Haven-t Sentence Examples
Sorry I haven't answered yet.
Haven't you ever made a mistake?
Cade, I haven't finished the dishes.
We were ordered to be at the place before nine, but we haven't got halfway.
I haven't cooked more than a couple times since you came, and I'm afraid I might forget how.
You haven't been good.
We've taken you for granted, haven't we?
Haven't you heard of him?
That's for you--I haven't brains enough.
Actually, I haven't had enough to do around here lately.
AdvertisementYou've really got a case on him, haven't you?
We haven't discussed giving it up; only taking a short leave to have our baby.
This ought to help the credibility issue; there's more to some tips than the police know, but haven't made public because it would enforce credence in a psychic connection for the tip.
What are you going to hide from me that I haven't already seen?
As much progress as we've made, we still haven't proved his visions represent real happenings.
AdvertisementWe haven't stopped and truly planned our activities.
Yeah, I've telephoned him but we haven't connected yet.
I haven't seen Quinn all day.
I haven't heard that name in fifteen years.
Haven't they hurt his feelings? he thought.
AdvertisementWe haven't decided yet.
It's such a big ranch and... well, haven't you ever considered hiring some help?
You haven't said much, Martha.
So you haven't done much?
Haven't you seen a child? cried Pierre.
AdvertisementI haven't even seen him since the funeral.
You haven't missed much.
I haven't seen him in ten years.
I haven't been this frightened since I was seven years old and got locked in our cellar.
He's desperate to ask Martha about the details of Annie's death but she, Quinn and Claire haven't reported in.
I haven't been in the room.
Well, why haven't you taken one?
You haven't even cried yet.
I haven't had any female company in months.
But you haven't been working there all that long.
I haven't fallen for him.
You haven't used it once.
Haven't you learned that yet?
You haven't seen anything important yet.
I haven't dreamed about it for a week.
Most of the bodies haven't been recovered but he likes to take his victims while they're sleeping.
It's not like we haven't gone that route before!
I mean nothing untoward by my demand but there are weapons at your disposal I haven't had time to remove.
Mr. Gustefson, we haven't formally met.
Heat sensors haven't located any body heat unless they're below ground level.
We haven't seen this anywhere else.
Haven't I always been there for you?
If you haven't been prescribed any meds, give the surgery a ring and ask them what they are going to do now.
I haven't visited a dentist in four years (fruit gums extract dodgy molars better than most Harley Street crooks ).
We haven't heard a peep from Northern Ireland.
I haven't written a poem in six months.
This not only helps with listening skills but also doesn't exclude pupils who haven't had a formal music training.
But perhaps I am still too young, and haven't the strength yet to defend myself against whoever picks quarrels for no reason.
Is that why you haven't had a reshuffle yet?
You've been to Australia, haven't you?
You haven't many teeth left, Jim, but the few you have are sharp enough to make me shudder.
We know how to power a clock with this energy but haven't yet cracked the code on doing it at scale.
Or, we gravitate toward anecdotes like, "I take my vitamin C every day and haven't had a cold in year."
Why haven't they carried him away?
I haven't checked it today.
I haven't been so entertained in years.
I hope I haven't stirred up trouble for you.
Well, I haven't found out anything yet.
We haven't even been out for an hour yet.
You haven't asked me what a woman is doing out here driving a wagon.
No, I haven't seen it, but I won't be driving the forty miles every day, either.
Sure, and you haven't entertained a single romantic thought about him?
He added nervously, "Tell me you haven't told anyone!"
I haven't lied to you.
Impressive. Haven't seen one in a few thousand years.
There's another issue you haven't figured out yet.
You've got it all figured out, haven't you?
Maybe. We haven't been able to collect souls for very long.
I guess you haven't heard.
We haven't done that in a long time.
I haven't seen him since I left the hospital.
I've been quite a problem to you, haven't I?
Seriously; I haven't seen many down sides to it.
You've always been a little sweet on me, haven't you?
You know why you haven't wanted to visit.
I'll leave the coffee for you and check in later to make sure you haven't decided to act prematurely.
That way I know you haven't killed him.
I haven't killed you, have I?
Sis, I have no money, no passport, no identification, and I haven't eaten in a few days.
