the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole; but civil commotion within nobles, headed by the Alberti and strengthened by the many feudal families who had been forced to leave their castles and dwell in the city (1177-1180).
The attempt to seize Montevarchi and other castles where the Guelph exiles were congregated failed, and in 1250 the burghers elected thirty-six caporali di popolo, who formed the basis of the primo popolo or body of citizens independent of the nobles, headed by the capitano del popolo.
The Ghibellines being unable to maintain their supremacy, the city came to be divided into two almost autonomous republics, the comune headed by the podestd, and the popolo headed by the capitano and militarily organized into twenty companies; the central power was represented by twelve anziani or elders.
The aristocratic faction headed by Maso degli Albizzi, a wise and popular statesman, had remained predominant, and at Maso's death in 1417 he was succeeded in the leadership of the party by Niccolo da Uzzano.
His enemies, headed by his elder brother Mikhail and the vicechancellor Vorontsov, powerless while his diplomacy was faultless, quickly took advantage of his mistakes.
The reign of Philippicus was brought to a close through a conspiracy headed by two of his generals, who caused him to be blinded.
In 1824 Turki, son of the unfortunate Abdallah, headed a rising which resulted in the re-establishment of the Wahhabi state with Riad as its new capital; and during the next ten years he consolidated his power, paying tribute to and under the nominal suzerainty of Egypt till his murder in 1834.
Even the clergy were by no means altogether on Innocent's side; the council of Lyons was attended by but 150 bishops, mainly French and Spanish, and the deputation from England, headed by Robert Grossetete of Lincoln and Roger Bigod, came mainly in order to obtain the canonization of Edmund of Canterbury and to protest against papal exactions.
Its scientific institutions are headed by the academy of science.
The Scots again invaded England in the autumn of 1402, headed by the earl of Douglas and Murdoch Stewart, son of the duke of Albany.
For at this time the conflicts of the Raspanti faction, headed by the Gherardesca, with the Bergolini led by the Gambacorti, had left the latter family masters of the city.
The country was then ruled by the judges of the Audiencia, and a formidable insurrection broke out, headed by Francisco Hernandez Giron, with the object of maintaining the right of the conquerors to exact forced service from the Indians.
From December 1856 to March 1858 he had to contend with and subdue a local insurrection headed by General Agostino Vivanco, but, with these two exceptions, there was peace in Peru from 1844 to 1879, a period of thirty-five years.
At first she influenced Jahangir for good, but surrounding herself with her relatives she aroused the jealousy of the imperial princes; and Jahangir died in 1627 in the midst of a rebellion headed by his son, Khurram or Shah Jahan, and his greatest general, Mahabat Khan.
On the 16th of the month Maimacterion, a long procession, headed by a trumpeter playing a warlike air, set out for the graves; wagons decked with myrtle and garlands of flowers followed, young men (who must be of free birth) carried jars of wine, milk, oil and perfumes; next came the black bull destined for the sacrifice, the rear being brought up by the archon, who wore the purple robe of the general, a naked sword in one hand, in the other an urn.
A small coterie of authors, headed by Professor Toyama, then attempted to revolutionize Japanese poetry by recasting it on European lines.
Midway between the Matsumoto school and the pure style approved by the native taste in former times stand a number of wood-carvers headed by Takamura KOun, who The Semi- occupies in the field of sculpture much the same place ign as that held by Hashimoto Gaho in the realm of 00.
One, headed by Namikawa Yasuyuki of KiOto, took for its objects N the utmost delicacy and perfection of technique, rich ness of decoration, purity of design and harmony of color.
The second of the modern schools is headed by Namikawa Sosuke of Tokyo.
Capito headed two opposing schools in jurisprudence, Labeo being an advocate of method and reform, and Capito being a conservative and empiricist.
The king parted with him reluctantly, and only under the pressure of a strong court intrigue headed by Queen Isabella.
He accepted, however, the Republican nomination as vice-president on a ticket headed by General Grant, and was elected; but he failed in 1872 to secure renomination.
His chief enemies were the higher ecclesiastics, headed by William of Wykeham, bishop of Winchester, who had been excluded from power in 1371.
During the Persian invasion the Tegeans displayed a readiness unusual among Peloponnesian cities; in the battle of Plataea they were the first to enter the enemy's camp. A few years later they headed an Arcadian and Argive league against Sparta, but by the loss of two pitched battles (Tegea and Dipaea) were induced to resume their former loyalty (about 468-467).
Lenthall and Manchester, the speaker of the Lords, headed the fugitive members at the review on Hounslow Heath on the 3rd of August, being received by the soldiers "as so many angels sent from heaven for their good."
It was supposed that he would marry the queen regnant, Christina, but her unsurmountable objection to wedlock put an end to these anticipations, and to compensate her cousin for a broken half-promise she declared him (1649) her successor, despite the opposition of the senate headed by the venerable Axel Oxenstjerna.
Antonius Saturninus headed a rebellion in Germany, which threatened seriously to bring Domitian's rule to an end.
The police force is an efficient and well-organized body of 3000 men headed by a European commissioner of police.
