Hawaiian Sentence Examples
The flora of the Hawaiian Islands has complicated relations.
The koa (Acacia koa), from the wood of which the natives used to make the bodies of their canoes, and the only tree of the islands that furnishes much valuable lumber (a hard cabinet wood marketed as " Hawaiian mahogany "), forms extensive forests on Hawaii and Maui between elevations of 2000 and 4000 ft.
In front of the city is the small harbour, well protected from all winds except those from the S.; in and after 1892 the Hawaiian government deepened its entrance from 21 ft.
The best results from extraction by diffusion have been obtained in Java, where there is an abundance of clear, good water; but in the Hawaiian Islands, and in Cuba and Demerara, diffusion has been abandoned on several well mounted estates and replaced by double and triple crushing; and it is not likely to be resorted to again, as the extra cost of working is not compensated by the slight increase of sugar produced.
The " Explorer," a steamer of 170 tons, which had been employed in the copra trade, was purchased for $20,000, and refitted as a man-of-war, to form the " nest-egg " of the future Hawaiian navy.
Extraction of cane juice by diffusion (a process more fully described under the head of beetroot sugar manufacture) is adopted in a few plantations in Java and Cuba, in Louisiana Etr cti o n and the Hawaiian Islands, and in one or two factories y f i in Egypt; b u t hitherto, except under exceptional conditions (as at Aska, in the Madras Presidency, where the local price for sugar is three or four times the London price), it would not seem to offer any substantial advantage over double or triple crushing.
Leaving Hampton Roads on the 18th of August 1838, it Mopped at Madeira and Rio de Janeiro; visited Tierra del Fuego, Chile, Peru, the Paumotu group of the Low Archipelago, the Samoan islands and New South Wales; from Sydney sailed into the Antarctic Ocean in December 1839 and reported the discovery of an Antarctic continent west of the Balleny islands; visited the Fiji and the Hawaiian islands in 1840, explored the west coast of the United States, including the Columbia river, San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento river, in 1841, and returned by way of the Philippine islands, the Sulu archipelago, Borneo, Singapore, Polynesia and the Cape of Good Hope, reaching New York on the 10th of June 1842.
The former fluke is found in Europe, North Africa, Abyssinia, North Asia, South America, Australia and the Hawaiian Islands; the latter in the United States.
The order is practically cosmopolitan, with the exception of New Zealand and certain absolutely isolated oceanic islands, like the Hawaiian islands and the Azores.
From the floor of this vast and profound depression numerous isolated volcanic cones rise with abrupt slopes, and even between the islands of the Hawaiian group there are depths of more than 2000 fathoms. The Society Islands and Tahiti crown a rise coming within 150o fathoms of the surface, two similar rises form the foundation of the Paumotu group where Agassiz found soundings of.
AdvertisementWhile the majority of his researches bear on one or other of the subjects just mentioned, others deal with such widely different topics as the birds of Greenland, ocean temperatures, the Gulf Stream, barometric measurement of heights, arcs of meridian, glacier transport of rocks, the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, and various points of meteorology.
The rate of increase from 1890 to 1900, eliminating from the computation the population of Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory and Indian reservations, was 20 7; the rate of increase if these places are included - in which case the figures of the population of Hawaii in 1890 must be taken from the census of the Hawaiian government in that year - was 21%.
Of the Polynesian Islands, the Hawaiian chain presents the type of a volcanic group through which coral reefs are not equally distributed.
Within the limits of the area under notice, his first voyage (1769) included visits to Tahiti and the Society group generally, to New Zealand and to the east coast of Australia, his second (1773-1774) to New Zealand, the Paumotu Archipelago, the Society Islands, Tonga and subsequently Easter Island, the Marquesas and the New Hebrides; and his third (1777-1778) to Tonga, the Cook or Norway group, and the Hawaiian Islands, of which, even if they were previously known to the Spaniards, he may be called the discoverer, and where he was subsequently killed.
The Hawaiian Islands came within the purview of George Vancouver, following the course of Cook in 1791.
AdvertisementIn 1834 Dr Debell Bennett made scientific researches in the Society, Hawaiian and Marquesas Islands, in 1835 Captain Robert Fitzroy was accompanied by Charles Darwin, and in 1836 sqq., Abel Aubert du Petit-Thouars was carrying on the work of the French in the Pacific. During his voyage of 1837-1840, Dumont d'Urville was again in Polynesia, working westward from the Paumotu and Marquesas Islands by Fiji and the Solomon, Loyalty and Louisiade groups to New Guinea.
The Hawaiian Islands forma territory of the United States of America and are administered as such; Guam is a naval station, as is Tutuila of the Samoan Islands, where the commandant exercises the functions of governor.
In 1909 the ports were ready to receive large ocean steamships, and regular traffic was begun, including cargoes of Hawaiian sugar for New York.
The transmarine dominions are Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and the Canal Zone on the Isthmus of Panama.
Cinder cones and tufa cones abound, but one of the most distinguishing features of the Hawaiian volcanoes is the great number of craters of the engulfment type, i.e.
AdvertisementCinder cones are the predominant type of craters on both Mauna Kea and the Kohala Mountains, and they are also numerous on the upper slopes of Mauna Hualalai; but the more typically Hawaiian pit or engulfment craters also abound on Mauna Hualalai and Mokuaweoweo, crowning the summit of Mauna Loa, as well as Kilauea, to the S.E.
