Head-covering Sentence Examples
The introduction of the biretta in the 15th century tended to replace the use of the almuce as a head-covering, and the hood now became smaller, while the cape was enlarged till in some cases it fell below the elbows.
At one time the Turkish script was altered, with the result that officers were unable to read their reports or orders; then the Enverie, a highly unpractical head-covering, reminiscent of a child's paper hat, was invented and introduced; in March 1914 he demanded and obtained the hand of Princess Nadjie, the Sultan's niece, made himself general of a division, and began, moreover, to take thought for his financial future.
But the ordinary Semitic head covering was a cloth which sometimes appears with two ends tied in front, the third falling behind.
The fashions of head-covering and clothes are very various, but several of them - e.g.
In its present shape, dating substantially from the Renaissance, it is a peaked head-covering not unlike a closed mitre, round which are placed one above the other three circlets or open iCYzc=4- i FIG.
Old-fashioned Parsis in country districts still follow these customs. To uncover the head is looked upon as a sin; hence Parsis of both sexes always wear some head covering whether indoors or out.
The popular name of the Blue-coat school is derived from the dress of the boys - originally (almost from the time of the foundation) a blue gown, with knee-breeches, yellow petticoat and stockings, neckbands and a blue cap. The petticoat and cap were given up in the middle of the 19th century, and thereafter no head-covering was worn.
When male children reach puberty they are taught to wear the head covering as a sign for entering manhood.
Their plain clothing includes cape dresses, dark colored stockings, dark shoes, aprons and a stiff head covering.
A head covering was common for all people in the Middle Ages.
AdvertisementMake sure to wear a hat, a scarf, or some type of head covering at all times, to protect your hair from over exposure to the sun, wind, and air pollution, which can dry out your hair.
Chic Hair Options provides many head covering options for women suffering hair loss, but you don't have to be a cancer patient to appreciate the stylish swim turbans at the site.
A lacy version would make a cool head covering for a wedding in place of a traditional veil.
For many workers, scrub hats are more than just a necessary head covering worn to protect patients from possible hair contaminants while keeping their own hair neatly out of the way.