The coup d'etat of Fructidor (September 1797) had perpetuated the Directory and led to the exclusion of the two "moderate" members, Carnot and Barthelemy; but Talleyrand saw that power belonged really to the general who had brought about the coup d'etat in favour of the Jacobinical Directors headed by Barras.
Throughout the continuance of the government under the provincial charter, there was a constant struggle between a prerogative party, headed by the royal governor, and a popular party who cherished recollections of their practical independence under the colonial charter, and who were nursing the sentiments which finally took the form of resistance in 1775.
The popular agitators, headed by Samuel Adams - with whom John Hancock, an opulent merchant and one of the few of the richer people who deserted the crown, leagued himself - forced on the movement, which became war in April 1775, when Gage sent an expedition to Concord and Lexington to destroy military stores accumulated by the patriots and to capture Adams and Hancock, temporarily staying at Lexington.
The stem is turned by pressing down on the mill - headed screw.
Every one of its own findings is a decretum - except five, among the sacramental chapters, each of which is headed doctrina.
English missionaries, headed by Samuel Marsden, landed in 1814, to make for many years but slow progress.
The party headed by Ballance, Seddon and Ward held office without a break for more than seventeen years, a result mainly due to the general support given to its agrarian and labour policy by the smaller farmers and the working classes.
Next came the defeat of a northern coalition headed by Sar-duris of Ararat, no fewer than 72,950 of the enemy being captured along with the city of Arpad, where the Assyrian king received the homage of various Syrian princes.
He headed a Corsican deputation which went to France in order to denounce Paoli and to solicit aid for the democrats; but, on the Paolists gaining the upper hand, the Bonapartes left the island and joined Lucien at Toulon.
This was preceded, on the 25th of April, by an attack, headed by Cochrane, on the Turkish troops established near the monastery of St Spiridion, the result of which was to establish communications between the Greeks at Munychia and Phalerum and isolate Reshid's vanguard on the promontory of the Piraeus.
Between the return of Napoleon from Elba and the battle of Waterloo, he headed with no success a royalist rising in La Vendee.
A revolt broke out in 1829, headed by the former governor, which was at once quelled, and since then the district has remained undisturbed.
But despite threats, wholesale corruption and the presence of Russian troops outside and even inside the izba, or chamber of deputies, the patriots, headed by four.
The Calvinistic Methodists form in some respects the strongest church in Wales, and its forward movement, headed by Dr. John Pugh of Cardiff, has brought thousands into its fold since its establishment in 1891.
He headed a protest by forty-four professors in the university of Munich, and gathered together a congress at Nuremberg, which met in August 1870 and issued a declaration adverse to theVatican decrees.
Another group which Bousset has tried to identify is that headed by B, which he connects with the recension of Hesychius, but this theory, though widely accepted in Germany, does not seem to rest on a very solid basis.
The form it took was a solemn procession of boats, headed by the doge's maesta nave, afterwards the Bucentaur (from 1311) out to sea by the Lido port.
During his term of office there took place the troubles in Rome concerning the English college and the subsequent Jesuit rule over that institution; and in 1580 the first Jesuit mission, headed by the redoubtable Robert Parsons and the saintly Edmund Campion, set out for England.
Common to all these is the dominant position assumed by the " Seven " (headed by Ialdabaoth); the heavenly world lying above the spheres of the Seven is occupied by comparatively few figures, among which the most important part is played by the µ rrlp, who is sometimes enthroned as the supreme goddess in heaven, but in a few systems has already descended from there into matter, been taken prisoner, &c. Numerous little groups are distinguished from the mass, sometimes by one peculiarity, sometimes by another.
An attempt at revolt, headed by Nicolas Bravo, vice-president, the Grand Master of the Escoceses, was suppressed, but dissensions ensued in the Yorkino party between the followers of President Guerrero (a man largely of native blood, and the last of the revolutionary leaders) and of Gomez Pedraza, the war minister.
Charles headed the party of feudal reaction, and was among those who compassed the ruin of Enguerrand de Marigny.
Next spring nine of the party, headed by the chief malcontent Thorhall, Red Eric's huntsman, sailed off northward, intending to come to Vinland by rounding Keelness and thence working round west (and south).
Fort Ticonderoga, the key to the passage of Lakes George and Champlain to Canada, was surprised and, taken on the 10th of May by a small band under Colonel Ethan Allen, while Colonel Benedict Arnold headed an expedition through the Maine woods to effect the capture of Quebec, where Sir Guy Carleton commanded.
Failing, as stated, to achieve any advantage in the north in 1779, Sir Henry Clinton, under instructions from government, himself headed a combined military and naval expedition southward.
In 1803 an insurrection headed by Robert Emmett, a young barrister of much promise, broke out, but was immediately quelled, with the loss of some lives in the tumult, and the death of its leaders on the scaffold.
Gorsas is said to have himself read it in public at the Palais Royal, and to have headed one of the columns that marched on Versailles.
Headed by Joseph Howe, the advocates of repeal swept the province at the Dominion election.
The French socialist groups held a congress at Rouen in March 1905, which resulted in a new consolidation; the new party, headed by MM.