Since the Rev. William Ellis and a party of American missionaries first made the volcano known to the civilized ' Among the minqr phenomena of Hawaiian volcanoes are the delicate glassy fibres called Pele's hair by the Hawaiians, which are spun by the wind from the rising and falling drops of liquid lava, and blown over the edge or into the crevices of the crater.
Another curious feature of Mauna Loa, and to some extent of other Hawaiian volcanoes, is the great number of caves, some of them as much as 60 to 80 ft.
The Hawaiian Islands have a peculiar flora.
Hawaiian forests are distinctly tropical, and are composed for the most part of trees below the medium height.
AdvertisementMost of the native grasses are too coarse for grazing, and some of 1 The Chinese name for the Hawaiian Islands means " Sandalwood Islands."
There are some fine species of birds, and the native avifauna is so distinctive that Wallace argued from it that the Hawaiian Archipelago had long been separated from any other land.
Thus the downfall of the monarchy and of the ancient cults have been nearly fatal to some of the more beautiful birds; feather ornaments, formerly worn only by nobles, came to be a common decoration; and many species (for example the Hawaiian gallinule, Gallinula sandwicensis, which, because of its crimson frontal plate and bill, was said by the natives to have played the part of Prometheus, burning its head with fire stolen from the gods and bestowed on mortals) have been nearly destroyed by the mongoose, or have been driven from their lowland homes to the mountains, such being the fate of the mamo, mentioned above, and of the Sandwich Island goose (Bernicla sandwicensis), which is here a remarkable example of adaptation, as its present habitat is quite arid.
Cotton and silk culture have been experimented with on the islands; and the work of the Hawaiian Agricultural Experiment Station is of great value, in introducing new crops, in improving old, in studying soils and fertilizers and in entomological research.
The aboriginal Hawaiians (sometimes called Kanakas, from a Hawaiian word kanaka, meaning " man ") belong to the Malayo-Polynesian race; they probably settled in Native Hawaii in the 10th century, having formerly lived in popula- Samoa, and possibly before that in Tahiti and the Marquesas.
The Hawaiian language is a member of the widely-diffused Malayo-Polynesian group and closely resembles the dialect of the Marquesas; Hawaiians and New Zealanders, although occupying the most remote regions north and south at which the race has been found, can understand each other without much difficulty.
A Hawaiian spelling book was printed in 1822; in 1834 two newspapers were founded; and in 1839 the first translation of the Bible was published.
The partHawaiians, the offspring of intermarriage between Hawaiian women and men of other races, increased from 3420 in 1878 to 6186 in 1890 and 7835 in 1900.
The pressing demand for labour created by the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States led to great changes in the population of the Hawaiian Islands.
During the next few years there was such a steady influx of Chinese free immigrants that in the spring of 1881 the Hawaiian government sent a despatch to the governor of Hong Kong to stop this invasion.
Accordingly, the Hawaiian government sent another despatch to the governor of Hong Kong, refusing to permit any further immigration of male Chinese from that port.
The Hawaiian Islands are governed under an Act of Congress, signed by the president on the 30th of April 1900, which first organized them as a Territory of the United States.
In order to vote for Representatives or Senators, the elector must be a male citizen of the United States who has attained the age of twenty-one years, has lived in the Territory not less than one year preceding, and is able to speak, read and write the English or Hawaiian language.
The governor appoints, by and with the consent of the Senate of the Territory, an attorney-general, treasurer, commissioner of public lands, commissioner of agriculture and forestry, superintendent of public works, superintendent of public instruction, commissioners of public instruction, auditor and deputy-auditor, surveyor, high sheriff, members of the board of health, board of prison inspectors, board of registration, inspectors of election, &c. All such officers are appointed for four years except the commissioners of public instruction and the members of the said 1 Large numbers of Japanese immigrants have used the Hawaiian Islands merely as a means of gaining admission at the mainland ports of the United States.
The act of 1900 provides for the election of a delegate to Congress, and prescribes that the delegate shall have the qualifications necessary for membership in the Hawaiian Senate, and shall be elected by voters qualified to vote for members of the House of Representatives of Hawaii.
Formal instruction in Hawaiian ceased in 1898.
In 1908 there were 154 public schools with 18,564 pupils (27.06% of whom were Japanese, 20.89% Hawaiian, 1 3.54% part Hawaiian, 18.72% Portuguese and 10.63% Chinese) and 51 private schools with 4881 pupils.
The Lahainaluna Seminary on west Maui, founded in 1831 as a training school for teachers, furnishes instruction to Hawaiian boys in agriculture, carpentry, printing and mechanical drawing.
They furnish a good manual and technical training to Hawaiian boys and girls, in addition to a primary and grammar school course of study, and exert a strong religious influence.
There are six boarding schools for Hawaiian girls, supported by private resources.
Finding the language of the two groups nearly the same, Mr Ellis, who had spent several years in the southern islands, was able to assist the American missionaries in reducing the Hawaiian language to a written form.
In 1824 the king and queen of the Hawaiian Islands paid a visit to England, and both died there of measles.
In pursuance of this policy, two commissioners were sent to the Gilbert Islands in 1883 to prepare the way for a Hawaiian protectorate.