I haven't had a choice yet with you people.
You haven't, yet, because protecting me—albeit poorly—is still your duty.
I haven't lived for millions of years in your world, but I believe Rhyn here would have to die permanently so his claim on me was nullified.
I haven't seen him this happy since....
Haven't had much time to work on it.
It's so exciting writing them, I haven't had time to send them to my publisher.
I haven't found an account of her death in the papers yet but her hubby died of the flu in '04 and it didn't mention his wife in his write up.
I haven't given it a thought.
I haven't seen my boy in over a year and I hardly got a chance to say more than 'hi' before she scooted him downstairs.
I haven't found any new replacement letters, but I've eliminated a lot of possibilities.
It's down a cup or so, and you haven't poured any for yourself yet.
I haven't seen them since shortly after the two of you left to ski.
I haven't had a chance with Bird Song packed like a sardine can.
The mountains haven't changed and there are a lot of buildings still standing from the last century.
I haven't seen it but I know she wanted it very badly.
I haven't spoken to her.
I haven't biked for years.
We haven't built a new long-range bomber for 21 years.
We haven't taken on new artists for some years, however mainly figurative artists would be considered.
Tell the chilldren that I emailed them all incase they haven't seen, and I'll try and call tomorrow.
Haven't made this yet but we've still got the cardboard mock-up we made for Darren's which seems to fit.
No proof, we still haven't found nemesis.
Both clients were using oe, but afaik there haven't been any updates to that recently.
If you haven't already guessed it, these 'persuasion pills ' are in fact our Irresistible Influence Cards.
If I have n't pimped them enough already, this should be a good excuse to at least give them a try!
I haven't heard the plaint of the apparatchiks that the BBC is acting like the unofficial opposition for a while.
I do n't prejudge a discussion we haven't had.
I haven't received any compensation, only my last pay because I was a new worker and hadn't completed the 120-day probation.
We haven't come across any more detailed information about puerperal psychosis which is aimed at the lay reader.
She is relatively lucky, tho, because I know of other publicans who still haven't been given a decision.
I was going to write a guide to playing quake over the net for all you people who haven't tried it already.
Car says Ralph you haven't a day free manage this risk.
If you haven't downloaded the utterly ravishing 6 minute preview, do so now.
For goodness sake haven't they seen the film?
But how will you be able to do that when you haven't got anything to hold the scalpel?
Germany haven't lost a shoot-out since 1976 - when they got past Argentina in their quarter-final shootout last week, nobody missed.
Pull belts and buckles tight and check them before each journey to ensure they have n't slackened off.
But at least we haven't had the sleet and freezing winds we were used to in Neilston, Scotland!
Custom names for all your contacts... I haven't seen a smiley in a name for over 2 years now!
She started using only so-called cruelty free beauty products, those which haven't been tested on animals.
You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
I haven't got rose-tinted specs on, I just think that's a fairly acidic view of things.
I'll only talk in general terms to avoid spoilers for people who haven't seen season 7 yet.
I haven't the stamina, or the courage.
They haven't chewed it (yet ), but it looks sturdy.
To keep things simple and because we have n't sussed out how to do complicated shipping charges, the prices include P&P.
I haven't had steak tartar in a long time.
There are more plus points to be gained by saying you haven't read The Da Vinci Code, rather like never watching television.
I had veal, which I haven't had in years due to the bleeding heart liberals in the UK.
If you haven't already got it installed then please visit here to obtain it.
For he wore a pair of long, luxuriant black whiskers such as haven't been seen since Victorian times.
England's group looks winnable, although they haven't beaten Sweden for 47 years.
Anyway, I haven't slept in an office since February 2000 and I'm feeling quite wistful.
They haven't defeated us yet, and Jim is worth a whole army.
Most people haven't even tried because we cannot reasonably imagine a way by which we can be rid of them.
Only I haven't the least idea what I am to do; I wanted to consult you seriously.
Haven't I said I'm not going to gwovel?
I haven't touched it for a long time.
Out of an army of a hundred thousand we must expect at least twenty thousand wounded, and we haven't stretchers, or bunks, or dressers, or doctors enough for six thousand.
I haven't time just now, replied Ermolov, and left the hut.