In 1880 The American Journal of Philology, a quarterly published by the Johns Hopkins University, was established under his editorial charge, and his strong personality was expressed in the department of the Journal headed "Brief Report" or "Lanx Satura," and in the earliest years of its publication every petty detail was in his hands.
It may have been he who, as a "presbyter christiani ritus," conducted negotiations with Valens before the battle of Adrianople; but that he headed a previous embassy asking for leave for the Visigoths to settle on Roman soil, and that he then, for political motives, professed himself a convert to the Arian creed, favoured by the emperor, and drew with him the whole body of his countrymen - these and other similar stories of the orthodox church historians appear to be without foundation.
The cardinals opposed to Alexander, headed by Giuliano della Rovere, found protection and support with Charles VIII.
The educational institutions of the province are headed by the university of Breslau.
The young king soon quarrelled with his father, who allowed him no power and a wholly inadequate revenue, and headed the great baronial revolt of 1173.
But all his efforts foundered on the jealousy and suspicion of the magnates headed by the chancellor.
The same year he headed a deputation of the Commons to the king to complain of Bishop Fisher's speech against their proceedings.
Hardy's excellent work, Traite" de la taille des arbres fruitiers, will give a good idea how these dwarf trees are to be manipulated, a showing the first year's development from the maiden tree after being headed back, and b the form assumed a year or two later.
If a double cordon is required, the original young stem must be headed back, and the two best shoots produced must be selected, trained right and left, and treated as for the single cordon.
The maiden tree is headed down, and two shoots led away right and left.
The broken roots should be cut back to fresh wood, and the tops should be headed back in proportion.
Cabbages that have headed may usually be preserved against injury by frost until the middle of next month, by simply pulling them up and packing them closely in a dry spot in the open field with the heads down and roots up. On approach of cold weather in December they should be covered up with leaves as high as the tops of the roots, or, if the soil is light, it may be thrown over them, if leaves are not convenient.
In the complicated Schleswig-Holstein question Bavaria, under Pfordten's guidance, consistently opposed Prussia, and headed the lesser states in their support of Frederick of Augustenburg against the policy of the two great German powers.
The peace party in the United Provinces headed by Oldenbarneveldt was opposed by the stadholders Maurice and William Louis, the great majority of the military and naval officers, the Calvinist preachers and many leading merchants.
This important frontier town lying on both sides of the river Meuse was taken by the prince of Orange in the teeth of two relieving armies, Spanish headed by the pensionary Pauw, but with the aid of the diplomatic skill of Aarssens all opposition was overcome.
At this juncture the States-General, as in 1618, appointed a commission headed by the prince of Orange to visit the towns of Holland, and provide for the maintenance of order and the upholding of the Union.
Headed off by the Federal cavalry, rising and in 1539 he spoke in parliament in favour of the six Y Y y, articles of religion.
The values given in the column headed " cooled " are those found by Mitchell with one end of the bar cooled.
This view was that of the rump of the chamber still sitting at the Palais Bourbon, and a deputation headed by Thiers and Laffitte waited upon the duke to invite him to place himself at the head of affairs.
This policy speedily led to a formidable rebellion, headed by Thankmar, the kings halfbrother, a fierce warrior, who fancied that he had a prior claim to the crown, and who secured a number of followers in Saxony.
Nevertheless, he had soon to battle with a conspiracy headed by his stepson, Ernest II., duke of Swabia.
As the Union was headed by the elector palatine of the Rhine, Frederick IV., who was a Calvinist, many Lutherans, among them the elector of Saxony, were by no means enthusiastic in its support.
The middle states, headed by Wurttemberg, had drawn together, to form the nucleus of an inner league of pure German States against Austria and Prussia, and of Liberal particularism against the encroachments of the diet.
In 1848 the German party in the duchies, headed by Prince Frederick of Augustenburg, rose against the Danish government.
The estates of Austria were equally discontented and headed an open revolt, the object of which was to remove Ladislaus from Frederick's charge and deprive the latter of the regency.
The Czechs were supported also by their fellow-countrymen in Moravia, and some of the nobles, headed by Count Belcredi, brother of the minister; but in Briinn there was a strong German party.
In Galicia the extreme party, ism in Oa- headed by Smolka, had always desired to imitate the licia and Czechs and not attend at Vienna; they were outvoted, Bohemia, but all parties agreed on a declaration in which the final demands of the Poles were drawn up;' they asked that the powers of the Galician diet should be much increased, and that the members from Galicia should cease to attend the Reichsrath on the discussion of those matters with which the Galician diet should be qualified to deal.
The funeral procession is headed by a number of poor, and generally blind, men, chanting the profession of the faith, followed by male friends of the deceased, and a party of schoolboys, also chanting, generally from a poem descriptive of the state of the soul after death.
In 1824 a native rebellion of a religious character broke out in Upper Egypt headed by one Al3mad, an inhabitant of EsSalimiya, a village situated a few miles above Thebes.
Wodehouse headed off a part of this force from the river at Argin, and, after a sharp action, completely defeated it, killing 900, among whom were many important amirs, and taking 50o prisoners and 12 banners, with very small loss to his own troops.