Since 1854 teachers from the Hawaiian Islands have worked in the Marquesas, but results here have been less fruitful than anywhere else in the South Seas.
It is evident from his own lists that the Hawaiian kupuna means simply an ancestor.
In December 1832 a Japanese junk arrived at the Hawaiian Islands with four of the crew living.
An allied but much smaller weaver-finch, a form of the spice-bird (Munia nisoria punctata), is introduced and well distributed over the Hawaiian islands.
Its alleged destructiveness to the Hawaiian avifauna seems open to doubt.
Trade with the Philippine Islands and the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska is important, while the coastwise trade with Pacific ports exceeds all the rest in tonnage.
Like most gods, they had struggles for pre-eminence with Titanic opponents, the Asuras, who partly answer to the Greek Titans and the Hawaiian foes of the divine race, or to the Scandinavian giants and the enemies who beset the savage creative beings.
Honolulu is a harbor city at the southern end of Oahu, the most visited island of the Hawaiian archipelago.
The first painting I remember making was of a Hawaiian lady swimming the backstroke under a palm tree.
Themes to choose from include Wild West campfire cookouts, Hawaiian luaus and room-shaking raves - and there ` .
The Hawaiian coot was listed on October 13th 1970 (35 Federal Register 1607) Occurrence of Hawaiian Coot in the Hawaiian Islands.
The Hawaiian Coot is a dark gray bird which from a distance looks black and has white undertail coverts.
To the islands and drive miles studying hawaiian drosophila of my mind.
Everyone could wear a Hawaiian garland around their neck.
One of their early successes in conservation was the preservation of the Hawaiian goose.
Free and the to investigate Hawaiian run a four-mile.
Combines seaweed Hawaiian me at my was full of hawaiian musicians strumming.
Hawaiian lore claims members gave me town's economic mainstay the caffeine rush.
Show at cruise hawaii single the hawaiian naiads live.
However, it cannot be marketed to Japan, which is a major market for the Hawaiian papaya.
However, I did manage to make the welcome cocktail patty (Hawaiian style) that evening.
Handmade bath salts begin with sun evaporated Hawaiian sea salt from the island's west side.
If you are having a Hawaiian theme party, ask your caterer to have the wait staff where Hawaiian shirts.
They say that smith who is as Hawaiian Gardens they wish launching its own.
Picture 8 Even marine reptiles need a clean, such as this green turtle being cleaned by Hawaiian yellow tangs.
Unlike Hawaiian taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro in unflooded but wet soil.
The Hawaiian islands, for example, are estimated to have lost three-quarters of their 763 species during the last 120 years.
A burst of polystyrene erupted like a Hawaiian volcano.
The Japanese white-eye was introduced in the 1930's and is the most abundant and widespread omnivorous passerine in Hawaiian forest.
William Russell) have been generally adopted; and in many places, especially in the Hawaiian Islands, triple crushing (i.e.
Handmade bath salts begin with sun evaporated Hawaiian sea salt from the island 's west side.
Unlike Hawaiian taro cultivation which is done in patches flooded with water, Samoans grow taro in unflooded but wet soil.
Hawaiian Goose The Hawaiian goose inhabits the poorly vegetated volcanic slopes of Hawaii.
Find vintage, maternity, hawaiian medieval... How dream wedding dresses compare to real life wedding gowns...
Consider a Hawaiian luau theme to encourage mom to think of far-away place while in labor or a "hot Mama" party decorated with chilies peppers and sombreros.
Hawaiian baby names are full of romance and the mystery of the islands.
If you're looking for more exotic names, and you want your baby to have a name unlike any other, then a Hawaiian baby name might be just what you're looking for.
Be sure and read the meanings as well as the pronunciations, as you check out the following beautiful Hawaiian baby names!
There are plenty of coordinated bedding sets on the market which have a Hawaiian or surfing theme.
Hawaiian Ruby Guava is as delectable as it sounds.
I experienced varying degrees of staying time from scent to scent - for example, Hawaiian Ruby Guava appeared to fade quickly, but Spanish Amber packed a punch and stuck around for a while.
Bold tropical colors, like fuchsia, orange, ruby and yellow are natural colors for Hawaiian pages.
Many companies offer pre-made items with beach or tropical themes, and even some specifically Hawaiian sets.
It's even easier to scrapbook a Hawaiian vacation with papers and embellishments with a Hawaiian theme.
There are several companies that specialize in Hawaiian and tropical motifs.
Save some stickers from a Hawaiian or Mexican vacation layout and use them to embellish recipes for tropical dishes.
Guests at a Hawaiian wedding took away beautiful floral leis.
From Hawaiian whale watching and helicopter tours to a romantic European cruise, options abound.
A Hawaiian honeymoon continues to be the most popular honeymoon choice among couples today.
As you begin planning your Hawaiian honeymoon, you'll want to consider the activities you might like to do.
Many couples want to see more than one of the Hawaiian islands.
Unless you have lots of money to blow, you'll want to find the best deal available for your Hawaiian honeymoon.
Have your heart set on a Hawaiian or European honeymoon but don't have the funds?
Some places, such as Hawaiian Wedding Shop and A Traveler's Blessing, specialize in beach wedding, travel, and casual wear.
