Haves Sentence Examples
Find out what the upcoming "must haves" are in the video game market!
The haves and the have-nots are virtually indistinguishable from one another with a Swiss Army watch resting on the wrist.
Make a list of your dream accoutrements and then decide which ones are must haves and what you can live with out.
Sometimes things that seem like "must haves" are really items you want but in reality can't afford.
If you're shopping online and you can't decide what to buy, be sure to check out their list of top ten must haves for guidance.
I wanted to address the evil of a world where the haves and the have-nots are divided by an ever widening gulf.
Make a list of must haves, so you can narrow down your search.
Along with the bean pastes, other must haves are roasted sesame seeds and sesame oil, the one with the pungent aroma.
Once you have your list made up, the next step is to figure out which items are things that are "must haves" and which ones are "nice-to-haves."
Each year there are certain costumes that are the must haves.
AdvertisementGet in the car, head to the mall or the thrift shop and pick up the following emo wardrobe must haves.
A great bridal shower gift, the Busy Brides Must Haves Duo includes an OPI RapiDry Top Coat and Avoplex Cuticle Oil to Go at a very reasonable price.
A crisp white shirt and tie in the season's hottest color are two must haves.
You may not be able to find one place to live that has everything you are looking for, but you should at least try to find a place that has all of your "must haves" covered.