The southern garrisons decided to go with Emin, but the troops at Labore mutinied, and a general revolt broke out, headed by Fadl-elMaula, governor of Fabbo.
After a brief term as procurator of his order, he was attached to the Spanish legation headed by Buoncampagno (later Gregory XIII.) 1565.1565.
A party too in Russia itself, headed by the tsar's brother the grand-duke Constantine, was clamorous for peace; but Alexander, after a vain attempt to form a new coalition, summoned the Russian nation to a holy war against Napoleon as the enemy of the orthodox faith.
Most of the changes which he advocated were wise and have since been adopted; but the violence of Mackenzie's attacks roused great anger among the social and political set at York (Toronto), which was headed by John Beverley Robinson.
The disinherited lords, deprived of their lands by Bruce, were headed by Edward Baliol, claiming the crown of Scotland as heir of John Baliol, and secretly backed by England.
In May 1363 David put down a rising headed by the Steward, and then, in October, went to London, where he and the earl of Douglas made arrangements by which the countries were to be united under Edward III.
But the hereditable jurisdictions and feudal powers, as of calling out tenants by the fiery cross and punishing the peaceful by burning their cottages, had never been abolished; the chief's will was law, and if the chiefs headed a rising, their clansmen would follow them, willingly or " forced out."
Hare hunting is essentially a quiet amusement; no hallooing at hounds nor whip-cracking should be permitted; nor should the field make any noise when a hare is found, for, being a timid animal, she might be headed into the hounds' mouths.
The visitation of the holy places was conducted in processions headed by the Franciscans of the Convent of Zion.
A revolution headed by General Veintemilla, the Radical leader, then military commandant at Guayaquil, broke out in 1876, and on the 14th of December of that year the government forces under General Aparicio were completely routed at Galte.
An insurrection, headed by General Eloy Alfaro, followed; and after desultory skirmishing extending over a period of nearly a year the government forces were finally routed, President Cordero abandoning his office and escaping from the country.
A wound received at the battle of Woeringen had affected his brain, and an insurrection against him was in 1316 headed by his son Reinald, who assumed the government under the title of "Son of the Count."
In his later years a conspiracy was formed against him, headed by his wife, the violent and ambitious Catherine of Cleves, and his son Adolf.
Chagrined at not himself becoming king after his father's death, he headed a revolt against the new ruler of the Servians.
To remove a madman by force was the one remaining expedient; and this was successfully accomplished by a conspiracy of officers of the western army, headed by Adlersparre, the Anckarsvards, and Adlercreutz, who marched rapidly from Skane to Stockholm.
A company of fifty light-armed troops commanded by the young counts of Mansfeld headed the procession and went with it all the way to Wittenberg.
Other raids, headed by Aristobulus, or his son, or his adherent Peitholaus, disturbed Palestine during the interval between 57 and 51 B.C. and served to create a prejudice against the Jews in the mind of their masters.
The bishops of Liguria and Aemilia, headed by the archbishop of Milan, and those of Istria and Venice, headed by Paulinus of Aquileia, also withheld their fellowship; but Narses resisted the appeals of Pelagius, who would have invoked the secular arm.
During the following winter (1783) he was again in Congress, and headed the committee appointed to consider the treaty of peace.
Only nine years after Mahommed's announcement of his mission they heard of the new prophet, and sent to Medina a deputation headed by a wise and holy man called Kais, to make inquiry.
In 1321 a successful revolt was headed by Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlak, governor of the Punjab, who is said to have been of Turkish origin.
In 1598 an insurrection, headed by the philosopher Tommaso Campanella, broke out in Calabria, and was crushed with great severity.
For this offence six leaders, headed by the Rev. John Wise, minister of the Chebacco Parish (now Essex), were prosecuted, found guilty, imprisoned for three weeks to await sentence and then disqualified for office; they were also fined from £15 to L50 each, and were required to give security for their good behaviour.
Movements similar to that which Mrs Fry headed were soon set on foot both in England and on the Continent, and public attention was generally directed to the urgent necessity for prison reform.
The opposition was headed by Ali, Zobair, Talha, both as leading men among the Emigrants and as disappointed candidates for the Caliphate.
A conspiracy arose, headed by Yazid b.
Thereupon Abu `Aun occupied the land of Mosul, where he obtained reinforcements from Kufa, headed by Abdallah b.
In 1907 a Korean delegacy, headed by Prince Yong, a member of the imperial family, was sent out to lay before the Hague conference of that year, and before all the principal governments, a protest against the treatment of Korea by Japan.
A procession is formed by the male friends of the deceased, headed by a number of priests in full dress, to follow the body to the dakhma, or "tower of silence."
A revolt headed by Procopius in the second year of his reign, and backed up by the public opinion of Constantinople and the sympathy of the Gothic princes and chiefs on the Danube, seemed so alarming to him that he thought of negotiation; but in the following year the revolt collapsed before the firmness of his ministers and generals.
The leading natives headed this last rising.
In 1877-1878 Denis Kearney (1847-1907), an Irish drayman and demagogue of considerable force and daring, headed the discontented.