One of the most appealing aspects of a Hawaiian beach wedding dress is that you don't have to worry about stiff, formal wedding gowns.
A Hawaiian beach wedding dress is simply any dress or ensemble that works with an outdoor, beach or Hawaii-themed wedding.
Although the traditional Hawaiian wedding dress, known at a holoku, was a fitted, yoked gown, today's Hawaiian wedding gowns offer dozens of style choices.
When people initially think of a Hawaiian beach wedding dress, bright, bold color may come to mind.
Your accessories with a Hawaiian beach wedding dress should be on the simple side since your attire will be casual.
Hawaiian Wedding Shop offers dozens of Hawaiian beach wedding dress styles.
Aloha Fun Wear carries the Lindsay Hayes line of pretty Hawaiian dresses.
Many brides are choosing a tropical or Hawaiian print for their beach wedding dresses.
Hawaiian Wedding Shop offers a number beach wedding dress selections.
As home to the state's capital, Honolulu, the island of Oahu is a logical choice for any Hawaiian wedding.
Because many beach weddings are smaller, casual affairs, however, these packages are perfect for many couples who wish to exchange vows on Hawaiian sand.
From simple ceremonies on the sand to elaborate celebrations at local beach parks, there is no limit to the details of a Hawaiian beach wedding on Oahu.
Aloha Friends has a great collection of vow ideas for couples who are planning weddings with a Hawaiian theme, although many of the vows could be adapted for other wedding types as well.
Choosing the right Hawaiian wedding flowers can help to make your special day a truly memorable occasion.
A Hawaiian wedding is a wonderful choice for adding a festive tropical touch to your celebration.
Even if you've never been to Hawaii, you can replicate the atmosphere of an authentic Hawaiian wedding ceremony by getting married at a local beach surrounded by lush tropical flowers.
When planning a Hawaiian wedding, you'll want to choose tropical flowers with large, colorful blooms.
Red, the state color of Hawaii, is also a great accent choice for a Hawaiian wedding.
Flower leis for your guests are an excellent addition to any Hawaiian themed wedding, but real leis can be rather expensive.
Traditionally, the bride in a Hawaiian wedding wears a lei that is made of white jasmine or orchids.
In a Hawaiian wedding, the groom usually wears a lei made from spicy-smelling maile leaves.
You can make simple wedding reception centerpieces for a Hawaiian wedding by tucking a single flower into a large conch shell.
As the couple exits the wedding reception area, many Hawaiian themed weddings ask guests to throw orchid petals instead of rice.
Hawaiian themed weddings are becoming increasingly common, but this does not mean every florist you visit will have experience in this area.
To ensure you get the flowers you want for your special day, remember to ask your florist if he or she has done any Hawaiian weddings in the past.
However, Hawaiian wedding flowers are delicate and require special care to make sure they look their best.
Hawaiian wedding flowers add a luxuriously tropical ambiance to any celebration, whether it is an Oahu beach wedding, a private garden ceremony in Honolulu, or a Hawaiian themed celebration at home.
Themed lollipops, in the shape of pineapples, palm trees, Hawaiian shorts, flip flops, or imprinted with images like hibiscus flowers can compliment you wedding theme.
A Maui wedding planner can make getting married in the Hawaiian Islands easy for those who want a destination beach wedding.
Maui has a wide variety of officials available to serve you, including traditional priests or Hawaiian ministers.
You will need to pay a fee and have an official Hawaiian marriage license ready to present to the the officiant on the wedding day.
Get into the Aloha spirit by implementing some Hawaiian wedding traditions into your wedding day.
Have it presented in Hawaiian and then in English so everyone will understand it.
Don Ho - Hawaiian musician; passed away April 14 from heart failure at age 76.
In his mug shot, Nolte's face is downright serious, but this effect is offset by his brilliantly colored, flowered Hawaiian shirt, and his wild, gravity-defying hair.
For example, several polo shirts are in the summer collection, but alongside the classic striped polo, you will also find adorable Hawaiian print polos.
While - true to their name - the bulk of their itineraries are based in the Caribbean, several Mexican Riviera, Alaskan, Hawaiian, Californian, and Bahamas runs are also available.
This range of departure ports makes Norwegian Cruise Line a viable option for passengers across the country, with cruise itineraries ranging from Bermuda and Bahamas voyages to both Alaskan and Hawaiian journeys.
Several ships' color schemes are coordinated with their itineraries, such as the tropical touches for the Pride of Aloha's Hawaiian cruises.
In fact, Norwegian has cornered the market on Hawaiian cruises and is the only mainstream line that currently offers year-round Hawaiian itineraries, with seven-, ten-, and eleven-night voyages.
Both Alaskan Cruises and Hawaiian voyages are specialized itineraries that focus on several ports of call within those destinations.
Regional destination reviews for different itineraries including the Nile, Mediterranean, western and eastern Caribbean, Alaskan Cruises, Hawaiian Cruises, Private Island Cruises and more.
Hawaiian Cruises covering several islands, possibly with an additional stop in Mexico.
Other popular itinerary options include Alaskan cruises, Mediterranean cruises, Hawaiian cruises, and numerous options for Canadian, New England, Mexico, and Bahamas destinations.
Because the wedding industry is so prominent on this tropical island, there are a great number of wedding services available for interested couples, and many of them are willing to work with couples visiting the city via Hawaiian cruises.
