Head-first Sentence Examples
According to the 14th Roman ordo, of 1241, the pope places on the emperor's head first the mitra clericalis, then the imperial diadem.
Perform a feet first and a head first surface dive wearing T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweat shirt while in deep water.
However, back to the dastardly plot... The books have been plunging head first toward a crescendo of an ending for sometime now.
Before you jump head first into making purchases, there's much to know about precious metals and how you should go about acquiring them.
The best way to learn about an instrument is to take some basic instructions, and then dive in head first.
The risks of vaginal delivery with breech presentation are much higher than with a head-first (vertex) presentation.
There is excessive stress on the infant's shoulders during a head-first delivery.
If the fetal heartbeat is best heard below the level of the mother's navel, it is likely to be positioned head first.
During an external cephalic version (also known as version), the obstetrician attempts to turn the fetus to a head first position before labor begins by manipulating the outside of the abdomen.
Instead, he charges head first into situations ready and eager to give his all.
AdvertisementFirst, the horns give Aries protection against rivals and foes, and they help explain why Aries enters challenges head first and is willing to "lock horns" with just about anyone!
If some poor soul thinks he can just barge in and take over, he'll find himself on his way out the door, usually head first.
If you're new to the world of super sexy and revealing lingerie, why not dip your toe in the water before diving in head first?
Despite all warnings from members of the Order, though, Harry takes matters into his own hands and dives head first into the fray.
Fleeing from hired thugs on a motorcycle, he attempts to drive through the exit as the ramp is being raised, flinging him head first into the dangling warning sign that reads 'Max Headroom 2.3 m'.