But, devil take you, I haven't slept because of you!
You and I haven't seen anything of one another yet...
This not only helps with listening skills but also does n't exclude pupils who have n't had a formal music training.
I was going to write a guide to playing Quake over the net for all you people who have n't tried it already.
But perhaps I am still too young, and have n't the strength yet to defend myself against whoever picks quarrels for no reason.
Car says ralph you have n't a day free manage this risk.
If you have n't downloaded the utterly ravishing 6 minute preview, do so now.
We have n't regretted the decision for a second.
I 've had the top cover off, looked at connections have n't found a fuse nor reset switch.
As long as they haven't completed initiation … well, I don't know.
You haven't killed me yet, so you must want something from me.
I thought it was weird, because we haven't seen a vamp in over a year anywhere in Ireland.
How is it you haven't ripped my head off?
You just haven't realized it, he said.
You haven't taught her shit, have you?
Haven't worked up the nerve to post.
We're getting better at tracking them, but haven't been able to stop them.
You've been reading my mind from the beginning, haven't you?
I haven't put up with you for fifteen years not to know when you're worried.
The roads up here haven't been free of snow all that long.
I know that, but Martha said she'd telephone—we even gave her a calling card—and we haven't heard a word from her.
I haven't even told him that Fitzgerald plans to release him tomorrow.
We've accomplished a lot and we certainly haven't forgotten our promise to you.
I haven't been near a computer since before I left.
If you haven't noticed, I'm a cop and I'm here investigating a crime.
The police haven't even informed his wife if her husband is dead or alive!
Donald Ryland, although I haven't quite figured why.
You haven't done anything wrong.
Shipton's told them I'm in bed with you against him and if they haven't bought what he said in total, they've sure banked the down payment.
I haven't had time to even think about it.
I haven't even had any sibling practice.
The police are still here, but I haven't told them.
I haven't smoked since I decided not to kill Donald Ryland and let him marry me!
Haven't done anything yet!
You haven't seen her bratty side yet.
I know you haven't fed all day.
I haven't hunted since before the day I met you in the park.
We haven't discussed our trip.
We haven't even had a honeymoon.
I promise, you will be consulted on every decision, but we haven't discussed a single detail yet.
Yeah, but you two haven't seen much of each other lately, and...
I haven't given up on that horse ranch dream yet.
I know you haven't been there.
I haven't given you enough to keep the office entertained for a while?
And I haven't shown up on your doorstep so often because I want you out of my hair.
I haven't seen you in a while.
I left him with my neighbor and haven't been able to reach her.
We haven't seen any civilians in two days, though we've had some fierce battles with some sort of insurgency.
Things haven't been right since the war, but the issues haven't been out in the open.
So you haven't tried to cross the river?
I haven't exactly done the best job keeping her safe.
Rest assured we haven't seen her.
Or send several and take whatever looters haven't gotten to.
Perhaps. Though I will say, I haven't yet made my final determination. He has a test he must pass.
I haven't felt a rush like that in eons.
I haven't finished but I'll tell you, I haven't met anyone who thought there was a ghost of a chance he was fooling around.
I haven't the foggiest idea.
At first everyone was positive he'd taken a hike, but personally, I haven't seen a thing yet to tell me he didn't just do something stupid and pay the price for it.
He added, but I haven't seen any body float up either.
You haven't seen anything of Billie and Willie Wassermann, have you?
You haven't had 50 bucks to your name in a year!
It looks like she's too goody-goody to sue anybody, but I haven't given up yet.
So, I haven't hit yet but I'm still trying.
I haven't heard from the Burgess fellow yet on the picture of Byrne's you sent him.
I haven't looked yet.
I know you haven't driven in 15 years!
The neighbors haven't seen her and she isn't out with Mr. Mayer either.
I haven't been lying to you and I haven't for one minute been seeing you so I could fish for information.
And for once, we've got a lead they haven't overheard.
Then you haven't told him.
I haven't told him yet because he'd worry about me going up there alone.
You haven't offended me.
You haven't been focused on you're wedding yet.
I haven't been here in a while.
I haven't seen any strange dogs in a long time.
I haven't noticed, but Brutus has been here a lot, so I guess the goats have been too.