If the ship itself is less critical, couples may choose from any of the other ships that frequently offer Hawaiian itineraries, including Princess Cruises, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Carnival Cruise Line, and Celebrity Cruises.
It is possible to charter a yacht for an intimate and luxurious celebration, or to reserve a Hawaiian dinner cruise for the ceremony or the reception.
Popular options include the Caribbean, South American, and Hawaiian cruises.
A 15 day Hawaii cruise offers travelers a unique opportunity to explore the raw beauty of the Hawaiian Islands while enjoying luxurious accommodations onboard a major ocean liner.
A 15 day round-trip Hawaiian cruise typically departs from either Los Angeles or San Diego, California, and includes up to eight relaxing days at sea.
Another advantage of a 15 day Hawaiian cruise is the opportunity to explore multiple islands.
Holland America Line offers 15 day Hawaiian cruise vacations beginning and ending in downtown San Diego, where the pier is conveniently located near the airport.
Unfortunately, the 15 day roundtrip Hawaiian sailing is not offered year round.
Crystal Cruises 15 day tour of the Hawaiian Islands features roundtrip travel from Los Angeles, California.
The cruise includes eight days at sea and almost five full days visiting various Hawaiian Islands, including Maui, Oahu, Kauai and the Big Island.
Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruises also offers sailings that tour the Hawaiian Islands.
However, depending on where your trip originates and when you plan to sail, a Hawaiian cruise can also be one of the most expensive voyages.
This cruise of the Hawaiian Islands begins and ends in the port of Honolulu located on the island of Oahu.
Norwegian Cruise Line has somewhat of a monopoly on this itinerary, as it is the only American-flagged ship sailing the Hawaiian Islands.
Cruisers depart from a West Coast or Canadian city and spend a few days at sea before touring the Hawaiian Islands.
Repositioning cruises are another way to experience the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands.
Locating deals on Hawaiian cruises is possible if you know where to look and when to travel.
Summer is also a bad time to score a reduced rate on Hawaiian cruises, as the season is popular with families sailing with children.
By booking directly through a cruise line you may be able to save big bucks on your Hawaiian sailing and spectacular shore adventures.
Since most Hawaiian cruises include daylong stops on various islands, you'll want to maximize your time on shore.
During the 2010-2011 cruise season there are only a handful of sailings to the Hawaiian Islands from San Francisco.
Most Hawaiian cruises last between seven and ten days, though some are as short as five days.
Some cruises take you throughout the Hawaiian islands.
Carnival is a popular Hawaiian cruise line.
Royal Caribbean offers a Hawaiian cruise that takes you on adventures on Oahu, Kauai, Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii.
When choosing from different Hawaiian cruise packages remember that you can also find options through travel agents that may not be available directly through cruise lines.
Templeton Tours Inc often sponsors Hawaiian cruises.
Depending on the time of year and the organization's upcoming plans, a Hawaiian cruise may be available.
There are plenty of reasons Hawaiian cruises are so popular.
There isn't much you'll miss out on by taking a Hawaiian cruise rather than flying in and staying on land.
Some trips start in one port, like Honolulu, and then visit other Hawaiian islands before returning to Oahu.
Most Hawaiian cruises are on the longer side, at least six nights, but you may be surprised by just how little they cost, especially if you're comparing the cost of a cruise to flying out and staying in a hotel.
Cruise deals on Hawaiian sailings allow you to enjoy all of the beauty the Islands have to offer.
Hawaiian cruises come in several lengths.
As long as you're flexible in your pursuit of the perfect Hawaiian cruise, you should be able to do it without breaking the bank.
Fortunately, sunset sailings are offered on all four major Hawaiian Islands-Oahu, Maui, the Big Island and Kauai.
Most cruises combine dinner or drinks with stunning views of a Hawaiian sunset, all while floating on the gentle swells of the Pacific Ocean.
Regardless of which of the Hawaiian Islands you visit, you can choose from a wide range of sunset cruise options from basic to fancy.
The company's most lavish sunset cruise features a seven-course French inspired menu served at your own private table which includes unobstructed views of the Hawaiian sunset.
The cruises feature Hawaiian hors d'oeuvres called "pupus" and beverages such as tropical libations, wine, beer, and some non-alcoholic drinks.
Catamarans are the standard vessels for sunset cruises on the "Valley Isle," and while they are not as large as multi-deck ships, they offer comfortable seating and unobstructed views of the Hawaiian sunset.
Some leave the mainland and visit Mexico before heading to the Hawaiian islands.
Others are very long because they visit ports from Vancouver, Canada, to French Polynesia, as part of a Hawaiian cruise adventure.
Regardless of where you depart from, you can expect to see some of the most beautiful sights in the world on a Hawaiian cruise.
For example, they offer a 35-day Circle Tahiti/Marquesas cruise that takes you to Seattle, Washington; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; San Diego, California; various Hawaiian ports; Bora Bora, French Polynesia; and more.
This voyage embarks and disembarks in the Hawaiian Islands, so you will have to fly to the "Aloha State" to take advantage of the cruise.
You're unlikely to find a Hawaiian Princess cruise under nine days.
You can take an American Hawaiian cruise any time of the year, just not on the cruise line that bears its name.