Cetywayo was reinstalled on the 29th of January 1883 by Shepstone, but his enemies, headed by Usibepu, attacked him within a week, and after a struggle of nearly a year's duration he was defeated and his kraal destroyed.
Besides, the more powerful among them would subdue or destroy their weaker neighbours, and two parties were formed, one headed by Milan, the other by Cremona.
Constitutionally, municipal freedom was based on the formation of a commune headed by elected consuls, usually to the number of twelve, representing the three orders of capitani, valvassori and popolo.
Meanwhile the languages of Greece and Rome had been so thoroughly appropriated that a final race of scholars, headed by Politian, Pontano, Valla, handled once again in verse and prose both antique dialects, and thrilled the ears of Europe with new-made pagan melodies.
He was at last overthrown in a general rising headed by Telemachus, the ancestor of Theron (tyrant c. 4 88 -47 2), and burned in his brazen bull.
The zeal of the friars in stamping out the religious rites of the natives, the severe penalties inflicted for non-observance of the rules of the Church, and the heavy tribute in kind demanded by the Spanish authorities, aroused feelings of resentment in the Pueblo Indians and led in 1680 to a general revolt, headed by a native named Pope.
There was the high-aristocratic party with a leaning towards martial adventure headed by Magnus de la Gardie, and the party of peace and economy whose ablest representative was the liberal and energetic Johan Gyllenstjerna.
This lady he eventually married, with the result that Chupan headed a revolt of his tribe, the Selduz.
A mission headed by Viscount Downe was afterwards despatched to Persia, to invest the shah with the order of the Garter, a ceremony which took place in Teheran on the 2nd of February 1903.
The motion was defeated, and next day (June 13, 1849) he headed what he called a peaceful demonstration, and his enemies armed insurrection.
The The Boers in the Transvaal, headed by Louis Botha, Lyttelton formed an association which was called Het Volk constjtu- (the people), and in the Orange Colony a similar tion,1905.
In his resistance to the great movement for the exclusion of James from the succession, Charles was aided by moderate men such as Halifax, who desired only a restriction of James's powers, and still more by the violence of the extreme exclusionists themselves, who headed by Shaftesbury brought about their own downfall and that of their cause by their support of the legitimacy and claims of Charles's natural son, the duke of Monmouth.
He was well treated at Rome by the pope, but on the outbreak of a new conspiracy headed by his pupil, Tommaso Pignatelli, he was persuaded to go to Paris (1634),(1634), where he was received with marked favour by Cardinal Richelieu.
The abdication of Amadeus led to the proclamation of the federal republic. The senate and congress, very largely composed of monarchists, permitted themselves to be dragged along into democracy by the republican minority headed by Salmeron, Figueras, Pi y Margall and Castelar.
The last raja of the Hindu dynasty found himself compelled to call for the assistance of the mountain shepherds, with their leader, Kambar, in order to check the encroachments of a horde of depredators, headed by an Afghan chief, who infested the country and even threatened to attack the seat of government.
Having succeeded in quelling a dangerous rebellion headed by his cousin Behram Khan, this able prince at length died in extreme old age in the month of June 1795, leaving three sons and five daughters.
He left Lisbon under the control of a regency, headed by the bishop of Oporto, who applied to Great Britain for help, promoted an insurrection against the French, and organized juntas (committees) of government in the larger towns.
His nomination to the papacy by Henry, at Mainz, in September 1054, was made at the instance of a Roman deputation headed by Hildebrand, whose policy doubtless was to detach from the imperial interest one of its ablest supporters.
Joshua, who headed the Hellenistic faction, graecized his name into Jason, contrived to have the high-priesthood taken from his brother Onias III., and conferred upon himself, and set up a gymnasium hard by the Temple.
In January 1871 President Melgarejo was in his turn deposed and driven from the country by a revolution headed by Colonel Augustin Morales.
On the night of the 11th of March 1801 Paul was murdered in his bedroom in the St Michael Palace by a band of dismissed officers headed by General Bennigsen, a Hanoverian in the Russian service.
Tirhakah died 66 7 B.C., and his successor Tandaman (Tanuat-Amon) entered Upper Egypt, where a general revolt against Assyria took place, headed by Thebes.
He was one of the most conspicuous of the Phanariot leaders during the earlier stages of the revolt, though he was much hampered by the local chiefs and by the civilian element headed by Mavrocordato.
After a closely contested election in which six members of Congress were chosen on a general ticket, although there was an apparent Democratic majority of about one hundred votes (in a total of 57,000), two county clerks rejected as irregular sufficient returns from townships to elect five Whig candidates to whom the state board of canvassers (mostly Whigs and headed by the Whig governor, William Pennington) gave commissions under the broad seal of the state.
Meanwhile Christian was preparing for the inevitable war with Sweden, where the patriotic party, headed by the freely elected governor Sten Sture the younger, stood face to face with the philo-Danish party under Archbishop Gustavus Trolle.
In 1682 the party of progress, headed by Artamon Matvyeev and the tsaritsa Natalia, passed Ivan over and placed his half-brother, the vigorous and promising little tsarevich Peter, on the throne.