I haven't seen any sign of strange dogs around.
I haven't heard from you.
Either that or you haven't been around much.
Just because I haven't been anyplace else, doesn't mean that there is any place better.
Do you honestly think I haven't asked for more than one doctor's opinion?
I haven't done anything to be forgiven for and you're making my life miserable.
If he goes back now, I haven't betrayed him.
And you haven't mated him off to some powerful House?
We haven't sparred since.
You haven't lost that arrogance.
You haven't lost your honor.
If they haven't acted by now, they're waiting for something, she said pensively.
I admit, I'm surprised you haven't sent me away.
Came through twice a few days ago and haven't seen them since.
I haven't eaten real food in weeks.
Haven't eaten real food in weeks.
I haven't protected him to let my…our enemy turn him into my father!
My king, I've given you the city, haven't I?
No, I haven't seen them in two weeks.
I haven't met him yet.
I haven't even met two of them.
Well, they haven't yet.
I haven't caught crawdads or catfish since I was a kid.
He's been through a lot and I haven't been the best influence.
I'm sorry I haven't been there for you lately.
I don't know how important it is, but at least this time you haven't been excluded.
We haven't named her yet.
All this time you haven't allowed yourself to have a pet simply because your father thought every animal on the place should earn its keep.
Haven't you two set a date, yet?
We haven't made any plans.
Yes, I came from California, but I haven't met the Foreman's.
I haven't had time to get bored yet.
I haven't yet, but then you're used to heat a lot worse than this, aren't you?
Your father has been worried because you haven't called in a week.
Haven't you slummed it enough yet?
I haven't been putting you down.
I don't have to work, but haven't you ever considered the idea that I want to work?
You haven't yet learned how to cloak yourself.
I haven't known him long, but I see this happen wherever he goes.
I haven't met the boy yet.
Yet you haven't gotten laid in four years.
I hope you haven't met him.
Yet you haven't told Darian.
If he's so bad, why haven't you killed him?
Good. I'm hungry and haven't gotten laid in three days.
It would be better if you had a saw, but you haven't.
I haven't seen him yet.
Aside from speculation, I haven't developed one crumb of information on this psychic, at least until maybe, now.
I haven't had personal contact with him lately but I hear he's trying to snow ball them but he's subject to subpoena so he has to be careful.
They're vamps but they haven't completed initiation.
As long as they haven't completed initiation … well, I don't know.
Oracles, healers, many of which haven't been seen since the ancient times.
The Black God's vamps haven't lost theirs, Damian said.
I know that, but Martha said she'd telephone—we even gave her a calling card—and we haven't heard a word from her.
You haven't, yet, because protecting me --albeit poorly --is still your duty.
You haven't been home in, like, three months, and when you're here, it's all Rum-ass this, Rum-ass that, she complained.
Oh, I haven't had any published yet.
I haven't done enough work today to justify my existence.
I haven't protected him to let my…our enemy turn him into my father!
In a rather nonchalant response, Rumsfeld has cited the thousands of retired military men who haven't yet demanded his resignation.
It has given me much joy and sparked a mental revolution the like of which I haven't experienced before.
I haven't read any of your books yet but I wish to in the future, they look very adventurous.
I merely wish to express amazement that you haven't read Hitler's book.
They haven't just arrested some anarchists that were becoming too bothering.
I have no idea why Sony have n't balked at the idea of using BluRay yet.
Everyday I wipe up the puddle of wee around the toilet and have to stop myself slipping cos you haven't used the bathmat.
Unfortunately, I haven't yet found a rich benefactor to cover the costs of this site, or the research I do.
If you haven't read anything business biographical this is a good introduction without having to buy something bigger that you may not like.
Why the English haven't all died of coronary artery blockage yet is a mystery.
The big blockbusters I haven't kind of plugged into at all very much really.
Peachtree Road has to be the most boring cd I bought this year, and I haven't boughten that many.
We haven't seen many silver bream yet despite there being a large number in the lake.
When he asked what they were waiting for, the new bridegroom said, " Please sir, you haven't kissed Molly.
I hope I haven't been too brusque - I certainly don't mean to be!
If I have n't cajoled you into donating already, there's still time.. .