Hawaiian cruises range greatly in length, so choose the one that best fits your budget and schedule.
If you want to stay in the Hawaiian Islands, then consider departing from Honolulu and taking a shorter cruise.
However, if you'd like to embark and disembark in California or Canada and you don't mind taking an extended trip with stops at multiple Hawaiian ports, then consider taking a longer cruise.
The lap steel has been around a long time and was originally used as an electric version of the slide guitars used in Hawaiian music.
In addition to general jewelry articles, you'll enjoy pieces about specific jewelry niches, such as Hawaiian Jewelry and Vintage Jewelry.
If you love life on the islands, then a Hawaiian jewelry bracelet ID silver wristband may suit your sense of style quite nicely.
Hawaiian necklaces, earrings, and rings can be made with many natural materials found right on the islands, including shells, rocks and wood.
In other instances, heirloom quality Hawaiian jewelry draws its designs from nature, but is crafted from precious metals.
A Hawaiian silver ID bracelet is a perfect example of an heirloom piece.
Palm leaves are another popular Hawaiian motif used quite frequently in jewelry making.
Let's take a look at a number of wonderful Hawaiian silver ID bracelets that reflect true island flavor.
Hawaiian Jewelry and Gifts offers the following silver ID bracelets.
Paradise Collection offers many lovely Hawaiian bracelets.
To keep your Hawaiian silver ID bracelet in the best condition, you need to gently clean away the tarnish with a very soft cotton cloth.Some people advocate cleaning tarnished silver with toothpaste, but this really isn't a very good idea.
If you're lucky enough to live in the beautiful Hawaiian islands or to travel there, take advantage and stock up on plenty of the state's fashion gold jewelry!
The rest of us will have to settle for other means of getting our hands on some great Hawaiian jewelry.
Not too long ago this might have been a problem, but today Hawaiian jewelry is as close as our computers.
Royal Hawaiian Heritage Jewelry - The collection at this online store includes Hawaiian heritage bracelets, rings and pendants that can be customized with an engraving of your choice.
The Premium Designs collection features gold bracelets engraved with elaborate Hawaiian heritage designs, and the Le Grand Dame collection features an ornately engraved ring, pendant and bracelet set with diamonds.
Hawaiian Jewelry Connection - In addition to gold fashion jewelry, this website offers platinum and silver Hawaiian jewelry.
The site offers custom engraving and even has a link to a tool that translates your name into Hawaiian, so you can choose to have the Hawaiian name engraved on your bracelet or other piece of jewelry.
Upon further inspection, though, you'll see that there is a pair of Sterling Silver Hawaiian Sand Dollar White Mother of Pearl Pierced Earrings available.
Christian Hawaiian shirts say "Aloha" and "Amen" simultaneously.
In some cases and some regions, you may even be able to get away with wearing your Hawaiian shirt to a place that calls for dressy attire.
You can make a statement about your beliefs by wearing a religious Hawaiian shirt.
Christian Hawaiian shirts combine the frivolity and summertime casual feel of Hawaiian shirts with the Christian religion.
Since Christian Hawaiian shirts make up such a specific niche of menswear, it may be tough to find them.
Second Coming Clothing wants you to "Say Aloha to the King when He returns." What better way to do it than in one of their Hawaiian shirts?
They tend to focus more on neutrals than traditional Hawaiian shirts, but if Hawaiian shirts feel a little loud for your tastes overall, this may be a great option.
Try dark denim finds with bold shirts like plaid and even a Hawaiian print come summer.
The very epitome of laid-back, summery style, a big and tall Hawaiian shirt is a great choice for the man who wants to channel a comfy, beachy vibe no matter where he might be.
Hawaiian shirts are instantly recognizable.
Even if a man tends to favor a more neutral look in general, there's guaranteed to be a Hawaiian shirt out there that suits his tastes.
The Hawaiian shirt is a ubiquitous summer favorite!
You're in luck if you're searching for Hawaiian style shirts in big and tall sizes - they are readily available in an enormous variety of prints.
Since they specialize in clothing for big and tall men, you'll also find great bottoms to complement your new Hawaiian shirt!
The company features a great range of Hawaiian shirts in various fabrics, like silk and cotton, as well as a host of prints from reputable designers like Tori Richard, Tommy Bahama and Cotton Traders.
The Hawaiian shirt is not exactly a "seasonless" garment, and is really only appropriate to wear during spring and especially during summer - unless you happen to live in a perpetually warm climate.
A Hawaiian shirt is just fine to wear while relaxing in the city with friends, lunching on a casual weekend afternoon or just wandering around the mall with the family on a hot day.
In short, it exemplifies relaxed warm weather style to perfection, and any man who has a bit of downtime to contend with can make good use of a big and tall Hawaiian shirt!
The employees began wearing the trademark Hawaiian shirts to symbolize the process of bringing in foods from all over.
Additionally, Trader Joe's conducts business with a cheer of spirit, often donning Hawaiian shirts and putting out their "Fearless Flyer" publication.
Here you can find women's board shorts in fun, easy Hawaiian prints and a host of complimentary tops to go with them.
The design made them exceptionally lightweight and ideal for casual wear, running, biking, hiking, or out on a boat (moku is the Hawaiian word for boat).