The speculations as to primitive man connected with these stories diverted the British public, headed by Dr Johnson, who said that Monboddo was " as jealous of his tail as a squirrel."
The loyalty of the independent Sikh chiefs, headed by Patiala, and the stern measures which had been taken with the sepoy regiments enabled Lawrence to reinforce this little army with every available man and gun from the Punjab, in addition to Sikh and Pathan levies.
He was able to recover what he had lost and to make peace on his own terms. Two years later he was again assailed by a coalition headed by the archbishop of Cologne and the bishop of Utrecht.
The real motives of his policy will, however, never be known, for shortly afterwards a conspiracy of disaffected nobles, headed by Gijsbrecht van Amstel, Gerard van Velzen and Wolfert van Borselen, was in the castle of Muiden (June 27, 1296).
Each town's deputation was headed by its pensionary, who was the spokesman on behalf of the representatives.
For more than a year all efforts - headed by the poet Whittier - to rescind that censure were without avail, but early in 1874 it was annulled.
Disagreements and disputes were continual, and the easy expedient of rewarding the officials of the Curia and increasing the papal revenue by "reserving" more and more benefices was met by repeated protests, such as that of the bishops and barons of England (the chief sufferers), headed by Robert Grosseteste of Lincoln, at the council of Lyons in 1245.2 The subject, indeed, frequently became one of national interest, on account of the alarming amount of specie which was thus drained away, and hence numerous enactments exist in regard to it by the various national governments.
It was founded at New York in 1843 by a number of German Jews, headed by Henry Jones, and is the oldest as well as the largest of the Jewish fraternal organizations.
Of these the first is part of an appendix headed " of Ariston the elder " in an old Armenian codex, and taken perhaps from the lost compilations of Papias; as to the other text, it has been doubted by many critics, e.g.
Like most other monkeys, macaques go about in large troops, each headed by an old male.
He was returned to the House of Commons in that year for the Irish borough of Carlow, and became a devoted admirer and adherent of Mr Gladstone; but he was practically a silent member, and his parliamentary career came to an end after the general election of 1865, when, having headed the poll for Bridgnorth, he was unseated on a scrutiny; he contested Bridgnorth again in 1868, but without success.
Before he had been six months on the throne he was attacked by a league comprising more than half the baronage, and headed by his uncles, bishop Odo of Bayeux and, Robert of Mortain.
In 1095 the same body of barons made a second and a more formidable rising, headed by the earls of Shrewsbury, Eu and Northumberland.
But no one rose to aid him, and his garrisons were soon being besieged by, loyal levies, headed by the justiciar and, byHubertWalter,the newly elected archbishop of Canterbury.
At Easter, nothing having, been yet obtained from the king, an army headed by five earls, forty barons, and Giles Braose, bishop of Hereford, mustered at Stamford and marched on.
At the same time the barons, headed by the earls of Norfolk and Hereford, raised the old grievance about feudal service beyond seas, which had been so prominent in the time of King John.
W&t Tyler The mob which had gathered at Maidstone and Canterbury marched on the capital many thousands strong, headed by a local demagogue named Wat Tyler, whom they had chosen as their captain; his most prominent lieutenant was the preacher John Ball.
While these were in progress the malcontent party in London, headed by three aldermen, opened the gates of the city to Tyler and his horde.
This year saw the last of the convulsions that threatened to overturn him,a rising in the North headed by the old earl of Northumberland, by Richard Rising of Scrope, archbishop of York, and by Thomas Mowbray the North.
The one was headed by his son Henry, prince of Wales, and his half-brothers John, Henry and Thomas Beaufort, the base-born but legitimized children of John of Gaunt.
It was no wonder that Paris was lost within six months of the regents death, Normandy invaded, and Calais beleaguered by an army headed by Englands new enemy, Philip of Burgundy..
They were headed by the two most capable politicians and soldiers then alive in England, the two Richards, father and son, who held the earidoms of Salisbury and Warwick, and were respectively brother-in-law and nephew to York.
Ere Edward turned south he had bereprisals headed two earlsDevon and Wiltshireand fortyof the two knights, and had hanged many prisoners of lesser Vorkists.
The rebellion was headed by well-known adherents of the earl, and the nickname of Robin of Redesdale seems to have covered the personality of his kinsman Sir John Conyers.
In 1881 a fanatic sheikhknown as the mahdihad headed an insurrection against the khedives authority; and towards the close of 1883 an Egyptian army under an Englishman, Colonel Hicks, was annihilated by the mahdis followers.
The second volume contains the record of his deeds and words during the years of his exile; like the first and the third, it is headed by a memorable preface, as well worth the reverent study of those who may dissent from some of the writer's views as of those who may assent to all.
One body of scholars, headed by Professor Wendelin Forster of Bonn, while admitting that, so far as any historic basis can be traced, the events recorded must have happened on insular ground, maintain that the knowledge of these events, and their romantic development, are due entirely to the Bretons of the continent.