Haven't been to a gig in a place this small for many a year, even makes the Barfly in Cardiff seem cavernous!
At SPEAK we have been honest about our past, we haven't been hiding past acts in some deep dark closet.
Rate a many internet access but no way Collins haven't had a. Communication gear and and insurance parent world that refuses.
Although I haven't read the comic strip, I believe that it contains many observations about humans from the viewpoint of the animals.
We haven't made the effort commensurate with the task yet.
I've been vegetarian for about 15 years, have definite vegan leanings but haven't managed to find a decent vegan cookbook yet.
If you haven't got cornmeal, increase the amount of flour to compensate.
I haven't yet been particularly creative with it, just been using the very good presets.
It's nice to see critters that the fire ants haven't driven out or eaten.
With their own Russian sugar daddy they haven't turned into a South Coast Chelsea.
The built-in speakerphone is really loud and although I haven't tried other Mp3's, the sample song sounds just dandy.
You haven't got very long a few decades at most, just a fleeting moment relative to eternity.
It's a shame you haven't got the decency to do the same.
Simon gets down to some very nasty revenge that is so deranged they haven't found words for it yet.
I have n't disproved the impossible with what I've achieved.
Just because someone does not write or phone in to complain does not mean that they haven't left dissatisfied.
I'm still here, the last dregs of BP haven't gone yet.
You know, the crockery you haven't used for years, getting dusty in the cupboard, loft or garage.
I haven't got a clue what I can expect to pay for a mobile auto electrician.
Look, they haven't asked for a treatise on quantum electrodynamics.
This film has nothing like that (I hope that in saying that I haven't spoilt the ending for anyone ).
You haven't endeared yourself to The Prime Minister and his immediate entourage, how do you feel about this?
They work, they're nice and low power, but they haven't been fulfilling expectations.
It always helps to have some money put aside for emergencies or for little extras that you haven't budgeted for.
Haven't tried the food, but when it goes past it looks & smells fab.
Taxes for plus included tamales fajitas in the first we haven't had.
However, Carter argues, the measures introduced so far haven't been particularly far-reaching, leaving plenty of opportunities for crafty traders.
We haven't started a feud with him or nothing.
But if you haven't, try the following on your next caving trip.
Seem to have fallen fowl of " Judge not, lest ye be judged " there haven't we Christopher?
Haven't evolutionary geneticists been hinting at this all along by telling us that monkeys are where our genetic codes come from?
I hope these films haven't turned Hitler into some unreal, mad genius.
Driving like that you'll lose your license I haven't got a license.
If you haven't taken your examinations yet your teacher should be able to give you an idea of your predicted grades.
We haven't had groupies outside the house yet.
I have n't gulped anything down in quite some time.
Spambots and address harvesters haven't learned how to do this yet.
We just haven't seen a headliner out there to build a festival around in a manner that we'd be pleased with.
Is that why you have n't had a reshuffle yet?
It has given me much joy and sparked a mental revolution the like of which I have n't experienced before.
I have n't been this excited since I salivated all over the Sydney Opera House.
I still have n't satiated the desire to go out clubbing at three in the morning !
But how will you be able to do that when you have n't got anything to hold the scalpel?
Germany have n't lost a shoot-out since 1976 - when they got past Argentina in their quarter-final shootout last week, nobody missed.
With a permanent place on a machine you have n't got to be shoved around.
But at least we have n't had the sleet and freezing winds we were used to in Neilston, Scotland !
Custom names for all your contacts... I have n't seen a smiley in a name for over 2 years now !
She started using only so-called cruelty free beauty products, those which have n't been tested on animals.
You have n't played solitaire with real cards in years.
Replaced all of the spark plug wires and the coil wire, and have n't had the problem since.
I have n't got rose-tinted specs on, I just think that 's a fairly acidic view of things.
I'll only talk in general terms to avoid spoilers for people who have n't seen season 7 yet.
I have n't the stamina, or the courage.
I have n't had a wash for weeks and I stink of rat urine.
I hope that I have n't made too many stupid remarks this evening.
They have n't chewed it (yet), but it looks sturdy.
I have n't had steak tartar in a long time.
There are more plus points to be gained by saying you have n't read The Da Vinci Code, rather like never watching television.