The website is loaded with information on the technology behind the glasses, useful tips on choosing flattering frames, and even some fun features like a quiz about Hawaii and a list of common Hawaiian words and phrases.
Toss them into a briefcase, a tightly packed carryover, or a Hawaiian shirt pocket and you are ready to go!
Lung cancers in African American and Hawaiian men are evaluated compared with Caucasian males.
Check out the blue Hawaiian Halter Top for $59.95 and the One Shoulder Ring top for $69.95.
It is during this portion that many contestants paint their bellies or add interesting accessories, such as high heels and a shopping bag or a Hawaiian luau skirt.
In order to provide a truly authentic experience, The Tonga Room serves fresh fish flown in from the Hawaiian Islands on its dinner menu.
If you would like your swimming trunks to stand out from among a sea of Hawaiian patterned trunks, then consider interesting details like cargo and mesh-lined pockets.
Her images appeared in distinguished magazines like Maxim, and she has been featured as a swimsuit model with Hawaiian Tropic as well.
These trunks are available in an appealing Hawaiian blue pattern that features a rear button pocket with a lace up front Velcro close.
If you'd like to capture a little flavor of the Hawaiian islands, these suits and coverups are the way to go.
Perhaps you're fun and free-loving and can pull off a loud Hawaiian print without hesitation.
Although boys might wear something with a Hawaiian hibiscus print, some won't wear something pink with more feminine flowers.
Get your exotic on with fabulous Hawaiian beach towels!
The looks of Hawaiian beach towels are as varied as other popular Hawaiian-theme swim wear.
A shop that claims to be more traditional, Hawaiian Gifts and Treasures carries heavy-duty towels in prints both pretty and funky.
While you will have to work a little harder if you want a traditional Hawaiian print for your personalized towel, you can get some nice pieces that will add a bit more fun to the big day or the island honeymoon afterwards.
If you're planning a tropical vacation getaway, try suiting up your little girl in swimwear from the i play "Hawaiian print" collection featuring hula girls, flip-flops, and five other vibrant patterns.
The other style is usually the typical, and popular, Hawaiian print.
Men's Hawaiian swim trunks have such a feeling of fun-loving action that it's no surprise many guys love wearing these brightly-colored trunks when frolicking in the sun and sand.
Like the Hawaiian shirt, Hawaiian swim trunks are covered with floral print.
Although allover floral is popular, some Hawaiian trunks just have floral accents down the sides.
Board shorts often have a Hawaiian print on them; many surfers seem to favor this type of trunk over the shorter, tighter European style.
So if you like your swim trunks bright and baggy, men's Hawaiian swim trunks might be perfect for you.
Hawaiian trunks are usually easy to find, whether you shop at a department store, surf shop or swimwear boutique.
Waikiki, not surprisingly, judging by the name, has a number of Hawaiian swim trunks for guys.
Swim Outlet offers a good selection of men's swim trunks, and you'll find some Hawaiian swimwear here.
Hawaiian trunks are a great way to add vibrancy to your swimwear no matter what you do in them.
These types of towels are larger than the average bath towel and are available in vibrant, loud patterns such as Hawaiian prints.
You will find adorable bikinis in stripes, polka dots and Hawaiian flowers.
Tahitian and Hawaiian styles favor large floral prints, frequently featuring orchids and hibiscus.
These prints include plaid, Hawaiian and stripes.
On the print scene, scenics, retro Hawaiian prints and geometrics will be seen throughout the marketplace.
Watch them transform from a solid light blue or green shade to a Hawaiian print when wet.
The Hawaiian print look isn't your style.
Some people love the Hawaiian print board short.
These low rise Bermuda style board shorts features a Hawaiian pattern that is the very embodiment of fun.
While sets can be found at shops that specialize in Hawaiian clothing, they are usually for boys, not men.
Super Green Energy Food is a tablet of green superfoods containing chlorella, Hawaiian blue-green algae, barley and wheat grass, spinach and alfalfa.
The standard Hawaiian print shirt is a camp shirt.
Of course, they are also available all year long at a number of online shops, especially those who specialize in items like Hawaiian shirts.
At Maui Shirts, they have a large selection of Hawaiian print shirts for women, although they note that one aspect of women's detailing - shoulder pads - are no longer available.
While the market for vintage men's Hawaiian shirts is enormous, it's a bit harder to find the same selection for women's shirts.
Many of the online purveyors of new Hawaiian shirts will also have some vintage shirts at hand.
Votive holders with palm tree designs make wonderful accent pieces for Hawaiian theme parties or luaus, beach weddings or showers.
Candles - 100 Candles offers a variety of different candles, including a range of scented beeswax votives made by the Hawaiian Island candle company.
For more ideas on incorporating Hawaiian themes into your Christmas party, visit Mele Kalikimaka.com.
No hula event or Hawaiian luau party would be complete without artificial grass skirts.
Upon the arrival of the missionaries in the 1820s, the hula and other aspects of traditional Hawaiian culture were replaced by Western behaviors and exercises.
The resurgence of Hawaiian culture in the late 1800s sparked a renewed interest in the hula, including attire and music.
Everyone has seen movies and television shows that feature Hawaiian girls doing the hula with their grass skirts swaying to the music.
If you are willing to shop for a bargain or put your creativity to the test, you can put together a great Hawaiian luau costume complete with a grass skirt very affordably.