Next year a movement against subscription was begun in the General Synod of Ulster, culminating (1725) in the placing of the advocates of non-subscription, headed by John Abernethy, D.D., of Antrim, into a presbytery by themselves.
The rationalistic movement, headed by Magnus Stephenson, a patriotic, narrow-minded lawyer, did little good as far as church reform went, but was accompanied by a more successful effort to educate the people.
On his death Babylonia was left to his elder son Samas-sum-yukin, who eventually headed a revolt against his brother Assur-bani-pal of Assyria.
The cause of Servetus was taken up by Calvin's Genevan foes headed by Philibert Berthelier, and became a test of the relative strength of the rival forces and of the permanence of Calvin's control.
In 1909 the Military League at Athens, which headed a bloodless revolution against the existing political corruption and Court favouritism in Greece, found itself in need of a sound political adviser.
The elections for this Assembly were held in the summer of 1910, and Venizelos himself (who had never ceased to retain his Greek citizenship, while in Cretan political life) headed the poll at Athens.
Demosthenes headed the list of the accused.
The Roman Catholic gentry and lawyers, headed by Sir Patrick Barnewall, succeeded in proving the flagrant illegality of these mandates, and the government had to yield.
Some Huguenot refugees, headed by Louis Crommelin (1652-1727), were established by William III.
At the close of the same year, a new ministry was formed, headed by Gioberti; but with the accession of Victor Emmanuel in March 1849, his active life came to an end.
Then Charlemagne raised the papacy on the ruins of Lombardy to the position of first political power in Italy; and the universal Church, headed by the pope, made common cause with the Empire, which all the thinkers of that day regarded as the ideal state.
Therefore, after he had aroused the complaints of the commercial world and the bourgeoisie, the court, headed by Marie Antoinette, profited by the general excitement to overthrow him.
Napoleon had hardly succeeded in putting down the revolt in Germany when the tsar himself headed a European insurrection against the ruinous tyranny of the continental Russian campaign.
Mensurius had held moderate views as to the treatment of the traditores, and accordingly a strong fanatical party had formed itself in Carthage in opposition to him, headed by a wealthy and influential widow named Lucilla, and countenanced by Secundus of Tigisis, episcopus primae sedis in Numidia.
Under the secretary of state for the interior the civil administration in each province is headed by a governor, who repreSelitS the central power in the provincial council (dip utacion provincial) which is also elected by universal suffrage.
His son Liuva the second (601603) was murdered by an Arian reaction headed by Witteric (603610).
A palace revolution, headed by Mahommcd, of the Omayyad family, who called himself Al Mahdi Billah (guided by God), and a street riot, upset the power of the liajib at Cordova while he was absent on a raid against Castile.
It was resented by the Liberals and provoked a military rising, headed by the mosi popular of the Cristino generals, Baldomero Espartero.
It served, however, to weaken the prestige of Sagastas administration just when a Dynastic Left was being formed by some discontented Liberals, headed by Marshal Serrano and his nephew, General Lopez-Dominguez.
Silvela endeavoured to unite in what he styled a Modern Conservative party the bulk of the followers of Canovas; the Ultramontanes, who were headed by General Polavieja and Seor Pidal; the Catalan Regionalists, whose leader, Duran y Bas, became a cabinet minister; and his own personal following, of whom the most prominent were the home secretary, Seor Dato, and the talented and energetic finance minister, Seor Villaverde, upon whose shoulders rested the heaviest part of the task of the new cabinet.
It was headed by a god, and included geographical personages like Lydus, Asies and Meles, or such heroes of folk-lore as Cambletes, who devoured his wife.
His concessions to the reactionary and clerical party of the emigres, headed by the comte d'Artois and the duchesse d'Angouleme, aroused suspicions of his loyalty to the constitution, the creation of his Maison militaire alienated the army, and the constant presence of Blacas made the formation of a united ministry impossible.
On the left returning wall is a train of priestly attendants headed by the chief priest and priestess (the latter carrying a lituus), clad in the dress of the deities they serve and facing an altar, behind which is an image of a bull on a pedestal (representing the god); then comes an attendant leading a goat and three rams for sacrifice, followed by more priests with litui or musical instruments, after whom comes a bull bearing on his back the sacred cista (?).
During the dark days of 430, after the unsuccessful expedition of Pericles to Peloponnesus, and when the city was devastated by the plague, Cleon headed the opposition to the Periclean regime.
The bishops, headed by Ivo, bishop of Chartres, refused to attend the ceremony of marriage, but one was found to perform it.
Last of all, he was forsaken by his wife, and, in consequence of a conspiracy which she headed with his nephew John Zimisces, was assassinated in his sleeping apartment.
The priest of the parish with the churchwardens and the parochial officials headed a crowd of boys who, armed with green boughs, beat with them the parish border-stones.
Within an hour they were headed south toward Galveston Island.
Turning on one heel, she headed for the door.
She headed for the fire, taking a few backward glances to be sure that he was actually caring for the mules.
She rubbed her arms again and headed for the living room, which was now comfortable.
He pushed her further into the corridor, and she watched, horrified when he broke into a run, headed straight towards the dark mist.