If you want your baby or toddler to don a hula costume in public or at your next luau party, then consider choosing a conservative Hawaiian outfit.
This is an important part of your Hawaiian experience and it is not to be missed.
These include a muumuu for women and a Hawaiian shirt and loose trousers for men.
Since most people don't own traditional Hawaiian clothes, the average luau outfit consists of any variation of costume shop choices.
A muumuu, which can be fitted and even sexy, as opposed to the voluminous garment that might be expected, is an excellent alternative, as is any dress boasting a Hawaiian print.
A sarong is also acceptable - anything that looks tropical, even if it isn't strictly Hawaiian, is always going to be fine for a non-island luau unless the invitation states otherwise.
Men almost always opt for the classic Hawaiian shirt.
This became popular as resort wear in the 1930s and 1940s, when Hollywood stars were pictured wearing them, and for decades nearly all men had a Hawaiian shirt as part of their weekend or summer wardrobe.
There are several variations of the costume, which are represented by the different Hawaiian dances or cultures.
Hawaiian men actually wore grass skirts during traditional hula dances, but now a grass skirt on a male for Halloween is usually seen as funny or comical.
Make your own cloth wrap skirt with Hawaiian print material.
Both men and women may wear bamboo skirts as part of the Hawaiian costume.
These types of Hawaiian skirts make a clacking noise as you walk or dance.
Hawaiian leis are worn around the neck to decorate the costume.
If you need more than a few Hawaiian leis, buy them in bulk from The Oriental Trading Company.
At other times of the year you can buy a grass skirt and a Hawaiian lei at a party shop.
Guys should wear a crazy Hawaiian shirt tucked into shorts with a belt.
Women can wear a bright Hawaiian type dress, with a big sun hat and carry a straw bag on your arm.
Cultural designs including Celtic wedding rings, claddagh rings, Jewish rings, or Hawaiian rings.
Often found in shells and other aquatic life, scalloped designs are popular for Hawaiian engagement rings or other motifs that evoke the water, such as dolphin engagement rings.
If you have a taste for all things stylish, your interest might be piqued by Hawaiian luggage floral styles.
They can resemble a pattern on your grandmother's tablecloth or they can be wild, exuberant and lush - much like a Hawaiian lei.
Finding fun Hawaiian luggage floral styles isn't difficult at all; it's finding those pieces that will actually be as useful as they are attractive that might be more challenging.
Roxy's Wheeled Upright Duffel in pink Hawaiian floral print is bright, fun, and spacious.
There's also a delightful Hawaiian pattern available in Pink Aloha, Orange Juice Aloha, and Cobalt Aloha that's perfect for travel.
If you've ever seen some of the Hawaiian falls or Niagara, you'll understand.
Hawaiian flower tattoo designs are popular choices for men and women.
Hawaiian flower tattoos can be found singularly, in groups, as a part of a border, or as an enhancement in banner tattoos.
While some Hawaiian flower tattoos are inked for their bright color and exotic appeal, others may be chosen for the significance of the chosen flower.
If you want to incorporate an island theme into your body art, consider Hawaiian flower tattoo designs.
While roses are perhaps the most common form of flora in tattoos, Hawaiian flowers run a close second amongst those who favors the tropics over the timeless beauty of a rose.
If you want a flower tattoo that speaks of your love for the islands, consider working any of these Hawaiian flower tattoo designs into your next body art piece.
You don't have to be a resident of the Islands to flaunt a Hawaiian tattoo.
The following Hawaiian flowers are all befit for a unique custom tattoo idea.
Representing joy, the Bird of Paradise Hawaiian tattoo is colorful, bold and can easily be incorporated into a larger back piece on anyone hoping to make a colorful statement.
If you're about to show your love for the tropics with a Hawaiian tattoo, chances are good you already spend plenty of time enjoying the sunshine and the great outdoors.
Help maintain the beauty of your Hawaiian tattoo by applying a liberal application of sun-block to your tattoo every time you venture outdoors.
A vibrant Hawaiian flower deserves to stay beautiful, so before you opt for this design idea, make sure you consider future color touch-ups during the lifetime of your tattoo.
Whether you simply want to pay homage to the beautiful Hawaiian islands or show off your feminine and colorful side, a Hawaiian tattoo makes a unique choice.
The Hawaiian Island of Maui is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world.
Each night hundreds of visitors experience a traditional Hawaiian luau.
Popular locations for snorkeling include the Caribbean, the Great Barrier Reef, Galapagos Islands, the Red Sea, and the Hawaiian Islands.
The big island of Hawaii, the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, is a combination of many varied elements.
Located along the Big Island's west coast, Kona was the traditional seat of government for generations of Hawaiian kings, up to the time of King Kamehameha.
The Hulihe'e Palace is the former summer home of the Hawaiian royalty.
The resort amenities include a championship golf course and a sprawling Hawaiian shopping village.
If you are booking your hotel separately, be aware that most Hawaiian hotels offer packages and discounts.
For many travelers, a Hawaiian vacation is a once in a lifetime experience.
Another way to save during your Hawaiian vacation is to look for all applicable discounts.
You don't need to speak Hawaiian in order to make the most of your trip to the land of Aloha.
Another good idea is to contact a travel agent who specializes in Hawaiian vacations.