A red headed con man who impregnated a young girl and then either skipped or got caught, most likely by an irate father, who in turn also exited town.
He mused that a red headed, female, virgin with O negative blood tasted like fine aged Port.
Jackson headed to the pantry for some blood.
The phantom and the strange exchange with Gabe troubled her. She didn't know her way around the Immortal underworld; she could only hope they were headed in the right direction again.
He didn't appear. Unease filled her, and she wondered if the phantom would leave her there alone, even knowing she was helpless without it. Katie ate a water cube and rose, starting off in the direction Andre had been headed.
Slipping into a modest two-piece swimsuit with a full bottom part, she grabbed a towel and headed out at a brisk walk for the creek.
In a belated modest moment, she clamped the shirt shut and headed for the house.
With chiseled features and cold eyes, he looked every bit the man who had headed up Damian's assassination corps before the promotion to the leader of all operations in the Western Hemisphere.
As we crossed over the mountains that run down the center of Upolu and headed toward the southern coast the rain gradually abated.
The compound is headed by the oldest male inhabitant, irrespective of his kinship affiliation with the other residents of the group.
Andrew quot thumbplay headed.
Linked at south by tall round headed archway incorporating carved bearded head.
Their house, known as The Court House, looks very austere with square headed, lead lined, stone mullioned windows.
Oh no I'm such a air headed bimbo who reads too many Mills & Boon novels.
We headed to the southern tip of South Uist where it was very blowy and had lunch.
The open grasslands produced more Great bustards, Collared pratincole, lots of lapwing, redshank and blue headed wagtails.
Martin's bid of over £ 1bn would pit him against a possible management buyout announced last month headed by chief executive Kevin Lomax.
So well fed and watered we headed off to spot some more cetaceans with Susie's warnings ringing in our ears.
After the walk we headed for Chorros de Espina and found two chaffinch.
The feeling once we'd passed this checkpoint lightened our hearts for we knew we were headed home.
Making my way through the army checkpoints, I headed out on an isolated country road.
Only a combined uprising headed by the working class can achieve its aim.
Ben hankers after his lost love, the fiery red headed Irish colleen Sinead.
I headed directly into the main arena and yes the name colossus does do the name of this event justice.
Each has its own command team, headed by a divisional commander of Chief Superintendent rank.
Williams grabbed a deserved consolation for Lynn when he headed home Richard Skelly's cross.
The company, headed by Graham Dacre, now owns 18 dealerships in five counties.
Steve Chaplin's Mallock headed the next row, with race debutant Robert Beazer alongside.
Content and shopped out, we raided a local gourmet deli and headed home to watch movies and eat lunch.
We headed here for lunch but found the place so delightful that we stayed the night.
Every man who has ever headed a deputation to a minister knows this.
A desperate kick downfield by Matt Gilks was headed on by Alan Goodall for the little striker.
The department is headed by Peter Rodney, senior legal draftsman for the Government of Gibraltar.
A flock of about 40 of these birds was headed by two Tufted ducks.
He's a free spirit, but about to become earthbound, and seriously noodle headed.
Not useful considering we are supposed to be headed eastbound.
He was returned to Austria in 1948 and headed the Institute of comparative ethology at Altenberg from 1949 to 1951.
Seems a few years ago now that I headed up on Ilkley Moor to locate Islander Jerry Cahill, guitarist extraordinaire.
They are headed by the Vice-Master, with the senior fellow at his left.
Once we had got rid of our last few Swiss francs we headed back to the French side of the station.
A quick free kick soon followed allowing Steve Symes to catch the visiting defense off guard and cross for Danny Twin who headed wide.
Meanwhile, their rivals the Spanish headed west, hoping to reach India by circumnavigating the globe.
For traditionalists we can also undertake refurbishment of wooden headed golf clubs.
Supplied complete with cropped headed bolts & nuts for fixing into the glazing channels of aluminum greenhouses.
Gulls were a welcome site among the Black headed gulls were a welcome site among the Black headed Gulls on the flood.
In 1878 Cheyennes under Dull Knife and Little Wolf left their reservation in Oklahoma and headed north to their former tribal homeland.
The BNP will stand a complete list in this election headed by Jason Douglas, a convicted football hooligan from Redbridge.
We then headed for a site near Faraba Banta, but couldn't find any Abyssinian Ground hornbills.
Why were there no animals like stools with three legs, or armchairs that sing like birds, or seven headed Hydras?
Mella headed the provisional governing junta of the new Dominican Republic.
A long throw by Mark Ducket bounced invitingly for Wayne Mills and he headed over hapless keeper Barisic.
Tuesday, September 13, we headed out to Christie Reef, a steep reef with a lot of bull kelp.
It should be headed with a Trust or NHS logo.
We headed back to another delicious lunch at the lodge.
A county shall have a county government headed by a county magistrate who shall be elected by the people of the said county.
On February 1st Jim and Alison headed out again this time to collect Harry the baby marmoset.
We descended to the first mirador and shortly below it took a track left which headed toward a well wooded stream.
And the watchers headed for the tearooms, where quantities of hot drinks were made to disappear under equally mysterious circumstances!